I think your first post should have been your last. You paid for a game that is a episodic game. therefore you accept the fact you don't get the whole game at once. And it is released over a period of time.
No wheres did i say the game wasn't yours. I said you do not have the right to know the development stage. if you think you do, you have a problem with understanding how these things work.
You have the right to know that you will get 5 episodes form this game. when isn't up for debate.
Do you even understand what you are saying dude.
where did they give a date for episode 2 or 3 or 4 or 5? where are u getting these crazy ideas lol
See THIS is the problem. The attitude. Why cant we discuss like normal people here? I try to write every post without insulting anyone, but you dont care about that. This is why everyone starts insulting each other and the thread turns to something disgusting because when you write something like 'Do you even understand what you are saying dude.' the other person gets angry too even if he wasnt in the first place. I dont know the law about gaming products so if asking for an explanation isnt my right then sorry for misusing it. But still, even if it WASNT my right, a company shouldnt treat its customers like this. Not writing a little apology may cause them to lose customers.
You also wrote 'where did they give a date for episode 2 or 3 or 4 or 5? where are u getting these crazy ideas lol'. What many people understand from 'monthly' is releasing one episode within a month each month. EVEN if it didnt meant the monthly we understood, telltale should still have told us something because they are watching the threads and they see how people are mad about this. Is it THIS hard to say something?
but the thing they are doing is that they're combining EVERY ONE'S DECISIONS AND CHOICES to be adjusted to your progress through episode 2. It's not that easy you know. You're not a developer and neither am I so we can't understand and underestimate what they're going through. Imagine trying to combine every single story and decisions/choices for like millions of TWD players.
Uh, did anybody read this and think, "This is completely NOT what they are doing"?
The way the decisions are going to play out is not going to be any more complex than drawing out a flow chart. The story must already be written, so, more than likely, they are not combining EVERY ONE'S DECISIONS AND CHOICES to be adjusted to their progress through episode 2. I would hope they're devoting some time to getting better audio quality, if anything.
I do get your point though, developing a video game is no easy task, and trying to release monthly content seems to invite trouble. Valve tried episodic gaming, they made 2 chapters and quit. It's certainly telling, selling an unfinished game is a real gamble, and to be honest, nobody wins when there are delays. Telltale unfortunately brings this rage down upon themselves by opting to stick with episodic content.
the devs and the people who matter know what im talking about.
A brick wall doesnt say 'I dont know the law about gaming products so if asking for an explanation isnt my right then sorry for misusing it.' Since you dont know what talking to a brick wall is, let me try to explain, 'it is exactly what you're doing'. Couple of people here explained to you kindly why they disagreed with you but because you are the 'brick wall' there you only wrote this nonsense post.
This is my last post to you because i tried to reason and saw that you couldnt be reasoned with.
That's as stupid as saying just because you paid for food you have no right to ask how it was prepared, what sort of meat was used, how the animal was killed (when infact you can)
Or if you pay for a product on amazon and it doesn't turn up you have no right about asking where it is and when will it arrive. (when once again you CAN)
And I'm sure if you had bought a item from amazon or ebay and you had not receive the item on the expected date and they decided not to reply to you, you would email said company to complain.
Yet you will probably deny this now to back up your weak argument.
What world are you living in, present me a piece of information about my rights and outline the part where i can use freedom of speech but please do bring some evidence forward that backs up your claim about how we have no right to complain or ask for the product we have paid for when it is behind it's release.
Please do. :-)
Bottom line is when people spend their money on anything they have a right to ask questions about said product/investment.
Someone stop that child from posting and trying to force down his one sided stubborn views on everyone else…
And just to end of my little rant another post to show you how silly he is...
"No wheres did i say the game wasn't yours. I said you do not have the right to know the development stage. if you think you do, you have a problem with understanding how these things work."
This rite here hahahaha, I don't even need to post one thing about it. The idiocy within those lines says it all.
I'm sure you will reply with something just as stupid but I wont bother reading or posting back here.
So long,
Kiss Kiss
Well put bet he doesn't have the smarts to address any of this. I was a little hasty earlier there are decent people about but with Ronedogg is like talking to a brickwall his just alot thicker.
I'm not even angry about the delay just sick off kiddies like ROnedogg who seem to have no idea about real laws, policies or rights etc who then go about insulting others and making up stuff.
what is funny. notice all you people replying have about the same amount of post count as i do. so you are new aswell. and no one gives a rats ass what either of us says.
Looks like im right. Are you getting any of these answers?
I'm not sure this will really settle anything, but it seems that whether or not you have the "right" to inquire about the release date is being used interchangeably with whether or not it is "reasonable" to. I understand why someone would be frustrated that a game they have already paid for(due to it being released over time as episodic content) not being released when it was implied.
Unfortunately... like many games, you can't always determine whether or not a product will be ready by the time you originally predicted, and I would imagine even more so when developing a game in multiple parts to be released separately. Personally, I usually don't mind when a game is delayed, even if I've already pre-ordered it. However, those games are typically whole releases that I can easily get refunded if I am dissatisfied with the development time or process. I'm playing TWD on my 360, so I don't have the inconvenience of paying for every episode simultaneously without an opportunity for a refund.
My main point here is that I do agree that it is "reasonable" to inquire about the release date for a product you've already paid for and expect to receive some sort of response, whether it be ambiguous(such as admitting that the development rate is uncertain and a release date equally so) or conclusive. It is not however a given right to have access to that information unless it is stated so in some form of purchasing agreement.
I'm pretty sure(or at least hope) that everyone would agree with just about everything I have said. The miscommunication here is coming from the vocabulary involved. I don't understand why having a discussion so trivial leads to such inflammatory comments. Please just understand that no matter how unreasonable you think somebody else is being, judging their character will rarely help gain their understanding.
Wel I'm giving Telltale the benefit of the doubt. I have been a customer for years, and I have always found the customer service to be great. There is one thing I have learnt and that is, Telltale really cares about it's fanbase. When Jurassic Park was delayed, until later on the year, they even gave a coupon to everyone, which you could have techincally used to get Jurassic Park for free. Not many companies would do this.
And what about when The first episode of the walking dead was released and because of problems at their end they gave steam keys to everyone, just so you could play it on release day. I also have liked the fact that the devs seem to regulate the forums often, answering questions and communicating with their customers. I would imagine that they have been busy getting ready for E3, so it could be why it seems so silent atm.
A brick wall doesnt say 'I dont know the law about gaming products so if asking for an explanation isnt my right then sorry for misusing it.' Since you dont know what talking to a brick wall is, let me try to explain, 'it is exactly what you're doing'. Couple of people here explained to you kindly why they disagreed with you but because you are the 'brick wall' there you only wrote this nonsense post.
This is my last post to you because i tried to reason and saw that you couldnt be reasoned with.
Exactly I wouldn’t let it bother you that’s why in my last post I stated I won’t be replying back to him. I also knew he wouldn’t be able to answer my post in a reasonable intelligent manner.
He was unable to dissect it and give reasons for his opinion and was unable to discredit any of my examples.
His probably very young and does not understand what rights costumers have and will learn this later in life, well I hope that’s the case and not that his uneducated.
Hopefully this thread gets locked because he seems to be forcing his fatuous assertions down upon any poster who has a different opinion.
It’s sad how every simpleton with a keyboard and the internet ends up polluting people with mind vibes.
I'm not sure this will really settle anything, but it seems that whether or not you have the "right" to inquire about the release date is being used interchangeably with whether or not it is "reasonable" to. I understand why someone would be frustrated that a game they have already paid for(due to it being released over time as episodic content) not being released when it was implied.
Unfortunately... like many games, you can't always determine whether or not a product will be ready by the time you originally predicted, and I would imagine even more so when developing a game in multiple parts to be released separately. Personally, I usually don't mind when a game is delayed, even if I've already pre-ordered it. However, those games are typically whole releases that I can easily get refunded if I am dissatisfied with the development time or process. I'm playing TWD on my 360, so I don't have the inconvenience of paying for every episode simultaneously without an opportunity for a refund.
My main point here is that I do agree that it is "reasonable" to inquire about the release date for a product you've already paid for and expect to receive some sort of response, whether it be ambiguous(such as admitting that the development rate is uncertain and a release date equally so) or conclusive. It is not however a given right to have access to that information unless it is stated so in some form of purchasing agreement.
I'm pretty sure(or at least hope) that everyone would agree with just about everything I have said. The miscommunication here is coming from the vocabulary involved. I don't understand why having a discussion so trivial leads to such inflammatory comments. Please just understand that no matter how unreasonable you think somebody else is being, judging their character will rarely help gain their understanding.
I'm not sure this will really settle anything, but it seems that whether or not you have the "right" to inquire about the release date is being used interchangeably with whether or not it is "reasonable" to. I understand why someone would be frustrated that a game they have already paid for(due to it being released over time as episodic content) not being released when it was implied.
Unfortunately... like many games, you can't always determine whether or not a product will be ready by the time you originally predicted, and I would imagine even more so when developing a game in multiple parts to be released separately. Personally, I usually don't mind when a game is delayed, even if I've already pre-ordered it. However, those games are typically whole releases that I can easily get refunded if I am dissatisfied with the development time or process. I'm playing TWD on my 360, so I don't have the inconvenience of paying for every episode simultaneously without an opportunity for a refund.
My main point here is that I do agree that it is "reasonable" to inquire about the release date for a product you've already paid for and expect to receive some sort of response, whether it be ambiguous(such as admitting that the development rate is uncertain and a release date equally so) or conclusive. It is not however a given right to have access to that information unless it is stated so in some form of purchasing agreement.
I'm pretty sure(or at least hope) that everyone would agree with just about everything I have said. The miscommunication here is coming from the vocabulary involved. I don't understand why having a discussion so trivial leads to such inflammatory comments. Please just understand that no matter how unreasonable you think somebody else is being, judging their character will rarely help gain their understanding.
I tend to post overly inflated monologues full of egalitarian wisdom to justify my own existence. Thanks for the compliment though... not so much for the ego boost.:rolleyes:
Uh, did anybody read this and think, "This is completely NOT what they are doing"?
The way the decisions are going to play out is not going to be any more complex than drawing out a flow chart. The story must already be written, so, more than likely, they are not combining EVERY ONE'S DECISIONS AND CHOICES to be adjusted to their progress through episode 2. I would hope they're devoting some time to getting better audio quality, if anything.
I do get your point though, developing a video game is no easy task, and trying to release monthly content seems to invite trouble. Valve tried episodic gaming, they made 2 chapters and quit. It's certainly telling, selling an unfinished game is a real gamble, and to be honest, nobody wins when there are delays. Telltale unfortunately brings this rage down upon themselves by opting to stick with episodic content.
Its also telling that telltale games is one of the companies responsible for the breath of life being put back into the adventure gaming genre. They did not do this by not knowing how to get shit done. They are one of the only companies that has made the release schedule work because they are REALLY responsive to the needs of their community and they are gamers themselves. This makes a big difference at the end of the day. Now I can appreciate the people wanting a product on the date they expect it, but to be truly honest, would you prefer an inferior product on time or a superior product at a delay?
I tend to post overly inflated monologues full of egalitarian wisdom to justify my own existence. Thanks for the compliment though... not so much for the ego boost.:rolleyes:
Again. Most people(myself included) just want info. It pisses me off that I just don't have any info. Day after day just nothing but flame wars. Idk to me it seems like TT doesn't care about me at all. Oh well it'll hopefully be out soon
Again. Most people(myself included) just want info. It pisses me off that I just don't have any info. Day after day just nothing but flame wars. Idk to me it seems like TT doesn't care about me at all. Oh well it'll hopefully be out soon
They already said it will be released in June, so they gave some info.
It seems that you want more info, which is understandable but consider that no matter how much and how often they post information, somebody would always ask for more.
Also it could be that they cannot give out information either for legal reasons or because they don't know at the moment.
Would it be good if they post information now which proves to be incorrect later? But I guess you would be satisfied with any explanation, no matter if true or false, therefore just make up something for yourself and be happy...
I know this was a few pages back. ( Don't check the forums one day and like 5 pages are added, lol) But I'm pretty since they were saying Diablo 3 would be released a few years ago.( Originally around 5 or 6 I think? Could be only 3 or 4 really.) If my memory is correct that is. WOW set it back for a while, more so than the other Blizzard games.
In what I said I was only just explaining to some guy who said something about diablo 3 and such :P
As for the other thing you said I totally agree with you. I mean I don't care if there's some delay for episode 2, but at least TellTale DEV's should notify us of some changes that had/are occurring.
It's all real life stuff spawner... real girls, real fun, real good talks. The food might be a bit artificial though. And again, I have no idea when in June episode 2 will finally hit. Haven't even had the stones to vote in the new poll yet. Not enough statistics for that one.
Well to be honest, the way you said it made me think large. I found it really strange in what you said. First off you said next week. Why didn't you say today, tomorrow(when you posted the last time) ? Secondly, and this is the thing that really made me think....why did you coincidentally say 2 girls and not 1, 3 or even more girls ? The fact that you said 2 and the fact that we're waiting on episode 2 made me think Just stating what went through my mind :P
Um... we are COMMUNITY moderators, as in VOLUNTEERS and not employees. We honestly know just as much as you guys do about release dates... which is to say that we know Ep. 2 is a June release. And that't it.
Uh, did anybody read this and think, "This is completely NOT what they are doing"?
The way the decisions are going to play out is not going to be any more complex than drawing out a flow chart. The story must already be written, so, more than likely, they are not combining EVERY ONE'S DECISIONS AND CHOICES to be adjusted to their progress through episode 2. I would hope they're devoting some time to getting better audio quality, if anything.
I do get your point though, developing a video game is no easy task, and trying to release monthly content seems to invite trouble. Valve tried episodic gaming, they made 2 chapters and quit. It's certainly telling, selling an unfinished game is a real gamble, and to be honest, nobody wins when there are delays. Telltale unfortunately brings this rage down upon themselves by opting to stick with episodic content.
Okay maybe my reasoning wasn't 100% accurate but I'm more than certain that the choices/decisions we made in episode 1 are recorded in our game database, which somehow is linked to their own database(I reckon). So the devs have to place a command/flow chart(as you specified) that says: if a user chooses option A, this, this and this will occur in a future reference in the game. An easy example is this. When you say something to an in-game character example shawn when you tell him whether you're a neighbour, babysitter or just some guy, that option is recorded somewhere to be used further on in the game. Same applies to ALL the other options. Keeping track of an option from episode 1 to episode 1 is an easy step, but to keep track of an option from episode 1 to episode 2 a huge difference is applied and the dev's need to make sure that these options will not cause any bugs, problems or even any glitches
The real letdown is that the cake was a lie. I bought a cake for $25. I got one piece of the cake a few days after my purchase. The first slice is to get you hooked, and I was, I still am. After devouring the slice of cake multiple times to savor every facet of flavor and texture that it offered I had exhausted all that the first slice of cake had in store for me.
I was promised a slice of cake to be delivered to me monthly and I waited for over a month, each day salivating over another slice of cake, another slice of cake that wasn't to be. I eagerly awaited the cake to be delivered to my mailbox, longing for another taste of beautiful simplicity but by the time my cake had arrived, it was rotten. The delivery time was far too long and it had been a hot month or so. It was still a delicious slice of cake but something was spoiled for me. The bakers hadn't delivered on their promise, they didn't deliver the cake that I paid them for. This is what has soured my disposition.
On the brighter side of things I look forward to the cannibalism to come in episode 2 as well as the multitude of other fun things awaiting us.
Before anyone reads, this isn't a hate post. It's just an aw maaaaan.
I jumped on my PS3 today just to check if the episode had come out yet. I haven't been on all week so I jump on and realized something, they've updated the premium theme (at least I think so. I haven't seen the background that had come up yet and had seen a lot of the same ones over and over. So I could be wrong.) But it looked like it was from episode 2. So I got all pumped up and excited. Jumped onto the game, and it wasn't there. :[
lol. Anyone else think they've been updating the themes and will they continue to update it throughout the series. That'd be really cool. Also, in the achievements there's a "Road to Woodbury" anyone else excited to possibly see good ol' Gov? I know I am.
I'm not really sure Lee, and Clem will end up there, as in the preview of episode 2 seems like he has a falling out with Lilly so she might just end up going after I kill Larry. I'd rather not see the governor either as much as I like him, and head more towards Alexandria
I would be perfect happy if Telltale would just eat their words and say "Alright, we bit off more than we could chew. The episodes will be release when they are ready. We are terrible sorry we promised something far beyond our capacity to fulfill."
The real letdown is that the cake was a lie. I bought a cake for $25. I got one piece of the cake a few days after my purchase. The first slice is to get you hooked, and I was, I still am. After devouring the slice of cake multiple times to savor every facet of flavor and texture that it offered I had exhausted all that the first slice of cake had in store for me.
I was promised a slice of cake to be delivered to me monthly and I waited for over a month, each day salivating over another slice of cake, another slice of cake that wasn't to be. I eagerly awaited the cake to be delivered to my mailbox, longing for another taste of beautiful simplicity but by the time my cake had arrived, it was rotten. The delivery time was far too long and it had been a hot month or so. It was still a delicious slice of cake but something was spoiled for me. The bakers hadn't delivered on their promise, they didn't deliver the cake that I paid them for. This is what has soured my disposition.
On the brighter side of things I look forward to the cannibalism to come in episode 2 as well as the multitude of other fun things awaiting us.
..... did anyone else hear about Robert Kirkman hinting about writing in Daryl from the show into the comic?
That would be cool; hopefully it can be done tastefully and not just feel like fan service. I'm only a so-so fan of the show but I do like that idea as he's one of the cooler characters.
If your reading this can you give us some more screenshots until you have an official release date you can announce. Not necessarily of Episode 2 either if you got any laying around. Something for us to form brand new conspiracies and arguments about while we wait. Please?
See THIS is the problem. The attitude. Why cant we discuss like normal people here? I try to write every post without insulting anyone, but you dont care about that. This is why everyone starts insulting each other and the thread turns to something disgusting because when you write something like 'Do you even understand what you are saying dude.' the other person gets angry too even if he wasnt in the first place. I dont know the law about gaming products so if asking for an explanation isnt my right then sorry for misusing it. But still, even if it WASNT my right, a company shouldnt treat its customers like this. Not writing a little apology may cause them to lose customers.
You also wrote 'where did they give a date for episode 2 or 3 or 4 or 5? where are u getting these crazy ideas lol'. What many people understand from 'monthly' is releasing one episode within a month each month. EVEN if it didnt meant the monthly we understood, telltale should still have told us something because they are watching the threads and they see how people are mad about this. Is it THIS hard to say something?
the devs and the people who matter know what im talking about.
The way the decisions are going to play out is not going to be any more complex than drawing out a flow chart. The story must already be written, so, more than likely, they are not combining EVERY ONE'S DECISIONS AND CHOICES to be adjusted to their progress through episode 2. I would hope they're devoting some time to getting better audio quality, if anything.
I do get your point though, developing a video game is no easy task, and trying to release monthly content seems to invite trouble. Valve tried episodic gaming, they made 2 chapters and quit. It's certainly telling, selling an unfinished game is a real gamble, and to be honest, nobody wins when there are delays. Telltale unfortunately brings this rage down upon themselves by opting to stick with episodic content.
A brick wall doesnt say 'I dont know the law about gaming products so if asking for an explanation isnt my right then sorry for misusing it.' Since you dont know what talking to a brick wall is, let me try to explain, 'it is exactly what you're doing'. Couple of people here explained to you kindly why they disagreed with you but because you are the 'brick wall' there you only wrote this nonsense post.
This is my last post to you because i tried to reason and saw that you couldnt be reasoned with.
Well put bet he doesn't have the smarts to address any of this. I was a little hasty earlier there are decent people about but with Ronedogg is like talking to a brickwall his just alot thicker.
I'm not even angry about the delay just sick off kiddies like ROnedogg who seem to have no idea about real laws, policies or rights etc who then go about insulting others and making up stuff.
Looks like im right. Are you getting any of these answers?
point made. last post
elvis has left the building
Unfortunately... like many games, you can't always determine whether or not a product will be ready by the time you originally predicted, and I would imagine even more so when developing a game in multiple parts to be released separately. Personally, I usually don't mind when a game is delayed, even if I've already pre-ordered it. However, those games are typically whole releases that I can easily get refunded if I am dissatisfied with the development time or process. I'm playing TWD on my 360, so I don't have the inconvenience of paying for every episode simultaneously without an opportunity for a refund.
My main point here is that I do agree that it is "reasonable" to inquire about the release date for a product you've already paid for and expect to receive some sort of response, whether it be ambiguous(such as admitting that the development rate is uncertain and a release date equally so) or conclusive. It is not however a given right to have access to that information unless it is stated so in some form of purchasing agreement.
I'm pretty sure(or at least hope) that everyone would agree with just about everything I have said. The miscommunication here is coming from the vocabulary involved. I don't understand why having a discussion so trivial leads to such inflammatory comments. Please just understand that no matter how unreasonable you think somebody else is being, judging their character will rarely help gain their understanding.
And what about when The first episode of the walking dead was released and because of problems at their end they gave steam keys to everyone, just so you could play it on release day. I also have liked the fact that the devs seem to regulate the forums often, answering questions and communicating with their customers. I would imagine that they have been busy getting ready for E3, so it could be why it seems so silent atm.
Exactly I wouldn’t let it bother you that’s why in my last post I stated I won’t be replying back to him. I also knew he wouldn’t be able to answer my post in a reasonable intelligent manner.
He was unable to dissect it and give reasons for his opinion and was unable to discredit any of my examples.
His probably very young and does not understand what rights costumers have and will learn this later in life, well I hope that’s the case and not that his uneducated.
Hopefully this thread gets locked because he seems to be forcing his fatuous assertions down upon any poster who has a different opinion.
It’s sad how every simpleton with a keyboard and the internet ends up polluting people with mind vibes.
I bought the compendium of the first 48 issues of the comic yesterday though so back to reading that I guess.
Actually I worked all of Saturday and the office should be pretty packed right now. ;-)
You should post more often.
That was very good, i completely agree with you.
I tend to post overly inflated monologues full of egalitarian wisdom to justify my own existence. Thanks for the compliment though... not so much for the ego boost.:rolleyes:
110% agree with everything you say
They already said it will be released in June, so they gave some info.
It seems that you want more info, which is understandable but consider that no matter how much and how often they post information, somebody would always ask for more.
Also it could be that they cannot give out information either for legal reasons or because they don't know at the moment.
Would it be good if they post information now which proves to be incorrect later? But I guess you would be satisfied with any explanation, no matter if true or false, therefore just make up something for yourself and be happy...
In what I said I was only just explaining to some guy who said something about diablo 3 and such :P
As for the other thing you said I totally agree with you. I mean I don't care if there's some delay for episode 2, but at least TellTale DEV's should notify us of some changes that had/are occurring.
Well to be honest, the way you said it made me think large. I found it really strange in what you said. First off you said next week. Why didn't you say today, tomorrow(when you posted the last time) ? Secondly, and this is the thing that really made me think....why did you coincidentally say 2 girls and not 1, 3 or even more girls ? The fact that you said 2 and the fact that we're waiting on episode 2 made me think
You won't be missed.
Okay maybe my reasoning wasn't 100% accurate but I'm more than certain that the choices/decisions we made in episode 1 are recorded in our game database, which somehow is linked to their own database(I reckon). So the devs have to place a command/flow chart(as you specified) that says: if a user chooses option A, this, this and this will occur in a future reference in the game. An easy example is this. When you say something to an in-game character example shawn when you tell him whether you're a neighbour, babysitter or just some guy, that option is recorded somewhere to be used further on in the game. Same applies to ALL the other options. Keeping track of an option from episode 1 to episode 1 is an easy step, but to keep track of an option from episode 1 to episode 2 a huge difference is applied and the dev's need to make sure that these options will not cause any bugs, problems or even any glitches
Can you calm it down a bit ? I'm pretty sure that episode 2 will be with us shortly
welcome to the forums
now your id is that refering to your self being a gamer of epic proportions or is it you love 'epic' the people behind gears of war ?
if it is the later you should really be used to waiting...
It was either that or troll rimshot.
I was promised a slice of cake to be delivered to me monthly and I waited for over a month, each day salivating over another slice of cake, another slice of cake that wasn't to be. I eagerly awaited the cake to be delivered to my mailbox, longing for another taste of beautiful simplicity but by the time my cake had arrived, it was rotten. The delivery time was far too long and it had been a hot month or so. It was still a delicious slice of cake but something was spoiled for me. The bakers hadn't delivered on their promise, they didn't deliver the cake that I paid them for. This is what has soured my disposition.
On the brighter side of things I look forward to the cannibalism to come in episode 2 as well as the multitude of other fun things awaiting us.
I jumped on my PS3 today just to check if the episode had come out yet. I haven't been on all week so I jump on and realized something, they've updated the premium theme (at least I think so. I haven't seen the background that had come up yet and had seen a lot of the same ones over and over. So I could be wrong.) But it looked like it was from episode 2. So I got all pumped up and excited. Jumped onto the game, and it wasn't there. :[
lol. Anyone else think they've been updating the themes and will they continue to update it throughout the series. That'd be really cool. Also, in the achievements there's a "Road to Woodbury" anyone else excited to possibly see good ol' Gov? I know I am.
Then I would shut my mouth and wait patiently.
On a slightly off-topic note, did anyone else hear about Robert Kirkman hinting about writing in Daryl from the show into the comic?
@ReliusBlue ... damn your cake analogy. I want some friggin carrot cake now.
That would be cool; hopefully it can be done tastefully and not just feel like fan service. I'm only a so-so fan of the show but I do like that idea as he's one of the cooler characters.
If your reading this can you give us some more screenshots until you have an official release date you can announce. Not necessarily of Episode 2 either if you got any laying around. Something for us to form brand new conspiracies and arguments about while we wait. Please?
Sincerely The Capn