Hey, I remember that game! I've got it on CD somewhere. It's a bit like the early Tomb Raiders in an actual city with hand-to-hand combat. Aside from the clunky controls it's not a bad game at all.
Back to the double release schedule with mobster micromanagement simulator Gangsters: Organized Crime, and an alleged "funny Fallout-like strategy game" called Krush, Kill 'n Destroy Xtreme. Fun fact, Gangsters and Tuesday's release Urban Chaos are both from Square Enix. More Squeenix titles on the way?
Double whammy of deals today. Sadly, there is no weekend deal. However, they made up for with a weeklong deal, a full seven days, featuring all of the Dungeons and Dragons games from two years ago on a sliding scale, up to 65% off. Don't care, or already have all of them? How about a late week new release with FTL: Faster Than Light? $9.99, or for one week, $8.99.
Neverwinter Nights. The core game and it's add-ons is good stuff, but add in all the user made modules and you've enough to keep you going for years. Not even kidding.
I'm thinking of getting Baldur's gate 2 and Planescape. Any other recommendations?
Icewind Dale is also pretty fun (though it's a bit more of a dungeon crawl than the others).
Just, whatever you do, do NOT make a conjurer in that game. I made one my first playthrough (since in Baldur's Gate, Conjurers only lose out on Divination spells) and discovered about five hours into the game that I could not cast any of the good spells in the game. Not even from scrolls. It sucked and then I rage quit.
I'm thinking of getting Baldur's gate 2 and Planescape. Any other recommendations?
Baldur's Gate 1 of course. It's the start of the story and there is even a mod that lets you play it in the BG2 engine.
Icewind Dale 1 is good but has no party member banter in it because you create every character. That takes a lot from the atmosphere. It's also a lot more combat oriented.
I personally didn't like IWD 2 and Never Winter Nights. And never got past 1 hour in Temple of Elemental Evil.
Today on GOG, you can get Warlord's Battlecry, a role-playing RTS for only $5.99, and Prince of Persia for $9.99. Frankly, that's a little high for a game as old as it is, plus the source code is out and... oh, oh hang on, it's not the original Prince of Persia, it's the 2008 reboot.
It's not a bad game, but the tone's very unlike the rest of the PoP games, which is possibly why it's so looked down upon. There's also the fact that it feels very much like Quick-Time Events: The Game, which is why I get bored of it quickly. But it's not a terrible game on its own, and it does look beautiful, so to each their own, I guess.
... OK, yeah, that one sucked. Almost as badly as Baldur's Gate on most modern systems, so enjoy this step-by-step article detailing how to make your own Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition!
So I ended up giving my better judgement the finger and buying every single damn D&D game on GOG. See you in 22 gigs!
Well, if nothing else, the one's I've played have been pretty mechanically sound. Baldur's Gate I and II and Planescape have the best plotlines and from what I've seen of Temple of Elemental Evil, it seems to have mechanics closest to actual DnD.
Today from GOG we have Battle Realms and its expansion, Winter of the Wolf, for $9.99. No other games today, but there's a mystery patch for Quest for Glory.
How can I hold all these sales? There's so much stuff on sale this weekend, it'd be easier to just point you in the direction of the sale and let you figure out what they've got. So, here you go, 60% off everything by Atari.
I'll be more generous and list the whole bunch of games on offer. Some are cheaper than others, mind:
- Alone in the Dark Trilogy
- Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare
- B-17 Flying Fortress: The Mighty 8th
- Blood (One Unit Whole Blood)
- Blood 2: The Chosen (+ Nightmare Pack)
- Chris Sawyer's Locomotion
- Darklands
- Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive
- Desperados 2: Cooper's Revenge
- Independence War (Deluxe)
- Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos
- Masters of Magic
- Masters of Orion 1+2
- Masters of Orion 3
- Outcast
- Pirates! Gold Plus
- Rollercoaster Tycoon: Deluxe
- Rollercoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack
- Rollercoaster Tycoon 3: Platinum
- Sid Meier's Colonization
- Silver
- Star Control 1+2
- Star Control 3
- The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
- Total Annihilation (Commander Pack)
- Total annihilation: Kingdoms (+ Expansion)
I've always been curious about Outcast (like since it actually came out) but can't even justify spending 2 and a half bucks on a game right now. So, tell me about Desperados.
I've always been curious about Outcast (like since it actually came out) but can't even justify spending 2 and a half bucks on a game right now. So, tell me about Desperados.
Of the two, Outcast is definitely the one that is a gem in terms of being innovative, unique, and containing features that I've not seen in any other game since.
Desperados is a really cool real-time tactical game. If you've played Commandos, it's very much like that, but it's set in the Old West. It's really better than its Commandos brethren in a lot of ways(narrative, balance, giving the player lots of ways to finish missions), and it's just a really smart tactical experience. I'd really recommend it if you want something in that category, I have no idea what someone might think if they go into it not really knowing what a real-time tactical game would be like.
Is it Wednesday already? Did I miss the Tuesday update? Argh. Yesterday they released Etherlords for $5.99, and Post Mortem for $9.99. Today's GOG Gem, for the few hours left to get it is Nexus: The Jupiter Incident for $3.99. Also, there's another live event coming up on October 18th, where they'll be talking about new OS support, the official title for Cyberpunk and The Witcher 2 Mac news. Oh, and apparently there's going to be some new releases and a "unique chance to get some of the greatest classic games ever made for a literally unbeatable price."
Edit: For the Thursday update, we have the long, long, LONG overdue release of Carmageddon for $9.99, and a Newt Gingrich simulator known as Moonbase Commander, for $5.99.
I'm all for innovation... but I still hope they're going third person shooter/Mass Effecty with this one.
I'm thinking more like sci-fi Dragon Age, made by people who actually know what they're doing. And then, I can't wait for BioWare's hissy fit over THIS game, because it's going to be awesomely sad.
In some semi GOG-related news, Pegasus Prime is finally running on ScummVM. And the Presto team have been showing off images of "hey, look at how awesome would this game look if we re-encode it in a higher resolution". Maybe it could be one of the game releases on October 18th?
I want to try Carmageddon so bad right now.
(But I bought FFIII on PSP today, and like Tokyo Jungle its something I need to hold back on before I get it (I'm getting a new laptop tomorrow hopefully! ))
I'm thinking more like sci-fi Dragon Age, made by people who actually know what they're doing. And then, I can't wait for BioWare's hissy fit over THIS game, because it's going to be awesomely sad.
"Know what they're doing"... welllll... we'll see. Graphically, the Witcher 2 was just wonderful. Had me drooling. I can hardly remember the story though, and that is what really counts. Then again, they were following in the footsteps of Geralt, whose past is completely unknown to me, and the long list of royal bloodlines, place names and feuds showed the utmost tendency to tire me. They have a lot more options with Cyberpunk: A new, completely unknown main character (by the making of the player OR one whose past is actually explained and looked into in the game); a new, far more interesting level up system (I hope they're NOT using the actual p&p RPG one); more opportunity for the designers to go creative in story and environments (far less risk of infringing canon); more opportunity to include quirky and funny bits to suggest human diversity in an essentially dark atmosphere; more opportunity for visual diversity in NPCs; more opportunity to give the player the option to investigate/travel/return to certain areas whenever he pleases ("open world" is too big a world, but revisiting old places really missed in TW2); and so on and so on.
I more or less hope this is the Anachronox 2 I have been waiting for.
"I more or less hope this is the Anachronox 2 I have been waiting for.
Don't mention that name - you'll get my hopes up for no good reason.
Also, remember that if you backed the Carmageddon Resurrection kickstarter, then you may have gotten the game for free on GOG. I got my redeem code today, so if you should get one, check your spam filters.
The Graphics are actually what keeps me from playing it. I tried a few minutes of the tutorial but I just hate the whole look of it. I don't like the faces, grass overgrows everything etc.
I actually liked the style of the first game. If anyone can tell me how to go back to isometric in The Witcher 2 I'd be glad because that's how I played the first game.
I loved it as a kid but I cheated and made me immortal too. Great world design but the graphics are almost unbearable today.
Also great Soundtrack (that GoG ripped from the Play-Disc of the game).
Also: I really wonder why Black Mesa is so popular. Maybe it's just replaying Half-Life (or playing it the first time) without low polygon graphics?
Also: I really wonder why Black Mesa is so popular. Maybe it's just replaying Half-Life (or playing it the first time) without low polygon graphics?
No, it's replaying a better version of Half Life 1 with better story, better NPCs, better interactions, better background events, better gameplay, better graphics, and better ties to the overall mythos.
Better humour as well. Don't forget that. But yeah, Black Mesa's everything a remake should be. Go play it.
I bought Outcast as while back, but I actually played it years ago. Got pretty far, too. Should probably give it another go at some point... along with all the other games I have kicking around.
I thought Half-Life was the most innovative and most engaging FPS I've ever played. I still think so. Outdone only by Half-Life 2. And then that by its second episode. It's the feeling of exploration that draws me. Especially in HL2. There's something about exploring abandoned random areas be it an alien overrun research facility, a ruined post-apocalyptic city, a forest, zombie-infested town at nighttime, abandoned houses and docks near highways, or anything. And the story, its lore, its intrigue, its sci-fi-ness, its suspense, its scary factor was second to none. And the gameplay was incredibly well balanced and very fun.
Don't mention that name - you'll get my hopes up for no good reason.
I'd support an Anachronox 2 kickstarter... but what I really want is a highly detailed, additional content ridden remake that adds another third to provide an ending.
Hope you still have some respect for Square Enix, because this weekend deal is all about them. 60% off almost everything in the Square Enix publisher catalogue. I say almost everything because of the obvious exclusions of Blood Omen 2, Startopia, Gangsters and Urban Chaos, since they were recently added onto the service.
Icewind Dale is also pretty fun (though it's a bit more of a dungeon crawl than the others).
Just, whatever you do, do NOT make a conjurer in that game. I made one my first playthrough (since in Baldur's Gate, Conjurers only lose out on Divination spells) and discovered about five hours into the game that I could not cast any of the good spells in the game. Not even from scrolls. It sucked and then I rage quit.
Baldur's Gate 1 of course. It's the start of the story and there is even a mod that lets you play it in the BG2 engine.
Icewind Dale 1 is good but has no party member banter in it because you create every character. That takes a lot from the atmosphere. It's also a lot more combat oriented.
I personally didn't like IWD 2 and Never Winter Nights. And never got past 1 hour in Temple of Elemental Evil.
... OK, yeah, that one sucked. Almost as badly as Baldur's Gate on most modern systems, so enjoy this step-by-step article detailing how to make your own Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition!
...oh well, I guess owning it twice won't hurt too much.
Well, if nothing else, the one's I've played have been pretty mechanically sound. Baldur's Gate I and II and Planescape have the best plotlines and from what I've seen of Temple of Elemental Evil, it seems to have mechanics closest to actual DnD.
- Alone in the Dark Trilogy
- Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare
- B-17 Flying Fortress: The Mighty 8th
- Blood (One Unit Whole Blood)
- Blood 2: The Chosen (+ Nightmare Pack)
- Chris Sawyer's Locomotion
- Darklands
- Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive
- Desperados 2: Cooper's Revenge
- Independence War (Deluxe)
- Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos
- Masters of Magic
- Masters of Orion 1+2
- Masters of Orion 3
- Outcast
- Pirates! Gold Plus
- Rollercoaster Tycoon: Deluxe
- Rollercoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack
- Rollercoaster Tycoon 3: Platinum
- Sid Meier's Colonization
- Silver
- Star Control 1+2
- Star Control 3
- The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
- Total Annihilation (Commander Pack)
- Total annihilation: Kingdoms (+ Expansion)
Desperados is a really cool real-time tactical game. If you've played Commandos, it's very much like that, but it's set in the Old West. It's really better than its Commandos brethren in a lot of ways(narrative, balance, giving the player lots of ways to finish missions), and it's just a really smart tactical experience. I'd really recommend it if you want something in that category, I have no idea what someone might think if they go into it not really knowing what a real-time tactical game would be like.
Edit: For the Thursday update, we have the long, long, LONG overdue release of Carmageddon for $9.99, and a Newt Gingrich simulator known as Moonbase Commander, for $5.99.
Seriously, I hope they have more than just the title. Four months without ANY info, that's just not fair.
But they DO say:
I'm all for innovation... but I still hope they're going third person shooter/Mass Effecty with this one.
I'm thinking more like sci-fi Dragon Age, made by people who actually know what they're doing. And then, I can't wait for BioWare's hissy fit over THIS game, because it's going to be awesomely sad.
In some semi GOG-related news, Pegasus Prime is finally running on ScummVM. And the Presto team have been showing off images of "hey, look at how awesome would this game look if we re-encode it in a higher resolution". Maybe it could be one of the game releases on October 18th?
(But I bought FFIII on PSP today, and like Tokyo Jungle its something I need to hold back on before I get it (I'm getting a new laptop tomorrow hopefully!
"Know what they're doing"... welllll... we'll see. Graphically, the Witcher 2 was just wonderful. Had me drooling. I can hardly remember the story though, and that is what really counts. Then again, they were following in the footsteps of Geralt, whose past is completely unknown to me, and the long list of royal bloodlines, place names and feuds showed the utmost tendency to tire me. They have a lot more options with Cyberpunk: A new, completely unknown main character (by the making of the player OR one whose past is actually explained and looked into in the game); a new, far more interesting level up system (I hope they're NOT using the actual p&p RPG one); more opportunity for the designers to go creative in story and environments (far less risk of infringing canon); more opportunity to include quirky and funny bits to suggest human diversity in an essentially dark atmosphere; more opportunity for visual diversity in NPCs; more opportunity to give the player the option to investigate/travel/return to certain areas whenever he pleases ("open world" is too big a world, but revisiting old places really missed in TW2); and so on and so on.
I more or less hope this is the Anachronox 2 I have been waiting for.
Also, remember that if you backed the Carmageddon Resurrection kickstarter, then you may have gotten the game for free on GOG. I got my redeem code today, so if you should get one, check your spam filters.
The Graphics are actually what keeps me from playing it. I tried a few minutes of the tutorial but I just hate the whole look of it. I don't like the faces, grass overgrows everything etc.
I actually liked the style of the first game. If anyone can tell me how to go back to isometric in The Witcher 2 I'd be glad because that's how I played the first game.
I noticed yesterday that a bunch of GoG games got updates. Most are just additional bonus content, but Painkiller gets an actual patch updater.
I loved it as a kid but I cheated and made me immortal too. Great world design but the graphics are almost unbearable today.
Also great Soundtrack (that GoG ripped from the Play-Disc of the game).
Also: I really wonder why Black Mesa is so popular. Maybe it's just replaying Half-Life (or playing it the first time) without low polygon graphics?
No, it's replaying a better version of Half Life 1 with better story, better NPCs, better interactions, better background events, better gameplay, better graphics, and better ties to the overall mythos.
I bought Outcast as while back, but I actually played it years ago. Got pretty far, too. Should probably give it another go at some point... along with all the other games I have kicking around.
I start and then I get bored with it.
I can't wait for Black Mesa: Xen.
Opposing Force was excellent as well.
I'd support an Anachronox 2 kickstarter... but what I really want is a highly detailed, additional content ridden remake that adds another third to provide an ending.
Last ( ? ) chance to grab these games on GOG :