The Newly Regenerated Doctor Who Thread



  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited April 2013
    You guys all know that IDW have done the whole hand-Doctor/Valeyard thing
    already, right?
    Not really. The villain in that story was neither
    The Valeyard nor the Tenth Doctor Human/Timelord Duplicate
    , but rather was using them (plus the Master) to create a person from a pastiche of influences to intimidate The Doctor.
  • edited April 2013
    It depends. Does it pay more than being a grad student?
  • edited April 2013
    Sure. Of course under my reign we'd probably see more two-parters and less complex overarching story arcs, but I think people would learn to live with it once we start bringing back the Monoids and such. Oh, and the next Doctor has to be a black woman for about 30 seconds before saying 'nah, too weird' before becoming the regular white man, just to shut everyone up. Also the TARDIS needs to be a darker shade of blue, the Doctor's gotta lose the bow-tie and we need mar episodes set on Earth.

    (might not be entirely serious with all of that)
  • edited April 2013
    It depends. Does it pay more than being a grad student?

    Even being an illegal immigrant pays more than being a grad student.
    Oh, and the next Doctor has to be a black woman for about 30 seconds before saying 'nah, too weird' before becoming the regular white man, just to shut everyone up.

    Reminds me when Romana regenerated just for fun, and had to try on several different bodies before (sort of) getting the approval of Doctor #4. So that concept is not entirely unheard of.
  • edited April 2013
    WarpSpeed wrote: »
    Even being an illegal immigrant pays more than being a grad student.

    I dunno. I currently make more than my own mother ever did. I don't like to talk exact numbers of money or anything, but being a science grad student pays well enough to live quite comfortably and be able to support one or two additional people. At least in my department. Since we have all the money.
  • edited April 2013
    I dunno. I currently make more than my own mother ever did. I don't like to talk exact numbers of money or anything, but being a science grad student pays well enough to live quite comfortably and be able to support one or two additional people. At least in my department. Since we have all the money.

    It's been a couple of decades since I was a grad student, and I could go all Monty Python on you ("In my day...."), but I'd glad they're paying a reasonable amount now. At least in your department.
  • edited April 2013
    WarpSpeed wrote: »
    It's been a couple of decades since I was a grad student, and I could go all Monty Python on you ("In my day...."), but I'd glad they're paying a reasonable amount now. At least in your department.

    It's probably a combination of different things. I mean, I'm in biochemistry and molecular biophysics at research university, so they make sure to pay us well so that we spend our time in lab and not trying to make enough money to not starve. Probably because they realize they get more work out of grad students who don't have to worry about money.

    And it's true. There's enough of a buffer there that I barely even think about spending money on things. Then again, I tend to not spent a lot of money. Most of it goes to food and housing and then every once and awhile, I shell out fifteen to twenty bucks for a kickstarter or a game that I don't have time to play.
  • edited April 2013
    BBC America showed a repeat of "Blink" tonight.

    I forgot how much I love David Tennant as the doctor.
  • edited April 2013
    Sylvester McCoy's been telling everybody who'll listen that none of the classic Doctors were ever approached for the 50th Anniversary special, but one rumour says that the Beeb did speak to Ecclestone (he's apparently turned the opportunity down)

    Assuming this to be true, it does leave open the possibility of him returning to the role in some capacity, some day. Which is a bit of an advance on "Never", right? :)
  • edited April 2013
    BBC America showed a repeat of "Blink" tonight.

    I forgot how much I love David Tennant.

    And it is sad to hear Nine won't be in the 50th. And also that none of the "classic" doctors were approached. (Although, what constitutes a classic Doctor? Does 8 count?) I just hope there are semi-secret nods everywhere (give Matt Tom's Scarf. Because Scarves are cool.)
  • edited April 2013
    Psst - don't believe what Sylvester is saying. As far as I'm aware, we will definitely see more than the two and we don't need to wait until November to see them. :)
  • edited April 2013
    I'm starting to think that Ribs is actually Moffat in disguise.
  • edited April 2013
    Ribs wrote: »
    Psst - don't believe what Sylvester is saying.

    Like I said, could be construed as ambiguous.
    Friar wrote: »
    I'm starting to think that Ribs is actually Moffat in disguise.

    Or an evil anti-Moffat from the Mirror Universe.
  • edited April 2013
    Anywho, actual proper good news;

    Not only are The Reign of Terror, The Ice Warriors, and The Tenth Planet going to be animated and released this year (or have been), but also the Moonbase as well!
  • edited April 2013
    Not Doctor Who News per say but Christopher Eccleston is set to portray Malekith in the Marvel Studios film Thor: The Dark World.
  • edited April 2013
    I'd hardly consider that news - it's been known for months.
  • edited April 2013
    I'd hardly consider that news - it's been known for months.

    No one told me!
  • edited April 2013
    Yeah, that's the main draw of Thor 2 for me. Actually, I liked the first Thor movie, but Thor as a character never really interested me much.
  • edited April 2013
    That ep was..........well next week's one looks cool.
  • edited April 2013
    coolsome wrote: »
    That ep was..........well next week's one looks cool.

    Can't yourself lucky. Forty years ago it would have been drawn out to a whole six-parter...

    (Seriously, though - there was, what, five minutes of actual stuff happening in a whole 45 minutes? Although I liked the quote from "Alice". And was that a super-intelligent shade of the colour blue that they met in the market?!)

    (Actually, this hasn't been a good week for "Doctor Who". No Ecclestone for November, and "Babblesphere" was pretty poor, although perhaps if Lalla Ward hadn't been overacting it might have worked)
  • edited April 2013
    Can't yourself lucky. Forty years ago it would have been drawn out to a whole six-parter...

    At lest the villain would be somewhat more developed and we might have the faintest idea what the fuck was going on.
  • edited April 2013
    I might have a bit of a different sentiment.

    There are only two instances where I shed tears over fictional stories. One, when a man who has nothing to lose tells how he has lost everything, two, when a child's dying moments are fantasizing about a better life, and this wasn't the Little Matchstick Girl.
  • edited April 2013
    So... was it a good thing I was working and missed it? ;)

    The preview didn't exactly look fantastic, but I'm not really seeing many good things about it. That bad?
  • edited April 2013
    That bad?

    No just not that good. It's nothing bad like Love and Monsters or Evolution o the Daleks.
  • edited April 2013
    Yeah, pretty much, though the next one looks awesome. I really love those "tight quarters" episodes.
  • edited April 2013
    So, just kinda 'meh'.

    I can handle meh.
  • edited April 2013
    I just watched it (I too was working.), and it wasn't too bad. I actually kind of preferred it to the previous episode. Once again, the Sonic was overused (I really wish they'd get rid of that thing. Heck I even thought they were going to at several points in the episode).

    It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad. The middle was mostly filler though.
  • edited April 2013
    Watched this morning Doctor Who Season 5 Episode 1 (LOVEFiLM), but didn't finish because it was as long as the duration of a film and while I did enjoy it not that much to watch it till the end.

    Although I live in UK I'm not a fan of the English accent and there are times when subtitles are needed, I tend to be better off with US shows and their American English accent.
  • edited April 2013
    The man who killed Pete Tyler was back and hungry for blood last night!
  • edited April 2013
    I liked the episode. It wasn't amazing, but it had a lot of great moments. I especially loved the Doctor's speech near the end about the things he's seen.
  • edited April 2013
    Phil_TWD wrote: »
    Although I live in UK I'm not a fan of the English accent

    Which English accent?!

    There was a great radio programme on a few months back... the presenter (can't for the life of me remember who) tracked down where one accent stopped and the next started.. got it down to a difference of about a mile and just a tweak on the pronounciation of one or two syllables.

    (Anyway, "Doctor Who" has three accents. Sylvester McCoy, not-quite-Mockney Tennant, and all the others).
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited April 2013
    There was a great radio programme on a few months back... the presenter (can't for the life of me remember who) tracked down where one accent stopped and the next started.. got it down to a difference of about a mile and just a tweak on the pronounciation of one or two syllables.
    The US has a lot of different accents too. This map has most, and although it's labeled as dialects, it's really only for the noticible differences in accent. The slight differences in dialect (like using different slang and such) aren't accounted for.

    It also lists New York City as one accent, but as anyone who's been there can tell you, there's very noticeable differences in accent from one borough to the next.
  • edited April 2013
    Yeah, I am so completely Pacific Southwest. I didn't find any of the slang examples weird.

    Except it's a bit out of date. The correct version is "gag me with a silver spoon."
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited April 2013
    Interestingly, our area is listed as Inland Northern, but we don't use any of the slang listed. Our slang is more Hudson Valley since we definitely use stoop and teeter-totter. Even the slang for doughnuts matches us to an extent, as one of the doughnut shops in town is called Kountry Krullers... never heard doughnuts being called olycooks here though.
  • edited April 2013
    I just thought of something If "Russell T Davies" goes by that I might use my middle name initial in my name.
  • edited April 2013
    Sadly I can't do that, since my middle name is Peter. No 'crispy' jokes please, I've heard them all.
  • edited April 2013
    coolsome wrote: »
    I just thought of something If "Russell T Davies" goes by that I might use my middle name initial in my name.

    I've done that a lot of late, though my inspiration for it is James K Polk, so y'know, slightly more important person.

    I'd also like to name a dog Knox after Mr. K. Polk. I just think it'd be a good name.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited April 2013
    Ribs wrote: »
    I'd also like to name a dog Knox after Mr. K. Polk. I just think it'd be a good name.
    I always wanted to name a dog Bob Barker. :D
  • edited April 2013
    I just rewatched it, and I have to say, I actually enjoyed it more the second time round. I love Matts speaches in the second half. And the soundtrack.

    Also, I done did a thing.
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