Can anyone tell me what's so good about Doctor Who?
I've never been interested watching it.
It is a fun TV show about the madcap adventures of Doctor Who as he goes around and has lots of fun with his various partners. It's an episodic show that is best watched by going out of order, however, which many still refuse to accept despite it blatantly being true.
Can anyone tell me what's so good about Doctor Who?
I've never been interested watching it.
It's a lighthearted show with an alien who looks human and occasionally turns into a completely different actor flying around time and space with one (or more) various 'companions' that has the basic mantra of "go anywhere, do anything". And does. For example:
Wanna have a murder mystery with Agatha Christie? They did that.
Wanna have a giant race in space with actual boats? They did that.
Wanna have a monster designed by a kid and played by Peter Kay? They did that.
(OK, the whole thing was a complete mess, but they did it!)
It's just a fun, random show that can be anything the writer wants it to be.
You also skipped an important word in your description of how you feel about the show - are you not interested in watching it, or not interested whilst watching it? If it's the latter, whatever floats your boat and you can dislike or like whatever you like, but if you haven't given the show a chance I say go forward and find a copy of Father's Day or The Fires of Pompeii and just watch it - at the worst, it'll just be a 42 minute sci-fi excursion that requires no prior knowledge and at best it's the beginning of a 800-episode journey...
(Did you know the Christmas Special this year will be the 800th episode, incedentally? Surely this calls for every Doctor ever?)
Can anyone tell me what's so good about Doctor Who?
I've never been interested watching it.
Doctor who Doctor who is about anything you could imagine and more. It can take the troubled Vincent van Gough and show him how much his work will be appreciated. It can fuse Shakespeare and Harry Potter, have an army of rhinos kidnap a hospital on the moon or reunite a girl with her long dead father. It puts queen Nefertiti on a spaceship with dinosaurs and Mr.Filch. It can give you a chronic fear of shadows and statues. The possibilities really are endless.
Oh and @corruptbiggins: so much for David Tenant giving up hope of ever being asked.
Now now, let's not be TOO forceful. Dude's entitled to not like the show.
They'd be a complete outcast round these here parts, but still... :pFor reals? Wow.
Wait... does that include the 50th anniversary?
Yup, Anniversary will be Episode 799. And, to further affirm the claim there's a milestone everywhere if you look for it, Episode Six of 7B (The Crimson Horror) will be the 100th episode of BBC Cymru-Wales' Doctor Who.
Tenant's coming back? Well... I can tell you what I'm hoping for. It starts with Vale and ends with yard and has to do with a certain Doctor Double made out of a severed hand who happens to be in an alternate universe.
Can anyone tell me what's so good about Doctor Who?
I've never been interested watching it.
It's a funny adventure show. The time-travel format allows them to set episodes in any time or place, which leads to a variety of fun and exciting situations. And the Doctor is an entertaining character.
Well that would be disappointing, he was a rubbish villain.
I dunno
hes cruel enough to work what with the factory setting scene. And at this point hes also got the 2nd Doctor losses and probably knows the 11th tricked it about the London underground and has a serious axe to grind.
Also TV tropes says
The last time (in our timeline) the Great Intelligence was making noise, it was in the London Underground in the 1960s. Considering Miss Kizlet's age (and how young she was when first captured), it would seem the Great Intelligence didn't waste any time coming up with a new plan.
I seem to recall that Sylvester McCoy said somebody had suggested a plot where all the old Doctors played monsters till it was revealed who they all were at the end.
Officially, I have given up all hope of pre-Tennant Doctors appearing in the show this year. But technically there are enough episodes of the current series left to announce another Doctor each week, counting down - or one a month till November.
Given that the (or at least one the) villains for the anniversary has been revealed to be the
The zygons, I'm expecting that last doctors to appear, but actually be zygons.
Also, I wonder how Rose will react when/if she meets River? Given that she had such a hard time with sarah-Jane, meeting his wife should be... Interesting.
Pure speculation, but I can't help but think that if Rose and Ten are showing up... it's probably Hand!Ten from the alternate universe. And I always thought he would make a fantastic Valeyard...
Then again, this might merely be wishful thinking on my part.
Pure speculation, but I can't help but think that if Rose and Ten are showing up... it's probably Hand!Ten from the alternate universe. And I always thought he would make a fantastic Valeyard...
Then again, this might merely be wishful thinking on my part.
I was hoping they'd wait 10 or 20 years before bringing back that version of Ten in a Wrath of Khan style way where we learn that something horrible happened to that whole alternate universe
Even more mysterious than "The Key Party" -
Whatever it is, it's coming soon!
Every regeneration ep I'd assume now they have the first doctor regeneration animated.
No, not now. Yesterday.
I've never been interested watching it.
It is a fun TV show about the madcap adventures of Doctor Who as he goes around and has lots of fun with his various partners. It's an episodic show that is best watched by going out of order, however, which many still refuse to accept despite it blatantly being true.
Wanna have a murder mystery with Agatha Christie? They did that.
Wanna have a giant race in space with actual boats? They did that.
Wanna have a monster designed by a kid and played by Peter Kay? They did that.
(OK, the whole thing was a complete mess, but they did it!)
It's just a fun, random show that can be anything the writer wants it to be.
(Did you know the Christmas Special this year will be the 800th episode, incedentally? Surely this calls for every Doctor ever?)
Let me fashionably fix that, shall we?
They'd be a complete outcast round these here parts, but still...
Wait... does that include the 50th anniversary?
Doctor who Doctor who is about anything you could imagine and more. It can take the troubled Vincent van Gough and show him how much his work will be appreciated. It can fuse Shakespeare and Harry Potter, have an army of rhinos kidnap a hospital on the moon or reunite a girl with her long dead father. It puts queen Nefertiti on a spaceship with dinosaurs and Mr.Filch. It can give you a chronic fear of shadows and statues. The possibilities really are endless.
Oh and @corruptbiggins: so much for David Tenant giving up hope of ever being asked.
Yup, Anniversary will be Episode 799. And, to further affirm the claim there's a milestone everywhere if you look for it, Episode Six of 7B (The Crimson Horror) will be the 100th episode of BBC Cymru-Wales' Doctor Who.
Also, did anyone spot the scarf behind Clara when she was talking to the Doctor over the door monitor?
I think hes the main villain of this series.
Hes getting better he knows
And the author of the book the girl was from
I thought it was an okay episode. I found it hard to look past the fact that for most of the episode
Damn. I've been doing things wrong for years!
Yes, it is. Just go here and try it for yourself!
It's a funny adventure show. The time-travel format allows them to set episodes in any time or place, which leads to a variety of fun and exciting situations. And the Doctor is an entertaining character.
(Wait for the 7 minute mark)
I dunno
Also TV tropes says
On that point,
Also, here he flatly denies involvment in the 50th Anniversary but claims nevertheless to have been told about something happening that weekend -
Officially, I have given up all hope of pre-Tennant Doctors appearing in the show this year. But technically there are enough episodes of the current series left to announce another Doctor each week, counting down - or one a month till November.
Then again, this might merely be wishful thinking on my part.
I was hoping they'd wait 10 or 20 years before bringing back that version of Ten in a Wrath of Khan style way where we learn that something horrible happened to that whole alternate universe