TV series DVDs from Shout! Factory... Could it be? COULD IT BE?



  • edited March 2008
    Again, Jake, how could they have no intention of referencing 9/11 if at the time of airring and production that event hadn't happen yet?

    That's like the artists and writers of Captian America saying they did not intend one of their stories to reference Pearl Harbor six months before the actual attack happened. Unless someone has a time machine (notice how it tied back around to Season 2), nobody could have known at the time that those events would happen.
  • edited March 2008
    Because if it hadn't happened yet then they didn't have an intention of referencing it therefore they had no intention.

    When the argument boils down to someone's grammar you know it's over.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    Zeek wrote: »
    Again, Jake, how could they have no intention of referencing 9/11 if at the time of airring and production that event hadn't happen yet?

    That's like the artists and writers of Captian America saying they did not intend one of their stories to reference Pearl Harbor six months before the actual attack happened. Unless someone has a time machine (notice how it tied back around to Season 2), nobody could have known at the time that those events would happen.

    Having no intention means exactly that - it it something you did not plan to do. It doesn't imply that you were avoiding doing something. It's a complete absence of intention. That term is usually used, in hindsight, as some sort of dodge, but seriously, (and this is a retardedly semantic argument) they literally had zero intention to reference 9/11, yes, because it hadn't happened yet. I just slightly re-worded "didn't intend" to "had no intention" because that revised wording removes further ambiguity about it being used in the "I didn't intend to offend" after-the-fact dodge way.
  • edited March 2008
    this is making me dizzy...fact is the mentioned episode does bear a resemblance to 9/11, even if not intended, and was thus not shown on gametap. even if something is not a direct reference it may still be hurtful to some and sometimes self-censoring is in order. the missing episode is on the dvd and everybody is free to watch it if he/she deems it appropriate. i will.
  • edited March 2008
    Surprisingly, Gametape kept the intro to Dysfunction of Gods where the Empire State Building is struck by lightning twice and ends up having it's iconic top fall to the streets.
  • edited March 2008
    wisp wrote: »
    this is making me dizzy...fact is the mentioned episode does bear a resemblance to 9/11, even if not intended, and was thus not shown on gametap. even if something is not a direct reference it may still be hurtful to some and sometimes self-censoring is in order. the missing episode is on the dvd and everybody is free to watch it if he/she deems it appropriate. i will.

    Indeed. 'Tis an interesting discussion, though. (Even though it's come down to semantics at this point)
  • edited March 2008
    The semantics argument above me makes zero sense. It would only apply if the phrase "they avoided" was used, which it wasn't. "Had no intention" indicates the absence of something whether it's possible for it to be present or not. But anyway...
    Zeek wrote: »
    Surprisingly, Gametape kept the intro to Dysfunction of Gods where the Empire State Building is struck by lightning twice and ends up having it's iconic top fall to the streets.

    It's not that surprising. General destruction of NYC isn't really taboo anymore, as evidenced by Cloverfield and other films. But terrorists hijacking commercial aircraft and crashing them in NYC is naturally a bit more worrisome.
  • edited March 2008
    On the subject of unintentional uncanny similarities to 9/11, anyone remember the Osama Bin Laden scene in Family Guy's "Road To Rhode Island"? Stewie gets past airport security by singing "Good Ship Lollipop" and then remarks, "Let's hope Osama Bin Laden doesn't know showtunes." Then it shows Osama Bin Laden singing to get past airport security.

    The amazing thing is, this aired a year BEFORE 9/11. It was removed from reruns of the episode, and it was even removed from the first DVD, but it does show up on the "best of" DVD. So basically they made a 9/11 joke without even knowing it. Seth McFarlane later commented that "The FBI should watch Family Guy more often." The whole thing is kind of eerie, really.
  • edited March 2008
    Talk of eerie, I think it was the pilot episode of the X-File-spinoff "The Lone Gunmen" showing terrorists hijacking an airplane to crash it into the WTC. And that was way before 9/11 as well. The FBI should watch more TV in general, so they don't have to say "no one thought of that!".
  • edited March 2008
    The FBI should watch more TV in general, so they don't have to say "no one thought of that!".
    ..'cause the bad guys do. btw, did "lone gunmen" air in germany?
  • edited March 2008
    I don't think it did... can't prove it though.
  • edited March 2008
    finally got the's pretty neat. nice work mr. ward.
    there are some minor flaws though: the menu for the individual episodes looks good and is animated fine, but flipping through it takes some time...but i guess that's a general problem of dvd-authoring.
    the other are the dvd slim cases. they're making me kinda nervous. on the one two-disc case one of the "teeth" holding the disc broke off. just my luck, can't be helped i guess. the biggest problem however is that those two cases are a bit different, since the transparent foil holding the cover aren't the same, they don't allign properly. so, either i place the covers under there so they completely under the plastic, then one cover is nearly 2mm lower than the other or allign them properly and have one not fully covered, which is just as bad ocd-wise speaking.:D
    as i said, great stuff. image quality is a lot better than expected.
    btw, why is this one episode called "fools die on friday"? the story takes place on a saturday..
  • edited March 2008
    wisp wrote: »
    btw, why is this one episode called "fools die on friday"? the story takes place on a saturday..
    Which means they won't die.
  • edited March 2008
    Bought the DVD Box, it's pretty neat. Having the bible and model-sheets available as PDFs is really cool. It was very nice to have at last the opportunity to watch the entire series (of which I only saw a handful of episodes when it aired in France). Too bad there wasn't even english subtitles, I think I'm missing a lot of jokes because sometimes it is not easy to decypher what the characters are actually saying :o
  • edited April 2008
    wisp wrote: »
    on the one two-disc case one of the "teeth" holding the disc broke off.

    That's funny. The exact same thing happened to me when I opened mine. It still seems to hold the disc in place securely enough, though.

    Maybe it's some kind of subtle in-joke that completely escapes me. :)
  • edited April 2008
    i didn't actually see it breaking. it just fell out when i opened the case and vanished into the carpet..
    i guess this is a common weakness for all cd- and dvd-cases since the dawn of men...and a burden we have to bear until better, non-disc-shaped media are discovered.
  • edited April 2008
    wisp wrote: »
    i didn't actually see it breaking. it just fell out when i opened the case and vanished into the carpet..

    Ok, this is getting spooky. That's what mine did, too. (No, I'm not kidding.) I'll have to search that carpet when I get home.
  • edited April 2008
    which one broke on your case? on mine it was the lowest on the right disc aka disc2..
  • edited April 2008
    wisp wrote: »
    which one broke on your case? on mine it was the lowest on the right disc aka disc2..

    I don't have it within reach at the moment, but I think it was on the left one, disc 1.
  • edited April 2008
    Good to know, guys. This is actually a battle I've been fighting with the packaging folks for a while now. I have the same problem with thinpaks often. Now, I have ammo!

    Sorry for the inconvenience, guys.

  • edited August 2008
    Great news, gang! For those that don't like the clunky, space-consuming inconvenience of physical goods, Sam & Max: Freelance Police!!!: The Complete Series has just become available for download at iTunes. Currently, the bonus materials aren't living there, but this may change at some point.

    Still, it's a great way to download and carry your favorite episodes with you everywhere you go.


  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2008
    Awesome! Have you got one of those crazy links around?
  • edited August 2008
    Bward wrote: »
    Great news, gang! For those that don't like the clunky, space-consuming inconvenience of physical goods, Sam & Max: Freelance Police!!!: The Complete Series has just become available for download at iTunes. Currently, the bonus materials aren't living there, but this may change at some point.

    Still, it's a great way to download and carry your favorite episodes with you everywhere you go.



    Thanks for pointing that out! I'm going to have to grab a few when I get paid next week :)
  • edited August 2008
    Any chance we could get this up on Hulu? <3
  • edited August 2008
    I hat ituns
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2008
    xChri5x wrote: »
    I hat ituns

    well spoken.
  • edited August 2008
    tiers don exits
  • edited August 2008
    Perfect place to post this little gem:

    Yahoo Anwers is why the internet exists.
  • edited August 2008
    That is fantastic.
    I love seeing these phonetic readings of badly spelled things.
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