The Newly Regenerated Doctor Who Thread



  • edited April 2013
    What no discussion of last night's Britain's Got Talent?
  • edited April 2013
    Surprising as it was one of the best episodes in a long time, just let down by the rushed in Alien Love at the end, but everything before it was awesome.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited April 2013
    I just watched it. I thought it was great too. It seems like they are going with the Doctor Who TV movie's version of
    the Eye of Harmony, in that it is on the TARDIS rather than on Gallifrey

    Although, if that's the case, how did
    the Time Lords bring back The Master without the Doctor knowing about it when he jumped into the Eye in the Doctor's TARDIS
    ? I've read there's books that clarify that
    the Doctor's TARDIS Eye of Harmony is linked to the one on Gallifrey
    , but if that's the case, why is it still functional? Wait, is that the reason the TARDIS needs to
    refuel in the Cardiff rift

    I suppose that if
    the Doctor's TARDIS Eye of Harmony is linked to the one on Gallifrey, the Time Lords could have brought The Master back from the one on Gallifrey without the Doctor knowing, before The Doctor sealed the end of The Last Great Time War with a time lock.

    I love episodes like these, so wibbly wobbly, and thus so full of opportunities for speculation. :D
  • edited April 2013
    My favorite webcomic (The Ten Doctors, which I've posted here a few times) explains it that the Eye of Harmony in the TARDIS was connected to the one on Gallifrey. With Gallifrey gone... well, doesn't work anymore.

    And actually, in the comic, nine of the ten Doctors all end up in the same time, seven of whom get stranded because without that connection anymore, their TARDIS's are nonfunctional. Doctors Nine and Ten are fine because Nine repurposed the emergency power storage into a collector which they could park over a dimensional rift (giving a reason as to why he keeps going back to Cardiff) to recharge.

    Of course, Doctor Four just wants to nab the Hand of Omega that Doctor One is carrying and make a new Eye of Harmony, but nobody wants to blow up a star to do it.
  • edited April 2013
    I just watched it (stupid work getting in the way. Can't wait till I'm a student again and can watch these on time!), and I rather liked it. I'm a big fan of the fact that they seem to be doing a lot of historicals this season. And It was a pretty awesome ghost story.

    The only thing I didn't like was the pronounciation of
    Metebelis 3. Had no-one that was there filming it seen Planet of the Spiders?
  • edited April 2013
    Feel the need to repost this every time I'm reminded of it
  • edited April 2013
    They've announced the 50th anniversary DVD release; it is a book with DVD inserts featuring The Tenth Planet, The War Games, Planet of the Spiders, Logopolis, the Caves of Androzani, Time and the Rani, Doctor Who, Bad Wolf, The Parting of the Ways, and the End of Time. It has a very striking cover and looks like a great package for anyone who doesn't collect all the classic releases:
  • edited April 2013
    Couldn't care less about the DVDs, but that book looks interesting. Is there more info about what's in it?
  • edited April 2013
    Couldn't care less about the DVDs, but that book looks interesting. Is there more info about what's in it?

    Right from the announcement:
    The Doctor Who Regeneration set is an individually numbered, beautifully packaged, coffee table album including six DVDs of Doctor Who adventures – including fan favourites like The Caves of Androzani and The End of Time, plus an advance release of the First Doctor’s final adventure The Tenth Planet.

    The set is adorned with superb photography from across the era and features detailed and informative accounts of each regeneration. The collection features each Doctor’s iconic regeneration episode; from the First Doctor played by William Hartnell, exhausted after battling the Cybermen to Jon Pertwee’s Third Doctor suffering from radiation that had been unleashed by the Great One; and from the spectacular transformation of the Ninth Doctor to David Tennant’s emotional farewell as the Tenth.

    It's out in June for the relatively very affordable (compared to the fact most classic Who is £10 a piece) price of £43 (of course likely to drop down to high £30 range given how these things work.
  • edited April 2013
    I'll probably get it, but I'm a little concerned about it only being 6 discs for 10 serials. Afterall, they couldn't even put The End of Time two parter on the same disc as eachother for that release. So it'll either be quite compressed and missing all bonus features of the DVDs, or only feature the actual regeneration episodes, rather than the whole story arcs.
  • edited April 2013
    A closer look at the actual discs in the above picture reveals what I THINK is the following written on them:

    DISC I: The Tenth Planet / The War Games (Episodes ? to ?)
    DISC II: The War Games (Episodes ? to ?)
    DISC III: Planet of the Spiders (Episodes ? to ?)
    DISC IV: Logopolis / The Caves of Androzani
    DISC V: Time & The Rani / Doctor Who: The Movie
    DISC VI: Bad Wolf / The Parting of the Ways / The End of Time (Parts I & II)

    So it appears to be all the episodes, but no special features.
  • edited April 2013
    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... seriously, is this the dullest series of "Doctor Who" ever?!!

    (Obviously, the 50th Anniversary villains are going to turn out to be the Akkers....)
  • edited April 2013
    I dunno. I saw one book in there that I think everyone here would kill to get their hands on.
  • edited April 2013
    I dunno. I saw one book in there that I think everyone here would kill to get their hands on.
    Where's Wally: The complete Collection?

    But yeah, that was a pretty "meh" episode. I couldn't figure out how
    The doctor ended up outside of the Tardis in the first place.
  • edited April 2013
    He wasn't wearing his seatbelt and got thrown clear.
  • edited April 2013
    Honestly, That was a brilliant episode, but it appears to be a very mixed episode, people either hate it or love it, for me that was one of THE best in all of Series 7.
  • edited April 2013
    Ash735 wrote: »
    Honestly, That was a brilliant episode, but it appears to be a very mixed episode, people either hate it or love it, for me that was one of THE best in all of Series 7.

    No, it has an approximate bell curve peaking at around an 8/10 (so par for the course with regards to how Who goes down more often that).

    Akhaten on the other hand had the most uniform distribution I've ever seen.

    Next week may be the return of the Kandyman.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited April 2013
    I thought it was a great episode. It's my favorite of the second half of series 7 so far, right along with last week's. :)
    Friar wrote: »
    I couldn't figure out how The doctor ended up outside of the Tardis in the first place.
    They were showing behind the scenes clips during commercial breaks on BBC America that pretty much explained this. Clara is the first companion that the TARDIS straight up doesn't like (and is actually jealous of her, because she feels a female companion is not what the Doctor needs at this moment in time). The TARDIS threw the Doctor clear of the danger of the time frozen exploding engine. The TARDIS left Clara in danger because she didn't care about her.
  • edited April 2013
    Jennifer wrote: »

    They were showing behind the scenes clips during commercial breaks on BBC America that pretty much explained this. Clara is the first companion that the TARDIS straight up doesn't like. The TARDIS threw the Doctor clear of the danger of the time frozen exploding engine. The TARDIS left Clara in danger because she didn't care about her.

    There must be something really bad about her...The TARDIS put up with Peri for god sake!
  • edited April 2013
    And Peri was pretty much single-handedly responsible for the Fifth Doctor's death.

    I don't see this boding well...
  • edited April 2013
    coolsome wrote: »
    There must be something really bad about her...The TARDIS put up with Peri for god sake!

    What? Who doesn't like Peri? :confused:

    In other news, very good spot over on the SFX forums as to classic series references so far this series
  • edited April 2013
    OK, I've seen the episode twice now and I've no idea how in the hell the
    reset button
    worked. Could someone explain it to me in terms that won't make my head explode? Be much appreciated.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited April 2013
    OK, I've seen the episode twice now and I've no idea how in the hell the
    reset button
    worked. Could someone explain it to me in terms that won't make my head explode? Be much appreciated.
    It wasn't a reset button, per se. The Doctor reconfigured the grenade (due to some hinting by the TARDIS by carving writing onto Clara's hand) so that it would serve as a way to turn on the TARDIS shields through their tractor beam (the Doctor always sent the reconfigured grenade through the crack in time, it's just that The Doctor partially came over with it to make sure that his past self knew it was a message the second time). That's why the crew on the salvage ship was surprised that the blip on their RADAR that showed the TARDIS just seemed to disappear. And, since they just decided to ignore it and move on, the TARDIS was never destroyed.
  • edited April 2013
    Oh, right. Thanks. Still doesn't make a lick of sense to me, but whatever.
  • edited April 2013
    Oh, right. Thanks. Still doesn't make a lick of sense to me, but whatever.

    Think of it this way.... we don't actually know how many times the Doctor
    chucked that thingy
    to save the day. He could have fouled it up a billion times, with everything going round in a loop a billion times till the plan finally worked.
  • edited April 2013
    Y'know what?

  • edited April 2013
    Y'know what?


    He's not just a timelord. He's the last of the timelords.
  • edited May 2013
    Oh, right. Thanks. Still doesn't make a lick of sense to me, but whatever.

    That Grenade disabled all Electronics and Shields on ships, essentially killing all electronic and engine activity to make it easier for them to claim and scrap.

    COME ON.

    Classic Who reference.

    What would happen if The Doctor, say, reversed the polarity of the electron flow, ;) Ehh, EHHHHHH?

    Basically, the new Grenade is a reversed version, when detonated it forces ON the ships protection and shields. meaning the TARDIS was never caught, trapped and then broken when taken in for scrap.
  • edited May 2013
    Y'know what?


    OK.... think of it this way. Remember the Jonbar Hinge in "Ghost Devices"? Well, it's like that.

    (What, you've never read "Ghost Devices"?! How d'you expect to understand canonical "Doctor Who" if you've never read an umpteen-year-old spinoff from merchandising?!)

    Anyway. Best cartoon EVER in new DWM (the one with Turlough in it). There's apparently also some crap in it about no classic Doctors in the 50th Anniversary story, but I've methaphorically got my fingers in my ears / repeating "la la la I'm not listening", so that's okay)
  • edited May 2013
    Only thirty-six titles?

    Huh. Not a whole lot else you COULD do with that collection then.
  • edited May 2013
    Good news everyone, I've rejigged my Dr. Who shelf as I had too much to fit as it was!

    I'll need to find a new place for my Dark Shadows: The Complete Collection, though...
  • edited May 2013
    So in The Crimson Horror did I just see
    An old woman brest feeding a baby Zoidberg?
  • edited May 2013
    coolsome wrote: »
    So in The Crimson Horror did I just see
    An old woman brest feeding a baby Zoidberg?

    Oh god. Cannot be unseen! Cannot be unseen!
  • edited May 2013
    coolsome wrote: »
    So in The Crimson Horror did I just see
    An old woman brest feeding a baby Zoidberg?
    I have GOT to stop reading this thread BEFORE I see the episode in question.
  • edited May 2013
    Well I thought last nights was really proper special Dr Who. The first episode leaving me nothing but satisfied in literal years.

    Unfortunately it seems everyone else was busy watching You've Been Framed.
  • edited May 2013
    I liked it as well.

    Is it a bad thing where my favorite episode of the season is the one where the Doctor isn't in it for half the episode?
  • edited May 2013
    I liked it as well.

    Is it a bad thing where my favorite episode of the season is the one where the Doctor isn't in it for half the episode?

    Well Blink was most peoples favorite of series 3.

    I hope its a back door pilot for Jenny and co to FINALLY get a spin off.
  • edited May 2013
    I hope so. I really like them, especially with the whole detective-y thing they've got going there.

    I'd totally watch that show. They could make it into a Victorian Torchwood that doesn't suck!
  • edited May 2013
    I like them as well, but I'd imagine a full-on spin-off with nothing BUT them would get old - especially Drax's shtick of always wanting to use violence on everything. They work far better in small doses.

    they re-appear in The Name Of The Doctor and apparently not everyone survives, so...
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