I feel very fortunate that I only have one playthrough so far. I've got some time to poke around before the next episode. Granted, I'm bummed to wait, but overall, still stoked about this game.
Think of a drinking game for playing the game, I will gladly participate during my next playthrough.
As long as this episode is substantially longer than EP1, I don't mind waiting. But paying 25 dollars for only a few hours of gameplay (You can say replay value if you want, but frankly, I always play the good guy, and I don't want to deviate from that just to see what happens.) per episode doesn't work. Can't justify a 2 month delay for 4 hours of gameplay.
I'm excited for it to come out, but I really just don't see why they spit in our faces about this whole E3 deal.
As long as this episode is substantially longer than EP1, I don't mind waiting. But paying 25 dollars for only a few hours of gameplay (You can say replay value if you want, but frankly, I always play the good guy, and I don't want to deviate from that just to see what happens.) per episode doesn't work. Can't justify a 2 month delay for 4 hours of gameplay.
I'm excited for it to come out, but I really just don't see why they spit in our faces about this whole E3 deal.
25 dollars is for the season pass which is all 5 episodes of season 1 and each episode is 2-3 hours long but if you take your time and explore everything 3 and a half 4 hours would be the limit.
are you saying you paid 25 buck just for ep1 ? which system do you have the game on and where did you get it from ?
25 dollars is for the season pass which is all 5 episodes of season 1 and each episode is 2-3 hours long but if you take your time and explore everything 3 and a half 4 hours would be the limit.
are you saying you paid 25 buck just for ep1 ? which system do you have the game on and where did you get it from ?
I got it on Steam for 25 dollars. I know it's a season pass. But so far, all I've gotten is Episode 1. Let's do some math. 3-4 hours. 5 episodes. 4*5=20. 3*5=15. That means at most I'm paying more than a dollar per hour of entertainment, and that's probably with replaying and playing it using a different playstyle. (Which I dislike doing.) So I'd probably be leaning more towards the 2-3 hour range, and 10-15 hours of gameplay for 25 dollars? Can't do that. Not that Telltale game's games aren't quality, I'm simply not loaded with money so I can't afford it.
I decided I'm not going to whine about it any more, doesn't do any good. I'll just be physched with you guys.
I'm still really glad it's going to be released this month, though, despite all my previous griping.
thats good yes the wait sucks but ep2 is going to (hopefully not litteraly) blow all our minds
what we love in ep1 is been taken further and it's going to get tough in many ways and pretty messy
See, I actually haven't heard any info about ep2 yet, so I'm glad to hear that. I just assumed they wouldn't really improve much and stick to the same deal (Not that it's bad.) but then I just thought about how radically different this is to their other games. Hopefully it gets even better with each episode, instead of pulling a jurassic park
Dear TTG I want Widely Varied Choices but I think 90 Percent of those choices should stick to one episode so you don't have to program ten million variables
I've finally figured out why I am generally more positive about the release of Episode 2. I have more than five posts under my belt on this forum.
Come on people...did you enjoy the first episode or are you seriously joining the forum just to complain about the release of episode 2?
Sigh... Guilty as charged. And I really hate to be "that guy." "That guy" that jumps into a community just to bitch. I just saw that some people were coming in with what I felt to be a legitimate gripe that were being argued with pretty rudely, so I came shambling right on in, welcome or not...
I would hang out and join the other discussions but for one thing: I am intensely spoilerphobic. And spoilers *always* creep in, no matter how much people try not to give anything away. I don't even like to watch previews, or even hear about them discussed.
But still... That battery thread looks like the sort of topic I might have something to say about (in defense of the reporter, even). Maybe I'll wander by and throw a couple cents in....
Hey man, I understand what you're saying. At least you're honest, and you seem like a decent, reasonable sort.
The way I look at it though is that some of the people around here have been fans of TTG for quite some time. They're used to this, and just lurking here a lot, I've already seen that people have been complaining about the release of Episode 2 since episode 1 came out. A lot of people didn't understand how episodic released gaming worked.
They complained about that.
Then they came back to complain about the delay.
I think after awhile some of the veterans here got pretty bitter. I mean if you're passionate about a certain development company and you see a lot of new people joining just to complain...can you see how they're a tad jaded?
I'm not going to say that everyone that complains is a jerk, an idiot, and an entirely insensitive and mean-spirited doody head. Not at all. I think that people have a legitimate concern for when the next episode will be released. Obviously they want more of a good game. That's totally understandable.
I just think they need to share more of your attitude, you know? That of embracing the community. I don't think anyone is here disagreeing that they want Episode 2 yesterday. I think they're more or less getting mad and frustrated at how some people just seem to be more interested in lashing out than joining in the patient waiting of everyone else.
Usually people warn about spoilers. If they do not...shame on them. I think you'll find a lot of great people here. And I've seen a few people from TTG post in the various threads too. They seem like really nice people. As are the fans here.
And when Episode 2 comes out we'll all have more to discuss. And then we will be waiting for Episode 3. And there will be a bunch more people joining the forums to complain about how Episode 3 hasn't released in a fast enough time.
It won't end. People that don't want to be happy won't be. But those people that pop in for a few days just to argue and vent...are totally missing part of the fun. When you read a book, watch a TV show...don't you want to talk to people about it? How you felt? What you think/hope will happen next?
If I can do that for a 2 hour movie whose sequel probably won't come out for a year or two...I can find myself fulfilled talking to friends and making new friends all over the world about a 2 hour game episode that will continue in a month or two.
All valid, but Sidestepping and saying it's out of their hands...not even apologising is low, I'd honestly not have bOught the season pass if I knew the company had such little regard for its customers...its like if you went to the cinema and part way through they throw you out without telling you why, it'd be crazy you'd get your money back straight away if not cause a sht storm...Tt prefers the latter apparently
I think that's kind of why they do not give release dates though. Because "it's done when it's done." They have a genuine window to strive for...a monthly release...but it's an episodic format without a stringent release date. It's not like they said, "May 28th 2012 will be Episode 2." And then they gave you total radio silence when it wasn't released then.
I suppose you'd be happy if they had said, "We decided it will be released at the end of June." But they kinda did that...maybe they were waiting for E3? I don't know. It really doesn't bother me though. Do you think they swindled you out of your hard earned money and weren't actually working on the game?
Ill be the first to admit. I was asking for ttg devs to be strung by their necks for not giving me my game AT FIRST. BUT after listening to some of the more senior members ive come to just be patient and relax and so I shall.
LOL! Glad you've seen the light, yo. Maybe we've created a cult of pacifists. Well not me, I'm still a n00b, I suppose. But you know...the senior members.
I think that's kind of why they do not give release dates though. Because "it's done when it's done." They have a genuine window to strive for...a monthly release...but it's an episodic format without a stringent release date. It's not like they said, "May 28th 2012 will be Episode 2." And then they gave you total radio silence when it wasn't released then.
I suppose you'd be happy if they had said, "We decided it will be released at the end of June." But they kinda did that...maybe they were waiting for E3? I don't know. It really doesn't bother me though. Do you think they swindled you out of your hard earned money and weren't actually working on the game?
They should make it clearer then, and I knew about June release date hence why I posted it earlier fool! I'm just saying they're being dicks, apologising is real easy...I don't really mind the wait either, its just lack of customer respect and use of deception to get more cash that's annoying..hopefully the end product will be up to standard and we can game and shut up about the problems of episodic releases. Also I never sPoke of being swindled, where did you get that from, obviously I chose to buy it, but hindsight is irrelevant now
Keep in mind that Telltale did say at E3 that it may not come out this month. We might have to wait until July for episode 2. I just hope that since we've waited so long they are working on multiple episodes at once so they might be able to surprise us with early releases of later episodes.
I was merely asking if you thought you were swindled. Your angle wasn't clear to me, and I was just trying to understand your point of view. I didn't put words in your mouth.
I guess I just don't see the issue. I knew it was episodic. I guess I just figured they'll be released when they're released. I knew that coming into the purchase. It's all good though. We'll get the game. We'll play it. And then we'll be like, "Ugh...we gotta wait for the next awesome two hours," haha.
I guess I just don't see the issue.The issue that me and alot of other people see is that they were supposed to be released monthly. I knew it was episodic.Me too and as should everyone else that bought it. I guess I just figured they'll be released when they're released.I figured they would be released when Telltale said they would be released; which was monthly. I knew that coming into the purchase.What I knew, again, that the episodes would be released monthly. It's all good though. We'll eventually get the game. We'll play it. And then we'll be like, "Ugh...we gotta wait for the next awesome two hours," haha.Agreed:D
I should have bought the Back to the Future game instead of season pass for this game. I guess I got greedy and wanted to save 5 bucks on psn. Like the premise just not the waiting game. So I guess I'll bust out the GameCube and start a Resident Evil marathon, But I'm not giving this company any more money till some kind of Communication has been made.
First off Telltalegames, top first series of the walking dead, I have enjoyed playing it multiple times using various decisions. Secondly TTG big fail in being customer focused and respecting the people who put their money down on the table to help keep you guys going, and it's about time you admit it.
You guys at TTG set the expectation, quote "We have plans for 5 episodes, releasing once per month", but failed to deliver and your customers are getting slammed on your forum for being annoyed.
Reading all the valid complaints and even the moaning, which is then countered by people trying to give a balance view and of course the apologist, (the apologist are the worst in my opinion) have definitely put me off buying another episodic game as your performance has been shoddy.
If you had no intention of releasing the second episode in the month time frame clearly laid out in your marketing blurb, and also allowing your agents to state the same then you have mislead the community into buying into and putting their money into TTG under false pretences and you should apologise publicly.
Also TTG watching leaked release dates being published without issuing a public statement and quashing all the speculation once and for all is diabolical. Unexpected delays are understandable, but transparency as to when we should be getting what we paid for is expected as well.
I know that this has been said many times before on this forum, but I paid my money and am entitled to get this off my chest too like everybody else.
Remember TTG you have got our hard earned money already, no matter how much the TTG apologist want us to suck it up.
The positive is that it seems clear that your working to bring the best walking dead gaming experience you can and I do applaud you for that.
I was merely asking if you thought you were swindled. Your angle wasn't clear to me, and I was just trying to understand your point of view. I didn't put words in your mouth.
I guess I just don't see the issue. I knew it was episodic. I guess I just figured they'll be released when they're released. I knew that coming into the purchase. It's all good though. We'll get the game. We'll play it. And then we'll be like, "Ugh...we gotta wait for the next awesome two hours," haha.
Can't just say "well, it's episodic content so when they said monthly installments it didn't count." and make all the frustration go away broski.
Like I said earlier, I'm indifferent about the issue but I'm wanting it more since reaching Diablo on Inferno difficulty. That guy is going to give me nightmare fuel. Literally hoping Lee will run out of nowhere to cleave diablos face so I can finally finish that fight.
By the way, noticed lots of chill folks in here. If any of you play Diablo 3, while we wait for super-awesome-zombie-survival-screw-that-Larry-guy episode 2, hit me up in a PM!
I'm not going to pretend I'm not upset or entitled to a product promised here, but I'm not going to gripe about more than once or twice. I love TTG, I do, I own Back to the Future and Law & Order: Legacies; and I plan on going furthur when my wallet can deal with it, but for now I'm effectively irrate and I certainly feel TTG's lack of fulfilling promises is a sign of a bad business decision and it has soured me to Telltale-- HOWEVER I will not say I'm soured enough to boycott, ignore, etcetc. I'm sure the regulars here have heard this 500 times over.
blahblah; what I've effectively said is a repeat of what others have.
With all of this done, I'm going to find something productive to speak of.
this person was shouted down and had their first post hacked to bits for posting that they had read on wiki that episode 2 would not be released till 24 June.
About a week ago i posted a thread about information I found on walking dead wiki. it said there would be delays and episode 2 was being pushed back to june 24th... this was apparently refuted.
Now I have came back to the boards for the first time and see that the game has been pushed back to June. It seems really funny to get a vague answer from a telltale member and a week later to here the game isn't coming out until June.
I'm starting to believe the original information from walking dead wiki was right...
It would seem that TTG knew right from the start that episode 2 would not be ready for a monthly release. But instead of informing their customers they just sat with their mouths shut possible watching the forums as the Telltale fanbois torn into anyone that said negatives things about their beloved game company. here we are 7th June and still no word from TTG about when this game will be released it is now 6 weeks since episode 1 was released and still no sign of episode 2 well monthly means just that and TTG are now in breach of contract by failing to deliver a monthly game as they them selfs promised.
TTG are now in breach of contract by failing to deliver a monthly game as they them selfs promised.
I'm sure they technically are but I for one wouldn't join any half-assed class action lawsuit. It's a fairly moot point whether they failed to deliver on their contractual obligations as they never announced a formal release date and would argue technical difficulties.
I, like many here I presume, don't want a mass lawsuit or my money back but a little bit of transparancy from TTG would be great.
I'm sure they technically are but I for one wouldn't join any half-assed class action lawsuit. It's a fairly moot point whether they failed to deliver on their contractual obligations as they never announced a formal release date and would argue technical difficulties.
I, like many here I presume, don't want a mass lawsuit or my money back but a little bit of transparancy from TTG would be great.
You could argue that they did simply by saying MONTHLY RELEASES.
As for transparancy from TTG well you are never going to get that.
Seems TTG do not care about customer care they just bury their head in the sand and hope it will go away. When they have no customers left and are wondering why they went bust then maybe they will realize just how badly they treated their customers. all be it to late then
Looking at the poll...will the end of June be the date that Hell freezes over? More at 6, Channel 81 News!
- In my opinion(again) people were right(not the cursing and pointlessly complaining people, the ones that made kind statements) to get angry and vote for the 'hell freezes over' option.
A lot of people didn't understand how episodic released gaming worked.
They complained about that.
Then they came back to complain about the delay.
I think after awhile some of the veterans here got pretty bitter. I mean if you're passionate about a certain development company and you see a lot of new people joining just to complain...can you see how they're a tad jaded? I think they're more or less getting mad and frustrated at how some people just seem to be more interested in lashing out than joining in the patient waiting of everyone else.
- Again, in my opinion, people who complained kindly were not complaining pointlessly they were right to complain because of the lack of an apology.
And when Episode 2 comes out we'll all have more to discuss. And then we will be waiting for Episode 3. And there will be a bunch more people joining the forums to complain about how Episode 3 hasn't released in a fast enough time.
- If people came here and continued to complain before the release date of Ep3 then you'd be right.
It won't end. People that don't want to be happy won't be. But those people that pop in for a few days just to argue and vent...are totally missing part of the fun. When you read a book, watch a TV show...don't you want to talk to people about it? How you felt? What you think/hope will happen next?
If I can do that for a 2 hour movie whose sequel probably won't come out for a year or two...I can find myself fulfilled talking to friends and making new friends all over the world about a 2 hour game episode that will continue in a month or two.
- But again, you'd be right if they were complaining pointlessly but these people just want an apology from TTG, as i said before, i'm not mad about the delay, i'm just mad because of the way they treat their customers. I mean forget the written apology or updating the webpage and things like that but couldnt that guy have said 'We're sorry for the delay but there was a ..... problem' at the interview in E3? Or is he just too cool to apologize?
I think that's kind of why they do not give release dates though. Because "it's done when it's done." They have a genuine window to strive for...a monthly release...but it's an episodic format without a stringent release date. It's not like they said, "May 28th 2012 will be Episode 2." And then they gave you total radio silence when it wasn't released then.
I suppose you'd be happy if they had said, "We decided it will be released at the end of June." But they kinda did that...maybe they were waiting for E3? I don't know. It really doesn't bother me though. Do you think they swindled you out of your hard earned money and weren't actually working on the game?
- People are not complaining pointlessly, they've been promised an 'approximately monthly' release as TTG puts it. If you dont release it in one month you should apologize to your customers or update your webpage because you DID NOT say we'll release it as they're done you said 'approximately monthly'. I know it doesnt mean exactly monthly but you're saying 'approximately' so you're expecting to release it monthly so as i said you should inform your customers or apologize to them rather than just putting 'JUNE' at the end of a trailer(it's only my opinion of course, no sarcasm really). Btw, i didnt write these to debate pointlessly with you these are my opinions and i mean no offense.
ThewaitingDead, people who come onto the forums and complain in such a manner as yourself are welcome! infact i can see actual upsides to a constructive complaint with a clear and distinct message, its the people who join, swear abit, threaten lawsuits, have little to no justification (possibly not the right word but heck im tired so :P ) to back up there complaint and basically act like spoilt brats just get on peoples nerves.
TL: DR - Take note of ThewaitingDead on how to constructively structure your complaints
I feel very fortunate that I only have one playthrough so far. I've got some time to poke around before the next episode. Granted, I'm bummed to wait, but overall, still stoked about this game.
Think of a drinking game for playing the game, I will gladly participate during my next playthrough.
I'm excited for it to come out, but I really just don't see why they spit in our faces about this whole E3 deal.
25 dollars is for the season pass which is all 5 episodes of season 1 and each episode is 2-3 hours long but if you take your time and explore everything 3 and a half 4 hours would be the limit.
are you saying you paid 25 buck just for ep1 ? which system do you have the game on and where did you get it from ?
I got it on Steam for 25 dollars. I know it's a season pass. But so far, all I've gotten is Episode 1. Let's do some math. 3-4 hours. 5 episodes. 4*5=20. 3*5=15. That means at most I'm paying more than a dollar per hour of entertainment, and that's probably with replaying and playing it using a different playstyle. (Which I dislike doing.) So I'd probably be leaning more towards the 2-3 hour range, and 10-15 hours of gameplay for 25 dollars? Can't do that. Not that Telltale game's games aren't quality, I'm simply not loaded with money so I can't afford it.
I decided I'm not going to whine about it any more, doesn't do any good. I'll just be physched with you guys.
I'm still really glad it's going to be released this month, though, despite all my previous griping.
what we love in ep1 is been taken further and it's going to get tough in many ways and pretty messy
See, I actually haven't heard any info about ep2 yet, so I'm glad to hear that. I just assumed they wouldn't really improve much and stick to the same deal (Not that it's bad.) but then I just thought about how radically different this is to their other games. Hopefully it gets even better with each episode, instead of pulling a jurassic park
Sigh... Guilty as charged. And I really hate to be "that guy." "That guy" that jumps into a community just to bitch. I just saw that some people were coming in with what I felt to be a legitimate gripe that were being argued with pretty rudely, so I came shambling right on in, welcome or not...
I would hang out and join the other discussions but for one thing: I am intensely spoilerphobic. And spoilers *always* creep in, no matter how much people try not to give anything away. I don't even like to watch previews, or even hear about them discussed.
But still... That battery thread looks like the sort of topic I might have something to say about (in defense of the reporter, even). Maybe I'll wander by and throw a couple cents in....
nail'd the sig there matey boi
The way I look at it though is that some of the people around here have been fans of TTG for quite some time. They're used to this, and just lurking here a lot, I've already seen that people have been complaining about the release of Episode 2 since episode 1 came out. A lot of people didn't understand how episodic released gaming worked.
They complained about that.
Then they came back to complain about the delay.
I think after awhile some of the veterans here got pretty bitter. I mean if you're passionate about a certain development company and you see a lot of new people joining just to complain...can you see how they're a tad jaded?
I'm not going to say that everyone that complains is a jerk, an idiot, and an entirely insensitive and mean-spirited doody head. Not at all. I think that people have a legitimate concern for when the next episode will be released. Obviously they want more of a good game. That's totally understandable.
I just think they need to share more of your attitude, you know? That of embracing the community. I don't think anyone is here disagreeing that they want Episode 2 yesterday. I think they're more or less getting mad and frustrated at how some people just seem to be more interested in lashing out than joining in the patient waiting of everyone else.
Usually people warn about spoilers. If they do not...shame on them. I think you'll find a lot of great people here. And I've seen a few people from TTG post in the various threads too. They seem like really nice people. As are the fans here.
And when Episode 2 comes out we'll all have more to discuss. And then we will be waiting for Episode 3. And there will be a bunch more people joining the forums to complain about how Episode 3 hasn't released in a fast enough time.
It won't end. People that don't want to be happy won't be. But those people that pop in for a few days just to argue and vent...are totally missing part of the fun. When you read a book, watch a TV show...don't you want to talk to people about it? How you felt? What you think/hope will happen next?
If I can do that for a 2 hour movie whose sequel probably won't come out for a year or two...I can find myself fulfilled talking to friends and making new friends all over the world about a 2 hour game episode that will continue in a month or two.
Why thank you. :cool:
I suppose you'd be happy if they had said, "We decided it will be released at the end of June." But they kinda did that...maybe they were waiting for E3? I don't know. It really doesn't bother me though. Do you think they swindled you out of your hard earned money and weren't actually working on the game?
They should make it clearer then, and I knew about June release date hence why I posted it earlier
I guess I just don't see the issue. I knew it was episodic. I guess I just figured they'll be released when they're released. I knew that coming into the purchase. It's all good though. We'll get the game. We'll play it. And then we'll be like, "Ugh...we gotta wait for the next awesome two hours," haha.
You guys at TTG set the expectation, quote "We have plans for 5 episodes, releasing once per month", but failed to deliver and your customers are getting slammed on your forum for being annoyed.
Reading all the valid complaints and even the moaning, which is then countered by people trying to give a balance view and of course the apologist, (the apologist are the worst in my opinion) have definitely put me off buying another episodic game as your performance has been shoddy.
If you had no intention of releasing the second episode in the month time frame clearly laid out in your marketing blurb, and also allowing your agents to state the same then you have mislead the community into buying into and putting their money into TTG under false pretences and you should apologise publicly.
Also TTG watching leaked release dates being published without issuing a public statement and quashing all the speculation once and for all is diabolical. Unexpected delays are understandable, but transparency as to when we should be getting what we paid for is expected as well.
I know that this has been said many times before on this forum, but I paid my money and am entitled to get this off my chest too like everybody else.
Remember TTG you have got our hard earned money already, no matter how much the TTG apologist want us to suck it up.
The positive is that it seems clear that your working to bring the best walking dead gaming experience you can and I do applaud you for that.
Can't just say "well, it's episodic content so when they said monthly installments it didn't count." and make all the frustration go away broski.
Like I said earlier, I'm indifferent about the issue but I'm wanting it more since reaching Diablo on Inferno difficulty. That guy is going to give me nightmare fuel. Literally hoping Lee will run out of nowhere to cleave diablos face so I can finally finish that fight.
By the way, noticed lots of chill folks in here. If any of you play Diablo 3, while we wait for super-awesome-zombie-survival-screw-that-Larry-guy episode 2, hit me up in a PM!
blahblah; what I've effectively said is a repeat of what others have.
With all of this done, I'm going to find something productive to speak of.
About a week ago i posted a thread about information I found on walking dead wiki. it said there would be delays and episode 2 was being pushed back to june 24th... this was apparently refuted.
Now I have came back to the boards for the first time and see that the game has been pushed back to June. It seems really funny to get a vague answer from a telltale member and a week later to here the game isn't coming out until June.
I'm starting to believe the original information from walking dead wiki was right...
It would seem that TTG knew right from the start that episode 2 would not be ready for a monthly release. But instead of informing their customers they just sat with their mouths shut possible watching the forums as the Telltale fanbois torn into anyone that said negatives things about their beloved game company. here we are 7th June and still no word from TTG about when this game will be released it is now 6 weeks since episode 1 was released and still no sign of episode 2 well monthly means just that and TTG are now in breach of contract by failing to deliver a monthly game as they them selfs promised.
I'm sure they technically are but I for one wouldn't join any half-assed class action lawsuit. It's a fairly moot point whether they failed to deliver on their contractual obligations as they never announced a formal release date and would argue technical difficulties.
I, like many here I presume, don't want a mass lawsuit or my money back but a little bit of transparancy from TTG would be great.
You could argue that they did simply by saying MONTHLY RELEASES.
As for transparancy from TTG well you are never going to get that.
Seems TTG do not care about customer care they just bury their head in the sand and hope it will go away. When they have no customers left and are wondering why they went bust then maybe they will realize just how badly they treated their customers. all be it to late then
If so, goodbye TWD.
I'd rather get a complete game then wait for pieces of one.
- In my opinion(again) people were right(not the cursing and pointlessly complaining people, the ones that made kind statements) to get angry and vote for the 'hell freezes over' option. - Again, in my opinion, people who complained kindly were not complaining pointlessly they were right to complain because of the lack of an apology.
- If people came here and continued to complain before the release date of Ep3 then you'd be right.
- But again, you'd be right if they were complaining pointlessly but these people just want an apology from TTG, as i said before, i'm not mad about the delay, i'm just mad because of the way they treat their customers. I mean forget the written apology or updating the webpage and things like that but couldnt that guy have said 'We're sorry for the delay but there was a ..... problem' at the interview in E3? Or is he just too cool to apologize?
- People are not complaining pointlessly, they've been promised an 'approximately monthly' release as TTG puts it. If you dont release it in one month you should apologize to your customers or update your webpage because you DID NOT say we'll release it as they're done you said 'approximately monthly'. I know it doesnt mean exactly monthly but you're saying 'approximately' so you're expecting to release it monthly so as i said you should inform your customers or apologize to them rather than just putting 'JUNE' at the end of a trailer(it's only my opinion of course, no sarcasm really). Btw, i didnt write these to debate pointlessly with you these are my opinions and i mean no offense.
TL: DR - Take note of ThewaitingDead on how to constructively structure your complaints
I'd be up for that!