TV series DVDs from Shout! Factory... Could it be? COULD IT BE?

edited August 2008 in Sam & Max


Just... just read that.

If this "B Ward" guy is legit, then I officially declare The Heavens "opened". Would this company's website really allow some dude to pose as an employee for several months? Doubtful...

Of course, if they are developing the boxed set, there's still the matter of finishing it and releasing it. So keep praying to whatever fire-breathing dieties you believe in so we can make this happen.


  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited June 2007
    Shout! Factory's released some niche releases before (such as The Weird Al Show), so I wouldn't be surprised at all if this were true.
  • edited June 2007
    If they do this, they got my money!

    That reminds me.... *pre-orders Animaniacs Vol. 3 and orders Gargoyles Season 1 & Season 2 Vol. 1*
  • edited June 2007
    Sweet - just added the news to!
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2007
    Shout Factory is supposedly doing up a boxed set of My So-Called Life right now, too, which makes me happy. (There was already a boxed set of that show once and I already have it, but a rerelease with extras would be cool.)

    Still... it's always good to wait for an official announcement.
  • edited June 2007
    Sounds awesome I hope we get some steve purcell commentaries
  • edited June 2007
    If you read on it says they are developing the box art for the set.
  • edited June 2007
    Really? Holy bleep!! :D Hopefully it's true. If it is, they'll make a lot of money because a ton of people have wanted those on DVD for years. I'll definately get it if they make it. Seems like the whole industry is watching TellTale, because practically everyone is trying to get in on the action. :p PennyArcade and there episodic game (I heard TellTale will be at the PennyArcade Expo, btw.), and now finally after all these years somebody might be releasing the cartoons on DVD. I wonder what's next? : /
  • edited June 2007

    *jumps for joy*
  • edited June 2007
    I'd be peeing my pants out of excitement if I was wearing any.
  • edited June 2007
    ......... :confused:
  • edited June 2007
    *resists getting his hopes up for the risk of being let down*
  • edited June 2007
    No more crappy quality videos and missing episodes!
  • edited June 2007
    Yay, I've been Myspaced! (new bulletin)
  • edited June 2007
    haha what?
  • edited June 2007
    I watched a few of the cartoon episodes on YouTube, if I were about 5 years younger and was watching it with "saturday morning cartoon" expectations instead of Sam & Max expectations, I probably would have liked it a bit more.

    Well, I hope you guys like the DVD, I'm going to stick to the comics and games.
  • edited June 2007
    Yeah, the cartoons were kind of dumbed down in retrospect, but given the time they were airred, they were no way appropriate for the kids of the Fox Block. Then again, the same can be said about some of the stuff they got away with in Batman: The Animated Series. [/nerd]
  • edited June 2007
    The animated series is good for two episodes written by Steve Purcell. Christmas, Bloody Christmas and the bigfoot episode. Hilarious stuff, that any self respecting Sam & Max fan must own
  • edited June 2007
    They're not all up to Sam & Max standards. But most of them are.
  • edited June 2007
    They're not that bad, really. I didn't know Purcell didn't write them until months after I watched them. (Except a couple episodes.)
  • edited June 2007
    You need to see it at least for the cartoon version of the Max puppet tutorial alone.

    I also haven't seen the episodes with Lorne or The Mad Thespian since they aired. Really looking forward to seeing those again, because I remember them both being hilarious.

    "I hate to resort to that sort of subterfuge, but what do you do with a guy like Lorne?"
    "I know! Get him to follow a marshmallow peanut trail into the furnace?"
    "That would be patently irresponsible, Max. And besides, we don't have a furnace."
  • edited June 2007
    You need to see it at least for the cartoon version of the Max puppet tutorial alone.

  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2007
    I liked the episode with the giant Max robot which they send off to Japan to live happily amongst their culture of other giant monsters and robots to fight. Also I thought the episode with the little kid who could transform objects with his brain was fun - it had some really spot on Sam & Max rapid banter stuff, which usually didn't work that well in the cartoon but worked there. Max demanding to be turned into a painted turtle, and the thing with the pincher robot were pretty good as well. Other than that... Boiled? Haggis!
  • edited June 2007
    I don't think the TV show would be as good as the game though.
  • edited June 2007
    Mafioso wrote: »
    I'd be peeing my pants out of excitement if I was wearing any.

    Me too!

    Oh wait... I am wearing pants... :(
  • edited June 2007
    I've completely lost all control of my bowels.. and I'm not even excited!
  • edited June 2007
    You may want to get that checked out.
  • edited June 2007
    Maybe they should put a warning sticker on the box.

    May cause loss of bowel control!
  • edited June 2007
    So help me god if all they do is reprint the VHS series to dvd without the omitted episodes im gunna hurl. I still cant get the darn videos im missing :(
  • edited June 2007
    That's not a common practice and I can bet that this won't be the case. I wouldn't worry about it.
  • edited June 2007
    is the company doing it usa only like gametap? because i'm kinda in the little olde uk drooling over this news.
  • edited June 2007
    If you have a multizone and NTSC compatible DVD player, you can just order it off Amazon if it doesn't get a localised release.
  • edited June 2007
    Actually it's no more official than last time we checked, but it's cool that the story is spreading around.
  • edited June 2007
    When somoene in Brian Ward's position is saying stuff like that, then it's official but they haven't set a date. If they didn't have it signed, sealed and delivered, he wouldn't be saying squat.
  • edited June 2007
    I hope the packaging has some better art then the VHS tapes. Although the Y-files tape was decent.
  • edited June 2007
    I don't think the TV show would be as good as the game though.
    it's not a question of AS good, it's good in a different way. Actually, ways plural. IN FACT, MY WAYS, LET ME SHOW YOU THEM

    1. More Hot Sam-on-Banjo action.
    2. THE GEEK!!!
    3. the wonderful direct parodies of film classics, like the Apocalypse-Now-inspired "We Drop at Dawn"
    4. THE GEEK!!!
    5. humor flexing in terrifyingly arousing way to still reach peak comedy levels while stealthily bypassing censors!
    6. THE GEEK!!!

    i love that gal.
  • edited June 2007
    Fact is, it's Sam & Max's first and only foray into the world of film/television, so it needs to be seen. It's too bad it didn't get a chance to really find its ground and develop to its full potential, but what's there is still really good. I don't see how any Sam & Max fan would feel complete without it.
  • edited June 2007
    And if this post from B Ward isn't enough for you, I've found another insider source.
    I'm very pleased to say that one of my favorites, Sam & Max is in the list of titles we've all but acquired. I was a huge fan of this comic book as well as the videogame by LucasArts, so I'm really excited about seeing this irreverant series finally released to the fans. We have no official release date set and we haven't really begun work on this title, but I'd suggest it will be released sometime early next year.

    Note, DVDInsider is B Ward, or Brian Ward. He definately does work at Shout! Factory.

    I guess this unofficially confirms Sam & Max will see a DVD release.
    2008 though! D:
  • edited June 2007
    I've said it a million times, and I'll say it again, I thought the cartoon series was great. :) Most of it wasn't done by Purcell, but it's still good stuff/must see stuff.
  • edited June 2007
    Hi, guys! I'm the one responsible for finding out the news, and spreading it like wildfire in the first place - YoshiAngemon! Who'd've imagined that I'd be responsible for building up the hype of "Sam & Max: Freelance Police - The Complete Series" on DVD? First I uncovered it at Shout! Factory's Forums, then I told the guys at, and the word got spread to a MySpace page, and even this forum, and even found out about it! I'm a God among men, or a reasonable facsimile thereof.
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