I'm not sure what to tell you, dude. When I first read that Episode 2 was to be released on the month of June, I was a little perturbed because of it. Being relatively new to TellTale, I did a little research regarding past titles by the company, and, lo and behold, they have gone down this road before.
Delays aren't exactly uncommon in the gaming industry (something we can all attest to, I'm sure) and what matters in the end is patience. You will get your season in due time.
Simply not good enough so E3 is more important than there customers bad way to run a bussiness
E3 has become as much a press event as it is a consumer outreach event. This is best evidenced by the fact that Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft stream basically everything they do through their respective distribution channels directly to the consumer. I'd be very surprised if we didn't see a statement about a release tomorrow, (Not an apology, a statement, let's not get crazy.) along with some info on the TT games we'll see in the fall and winter.
E3 has become as much a press event as it is a consumer outreach event. This is best evidenced by the fact that Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft stream basically everything they do through their respective distribution channels directly to the consumer. I'd be very surprised if we didn't see a statement about a release tomorrow, (Not an apology, a statement, let's not get crazy.) along with some info on the TT games we'll see in the fall and winter.
so delaying the game without info is a good customer outreach program?
there is so many complaint's on this thread and in some new threads, my beef is seeing blobs of text for the hundreth time, when most of that blob is abuse, threats or just a repeat of someone elses post but most newbies make their posts sound like they are the only ones who are suffering / not knowing/ new to ttg business model.
And then they expect ttg to answer the thousands of emails angry users send them...
and an answer to a release date every day..
the answers are here and on other topics of this forum if people only took an extra few minutes to read through the thread list..
ttg game have indeed stuck to there guns and yet they still make games and they sell well so anyone who is 'vitoing' them in the future won't be missed that much...
Simply not good enough so E3 is more important than there customers bad way to run a bussiness
I'm not saying I agree with letting down 'the community' but Walking Dead Episode 1 sold over 1 million. These forums probably hit a gaming public of a few thousand, most of whom already know about Telltale and what they do. Of course E3 is more important!
E3 has become as much a press event as it is a consumer outreach event. This is best evidenced by the fact that Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft stream basically everything they do through their respective distribution channels directly to the consumer. I'd be very surprised if we didn't see a statement about a release tomorrow, (Not an apology, a statement, let's not get crazy.) along with some info on the TT games we'll see in the fall and winter.
Your saying that PC Customers have to wait for a release date through a Console Company still not good enough TTG are wrong to treat there customers this way. I'm playing this game on a pc not a bloody console and quite frankly I couldn't give a sh*t about E3 or any other console company. TTG are showing a total lack of respect for there customers. And from what I have read this is not the first time this has happened so it seems that this company does not learn from there mistakes
I didn't even know about E3. had i known a couple weeks to a month ago i would have started expecting this then . it's a great way to build up hype although it would be best if after the screening of Walking Dead Episode 2 is said "Available..... RIGHT NOW!!!" of course that would mean it released around 8am eastern time on the xbox
there is so many complaint's on this thread and in some new threads, my beef is seeing blobs of text for the hundreth time, when most of that blob is abuse, threats or just a repeat of someone elses post but most newbies make their posts sound like they are the only ones who are suffering / not knowing/ new to ttg business model.
And then they expect ttg to answer the thousands of emails angry users send them...
and an answer to a release date every day..
the answers are here and on other topics of this forum if people only took an extra few minutes to read through the thread list..
ttg game have indeed stuck to there guns and yet they still make games and they sell well so anyone who is 'vitoing' them in the future won't be missed that much...
patience young padwans the game will come...
New to the TTGames business model? By this I assume you are reffering to pre-purchasing a game that is released monthly? Sorry but last time I checked a month was 30 days (at least the rest of the world seems to view a month this way including your landlord, job, and anyone else who resides in a country where 30 days= a month).
So what if the "newbie’s" want to post...especially on a forum dedicated to the exact game we purchased from the company said game was purchased from.
Let's not use newbie to degrade anyone shall we?
I'm sure that you will be missing the players who are vetoing TTGames in the future, because without the backing of our money this company most likely wouldn't exist especially with such a sorry excuse for customer service or just plainly coming through on their word?
Not everyone is sending TTGames angry e-mails in fact the e-mail I sent TTGames were fairly neutral. So you’re telling me that paid users dont deserve to know when the next installment of something they already paid for is going to be out? (Even though TTGames had posted on their official site that the game would be released monthly).
The majority of us are not upset necessarily that we must wait between episodes, it's the principle that we paid for a service we have yet to see hold up their end of the bargain. If TT hadn't said monthly in the first place than I would have no reason to even post this.
TT wouldn't have to answer to a release date everyday if they could grow a pair and actively communicate with their fan base.
Since the project is overdue, I feel we now deserve an answer. Sorry but I work pretty darn hard for the things I have; so when I work hard for something I expect what I've spent my hard earned money on to be up and running on the agreed time. Can I pay them in increments when it's convient for me; now that I have the season pass? No...Money is gone upfront and I am not satisfied with TTGames going mum on the fans.
Where are these threats by the way? You mean promises to not ever purchase again? Well I consider those two different worlds.
I've read through the thread, show me exactly where Telltale Games staff has said the EXACT release date...pretty sure you're not going to find it either.
Guess TTGames can stick to their guns all they want, funny thing is I had never so much as heard a word about them before Walking Dead and I'm sure I won't after....Well Telltale good job on helping keep the adventure gaming genre down; in the future if there is another Walking Dead game published I'd love to see another studio take this project on.
If you like mediocrity, poor customer service, and overall disappointment stick with TT, but I for one will never purchase from them again.
Plus TT should take this an constructive-critism...maybe use tidbits of what the upset fans have been saying as feedback; so as not to piss away thier customers. Maybe TT will use some of it for their "business model"...
Thats a well written argument but then again millions of ME3 fans rose up and said "Look at this tiny pile of shit you call an ending" And Biowares response was "So the problem is.... Theres not enough shit right?"
heard of back to the future the game, jurassic park the game, sam and max? wallace and grommit? the tales of monkey island? puzzle agent? naked gun ? hector ?
i don't disagree with customer rights, and using the term newbie is not meant as an insult if i used the term noob then i would be. newbie is merely a shorter version of new member.
As a previous ttg customer with back to the future i know what is to be expected. if ttg where to change their format of releasing info and the episodes early i would swing from the rafters of my nearest church and sing their praises...
But because of it i attempt to educate the new people, maybe i'm not quite succeeding..
Ask your selves this why do ttg not answer us ?
2 months after ep1, ep2 is released? bttf had a 2 month gap and ALOT of ppl went ape shit, exactly like they do for twd ? but ttg DIDN'T advertise that did they ?
Oops if they had said that I do believe the sales would not of been as high by the looks of it..
so lets see yes it was a calculated decision not to mention the 2 month gap which i do believe is standard operation for ttg especially with e3 here and again bttf as a reference point is also a similar game but with out the choice effects. the extra month simply gives them more time to polish ep2 and start work on ep3 etc so they can meet the monthly 'deadline' but ttg never have given confirmed dates untill they are sure they can meet it.
e3 is another way of hyping the game and getting money and interest to help them get more people in to make the game better/quicker? even business partners and sponcers ?
Can you say no other company has omitted information upon release or as in the case with on the disc dlc for gears of war 3 and saints row 3 the company is charging us again to unlock it ?
and now sr3 thq are making a seperate dlc expansion for 30 -40 quid ? essentially another game ? after the PISSPOOR dlc season pass content ? but expect people to buy it ?
i really did rage about that on there facebook and official page.
threats like the abuse an you sending a letter to game informer about ttg sounds like you'll be trying to justify why people shouldn't pay ttg a dime ? even though you and others already have done..
i never mentioned exact dates..
The simple answer is do other stuff while you wait, i guess there lots of options out there ?
the extra month simply gives them more time to polish ep2 and start work on ep3 etc so they can meet the monthly 'deadline' but ttg never have given confirmed dates untill they are sure they can meet it.
Dont get me wrong, but they should have thought about that before releasing episode 1. If you say you're going to release it monthly then you should be prepared to it, if a problem occured than that's fine but intentionally delaying an episode is unacceptable because as i said they should have thought about that before saying that they were going to release them monthly.(The real problem is the 'not saying anything' part but i already said enough about that in my previous posts so i'm not going to write that here)
Normally, I'm one of the people telling everyone to stay calm and not have a sh@t fit if a game is a little late, but I have to go with the prevailing thought here. I paid for an episodic game that was to be released once a month. I am not seeing a monthly release. A bit of input from the company is certainly due to those of us that have already paid, at the least. I can overlook and even forgive a bit of tardiness but this total snub of the consumer is more than a little galling. Am I to expect that the following episodes will also be released every other month as well? Or maybe they will be released whenever TellTale darn well feels like releasing them and to blazes with the consumers. Heck, they already have our money, why should they hurry? If that is a business model it is one that will lead to ruin. I'm not going to say I will never buy a TT game again, but I sure won't pay up front. My next purchases from TT will only be games that are complete and ready to deliver. I no longer trust that they will deliver on their promises.
Dont get me wrong, but they should have thought about that before releasing episode 1. If you say you're going to release it monthly then you should be prepared to it, if a problem occured than that's fine but intentionally delaying an episode is unacceptable because as i said they should have thought about that before saying that they were going to release them monthly.(The real problem is the 'not saying anything' part but i already said enough about that in my previous posts so i'm not going to write that here)
YES i totally agree ttg have done this one too many times and should seriously consider a new action plan for their future new and original ip's
heard of back to the future the game, jurassic park the game, sam and max? wallace and grommit? the tales of monkey island? puzzle agent? naked gun ? hector ?
i don't disagree with customer rights, and using the term newbie is not meant as an insult if i used the term noob then i would be. newbie is merely a shorter version of new member.
As a previous ttg customer with back to the future i know what is to be expected. if ttg where to change their format of releasing info and the episodes early i would swing from the rafters of my nearest church and sing their praises...
But because of it i attempt to educate the new people, maybe i'm not quite succeeding..
Ask your selves this why do ttg not answer us ?
2 months after ep1, ep2 is released? bttf had a 2 month gap and ALOT of ppl went ape shit, exactly like they do for twd ? but ttg DIDN'T advertise that did they ?
Oops if they had said that I do believe the sales would not of been as high by the looks of it..
so lets see yes it was a calculated decision not to mention the 2 month gap which i do believe is standard operation for ttg especially with e3 here and again bttf as a reference point is also a similar game but with out the choice effects. the extra month simply gives them more time to polish ep2 and start work on ep3 etc so they can meet the monthly 'deadline' but ttg never have given confirmed dates untill they are sure they can meet it.
e3 is another way of hyping the game and getting money and interest to help them get more people in to make the game better/quicker? even business partners and sponcers ?
Can you say no other company has omitted information upon release or as in the case with on the disc dlc for gears of war 3 and saints row 3 the company is charging us again to unlock it ?
and now sr3 thq are making a seperate dlc expansion for 30 -40 quid ? essentially another game ? after the PISSPOOR dlc season pass content ? but expect people to buy it ?
i really did rage about that on there facebook and official page.
threats like the abuse an you sending a letter to game informer about ttg sounds like you'll be trying to justify why people shouldn't pay ttg a dime ? even though you and others already have done..
i never mentioned exact dates..
The simple answer is do other stuff while you wait, i guess there lots of options out there ?
In some things you are right, anothers not.
Telltale Games releases their games as episodic. I'm fine with this point and I will fit to the dates they eventually give. I know how they work because I purchased BTTF before by this format. So people that complains that this is not the whole game and that kind of stuff are not right and they didn't read anything about the game or the company itself.
In the other hand, it's not good the way they're taking about dealing with this delay stuff. I won't repeat the reasons because I've already said it a bunch of times but it's a lack of respect to their customers and you can't defend this. We deserve some apologize, at least. It's too late now to inform about any delay for obvious reasons but an apologize would be nice.
BTW, Telltale DID inform about the 2 months gap between Episode 1 and Episode 2 with BTTF, something that they didn't with TWD. Watch the first BTTF trailer if you don't believe me.
BTW, Telltale DID inform about the 2 months gap between Episode 1 and Episode 2 with BTTF, something that they didn't with TWD. Watch the first BTTF trailer if you don't believe me.
Yup, the first month gap in BTTF was announced in the first trailer before pre-orders even started:
I hope it's released today, but I highly doubt it will be. Yes they promised monthly content, but since it's already june they will likely wait until the end of June just to have more time.
Like said above by others... I can understand delaying a game because of complications arising... but Before you promise monthly content, you should make sure you can deliver on it, or you'll have a lot of disappointed people.
I noticed on IGN's E3 coverage that apparently they will have Live Stream coverage regarding The Walking Dead Episode 2 at 3:20pm tomorrow. Of course that is PST. So that would be 6:20pm est. I'm not going to figure out the rest. Anyway...this has already been announced somewhere, I'm sure, but I know a lot of people don't seem to read or think when it comes to their WAIT RAGE! that governs their typing fingers.
Telltale, you are killing me. As I said in an earlier post, I work at Gamestop. People are outraged about this delay. Even more so, as I tried to explain to a customer today that it is delayed but they are showing some of Ep 2 on E3, the guy proceeded to tell me it was some bullshit that they took his money and aren't saying anything and then proceeded to throw, yes throw, just about whatever he could at my head. I'm a 5'1 chick and an almost 6'ft grown ass man decided to chunk things at my face. Luckily I only got scratched up a little and he went to jail.
And you guys think the complainers are crazy on the forums.
I think it's starting to get time for just a little bit of detailed information please.
I picked Tues June 12, And I see people are looking at the back to the future the game release dates thinking it will be almost the same, the first bttf game one came out in December, and they skipped January, and released "Episode 2 Get Tannen" on February 15th So I would say maybe June 12 or June 15 some time around there. And I have to say they will skip another month for the final episode, like they did with Outatime I thought it would be May but was released in June 23'rd
People need to understand what "episodic" means. I kind of wish there was a "Video Game Nazi" like the "Soup Nazi" from Seinfeld.
Guy comes in to complain and be impatient...well...NO WALKING DEAD FOR YOU!
Sorry that you nearly got beat up by someone, but you know...I guess that's sort of the life you live. When I was in high school I worked in video game rental, played the role of enforcer, and someone threw their DVD at me.
If you buy a game released in episodic format...you buy a game released in episodic format. Guess what? You wait till the next episode.
Some of us are still waiting for Half-Life 2: Episode 3. Course we didn't pay for that in advance. But unlike Valve's track record...TTG HAS produced a bagillion episodes for their games.
I noticed on IGN's E3 coverage that apparently they will have Live Stream coverage regarding The Walking Dead Episode 2 at 3:20pm tomorrow. Of course that is PST. So that would be 6:20pm est. I'm not going to figure out the rest. Anyway...this has already been announced somewhere, I'm sure, but I know a lot of people don't seem to read or think when it comes to their WAIT RAGE! that governs their typing fingers.
06:20p.m. wed 6th june, 2012 in EST converts to
11:20p.m. wed 6th june, 2012 in GMT
That sand game the guys like "Yeah it's grey morality the decisions you make could have long reaching implications" Can you give us an example? Not even one in the game just a hypothetical scenario?
But Nope so I have no idea if he's trying to say it's like Call of Duty meets Alpha Protocol or if it's Call of Duty meets "do you want to shoot this guy in the face or not"
Kind of off topic...the E3 discussion...but I am excited about Beyond: Two Souls and also The Last of Us. And apparently a new Dead Island...interesting. Watch Dogs also interesting. Course can't wait to get a sneak peak of the new episode 2 sneak peek from Walking Dead. Would be interesting if they actually launched the game...after their announcement on E3. My guess...this coming Tuesday.
Telltale, you are killing me. As I said in an earlier post, I work at Gamestop. People are outraged about this delay. Even more so, as I tried to explain to a customer today that it is delayed but they are showing some of Ep 2 on E3, the guy proceeded to tell me it was some bullshit that they took his money and aren't saying anything and then proceeded to throw, yes throw, just about whatever he could at my head. I'm a 5'1 chick and an almost 6'ft grown ass man decided to chunk things at my face. Luckily I only got scratched up a little and he went to jail.
And you guys think the complainers are crazy on the forums.
I think it's starting to get time for just a little bit of detailed information please.
Delays aren't exactly uncommon in the gaming industry (something we can all attest to, I'm sure) and what matters in the end is patience. You will get your season in due time.
E3 has become as much a press event as it is a consumer outreach event. This is best evidenced by the fact that Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft stream basically everything they do through their respective distribution channels directly to the consumer. I'd be very surprised if we didn't see a statement about a release tomorrow, (Not an apology, a statement, let's not get crazy.) along with some info on the TT games we'll see in the fall and winter.
so delaying the game without info is a good customer outreach program?
And then they expect ttg to answer the thousands of emails angry users send them...
and an answer to a release date every day..
the answers are here and on other topics of this forum if people only took an extra few minutes to read through the thread list..
ttg game have indeed stuck to there guns and yet they still make games and they sell well so anyone who is 'vitoing' them in the future won't be missed that much...
patience young padwans the game will come...
I'm not saying I agree with letting down 'the community' but Walking Dead Episode 1 sold over 1 million. These forums probably hit a gaming public of a few thousand, most of whom already know about Telltale and what they do. Of course E3 is more important!
Your saying that PC Customers have to wait for a release date through a Console Company still not good enough TTG are wrong to treat there customers this way. I'm playing this game on a pc not a bloody console and quite frankly I couldn't give a sh*t about E3 or any other console company. TTG are showing a total lack of respect for there customers. And from what I have read this is not the first time this has happened so it seems that this company does not learn from there mistakes
New to the TTGames business model? By this I assume you are reffering to pre-purchasing a game that is released monthly? Sorry but last time I checked a month was 30 days (at least the rest of the world seems to view a month this way including your landlord, job, and anyone else who resides in a country where 30 days= a month).
So what if the "newbie’s" want to post...especially on a forum dedicated to the exact game we purchased from the company said game was purchased from.
Let's not use newbie to degrade anyone shall we?
I'm sure that you will be missing the players who are vetoing TTGames in the future, because without the backing of our money this company most likely wouldn't exist especially with such a sorry excuse for customer service or just plainly coming through on their word?
Not everyone is sending TTGames angry e-mails in fact the e-mail I sent TTGames were fairly neutral. So you’re telling me that paid users dont deserve to know when the next installment of something they already paid for is going to be out? (Even though TTGames had posted on their official site that the game would be released monthly).
The majority of us are not upset necessarily that we must wait between episodes, it's the principle that we paid for a service we have yet to see hold up their end of the bargain. If TT hadn't said monthly in the first place than I would have no reason to even post this.
TT wouldn't have to answer to a release date everyday if they could grow a pair and actively communicate with their fan base.
Since the project is overdue, I feel we now deserve an answer. Sorry but I work pretty darn hard for the things I have; so when I work hard for something I expect what I've spent my hard earned money on to be up and running on the agreed time. Can I pay them in increments when it's convient for me; now that I have the season pass? No...Money is gone upfront and I am not satisfied with TTGames going mum on the fans.
Where are these threats by the way? You mean promises to not ever purchase again? Well I consider those two different worlds.
I've read through the thread, show me exactly where Telltale Games staff has said the EXACT release date...pretty sure you're not going to find it either.
Guess TTGames can stick to their guns all they want, funny thing is I had never so much as heard a word about them before Walking Dead and I'm sure I won't after....Well Telltale good job on helping keep the adventure gaming genre down; in the future if there is another Walking Dead game published I'd love to see another studio take this project on.
If you like mediocrity, poor customer service, and overall disappointment stick with TT, but I for one will never purchase from them again.
Plus TT should take this an constructive-critism...maybe use tidbits of what the upset fans have been saying as feedback; so as not to piss away thier customers. Maybe TT will use some of it for their "business model"...
i don't disagree with customer rights, and using the term newbie is not meant as an insult if i used the term noob then i would be. newbie is merely a shorter version of new member.
As a previous ttg customer with back to the future i know what is to be expected. if ttg where to change their format of releasing info and the episodes early i would swing from the rafters of my nearest church and sing their praises...
But because of it i attempt to educate the new people, maybe i'm not quite succeeding..
Ask your selves this why do ttg not answer us ?
2 months after ep1, ep2 is released? bttf had a 2 month gap and ALOT of ppl went ape shit, exactly like they do for twd ? but ttg DIDN'T advertise that did they ?
Oops if they had said that I do believe the sales would not of been as high by the looks of it..
so lets see yes it was a calculated decision not to mention the 2 month gap which i do believe is standard operation for ttg especially with e3 here and again bttf as a reference point is also a similar game but with out the choice effects. the extra month simply gives them more time to polish ep2 and start work on ep3 etc so they can meet the monthly 'deadline' but ttg never have given confirmed dates untill they are sure they can meet it.
e3 is another way of hyping the game and getting money and interest to help them get more people in to make the game better/quicker? even business partners and sponcers ?
Can you say no other company has omitted information upon release or as in the case with on the disc dlc for gears of war 3 and saints row 3 the company is charging us again to unlock it ?
and now sr3 thq are making a seperate dlc expansion for 30 -40 quid ? essentially another game ? after the PISSPOOR dlc season pass content ? but expect people to buy it ?
i really did rage about that on there facebook and official page.
threats like the abuse an you sending a letter to game informer about ttg sounds like you'll be trying to justify why people shouldn't pay ttg a dime ? even though you and others already have done..
i never mentioned exact dates..
The simple answer is do other stuff while you wait, i guess there lots of options out there ?
This is not good for their popularity. I don't know why they have not said anything about the delay or some apologize... Simply nothing.
Dont get me wrong, but they should have thought about that before releasing episode 1. If you say you're going to release it monthly then you should be prepared to it, if a problem occured than that's fine but intentionally delaying an episode is unacceptable because as i said they should have thought about that before saying that they were going to release them monthly.(The real problem is the 'not saying anything' part but i already said enough about that in my previous posts so i'm not going to write that here)
You can even say shit in here. IF you want to.
YES i totally agree ttg have done this one too many times and should seriously consider a new action plan for their future new and original ip's
wait no it isnt.
mr funnyman...
delirious is a better description.....
In some things you are right, anothers not.
Telltale Games releases their games as episodic. I'm fine with this point and I will fit to the dates they eventually give. I know how they work because I purchased BTTF before by this format. So people that complains that this is not the whole game and that kind of stuff are not right and they didn't read anything about the game or the company itself.
In the other hand, it's not good the way they're taking about dealing with this delay stuff. I won't repeat the reasons because I've already said it a bunch of times but it's a lack of respect to their customers and you can't defend this. We deserve some apologize, at least. It's too late now to inform about any delay for obvious reasons but an apologize would be nice.
BTW, Telltale DID inform about the 2 months gap between Episode 1 and Episode 2 with BTTF, something that they didn't with TWD. Watch the first BTTF trailer if you don't believe me.
Yup, the first month gap in BTTF was announced in the first trailer before pre-orders even started:
...and the delay of the last episode was also communicated early with a very good reason.
so my previous point of lack of research stands
when seeing something 'new / different' i always research into it or similar things to find out what to expect..
so perhaps ttg can make this 'small print' larger and easier to see ?
it can't be any harder to put in than tacking on JUNE to the last frame of a trailer/video ?
Is there a way i get my money back?
Like said above by others... I can understand delaying a game because of complications arising... but Before you promise monthly content, you should make sure you can deliver on it, or you'll have a lot of disappointed people.
And you guys think the complainers are crazy on the forums.
I think it's starting to get time for just a little bit of detailed information please.
Guy comes in to complain and be impatient...well...NO WALKING DEAD FOR YOU!
Sorry that you nearly got beat up by someone, but you know...I guess that's sort of the life you live. When I was in high school I worked in video game rental, played the role of enforcer, and someone threw their DVD at me.
If you buy a game released in episodic format...you buy a game released in episodic format. Guess what? You wait till the next episode.
Some of us are still waiting for Half-Life 2: Episode 3.
All these game representatives are terrible
06:20p.m. wed 6th june, 2012 in EST converts to
11:20p.m. wed 6th june, 2012 in GMT
But Nope so I have no idea if he's trying to say it's like Call of Duty meets Alpha Protocol or if it's Call of Duty meets "do you want to shoot this guy in the face or not"
Really? over a point and click game? *snip*