Super Meat Boy is addicting. As is Binding of Isaac. Team Meat stumbled onto something that worked. Or they knew what the heck they were doing. Either way, both games are extremely good.
I'm weak. I couldn't wait the week for the Black Friday sale, so I picked up the 17 dollar copy of Darksiders 2... crossing my fingers for a good sale on Borderlands 2 next!
All I have to say about The Binding of Isaac, is that 20 hours do not lie.
All I have to say about the Binding of Isaac is that I wish there was a save button. I'm not good enough at playing games to make it all the way through one without dying a single time.
It wouldn't have to be a save at any point button. Checkpoints would be acceptable.
All I have to say about the Binding of Isaac is that I wish there was a save button. I'm not good enough at playing games to make it all the way through one without dying a single time.
It wouldn't have to be a save at any point button. Checkpoints would be acceptable.
It would have been nice to have that feature in the options screen, but really the whole point of the game is that you can't save!
It plays on luck and skill, and you can only improve one of those. The game is very much beatable, you just need patience.
Plus it's a quick jump in and play, one more go, old school kind of game, (probably why I like it so much! )
It would have been nice to have that feature in the options screen, but really the whole point of the game is that you can't save!
It plays on luck and skill, and you can only improve one of those. The game is very much beatable, you just need patience.
Plus it's a quick jump in and play, one more go, old school kind of game, (probably why I like it so much! )
I find it highly unlikely that I will ever beat that game. However, I do appreciate it as something that I can play while in lab, though I tend to use the Newgrounds version for that.
I find it highly unlikely that I will ever beat that game. However, I do appreciate it as something that I can play while in lab, though I tend to use the Newgrounds version for that.
If I can beat it, anyone can beat it.
(My gaming skill is much duller than it should be. You'd think playing all these games would make me good at them, but most of the time I'm mediocre at best! XD)
It wouldn't have to be a save at any point button. Checkpoints would be acceptable.
Trust me that would make the game too easy and remove the randomness completely which is a huge factor in the endless replayability of the game. You never have the same run twice. The next one could be the one run that gives you extremely overpowered stuff. You must keep trying.
Trust me that would make the game too easy and remove the randomness completely which is a huge factor in the endless replayability of the game. You never have the same run twice. The next one could be the one run that gives you extremely overpowered stuff. You must keep trying.
But I suck! I spend most of my time trying to remember which arrow key to press to make tears go in the direction that an enemy is coming from. It's the product of years of playing games where your attack goes in the direction the character is looking.
But I suck! I spend most of my time trying to remember which arrow key to press to make tears go in the direction that an enemy is coming from. It's the product of years of playing games where your attack goes in the direction the character is looking.
Ok! Now time for a Retro bootcamp!
Get a SNES!
Get a SNES controller!
Get Super Smash TV!
Play it for a while.
Trust me, that game has burned two stick intuition in me permanently.
That game will force you to move and shoot without looking and make you focus on whats on the screen.
Plus, its waaaaay harder than The Binding of Isaac. You can clear the first level of that, you can handle Isaac.
Super Meat Boy is addicting. As is Binding of Isaac. Team Meat stumbled onto something that worked. Or they knew what the heck they were doing. Either way, both games are extremely good.
I haven't played Super Meat Boy, though I do own a copy. My problem with The Binding of Isaac is the atmosphere and such. It's just... gross. And deliberately offensive. I know Super Meat Boy has its moments, but from what I've seen of it, the animations aren't that obviously gross, and the level design is mostly concrete walls with spinning saw blades and stuff.
I would have loved Isaac if it looked something like Earthbound, or was sci-fi, or even fantasy-esque--even at the risk being called a Zelda clone. But, even without the actual plot, the poop and the barf and all the unnecessarily gross and demonic stuff just don't do it for me. At all.
Now, Dashing is going to argue that there's nothing wrong with the style they chose and that it's just an art-style so who cares? (I've had a conversation with him about this before.) But I guess that I care. It all seems to me like it's offensive for the sake of being offensive alone, and not because the art style is actually intended to be pleasing in any way or to in any way add to the gameplay value.
First off: There is no barf. Second Isaac is just in the style of Edmunds games. There are so many elements from his older stuff in there. Yes it may seem sick to you but that's because Edmund is quite insane. He isn't doing it to shock he is doing it because that's his view on things. Or at least was.
If you ever get around to watching Indiegame The Movie you might understand it better. Also: Give Meat Boy a shot. It's way less offensive.
Yes it may seem sick to you but that's because Edmund is quite insane. He isn't doing it to shock he is doing it because that's his view on things. Or at least was.
Dashing also said that, but I can't help calling it like I see it.
I haven't played Super Meat Boy, though I do own a copy. My problem with The Binding of Isaac is the atmosphere and such. It's just... gross. And deliberately offensive. I know Super Meat Boy has its moments, but from what I've seen of it, the animations aren't that obviously gross, and the level design is mostly concrete walls with spinning saw blades and stuff.
I would have loved Isaac if it looked something like Earthbound, or was sci-fi, or even fantasy-esque--even at the risk being called a Zelda clone. But, even without the actual plot, the poop and the barf and all the unnecessarily gross and demonic stuff just don't do it for me. At all.
Now, Dashing is going to argue that there's nothing wrong with the style they chose and that it's just an art-style so who cares? (I've had a conversation with him about this before.) But I guess that I care. It all seems to me like it's offensive for the sake of being offensive alone, and not because the art style is actually intended to be pleasing in any way or to in any way add to the gameplay value.
Hmmm... I remember the first time I saw The Binding of Isaac.
I think it went like this:
*sees binding of Isaac*
*realises its made by EDmund*
Heh. I guess I just see games for what they are. Games.
(Either that or I'm super desensitized to everything)
So I suppose you also wouldn't mind playing a game where the object is to rape highly-realistic children and sodomize them with various foreign objects? But it's okay, because it's a game.
Also allowing 4 year old kids to play M rated games is no big deal, because games are just games.
So I suppose you also wouldn't mind playing a game where the object is to rape highly-realistic children and sodomize them with various foreign objects?
But it's okay, because it's a game.
Do you mean Rapelay? Because I was always curious as to how it played as a game.
Besides, that example is pretty tame compared to some anime and books I've heard of.
(I mean have you read Beloved? Heavy stuff, but still quite well written if I do say so myself)
Yes, I know (most?) hentai glorifies raping women and such. Why anyone would want to read about it or watch it is beyond me.
Also, you can't say Dead Baby Dress-up isn't intentionally offensive when several of the objects you can put on it are body parts, including a giant, erect penis.
But it's just a game. So I should encourage my 8 year old nephew to play it.
So I suppose you also wouldn't mind playing a game where the object is to rape highly-realistic children and sodomize them with various foreign objects? But it's okay, because it's a game.
No if the gameplay is good I would. But why would you mention it in a discussion about Isaac.
Also, you can't say Dead Baby Dress-up isn't intentionally offensive when several of the objects you can put on it are body parts, including a giant, erect penis.
The blue baby is actually in Isaac as a playable character. And the dressup part is kinda there since every power up changes your appearance.
Yes, I know (most?) hentai glorifies raping women and such. Why anyone would want to read about it or watch it is beyond me.
Also, you can't say Dead Baby Dress-up isn't intentionally offensive when several of the objects you can put on it are body parts, including a giant, erect penis.
But it's just a game. So I should encourage my 8 year old nephew to play it.
I mean yheaaah. If its good.
(My parents let me play stuff like Resident Evil all the time when I was a kid. Didn't mess me up! Though for some reason I can't help but carry leaves around with me and turn before I walk...)
Kids are tougher and smarter than what adults give them credit for. I remember I talked to one kid that was into Simulators. SIMULATORS!!!
Dashing also said that, but I can't help calling it like I see it.
I feel like that way of seeing it is being particularly unempathetic.
There's a difference between shock for the sake of shock and actually emotionally connecting with elements that can, from a certain perspective, be seen as shocking. You can tell that the entirety of The Binding of Isaac comes from an emotionally honest place, to the point that I find it almost offensive to see it relegated to the "Oh, that gross thing" bin.
Edmund has a real and emotional connection to the larger overarching themes of The Binding of Isaac, and it's impossible to communicate these ideas in any other way. Here is a larger narrative analysis that Edmund described as "By far the most mind blowingly accurate break down of the over arching meaning behind the binding of isaacs ending." The game naturally flows from themes of lonliness, of denial, of fear and shame. The "gross" and "Christian" imagery are catalysts for a deeper human story about being so afraid and so ashamed of oneself that they choose, consciously, to escape into a fantasy world that reinforces their broken sense of self. The way you're looking at it is extremely surface level and it misses the larger point.
The game is also mechanically brilliant and oozes great design, so there's that. It's simply really fun.
Yes, I know (most?) hentai glorifies raping women and such. Why anyone would want to read about it or watch it is beyond me.
Well, hentai essentially translates into "strange". I've seen some hentai games and that title fits pretty damn well.
The main reason I've even seen some of those games is because occasionally they are incredibly funny in how ridiculously pants on head retarded they get. Like the game where all your romantic interests were pigeons. Yes. This was a game where your character is a human who falls in love with pigeons. And for some reason if you fell in love with the wrong pigeon, horrible things would happen like you'd get brutally murdered or a Cthulhu monster would come and eat the planet. I'm not even making this up. THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED.
Then there are those games that just go into the "incredibly disturbing" territory. I actually watched a friend of mine livestream a playthrough of one and about three quarters of the way through he just turned it off and refused to finish it due to the ending he got, which suffice it to say, would have made me turn the game off as well.
I most certainly hope you weren't actually planning on giving anyone The Eternity Clock. I'd rather you took those €9 (OK, €8, it's on offer) and threw 'em down a drain. Far better use of your money.
Or you can put it up on SteamGifts, so that you could get better games for it in return (seeing as some put a minimum contribution on some games they're gifting).
US only, sadly.
Thanks for posting in a font size I CAN read how I CAN'T play this game.
All I have to say about the Binding of Isaac is that I wish there was a save button. I'm not good enough at playing games to make it all the way through one without dying a single time.
It wouldn't have to be a save at any point button. Checkpoints would be acceptable.
It would have been nice to have that feature in the options screen, but really the whole point of the game is that you can't save!
It plays on luck and skill, and you can only improve one of those. The game is very much beatable, you just need patience.
Plus it's a quick jump in and play, one more go, old school kind of game, (probably why I like it so much!
I find it highly unlikely that I will ever beat that game. However, I do appreciate it as something that I can play while in lab, though I tend to use the Newgrounds version for that.
If I can beat it, anyone can beat it.
(My gaming skill is much duller than it should be. You'd think playing all these games would make me good at them, but most of the time I'm mediocre at best! XD)
Trust me that would make the game too easy and remove the randomness completely which is a huge factor in the endless replayability of the game. You never have the same run twice. The next one could be the one run that gives you extremely overpowered stuff. You must keep trying.
But I suck! I spend most of my time trying to remember which arrow key to press to make tears go in the direction that an enemy is coming from. It's the product of years of playing games where your attack goes in the direction the character is looking.
That would make the game much more playable.
Ok! Now time for a Retro bootcamp!
Get a SNES!
Get a SNES controller!
Get Super Smash TV!
Play it for a while.
Trust me, that game has burned two stick intuition in me permanently.
That game will force you to move and shoot without looking and make you focus on whats on the screen.
Plus, its waaaaay harder than The Binding of Isaac. You can clear the first level of that, you can handle Isaac.
I haven't played Super Meat Boy, though I do own a copy. My problem with The Binding of Isaac is the atmosphere and such. It's just... gross. And deliberately offensive. I know Super Meat Boy has its moments, but from what I've seen of it, the animations aren't that obviously gross, and the level design is mostly concrete walls with spinning saw blades and stuff.
I would have loved Isaac if it looked something like Earthbound, or was sci-fi, or even fantasy-esque--even at the risk being called a Zelda clone. But, even without the actual plot, the poop and the barf and all the unnecessarily gross and demonic stuff just don't do it for me. At all.
Now, Dashing is going to argue that there's nothing wrong with the style they chose and that it's just an art-style so who cares? (I've had a conversation with him about this before.) But I guess that I care. It all seems to me like it's offensive for the sake of being offensive alone, and not because the art style is actually intended to be pleasing in any way or to in any way add to the gameplay value.
If you ever get around to watching Indiegame The Movie you might understand it better. Also: Give Meat Boy a shot. It's way less offensive.
£1.49 / $2.49 / €2.49
Hmmm... I remember the first time I saw The Binding of Isaac.
I think it went like this:
*sees binding of Isaac*
*realises its made by EDmund*
Heh. I guess I just see games for what they are. Games.
(Either that or I'm super desensitized to everything)
In a way yes....
Also allowing 4 year old kids to play M rated games is no big deal, because games are just games.
Do you mean Rapelay? Because I was always curious as to how it played as a game.
Besides, that example is pretty tame compared to some anime and books I've heard of.
(I mean have you read Beloved? Heavy stuff, but still quite well written if I do say so myself)
Also, you can't say Dead Baby Dress-up isn't intentionally offensive when several of the objects you can put on it are body parts, including a giant, erect penis.
But it's just a game. So I should encourage my 8 year old nephew to play it.
The blue baby is actually in Isaac as a playable character. And the dressup part is kinda there since every power up changes your appearance.
I mean yheaaah. If its good.
(My parents let me play stuff like Resident Evil all the time when I was a kid. Didn't mess me up! Though for some reason I can't help but carry leaves around with me and turn before I walk...)
Kids are tougher and smarter than what adults give them credit for. I remember I talked to one kid that was into Simulators. SIMULATORS!!!
I feel like that way of seeing it is being particularly unempathetic.
There's a difference between shock for the sake of shock and actually emotionally connecting with elements that can, from a certain perspective, be seen as shocking. You can tell that the entirety of The Binding of Isaac comes from an emotionally honest place, to the point that I find it almost offensive to see it relegated to the "Oh, that gross thing" bin.
Edmund has a real and emotional connection to the larger overarching themes of The Binding of Isaac, and it's impossible to communicate these ideas in any other way. Here is a larger narrative analysis that Edmund described as "By far the most mind blowingly accurate break down of the over arching meaning behind the binding of isaacs ending." The game naturally flows from themes of lonliness, of denial, of fear and shame. The "gross" and "Christian" imagery are catalysts for a deeper human story about being so afraid and so ashamed of oneself that they choose, consciously, to escape into a fantasy world that reinforces their broken sense of self. The way you're looking at it is extremely surface level and it misses the larger point.
The game is also mechanically brilliant and oozes great design, so there's that. It's simply really fun.
Well, hentai essentially translates into "strange". I've seen some hentai games and that title fits pretty damn well.
The main reason I've even seen some of those games is because occasionally they are incredibly funny in how ridiculously pants on head retarded they get. Like the game where all your romantic interests were pigeons. Yes. This was a game where your character is a human who falls in love with pigeons. And for some reason if you fell in love with the wrong pigeon, horrible things would happen like you'd get brutally murdered or a Cthulhu monster would come and eat the planet. I'm not even making this up. THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED.
Then there are those games that just go into the "incredibly disturbing" territory. I actually watched a friend of mine livestream a playthrough of one and about three quarters of the way through he just turned it off and refused to finish it due to the ending he got, which suffice it to say, would have made me turn the game off as well.
I've... probably said too much, haven't I?
Okay I tested it for you. It's a fun puzzle platformer kinda like Gumboy but better. For that price how can you say no.
Its OK. Controls are a little annoying in my opinion.
Then again, I'm probably not very good at the game.
£1.99 / $2.49 / €2.49
Weekend Deals:
Oh, and some crappy Doctor Who game is on Steam now as well. If you buy it, then you are an idiot.
Will I get banned too?
I'm working late tomorrow, so if someone else would like to do the daily deal, it'd be appreciated.
EDIT: Screw this, 9 Euro isn't nearly low enough for me to warrant a purchase.
And even if, for some strange reason, you DID, €9 is far too much. Half that, perhaps. If I were drunk.