I would be perfect happy if Telltale would just eat their words and say "Alright, we bit off more than we could chew. The episodes will be release when they are ready. We are terrible sorry we promised something far beyond our capacity to fulfill."
Then I would shut my mouth and wait patiently.
Or they could stay the course and have their own mouths shut.
I would be perfect happy if Telltale would just eat their words and say "Alright, we bit off more than we could chew. The episodes will be release when they are ready. We are terrible sorry we promised something far beyond our capacity to fulfill."
Then I would shut my mouth and wait patiently.
Thats all i want too. What makes me sad is when episode 2 comes out, people are gonna be so happy that they'll forget how Telltale treated us(probably including me). I'm not saying 'lets do something', im just saying that it may lead Telltale to act like this again and ignore us in the later episodes. I mean this is such a great game(in my opinion) and if they made a billion episodes i would play a billion episodes. Why does there have to be a downside for everything(TTG ignoring us).....
Just in case anyone hasn't seen, but IGN has a list of all E3 slots and it seems that on Wednesday 6th The Walking Dead Episode 2 has a slot at 3:20pm till 3:40pm.
Guess we'll find out what the big delay is and maybe even a release date Hurrah!
I would be perfect happy if Telltale would just eat their words and say "Alright, we bit off more than we could chew. The episodes will be release when they are ready. We are terrible sorry we promised something far beyond our capacity to fulfill."
Then I would shut my mouth and wait patiently.
Why don't you just assume that's what happened, then you may live in satisfaction that you were right and also move on until it does come out?
I bet if they released some modding tools that the modding community would have the episode out by now. Fully voiced and everything.
And that's individual people/groups.
I remember creating a fully voiced quest mod for Fallout 3 that lasted over an hour (and that's because the ones that did it knew what to do/where to go).
We made that inside of a month.
3 people.
As a hobby.
Pull your finger out TTG or at least stop sucking your thumbs long enough to utter some words out to the people who have (helped) pay your wages.
I feel sorry for the moderators of this community, they're the ones taking the attack and a lot of people direct their 'disappointment' towards them.
I remember creating a fully voiced quest mod for Fallout 3 that lasted over an hour (and that's because the ones that did it knew what to do/where to go). We made that inside of a month. 3 people. Unpaid. As a hobby.
Then again, that tells a lot about Bethesda too, IMO; fans make unpaid hobbiest spare-time mods in days that fix their broken games... often months or even years before they get around to it (if ever).
Re: TWD, I don't mind if they've unexpectedly realized they need more work; I'd rather a working, quality product late than an on-time bug-ridden mess that has to compromise (how many games do we know where we've come to lament "cut content" because it "had to be out now"... KOTOR2, anyone?).
On the other hand, be glad you can at least *play* TWD Ep 1... I (and many others) still can't, thanks the the crash-on-load bug in the standalone (non-Steam) version I paid for a month ago. Here's hoping THAT is what they're fixing before releasing episode 2.
Thats all i want too. What makes me sad is when episode 2 comes out, people are gonna be so happy that they'll forget how Telltale treated us(probably including me). I'm not saying 'lets do something', im just saying that it may lead Telltale to act like this again and ignore us in the later episodes. I mean this is such a great game(in my opinion) and if they made a billion episodes i would play a billion episodes. Why does there have to be a downside for everything(TTG ignoring us).....
I would like to add something to that......What makes me sad is the fact that when episode 2 comes out people are going to play episode 2 immediately for 2hrs straight and then finish that too. Then what happens ? They finish the game and come back here arguing about when episode 3 will be out. In a simpler way all the things said and done are going to occur again.
As I know that this is the case I advice the players to just play like 10min of the game everyday. People would be like WTF ? Playing only 10min of it when I've waited a long time for it to come out ? Yeah 10min only as then you'd finish the game quickly and then what will you be doing ?
I'd rather extend the time I play episode 2 then finish it all in a go. At least I won't have to wait that long for episode 3 ;):D:cool:
lets look today. my my, oh joy still fucked up no info, and rabid insults, soooo glad this will be my last ttg, that i will pay for anyway
We get your angry but is it necessary to repeat the same thing every single day. You seem to be forgetting that E3 is coming up, and episode 2 will be showcased. No info? It was delayed until June.
We get your angry but is it necessary to repeat the same thing every single day. You seem to be forgetting that E3 is coming up, and episode 2 will be showcased. No info? It was delayed until June.
don't feed the nasty troll masta if we ignore him he will go away
don't feed the nasty troll masta if we ignore him he will go away
or a nice friendly mod can ban him ?
Ban him? For what? Ever heard of freedom of speech...? He didn't insult anybody in his post (Unless there are others in which he has) so banning him would just be pretty stupid.
Ban him? For what? Ever heard of freedom of speech...? He didn't insult anybody in his post (Unless there are others in which he has) so banning him would just be pretty stupid.
Just in case anyone hasn't seen, but IGN has a list of all E3 slots and it seems that on Wednesday 6th The Walking Dead Episode 2 has a slot at 3:20pm till 3:40pm.
Anyone else get the feeling from this thier just delaying for E3.
Even if it were out I couldn't play (Exams) and the temptation might hit my average a bit. No problem waiting, but if it's not due too some type of bug (we all want a great experience) and more for publicity, I'd feel pretty annoyed by TTG. Just hope that the reasons legtimate.
First off I have to say the lack of research and thinking in this forum really gets to me. I had to make a account just to say a few things.
Let me get to the main point of episode 2s release.
Now this gaming forum is a lot different then other ones I go to. You guys aren't hardcore gamers and some of you I don't even consider casual gamers.
Now there is this really big gaming thing that comes out once a year called E3. This is where everyone goes and sets up booths and presents their new games coming out. Now if you did some research you would know Telltale is going to be there and the delay of the game was probably to fix a few bugs and maybe work some things out with the story, but also to show off Ep 2. Episode 3 isn't 100% steady and showing off something that's completely done and giving a date just days away will hype people up and get them some more fans.
1. Now first off months have not passed. The survivors will not last months off candy and bagged food. Time has passed but if anything weeks at the most.
2. To all the people with the whole "I dident sid wif larry all i done was wunt to reason with him!!!"
If you said you wanted to reason with Larry you really didn't side with either of them. The other option the game would have would be side with Larry since their is no neutral option.
You don't reason with a person tossing insults around and wanting to bash a kids head in with a shovel. You stop him...
3. You can't play the game as a all around nice guy. You have to know what to do in the situations they put you in. There is no more reasoning in this world put yourself in Lee's shoes.
Some people may have realized this in the last part of the episode when people are still going to hate you and people will still love you.
Also I just saw another thing that made me somewhat rage.
There was a thread on Lee talking to Katjaa alone...
Have you ever seen the show? Read the comic? There are 100s of moments when survivors just talk to one other survivor in private without showing any affection. Sometimes in the show the survivors will try to catch someone in private just to talk to them about something. In this part Katjaa is obviously stopping you to give you advice and thank you and that is it.
And yes they obviously delayed it for E3 once they realised how well episode 1 was selling.
Find that pretty deceitful of telltale then. It did say monthly episode releases, and they should have maintained that (barring bugs etc.), not ignoring the current customers to make sure they have a shiny display at E3 (they could have screenshots, trailers, show player choice stats, etc... build up hype for the next chapter). Also severely unimpressed with the total lack of info provided (although if the game is ready and waiting for a post presentation launch it does explain it).
Still, massive fan of thier games and not going to tantrum over it (AKA. "I want my money back", "never buying another game"), because thier work is quality.
Now this gaming forum is a lot different then other ones I go to. You guys aren't hardcore gamers and some of you I don't even consider casual gamers.
Thanks for your opinion on that, your consideration is a huge factor of my life, don't know how I can face the shame of not being a hardcore gamer.
You don't reason with a person tossing insults around and wanting to bash a kids head in with a shovel. You stop him...
Everyone reacts to stress differently. Alot of people when presented with an unknown stimuli react in thier conditioned way (fight, freeze up, reason). The guys a professor, so it might be a learned mental state.
I would like to add something to that......What makes me sad is the fact that when episode 2 comes out people are going to play episode 2 immediately for 2hrs straight and then finish that too. Then what happens ? They finish the game and come back here arguing about when episode 3 will be out. In a simpler way all the things said and done are going to occur again.
As I know that this is the case I advice the players to just play like 10min of the game everyday. People would be like WTF ? Playing only 10min of it when I've waited a long time for it to come out ? Yeah 10min only as then you'd finish the game quickly and then what will you be doing ?
I'd rather extend the time I play episode 2 then finish it all in a go. At least I won't have to wait that long for episode 3 ;):D:cool:
Or you could not play it for a few months and play all episodes at the same time. But we both know that no ones going to do that. Again dont get me wrong im not trying to get you mad or anything but i think people are right about complaining not because of the delay but because of the lack of info
And yes they obviously delayed it for E3 once they realised how well episode 1 was selling.
I repeat, Telltale should notify to all customers that point. The manners was not nice, in fact, it was rude put it on a trailer, at the end of it, celebrating their good game reviews and so.
Besides they hadn't to say anything about E3 if they didn't want. Just "Guys, sorry, but the Episode 2 will have a 1 month delay, sorry for the inconvenience". ANY videogame company have delays but when this happens they tell about it on his web or something.
The "It's a small company" reason it's not valid here. All companies do this in case of delays. This is not an amateur game or an "indie" game.
Oh! And in this case they didn't say anything in the FAQ about the Episode 2 being released two months later from Episode 1 like BTTF. In BTTF they announced at the end of the first episode trailer so no, this reason it's not valid either.
This is not the best way to treat your customers, Telltale.
I say June 8th for the simple fact that I will be on the road.
Just like everyone else, I'm waiting.
I can't believe there is not a simple answer to everyone's questions.
If there is going to be a continuous of these type of games, I highly suggest that you perform highly in your bussiness ethics.
Maybe, just maybe..... It would've been better for you all to create a full game, then release it on a monthly basis. Not create as you go. Because, paid customers would want their money's worth. It's frustrating because just like many others. I paid in full for something that is unfinished, and ignored repeatedly. I'm a impatient person as it is. And I can't believe I bought into this.
On that note.... All I have left to say talk is cheap. Well in your case, we all know you have no words. :eek:
So it is true, they screwed over there paid customers, to get more hype for E3, the deafing silence for any of ttg team post would suggest so,
I think I can post my protest each day. I do have to come here and see if i can find out info about the game I paid fo.r And is late thats a fact care or not it is late, This fourm is part of the epp experience people keep saying, so I payed up front so I can post as much as i like. I am not offencive, repetitive mabey, after all ttg has never answered The question about releases date and now if all the epps will be afected by this delay, still a fair question proberly will never be answered, but you never know one day they might come good
And your complaining will make things happen! Yessiree it will!
First off I have to say the lack of research and thinking in this forum really gets to me. I had to make a account just to say a few things.
Let me get to the main point of episode 2s release.
Now this gaming forum is a lot different then other ones I go to. You guys aren't hardcore gamers and some of you I don't even consider casual gamers.
Now there is this really big gaming thing that comes out once a year called E3. This is where everyone goes and sets up booths and presents their new games coming out. Now if you did some research you would know Telltale is going to be there and the delay of the game was probably to fix a few bugs and maybe work some things out with the story, but also to show off Ep 2. Episode 3 isn't 100% steady and showing off something that's completely done and giving a date just days away will hype people up and get them some more fans.
1. Now first off months have not passed. The survivors will not last months off candy and bagged food. Time has passed but if anything weeks at the most.
2. To all the people with the whole "I dident sid wif larry all i done was wunt to reason with him!!!"
If you said you wanted to reason with Larry you really didn't side with either of them. The other option the game would have would be side with Larry since their is no neutral option.
You don't reason with a person tossing insults around and wanting to bash a kids head in with a shovel. You stop him...
3. You can't play the game as a all around nice guy. You have to know what to do in the situations they put you in. There is no more reasoning in this world put yourself in Lee's shoes.
Some people may have realized this in the last part of the episode when people are still going to hate you and people will still love you.
Also I just saw another thing that made me somewhat rage.
There was a thread on Lee talking to Katjaa alone...
Have you ever seen the show? Read the comic? There are 100s of moments when survivors just talk to one other survivor in private without showing any affection. Sometimes in the show the survivors will try to catch someone in private just to talk to them about something. In this part Katjaa is obviously stopping you to give you advice and thank you and that is it.
I agree with this guy. He's 100% correct.
However, I'm still pissed that it's being delayed to E3 or later. Seriously, what the hell? Telltale can't tell us about this? I don't care how you want to reason it out, there's no excuse for ignoring your current customers just so you can show off your game at E3.
I see I have missed nothing from the 3 days I took away from this forum. Same thing, different day! TTG, we could really use a "hey guys, working hard on your game! Details to come." Or something to calm the nerves of everyone. Can someone fill me in on this E3 deal? I am not a huge gamer, kinda just started actually. So you can call me a newb or whatever. But I am interested!!!
I have no idea what that could be. Someone in here had the idea that episode 2 was pushed back to explicitly promote it on E3, but this doesn't make a lot of sense to me. They could have promoted the game with episode 3 just as well... however, E3 is news and news is E3. Sooner or later, we'll get some info from there.
I have no idea what that could be. Someone in here had the idea that episode 2 was pushed back to explicitly promote it on E3, but this doesn't make a lot of sense to me. They could have promoted the game with episode 3 just as well... however, E3 is news and news is E3. Sooner or later, we'll get some info from there.
Does this E3 (NEWS) have a site or something? They were saying it was scheduled on E3..... I don't know. So, Vainamoinen, any new bans lately? You guys were racking them up in the last poll forum! LOL. Everything seems a little more chill here.;)
And your complaining will make things happen! Yessiree it will!
For you next trick, please turn water into gold.
I must say unfortunately i agree that complaining will do no good, but not complaining will result in TTG acting like this again. I complained a lot myself, what else could we do? Yes, maybe it wont do no good but it wont be bad either, but i think not complaining will only result in TTG treating its customers badly again. By the way, dont get me wrong but i think you could've kindly said 'I dont think complaining will help' but instead, you said it sarcastically and i dont think that helps in a discussion.
Dam right people should complain TTG said episode monthly not bi-monthly. They should also get off there backside and explain what the hold up is and when they are going to release episode 2 this does not bode well for the rest of the episodes. I will think twice about buying another game like this. It is such a shame because TWD is a great game but alas I think that TTG are to small to handle it
Does this E3 (NEWS) have a site or something? They were saying it was scheduled on E3..... I don't know. So, Vainamoinen, any new bans lately? You guys were racking them up in the last poll forum! LOL. Everything seems a little more chill here.;)
E3 has a site, but no news. That's for the press to pick up - trade fair rules, y'know.
Haven't banned anyone in days. Complainers still welcome. Just the insults are frowned at, whatever the direction. Business as usual.
I must say unfortunately i agree that complaining will do no good, but not complaining will result in TTG acting like this again. I complained a lot myself, what else could we do?
Yeah, but you've got just about 15 posts and you have posted in different threads actually discussing the game once in a while. One particular guy has 70+ posts now and has been on a complaining spree even weeks and weeks before the delay, wasting every_single_of_his_posts on this and thinking he's doing any good with it. I think you've experienced by now that mods here don't inhibit complaints or protest if brought forward even halfway reasonably. And you're very right to state that without the customer making his voice heard, chances are nothing will happen. But if someone is stuck in this forum approaching a 100 posts and all of those are essentially identical... well, moderators can delete duplicate posts... leaving that someone with a single post left... that might be an option... :eek:
Dam right people should complain TTG said episode monthly not bi-monthly. They should also get off there backside and explain what the hold up is and when they are going to release episode 2 this does not bode well for the rest of the episodes. I will think twice about buying another game like this. It is such a shame because TWD is a great game but alas I think that TTG are to small to handle it
yeahh mann i really can't wait for episode 2...i really thought it was gonna come outline it was supposed to in may...then i saw a trailer and it said rep 2 coming in june, so i figured since it was late it would drop first tuesday of june...cuz i think thats when new games and dlc come out..tuesdays!!! but now I'm heaing after e3 n shit err I'm pissed but while writing this i saw a commercial on tv for the walking dead show n it says its coming back on july 6-7....im pumped about that cuz i was told not till fall...o we'll pray the game drops soon!!!!!!!!!!
i agree man....and ep2 is finished so theres no excuse....and monthly is kinda forcing it but whatever it'd be cool...but not bi monthly or different amounts of times each episode...i loved the game but this unknowing is really aggravating...the least telltale could do is give us a release date so we a least know when we gatt a wait till....it common courtesy i believe!!
E3 has a site, but no news. That's for the press to pick up - trade fair rules, y'know.
Haven't banned anyone in days. Complainers still welcome. Just the insults are frowned at, whatever the direction. Business as usual.
Yeah, but you've got just about 15 posts and you have posted in different threads actually discussing the game once in a while. One particular guy has 70+ posts now and has been on a complaining spree even weeks and weeks before the delay, wasting every_single_of_his_posts on this and thinking he's doing any good with it. I think you've experienced by now that mods here don't inhibit complaints or protest if brought forward even halfway reasonably. And you're very right to state that without the customer making his voice heard, chances are nothing will happen. But if someone is stuck in this forum approaching a 100 posts and all of those are essentially identical... well, moderators can delete duplicate posts... leaving that someone with a single post left... that might be an option... :eek:
I agree with you and believe me i try hard to keep myself from posting the same things but then someone comes and says the same thing that made me post in the first place so i feel like i need to explain it again but then another guy comes and says the same thing. It took me a while but finally i understood that posting the same things really doesnt help or change anything because even if i posted it for the hundreth time someone else will say it again. I'm talking about the people saying we're angry for the delay while actually most people are angry that TTG didnt even care to inform us(see i wrote the same thing again....and it wont change anything...again.) btw i dont mean to say that those people are wrong, its just my opinion, i try not to insult anyone.
Here's the schedule for E3 2012. Note that Telltale will show Episode 2 this Wednesday.
Watch it live here: http://www.e3companion.com/
Monday, June 4
9:30am E3 Begins!
9:30am Microsoft Press Conference
1:00pm EA Press Conference
3:00pm Ubisoft Press Conference
6:00pm Sony Press Conference
Tuesday, June 5
9:00am Day 2 Begins!
9:00am Nintendo Press Conference
1:00pm Assassin's Creed 3
1:30pm SECRET E3 GAME!!
2:00pm Tomb Raider
2:20pm Dead Space 3
2:40pm Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
3:00pm Resident Evil 6
3:20pm LEGO Lord of the Rings
3:40pm Darksiders II
4:00pm Forza Horizon
4:20pm Fable: The Journey
4:40pm Halo 4
5:00pm SECRET E3 GAME!!
5:20pm SECRET E3 GAME!!
5:40pm PS All Stars
6:00pm Star Wars 1313
6:20pm God of War: Ascension
6:40pm The Last of Us
Wednesday, June 6
10:00am Day 3 Begins!
11:00am Ni No Kuni
11:20am Far Cry 3
11:40am SECRET E3 GAME!!
12:00pm SECRET E3 GAME!!
12:20pm Crysis 3
12:40pm Sleeping Dogs
2:00pm Kingdom Hearts 3DS
2:20pm Hitman: Absolution
2:40pm Spec Ops: The Line
3:00pm Transformers: FoC
3:20pm The Walking Dead: Episode 2
3:40pm Dead or Alive 5
4:00pm LittleBigPlanet Karting
4:20pm Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
4:40pm The Unfinished Swan
5:00pm The Amazing Spider-Man
5:20pm Dishonored
5:40pm XCOM: Enemy Unknown
6:00pm Borderlands 2
6:20pm Dust 514
6:40pm The Elder Scrolls Online
Thursday, June 7
10:00am Day 4 Begins!
11:00am Tekken Tag Tournament 2
11:20am LEGO Batman 2
11:40am Persona 4 Arena
12:00pm DmC (Devil May Cry)
12:20pm Lost Planet 3
12:40pm SECRET E3 GAME!!
2:00pm World of Warplanes
2:20pm Quantum Conundrum
2:40pm Metro: Last Light
3:00pm PlanetSide 2
3:20pm Disney Epic Mickey 2
3:40pm Aliens: Colonial Marines
4:00pm LittleBigPlanet Vita
4:20pm SECRET E3 GAME!!
4:40pm SimCity
5:00pm Star Trek
5:40pm IGN's Game of the Show!
So guys i really dont know much about this E3 stuff, does it mean that if it's shown on Wednesday it would be relesed in the next few days?(I know they just show the game but what does it mean in this case?)
The only reason I bought TWD TTG season was because I love TWD, havent played any other TTG titles and probably never will.
Let's be honest here, TWD is not B2TF or Sam & Max and I'm pretty sure that those two titles didnt crack 1,000,000 episode sales as quickly as TWD did, if at all.
All I'm saying is that if TTG continues to delay episodes this badly going forward then that 1,000,000 magic number could easily become 100,000 or less. TTG knows how hot the TWD property is, way to not be prepared and stumble out of the gate.
Honestly I could use some myself. That stuff's amazing.
Thats all i want too. What makes me sad is when episode 2 comes out, people are gonna be so happy that they'll forget how Telltale treated us(probably including me). I'm not saying 'lets do something', im just saying that it may lead Telltale to act like this again and ignore us in the later episodes. I mean this is such a great game(in my opinion) and if they made a billion episodes i would play a billion episodes. Why does there have to be a downside for everything(TTG ignoring us).....
Guess we'll find out what the big delay is and maybe even a release date
Why don't you just assume that's what happened, then you may live in satisfaction that you were right and also move on until it does come out?
And that's individual people/groups.
I remember creating a fully voiced quest mod for Fallout 3 that lasted over an hour (and that's because the ones that did it knew what to do/where to go).
We made that inside of a month.
3 people.
As a hobby.
Pull your finger out TTG or at least stop sucking your thumbs long enough to utter some words out to the people who have (helped) pay your wages.
I feel sorry for the moderators of this community, they're the ones taking the attack and a lot of people direct their 'disappointment' towards them.
Then again, that tells a lot about Bethesda too, IMO; fans make unpaid hobbiest spare-time mods in days that fix their broken games... often months or even years before they get around to it (if ever).
Re: TWD, I don't mind if they've unexpectedly realized they need more work; I'd rather a working, quality product late than an on-time bug-ridden mess that has to compromise (how many games do we know where we've come to lament "cut content" because it "had to be out now"... KOTOR2, anyone?).
On the other hand, be glad you can at least *play* TWD Ep 1... I (and many others) still can't, thanks the the crash-on-load bug in the standalone (non-Steam) version I paid for a month ago. Here's hoping THAT is what they're fixing before releasing episode 2.
I would like to add something to that......What makes me sad is the fact that when episode 2 comes out people are going to play episode 2 immediately for 2hrs straight and then finish that too. Then what happens ? They finish the game and come back here arguing about when episode 3 will be out. In a simpler way all the things said and done are going to occur again.
As I know that this is the case I advice the players to just play like 10min of the game everyday. People would be like WTF ? Playing only 10min of it when I've waited a long time for it to come out ? Yeah 10min only as then you'd finish the game quickly and then what will you be doing ?
I'd rather extend the time I play episode 2 then finish it all in a go. At least I won't have to wait that long for episode 3
don't feed the nasty troll masta if we ignore him he will go away
or a nice friendly mod can ban him ?
Ban him? For what? Ever heard of freedom of speech...? He didn't insult anybody in his post (Unless there are others in which he has) so banning him would just be pretty stupid.
Anyone else get the feeling from this thier just delaying for E3.
Even if it were out I couldn't play (Exams) and the temptation might hit my average a bit. No problem waiting, but if it's not due too some type of bug (we all want a great experience) and more for publicity, I'd feel pretty annoyed by TTG. Just hope that the reasons legtimate.
Let me get to the main point of episode 2s release.
Now this gaming forum is a lot different then other ones I go to. You guys aren't hardcore gamers and some of you I don't even consider casual gamers.
Now there is this really big gaming thing that comes out once a year called E3. This is where everyone goes and sets up booths and presents their new games coming out. Now if you did some research you would know Telltale is going to be there and the delay of the game was probably to fix a few bugs and maybe work some things out with the story, but also to show off Ep 2. Episode 3 isn't 100% steady and showing off something that's completely done and giving a date just days away will hype people up and get them some more fans.
1. Now first off months have not passed. The survivors will not last months off candy and bagged food. Time has passed but if anything weeks at the most.
2. To all the people with the whole "I dident sid wif larry all i done was wunt to reason with him!!!"
If you said you wanted to reason with Larry you really didn't side with either of them. The other option the game would have would be side with Larry since their is no neutral option.
You don't reason with a person tossing insults around and wanting to bash a kids head in with a shovel. You stop him...
3. You can't play the game as a all around nice guy. You have to know what to do in the situations they put you in. There is no more reasoning in this world put yourself in Lee's shoes.
Some people may have realized this in the last part of the episode when people are still going to hate you and people will still love you.
Also I just saw another thing that made me somewhat rage.
There was a thread on Lee talking to Katjaa alone...
Have you ever seen the show? Read the comic? There are 100s of moments when survivors just talk to one other survivor in private without showing any affection. Sometimes in the show the survivors will try to catch someone in private just to talk to them about something. In this part Katjaa is obviously stopping you to give you advice and thank you and that is it.
And yes they obviously delayed it for E3 once they realised how well episode 1 was selling.
Find that pretty deceitful of telltale then. It did say monthly episode releases, and they should have maintained that (barring bugs etc.), not ignoring the current customers to make sure they have a shiny display at E3 (they could have screenshots, trailers, show player choice stats, etc... build up hype for the next chapter). Also severely unimpressed with the total lack of info provided (although if the game is ready and waiting for a post presentation launch it does explain it).
Still, massive fan of thier games and not going to tantrum over it (AKA. "I want my money back", "never buying another game"), because thier work is quality.
Thanks for your opinion on that, your consideration is a huge factor of my life, don't know how I can face the shame of not being a hardcore gamer.
Everyone reacts to stress differently. Alot of people when presented with an unknown stimuli react in thier conditioned way (fight, freeze up, reason). The guys a professor, so it might be a learned mental state.
Or you could not play it for a few months and play all episodes at the same time. But we both know that no ones going to do that. Again dont get me wrong im not trying to get you mad or anything but i think people are right about complaining not because of the delay but because of the lack of info
I repeat, Telltale should notify to all customers that point. The manners was not nice, in fact, it was rude put it on a trailer, at the end of it, celebrating their good game reviews and so.
Besides they hadn't to say anything about E3 if they didn't want. Just "Guys, sorry, but the Episode 2 will have a 1 month delay, sorry for the inconvenience". ANY videogame company have delays but when this happens they tell about it on his web or something.
The "It's a small company" reason it's not valid here. All companies do this in case of delays. This is not an amateur game or an "indie" game.
Oh! And in this case they didn't say anything in the FAQ about the Episode 2 being released two months later from Episode 1 like BTTF. In BTTF they announced at the end of the first episode trailer so no, this reason it's not valid either.
This is not the best way to treat your customers, Telltale.
Just like everyone else, I'm waiting.
I can't believe there is not a simple answer to everyone's questions.
If there is going to be a continuous of these type of games, I highly suggest that you perform highly in your bussiness ethics.
Maybe, just maybe..... It would've been better for you all to create a full game, then release it on a monthly basis. Not create as you go. Because, paid customers would want their money's worth. It's frustrating because just like many others. I paid in full for something that is unfinished, and ignored repeatedly. I'm a impatient person as it is. And I can't believe I bought into this.
On that note.... All I have left to say talk is cheap. Well in your case, we all know you have no words. :eek:
For you next trick, please turn water into gold.
I agree with this guy. He's 100% correct.
However, I'm still pissed that it's being delayed to E3 or later. Seriously, what the hell? Telltale can't tell us about this? I don't care how you want to reason it out, there's no excuse for ignoring your current customers just so you can show off your game at E3.
I have no idea what that could be. Someone in here had the idea that episode 2 was pushed back to explicitly promote it on E3, but this doesn't make a lot of sense to me. They could have promoted the game with episode 3 just as well... however, E3 is news and news is E3. Sooner or later, we'll get some info from there.
Does this E3 (NEWS) have a site or something? They were saying it was scheduled on E3..... I don't know. So, Vainamoinen, any new bans lately? You guys were racking them up in the last poll forum! LOL. Everything seems a little more chill here.;)
I must say unfortunately i agree that complaining will do no good, but not complaining will result in TTG acting like this again. I complained a lot myself, what else could we do? Yes, maybe it wont do no good but it wont be bad either, but i think not complaining will only result in TTG treating its customers badly again. By the way, dont get me wrong but i think you could've kindly said 'I dont think complaining will help' but instead, you said it sarcastically and i dont think that helps in a discussion.
E3 has a site, but no news. That's for the press to pick up - trade fair rules, y'know.
Haven't banned anyone in days. Complainers still welcome. Just the insults are frowned at, whatever the direction. Business as usual.
Yeah, but you've got just about 15 posts and you have posted in different threads actually discussing the game once in a while. One particular guy has 70+ posts now and has been on a complaining spree even weeks and weeks before the delay, wasting every_single_of_his_posts on this and thinking he's doing any good with it. I think you've experienced by now that mods here don't inhibit complaints or protest if brought forward even halfway reasonably. And you're very right to state that without the customer making his voice heard, chances are nothing will happen. But if someone is stuck in this forum approaching a 100 posts and all of those are essentially identical... well, moderators can delete duplicate posts... leaving that someone with a single post left... that might be an option... :eek:
Where do you guys keep picking up this idea?
I agree with you and believe me i try hard to keep myself from posting the same things but then someone comes and says the same thing that made me post in the first place so i feel like i need to explain it again but then another guy comes and says the same thing. It took me a while but finally i understood that posting the same things really doesnt help or change anything because even if i posted it for the hundreth time someone else will say it again. I'm talking about the people saying we're angry for the delay while actually most people are angry that TTG didnt even care to inform us(see i wrote the same thing again....and it wont change anything...again.) btw i dont mean to say that those people are wrong, its just my opinion, i try not to insult anyone.
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5:20pm SECRET E3 GAME!!
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4:40pm SimCity
5:00pm Star Trek
5:40pm IGN's Game of the Show!
I just hope we don't get a host of ep2 spoilers with the E3 presentation...
Let's be honest here, TWD is not B2TF or Sam & Max and I'm pretty sure that those two titles didnt crack 1,000,000 episode sales as quickly as TWD did, if at all.
All I'm saying is that if TTG continues to delay episodes this badly going forward then that 1,000,000 magic number could easily become 100,000 or less. TTG knows how hot the TWD property is, way to not be prepared and stumble out of the gate.