Portal 2
I'm sure you're all hyped, so here's the thread to talk about it in. 
Help the game get unlocked early! http://www.aperturescience.com/glados@home/
I hope it gets released at the weekend.

Help the game get unlocked early! http://www.aperturescience.com/glados@home/
I hope it gets released at the weekend.
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Which is why I am after them.
I only have 2 so far.
I can get one from RUSH, but I am stuck at the 3rd actual challange.
Then there is playing the song for audiosurf but I cant seem to get the gold metal.
yeah that is kind of cool
I suppose the most feasible thing they could have done would be to throw a themed table and deck into Poker Night.
Maybe adding GLaDOS as an extra player?
Puzzle Agent would have been ideal too.
Sbcg4ap. cake hat/tf2 pin
puzzle agent, new puzzle.
Poker night, deck/table.
Sam and Max. Replace the dispencer in episode 304 with a deactivated turrent.
Hasn't Nelson suffered enough without ending up at Aperture Science?
It's actually a very old song - been out since 2008. There's a download link on this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IGS9qY7xko
I personally would love it even if it came out just a few hours early. Being in Australia means it comes out somewhere in the evening, and the earlier the better, considering I have school the following day.
Thing is he posted it IN THE TF2 FORUMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just avoid SPUF people. Whats worse. I knew about him. I avoided him. Until then!!!!!
Also its a really good ending you wont be dissapointed. Unlike me:(
God, why on earth would you ever, ever go to SPUF, especially before release of a Valve game, or any game really?
SPUF is a bunch of whiny haters who think what's best is what was around last week or what's coming next month but never what they have right now.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_n5E7feJHw0 for kicks and then he spoiled the game.:(
But hey I play portal for dark humor and gameplay. This spoiled both and story, but... Im sure theres more to be surprised in this game.
Just got PMd on SPUF.
"There are alot of twists, Valve went all out on this one. I won't ruin it for you but i will tell you
Ok so that major spoiler isnt it in terms of how awesome the story and surprises are, so thats good.
If you do, just IM me on Steam.
Also best to just ignore the SPUF for now. I mean it is fun to go their to see people rage but not so close to a Valve release. To many haters who be hating.
Steam Public User's Forum.
GLaDOS is eating up all our potaoes! Nom nom nom!
Edit: And, oh, hey, look! Finally some "Test subjects"? Nine?
Fixed that for you, Majus.
Tomorrow, if not sooner for Steam users.
If it is anything like Portal then the way to the end is more rewarding. But there seem to be some crazy people that think an experience is not an experience when you know the end of it.
Please be an early release, there still is so much I must learn even with the ending spoiled.