Free episode not available before Febuary



  • edited December 2010
    Don't you think it is a bit greedy to want the free episode on the same date as everyone who paid their hard earned dollars (Euros, Canadian Dollars ect..) for it?
    They need to find a good date which is far away enough from all the pre-orders and still near enough to not anger the guys who want the free episode.
    Btw do the PS3 gamers get a free episode? Seriously I don't know.

    EDIT:@Mr. Daaark: the episode was advertised as free, you paid for the movie and it's extras not for the episode.
  • edited December 2010
    I would have had no problem with this - if they had told us about it from the beginning! This is just an ugly marketing scam.

    I have 4 full seasons of Telltale Games (Sam&Max 1-3, Tales of Monkey Island) and I thought that I for once would begin with just one episode, to try it out instead of paying for the seasons before I know the quality of them. And then I get this? Yeah, nice work Telltale.

    Again, if they would have told us from the beginning, no problems. But to build up expectations like this and tell us four days before the the release of the first episode? I expected something better from Telltale, after all these years a loyal customer (I even bought the first Bone Episode as soon as it was released).

    It stinks.

    25 bucks for the whole seasons isn´t much money, but I can´t say that this encourages me to buy it now. If I do, it would be with me feeling very annoyed when I do it.
  • edited December 2010
    DerJan wrote: »
    Btw do the PS3 gamers get a free episode? Seriously I don't know.

    No, they don't.
  • edited December 2010
    Nope, its not greedy. There are still 4 Episodes that follow for the money( plus the collectors dvd). And the Season is anway 10$ cheaper than previous Telltale Seasons.
  • edited December 2010
    DerJan wrote: »
    EDIT:@Mr. Daaark: the episode was advertised as free, you paid for the movie and it's extras not for the episode.
    Actually, it was advertised as INCLUDED on the shrink wrap sticker, and the voucher has a link to go and download it, and a code. I have it right here, as I just got done watching BTTF 3. Seems like the game was delayed, and was supposed to launch simultaneously.
  • edited December 2010
    Incognito wrote: »
    I would have had no problem with this - if they had told us about it from the beginning! This is just an ugly marketing scam.

    I have 4 full seasons of Telltale Games (Sam&Max 1-3, Tales of Monkey Island) and I thought that I for once would begin with just one episode, to try it out instead of paying for the seasons before I know the quality of them. And then I get this? Yeah, nice work Telltale.

    Again, if they would have told us from the beginning, no problems. But to build up expectations like this and tell us four days before the the release of the first episode? I expected something better from Telltale, after all these years a loyal customer (I even bought the first Bone Episode as soon as it was released).

    It stinks.

    25 bucks for the whole seasons isn´t much money, but I can´t say that this encourages me to buy it now. If I do, it would be with me feeling very annoyed when I do it.

    I already turned away from BTTF.
    They can keep their free episode.
  • edited December 2010
    MrDaaark wrote: »
    Actually, it was advertised as INCLUDED on the shrink wrap sticker, and the voucher has a link to go and download it, and a code. I have it right here, as I just got done watching BTTF 3. Seems like the game was delayed, and was supposed to launch simultaneously.

    I have the German Blu Ray version and have no sticker on it, maybe I overlooked it I don't know have to check first.
    According to your post it seems to be included, you get it in February, I mean it is not canceled you still get it.
    Look at the guys who pre-odered Duke Nukem Forever when it was announced, they get it 14 years later and already paid a deposit. 1 and a half month is still okay.
  • edited December 2010
    Lol@everyone crying.

    How is it a scam? You're still getting it for free.

    Bunch of qq'ers!
  • edited December 2010
    I don't see the problem with this, it's an entire free episode, not a demo or a test to see how well (a very low spec game) will run on your computer, and I don't see why those who are adopting the 'wait and see' approach should get the benefits over the paying customers.

    This seems totally reasonable to me. You can get the first episode for free.. After those of us who've payed for it are moving onto the second.
  • edited December 2010
    Well, the paying customer gets four more episodes. And the "present" reciever will have to pay 24,95 anyway for getting them too. So no reason to whine about. Its just considered bad taste to give away presents, and all of a sudden putting a restraint on it. I don't get why some people don't see that. Putting aside that i just think that its a very bad idea, publicity-wise, to not utilize the BTTF-Hype recently. A lot of it will be gone by then. But whatever. Its possibly just a fiscal year bs, but very shortsighted in my opinion.
  • edited December 2010
    They should've told us beforehand. This is an obvious trickery before everything, and they never did such a thing for free episodes before, so this led everyone thinking that they would be able to play it the first day it comes out. Free or not, people have plans on their budgets as well, and if the deal you hand over to everyone is different than the other deals you've handed before... You gotta tell it, dude.

    If it's a last minute decision -I believe it is-, this means two things. One, preorders did not go well. That's expected, preordering BTTF has no benefits and people were instead waiting for discount deals. The Devil's Playhouse preorderers encountered this problem (the game was sold for 20 bucks right after the first episode's release, shocking the preorderers because all they got was some lame exclusive forum space that they didn't post in more than five times) so they wanted to act smarter this time and just wait. And, well, Telltale slaps those smartypants wanted to wait until the second episode. Boo.

    Second, this means they can mess around the dates of anything just because they were not satisfied. Even a sweet deal like "woo free episode" now has its own strict rules and unexpected outcomes.

    I've planned to buy the game before the release of the second episode. Now that I know I can't play the "free episode" BEFORE the release of second episode, this means I have to pay for it to play the free episode. Simple as that. So this means, it's not free at all. So now can I bitch about this "free episode" that shouldn't be bitched about, already-preorderers posting in this thread?

    They just want most people to buy the game for its full price before they make a discount. I'm not falling for that, and thanks for not giving me a free episode as you said you would. I'm still waiting for a discount deal that you'll eventually do, which will piss off preorderers. The only downside is that I know I can't pass the time with playing the first episode. Which would be FINE, if I wasn't tricked to know that I did have a free episode.
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    That's expected, preordering BTTF has no benefits and people were instead waiting for discount deals.

    I can't speak for anyone else, but all the discounts in the preorder forum certainly counted as a benefit to me. Hell, the free shipping week ALONE was worth the $25 I paid.
    Falanca wrote: »
    I've planned to buy the game before the release of the second episode. Now that I know I can't play the "free episode" BEFORE the release of second episode, this means I have to pay for it to play the free episode. Simple as that. So this means, it's not free at all.

    I'm not sure I understand this logic. You don't HAVE to buy the full game the minute the second episode releases, do you?

    (But for the record, I also think delaying the free episode release is a bad decision on Telltale's part.)
  • edited December 2010
    meh.... i get it on a business stand point, and i totally agree they probably didn't want the servers to overload on the first day.

    but people who bought the blu ray were expecting to get the first episode free when it came out. Which was December 2010.... now those people need to wait a month and a half to get their free episode? just seems kinda dickish.

    i bought the blu ray yes, but i also pre ordered BTTF the first day it was available for pre order, so i have nothing to worry about.

    but there are a lot of people who wanted to play the first episode to see if it was up to their BTTF standards...

    oh well

    excited as hell for Wednesday :)
  • edited December 2010
    It's FREE.

    So why was this a dickish move again?
  • edited December 2010
    This has to be the worst decision in the world. Not only was I super excited to play the first episode this month. I have been going to the Telltales website almost on a daily basis for new information about the game.

    The Back to the Future Series has to be one of my favorite movie series and I had always dreamed that the story to go on. When I heard about this game I was thinking that maybe one of my dream was coming true.

    So I went to to learn about the game. I saw that you were offering a free copy of the first episode. I was thinking that it was such an awesome gift.

    This was probably going to be the first Telltale game that I paid for. I can only imagine that after playing the first episode I would be left wanting more and be inclined to purchase the rest of the episodes.

    Since this change was made, I am not sure I would purchase the other episodes and even if I did it wouldn't be until February. I certainly won't be purchasing the first episode because I am supposed to be getting a copy of it for free.
  • edited December 2010
    It's FREE.

    So why was this a dickish move again?

    Because many people were waiting for this episode before ordering the full season. (for MANY reasons and they're all legitimate)

    They never mentionned there would be a 2 months delay for this episode...

    So people are kinda pissed about it.

    Then you have those who bought the Blurays (America only) and got a "free episode" coupon, I think it said it would launch in 2010.

    How were we supposed to assume there would be such a delay ? Also, the preordering guys, thanks for being absolutely not comprehensive, but you realize that even if we buy the game NOW, we have absolutely NO benefits AT ALL. Cool huh ?

    Am I the only one feeling they're not handling things very well ?

    - The price of the full order changes so much depending on how(where) you get it, people got it for 15 dollars, some for 19 dollars, yet many people still receive mail asking to buy it for 25 dollars etc...

    - Still no release date for the PSN (mid january ?! at best)

    - The free episode delay
  • edited December 2010
    Because many people were waiting for this episode before ordering the full season.

    You can still wait for this episode before ordering the full season. :p
    Look on the bright side, you can play ep2 staight after ep1 =D

    How were we supposed to assume there would be such a delay ? Also, the preordering guys, thanks for being absolutely not comprehensive, but you realize that even if we buy the game NOW, we have absolutely NO benefits AT ALL. Cool huh ?

    -Free Puzzle Agent
    -1 Dollar to MJ Fox Foundation
    -Probably slight discount since buying the eps seperately would net you a bigger price.
  • edited December 2010
    doggans wrote: »
    I'm not sure I understand this logic. You don't HAVE to buy the full game the minute the second episode releases, do you?

    Simple. The first episode is not free for those who already want to buy the full game before the release of the second episode. It's only free for those who don't WANT to buy the game.
    Origami wrote: »
    -Free Puzzle Agent
    -1 Dollar to MJ Fox Foundation
    -Probably slight discount since buying the eps seperately would net you a bigger price.

    -I own Puzzle Agent.
    -I can donate to charity myself.
    -Noone can tell if they actually drop the price of BTTF for a week after the first episode's release, like how they did with Sam and Max Season 3.
  • edited December 2010
    And we're only talking about PRE ordering. Which means regular ordering (which will be next week) at the same price is even worst.
  • edited December 2010
    Strayth wrote: »
    And we're only talking about PRE ordering. Which means regular ordering (which will be next week) at the same price is even worst.

    Which makes me believe more and more that preorders are not going well. They want people who haven't preordered the game to do it in this week.

    Well, I'm not. Nice tactic there, yo.
  • CBiggerstaffCBiggerstaff Banned
    edited December 2010
    Syn wrote: »
    Wow, this email left me with a really sour feeling. I was originally struck by how amazing telltale was and how much confidence that they had in their product. It seemed so unprecedented that they'd allow the first episode go out for free. Now it just rings of sneaky marketing sleight of hand.

    Had they mentioned this delay right up front I wouldn't have had any issues. It's how it was mentioned by surprise that really rubs me the wrong way. I saw the email titled "An Update on Your Free Episode of Back to the Future: The Game" and got really excited. Then I read the email and felt this dark cloud of gloom encapsulate me.

    In an instant I just lost all my excitement for the first episode to come out.

    Instead of the "free" episode that I thought I'd be getting next week all I got was some direct marketing to try to get me to buy the full season right now.

    Syn got it spot on from my perspective as well. Had they mentioned Special Free Edition (not full version) or Delayed Release Full Version initially when I signed up for it I would have felt differently about the email I just got about the delayed Free version - I would've appreciated the email update instead of being a bit annoyed and feel like Telltale is doing a bait & switch on me and I had been mislead into believing TellTale was so much better than many companies.
    Instead they made me sign up for the store and go through a purchase screen and as far as I could tell it was just as if I had ordered the real deal (I never got a hint that I was placed in a different queue until this email) and I felt I had and was going to get the real deal just as if I had ordered it. Had they handled that order process differently I wouldn't have felt I was being treated exactly as those who ordered. I did find the deal a bit odd (amazing!) but figured they were convinced they'd get enough people to purchase the future releases and goodwill it would pay off and the goodwill resulting in purchases of their other products as people got familiar with their offerings that hadn't tried them previously.
    Now they've thrown the good will out the window as they aren't living up to the expectation they created by in no way indicating this was something less than what a purchaser would get - they even made me create a store account and go through a store checkout. Just recently I heard the game was coming out later this month and thought cool, never imagined just a few days prior to release I'd get an email saying oh yeah the game is being released in a few days, but not your free version but hey if you want to buy it ..
    What were they thinking by not just saying up front Delayed Free Version of Back to the Future? Had they done that I'd still be smiling in knowing I'll be getting a free game instead they made me feel like I had won a prize (I couldn't believe the deal was still active when I accessed it, they set their bait well) and now just before release the spring the switch. I guess if this had been Ashampoo or somebody else it wouldn't have been a surprise but instead it is a surprise as I had truly been mislead about TellTale. Live and Learn..
  • edited December 2010
    Not only they want it FREE, but they want it NOW! Next time they'll ask TT to pay gamers for playing the game! :D

    If you don't wanna wait just pay the game - that's just plain simple.
    My suggestion: less complaining and hurry up before the offer ends! ;)

    TT RuleZ !
  • edited December 2010
    Not only they want it FREE, but they want it NOW! Next time they'll ask TT to pay gamers for playing the game! :D

    If you don't wanna wait just pay the game - that's just plain simple.
    My suggestion: less complaining and hurry up before the offer ends! ;)

    My suggestion: Observe the situation and at least try to give the impression of "thinking on a way out that may be profitable for both sides" instead of just posting after seeing the thread title.

    Yes, it's free, but by your logic they can postpone the availability of the game like, a year later. But who cares, it's free!

    The offer you... "offer", sucks by the way.
  • edited December 2010
    Well....I guess this move was good for at least one thing.
    People can't complain again about the pre-order not having benefits. :D

    Good luck with the situation guys. I hope you are able to work something out.
  • edited December 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    Well....I guess this move was good for at least one thing.
    People can't complain again about the pre-order not having benefits. :D

    Err... Preorder ends in a week. Even the owners of the free game are not permitted to play the first episode, on the paper the game will be actually out. So this means the same cost for the same game, minus Puzzle Agent, starting from next week.

    There are still no benefits. It just goes worse.
  • edited December 2010
    What an odd decision. I can see the marketing minds at work here but making people wait so long is a bit of a downer. Ah well I have too much of a gaming backlog these days anyway.

    PS: I already have 2 copies of puzzle agent... one from here and one because of steam
  • edited December 2010
    Benefit is playing the game a month early. :D
  • edited December 2010
    This is a strange move. They've never marketed the free episode as something people would get in February (heck, they kinda marketed it as a demo version which would get released along with the first episode), but it seems something has changed. The thing that I presume would suck though, is not that something has changed (shit happens, sometimes) but that TT seems to act like everything's going as planned. And if it DOES go as planned, then it's kinda backstabbing (though I've pre-ordered the game almost as soon as pre-orders started, I can understand those who want to get the free episode before buying)
    People can't complain about the pre-order not having benefits again.

    They can. This has nothing to do with the pre-order. People can buy the game after the release and pre-order ends, but the people who want the demo will still have to wait till February.
  • edited December 2010
    People can't complain about the pre-order not having benefits again.

    Oh just wait for it.

    I'm sure pre ordering people will also get screwed somewhere along the way.

    Also, If there is no way to buy the first episode on the 22december, and get the full season at 24 dollars minus what you payed for the first episode, I'm going rogue. (Especially since I was planning to get it on PS3, but can't wait that long ... Not just because I can't wait but because I'm in college and it's the only week I have to really cool off...)

    Ask yourself this question :

    Since when can't we play the first episode of a game if we don't want to pay for the full season AT FIRST Oo ... ?
  • edited December 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    Benefit is playing the game a month early. :D

    Um. It won't be a PREORDER a week later. It'll be BUYING THE GAME since the first episode is actually out. It's not playing the game a month early, it's playing the game when it comes out.

    Yet preordering and buying the game have no difference at all. And that just means, my friend, first episode IS NOT FREE.
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Simple. The first episode is not free for those who already want to buy the full game before the release of the second episode. It's only free for those who don't WANT to buy the game.

    I still don't follow. Maybe I'm just too tired. :P

    The game costs ten dollars less than a normal Telltale season. You're paying for four episodes and getting five. Sure sounds to me like everybody, even those buying the full game, is getting a free episode.

    What's more, it's still free for people who want to buy the game *after playing the first episode*, regardless of how many other episodes are already out at the time.
    Falanca wrote: »
    There are still no benefits.

    Again, perhaps from your perspective. I still say the discounts we got in the preorder forum far outweigh the price we paid. If you already owned every Telltale product, never participate in community contests, and hate chatting with people working behind the scenes, THEN there are no benefits. :P
  • edited December 2010
    Again, perhaps from your perspective. I still say the discounts we got in the preorder forum far outweigh the price we paid. If you already owned every Telltale product, never participate in community contests, and hate chatting with people working behind the scenes, THEN there are no benefits. :P

    Wow that sounds great. I think you're missing the main problem.

    People who thought the free episode would be available next week ( everybody ) are now royally screwed.

    If they do pay, they have NO benefits at all. It's just worst. (and honestly let's just wait for some promo in the near future ...)
  • edited December 2010
    doggans wrote: »
    Again, perhaps from your perspective. I still say the discounts we got in the preorder forum far outweigh the price we paid. If you already owned every Telltale product, never participate in community contests, and hate chatting with people working behind the scenes, THEN there are no benefits. :P

    Not chatting. Q and A. If you have no questions, you don't get any answer. All my questions are already asked by other people and are answered. Because of school I have no spare time to participate in those contests -which do require people to have a talent of art, not everyone has that.

    Also, that bonus is not everlasting. I wouldn't mind something more meaningful and physical, and in fact, I don't mind not counting the bonuses that are not.
  • edited December 2010
    Telltale has always been very generous at giving away free episodes.... they even give them out during made up holidays... They have a right to try to hold off to make money.

    I realize you guys want to play the game when everyone else does and its a bummer that you guys cant (unless you pay for the game) But some of you are throwing worse fits than my kids do...
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Also, that bonus is not everlasting. I wouldn't mind something more meaningful and physical, and in fact, I don't mind not counting the bonuses that are not.

    Because of the discounts, I finally got around to getting all my DVD copies of my games, shipped fast and for free. That's physical enough for me, but as I said, if you already have all the DVDs, I agree that it's pretty meaningless for you. But it's not meaningless for all of us.
    Strayth wrote: »
    I think you're missing the main problem.

    Apologies for getting sidetracked. Maybe I get too defensive when people claim that something I paid for and already enjoyed the benefits of is valueless. :P

    Again, I agree that this is a bad move on Telltale's part. I presumed the whole point of the free episode was to entice newcomers and cultivate fans in the time between episodes. If they're waiting so long for the free release, they might as well have just announced that the first episode would be free from now on after the game was already out.
  • edited December 2010
    Yet preordering and buying the game have no difference at all. And that just means, my friend, first episode IS NOT FREE.

    Owh okay. I didn't know that. Sorry :D
    I'm sure pre ordering people will also get screwed somewhere along the way.

    Look...the trick is, is to actually WANTING to spend the 25 dollars for something you appreciate and want. When I pressed the 'confirm purchase' button I KNEW that somewhere along the way a more generous deal would be offered. But I didn't care.
    I already think getting a game for 25 dollars is great price/value. Also we got heaps of discount bonusses and there were some cool contests being held on the exclusive boards, a chat with AJ and such. But to ME those were already extra's!
    I was already glad I got this game for only 25 dollars.

    If you don't feel good about spending 25 dollars for this game then don't buy it.
    And if you did get satisfaction out of the fact that you were willing to pay the full amount for it.

    Here is an interesting question:
    If this game would have two choices of purchase:
    1) Buy full season for 1 dollar
    2) Buy full season for 10 dollars

    Which one of those would raise a feel of guilt with you. And why?
  • edited December 2010
    doggans wrote: »
    Because of the discounts, I finally got around to getting all my DVD copies of my games, shipped fast and for free. That's physical enough for me, but as I said, if you already have all the DVDs, I agree that it's pretty meaningless for you. But it's not meaningless for all of us.

    I haven't. I ordered them a month ago. It still says it's on warehouse. I can't just ORDER the DVDs anyway, I live in the other side of the whole globe so the shipping costs a lot. I also had to wait for a shipping discount.

    As I said, if it's meaningless for me I just don't do it. And I didn't do it. Yet they FORCE me to do it, and it IS the problem.
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Yet they FORCE me to do it, and it IS the problem.

    I disagree with Telltale's actions here, but I'm still confused on how anybody's being forced to do anything other than wait.
  • edited December 2010
    doggans wrote: »
    I disagree with Telltale's actions here, but I'm still confused on how anybody's being forced to do anything other than wait.

    "Want to play your free episode? It's 25 dollars."
  • edited December 2010
    You still have the option to wait until February. The wait is obnoxious, but there's no forcing involved.
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