D&D Campaign: All Interested Welcome!



  • edited July 2011
    So I've noticed something of an issue with how Heroforge calculated my saves, and I'm not really certain what to do about it. It calculated my base Fortitude and Reflex saves to be 11, and my base Will save is 9. This means that because Ranger had the higher Fort/Ref saves when I took my last level of it, and because Arcane Archer has the higher saves at level 15, I'm getting the multiclass bonus and it's adding my Ranger and Arcane Archer saves.

    On Will, however, Sorcerer has always had the best save, so I don't get any multiclass bonus, which leaves me with more levels in Sorcerer than either of my other two classes, but with my Will save being the lowest of the three. And I can't think of any other way to figure it that makes it seem right.

    On top of this, I started experimenting to see what'll happen in two levels when I'm out of Arcane Archer levels and have to take something else. If I resume Ranger, then Sorcerer will have the better saves, so then I remove the Ranger saves and calculate it as multiclass Sorcerer/Arcane Archer? But if I took something else, then my Ranger scores wouldn't be affected, and I would end up with scores that look like multiclass Ranger/Arcane Archer/Sorcerer?

    And then on top of that, I was playing with Heroforge some more, and it seems that it's not calculating saves based on which class has the better score, but which class has the better progression. So if I gestalt up to level 16, then take a level of Rogue, for example, a level 16 Sorcerer has better scores than a level 1 Rogue, but the Rogue progresses in Fort and Reflex better than a Sorcerer, so Heroforge uses the weaker Rogue score instead.

    So I guess where I'm going with this is that gestalt is confusing.
  • edited July 2011
    I think I'll wait on my gestalt, then. It's not like I'll really need one immediately. Maybe I'll just do something silly in the meantime like make a Warforged Bard who has flutes for fingers or something.
  • edited July 2011
    Okay, guys, instead of working on my dissertation today, I ended up doing some major rewriting to the Planescape game for various reasons. This is good in that you guys are getting a much more fine tuned plot, but the bad thing is that having us adventure for 15 levels together no longer makes sense in context. That's not to say one or two of our characters didn't travel together before the adventure, but it makes more sense given that we've got several characters new to the Cage that most of us haven't met.

    Also, I rebuilt Kelder and even 5 levels below you guys because of his Guardinal level adjustment, he's really fucking broken. Therefore, he's going to be my backup and I'll be going with a Evocation specialized wizard.

    EDIT: O, hai posts the forums didn't load before my post. >.<
    So I've noticed something of an issue with how Heroforge calculated my saves, and I'm not really certain what to do about it. It calculated my base Fortitude and Reflex saves to be 11, and my base Will save is 9. This means that because Ranger had the higher Fort/Ref saves when I took my last level of it, and because Arcane Archer has the higher saves at level 15, I'm getting the multiclass bonus and it's adding my Ranger and Arcane Archer saves.

    On Will, however, Sorcerer has always had the best save, so I don't get any multiclass bonus, which leaves me with more levels in Sorcerer than either of my other two classes, but with my Will save being the lowest of the three. And I can't think of any other way to figure it that makes it seem right.

    On top of this, I started experimenting to see what'll happen in two levels when I'm out of Arcane Archer levels and have to take something else. If I resume Ranger, then Sorcerer will have the better saves, so then I remove the Ranger saves and calculate it as multiclass Sorcerer/Arcane Archer? But if I took something else, then my Ranger scores wouldn't be affected, and I would end up with scores that look like multiclass Ranger/Arcane Archer/Sorcerer?

    And then on top of that, I was playing with Heroforge some more, and it seems that it's not calculating saves based on which class has the better score, but which class has the better progression. So if I gestalt up to level 16, then take a level of Rogue, for example, a level 16 Sorcerer has better scores than a level 1 Rogue, but the Rogue progresses in Fort and Reflex better than a Sorcerer, so Heroforge uses the weaker Rogue score instead.

    So I guess where I'm going with this is that gestalt is confusing.

    Gestalt is a bit confusing, but Heroforge is sort of over simplifying. The way gestalt works in regards to saves is that you take the best progression for each save from the two classes. So a Gestalt Rogue/sorcerer should take it's Reflex save from Rogue, it's Will from Sorcerer and the Fort save from whichever is better (I think it's about even). You may have to do it manually on the forge, or just adjust it on the character sheet.
  • edited July 2011
    I suppose what I should've said is that gestalt multiclassing is confusing. It's easy to take the better saves between two classes, and it's easy to add up all saves for multiple classes, but combining the two gets sort of messy, especially when one class is several levels higher than any of the others. Other than that issue with my Will save, I think I'm doing good for now, but things might get a little hairy when I hit level 17 and have to start taking Ranger levels again.

    Edit: So I'd forgotten that we decided that Rapid Shot is essentially useless and that I took Two-Weapon Combat as my fighting style. Since I effectively have the two-weapon fighting feat, is there really any point to me using a feat slot on Versatile Combatant just for the sake of not provoking attacks of opportunity when using the crossbow? If not, I'll probably take Combat reflexes now so I can jump straight from Arcane Archer to Shadowdancer at level 17.
  • edited July 2011
    There's no real reason for taking Versatile Combatant since you're using a longbow, I really just suggested it because it gives you a lot of options on your two weapon fighting. You could easily pick it up later though if you do want to pick it up, so by all means, adjust the character however you see fit.

    EDIT: On a more general note guys, still shoot me some character specific stuff when you come up with it. I've got the major plot shenanigans hashed out as well as some other lighter bits, but I've left a lot open for specific character things. Also, any NPC that would be important to your character would be good.
  • edited July 2011
    Oh right, I totally forgot about the character stuff that I was going to send you. I should get on that...don't know when.

    Also, many apologies for being a flake and stuff, but I've been informed by my parents that I am to attend a family dinner tomorrow night. I'll probably be able to show up for the beginning (around noon PST, depends on when I can meet with the crystallographer. More info on that later.) until a bit before six (again, PST), but then I'll have to leave and I have no idea when I will be done with it. Not past ten, probably, so if everyone is still going, I can come back for the bitter end.

    Of course, if it looks like Kenny can't come again, then this might work out alright and I can just get a bunch of my questions answered and propose my ideas and stuff.

    Oh...and it appears that this is my two-thousandth post. For the second time. Not too many people can lay claim to that, let me tell you. Huzzah! Appropriate that it should be in the DnD thread. Everyone grab a party hat.

  • edited July 2011
  • edited July 2011
  • edited July 2011
    Gonna be late tonight, if I make it at all.
  • edited July 2011
    mgrant wrote: »
    There's no real reason for taking Versatile Combatant since you're using a longbow, I really just suggested it because it gives you a lot of options on your two weapon fighting. You could easily pick it up later though if you do want to pick it up, so by all means, adjust the character however you see fit.

    Well, my thinking was mainly that the description for Versatile Combatant is basically "You're treated as having Two-Weapon Fighting if you're holding a hand crossbow and a rapier, and your hand crossbow does not provoke attacks of opportunity", so since I have Two-Weapon Fighting already as a Ranger, the only benefit is the attacks of opportunity thing, and I wasn't sure if that was worth using a feat slot.

    Also, I'd totally managed to forget that Arcane Archer, being a DMG prestige class, is in the Epic Level Handbook, so I'll probably just keep taking levels in that until whenever you're ready for the Samara/Tertia plotline, then I'll switch over to Shadowdancer the next time we level after that. I figure that way gives me a little more flexibility to still do what I want with that without needing that plotline to hit around a specific level.

    And I may have a possible vague idea for a character plot, but I can also already see why it might be a horrible idea for our party to go through with it. I'm on my way to bed now, so I'll try to get my thoughts together on it and shoot you a PM tomorrow or Sunday.
  • edited July 2011
    Hey guys, Sen and I got a dedicated blog for the D&D game up and running here. Along with the 'thematic' music we've been doing, there'll be NPCs, locales and character stuff posted here.

    The party'll all get author status so you can post and edit your own posts. The intent for this is so you guys can put character stuff up and not have to scroll back through the forum for it.
  • edited July 2011
    There's an added benifit of not needing the dropbox to share character related short stories, artwork, etc. I'll be working on a postable template for the characters stats and such so we can have a nice clean format going. If you don't know what I mean by that you will, don't worry.
  • edited July 2011

    There's the template. You don't have to use it as is. Feel free to edit, mix, or hack away at the code.
  • edited July 2011
    That's a pretty awesome idea. I have no idea what I'd do with it, but I definitely like the idea. Also, holy crap that's a lot of NPCs.
  • edited July 2011
    Oh, that's not even half of the NPCs for this campaign. ;)
  • edited July 2011
    How many parts are there going to be? :p

    Also, should I write something up for the single NPC that I might be running?
  • edited July 2011
    What you can do is make a sheet for the NPC and then save it instead of publishing it. That will make it a draft and Jen and I will be able to access that. Then, when we compile the list, Jen can copy and paste what you wrote up into it and delete the draft you saved.

    Making a draft is actually a really good way of preparing information ahead of time that would be too much of a spoiler to post right away. As far as I know only Jen and myself can see drafts on the list. You might have to correct me on that though. If you guys can see drafts then don't click on them unless you want to be utterly spoiled.

    ALSO! I'm going to want theme songs from you guys for the list. So get at that, yo.

    As far as how many parts there will be, not that incredibly many, really. What we're going to do is make a post for each plane and list the NPC you can find in that plane on that post. The list you see right now are just people you can find in Sigil.
  • edited July 2011
    There is only one theme song for Burnie. Unless I ever get down to recording this one that I composed a year ago that also seems to fit. Probably won't so this one's it.
  • edited July 2011
    Burnie is now added. Let me know if I did the name wrong.
  • edited July 2011
  • edited July 2011
    So I went on a music kick the other day and found some tunes for the recent bits of plot in the dragon game.


    Oh, and if you're having trouble finding your own a video game ost (original sound track) is always a good place to start. Just type the title of the game you think suits your character and add ost to the end. That usually does the trick.

    Also, blog redesign and rename. Seems blogger wasn't happy with our original title and renamed it for us. So if you can't get to anything that's because it's at this address now.


    For those of you who don't know what to put in their character post for the blog, let me know, I'm more than happy to help with it. I'd say Jen can also help, but she has college things she's doing so the less distractions for her the better.

    If you want certain things about your character to remain unspoiled, don't worry, we can have the bio be very vague and keep any details to be added later in an unpublished draft. Or just add it as we go.
  • edited July 2011
    So, yet again, I won't be available tomorrow. On top of stuff for my dad, I'm helping a friend move in the evening. My dad's vacation is over next week, so we can finally get moving again next Friday.
  • edited July 2011
    It's fine, don't worry about it. I've had my dissertation to keep me plenty busy (Chapter 2 is done! Whoo!) and I think we've managed to get good progress on character stuff for the Planescape game.

    For the blog, I'll be getting a post up in regards to some faction NPC stuff and a few other things before diving back under to get working on the last chapter of my dissertation. I'll still try to be available in the evenings if anyone needs me for anything. It's Beowulf, believe me, it's not going to take very long to write.
  • edited July 2011
    I should be around tonight if needed but not until after about 11pm.
  • edited July 2011
    Well...I'll be there at least!

    Edit: Well it turns out that my Internet finally gave up the ghost and died very dead. It's taken me most of the day (after work) to get to the point where I could type this on my parents' iPad with its ridiculous autocorrect.
  • edited August 2011
    So are we all good to start back up tomorrow?
  • edited August 2011
    So are we all good to start back up tomorrow?

    I should be good, provided my internet doesn't suddenly die and that I'm not kept at the lab until all hours of the night or my parents kidnap me for family time.

    I'd say it's a definite maybe, or at least as good as I've been all summer.
  • edited August 2011
    Just remembered that I still need to come up with a name for my cleric. I'll try to get that done today.

    Oh and at the moment I'm free all of today, for once.


    Name picked, and first attempt at using HeroForge to gen the character completed. Not entirely happy with it, may do a second attempt.
  • edited August 2011
    4:30 Central Time, that's when I'll be free. Unless we leave class early. I'd say go ahead without me, but you'd not be able to do much of anything. d: So use the time to work out Planescape stuff.
  • edited August 2011
    What an interesting idea. Roleplaying is one of the things I've missed since moving to Germany; my German isn't up to trying to roleplay and my attempts at finding english speaking groups failed. Skype kinda gets around that I guess. On a bit of a D&D kick at the moment reading the new IDW D&D comics

    How well is it working out? Particularly with the different timezones.
  • edited August 2011
    tarasis wrote: »
    What an interesting idea. Roleplaying is one of the things I've missed since moving to Germany; my German isn't up to trying to roleplay and my attempts at finding english speaking groups failed. Skype kinda gets around that I guess. On a bit of a D&D kick at the moment reading the new IDW D&D comics

    How well is it working out? Particularly with the different timezones.

    It works out pretty well, though perhaps that's because everyone in the eastern timezones (relative to where I am) seems to be nocturnal.
  • edited August 2011
    Which is our fallback as usual. XP So yeah, we'll hash out some Planescape stuff until Sen and Alcoremortis get on as we usually do. There isn't much left on the current plot we're on, so this'll be an entertaining evening depending on how things go. ;)

    @tarasis: We've been making it work pretty well all things considered. We've found a day and time that seems to work well for the group and though we started out with a group that was massive and a bit hard to keep on track, we've dwindled down to a good sized group with a fairly solid dynamic.

    I probably don't say it enough, but I really do enjoy DMing for you guys. :)
  • edited August 2011
    mgrant wrote: »
    I probably don't say it enough, but I really do enjoy DMing for you guys. :)

    D'AAAAAAAWWW. And we like playing.
  • edited August 2011
    So turns out nobody showed up for class today. So yeah, free.
  • edited August 2011
  • edited August 2011
    Well, once again, I'm going to be the late one. I'm technically finished now, but I have to wait around for another twenty minutes so that I can go to a mandatory meeting. But after that, I think I'm free to go! Hopefully, my internet at home will work after all of this!
  • edited August 2011
    Am I still welcome to playz again wif u guyz?
  • edited August 2011
    Only if you promise never to type like that again. :p
  • edited August 2011
    I posted a blog post! I feel so happy to have contributed!
  • edited August 2011
    Edited a few things on your post like I said I would, Alcoremortis, and provided the link to it down in the Player Character section. We now have 3 of the projected 7 party members up on the blog. ^.^
    Icedhope wrote: »
    Am I still welcome to playz again wif u guyz?

    Yes, of course. Just...never type like this again. We're getting ready to get a Planescape game running, if you couldn't tell. :P Do you have any experience with that setting?
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