L.A. Noire was 75% off during the summer sale as well. I picked up the complete edition then but haven't gotten around to playing it yet. Pretty sure it was on sale during the winter sale as well.
If you're completionist, you can find and collect the extra hidden vehicles and gold film reels, but otherwise there isn't a lot of incentive to. But the side missions and story missions are fun and plentiful, and the story is good. It's noire, but it's good.
I especially liked working the Homicide desk and the "Nicholson Electroplating" arson DLC case.
It's not Grand Theft Auto. Sure, the vehicles control similarly to other Rockstar games, but there is only one radio station (which plays 40's music and radio shows); you must be in a police vehicle (marked or unmarked) to get dispatch calls (ie. to do side missions in story mode)...which is why hidden vehicles don't matter much; and if you cause damage or injury while driving around, your score will suffer for it (not that your score matters though, tbh) and your partner will bitch at you a lot.
Amazon sale. Through the 28th, it's an "End of February" sale. Link is to an ordered list of Steam-redeemable titles in the sale. Use coupon code CAGROCKS on ONE item in the sale to get an additional discount. A major standout here is Civilization V Complete Edition for $11.24. Not included on that list are the Multi-key bundles, some of which redeem on Steam and some of which have SOME items that redeem on steam and some that don't. In the multi-key list, REFER TO THE CHART.
Amazon sale. Through the 28th, it's an "End of February" sale. Link is to an ordered list of Steam-redeemable titles in the sale. Use coupon code CAGROCKS on ONE item in the sale to get an additional discount. A major standout here is Civilization V Complete Edition for $11.24. Not included on that list are the Multi-key bundles, some of which redeem on Steam and some of which have SOME items that redeem on steam and some that don't. In the multi-key list, REFER TO THE CHART.
Since I already own it and bought it at full price I am extremely pissed.
First rule of Steam is don't buy anything unless it's discounted > 50%.
Today is Garry's Mod at 66% off.
Daily Deal:
75% off.
The Midweek Madnesses:
There, uh... there doesn't appear to be a Daily Deal. Huh.
Edit: No, wait, it's partially on Linux, so it's part of that sale. I have no idea what it could be, then.
...Yeaahhhh, I think I'm going to stick with Game Maker 8 and Construct 2....
The pictures don't say it, but both games are also reduced.
Gratuitous Space Battles is 75% off, which'd be great if I cared at all about it.
And Black Ops II is 33% off, making it the price it should have been when it first came out.
Wow. They're spoiling us here, they really are. Thankfully, the Daily Deal is:
Also 75% off... again. I bought them the first time they went on offer, and that was like a year ago.
Not to mention Gratuitous Space Battles was in both Humble Indie Bundles 4 and 6.
I usually check Indie Game Bundle Wiki before buying stuff on Steam, since I've still got a lot of keys I haven't activated yet.
66% off. Never heard of it, so it can't be all that.
I had no problem buying it using the method in the article Rather Dashing linked to.
I know nothing about this game.
Make sure you get the Complete edition, the DLC is excellent.
Midweek Madness:
If you're completionist, you can find and collect the extra hidden vehicles and gold film reels, but otherwise there isn't a lot of incentive to. But the side missions and story missions are fun and plentiful, and the story is good. It's noire, but it's good.
I especially liked working the Homicide desk and the "Nicholson Electroplating" arson DLC case.
Man those DLC cases are easily the most memorable in the whole game. Especially Nicholson is one you will not forget that easy.
This is a ridiculous sale.
I looked up L.A. Noire. Only the brady guide is discounted.
Nevermind I'm stupid.
I forgot the other Midweek Madness, which was:
And the Weekend Deals are: