In the future, just consider this a learning experience at your end as well:
If you like Telltale's product, but can't tolerate the occasional lapses in timely releases that Telltale is known for, then you're probably better off buying the product once it's fully completed.
This argument doesn't really ring true to me. It's sort of like if a child argued with their teacher that they shouldn't be graded down for not turning in a book report on time, because they'll turn it in eventually.
You admit Telltale failed to meet their own deadline, but you seem to imply they doesn't deserve the verbal grief it is currently receiving for not meeting it. Yet, it isn't it fair to say that when a person misses a deadline they generally have to take a lot of sh*t for it until they get it done? So what is happening now seems fairly causes and effect to me.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of the people here who feels 'disrespect as a customer' or anything like that, I'm sure Telltale has a perfectly reasonable explanation for why they didn't make the deadline. I just think defending them against their attackers on this issue seems a little sycophantic.
Well, I've to admit that all this waiting is turning me off about this game.
I'll still be engaged when it'll come out, but right now I'm starting to be uninterested to read all the news and threads on the forum.
I usually like episodic gaming, and I think that's good to let them work on the game until it's perfect, but 2 months for a 2 hour game is really bad - they could have started it on June instead of May.
I feel that "The Telltale Experience" gets dull and boring when you're waiting so long.
They inform that would be June like it was the initial plans and it's not the case. This is a delay and they didn't even inform about that. It's what I mean.
Telltale treat us like morons. It's what it pissed me off.
Rather than "never buying another TTG product ever again", just wait the 6 months or so for the series to be completed.
Then buy it.
No more frustration. Problem solved.
It's for this why I replied to you. I want to purchase the game when I want and I will have the same rights whenever I purchase or pre-purchase. For 1000000th time, I don't mind waiting because of a delay but a company MUST inform to their customers there is a delay, at least.
One more time, it's for the Telltale manners, not for the delay.
I feel that "The Telltale Experience" gets dull and boring when you're waiting so long.
I agree - but that might still be our personal taste. And after all, there's the not exactly microscopic chance that episodes 3, 4 and 5 are released monthly after number 2, which would correct the experience a bit.
You admit Telltale failed to meet their own deadline, but you seem to imply they doesn't deserve the verbal grief it is currently receiving for not meeting it.
I don't know where I imply that, at all.
What I'm saying is that Telltale has slipped their deadlines in the past, they're doing it now, and they'll probably do it again in the future. They're also apparently not the best in the Public Relations Department.
But, if you like the end result of Telltale's labors, then learn from this: if you're the type of personality that can't handle a week or three of extra wait time, then it's probably best to simply buy the product when it's Instant Gratification Time.
But, if you like the end result of Telltale's labors, then learn from this: if you're the type of personality that can't handle a week or three of extra wait time, then it's probably best to simply buy the product when it's Instant Gratification Time.
Interestingly, in a German forum, I argued that the game mechanics of the Walking Dead are a bold yet dangerous path to tread because they seldom render instant gratification - as opposed to the puzzle oriented former adventure Seasons. With the rise of the consoles and the "achievements" mechanic (which I honestly find ridiculous), you'd think they wouldn't dare to do that.
The whole this has been really annoying and I know my complaining wont make episode 2 magically be released (but that would be really cool hahaha). I just hope next time this happens they will at least just update the website and feed us just a little info, and I bet people wouldnt be as mad that the game is taking so long. The last update on may22 said it will be released in 2 weeks... Isn't that today??
Interestingly, in a German forum, I argued that the game mechanics of the Walking Dead are a bold yet dangerous path to tread because they seldom render instant gratification - as opposed to the puzzle oriented former adventure Seasons. With the rise of the consoles and the "achievements" mechanic (which I honestly find ridiculous), you'd think they wouldn't dare to do that.
depending on what you find was pretty god damn gratifying smashing the baby sitter's head in with a hammer....or maybe I'm just a sick bastard.
I really agree with you though about the mechanics. A heavily plot driven video game can be dangerous since most gamers love running and gunning. I would have to say though, so far the story has been interesting enough for me to want to know what happens next.
Interestingly, in a German forum, I argued that the game mechanics of the Walking Dead are a bold yet dangerous path to tread because they seldom render instant gratification - as opposed to the puzzle oriented former adventure Seasons. With the rise of the consoles and the "achievements" mechanic (which I honestly find ridiculous), you'd think they wouldn't dare to do that.
I agree - this would be an interesting topic to a separate thread.
Off-topic here, though! :rolleyes:
From what I understand you will not get Episode 2 in your purchase list, but the First episode will download it. The coming soon will turn into a install button, and download it when it's out. Just like Law & Order Legacies.
I don't know where I imply that, at all.
What I'm saying is that Telltale has slipped their deadlines in the past, they're doing it now, and they'll probably do it again in the future. They're also apparently not the best in the Public Relations Department.
But, if you like the end result of Telltale's labors, then learn from this: if you're the type of personality that can't handle a week or three of extra wait time, then it's probably best to simply buy the product when it's Instant Gratification Time.
Oh! That makes a lot more sense.
I apologize. It just thought when you said to considered this a 'learning experience' you were implying that Telltale's history of not meeting deadlines was an excuse for not meeting this deadline. When all you were really saying is you shouldn't trust Telltale's deadlines. Period.
How can you preach before a games release about having a new episode ONE EVERY MONTH! I think the community for TWD has been waiting for episode 2 now SINCE THE END OF APRIL! You charge us per epsiode or for the whole season, ok so i bought the whole season expecting what you said, 1 episode every month. NOPE 2 MONTHS LATER NOTHING. oh and it comes with the special theme too. guess what i DIDNT GET! Im about 6 seconds from calling and getting my god damn money back for the last four episodes and telling you to shove your game up your asses sideways!
i don't want to watch the E3 thing because i would like to keep the next episode more hidden from myself so i don't know what to expect, but i have seen some say that they hint the release date. Can someone just confirm this for me and let me know what was said without giving me all the spoilers that comes with it?
I'm just going to pretend that the delay has something to do with licensing issues, Sony, or Microsoft. What I don't understand is why they need to delay the PC release so that they can release the PS3 & 360 versions at the same time. You'd think they understand that we've waited quite a while. Hell, even the marketing rep at E3 looked uncomfortable advertising The Walking Dead. It's almost as if they know they are screwing us and they won't do anything about it. Much like the rest I just want word from Telltale what's causing all of this trouble. A page of typed up information would placate the ravenous fans but they won't do it?
Rather than "never buying another TTG product ever again", just wait the 6 months or so for the series to be completed. Then buy it.
No more frustration. Problem solved.
Let me get my 20 bucks back than and they can have their game back lol. And than in 6 months time I might do that. Simply because they gave me my option back. But no right? They probably already went on vacation with our money or something and are out doing crack and hookers. And in the meantime im watching videos of them playing it having a blast. Its time to share guys or gimme 20$ psn credit lol and let me go get different zombie game. Game tripped me out, the whole household was around the t.v it was like a movie. With no ending.
Let me get my 20 bucks back than and they can have their game back lol. [...] Game tripped me out, the whole household was around the t.v it was like a movie. With no ending.
Seems to me you don't ever WANT to give that game back. You'll have another fix this month...
What kind of zombie game is better than The Walking Dead? Most of the zombie games I see on xbox live or psn are just run and gun co-op games. And most zombie games aren't really character driven. That's one of the things that bugs me about Dead Rising and Dead Island. They really aren't that character driven...oh sure you find people and guide them and do missions occasionally. But it's just not the same thing.
I really wish there would be a Knights of the Old Republic/Baldur's Gate/Deus Ex style zombie RPG somewhere.
But those definitely wouldn't cost 20 bucks.
Right now...Walking Dead is the most sincere and true-to-its-roots zombie game there is. my humble opinion.
your probably right i loved it lol it scared the shit outta me in parts theyre good. which is exactly why id reconsider. what is 'playing dead?' is that a different game?
i don't mind waiting and i was hoping for this to happen, with a 2 months pr episode this will just give us a MUCH! better game.
Who says that? We don't know how they're spending this time, they might just be doing opinion-related changes or add not initially planned content which would make the game more unstable.
Not to say I would find this likely, but while less time spent generally equals lower quality, more time spent doesn't always equal higher quality.
EDIT: As for the release date, voted for "When hell freezes over". My stance to everything in life is to hope for the best but to always expect the worst, so I'm not complaining, but I've already lost my faith in this release and my trust in any new release dates they announce, so I don't even know what the "worst case scenario" for the release date would now be. June 2013?
I don't even know what the "worst case scenario" for the release date would now be. June 2013?
You may be on to something here. They said June but they didn't say which year. Also of note is in the E3 video they say that they're going to try to release it in June but it may be pushed back farther.
nice, so i'm in the running for the custom commissioned artwork! c'mon june 20th! I want a zombie waiting for a bus that will never come. just to reflect the way I have felt for a month about this game. I hope that I remember there being a prize and I didnt just wish one into existence.
I'm glad to finally have a release window, but i honestly would play it if it came out next june. lets just hope thats not the case.
I dont mind the waiting as much as some here. What i do mind is paying for a games full season and then find out lots of non paying customers at E3 get to play the game before i do. Take my money and slap me in the face with it is how i feel. Any version of ep2 i as long as its called TWD ep2 i feel should have been sent to the customers that paid in full up front.
A better zombie game than tne walking dead ? any one you can play on time when you paid up front LOL, this is a joke ttg feels like april fools day, just wish they would get on with it over it
Only place ttg really messed up is advertising the game on steam. Steam is a tough bunch. Seen it many times that a game will promise many things on steam then not deliver...most of those are micro-transactions now sadly.
What alot of these smaller gaming companies dont seem to grasp is when you go the steam way you really need to have it together. Too many great games are killed through steam.
Er...all of TTG's games have been and were released on Steam. Even Bone! Quality is quality. If it takes longer, oh well. It has been said before...if you're impatient...wait until all of the episodes are released and then play.
You can do that can't you? And you know what? If you Christmas you could probably even get it half off on Steam. Gee Golly what a deal!
Now how about we all just get drunk and dream of the zombie apocalypse in some sort of intoxicated stupor? Cheers?
This argument doesn't really ring true to me. It's sort of like if a child argued with their teacher that they shouldn't be graded down for not turning in a book report on time, because they'll turn it in eventually.
You admit Telltale failed to meet their own deadline, but you seem to imply they doesn't deserve the verbal grief it is currently receiving for not meeting it. Yet, it isn't it fair to say that when a person misses a deadline they generally have to take a lot of sh*t for it until they get it done? So what is happening now seems fairly causes and effect to me.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of the people here who feels 'disrespect as a customer' or anything like that, I'm sure Telltale has a perfectly reasonable explanation for why they didn't make the deadline. I just think defending them against their attackers on this issue seems a little sycophantic.
I'll still be engaged when it'll come out, but right now I'm starting to be uninterested to read all the news and threads on the forum.
I usually like episodic gaming, and I think that's good to let them work on the game until it's perfect, but 2 months for a 2 hour game is really bad - they could have started it on June instead of May.
I feel that "The Telltale Experience" gets dull and boring when you're waiting so long.
They inform that would be June like it was the initial plans and it's not the case. This is a delay and they didn't even inform about that. It's what I mean.
Telltale treat us like morons. It's what it pissed me off.
It's for this why I replied to you. I want to purchase the game when I want and I will have the same rights whenever I purchase or pre-purchase. For 1000000th time, I don't mind waiting because of a delay but a company MUST inform to their customers there is a delay, at least.
One more time, it's for the Telltale manners, not for the delay.
I agree - but that might still be our personal taste. And after all, there's the not exactly microscopic chance that episodes 3, 4 and 5 are released monthly after number 2, which would correct the experience a bit.
I don't know where I imply that, at all.
What I'm saying is that Telltale has slipped their deadlines in the past, they're doing it now, and they'll probably do it again in the future. They're also apparently not the best in the Public Relations Department.
But, if you like the end result of Telltale's labors, then learn from this: if you're the type of personality that can't handle a week or three of extra wait time, then it's probably best to simply buy the product when it's Instant Gratification Time.
Interestingly, in a German forum, I argued that the game mechanics of the Walking Dead are a bold yet dangerous path to tread because they seldom render instant gratification - as opposed to the puzzle oriented former adventure Seasons. With the rise of the consoles and the "achievements" mechanic (which I honestly find ridiculous), you'd think they wouldn't dare to do that.
depending on what you find was pretty god damn gratifying smashing the baby sitter's head in with a hammer....or maybe I'm just a sick bastard.
I really agree with you though about the mechanics. A heavily plot driven video game can be dangerous since most gamers love running and gunning. I would have to say though, so far the story has been interesting enough for me to want to know what happens next.
could be a bit earlier? so if the game is ready for that process surely they can release it right after ?
Off-topic here, though! :rolleyes:
From what I understand you will not get Episode 2 in your purchase list, but the First episode will download it. The coming soon will turn into a install button, and download it when it's out. Just like Law & Order Legacies.
Oh! That makes a lot more sense.
I apologize. It just thought when you said to considered this a 'learning experience' you were implying that Telltale's history of not meeting deadlines was an excuse for not meeting this deadline. When all you were really saying is you shouldn't trust Telltale's deadlines. Period.
Or am I still wrong?
I'm the same as you and avoided any actual spoilery stuff.
Come on people...did you enjoy the first episode or are you seriously joining the forum just to complain about the release of episode 2?
Let me get my 20 bucks back than and they can have their game back lol. And than in 6 months time I might do that. Simply because they gave me my option back. But no right? They probably already went on vacation with our money or something and are out doing crack and hookers. And in the meantime im watching videos of them playing it having a blast. Its time to share guys
Seems to me you don't ever WANT to give that game back. You'll have another fix this month...
I really wish there would be a Knights of the Old Republic/Baldur's Gate/Deus Ex style zombie RPG somewhere.
But those definitely wouldn't cost 20 bucks.
Right now...Walking Dead is the most sincere and true-to-its-roots zombie game there is. my humble opinion.
Who says that? We don't know how they're spending this time, they might just be doing opinion-related changes or add not initially planned content which would make the game more unstable.
Not to say I would find this likely, but while less time spent generally equals lower quality, more time spent doesn't always equal higher quality.
EDIT: As for the release date, voted for "When hell freezes over". My stance to everything in life is to hope for the best but to always expect the worst, so I'm not complaining, but I've already lost my faith in this release and my trust in any new release dates they announce, so I don't even know what the "worst case scenario" for the release date would now be. June 2013?
You may be on to something here. They said June but they didn't say which year. Also of note is in the E3 video they say that they're going to try to release it in June but it may be pushed back farther.
I'm glad to finally have a release window, but i honestly would play it if it came out next june. lets just hope thats not the case.
and some of us wish you would get over it too...
yes i am
i do admit they made a mess of the release YES I SAID IT !
but i gotta say seeing both e3 presentations ep2 is going to be freaking insane and pure awesome worth the wait ? signs point to hells yeah !
i am also (may be a shock) want the episode 2 to be on my pc last month
and my some of my hopes for certain characters have been met.
oh my, one scene is going to haunt me...
What alot of these smaller gaming companies dont seem to grasp is when you go the steam way you really need to have it together. Too many great games are killed through steam.
andf since im here ill say july 1st
You can do that can't you? And you know what? If you Christmas you could probably even get it half off on Steam. Gee Golly what a deal!
Now how about we all just get drunk and dream of the zombie apocalypse in some sort of intoxicated stupor? Cheers?
i do that anyway....
So an ordinary wendsday?