Episode 2 Release Dates are out!!! June 27th for Xbox / June 29th PSN/PC/Mac



  • edited June 2012
    Flawless02 wrote: »
    Really? over a point and click game? *snip*

    You would think it would an a very unreasonable excuse to injure someone. Even more so someone A LOT smaller than you. But, people get mad easily. I've dealt with crazies before. Yelling, cussing. Throwing things. But this is the first that someone actually threw anything at me.

    Video games are very important to A LOT of people. Probably to an excessive, needing-for-concern point. I don't think some people and some companies realize that.
  • edited June 2012

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  • edited June 2012
    So I've now learned that PSN updates on Thursdays as well, so assuming that it won't be online later tonight everything may update on this upcoming Thursday, since that's the day after E3. (Assuming XBox360 updates then as well)
  • edited June 2012
    I hope that the game will release tomorrow after their E3 demo or whatever they will do there. If not... well... Winter it's coming. :D

    PS: Telltale have twitted this a couple hours ago:

    Telltale Games is serving it up at E3 2012! Hungry? http://pic.twitter.com/dWbZkqen
  • edited June 2012
    The_Ripper wrote: »
    I hope that the game will release tomorrow after their E3 demo or whatever they will do there. If not... well... Winter it's coming. :D

    PS: Telltale have twitted this a couple hours ago:

    Telltale Games is serving it up at E3 2012! Hungry? http://pic.twitter.com/dWbZkqen

    thing is the cops already shot one 'zombie eating a guys face' so what would a misinformed security guard / rent a cop do seeing someone eat that platter ? hmmmm
  • edited June 2012
    I'm very disappointed in the lack of concern Telltale Games has shown their current customers. For those of us that have chosen to purchase season passes; we purchased them under the terms that TT would release each episode MONTHLY...I would love to see someone from TT just issue a simple statement to its season pass customers. Had I known that TT couldn't hold true to their word I simply would not have purchased the season pass. I feel not only is TTGames stepping on the toes of their longtime fans, but now they stand to lose their current influx of new fans.

    I would also like to point out something else for you, leotard (No, it isn't a typo.)

    Junior Member

    Join Date: Jun 2012
    Posts: 4

    You have absolutely no right to complain about "stepping on the toes of long time fans." Do not presume to speak for the rest of us. That takes real gumption to do that. You were not around when the other games were being released. This is what its like in episodic gaming. You didn't know that before you bought the game? Then you obviously are not a long time fan. In which case, you are simply complaining because you do not have your instant gratification.

    I am certainly annoyed that it is not out on time, but am I throwing a bitch fit? No. Am I threatening the gaming developers who are working HARD on the game I love? No. This is called maturity.

    I know, novel concept, right?
  • edited June 2012
    According to this article on The Escapist, episode 2 will be available at the end of june :(

    Also, when reading the article: SPOILER ALERT

  • edited June 2012
    Very excited, but I think it goes against the way the comics work to just skip ahead 3 months.
  • edited June 2012
    thing is the cops already shot one 'zombie eating a guys face' so what would a misinformed security guard / rent a cop do seeing someone eat that platter ? hmmmm

  • edited June 2012
    SrslyYo? wrote: »
    You would think it would an a very unreasonable excuse to injure someone. Even more so someone A LOT smaller than you. But, people get mad easily. I've dealt with crazies before. Yelling, cussing. Throwing things. But this is the first that someone actually threw anything at me.

    Video games are very important to A LOT of people. Probably to an excessive, needing-for-concern point. I don't think some people and some companies realize that.

    Yeah I worked at Walmart that was by GameStop, and working there, I seen some nutty people. Cops tazing people, and customers with hand guns, knives. So yeah, customers can get out of control badly if they don't get what they want.

    I hope the cops beat that guy down that did that to you, no man should ever do that to a women.
  • edited June 2012
    In case anyone was wondering, this preview by the escapist pretty much solidifies a time table of "late June" for the release of episode two, as well as discussing the first 20 minutes of the game. Some Spoilers Ahead! :)

  • edited June 2012
    Darthchair wrote: »
    People need to understand what "episodic" means.

    And TTG needs to understand what 'monthly' means.
  • edited June 2012
    They never gave us fast and hard dates on any of these episodes for releases. If they never said, they never said it. If they said "June", it's gong to be "June".
  • edited June 2012
    chill the bleep out people

    suck it up mean take a breath swallow you pride and get on with it the buttercup was merely for cos it ryhme's with up.

    the whole bi monthly thing is only for this second ep the rest will be monthly singular...
  • edited June 2012
    AGAIN with the multi threads doing the same thing...

    mods need to merge these together...

    hello again flash

    ever thought the ttg guys are busy preparing stuff for their e3 presentation and since the escapist is probably at E3...makes sense to me..
  • edited June 2012
    bimonthly...so...2 every month?
  • edited June 2012
    bimonthly...so...2 every month?


    one a month after ep2....
  • edited June 2012
    Yeah how about releasing 3 episode already, since everyone will spoiled episode 2 at E3 for us?

    great job TTG, you guys rock, professional developers!
  • edited June 2012
    chill the bleep out people

    suck it up mean take a breath swallow you pride and get on with it the buttercup was merely for cos it ryhme's with up.

    the whole bi monthly thing is only for this second ep the rest will be monthly singular...

    I see, thank you. Though you don't know for sure that your prediction will be correct, you're basing it on previous experience with this company.
    And you need to learn how to suck it up, buttercup.

    Thanks for the advice. My platform (PSN), I imagine after consulting TTG, advertised the game's episodes as being released monthly. Not 'episodically', as Darthchair stated. I am aware there is a difference between episodically and monthly episodes. Even if a lot of posters seem to be beanding over backwards to make excuses for TTG or just to insult people unhappy with the company's conduct.
  • edited June 2012
    like to point out something else for you, leotard (No, it isn't a typo.)

    You were not around when the other games were being released.

    you obviously are not a long time fan.

    the gaming developers who are working HARD on the game I love.

    This is called maturity.

    Yeah, exactly how long do I need to suck it up Cthulhu?
  • edited June 2012
    We get it. It sucks the game hasn't come out yet. But really who the fu*k cares? ITS A GAME!! Get over it. I wish it was out already but I have other things to do. Read a f**kin book. Kiss your lover. Take a stroll. But for gods sake STFU already!
  • edited June 2012
    Back Spasm wrote: »
    Thanks for the advice. My platform (PSN), I imagine after consulting TTG, advertised the game's episodes as being released monthly. Not 'episodically', as Darthchair stated. I am aware there is a difference between episodically and monthly episodes. Even if a lot of posters seem to be beanding over backwards to make excuses for TTG or just to insult people unhappy with the company's conduct.

    Then perhaps you should start ranting on the PSN forums since they are the ones that mislead you? Seriously, there is a difference between constructive criticism and just plain bitching because you are unhappy. I applaud and condone the former...I despise and revile the latter. You can think we are just insulting for the sake of insulting all you want, but its tiring hearing the same bitching and moaning page after page after page.
    We. Get. It. The message of "ZOMG WTF I WANTZ MAI GAEM NAO!" is coming through loud and clear. Now suck it up and wait for release.
  • edited June 2012
    Back Spasm wrote: »
    Yeah, exactly how long do I need to suck it up Cthulhu?

    Until it releases. Welcome to the gaming world. Games get delayed for unforeseeable reasons. In fact, TTG is one of the best at keeping their customers happy in that regard. Remember SWTOR? Delayed 2 years? And it still wasn't ready at launch? Put it in perspective and just calm the f*ck down.
  • edited June 2012
    Until it releases. Welcome to the gaming world. Games get delayed for unforeseeable reasons. In fact, TTG is one of the best at keeping their customers happy in that regard. Remember SWTOR? Delayed 2 years? And it still wasn't ready at launch? Put it in perspective and just calm the f*ck down.

    People have the right to complain about Telltale not inform to their customers (heck, even they didn't say anything about a "delay" itself, but it is). Suck it up, dude. ;)
  • edited June 2012
    We get it. It sucks the game hasn't come out yet. But really who the fu*k cares? ITS A GAME!! Get over it. I wish it was out already but I have other things to do. Read a f**kin book. Kiss your lover. Take a stroll. But for gods sake STFU already!

    I care, calm down.
    I've got plenty to do today, too.
  • edited June 2012
    The_Ripper wrote: »
    People have the right to complain about Telltale not inform to their customers (heck, even they didn't say anything about a "delay" itself, but it is). Suck it up, dude. ;)

    They have the right to, yes, but people also have the right to stick a fork in a light socket...doesn't make it productive or intelligent.
  • edited June 2012
    Until it releases. Welcome to the gaming world. Games get delayed for unforeseeable reasons. In fact, TTG is one of the best at keeping their customers happy in that regard. Remember SWTOR? Delayed 2 years? And it still wasn't ready at launch? Put it in perspective and just calm the f*ck down.

    No need to answer, it was a rhetorical question.
    I was pointing out the 'maturity' of your reply to Ladyleopard.
  • edited June 2012
    Back Spasm wrote: »
    No need to answer, it was a rhetorical question.
    I was pointing out the 'maturity' of your reply to Ladyleopard.

    by misquoting the post, yes I saw. On top of which, you missed the point of that post. She was using long time posters as an excuse to complain. That is deplorable.
  • edited June 2012
    Back Spasm wrote: »
    I care, calm down.
    I've got plenty to do today, too.

    I'm just saying. Its annoying. Okay it hasn't come out. I'm dissapointed everyday that the game isn't out. But I just say fuggg it. Ill play and be happy when its out. I hate coming on here everyday reading the same sappy shit. Like a child saying. Mommy mommy why why why. Because! That's why lol. We all want answers and we all want the game. But hey ish happens.
  • edited June 2012
    Seriously this is exactly exactly what I see on every page.
  • edited June 2012

    Go here. this guy uploded a video from e3 with a guy from TTG. he said its comming to sony and pc hopefully soon. but by the end of the month:(
  • edited June 2012
    I'm just saying. Its annoying. Okay it hasn't come out. I'm dissapointed everyday that the game isn't out. But I just say fuggg it. Ill play and be happy when its out. I hate coming on here everyday reading the same sappy shit. Like a child saying. Mommy mommy why why why. Because! That's why lol. We all want answers and we all want the game. But hey ish happens.

    The youtube clip and escapist article state the end of June. So you shall no longer hear my whining.
    Poor showing by TTG that the news has finally been delivered through third parties and not via any of the TTG media.
  • edited June 2012
    Hmm. If I had purchased SWTOR and then had to wait two years to see it, I'd be pretty chapped.

    Look, I get that a bunch of you guys are really fans of Telltale Games, and you really really feel threatened when there is a customer relations problem. You feel the need to jump in and defend them like you would family or friends.

    That's great, but you need to realize that there has been a financial transaction here, and that changes things. This isn't a hobbyist community where we're all freely contributing. We've bought something from someone, and if that something is going to be delivered late, we'd like to know it in a timely manner.

    Well, now I know. "Monthly" means maybe close to two months. Okay. If I knew that from the start, I'd still have bought the game. The first installment was pretty fun. I'm still planning to enjoy the rest of them, whenever they get around to making them available.

    But I'm going to have to enjoy them an awful lot to ever spend any more money on another uncompleted game from Telltale.
  • edited June 2012
    So for everyone who is upset about the game not being out go to dayzmod.com and download that game. i got it a couple weeks ago and totally forgot about walking dead. this should take care of your zombie video game needs for a long time...
  • edited June 2012
    Release date at the end of June... mmmh... Guys, I'm going to winning this poll, you'll see! :D
  • edited June 2012
    "Out by the end of June" I'm thinking late next week. Grrrrr....oh well shit looks dope!
  • edited June 2012
    Tiny story that may better explain the release of episode 2 where the exit is playing the role of episode 2.

    Imagine being trapped in a room and there is an exit and the door is wide open. (the exit can represent the release date)
    In an attempt to leave the room, you run to the exit. Your distance traveled increases in a linear fashion, but as you run towards the exit, you notice the exit getting exponentially further away. But as soon as you stop running, the exit looks to be the same distance away.

    days go by and you try to run to the exit multiple times and every time, you are met with disappointment, until one day, you give up trying to run to the exit. You are now weak and withering away and on the floor, unable to stand, a new teaser video of the "exit" appears and after it is done playing, the exit visually looks even further away. An analysis of the expected size as compared to the size you are visually seeing, puts the exit at 4 miles away.

    With your final remaining strength, you attempt to crawl towards the exit again and the exit moves so far away that that it not appears to be an extremely tiny spec where you can no longer perceive any color or detail. After moving only an inch, you begin to pass out and your head droops down. As you use the last of your strength to look back at where the exit is, you can no longer tell where it is as the visual spec has now visually blended in with other textures perceived in the distance. At the peak of despair, you close your eyes and breathe your last breath, with the last thought in your head being "I thought it would come out in June"
  • edited June 2012
    I must be dating myself...I remember when fandom for computer games was actually beneficial. There was a time when I was proud to be in a Fallout community for instance. I remember the Lionhead Studios community, particularly with the game The Movies, was also outstanding.

    Nowadays though...people seem to join forums to lash out on the developers. I would check out the Bioware forums and shake my head. People seem to think that developers are Santa Claus...that they will wake up Christmas morning and see their lovely new toy precisely under the tree where it needs to be.

    Games are more like the 40 weeks of pregnancy your mother/wife/girlfriend/zombie? went through. The doctors can only give an approximation. If the doctor says, "Your son will be born in mid-September!" and suddenly your wife/you go into labor in late September or bright and early October...do you scream at your wife, threaten to never have sex/impregnate her again? Start yelling at her parents for producing a shameful monster that can't do anything right?

    I certainly hope not.

    Art...takes time. Some artists are perfectionists. Look at Blizzard. They'll sit on a game for ten years before it comes out. Some artists...are very productive, but they produce nothing but crap. I'd say look at Call of Duty, but you know...that's definitely my opinion and I don't expect anyone to share in that.

    For the folks that are upset about going the month of May without getting able to play The Walking Dead Episode 2...I applaud your zeal and desire to play the game. But I also question your logic. The first episode was amazing. Why are you so impatient and why on earth would you want to rush the developers to give you something less than amazing?

    Personally...Telltale games always seem a bit wonky on my PC. Jurassic Park kept crashing when I had it in full screen and tried adjusting my resolution, for instance. I had to put it in windows mode and then adjust the resolution to prevent the game from crashing.

    I think I had similar problems with The Walking Dead. I also had issues with the game unable to make its mind between controller mode and keyboard and mouse. I lost some of those quick time things simply struggling with what key to push. And also I do believe the cursor sometimes disappeared completely or Lee would suddenly be compelled to move towards the right...for no reason.

    I have a feeling if the game was "delayed" they wouldn't have had those issues. So in all honestly I would have rather waited longer.

    That may seem like blasphemy to some people. To each their own I guess. But I am shocked and appalled by all the people finding it necessary to vent their agitation on the lack of an episode 2 when there was NEVER a concrete release date.

    Telltale aint Saint Nick, people. The bun is in the oven. You might not be able to see the timer, but you'll know when it dings.
  • edited June 2012
    The_Ripper wrote: »
    Release date at the end of June... mmmh... Guys, I'm going to winning this poll, you'll see! :D

    in June....2014! :cool:
  • edited June 2012
    so IGN says episode 2 "should" be out at the end of the month. another site says that telltale is "hoping" to release at the end of the month, not really what i call a definitive date when they are not sure when it will come out so that could mean that maybe its coming out the end of June or maybe not arrrg!!
    cant they just give us a date i mean really its getting ridiculous.
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