The Newly Regenerated Doctor Who Thread



  • edited March 2012
    There is DEFINITELY not going to be a movie.

    There is DEFINITELY going to be a movie.

    Who cares whether there's going to be a movie? All I want to know is, what the hell is going on at the BBC?!

    Maybe it's a publicity scheme. The doctor goes back and visits schrodinger, and we don't know whether or not the film we go and see is doctor who until we enter the theatre.

    Or David Yates is just playing with us!

    @Marsden: Yeah, I forgot to mention that. Mainly because I'm waiting for the PC version, so the PSV3 dates mean nothing to me.
  • edited March 2012
    Friar wrote: »
    Or David Yates is just playing with us!

    He's also working on something called "The Voices in My Head". This may explain a lot.

    (By-the-way.... anybody hear the last Big Finish podcast? They may be able to persuade Matthew Waterhouse to reprise Adric! Don't all cheer at once....
  • edited March 2012
    He's also working on something called "The Voices in My Head". This may explain a lot.

    (By-the-way.... anybody hear the last Big Finish podcast? They may be able to persuade Matthew Waterhouse to reprise Adric! Don't all cheer at once....

    You fill in subject lines (on the previous page) and editing reasons? You must be the only person here to do that! :p

    I actually thought Adric wasn't that bad. In the same way that I didn't find Wesley Crusher too annoying on TNG. Adric was by no means the worst assistant.
  • edited March 2012
    Friar wrote: »
    You fill in subject lines (on the previous page) and editing reasons? You must be the only person here to do that!

    Maybe I'm just great....
  • edited March 2012
    Can I have your autograph?
  • edited March 2012
  • edited April 2012
    He also read part of that in "An Earthly Child".

    I still wish that they would give every doctor the pandorica speech. I'd love to hear him handle something on that scale.
  • edited April 2012
  • edited April 2012
    Do not want. Need.
  • edited April 2012
    Next Assimilation 2 cover (get ready to "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?"):

  • edited April 2012
    ...wibbly wobbly timey wimey?

    Whatever, looks awesome.
  • edited April 2012
    Incoherent spluttering too bloody fantastic!!! (If you do a google image search you can find out the plot hook for Issue 3, incidentally)
  • edited April 2012
    Are the comics even out yet? Any of them?

    Also, this deserves reposting, due to relevancy.
  • edited April 2012
    Issue 1 comes out at the end of next month. Seems like they have to prepare catalogs and whatnot and that's why we have covers so far in advance, or something like that.
  • edited April 2012
    Hopefully I'll be able to pick a copy up at MCM next month.
  • edited April 2012
  • edited April 2012
    Best pun I've heard all day.
  • edited April 2012
    Figured I should post this photo. Maybe Matt was a wee bit too young for the role.


  • edited April 2012
    It's like a dream come true...

    Now we just need Traveller's Tales to actually make the sodding game.
  • edited April 2012
    It would be new kinds of awesome. Doctor who is just made from this type of game. The collectible side. All the doctors with all their companions and all their outfits. Not to mention the hundreds of lien species in the show too. Gameplaywise it doesn't make much sense, but how cares if the 8th doctor lives again! First stop Lego. Next stop, full-blown movies and TV series!
  • edited April 2012
    Why is there no Torchwood game? That series would work well as a game. You could do stand alone missions or cases and have a story arc running though it. Or be like the later series and make it one long arc.
  • edited May 2012
    Good news, everyone! The Big Finish Klein trilogy will be airing on Radio 4 Extra starting on the 21st after much delay. It is lightly recommended to pick up Klein's first appearance, Colditz, before listening.
  • edited May 2012
    Ten Doctors nothing. Rich Morris has got something REALLY big planned for next year -
  • edited May 2012
    Ribs wrote: »
    Good news, everyone! The Big Finish Klein trilogy will be airing on Radio 4 Extra starting on the 21st after much delay. It is lightly recommended to pick up Klein's first appearance, Colditz, before listening.
    Goddammit, I'm really regretting not picking that one up now.
    Ten Doctors nothing. Rich Morris has got something REALLY big planned for next year -

    Now seems as good a time as any to finish reading "the ten doctors"!

    As an aside, has anyone else noted that the popularity of this thread seems to have dropped significantly since the appearance of the pony thread? Coincidence? I THINK NOT.

    Also, the ponds are no longer filming doctor who. Sob.
  • edited May 2012
    Friar wrote: »
    Goddammit, I'm really regretting not picking that one up now.

    If they air Klein's Story (a one-parter on the same disc as the second release), it's basically a full-cast retelling of who Klein is with flashbacks (featuring Paul McGann as an alternate Eighth Doctor!), so you shouldn't be too bad. Nick Briggs also still does the hosting gig for the slot, so he may prepare a basic summary.
  • edited May 2012
    Ribs wrote: »
    If they air Klein's Story (a one-parter on the same disc as the second release), it's basically a full-cast retelling of who Klein is with flashbacks (featuring Paul McGann as an alternate Eighth Doctor!), so you shouldn't be too bad. Nick Briggs also still does the hosting gig for the slot, so he may prepare a basic summary.

    Something along the lines of "subscribers get more at"? :p

    Also, I forgot to post this. It's the last part of the "Dalek Tales" CGI fan thing, telling the backstory behind Victory of the Daleks and Dalek Kahn's rescue of Davros. Featuring a guest appearance from everyone's favourite doctor. (no, not him, the other one. No, the Other one!)
  • edited May 2012
    Anyone seen this developer diary for the upcoming Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock?

    Any thoughts about the game? I have a problem with that every DW game they make today is supposed to be an "interactive episode" of the show. Why can't they just focus on making a good game instead?
  • edited May 2012
    Given how the episodes are more spaced out as of late, I suspect it's a ploy to try and make us overlook the fact that we're waiting longer and longer for new episodes. And it's not really working, to be honest...

    I also find it interesting they claim this is the first real 'interactive episode', despite it being a sidescrolling platformer. It's like they're acknowledging that 'The Adventure Games' weren't all that interactive. :)
  • edited May 2012
    Ever since the seventh Doctor offered Tuck a place in the TARDIS at the end of "The Incomplete Death's Head", we've known that he's got an eye for the ladies.


    Guess who's turning up in "Doctor Who" now!

    Oh, crap, it's AUDIO!
  • edited May 2012
    Anyone seen this developer diary for the upcoming Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock?

    Any thoughts about the game? I have a problem with that every DW game they make today is supposed to be an "interactive episode" of the show. Why can't they just focus on making a good game instead?

    I'm actually looking forward to it myself. Although I doubt anyone will want to play the co-op side with me (everyone in the household hates the show. Weirdos. :P). Any idea if the PC version has online?
  • edited May 2012
    Hey, whaddya know? Doctor Who is better than Star Wars.

  • edited May 2012
    The Current working title for Episode Two of the Series is "
    Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
  • edited May 2012
    Will it have Samuel L Jackson say shout
    "I've had it with these motherf***ing dinosaurs on this motherf***ing spaceship!"
  • edited May 2012
    Mr Nutt wrote: »
    Will it have Samuel L Jackson say shout
    "I've had it with these motherf***ing dinosaurs on this motherf***ing spaceship!"

    No, but he'll be appearing in the post credits sequence to recruit the doctor into the avengers initiative.

    Also, @marsden, I can't figure out if that's a photo of matt smith with heavy filtering or a really accurate pastel painting.
  • edited May 2012
    Ribs wrote: »
    The Current working title for Episode Two of the Series is "
    Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
    Well they had to have something equally as awesome as Episode One, which is the one with
    every Dalek EVER
    . It'll be an absolute tragedy if they change it from that name. Best episode title ever.

    @Friar - Pastels. I think. The Doctor matches the other characters too well for it to just be a manipulated photo.
  • edited May 2012
    Well they had to have something equally as awesome as Episode One, which is the one with
    every Dalek EVER
    . It'll be an absolute tragedy if they change it from that name. Best episode title ever.
    Especially if it has neither dinosaurs or spaceships.

    Speaking of which, the 11th doctor hasn't really had a proper space-ship episode yet, has he? I mean, "The Beast Below" was pretty much only technically a space ship. In all other respects it was just a town. And "Flesh and Stone" was, well, a forest.
  • edited May 2012
    Friar wrote: »
    Especially if it has neither dinosaurs or spaceships.

    Speaking of which, the 11th doctor hasn't really had a proper space-ship episode yet, has he? I mean, "The Beast Below" was pretty much only technically a space ship. In all other respects it was just a town. And "Flesh and Stone" was, well, a forest.

    Victory of the Daleks/Curse of the Black Spot/The Doctor's Wife/A Good Man Goes To War (well, Space Base)/ The God Complex/ Closing Time

    In other news, the (heavily cut) first episode of A Thousand Tiny Wings is now on iPlayer.
  • edited May 2012
    The point is that there's not really been an episode set on a spaceship that felt like a spaceship.

    Victory of the Daleks - Only for, like, 5 minutes. That doesn't count.
    Curse of the Black Spot - Again, only at the resolution.
    The Doctor's Wife - Technically that's an alien planet. Of sorts.
    A Good Man Goes To War (well, Space Base) - Answered yourself there.
    The God Complex - It didn't feel like a spaceship.
    Closing Time - Briefly, at the end. Doesn't count.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited May 2012
    Hey, hey, what about "The Girl in the Fireplace"? ;)
    Friar wrote: »
    Especially if it has neither dinosaurs or spaceships.

    Dinosaurs AND spaceships? Why, this has never been done before!!

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