Cool...I generally am very creative when listening to a certain Igor Stravinsky, any of my numerous soundtracks, or Two Steps from Hell. Though Mettalica and Megadeth have given me some hefty inspiration from time to time...
I just can't stop listening to Stravinsky. At first I only listened to Firebird because it was on the same CD as the de Meji Lord of the Rings Suite (which is also an excellent piece, by the way), but now I actively seek out pieces of his that I haven't heard before and I have yet to find one that I don't like.
The above spot, the reworked version, isn't complete yet. I wanted to change the perspective slightly, add a slight view of the roof as well as the area you walk in from. There are some pieces I want to grab from the original verision, like the chest and the vacant head piece, and edit those into the new version.
So again, top image isn't entirely done in terms of detail work but this is the general gist of it. Widened the focus a bit and made the angles less stylistic. Still exaggerated, but not quite as much. The foreground pretty much remained intact, but the background was reworked. That included additional details on the wall. Smaller details to the tools themselves are waiting to be done in coloring.
There is some consistency to my style. For a carpenter's house I thought smooth, straight angles were more akin to him than the usual natural, curvy angles I use in wood surfaces. I figured a carpenter would simply be better at making a professional home.
In the course of drawing up my original background sets I got better at details and general artwork as I went, so later backgrounds were better. This is not one of those later backgrounds, in fact it's one of the earliest I did. Compared to the carpenter's house in the previous post, this one is much sloppier and detailed.
Here I wanted to retain a tight focus. We get a wide, two screen bar scene later (think SCUMM bar where Guybrush walks and the screen scrolls) later in the game, so for this scene I wanted a tighter focus, less of a bar and more like... just somewhere comforting soldiers or workers went after work. So for this I kept the view up close, put down a rug, a moosehead, just details I think worked. Again, in the second round of backgrounds I'm being less stylized in general, so there are exaggerated curves and angles but nothing like the original. Probably most obviously seen in the rear corner support.
I really like these drawings but personally admit to liking some of the concepts more than the finished drawings. Or at-least certain lines, details. Thanks for sharing.
Well, I read what you were trying to do and I agree with how it looks. XD maybe I just like the bear rug, XD . I don't know, something...
But, this is looking great. I think the bar bothers me, the one is so lively and the other that's curvy, it needs a little something, in my opinion. Just something, I can't place what yet, it needs a little something.
I don't think you're crazy, I'm just confused. You like the bear rug... that's the final one, that's the one going in game. The curvy one that 'needs a little something' was the first draft that's not getting used.
I don't think you're crazy, I'm just confused. You like the bear rug... that's the final one, that's the one going in game. The curvy one that 'needs a little something' was the first draft that's not getting used.
Then I like it! XD I mixed up the final with the before one. I probably like your finals more.
Yes, yes, it looks amazing, it really does look good, when we have a obvious comparison as you told us your inspiration and we expect good things from you, there is a obvious standard of quality, as we know you meet your expectations, even though you're crazy and took on a impressive project all alone. This looks good. So finish it...please...
So yes I'm back to working on it. Just needed a break to let my creative juices refresh. I realized today I have to redraw about a dozen scenes and ink them, then draw a new dozen most likely. Let's hope for all the inking to be done by the end of November.
Higher quality scans of some scenes I'd taken with camera photo. These are near done. They require some detailing but are for all intents and purposes at least 80% complete in their drawing and their content. Some require some fine cleanup, dealing with stray lines and marks, but that's not a heavy task. At any rate, enjoy.
It's been a few weeks since I updated significantly so I wanted to post some of the recent inks. This is part of a set that involves me redrawing scenes I'd previously posted (I'm redrawing all previous scenes). These particular shots are not fully inked so they're in various stages of completion, but as soon as they're done I'll be able to draw the last 12 scenes. Following that I'll be able to colorize them and run them into the game engine. We're getting closer!
I'll be doing legitimate scans of these when they're done. Until then, phone cam shots it is.
Also I understand with Doodoo gone I'll be getting much less response but if you have something to say, well, go ahead :P
So there have been a lot of missed updates but. We're at the one year anniversary. Which means in the next few weeks I'll be unveiling a series of finalized, colorized backgrounds that will be ready to run through the game engine. Once done, it'll just be a matter of placing the characters and inputting the script, a relatively brief process in comparison. The puzzles themselves are already mapped out. So, we are close. Very close.
While we're waiting on those painted backdrops, wanted to make a few updates and notes. First of all, technically, there's a development blog.
I didn't update it for a long time because of problems with my account but I wanted to update it soon. Reason I post this is because this thread is encumbered with a number of discussions in between the meat of my updates, which I want to make a priority on the blog.
Second, I've previewed some music for this audience before, but I have some new material I want you to listen to today.
The above spot, the reworked version, isn't complete yet. I wanted to change the perspective slightly, add a slight view of the roof as well as the area you walk in from. There are some pieces I want to grab from the original verision, like the chest and the vacant head piece, and edit those into the new version.
So again, top image isn't entirely done in terms of detail work but this is the general gist of it. Widened the focus a bit and made the angles less stylistic. Still exaggerated, but not quite as much. The foreground pretty much remained intact, but the background was reworked. That included additional details on the wall. Smaller details to the tools themselves are waiting to be done in coloring.
There is some consistency to my style. For a carpenter's house I thought smooth, straight angles were more akin to him than the usual natural, curvy angles I use in wood surfaces. I figured a carpenter would simply be better at making a professional home.
In the course of drawing up my original background sets I got better at details and general artwork as I went, so later backgrounds were better. This is not one of those later backgrounds, in fact it's one of the earliest I did. Compared to the carpenter's house in the previous post, this one is much sloppier and detailed.
Here I wanted to retain a tight focus. We get a wide, two screen bar scene later (think SCUMM bar where Guybrush walks and the screen scrolls) later in the game, so for this scene I wanted a tighter focus, less of a bar and more like... just somewhere comforting soldiers or workers went after work. So for this I kept the view up close, put down a rug, a moosehead, just details I think worked. Again, in the second round of backgrounds I'm being less stylized in general, so there are exaggerated curves and angles but nothing like the original. Probably most obviously seen in the rear corner support.
This message inspired by the Demake of MI3.
Ah lol
But, this is looking great. I think the bar bothers me, the one is so lively and the other that's curvy, it needs a little something, in my opinion. Just something, I can't place what yet, it needs a little something.
I don't know, maybe I'm just crazy.
Then I like it!
Higher quality scans of some scenes I'd taken with camera photo. These are near done. They require some detailing but are for all intents and purposes at least 80% complete in their drawing and their content. Some require some fine cleanup, dealing with stray lines and marks, but that's not a heavy task. At any rate, enjoy.
It's been a few weeks since I updated significantly so I wanted to post some of the recent inks. This is part of a set that involves me redrawing scenes I'd previously posted (I'm redrawing all previous scenes). These particular shots are not fully inked so they're in various stages of completion, but as soon as they're done I'll be able to draw the last 12 scenes. Following that I'll be able to colorize them and run them into the game engine. We're getting closer!
I'll be doing legitimate scans of these when they're done. Until then, phone cam shots it is.
Also I understand with Doodoo gone I'll be getting much less response but if you have something to say, well, go ahead :P
Original Inn background.
Original Town background.
Current Town background.
There are still details to fill in and cleanup to do on lines but these are generally finished.
Not one of the color updates but one of the backgrounds near wrapup to be sent for colorization.
I didn't update it for a long time because of problems with my account but I wanted to update it soon. Reason I post this is because this thread is encumbered with a number of discussions in between the meat of my updates, which I want to make a priority on the blog.
Second, I've previewed some music for this audience before, but I have some new material I want you to listen to today.
First, a brave and adventurous theme, a heroic theme:
Next, a town theme, for wandering about in town. I actually really really really like this one. It's catchy:
Lastly, a relaxing theme, for the countryside:
I hope this serves to generate a little enthusiasm while the backdrops are worked on.