I figure Jake simply means that the projects will be staggered. I wouldn't read anything at all into it regarding where on the development timeline they currently lie.
Ok there has to be a puzzle agent season.
They just PERMANENTLY changed the price of PA to $5. The same price as poker night. That makes me think, are all pilot games going to be $5, because that sounds pretty good.
I figure Jake simply means that the projects will be staggered. I wouldn't read anything at all into it regarding where on the development timeline they currently lie.
Yeah that is what I thought he meant too... they are just announcing they have green lit some projects but they will be working them one or two at a time... Pretty much like they have always done... but this time they are letting us know way ahead of time what is in store for us.
Personally if ToMI is not one of the games announced it will be pretty heart breaking.... because if they release around two games a year and JP is one for this year.... it would be nearly 2-3 years before MI is even considered again..... <activate worry bot> .... who can only be calmed by beerbot.
As long as Telltale get around to finishing stuff they've previously promised or been unclear about (Season 3 soundtrack, Puzzle Agent on Wii, BTTF on PS3, Status on Xbox 360 versions, etc). I don't really want them taking on too many things at once meaning their usual care and extras get threw aside.
I hope one of them is SBCG4AP season 2. That might explain why they haven't done much since the two Decemberween toons.
Factors in H*R's current lack of updates include...
-Matt's wife having a baby about a year ago.
-Writing the script for a movie called Monster Safari.
-Poker Night at the Inventory.
I suppose it's possible SBCG4AP Season 2 (SBCG4AP2? SBCG2AP?) has been slowing them down too. If that is in the works, I'll forgive them for only doing four updates in 2010.
Well, I'm just seriously hoping for either a Futurama game, or Monkey Island 6... and perhaps a Discworld game. All three of those are a little unlikely, but I'll be very happy if even one of those is announced.
In fact... if the next MI season is announced, I'll probably faint in my chair.
Five new projects, how exciting. I wonder how many, if any, will be pilot games? I reckon will probably be at least one or two in there that will pad out the numbers.
I pointed out my theories for what I thought was possible, but out of all of Telltale's series, the two I'd most like to see again are Bone and Wallace & Gromit. But sadly they don't seem to have the license of either anymore.
But, it would be great if the announcement was that they got one (or both) of the licenses back.
Remember this interview from when Telltale programmer Bruce Wilcox won the Loebner Prize?
What do you see for the future of your bot or bots in general ?
Natural language is the way we should be interacting with computers, so my bot and others are just a step along the way. Scribblenauts is a game that allows a lot of nouns and adjectives and I'm working at TellTale games on a game that does nouns and verbs. All of this is going toward NL.
I'm betting one of the games they announce will be the parser/conversation-based game that Bruce mentioned.
Factors in H*R's current lack of updates include...
-Matt's wife having a baby about a year ago.
-Writing the script for a movie called Monster Safari.
-Poker Night at the Inventory.
I suppose it's possible SBCG4AP Season 2 (SBCG4AP2? SBCG2AP?) has been slowing them down too. If that is in the works, I'll forgive them for only doing four updates in 2010.
I'm completely aware of those things. It just seemed strange to me that they made two new cartoons and then just made nothing for a month.
Not sure what this was, but going by the edit note, I should reiterate that my post was just a joke. I really don't see the big deal here.
Me neither, i posted two pictures, one which shows the cool crew from TOS and one of the lamers from TNG. Seems like Vainadingsbums is a little bit thin skinned when it comes to TNG and these young mods tend to overreact from time to time.
Hitchhiker: Since Douglas Adams has passed away, I'm not sure how I'd feel about a Hitchhiker game. I mean, even with "future Bilbo" Martin Freeman, "Galaxy Quest" hero Sam Rockwell and voiceover Stephen Frye in it, the last movie felt like it was a different franchise. Not that the movie was bad, it just did not live up to any expectation I might have had.
Terminator: I've been a fan of the second movie, and I even liked the series to a certain degree, but I've had about enough. We'll have such a clear and brutal hunter/hunted scenario in Jurassic Park, I think, I'm not sure if there are interesting storyline opportunities left in the Terminator franchise. I might be wrong, though, so this announcement would not exactly disappoint me.
taumel: Posting even more and huge Star Trek pics when the topic is officially over is "just" inappropriate, no problem, but explicitly calling every follower of a certain franchise "tasteless", that is not only "thin-skinned", immature and juvenile, but seriously lacks discussion culture. Someone pushed your button, you have a lot of them, and yay, insult was your answer. The overreaction is all yours, and that for STAR TREK, for crying out loud, which was light-hearted, unpretentious and a bit naive entertainment all along its way, regardless of its individual and subjective installments.
Btw thinking of Strong Bad for the Mac again, and so a possible Strong Bad II announcement, it felt like TTG was cheating on us when they had the voting running for if we want Sam&Max S2 or Strong Bad for the Mac ported first. It looked like they were surprised that Strong Bad was clearly in the lead for quite some time and then surprisingly the voting time got stretched as well as Sam&Max was slightly in lead.
Obviously Sam&Max fit much better to their marketing to the Sam&Max S3 release. Maybe coincidence, maybe not. Considering how long it took them to port Strong Bad, it's hard to imagine that they started with porting the season only after the voting was done.
I'm hoping for TMI2, I'm not going to expect it though.(Okay, perhaps a little :P)
I wouldn't be suprised for another S&M season, and a puzzle agent and/or inventory game.
I haven't seen this "The Walking Dead" that everyone keeps mentioning, so I'm meh on that at the moment. I can't think of anything else that would fit that criteria though.
And.. am I really the first to say a MM/DOTT game??
I would pay many monies for a good Chuck game. I'm sure the actors would be up to doing the voices too. Zachary Levi was in Fallout NV and Adam Baldwin and Yvonne Strahovski were in Mass Effect 2.
Holy krunkles, I saw Simon the Sorcerer mentioned earlier. In the name of all that is good and decent, Telltale, make it so. I know you won't, but hey, I can still dream.
I really hope Telltale doesn't become the new tv/movie tie-in game company.
Plus, if they are going to be doing more realistic graphics in games they really need to update the engine. I'm hoping those Jurassic Park screens are just early builds when it comes to character models.
They just PERMANENTLY changed the price of PA to $5. The same price as poker night. That makes me think, are all pilot games going to be $5, because that sounds pretty good.
Yeah that is what I thought he meant too... they are just announcing they have green lit some projects but they will be working them one or two at a time... Pretty much like they have always done... but this time they are letting us know way ahead of time what is in store for us.
Personally if ToMI is not one of the games announced it will be pretty heart breaking.... because if they release around two games a year and JP is one for this year.... it would be nearly 2-3 years before MI is even considered again..... <activate worry bot> .... who can only be calmed by beerbot.
Factors in H*R's current lack of updates include...
-Matt's wife having a baby about a year ago.
-Writing the script for a movie called Monster Safari.
-Poker Night at the Inventory.
I suppose it's possible SBCG4AP Season 2 (SBCG4AP2? SBCG2AP?) has been slowing them down too. If that is in the works, I'll forgive them for only doing four updates in 2010.
In fact... if the next MI season is announced, I'll probably faint in my chair.
But, it would be great if the announcement was that they got one (or both) of the licenses back.
I'm betting one of the games they announce will be the parser/conversation-based game that Bruce mentioned.
I'm completely aware of those things. It just seemed strange to me that they made two new cartoons and then just made nothing for a month.
The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Me neither, i posted two pictures, one which shows the cool crew from TOS and one of the lamers from TNG. Seems like Vainadingsbums is a little bit thin skinned when it comes to TNG and these young mods tend to overreact from time to time.
Terminator: I've been a fan of the second movie, and I even liked the series to a certain degree, but I've had about enough. We'll have such a clear and brutal hunter/hunted scenario in Jurassic Park, I think, I'm not sure if there are interesting storyline opportunities left in the Terminator franchise. I might be wrong, though, so this announcement would not exactly disappoint me.
taumel: Posting even more and huge Star Trek pics when the topic is officially over is "just" inappropriate, no problem, but explicitly calling every follower of a certain franchise "tasteless", that is not only "thin-skinned", immature and juvenile, but seriously lacks discussion culture. Someone pushed your button, you have a lot of them, and yay, insult was your answer. The overreaction is all yours, and that for STAR TREK, for crying out loud, which was light-hearted, unpretentious and a bit naive entertainment all along its way, regardless of its individual and subjective installments.
Obviously Sam&Max fit much better to their marketing to the Sam&Max S3 release. Maybe coincidence, maybe not. Considering how long it took them to port Strong Bad, it's hard to imagine that they started with porting the season only after the voting was done.
Or vampires. Or ghosts. Or Chuck.
I wouldn't be suprised for another S&M season, and a puzzle agent and/or inventory game.
I haven't seen this "The Walking Dead" that everyone keeps mentioning, so I'm meh on that at the moment. I can't think of anything else that would fit that criteria though.
And.. am I really the first to say a MM/DOTT game??
- Penny Arcade
- Jaws: The Game
- Puzzle Agent Season
- At the Inventory Series
No Chuck, as in the nerdy spy tv-series.
Form MTV's Daria? Now THAT would be funny.
Holy crap I can't believe you guys are doing Miami Vice AND Knight Rider!!!
I would pay many monies for a good Chuck game. I'm sure the actors would be up to doing the voices too. Zachary Levi was in Fallout NV and Adam Baldwin and Yvonne Strahovski were in Mass Effect 2.
But maybe we now get a killer tomatoes game.
I'm sure somebody must have noticed it the last time a wish for a game thread came along
Plus, if they are going to be doing more realistic graphics in games they really need to update the engine. I'm hoping those Jurassic Park screens are just early builds when it comes to character models.