Episode 2 Release Dates are out!!! June 27th for Xbox / June 29th PSN/PC/Mac



  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    jimbow86 wrote: »
    It SAD...... I have been on the forms and polling about the game,more than I played it !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thats how I was with ME3 and the BSN
  • edited June 2012
    lost a future customer
  • edited June 2012
    why was the 23rd and 24th removed from the poll options?
  • edited June 2012
    I guess at this point I'm either preaching to the choir, or just repeating what a ton of other users have said.
    I'd just like to say though, that as a game developer, you should wait until you have a finished product before you start selling//releasing your product or at least have enough of the product completed to allow room for error, otherwise you will have tons of unhappy customers, which seems to be the case. If I personally had known beforehand that the game was released in installments and at various times, I would have waited until it was completed before purchasing it. I don't mind so much waiting for the game, I'm more concerned with not knowing when to expect the next installment. While I realize that things may happen that cause issues in development, it's just terrible marketing techniques to not prepare for something like this. If they had developed episode 1 and 2 prior to the release of episode 1 they would have given them-self nearly two additional months to work on the game, which would have allowed them to continue releasing episodes on a month to month bases and allowing them room for error. I'm just a little disappointed in the way they have chosen to go about development and release of the game, and as such I will be hesitant in purchasing from them in the future.

    As far as my guess for release I honestly can't say, as they have clearly been having issues with development which is causing delays.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2012
    mkane24 wrote: »
    why was the 23rd and 24th removed from the poll options?

    Telltale only does midweek releases, so there aren't any weekends in the poll.
  • edited June 2012
    my vote has been lost! I feel like an african american in florida during the bush gore election!
  • edited June 2012
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    Telltale only does midweek releases, so there aren't any weekends in the poll.

    oh. well if it's june 24th can i get a prize?
  • edited June 2012
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    Telltale only does midweek releases, so there aren't any weekends in the poll.

    Unlike most people the Telltale people don’t work on weekends. The hold on release is an obvious repercussion based on the economic depression we are in. Blame it on change.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2012
    mkane24 wrote: »
    my vote has been lost! I feel like an african american in florida during the bush gore election!

    This is a brand new poll! You should be able to cast a vote if it's not showing up already.
    jared25 wrote: »
    Unlike most people the Telltale people don’t work on weekends.

    I've seen plenty of them work weekends, but that's outside their usual office hours. They release games on business days.
  • edited June 2012
    I'm only hope that will be more than 2 hours of gameplay for 2 months of waiting.
  • edited June 2012
    Jesus, gamers really are entitiled assholes. Why has the gaming community got the worst community? :mad:

    The game will come out when it's finished, stop acting like little babies.
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    Ok TWDfan then what should these forums be used for until episode 2 comes out

    "Well it should be used to be talking about Batterie miniquest"
    We already have that thread
    "Umm how about a thread on that Clementine kid"
    Already have Two Threads
    "How about a thread about Larry"
    Got it
    Got it
    Got it
    "Ok how about music and the TWD"
    Got it
    "What about a thread about creative ideas involving TWD"
    We got that too
    "Ok how about a list of things to do while you wait for Episode 2"
    We even got that

    So honestly whats left to do then discuss why its not out formulate hypothesis and argue amongst ourselves to kill time.
  • edited June 2012
    Yeah.... Nvm. Im an ass and didn't read before hand.
  • edited June 2012
    Shoopuffs wrote: »
    ... If I personally had known beforehand that the game was released in installments and at various times, I would have waited until it was completed before purchasing it...

    To all you people making such complaints (I think I saw someone complaining that they had bought 1/5 of a game for $25 earlier on too), you need to learn to READ (or mayby understand English). It is STILL clearly stated on the TTG website that this is an EPISODIC release.

    You can't blame TTG that you hit the pay button without understanding what you were getting.

    Just be patient, I'm sure the game will be amazing when it's complete and you will have a game worth a few dollars (actually pounds sterling for me :) ) more than what you paid for it. Especially as the game is inviting multiple playthroughs just to see how taking different decisions plays out differently.
  • edited June 2012
    e1ic1um wrote: »
    I actually broke out into laughter when i found out that you developers broke the game into 5 pieces so you could release 1/5 of a game at half the price of normal big name titles.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seemed apparent to me that you pay $25 for 5 episodes of a game. The game being broken up into five episodes meant that there would be wait time between the release of each episode.

    This was all spelled out for anyone who chose to buy it.

    If you are upset by this, you have no one to blame but yourself. It was your choice to put the money down. No one else's.

    Coming here to b*tch about it only makes you look foolish.

    For future reference. If you don't like the set up of a particular title, might I suggest not spending money on it? For *this* title... you could have waited until all episodes were completed and then made your purchase.

    I thank the dev's for making an awesome first episode. I have been a gamer for the better part of 30+ years... all the way back to the original PONG. I've seen how games, especially recent (10 years) have frequent setbacks, and delays. I sort of expect them.

    I look forward to the release of episode 2. Thanks, devs, for all the work you put into this.

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited June 2012
    e1ic1um wrote: »
    I actually broke out into laughter when i found out that you developers broke the game into 5 pieces so you could release 1/5 of a game at half the price of normal big name titles.

    The world must be a very funny place if you laugh at all the things you don't understand. :rolleyes:
  • edited June 2012
    Youve got to wonder how these people manage to dress themselves in the morning
  • edited June 2012
    The world must be a very funny place if you laugh at all the things you don't understand. :rolleyes:

    Careful you're are getting close to personal insults, a moderator will be on to you! Oh.....
  • edited June 2012
    I thought it was going to come out for the weekend when it didnt come out May 30th. But im not sure now. I hope it comes out either on the 3rd or 4th.
  • edited June 2012
    Come to mention it, I had been meaning to finish my 2nd playthrough, so this delay will give me opportunity to.
    I may also do a third playthough with a silent Lee.
  • edited June 2012
    Masta23 wrote: »
    Come to mention it, I had been meaning to finish my 2nd playthrough, so this delay will give me opportunity to.
    I may also do a third playthough with a silent Lee.

    Yea, like an idiot i am, i Did a second playthrough right after my first game. I just did all the choices i didnt pick the first time.
  • edited June 2012
    how many new members are the old trolls who got banned ?

    i do think ttg should learn by now to plan ahead because if they continue to crawl back in their collective shells and ignore vaild 'polite' questions when things don't go to plan eventually even us die hard fans may give up.

    yes as we've said before ttg will still get trolls regardless of what they do, but i think for their next game some better planning should be implemented personally i don't care if the first episode takes longer to come out if we get the following episodes monthly, or as promised.

    guys and gals at ttg you've done this for 6 years and it may work for you, but it's not really working for us mear mortals....

    and i've litterally done the first ep to death... 4 playthroughs so far..
  • edited June 2012
    Bare in mind that the forum link on steam, directs you to this website, hence why there seem to be so many trolls.
  • edited June 2012
    Pleaseeee hurry up and get here already. I feel like a fiend lol
  • edited June 2012
    Someone posted this to the psn TWD page. Might be a troll, but it looks like an email from TellTale. Gosh I hope it's a troll.

    Sorry to inform you that TWD Starved for Help", will be released on 12/21/2012. You all are valued customers and we appreciate your patience. We at TTG want to apologize for not releasing the release date sooner. We have run into a few minor mishaps and bugs.We want to make sure there is not one single glitch in this long 2 hour game. We also like to wait until every single X-Box 360 and Playstation 3 owner has a chance to spend money for our game/games. At least we will be able to enjoy TWD before the end of days.
    Thank You, Time Consumer TTG
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited June 2012
  • edited June 2012
    Someone posted this to the psn TWD page. Might be a troll, but it looks like an email from TellTale. Gosh I hope it's a troll.

    Sorry to inform you that TWD Starved for Help", will be released on 12/21/2012. You all are valued customers and we appreciate your patience. We at TTG want to apologize for not releasing the release date sooner. We have run into a few minor mishaps and bugs.We want to make sure there is not one single glitch in this long 2 hour game. We also like to wait until every single X-Box 360 and Playstation 3 owner has a chance to spend money for our game/games. At least we will be able to enjoy TWD before the end of days.
    Thank You, Time Consumer TTG

    did you get the id tag too ?

    methinks troll
  • edited June 2012
    Someone posted this to the psn TWD page. Might be a troll, but it looks like an email from TellTale. Gosh I hope it's a troll.

    Sorry to inform you that TWD Starved for Help", will be released on 12/21/2012. You all are valued customers and we appreciate your patience. We at TTG want to apologize for not releasing the release date sooner. We have run into a few minor mishaps and bugs.We want to make sure there is not one single glitch in this long 2 hour game. We also like to wait until every single X-Box 360 and Playstation 3 owner has a chance to spend money for our game/games. At least we will be able to enjoy TWD before the end of days.
    Thank You, Time Consumer TTG
    Of course it's a troll. That couldn't be more obvious.
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    Someone posted this to the psn TWD page. Might be a troll, but it looks like an email from TellTale. Gosh I hope it's a troll.

    Sorry to inform you that TWD Starved for Help", will be released on 12/21/2012. You all are valued customers and we appreciate your patience. We at TTG want to apologize for not releasing the release date sooner. We have run into a few minor mishaps and bugs.We want to make sure there is not one single glitch in this long 2 hour game. We also like to wait until every single X-Box 360 and Playstation 3 owner has a chance to spend money for our game/games. At least we will be able to enjoy TWD before the end of days.
    Thank You, Time Consumer TTG

    Can you spot which parts of this statement are trolling?

    1. a december release for episode 2 It wouldnt take that long to get all the bugs out of an small episode

    2. I dont think any episode can be 2 hours unless your counting them all together

    3. Chance to spend money {Come on why didnt they just post "We love money" it's just as believable trolling }

    4. Xbox and Ps3 Games come on we both know they only have Sam and Max Season 1 and 2 and TWDG theres nothing else by them.

    5. Apocalypse joke is tacky

    6. "Thank you for your time, Consumer" is the appropriate way not Thank You , Time Consumer.
  • edited June 2012
    Such over-use of the word troll. Its annoying.
  • edited June 2012
    Such over-use of the word troll. Its annoying.

    This entire thread is annoying.
  • edited June 2012
    flash-900 wrote: »
    lets have a look today. OH joy still fucked up with no info,
    it's the weekend. Just relax.
  • edited June 2012
    It would be nice to play walking dead right now, I can't lie. But some of you dudes really gotta go outside and get some fresh air. Go out and talk to pretty girls or take a bike ride or something. It's Saturday. It's good for ya. Sitting on your computer being pale-toned, lethargic jerks and complaining like a spoiled brat about a video game, doesn't really do much except make you look like a jackass.. Food for thought, guys who complain about things.
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    imdgart wrote: »
    It would be nice to play walking dead right now, I can't lie. But some of you dudes really gotta go outside and get some fresh air. Go out and talk to pretty girls or take a bike ride or something. It's Saturday. It's good for ya. Sitting on your computer being pale-toned, lethargic jerks and complaining like a spoiled brat about a video game, doesn't really do much except make you look like a jackass.. Food for thought, guys who complain about things.

    Says the guy whose complaining and insulting people
  • edited June 2012
    flash-900 wrote: »
    yep dead right should have my feet up happily playing epp 2 of the walking dead, ohh thats right nobody knows were the hell it is,
    It was delayed till June. What part of that don't you understand?
    It is only the 2nd. Give them a break.
  • edited June 2012
    CapnJay wrote: »
    Says the guy whose complaining and insulting people

    I'm also outside, on the beach, drinking a beer with my girlfriend and not giving any types of f*cks about playing this game right now cool guy. It's not insulting, it's some advice.
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    imdgart wrote: »
    I'm also outside, on the beach, drinking a beer with my girlfriend and not giving any types of f*cks about playing this game right now cool guy. It's not insulting, it's some advice.

    any part of your statement i didn't highlight or make bold was perfectly acceptable once it became highlighted you went from giving good advice to being a complaining .....person
  • edited June 2012
    I dont wanna blame ttg without judging, maybe there is a reason to why they arent telling us anything that we cant think of right now, but since this is not some super secret goverment project, i believe theyre just ignoring us. Dont get me wrong im not trying to insult anyone and im not writing this with anger, but i dont understand people who are still defending ttg.(again not an insult.)

    1- When you're given a deadline, you should try hard to give the product before the deadline passes. But if you gave the deadline yourself then i believe you shouldnt pass it. No one forced ttg to release monthly episodes, they told us themselves and now they failed to do it within the deadline they gave. But i know things may go wrong, so even though i think they should have released it by now(again, because they gave the deadline), im not mad at this. But i can understand people who are mad because of this reason.

    2- What i cant understand is why ttg wont tell us anything, i mean you take your customers money, you fail to deliver the product, and you just ignore the customer. You may have ran into problems but WHY are you ignoring your customer? I dont want them to give me a date, i just want them to say something. Just write 'We're sorry but we ran into a couple of problems' or write 'Sorry', if you cant even write that then just write 'sry' but write something. And like that wasnt enough, in the old thread a guy named Mike comes and says 'cool it with the insults'. So you ARE watching the thread, you see your customers say 'please tell us something' and you ignore them. I mean someone even said 'now that we know youre watching the thread, can you tell us why episode 2 isnt released yet' and Mike just disappeared.

    I think people who demand information are right and not babies or people without a life.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited June 2012
    I think I should just delete the entire conversation from the last hours. What good is all that? Bad enough that there's flaming abound, but this going at each others' throat is just disappointing.

    Yes, there's a delay of episode 2. Yes, there should definitely be more immediate official info about it. No, that's not the end of the world. No, it doesn't mean that episode 2 will never come out.

    Yes, I will go out now and go running. Reserving the pretty girls for next week, as two are paying a visit. ;)
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    Why dont we also get Bioware to explain their choice of ending or what they're giving to us in the extended cut or when the extended cut is coming out.
This discussion has been closed.