I'm glad to see that they are starting to animate the lost episodes again, what with the recent "Reign of Terror", and the upcoming "The Tenth Planet". It's great as I'm starting to plug gaps in my collection.
Very similair to the old designs, as expected. They got rid the weird green hair they had in the classic series, but that never looked good anyway. They also lost their awesome lego-hands, which is a shame. Looks like they've got three large fingers now, although it's a bit hard to make out. Not sure what I think of it yet, I'll have to see it in the show itself (especially in better lighting).
Also, it's been confirmed (again) that Matt Smith will have some presence as the Doctor during Red Nose Day in two weeks. Hopefully it'll be something cool like the Space/Time shorts they did two years ago.
Also, it's been confirmed (again) that Matt Smith will have some presence as the Doctor during Red Nose Day in two weeks. Hopefully it'll be something cool like the Space/Time shorts they did two years ago.
(Hmm... maybe we can afford to count guinea fowl? )
Alright, I'd rather not name my source as it might lead to someone getting in trouble (suffice to say this person is one of the people involved), but there definitely will be at least one returning Doctor Who in November.
Alright, I'd rather not name my source as it might lead to someone getting in trouble (suffice to say this person is one of the people involved), but there definitely will be at least one returning Doctor Who in November.
I bet Matt Smith will be returning!
Anyway, the recent spat of people saying "I don't think I'll be involved" says to me they have been asked, which is why they've gone from the hopeful "I'd love to be involved!" To saying they won't be.
I don't expect that to happen (if they're doing anything like that it'll be in November), but apparently David Tennant is presenting the event, so we will have two doctors in the same show! Sort of, anyway.
I love the new costume, but I'm not a fan of the fact that no costume seems to last longer than about 6 episodes (barring The first series). It just seems to me to be a cheap attempt to create more toys (like having so many coloured Daleks). This is Matt's 5th Costume now, it's starting to get a little ridiculous. I hope he settles with it.
I like the fact that the costume is Victorian-esque, which is similar to the first doctor. The fact that this is the anniversary year was probably the driver behind that. So I excpect we'll have another costume in the next season, and maybe even a new doctor, who can keep his pants on* for a longer stint.
Doctor Who pointless is on Later this month, or as Radio Times amusingly put it, "Pointless Doctor Who reunion."
From left to right: Ace, Jamie, Peri, Leela, Wilf, Jake Simmonds, Dr. Who #7, Sylvia Noble, Whizzkid, Mr. Smith
I'm rather ashamed to admit that on first glance I recognised precisely none of those actors by their faces (I just assumed that it was just a generic photo from an average show). Which is odd, because individually I recognise them all.
Also, nicola Bryant looks a lot like my first school teacher...
Wilfred was the first I recognised. Not having watched anything before 2005, I'd naturally pull a blank on most of these faces. Not even Sylvia Noble rang a bell, but that's just because there's no scene on the show in which she's smiling.
Wilfred was the first I recognised. Not having watched anything before 2005, I'd naturally pull a blank on most of these faces. Not even Sylvia Noble rang a bell, but that's just because there's no scene on the show in which she's smiling.
There's 3 companions there that are responsible for (or at least present for) a Doctor's Death. Now there's a pointless fact for you.
Also, I've never seen the show. I'm just going to assume it's like numberwang, because I saw the thread in Forum Games, and consequently spent an hour today watching videos about it. ¬_¬
I could explain the rules of Pointless, but really, do you care?
It's a bit like Family Fortunes, only instead of trying to get an answer that lots of random people gave in a survey, you're trying to get an answer that NOBODY gave. The fewer people who gave the answer, the less points you score. Since the lower score wins in this show, the ideal answer is one that nobody gave in the survey, which means you are 'pointless'.
The biography of John Nathan-Turner is due out in May, and the first review's now available.
The big news? He may or may not have used his position as Producer of Doctor Who to sleep with younger (apparently over the age of consent, however) fans of the show.
Gag order or license to lie only hope - and the complete info hiatus on any DW50 news IS somewhat omnious.
Not that with a crazy bit of money and excellent writers, a 50th anniversary special couldn't be extraordinary WITHOUT all the cameo crazyness. But having just been disappointed quite a bit by Season 6, I kind of doubt that they have either at their disposal.
I really can't see them not being involved in someway. What's the point in an anniversary if you don't look back at everything that got you to that point? I know Moffat has said that he wants it to be about looking forward, but Rule:1 will hopefully apply.
So, anybody else getting ready to be disappointed about the 50th Anniversary of "Star Trek"? Only a couple of years to go!
Psst; did my post just last week go unnoticed? I know, for an absolute fact, from an absolutely trustworthy source that had no reason to lie and I wouldn't expect to anyway, that an old Doctor Who will return. Won't say any more though.
Let's hope not, eh?
Mind you, it looks a bit bobble-headed
...not sure what I think of this. I'll have to see them in motion to really know what to think.
I apologize in advance for this comment, but isn't this pretty much the definition of every single Doctor adversary?
Very similair to the old designs, as expected. They got rid the weird green hair they had in the classic series, but that never looked good anyway. They also lost their awesome lego-hands, which is a shame. Looks like they've got three large fingers now, although it's a bit hard to make out. Not sure what I think of it yet, I'll have to see it in the show itself (especially in better lighting).
Also, it's been confirmed (again) that Matt Smith will have some presence as the Doctor during Red Nose Day in two weeks. Hopefully it'll be something cool like the Space/Time shorts they did two years ago.
Don't count your chickens...
(Hmm... maybe we can afford to count guinea fowl?
Alright, I'd rather not name my source as it might lead to someone getting in trouble (suffice to say this person is one of the people involved), but there definitely will be at least one returning Doctor Who in November.
I bet Matt Smith will be returning!
Anyway, the recent spat of people saying "I don't think I'll be involved" says to me they have been asked, which is why they've gone from the hopeful "I'd love to be involved!" To saying they won't be.
I don't expect that to happen (if they're doing anything like that it'll be in November), but apparently David Tennant is presenting the event, so we will have two doctors in the same show! Sort of, anyway.
"I wear a pocket watch now. Pocket watches are the shit."
I like the fact that the costume is Victorian-esque, which is similar to the first doctor. The fact that this is the anniversary year was probably the driver behind that. So I excpect we'll have another costume in the next season, and maybe even a new doctor, who can keep his pants on* for a longer stint.
Agreed. It has a Willy Wonka vibe to it, which is nice, but it isn't over the top.
From left to right: Ace, Jamie, Peri, Leela, Wilf, Jake Simmonds, Dr. Who #7, Sylvia Noble, Whizzkid, Mr. Smith
Also, nicola Bryant looks a lot like my first school teacher...
Also, I've never seen the show. I'm just going to assume it's like numberwang, because I saw the thread in Forum Games, and consequently spent an hour today watching videos about it. ¬_¬
It's a good show, nothing special though.
The big news? He may or may not have used his position as Producer of Doctor Who to sleep with younger (apparently over the age of consent, however) fans of the show.
So, anybody else getting ready to be disappointed about the 50th Anniversary of "Star Trek"? Only a couple of years to go!
Gag order or license to lie only hope - and the complete info hiatus on any DW50 news IS somewhat omnious.
Not that with a crazy bit of money and excellent writers, a 50th anniversary special couldn't be extraordinary WITHOUT all the cameo crazyness. But having just been disappointed quite a bit by Season 6, I kind of doubt that they have either at their disposal.
Psst; did my post just last week go unnoticed? I know, for an absolute fact, from an absolutely trustworthy source that had no reason to lie and I wouldn't expect to anyway, that an old Doctor Who will return. Won't say any more though.