Kingdom Hearts
Title really says it all
I'm gonna start with i find really sad that Roxas spent the whole summer in a machine and has friends but they don't even know him and they don't try to become friends
I'm gonna start with i find really sad that Roxas spent the whole summer in a machine and has friends but they don't even know him and they don't try to become friends

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I think it's neat that Neku from The World Ends With You is going to be in the 3DS one.
As for what you said, Roxas didnt spend the whole summer there, he spent 7 days, his mind was wiped in a way to make him THINK it was the whole summer. Plus the real kids never even met roxas to be friends with him.
Also, KH :DDD will have Augmented Reality features for the 3ds, so thats cool.:)
EDIT2:Agreed LuigiHann, no more retelling Disney stories, but the second half was of them exploring the worlds and having honest plot related issues to the story(such as Riku being found in Mulans world).
Actually they did in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days you go in missions with Axel and you meet the kids in twlight town.
Oh right. Well that means they DID try to be friends with him, but due to his job, he couldnt be friends.
EDIT:And valid point LuigiHann, the story doesnt honestly pick up until the second half. In fact KH2 probably had the slowest and worse start of a KH game.
And it's kind of a shame because from what I've read, trying to avoid spoilers but often failing, the main ongoing plotline of the KH series is actually some fascinating meta crap that I would probably love if I could actually stand playing through all of it in order.
Took me three and a half months.
As for Kingdom Hearts II, the first three or so hours are pretty damn slow, but after that, it's my favorite game in the series. Since I'm lazy and have to go get the laundry room ready for the repair guy coming tomorrow morning, here's my thoughts on the series.
1. The very silly plot. The first game is fine. Kind of cheesy, but its a great experience.
However 2nd game onwards, the plot get very silly, very quickly, and its hard to really care all too much about it.
Not a deal breaker though
2. Re-using worlds.
This series is VERY, VERY guilty of this.
Especially most of the portable ones.
I get dulled out everytime I go to Wonderland, or Agrobah, or Halloween Town.
And the funny thing is, there are so, so many disney properties out there still untapped.
Its pretty shameful really.
Still, if there was a proper Kingdom Hearts 3, and a 3DS remake of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep I would buy them day one!
Nomura's aware of the whole worlds thing, and he's said that none of the Disney worlds used so far will be returning again (though I'm really hoping that this doesn't exclude the possibility of a Tron: Legacy version of Space Paranoids). The original worlds will still be around, but Kingdom Hearts 3D's Disney worlds will be all new.
And speaking of Kingdom Hearts 3D, it's supposed to have a "story on-par with a numbered title" and tie together all the loose ends of the series, setting the stage for Kingdom Hearts III.
Sounds great.
(To be honest, I haven't played one since the first, (well I played "Days" but thats basically a remixed and inferior version of the first really), but I have looked everything up and kept myself informed so if a good one comes out, I can jump straight in and enjoy myself)
Still it would be nice to eventually get the whole series on one console.
Probably a PS3 collection akin to the Metal Gear, Sly Cooper ect.
Maybe make it two volumes with 3 or 4 games on it each, then release Kingdom Hearts 3 seperately.
Really, my main hope for the series is that they pull a Final Fantasy XIII and release Kingdom Hearts III on the Xbox in the US. That's exactly the reason I wanted a PS3 over a 360, but a free 360 fell into my lap, so now I'm hoping that I can avoid having to own all three consoles from this generation.
I could see Days and Re:Coded being made for the PSN or something though.
(Since quite a few portable games have been ported over this gen)
Would be nice to see a HD pack of KH1, KH2, RE:COM and Birth by Sleep for about the same price as the Metal Gear Solid pack.
Guy can dream...
1.Just use spoiler tags.
2.No. Disney would NOT kill of one of their characters.
And also, I anyone else find the stupidity in KH 358 days ending.
Not the Xion thing, that part was supposed to be crazy and odd to add to it, but the Riku fight.
A.Destroy Kingdom Hearts and stop the organization when they are at their weakest moment. He would have saved all of the worlds, and then go off to find Sora which would have had him ultiamately fuse with him anyway, but NOOO Riku had to take Roxas out then, have him fuse with Sora, and then make HIM go fight the organization when they have recovered from the loss of Xion, Roxas, and the castle oblivion people. THAT IS STUPID! Just let Roxas take care of Kingdom Hearts, then when he goes to find sora and fuse with him, Sora and Riku can go home knowing the worlds were saved.
How hard was that? Not so hard since Roxas wouldnt have put up a fight, Riku wouldnt have injured himself or lost to the darkness and look like Ansem, and Ansem the Wise wouldnt be in the realm of darkness.
Ugh I hate nitpicking stories, ruins everything for me, Im already nitpicking Deus Ex:Human Revolution.
Roxas just didn't have the strength to take on the Organization, despite how badass he may have seemed in the last mission of the game. If Riku had let him continue, everything would've been lost. The only one strong enough to take on Xemnas was a complete Sora, and Xemnas still would've been too much for him without Riku's help. Roxas would've been torn apart.
I my self is not really that interested, I am put of by games where the plot is so confusing you have no idea what is going on.
And all Japanese games seems to do this, I am really struggling with what is going on in Devil May Cry and Final Fantasy.
But I don't know, maybe it has something to do with me being very simple minded.
[ spoiler] [/spoiler] minus the space between [ and s.
The main problem with this game series aside from the fanbase being more of a nutshell than Twilight and Harry Potter is this the fact that Disney's characters as well as the FF characters are cast aside for new characters. . Like Sora and the organization. This may vary to a few people. I never liked Sora's character, he was a pain. He was like a reject from a proposed FF game that somehow made its way through the cracks. It would have been better if somebody like Donald or Mickey was the main character for the series over Sora. I remember reading an interview that Disney wanted Donald as the main character for KH, but Square wanted Mickey as the main character. It wasn't until the designer/creator rejected that and created Sora and his crew. If they went with Mickey, Epic Mickey probably wouldn't have happened.
Well I think Sora is a pretty good choice for a character actually.
He has that Square hero thing going on for him, but he does have that Disney naivety.
However, I do agree that it is annoying that the Disney and Square characters take a back seat.
Would have been great if in the second game, the Square stuff would have become much more important to the plot.
Maybe something like, Sora finds out from Yen Sid that even though the heartless had been stopped in the Disney worlds, they haven't been sealed in the Square worlds, and due to events prior to the first game, those worlds had already succumbed to the Heartless, (since the Hero was killed), and their universe (whats left of it) has been drifting into the Disney universe.
So Sora and co. have to travel to the very outskirts of the universe to stop a stronger version of the Heartless from completely infecting the Disney world.
That would leave plenty of opportunity to explore new Disney worlds, change any existing ones (and have a reason to go back to them), and give many Square properties a chance to shine.
(Imagine Bahamut Lagoon, Chrono Trigger (in fact Chrono could be that hero who died and then one would have to try to resurrect him and travel back into the past to stop the Heartless in the first place), Mana series, Saga series, maybe even Dragon Quest and Star Ocean (since they were merged with enix in 2003) and of course a few Final Fantasy worlds, (I'd choose any out of 6-10))
It may not make 100% sense, but it would be a damn good game.
Besides, its not like the rest of the series makes much sense... XD
NOthing in Kingdom Hearts makes any sense so that wouldn't be a big differentiations XD Also, I do agree it would be nice to explore Square worlds, but I don't think you can afford to put Sora in the backseat. I think there are a sufficient number of fans/former fans who are tired of certain Square cliches. Sora manages to be upbeat which is rare in a lot of Square games these days. I've been dealing with brooding since Shadow showed up at the tavern.
He could make a appearance in KH 3 i mean think about it even now in KH 3D the main guy from World Ends With you is going appear.
In spite of what someone said earlier about it being a Square cash cow, it isn't. Or else we'd have 3 by now. Square has forgotten what the fans want. And they're suffering for it. Don't get me wrong, I want Final Fantasy XIII-2. But developing a sequel to a game that split the fandom and essentially tanked is far too risky for Square's financial situation. Not to mention that despite the fact that fans want it, we won't be seeing Versus XIII until probably late next year. It seems to me that the logical thing would have been to put off XIII-2 until the game that people WANT is out. More examples of this bad strategy is Kingdom Hearts 3 and a certain Final Fantasy remake. Instead of Kingdom Hearts 3, we're getting YET ANOTHER SIDE STORY! And instead of them remaking Final Fantasy VII, which fans have been clamoring for since the PS3 tech demo and would probably go a long way toward easing Square's financial troubles, we're getting a remake of Final Fantasy X, which has aged surprisingly well!
So, I'm starting to see the writing on the wall for Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, and Square-Enix in general. I wouldn't be surprised if they're bankrupt this time next year.
What I'm saying is don't write these games off because they don't have numbers in the title. They're all important parts of a complex narrative.
And there isn't a single game in the series that I didn't thoroughly enjoy on some level. If you're having trouble with Chain of Memories, I can relate, and I advise you to look into Re:Chain of Memories.
Also, there's a couple plot gaps you may not have considered that may be made into games at some point.
Roxas's time in the Organization was made into 358/2 Days and Xehanort's past became Birth by Sleep, but we still don't know anything about the absences of Riku and Mickey. Which are admittedly easier to write off than Roxas and Xehanort, which is likely why the series moved on its way toward Kingdom Hearts III via Coded and Dream Drop Distance, but there's still content there.
Edit: I just watched the TGS trailer for Dream Drop Distance. It looks like we're going to get to see a bit of that missing chunk between Birth by Sleep and Kingdom Hearts, when the apprentices became Nobodies, and I have a feeling that this "Keyhole of Sleep" thing may end up leading to the characters finding Ventus's heart inside of Sora.
I respect what you're saying. It's as bad as all the FF spin offs. I never even played FF X-2...
Mine as far as i played (i didn't finish any kingdom hearts games but i'm about to fight Luxord in KH 2)
Terra-Xehanort from Birth by Sleep
Xaldin from KH 2
The second Demyx fight
Mine would be, without question, the Vanitas Remnant and the Unknown from Birth by Sleep. I'm not sure which was worse. And coming in third and fourth are Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts II and Xaldin, though they've both gotten much easier now that I've learned some new strategy on them.
My strategy on Xaldin goes all the way back to the point that Mickey gives you Master Form. From that point forward, I don't use drives at all so I don't have any chance of getting Anti-form if I try to drive against Xaldin, since that was the main cause of me dying the first time I played.
As for Sephiroth: Trinity Limit and Berserk Charge.