I didn't notice the similarities until I read this. If only Lost had a companion cube...
Speaking of the companion cube ... since when does the companion cube talk? The companion cube was in Portal to show how GLADOS thinks a friend defines as a mute object/slave in which used as a shield facing troubles ... I don't know about you all but I feel the comic wasn't portal-esque at all ... it lacked the spirit and felt like a cheap "epic" "philosophical" story about a kind gauedian who raises the chosen one (who never gives up ... OF COURSE SHE DOESNT GIVE UP! She's a game charachter who is immortal for having the gift of saving and loading her progress!).
Also, why can't Lab Rat just cancell the whole ecperiments of GLADOS? I mean he was able to actually modify the list of test subjects ... couln't he do more than that? The writers of the comic don't say so...
I hope the games story isn't cheap. Will Portal 2 become the second game sequel better than original like Monkey Island 2 was?
I do wonder what do those pills Lab Rat took do though ... and I'm curious to know what's wrong with Lab Rat's left eye?
Speaking of the companion cube ... since when does the companion cube talk? The companion cube was in Portal to show how GLADOS thinks a friend defines as a mute object/slave in which used as a shield facing troubles ...
I assumed the talking was a halucination, because of all the drugs. I always thought the cube showed how people can cling to inanimate objects as friends when no real people are around.
I don't know about you all but I feel the comic wasn't portal-esque at all ... it lacked the spirit and felt like a cheap "epic" "philosophical" story about a kind gauedian who raises the chosen one (who never gives up ... OF COURSE SHE DOESNT GIVE UP! She's a game charachter who is immortal for having the gift of saving and loading her progress!).
The comic was not as Portal-y as Portal, but it does give some backstory which did feel natural to me. As for the never giving up thing, the end of the original she
prevented herself from dying in the fire like all the other test subjects, proving that she is more stubborn than the rest of them
Also, why can't Lab Rat just cancell the whole ecperiments of GLADOS? I mean he was able to actually modify the list of test subjects ... couln't he do more than that? The writers of the comic don't say so...
I just realized my computer is not good enough to play Portal 2, and it has integrated graphics.
I has a sad.
On can you run it? My laptop passed every thing with flying colors, BUT the integrated graphics. In fact everything with the integrated graphics is ok, its just that... inegrated graphics.
Im curious how I failed?
There are specific tests for the graphics cards themselves, and it passed every single one. How did I fail?
Either way remember there are plenty of options, and a few launch codes to help too if you have problems?
Just got it out of the blue due to my brother's friend wanting to get the two pack with a buddy. Fingers crossed that my crotchety old machine won't pitch a fit when I try to run it!
I've just tried it. So far... incredible. I had to stop myself from playing though. I'm determined to complete HL 2 ep 2 and Lost Coast before I get into Portal 2. I completed Ep 1 in 3 hours so I reckon it'll take no more than a week to get through. Of course, then I'm on hol so I aim to be ready to play Portal 2 directly after the hol. A long time to try and stay away from spoilers. I hope I manage it.
I'm about to buy this to play it 2days before my PS3 version arrives...which I know also includes the steam version. Does anyone know if the free version is an actual code inside the box? Just wondering if I can gift the free one to a friend when my PS3 copy arrives or is the free game received by linking your steam account (or something that stops you giving these codes away?)
edit:bought it anyway, guess it doesnt really matter =p
AMAZING! So many twists and so much character and so much... STUFF! I know that's not a very indepth critqtue but honestly it's blew my mind. I'm about halfway and I had to convince my self to stop or I'd be late for a meeting. Ether way it's amazing stuff, portal fans are gunna love it.
I don't think they're going to actually make a game out of Super 8, it was just something that hasn't been done before. Since Valve makes some great cinematic interactive sequences just like that it was a perfect fit. I'm very impressed. I wonder if other game companies will do these little interactive teasers.
I'm afraid of saying anything that constitutes as a spoiler, but here's the thing - I felt sympathy for every character. That's a hard thing for a game to pull off.
A couple of plot decisions kind of made me go 'eehhh,' but then were wrapped up satisfactorily. Still, a fantastic game and one of the best I have ever played. (needed my brother to backseat game - I often suck at puzzles.)
I just finished single player and all I can say is this, it was AWESOME!.... Well that and I'm going to have a fun time not talking about it with anyone since none of my friends play Portal.
I on the other hand wont be beating it in a day.
I have self control.
Also looks like it will be me and Seibert when playing co-op.
And as for the hats.
Why valve why. Id be fine if you could transfer all tf2 hats over so I can wear my max's head/portal pin, but really only 6 hats. I only had one and it was the manco cap.
And for the store.
WTF is wrong with this? Well the gestures you unlock ingame suck, and now I have to pay $1.50 for one. Shame because I like breakdancing robots.
I'm just guessing but I think it has something to do with this.
Read it. Some nice GLAdoS one-liners were in it. The way the story is told reminds me of LOST. Noticed how Lab Rat looks like Daniel Faraday?
But I have to go to school first tomorrow. Bleh.
I didn't notice the similarities until I read this. If only Lost had a companion cube...
It will unlock in the middle of the night, but Id rather wait for my classes to let out... AT 5 FREAKING PM!!!
Also, why can't Lab Rat just cancell the whole ecperiments of GLADOS? I mean he was able to actually modify the list of test subjects ... couln't he do more than that? The writers of the comic don't say so...
I hope the games story isn't cheap. Will Portal 2 become the second game sequel better than original like Monkey Island 2 was?
I do wonder what do those pills Lab Rat took do though ... and I'm curious to know what's wrong with Lab Rat's left eye?
I assumed the talking was a halucination, because of all the drugs. I always thought the cube showed how people can cling to inanimate objects as friends when no real people are around.
The comic was not as Portal-y as Portal, but it does give some backstory which did feel natural to me. As for the never giving up thing, the end of the original she
Because... because... well, you win this round.
I has a sad.
On can you run it? My laptop passed every thing with flying colors, BUT the integrated graphics. In fact everything with the integrated graphics is ok, its just that... inegrated graphics.
Im curious how I failed?
There are specific tests for the graphics cards themselves, and it passed every single one. How did I fail?
Either way remember there are plenty of options, and a few launch codes to help too if you have problems?
PC Gamer
Escapist Magazine
EDIT: Make that 1 minute. The last two game computations just completed and bumped up the time.
edit:bought it anyway, guess it doesnt really matter =p
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
As a side note, of the fifteen minutes I've played so far, my favorite parts were
That is all.
Can I use my Max hat?!
I am not usally not a fan of movie licensed games (unless they are made by Telltale) but a Super 8 game made by Valve (instant buy)
Gabe, I has a sad.
I'm afraid of saying anything that constitutes as a spoiler, but here's the thing - I felt sympathy for every character. That's a hard thing for a game to pull off.
A couple of plot decisions kind of made me go 'eehhh,' but then were wrapped up satisfactorily. Still, a fantastic game and one of the best I have ever played. (needed my brother to backseat game - I often suck at puzzles.)
So, uh, yeah...
Now hunting the soundtrack.
I have self control.
Also looks like it will be me and Seibert when playing co-op.
And as for the hats.
Why valve why. Id be fine if you could transfer all tf2 hats over so I can wear my max's head/portal pin, but really only 6 hats. I only had one and it was the manco cap.
And for the store.
WTF is wrong with this? Well the gestures you unlock ingame suck, and now I have to pay $1.50 for one. Shame because I like breakdancing robots.