The Summer of Sam & Max



  • edited July 2007
    The way you guys scripted the scenes to go along with the outtakes was simply stellar - really creative work. The way you handled the ones from Reality 2.0's final chapter was a brilliant touch. (Trying to avoid spoilers.)
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2007
    Yep, none of these were scripted beforehand. We pulled flubbed lines from the voice sessions and then animated to match. Some of the stuff the guys came up with is really clever (especially the ones Rev Ted's referring to).
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2007
    FYI - History of Sam & Max #4 has been delayed slightly because Jake's having trouble checking in the html pages from San Diego. It should go up tonight.
  • edited July 2007
    Oke doke. :)
  • edited July 2007
    So, ummm, where I live, "tonight" doens't mean "tomorrow afternoon"...

    Do I just live somewhere very strange?
  • edited July 2007
    Patience, Maratanos.

    *Obi appears*

    He will learn patience. the SoS&M deprivation making me go crazy, or was I always like this? '-'
  • edited July 2007
    I dunno. I never really pay much attention to the thing, especially since I'm more concerned with the stuff happening at the Smash Bros. Dojo! Can you imagine the pressure of waiting until December 3rd, while wanting to go to a Mini-Mall that was long ago converted from a parking garage, just to get a Puffy AmiYumi CD, along with a Japanese Boxset of their cartoon series (Puffy AmiYumi's, I mean) from a little store called Tokyo Kid!
  • edited July 2007
    Any estimated time on when it will be up?
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2007
    Whoa ho, what's this? Is it the much-delayed history part 4, secretly posted to the site, but not linked to the Summer of Sam and Max page because I still can't access some of the images I need from the office? Could be...

    Some Comic-Con blog updates are coming soon, and regularly scheduled (and properly linked) Summer of Sam & Max stuff will resume when we're back from the Con on Monday.
  • edited July 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    Whoa ho, what's this? Is it the much-delayed history part 4, secretly posted to the site, but not linked to the Summer of Sam and Max page because I still can't access some of the images I need from the office? Could be...

    Some Comic-Con blog updates are coming soon, and regularly scheduled (and properly linked) Summer of Sam & Max stuff will resume when we're back from the Con on Monday.

    Yay! Thanks for staying up 'till 1:30 AM to do this, Jake! :D

    *Scuffles off to read history*


    *Scuffles back*

    It wants a password! :eek:
  • edited July 2007
    Kedri wrote: »
    Yay! Thanks for staying up 'till 1:30 AM to do this, Jake! :D

    *Scuffles off to read history*


    *Scuffles back*

    It wants a password! :eek:

    Try instead. The "stage" prefix has probably caused that to happen.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    Whoa ho, what's this? Is it the much-delayed history part 4, secretly posted to the site, but not linked to the Summer of Sam and Max page because I still can't access some of the images I need from the office? Could be...

    The link to page two is missing. :(

    Also there are some formatting weirdnesses that we'll fix sometime when it's not 1:30 in the morning.
  • edited July 2007
    :D Thanks!

    EDIT: At Veovis for the link. That one worked. And thanks to Emily, too, for working at Telltale! :D
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2007
    Hahaha I fail so much. Welcome to the middle of the night at comic-con. Links and formatting wonkiness hopefully fixed.
  • edited July 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    Hahaha I fail so much. Welcome to the middle of the night at comic-con.
    Have you been dipping into the kegger again?:p
  • edited July 2007
    Ooooooooohhhhh... the painted original of the web-comic page looks so GREAT! I soooo hope that it will get included in the "Surfing the Highway"-reprint!!
  • edited July 2007
    Man reading over that 2004 cancellation still hurts.. but it makes the last 12 months all the sweeter. :)
  • edited July 2007
    The first one asks for a username and password?
  • edited July 2007
    That plunge through space game sounded amazing! Especially the alien kids living underground.
    You guys should use the story for Season 2!
  • edited July 2007
    Plunge Through Space looked awesome. The very idea of Sam & Max in giant fighting robots just seems...right somehow. I can't believe that virtually no one knew about this game until now.
  • edited August 2007
    I heard about the game on various websites before the history thingy. From what I recall, Steve Purcell wants to make a comic adaption of the game.

    Weren't there a pic of the statue of Liberty in one of the concept sketches?
  • edited August 2007
    Surely the podcast is due for an update? It doesn't have any of the "Summer Of" content for July....
  • edited August 2007
    That's my fault, sorry. My Mac temporarily doesn't have access to the files I need to compress for the podcast. Once we get our servers back up and running at the new office this weekend I'll be able to get the podcast refreshed finally.
  • edited August 2007
    *eagerly waits for audio commentary on Episode 5*

    What? I ordered the Case File, so I have to wait instead of popping in the DVD.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2007
    "it's on its way" sometime later tonight.
  • edited August 2007
    For the Comic Con recap, you might as well link to the blog entries for them.
  • edited August 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    "it's on its way" sometime later tonight.
    Is it still night in Cali? Because it's already the day after the quote here on the East Side of the US.:p Normally, it would be up and running now.

    *sits and waits while secretly growing jelous of all those who got the DVD and not the case file with their order*
  • edited August 2007
    I don't mind delays much myself, mind you. But people are watching how Telltale meets every schedule. That's one bad thing about doing this kind of thing. One tip that might help keep on schedule is by pretending things are due one day earlier then they really are. :)
  • edited August 2007
    Hey, that's how I do things. If I'm early, I'm on time. If I'm on time, I'm late.
  • edited August 2007
    Exactly. :)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2007
    Sorry! Spent the whole evening stuffing case files. Late, as usual :(
  • edited August 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    Sorry! Spent the whole evening stuffing case files. Late, as usual :(

    Don't worry about it Jake! Telltale do an awesome job, and you have a good excuse anyway... I'm one stop closer to getting my case file! :D
  • edited August 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    Sorry! Spent the whole evening stuffing case files. Late, as usual :(

    I'll let you off easy this time, then. ;)
  • edited August 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    I'll let you off easy this time, then. ;)

    Little do you know when he says "case files", he really meant "my face with cake".

    Just kidding! :D
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2007
    No really, case files! I was there too.

    However, there may have been pizza involved.
  • edited August 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    No really, case files! I was there too.

    However, there may have been pizza involved.

    Uh oh. Does that mean our case files will be complete with tomato smeered envelopes? :D
  • edited August 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    No really, case files! I was there too.

    However, there may have been pizza involved.

    Were anchovies also involved? :D Anchovie pizza roxxors!
  • edited August 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    Were anchovies also involved? :D Anchovie pizza roxxors!

    Uh oh. I know if my Case File smells of fish that I'll have a little treat inside! :D
  • edited August 2007
    I'm just wondering who used the napkins instead of stuffing them into the case file.
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