Hope you still have some respect for Square Enix, because this weekend deal is all about them. 60% off almost everything in the Square Enix publisher catalogue. I say almost everything because of the obvious exclusions of Blood Omen 2, Startopia, Gangsters and Urban Chaos, since they were recently added onto the service.
The list goes on and on. The game practically feels *new*. This is great timing and it's a great chance to pick up one of history's greatest stealth games and enjoy it in a wholly refreshed way.
I scooped up those Soul Reaver titles, and Thief 3 (I have it on the xbox, but I'm probably not going to play my xbox for a good while in all due honesty).
The last of the classic Tomb Raider titles too!
All thats left now is to get the PC to play them on! XD
Well I guess they aren't called good old games any more.
If you hadn't noticed, they weren't good old games for quite a while too (Although I guess you can kinda cheat on the 'old' part, as every game eventually becomes old...)
They themselves have debated the meaning of the letters GOG in the meantime. But I am rather sure that this wasn't a discussion sparked by the release of TR:AoD.
So today, we have a great game from GOG. How can I tell it's a great game? Well, it has those exact words in the title! It's Spycraft: The Great Game for $5.99. Also, we have a post apocalyptic, off road racing sim Powerslide, for only $5.99.
Errr... has anyone even heard of this game before?! Looks like the earliest wave of interactive movie shi stuff.
I've still got one of those old school boxed versions of it. I never actually finished it, because some of the "puzzles" were very unforgiving and I didn't have a lot of patience with that at the time. What I played of it I seem to remember as very entertaining though.
Who was it that was asking about getting The 7th Guest running on modern systems? Well, this one's for you. 60% off The 7th Guest for today's Gem Promo.
Did they reference anything in particular, or are they just getting my hopes for a re-release of Tie Fighter up so they can stomp all over them?
I assume they mean that they're hard at work attempting to get some of these licensing nightmares on GOG. I'm not getting my hopes up though, but I'd LOVE to see Leisure Suit Larry, TIE Fighter and... maaaaybe Elite Force on GOG.
Only got one new game so far today, and it's the latest indie darling, La-Mulana. Normally $14.99, you can get it for the special launch week price of $9.99.
Ho ho, have they got a deal for us this weekend. 60% off of all Activision titles, except for the recently released Spycraft. The normal price of a Sierra game has gone from 10 bucks to $3.99.
Holy shit that's a lot of good games. That includes the Dark Reign games, the Gabriel Knight trilogy, the King's Quest series, Quest for Glory 1-5 and the Zork series. SO MANY GOOD GAMES...
Ho ho, have they got a deal for us this weekend. 60% off of all Activision titles, except for the recently released Spycraft. The normal price of a Sierra game has gone from 10 bucks to $3.99.
I am really debating this, even though I don't really have extra cash right now, as I'd love to get the adventure games I don't already have anywhere (I'd love to get the ones I have on Steam there too, and the SWAT games, but I definitely couldn't scrounge up that much).
The release of Retro City Rampage will be available soon, for $14.99. Until then, feel free to pre-order Hotline: Miami for the special price of $8.99. Maybe read some previews of it instead of reading the GOG thread for it, it is getting worked over...
Edit: Just a heads up, Retro City Rampage is now live on GOG.
The widget on their site uses the "Humble Store" to process orders, so yes that is the site I'd find it on.
Anyway, you don't have to wait for yours anymore. The game is waiting for you on the Humble link sent to your email when you originally pre-ordered. They're giving people who pre-ordered Humble, Steam, and GOG copies as a way to apologize for the mess.
The widget on their site uses the "Humble Store" to process orders, so yes that is the site I'd find it on.
Anyway, you don't have to wait for yours anymore. The game is waiting for you on the Humble link sent to your email when you originally pre-ordered. They're giving people who pre-ordered Humble, Steam, and GOG copies as a way to apologize for the mess.
Thanks I noticed that it was live this morning.
Decided to install the Steam version though, (because I'm doing a mass install on the new lappy and it keeps everything organised (trying to only put the newest and biggest games on there. Other stuff can stay on the old one if I can repair it that is...))
The way it actually works is that you pay what you want for the FIRST game, Divine Divinity - as little as 99 cents. If you match or beat the average ($10.82) you get Beyond Divinity, and if you beat the $19.99 barrier, you'll also get a pre-order for Divinity II: Developer's Cut.
There's also a few things that get unlocked depending on how many games get sold. Things like documentaries and such., along with an E3 tech-demo of a game that was never finished and a early-bird look at what the developers are working on next.
This was actually slightly confusing at first, so I hope I've cleared it up a bit!
Today's GOG release was Blitzkrieg 2 for $9.99. All in all, it's been a very slim week for GOG. We got one long delayed release, one pre-order, and one new release. Maybe that has something to do with the four year anniversary event starting today.
Buy Thief 2, and get this patch.
1920x1080, real widescreen support, improved lighting, improved draw distance, fixed bugs, improved usability, higher resolution textures.....
The list goes on and on. The game practically feels *new*. This is great timing and it's a great chance to pick up one of history's greatest stealth games and enjoy it in a wholly refreshed way.
I scooped up those Soul Reaver titles, and Thief 3 (I have it on the xbox, but I'm probably not going to play my xbox for a good while in all due honesty).
The last of the classic Tomb Raider titles too!
All thats left now is to get the PC to play them on! XD
...is that a tear in my eye? I... I don't think I've been this happy in months.
If you hadn't noticed, they weren't good old games for quite a while too
Let's hope they don't start something else or there'll be a third sometimes in the name.
Me! Still got it too.
I've still got one of those old school boxed versions of it. I never actually finished it, because some of the "puzzles" were very unforgiving and I didn't have a lot of patience with that at the time. What I played of it I seem to remember as very entertaining though.
Well it calls itself "The Great Game", it is from 1996 but still has a size of more than 1 CD.
Yeah. I guess it's a FMV game and I guess it's bad.
I assume they mean that they're hard at work attempting to get some of these licensing nightmares on GOG. I'm not getting my hopes up though, but I'd LOVE to see Leisure Suit Larry, TIE Fighter and... maaaaybe Elite Force on GOG.
EDIT: Forgive my ignorance. This is a high-res remake. My bad, everyone!
Edit: Just a heads up, Retro City Rampage is now live on GOG.
Humble bundle?
I'm still waiting for mine...
Anyway, you don't have to wait for yours anymore. The game is waiting for you on the Humble link sent to your email when you originally pre-ordered. They're giving people who pre-ordered Humble, Steam, and GOG copies as a way to apologize for the mess.
Thanks I noticed that it was live this morning.
Decided to install the Steam version though, (because I'm doing a mass install on the new lappy and it keeps everything organised (trying to only put the newest and biggest games on there. Other stuff can stay on the old one if I can repair it that is...))
The way it actually works is that you pay what you want for the FIRST game, Divine Divinity - as little as 99 cents. If you match or beat the average ($10.82) you get Beyond Divinity, and if you beat the $19.99 barrier, you'll also get a pre-order for Divinity II: Developer's Cut.
There's also a few things that get unlocked depending on how many games get sold. Things like documentaries and such., along with an E3 tech-demo of a game that was never finished and a early-bird look at what the developers are working on next.
This was actually slightly confusing at first, so I hope I've cleared it up a bit!
(Cool beans deal otherwise!