I'm also outside, on the beach, drinking a beer with my girlfriend and not giving any types of f*cks about playing this game right now cool guy. It's not insulting, it's some advice.
That beach, beer and girlfriend must be something else if you're still on this forum reading and whinging about people asking where the game is.
any part of your statement i didn't highlight or make bold was perfectly acceptable once it became highlighted you went from giving good advice to being a complaining .....person
Hmm.. you may be right. But you may also be taking the statement completely out of context.
That beach, beer and girlfriend must be something else if you're still on this forum reading and whinging about people asking where the game is.
It's actually pretty easy on a laptop. It's cool you should try it sometime. Also, I wouldn't call it whining, I'd call it advice, like I said. Take it how you want it, but you shouldn't be offended unless your a pale-toned lethargic jerk.
Hmm.. you may be right. But you may also be taking the statement completely out of context.
It's actually pretty easy on a laptop. It's cool you should try it sometime. Also, I wouldn't call it whining, I'd call it advice, like I said. Take it how you want it, but you shouldn't be offended unless your a pale-toned lethargic jerk.
So if we're Pale Toned and Lethargic but not a Jerk or should you be offended if you fill any one or more of those quantifiers?
I think it's going to be on Monday, June 4th because episode 4 of the Walking Dead season 2 comes out on channel 5 (In England basically) on the same day, so they're probably trying to release them together.
I just hate that I have to wait months at a time to play a couple hours of game-play. I wished I would've just waited till they all came out because this wait is KILLING ME, especially when the game is so small (in terms of the time it takes to play.) I feel like I should have done more research about telltale games, but overall I am just hoping it will finally release this month, june, after more than a month of waiting. (sigh...)
I think it's going to be on Monday, June 4th because episode 4 of the Walking Dead season 2 comes out on channel 5 (In England basically) on the same day, so they're probably trying to release them together.
I think I should just delete the entire conversation from the last hours. What good is all that? Bad enough that there's flaming abound, but this going at each others' throat is just disappointing.
Yes, there's a delay of episode 2. Yes, there should definitely be more immediate official info about it. No, that's not the end of the world. No, it doesn't mean that episode 2 will never come out.
Yes, I will go out now and go running. Reserving the pretty girls for next week, as two are paying a visit.
I think any thread relating to release dates is going to attract people complaining about the late delivery. To alleviate this problem (I'm assuming this thread should just be a list of people's date guesses, pretty dull) is it possible for there be a separate thread where disgruntled and disappointed purchasers of the game can express their feelings. Then the people who insist that 'shit happens', 'the game will come out when it's finished' (DUH!)or that we should 'just relax', 'let TTG finish the game in peace', or should go and 'ride a bike' wouldn't have to put up with our whining.
It's actually pretty easy on a laptop. It's cool you should try it sometime. Also, I wouldn't call it whining, I'd call it advice, like I said. Take it how you want it, but you shouldn't be offended unless your a pale-toned lethargic jerk.
Nahhhh that's not cool. You're on a beach with your girlfriend, laptop on and reading a forum, go for a swim, throw a frisbee about, build a sand tunnel or grope your girl, just advice. Plus your battery will die soon.
Nahhhh that's not cool. You're on a beach with your girlfriend, laptop on and reading a forum, go for a swim, throw a frisbee about, build a sand tunnel or grope your girl, just advice. Plus your battery will die soon.
Ha, Actually I did just go for a swim and I've been throwing the frisbee and football around all morning I'm tired. I'm mostly on this for music and apparently according to you dudes I'm also insulting people. I just found the right girlfriend that thinks angry people on the internet are funny like I do.
Also, there's outlets on the beach.
But anyway I got better things to do then look at this
HOLY GOD THIS IS PATHETIC! we get it bro, you are the coolest, beach beer girl and laptop, ignoring 3 of the four to continue your internet dominance. I'm sure shes with you for the company you keep. People... if the game is such a disappointment before it comes out dont buy it. best way to get your point across. I check this forum almost every day to see whats going on with the game. I didnt want to register and be one of those one post wonders, but super dude on the beach and all these cool guys who are nothing but bullies without a face really get my goat (go ahead, let me have it for that one). I guess its about time I signed up here anyway, i use all your info without ever contributing so hopefully this is a start to something better than this. Mods, your doing a pretty good job for what you're working with. I'm just as angry as everyone else.... trust me fellas. what good does being angry really do. By all means, speculate, discuss. It's fun, interesting and it passes the time, but dont get malicious and dont pick on each other. it speaks volumes about your character, or lack thereof. Sorry if it seems like I'm trolling, beach boy just got me going. leave the laptop home and tell your girl you love her, broseph. tell her the guy on your forum changed your life and she means everything to you. I love reading at this forum. friendlies keep the conversation going strong. friendly discussion all day, trolls go to hell. Ill be enjoying a beautiful day knowing im not missing walking dead and not having technology strapped to my hip as a safety device. Peace and love to those who deserve it. Sorry to all offended...... june 21st, just to join the fray:cool:
not saying im too good for technology, btw. just saying its nice as hell out. ill be back later without a doubt so i love technology as much as the next person. im just not trying to rub it in anyones face
I really don't mind the delay, but just let us know the day so we can adjust our work schedule and life so we can play it. I for one can maneuver my schedule so I don't have to play at midnight or later. I will be playing it regardless on the day it comes out, would just like to know so I can plan.
not saying im too good for technology, btw. just saying its nice as hell out. ill be back later without a doubt so i love technology as much as the next person. im just not trying to rub it in anyones face
I wanted to make clear im not attacking anyone based on their use of technology. as to the previous post, i just got sick of personal attacks. I was content to read everyone else's speculation without posting myself, but the trolls and personal attacks got to me, personally. sorry if i offended you
thought i covered all bases but it appears anything will offend someone, at least one person. does anyone know if there is any truth to the rumor that episodes 2 and 3 will come out together, or is it just that, a rumor?
thought i covered all bases but it appears anything will offend someone, at least one person. does anyone know if there is any truth to the rumor that episodes 2 and 3 will come out together, or is it just that, a rumor?
Unless posted by official TTG staff, I would concider anything written here as rumor!
yeah i thought so, but after having to wait so long for what happens next, how great would it be to get 2 together, or even a week apart? ahhhh to dream....:p
thought i covered all bases but it appears anything will offend someone, at least one person. does anyone know if there is any truth to the rumor that episodes 2 and 3 will come out together, or is it just that, a rumor?
It most definitely is a rumor. The episodic model is at the heart of what Telltale does, and that means if an episode is finished, they get it out there! But as long as episode 2 is not out and being worked on, human resources to finish episode 3 aren't there.
I guess that the delay in this case could somehow speed up the following episodes, but really not that much. I just hope that we're going back to just plain monthly releases with 4 to 6 weeks between episodes, just the way it worked before TWD.
thanks, helpful AND informative. I dont know much about tell tale games. it's good to know they have done episodic releases before. I may even check a few out if they"re as much fun as TWD ep.1 was (any recommendations?). Hopefully you are right about going back to a regular scheduel after this. At least they have a history of doing things like this (I mean in episodes, not late releases). I dont care when, as long as its not months from now, I just want to know what happens next!:eek: thats what makes me a terrible comic book reader. I'm impatient as all hell.
Well first off all , I bought the season pass which stated in the description that there was going to be a season out ever MONTH , it is now June and in May there was no episodes released what so ever.
I'm very annoyed and disappointed because like a twat I've been checking for it to be released every frickin day.
I really like this game and realllyyyyyyy want to play it so badly and so does my sister who enjoys sitting there and watching me play and choose great life decisions in the game.
anyone care to share any light on the situation and let me know what the hell is going on?!?!!??!?!?!!? I wouldn't of bought the season pass If I knew the company were going to lag it so much , thank you
there isnt any accurate information on release dates as far as I can tell. episode 2 seems to be delayed but honestly could come out any day now.... kind of a mystery at the moment. the rest will probably be based on when 2 comes out. we just have to wait and see
it's good to know they have done episodic releases before.
They have, ohhhh, they have! And they have seldom missed a release month. The wikipedia entries have the original release dates for all complete "Seasons" done by Telltale as of yet, to get some hard fact statistics out there:
Sam & Max Season 1 (one month skipped after first episode, all 5 episodes afterwards monthly) Sam & Max Season 2 (one month skipped after first episode, four perfectly monthly) Wallace & Gromit (here too, one month skipped after episode one, all other episodes monthly. I have no idea if this particular Series was ever announced as "monthly" though!) Strong Bad (monthly, perfect) Tales of Monkey Island (almost perfect; fifth episode was 8 days late to make it entirely monthly) Sam & Max Season 3 (one episode every single month) Back to the Future (first month skip was announced with the first trailer [x-mas break], the last episode ran a bit late because they wanted to get Michael J. Fox' voice in. Rest were monthly on the spot.)
so what your saying Vain is they had to skip a month to follow their pattern of skipping a month or else they'd lose the ttg magic?
they previously skipped month to take a break from all the hard work they did from coding the game
and also because they would not be able to talk any time off once the second ep was done as they would have to make the others in a month (that was posted on here in the bttf forum but i dunno if the ttg guy who said was joking
ohhhh, sam and max was tell tale. ok I recognize them, just didnt realize TTG was the dev. I have to check out back to the future, i did not know that was made into a game. one of my favorite trilogies. They have to do an Indiana Jones game now and I'll forget all about walking dead
By the looks of things... episode 2 got pushed back..... I guess I will just do what i did for back to the future. forget about it for 6 months and wait for all the episodes to be ready.
people bitching at the developers and whatnot. just shut up will yas. do you have any idea what goes into coding a video game? probably not.
When it comes to quality...is it really so hard to wait? I check back every now and then to see what the status is, but I have noticed that since the first episode came out...the passing time has made it a lot easier to be more patient.
i dont care about a release delayed a couple of weeks if that ensures the result to be a proper and refined release in which the devteam had a chance to put their hearts into.. like in the old days, maaan.. yeaah :cool:
When anyone asks a legitimate question as to when the release date MIGHT be, wondering where out money went to, our threads/posts get ignored and ultimately moved.
Real professional.
I'm starting to think I may have gotten ripped off and am considering taking legal action. This is the sort of class action law suit any attorney would love to get their hands on.
When anyone asks a legitimate question as to when the release date MIGHT be, wondering where out money went to, our threads/posts get ignored and ultimately moved.
Real professional.
I'm starting to think I may have gotten ripped off and am considering taking legal action. This is the sort of class action law suit any attorney would love to get their hands on.
I like your joke but making a thread to be silly is a bit too dramatic.
i dont care about a release delayed a couple of weeks if that ensures the result to be a proper and refined release in which the devteam had a chance to put their hearts into.. like in the old days, maaan.. yeaah :cool:
When anyone asks a legitimate question as to when the release date MIGHT be, wondering where out money went to, our threads/posts get ignored and ultimately moved.
Real professional.
I'm starting to think I may have gotten ripped off and am considering taking legal action. This is the sort of class action law suit any attorney would love to get their hands on.
does your id stand for da fucking king 'of' the road ?
thing is your law suit is totally pointless unless ttg fail to release ALL 5 episodes if they do eventually release them all, at least 6-7 months ( a year at the most ) you still got what you and everyone else here paid for albiet later than 'planned'
plus the cost of actually going to court and using legal council would cost you more than 25 bucks or what ever you paid...so at the end of the day only a complete moron would fuss over that amount and go through all that bs..and even then you may not win and be further out of pocket...
When anyone asks a legitimate question as to when the release date MIGHT be, wondering where out money went to, our threads/posts get ignored and ultimately moved.
Real professional.
I'm starting to think I may have gotten ripped off and am considering taking legal action. This is the sort of class action law suit any attorney would love to get their hands on.
You are considering a Lawsuit because the game is delayed? uhhhh good luck with that one. It's about as ridiculous as the guy who is trying to sue BIoware for the ending of Mass Effect 3.
That beach, beer and girlfriend must be something else if you're still on this forum reading and whinging about people asking where the game is.
Hmm.. you may be right. But you may also be taking the statement completely out of context.
It's actually pretty easy on a laptop. It's cool you should try it sometime. Also, I wouldn't call it whining, I'd call it advice, like I said. Take it how you want it, but you shouldn't be offended unless your a pale-toned lethargic jerk.
So if we're Pale Toned and Lethargic but not a Jerk or should you be offended if you fill any one or more of those quantifiers?
Lol. No
I think any thread relating to release dates is going to attract people complaining about the late delivery. To alleviate this problem (I'm assuming this thread should just be a list of people's date guesses, pretty dull) is it possible for there be a separate thread where disgruntled and disappointed purchasers of the game can express their feelings. Then the people who insist that 'shit happens', 'the game will come out when it's finished' (DUH!)or that we should 'just relax', 'let TTG finish the game in peace', or should go and 'ride a bike' wouldn't have to put up with our whining.
Nahhhh that's not cool. You're on a beach with your girlfriend, laptop on and reading a forum, go for a swim, throw a frisbee about, build a sand tunnel or grope your girl, just advice. Plus your battery will die soon.
Ha, Actually I did just go for a swim and I've been throwing the frisbee and football around all morning I'm tired. I'm mostly on this for music and apparently according to you dudes I'm also insulting people. I just found the right girlfriend that thinks angry people on the internet are funny like I do.
Also, there's outlets on the beach.
But anyway I got better things to do then look at this
And? What do you want to tell us with this?
This thread it's becoming odd and surrealistic.
i agree with vaino close the thread.
Also Can We please Rename "Your Episode 2 Predictions" to something like "Your Episode 2 and Beyond Predictions"
I wanted to make clear im not attacking anyone based on their use of technology. as to the previous post, i just got sick of personal attacks. I was content to read everyone else's speculation without posting myself, but the trolls and personal attacks got to me, personally. sorry if i offended you
Unless posted by official TTG staff, I would concider anything written here as rumor!
It most definitely is a rumor. The episodic model is at the heart of what Telltale does, and that means if an episode is finished, they get it out there! But as long as episode 2 is not out and being worked on, human resources to finish episode 3 aren't there.
I guess that the delay in this case could somehow speed up the following episodes, but really not that much. I just hope that we're going back to just plain monthly releases with 4 to 6 weeks between episodes, just the way it worked before TWD.
I'm very annoyed and disappointed
I really like this game and realllyyyyyyy want to play it so badly and so does my sister who enjoys sitting there and watching me play and choose great life decisions in the game.
anyone care to share any light on the situation and let me know what the hell is going on?!?!!??!?!?!!? I wouldn't of bought the season pass If I knew the company were going to lag it so much , thank you
They have, ohhhh, they have! And they have seldom missed a release month. The wikipedia entries have the original release dates for all complete "Seasons" done by Telltale as of yet, to get some hard fact statistics out there:
Sam & Max Season 1 (one month skipped after first episode, all 5 episodes afterwards monthly)
Sam & Max Season 2 (one month skipped after first episode, four perfectly monthly)
Wallace & Gromit (here too, one month skipped after episode one, all other episodes monthly. I have no idea if this particular Series was ever announced as "monthly" though!)
Strong Bad (monthly, perfect)
Tales of Monkey Island (almost perfect; fifth episode was 8 days late to make it entirely monthly)
Sam & Max Season 3 (one episode every single month)
Back to the Future (first month skip was announced with the first trailer [x-mas break], the last episode ran a bit late because they wanted to get Michael J. Fox' voice in. Rest were monthly on the spot.)
they previously skipped month to take a break from all the hard work they did from coding the game
and also because they would not be able to talk any time off once the second ep was done as they would have to make the others in a month (that was posted on here in the bttf forum but i dunno if the ttg guy who said was joking
people bitching at the developers and whatnot. just shut up will yas. do you have any idea what goes into coding a video game? probably not.
Thanks telltale games for another great game!
Real professional.
I'm starting to think I may have gotten ripped off and am considering taking legal action. This is the sort of class action law suit any attorney would love to get their hands on.
I like your joke but making a thread to be silly is a bit too dramatic.
spot on bruv
does your id stand for da fucking king 'of' the road ?
thing is your law suit is totally pointless unless ttg fail to release ALL 5 episodes if they do eventually release them all, at least 6-7 months ( a year at the most ) you still got what you and everyone else here paid for albiet later than 'planned'
plus the cost of actually going to court and using legal council would cost you more than 25 bucks or what ever you paid...so at the end of the day only a complete moron would fuss over that amount and go through all that bs..and even then you may not win and be further out of pocket...