Tracking My Game

edited April 2013 in General Chat
Hold me accountable to finishing at least the background resources ok?

These are the first four sketches centering on the beginning village. They're all edge enhanced and without any line cleanup or color, so if they super rough, it's because this is the first stage of it.






  • edited January 2011
  • edited January 2011
    Hey, pretty sweet! I assume the game starts right out of cottage lyfe, like Peasant's Quest?

    Besides that, those are superb. I love how each of them looks kinda bent, it gives a big cartoony feeling. I'm also planning stuff for my game (writing the script draft atm) and I drew some character concept arts, but I never bring myself to do the terrains and locations because it's always boring to me. Love the way you started off of them, actually.
  • edited January 2011
    Well it's a 30 'room' outline I have for the game based on a short story I pitched a long time ago at the beginning of my writing career. I turned out to be far worse at children's fantasy that I was at adult sci fi, but I have been really feeling the game bug lately.

    I drew six rooms up tonight so that means 24 are left. Cleanup will only require removing stray lines then processing the remaining stills through Paint Shop Pro to eliminate anything stray left over, and then to color, a fairly simple process in comparison to the actualy drawing of the backgrounds.

    Once those are finished then it's on to character design and animation sequences. This is by far the most time consuming element given there is a central protagonists and three secondary protagonists all requiring design and animation, and beyond those a supporting cast of a dozen to two dozen or so, but at least the supporting cast remains still for the most part. The antagonist is another major character requiring animation but given that he does not conform to a physical body his animations can be fluid and it's less stress on the animation.

    I want the backgrounds out and finished this month. Character design and animations will take an unforseen mount of time, probably the bulk of the design effort.

    Once those two are finished I can begin composing a set of about a dozen songs in the MIDI composer Finale. My background in music and the ease of Finale means that won't be much more than a month's effort.

    The puzzles themselves are the most curious element of it all. I'll run the backgrounds and animations through Adventure Game Studio and process it all and integrate the puzzles then.

    Of course easier said than done, but like I said, the backgrounds, puzzles and compositions are fairly easy. It's the animation that will take time.
  • edited January 2011
    Awesome, you've planned out everything I can see, unlike me. You'll handle all by yourself or actually get the help of other people when it comes to animations or maybe other aspects? It's hard and I also feel scared about them in all forms; sprites or cutscenes.
  • edited January 2011
    I'll handle it all by myself. The backgrounds are easily doable in a month solo, same with the compositions.

    The only thing I would consider outsourcing is characters/animation, everything else is fairly simplistic. Cutscenes for me mean in game sprite animations. I'd try to not stray too far from my base animations where possible since this game will net me zero dollars and I don't want to invest more than six months into it.

    Another 'super rough'. Did this in a few minutes to get a concept out, right after replying to your post.


    Edit: I knew something looked off. She has no eyebrows.
  • edited January 2011
    Whoa, you amaze me so well. You're more ready for this game designing job than I do since the even most basic concept character art takes me a ridicilous amount of time to "look right". And in many cases, it just does not.

    Gotta say the blueprints to your game already creates the atmosphere.
  • edited January 2011
    Thanks. I foresee this being my one and only time going all out on something like this so fingers crossed :)
  • edited January 2011
    Oh and storywise, the name of the game is called "The Golden Anvil". It centers on the special powers endowed upon items through runes, though items fashioned upon the anvil attain certain mystical properties in conjunction with the runes that put them in their own class of magical weaponry. For this reason the King of Pelagreen has requested an weapon be fashioned upon it capable of stopping the Black Lich, a threat that has arisen in the land.
  • edited January 2011
    Early concept of the Black Lich, sort of what he is supposed to 'feel' like.

  • edited January 2011
    Black Lich - Up Close

  • edited January 2011
    Wow. That's pretty damn impressive! Way better then anything I could do.

    I know how hard making a game can feel - I've been doing it bit by bit for ages now and I'm still barely off the ground - but if you hang in there, it will all start to come together and once it does, the drive to keep going becomes much stronger.

    When it comes to character sprites, even something as simple as a 'walk left/right' animation can be enough to keep you going. The one I did is about 8 frames long, which is really all you need. Once you've done that, a 'walk forward' animation is another 8 frames, and a 'walk away' anim is third set of 8. That's 24 frames, and you've got your default movement animations sorted. You can do that over a weekend! And once you've got that done, it's not hard to spur yourself with the rest.

    Do keep us updated with your progress, I'd love to see how you go with this.
  • edited January 2011
    On the animation front I figured I could animate even less than that by simply mirroring some of the animation frames, but we'll see when I get there. My concern is just that it looks fluid, since the characters are being drawn by hand.
  • edited January 2011
    Just a bit more complicated on this piece. Required more interior detail so took longer, but is the workshop above the Golden Anvil workshop that acts as a decoy against would be invaders. Framing the left is a chimney that will require color work and detail shading to differentiate from the stone pattern of the walls and floor. Thinking of making it red brick, with the floor and walls being gray and held by brown.

  • edited January 2011
    Carriage for travel from first town to next. Distant backgrounds need shadowing and detail in final production.

    First attempt ever at drawing a horse. Cut/paste resource for carriage background.

    Legs need work.
  • edited January 2011
    DAISHI wrote: »
    On the animation front I figured I could animate even less than that by simply mirroring some of the animation frames, but we'll see when I get there. My concern is just that it looks fluid, since the characters are being drawn by hand.
    Yeah, you just need to draw someone walking either left or right, since you can just mirror all the frames to get the opposite direction.

    The horse looks great, especially for your first time drawing one!
  • edited January 2011

    Needs perspective adjustment especially on the right hand side.
  • edited January 2011
    Protagonist's home. Table will most likely be redone, everything is is fairly consistent with what it will look like when the touch ups are done.

  • edited January 2011
    The forge for the Golden Anvil.

  • edited January 2011
    Tavern at the second town protagonist visits.
  • edited January 2011
    Tavern alternative view.

  • edited January 2011
    Tavern rooftop.

  • edited January 2011
    Tavern sideview. Needs a lot of polishing but is intended as little more than a cutscene break, so didn't bother with too much background.

  • edited January 2011
    Hayfield third location. Needs a lot of work.

  • edited January 2011
    So at this point the background roughs are halfway done. Got the first 18 done for half the story's 'rooms'. I'm anticipating about 18 more as the story transitions away from villages and towards the high pace of the story with conflict scenes in which the story gets into a tower defense and a battle at a town's perimeter. I'll work on those through the weekend and then be done with backgrounds. From there I'll move onto music. Last tackle will be animations.
  • edited January 2011
    Barnyard, during when the protagonist is trying to get a horse to run away on.
  • edited January 2011
    Fort Exterior
  • edited January 2011
    Those are some really cool drawings.

    I can't wait to see them in colour! :D
    (one of my main hindrances is my inability to draw. So many a time I've had a good idea in my head I can't translate into pictures. Sad really...)
  • edited January 2011
    Thanks a ton.

    There's definitely a ton to do once the roughs are completed. Solidifying the lines and editing them in PSP will clean the images a lot so there won't be a need for edge enhancements (which is what is creating the rough look; at the current moment the drawings are too light to translate easily through the scanner).

    Once the 'clean' sketches are in, it's just a matter of using the right color palette. In the last image above, of the fort, you see a circular pattern. This is actually the moon and I'm taking a straight borrow of the "Black Cauldron" pattern of coloring; deep blue and purple circular patterns around the moon itself in order to evoke a terrified mood. The presence of that particular moon is for the moments the enemy is near.
  • edited January 2011
    Did this up real quick before bed. There's obvious a lot wrong here in terms of proportion and the right hand makes me cry. But this is just a slightly improved version of supporting protagonist 1 from the first page. This is roughly the 'vibe' and we'll refine the image itself once backgrounds are finished and it's time to start doing character compositions.

  • edited January 2011
    A Dwarf home. One of the few 'clean' drawings that did not need several passes, probably due to the organic nature of the cave.

  • edited January 2011
    Tower top - Catapult Defense

  • edited January 2011
    *wipes forehead*

    Phew. Eleven more scenes.
  • edited January 2011
    Final Town, central square, just prior to last battle. This also sets up the final set of puzzle rooms between the Fighter's Guild, the Inn and the farmer's house.

  • edited January 2011
    Final town's workshop.
  • edited January 2011
    Fighting Guild training room, final town.

  • edited January 2011
    Fighter's guild, bedrooms. This picture looks much rougher because the lines are so much softer and required a lot of edge enhancement. That's a good thing because it will be easier to cleanup.
  • edited January 2011
    Ok. I have two interiors to draw up for a farm, one armory, an inn room and a town perimeter. Funny that three days ago I had nothing and this seemed like a massive undertaking.
  • edited January 2011
    Yeah, nearly there! You can do it! We believe in you! [Cheering cliché #42 not found] Go for the gold!
  • edited January 2011
    *plays Chariots of Fire*
  • edited January 2011
    Town perimeter prior to final confrontation.

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