The problem is, and I have certainly learned from my mistake, that we paid money upfront and expected the product in a reasonable amount of time. The delay is not due to improving gameplay or any such thing. We are waiting for what amounts to a p***ing contest between one very large company that is aggressive about its intellectual copyright, and one very small company that has to put up with nonsense in order to get distribution.
I won't be paying up front for a game that I can't access, in full, as soon as I've paid for it ever again. I don't think it's ridiculous to expect to receive a product I've paid for within a month of paying for it. It's not like I ordered a heritage turkey for Thanksgiving. I also don't think it's beyond reason to complain when it's been almost two months without receiving said product.
Here's a message to Telltale. If companies like Microsoft want to drag their heels in some weird display of power and control, don't make product for their units. Let them press their faces against the glass while their customers complain about abbreviated (because that's what this is) release dates. That way you don't lose business because so many people are turned off the experience that they walk away. I mean, how many people are going to pay up front for the next game that you offer in installment now? I know I'm not. I'll wait what will likely amount to a year of release dates and probably a sale, before I throw down some cash on these types of games anymore.
Here's a message to Telltale. If companies like Microsoft want to drag their heels in some weird display of power and control, don't make product for their units. Let them press their faces against the glass while their customers complain about abbreviated (because that's what this is) release dates. That way you don't lose business because so many people are turned off the experience that they walk away. I mean, how many people are going to pay up front for the next game that you offer in installment now? I know I'm not. I'll wait what will likely amount to a year of release dates and probably a sale, before I throw down some cash on these types of games anymore.
Ah, and the same kind of attitude can be found with Apple and Sony. So you're saying that TTG shouldn't release any games at all. Interesting.
I'm guessing they might end up losing a few more customers than you anticipated. It would solve the problem though. No games released means no delays at all.
The problem is, and I have certainly learned from my mistake, that we paid money upfront and expected the product in a reasonable amount of time. The delay is not due to improving gameplay or any such thing. We are waiting for what amounts to a p***ing contest between one very large company that is aggressive about its intellectual copyright, and one very small company that has to put up with nonsense in order to get distribution.
I won't be paying up front for a game that I can't access, in full, as soon as I've paid for it ever again. I don't think it's ridiculous to expect to receive a product I've paid for within a month of paying for it. It's not like I ordered a heritage turkey for Thanksgiving. I also don't think it's beyond reason to complain when it's been almost two months without receiving said product.
Here's a message to Telltale. If companies like Microsoft want to drag their heels in some weird display of power and control, don't make product for their units. Let them press their faces against the glass while their customers complain about abbreviated (because that's what this is) release dates. That way you don't lose business because so many people are turned off the experience that they walk away. I mean, how many people are going to pay up front for the next game that you offer in installment now? I know I'm not. I'll wait what will likely amount to a year of release dates and probably a sale, before I throw down some cash on these types of games anymore.
Is there any proof that the delay is down to MS certification process?
or any other cetification process?
For all we know (and i am not saying this is true) TellTale could be sitting there making us sweat to build demand?
Let me know how that works out for ya.
Legal fees should be fun.
Actually, it's not that bad at all financially. I've started two cases against two multinationals a few years ago and it certainly didn't prevent me from paying the bills or eating. In the end all bills were paid by those companies and I ended up with a small amount of cash since I didn't use a lawyer and was allowed to charge for the hours I put into the case which were noted under "expenses".
You do need to be sure that you have a case though of course, and you have to be prepared to put a lot of time into the case because it will mean you're not going to court just once. It will drag on for months most likely, so say goodbye to your spare time.
Microsoft isn't the only one that does this nonsense, but they are known for having some of the worst stringent ridiculous measures for allowing games on Xbox live, constant horror stories from numerous developers that aren't under their umbrella about trying to get games on Xbox Live or Arcade. I hope Motorola wins the suit and all Xbox products disappear from the earth.
The funny thing about this whole "game delay" situation is that Episode 2 is supposed to take place 3 months after the events of Episode 1. Looks like maybe they want us to get the full experience of the game by living it out in real time. It's gonna be about 3 months after Episode 1 came out. lol
Actually, it's not that bad at all financially. I've started two cases against two multinationals a few years ago and it certainly didn't prevent me from paying the bills or eating. In the end all bills were paid by those companies and I ended up with a small amount of cash since I didn't use a lawyer and was allowed to charge for the hours I put into the case which were noted under "expenses".
You do need to be sure that you have a case though of course, and you have to be prepared to put a lot of time into the case because it will mean you're not going to court just once. It will drag on for months most likely, so say goodbye to your spare time.
To get the company to pay for everything you have to win though. And I have a hard time believing anyone would win a case because a game has been delayed.
I could see it going something like this:
Judge: "I see you're suing for the amount of $_____ because........ My God, have you lost your mind son?"
I just read that Skyrim Dawnguard will definitely be out next week on 360. The one date they have set for this and hit.
I'm not sure that I've read anything definite that it's consoles that are holding up the release, just that they were submitting to MS and Sony 'soon' and hoped to be out by the end of June.
A little sad that it's now June 22 and still no idea if it's coming out.
I just read that Skyrim Dawnguard will definitely be out next week on 360. The one date they have set for this and hit.
I'm not sure that I've read anything definite that it's consoles that are holding up the release, just that they were submitting to MS and Sony 'soon' and hoped to be out by the end of June.
A little sad that it's now June 22 and still no idea if it's coming out.
You have to remember though, Telltale is not Bethesda. Also, MS Bethesda to have the 360 version of the DLC asap, meaning that MS probably are working quickly to get that DLC out for themselves. Telltale however MS probably could care less about considering their history.
You have to remember though, Telltale is not Bethesda. Also, MS Bethesda to have the 360 version of the DLC asap, meaning that MS probably are working quickly to get that DLC out for themselves. Telltale however MS probably could care less about considering their history.
This is of course true but at least they set a date and stuck to it. I don't even want a date... I just want to know what's going on.
<sarcasm>Man. Can I get a job working for TTG? I'd love to work somewhere that I can take my customers' money, fail to deliver the product they paid for on deadline, then completely blow them off when they ask why it's late.</sarcasm>
In any other real occupation, people would be getting fired for shit like this. Sure hope whoever runs TTG is printing off the pink slips.
pretty much i think TTG should compensate the wait with some free sam and max episodes or other ttg games it would only be fair and relieve some of the tension for failing to deliver.
Well. As a customer you could set a deadline. And when its broken you can piss and moan and nothing will be done about it.
Who said one episode per month?
i posted about this very thing when the game first cameout. the whole "we take the full asking price of the game now, but deliver your product when we feel like it" bit.
granted, the fanboys could wait until light sabers come out, the rest who expect professionalism are inclined to question things. but they already have most of the forum users money. sorry for you guys.
i posted about this very thing when the game first cameout. the whole "we take the full asking price of the game now, but deliver your product when we feel like it" bit.
granted, the fanboys could wait until light sabers come out, the rest who expect professionalism are inclined to question things. but they already have most of the forum users money. sorry for you guys.
so are they even talking about it?
Yes Jack, here was a post from a lead developer.
Originally Posted by Jake
If I had a 100% confirmed date and time, it would be because we're already sharing it, but I do know it's damn soon. We'll have more legit answers in the very near future, because (as you can tell by looking at the calendar) we are running out of June! I know it sucks that you guys have waited this long. We're squirming around in our seats just about as much as you are about it, I guarantee! Ep 2 is pretty sweet and I can't wait for you guys to be playing it.
But really doesnt tell us much except that they know we are all pissed and they are trying hard
They are delaying the game because their publisher is waiting until after the last "Guess the release date" is reached.
This way they aren't liable for something due to legal issues caused by someone winning that contest and thus breaking some fine print in a contract somewhere.
With our judicial system its a big possibility! lol
Yes it is a joke, but i found it amusing enough to post while we wait.
That being said, we should see the game on precisely June 30th Wouldnt that be something.
But then I dont see a June 23 or June 24th either...... the drama unfolds!
They are delaying the game because their publisher is waiting until after the last "Guess the release date" is reached.
This way they aren't liable for something due to legal issues caused by someone winning that contest and thus breaking some fine print in a contract somewhere.
With our judicial system its a big possibility! lol
Yes it is a joke, but i found it amusing enough to post while we wait.
That being said, we should see the game on precisely June 30th Wouldnt that be something.
But then I dont see a June 23 or June 24th either...... the drama unfolds!
Well the 30th is on a Saturday. They won't release the game on a weekend. So unless it gets delayed it will be released 25th-29th.
They are delaying the game because their publisher is waiting until after the last "Guess the release date" is reached.
...joke or not, you might be aware that this is not at all an official contest. It's a guessing game made by voluntary moderators who are willing to donate their art skills (or, in my case, "art" skills) to pass the (unusually long!!) time until the next episode.
If there's one thing I can say about Telltale games, they certainly are hard to pin down.
The World: Can we get a release date?
TTG: Yeah, kinda the end of June.
The World: Really? That's only 5 business days from now!
TTG: Um, well, we're trying. So we hope it will be the end of June.
The World: Wait? Maybe not June?!?
I know a lot of you are huge fans of TT Games, but are their other games really that good? I can't believe you guys are so on-board with their sorta-kinda-episodic distribution model. It's really an inefficient and unprofessional way of distributing a product.
I know a lot of you are huge fans of TT Games, but are their other games really that good? I can't believe you guys are so on-board with their sorta-kinda-episodic distribution model. It's really an inefficient and unprofessional way of distributing a product.
To be fair, telltale usually release their games on time, that makes episodic gaming better usually:p
Its nice to see another company, show that the episodic model doesnt work.
So i would advice Telltale to not many any more. Because you cant really treat customers like this
Next game you make, spend the 1-2 years and make it a full game.
You failed at it, Valve failed.
Its just so much worse, than making a full game, instead of this pissing of people every month because we cant keep up.
I assume that Telltale have learned their lesson but we will see, if they decide to make another Episodic game series.
In the place i work, if we promised to deliver some orders of meat, and we dont deliver on the exact date you know what happens? the order gets cancelled, even if its delivery 2 out of x. You just cant go about doing stuff like this.
Atleast you give a date you make damn well sure you can hit,i mean it would be better to have the game done 2 weeks before release, because then you can just start working on the next episode, no harm no fault.
Its nice to see another company, show that the episodic model doesnt work.
So i would advice Telltale to not many any more. Because you cant really treat customers like this
Next game you make, spend the 1-2 years and make it a full game.
You failed at it, Valve failed.
Its just so much worse, than making a full game, instead of this pissing of people every month because we cant keep up.
I assume that Telltale have learned their lesson but we will see, if they decide to make another Episodic game series.
In the place i work, if we promised to deliver some orders of meat, and we dont deliver on the exact date you know what happens? the order gets cancelled, even if its delivery 2 out of x. You just cant go about doing stuff like this.
Atleast you give a date you make damn well sure you can hit,i mean it would be better to have the game done 2 weeks before release, because then you can just start working on the next episode, no harm no fault.
Its good to be ahead as they say.
Full games are definitely the future.
Huge difference in your meat comparison. A game wont spoil if not delivered "on time". That is all.
Its nice to see another company, show that the episodic model doesnt work. 6 years and still going ?
You failed at it, some delays ? but other wise they always completed a game ? Valve failed. valve moved on to other games that is more like ignoring than failure imo..
I assume that Telltale have learned their lesson but we will see, if they decide to make another Episodic game series. you can bet your ass they will make more... time will tell if they learn..
At least you give a date you make damn well sure you can hit i reckon once ep1 was complete they where pretty sure...
Its good to be ahead as they say. i guess they tried to avoid the 2 month gap this time and it hasn't worked out..
Full games are definitely the future. NO SHIT SHERLOCK..
To add another point, ttg aren't a big company hence they lack the code monkey power of the big companies like EA, valve and square enix etc
Haha fuck capnjay fuck the stupid ass mod on here fuck all of you retarded ass bitches you all are PATHETIC spending all your time on here you make me sick thats prolly why yall are fat disgusting pigs who will never feel a womens touch except youre mom haha @ell looks like im getting banned so peace out hoe ass dudes o and suck a dick lol fuck u nerds 2 times
Wow!! very original!! SO to recap, the only woman you ever touched is your mom and in your spare time you like to suck D*&K?
Oh and you f#*k'd nerds two times?? not judging, just sayin.
Haha fuck capnjay fuck the stupid ass mod on here fuck all of you retarded ass bitches you all are PATHETIC spending all your time on here you make me sick thats prolly why yall are fat disgusting pigs who will never feel a womens touch except youre mom haha @ell looks like im getting banned so peace out hoe ass dudes o and suck a dick lol fuck u nerds 2 times
I think I do it best when I quote Left 4 Dead characters..
So hopefully they'll take care of this joker and his potty mouth.
I won't be paying up front for a game that I can't access, in full, as soon as I've paid for it ever again. I don't think it's ridiculous to expect to receive a product I've paid for within a month of paying for it. It's not like I ordered a heritage turkey for Thanksgiving. I also don't think it's beyond reason to complain when it's been almost two months without receiving said product.
Here's a message to Telltale. If companies like Microsoft want to drag their heels in some weird display of power and control, don't make product for their units. Let them press their faces against the glass while their customers complain about abbreviated (because that's what this is) release dates. That way you don't lose business because so many people are turned off the experience that they walk away. I mean, how many people are going to pay up front for the next game that you offer in installment now? I know I'm not. I'll wait what will likely amount to a year of release dates and probably a sale, before I throw down some cash on these types of games anymore.
Ah, and the same kind of attitude can be found with Apple and Sony. So you're saying that TTG shouldn't release any games at all. Interesting.
I'm guessing they might end up losing a few more customers than you anticipated. It would solve the problem though. No games released means no delays at all.
Is there any proof that the delay is down to MS certification process?
or any other cetification process?
For all we know (and i am not saying this is true) TellTale could be sitting there making us sweat to build demand?
Actually, it's not that bad at all financially. I've started two cases against two multinationals a few years ago and it certainly didn't prevent me from paying the bills or eating. In the end all bills were paid by those companies and I ended up with a small amount of cash since I didn't use a lawyer and was allowed to charge for the hours I put into the case which were noted under "expenses".
You do need to be sure that you have a case though of course, and you have to be prepared to put a lot of time into the case because it will mean you're not going to court just once. It will drag on for months most likely, so say goodbye to your spare time.
To get the company to pay for everything you have to win though. And I have a hard time believing anyone would win a case because a game has been delayed.
I could see it going something like this:
Judge: "I see you're suing for the amount of $_____ because........ My God, have you lost your mind son?"
I'm not sure that I've read anything definite that it's consoles that are holding up the release, just that they were submitting to MS and Sony 'soon' and hoped to be out by the end of June.
A little sad that it's now June 22 and still no idea if it's coming out.
You have to remember though, Telltale is not Bethesda. Also, MS Bethesda to have the 360 version of the DLC asap, meaning that MS probably are working quickly to get that DLC out for themselves. Telltale however MS probably could care less about considering their history.
This is of course true but at least they set a date and stuck to it. I don't even want a date... I just want to know what's going on.
cough merge time cough...
In any other real occupation, people would be getting fired for shit like this. Sure hope whoever runs TTG is printing off the pink slips.
Who said one episode per month?
No, wait, it's just another Team Fortress 2 update........
granted, the fanboys could wait until light sabers come out, the rest who expect professionalism are inclined to question things. but they already have most of the forum users money. sorry for you guys.
so are they even talking about it?
Originally Posted by Jake
If I had a 100% confirmed date and time, it would be because we're already sharing it, but I do know it's damn soon. We'll have more legit answers in the very near future, because (as you can tell by looking at the calendar) we are running out of June! I know it sucks that you guys have waited this long. We're squirming around in our seats just about as much as you are about it, I guarantee! Ep 2 is pretty sweet and I can't wait for you guys to be playing it.
But really doesnt tell us much except that they know we are all pissed and they are trying hard
They are delaying the game because their publisher is waiting until after the last "Guess the release date" is reached.
This way they aren't liable for something due to legal issues caused by someone winning that contest and thus breaking some fine print in a contract somewhere.
With our judicial system its a big possibility! lol
That being said, we should see the game on precisely June 30th
But then I dont see a June 23 or June 24th either...... the drama unfolds!
...joke or not, you might be aware that this is not at all an official contest. It's a guessing game made by voluntary moderators who are willing to donate their art skills (or, in my case, "art" skills) to pass the (unusually long!!) time until the next episode.
The best thing is: that's impossible.
I'd be a bit crushed if the most pessimistic people eventually win, but if the episode happens to slide into July, we'll have our winners immediately.
But I must say, I would have wanted to get to work on that commission about two weeks ago...
The World: Can we get a release date?
TTG: Yeah, kinda the end of June.
The World: Really? That's only 5 business days from now!
TTG: Um, well, we're trying. So we hope it will be the end of June.
The World: Wait? Maybe not June?!?
I know a lot of you are huge fans of TT Games, but are their other games really that good? I can't believe you guys are so on-board with their sorta-kinda-episodic distribution model. It's really an inefficient and unprofessional way of distributing a product.
Love Episode one guys! TTG is tha best, ya'll!
you question ttg being worth your time,
you complain about the episodic nature / delay
then you sing their praises with ep1 and say they are the best....
To be fair, telltale usually release their games on time, that makes episodic gaming better usually:p
So i would advice Telltale to not many any more. Because you cant really treat customers like this
Next game you make, spend the 1-2 years and make it a full game.
You failed at it, Valve failed.
Its just so much worse, than making a full game, instead of this pissing of people every month because we cant keep up.
I assume that Telltale have learned their lesson but we will see, if they decide to make another Episodic game series.
In the place i work, if we promised to deliver some orders of meat, and we dont deliver on the exact date you know what happens? the order gets cancelled, even if its delivery 2 out of x. You just cant go about doing stuff like this.
Atleast you give a date you make damn well sure you can hit,i mean it would be better to have the game done 2 weeks before release, because then you can just start working on the next episode, no harm no fault.
Its good to be ahead as they say.
Full games are definitely the future.
Huge difference in your meat comparison. A game wont spoil if not delivered "on time". That is all.
To add another point, ttg aren't a big company hence they lack the code monkey power of the big companies like EA, valve and square enix etc
Wow!! very original!! SO to recap, the only woman you ever touched is your mom and in your spare time you like to suck D*&K?
Oh and you f#*k'd nerds two times?? not judging, just sayin.
Got it, thanks.
Don't you have a bridge to paTROLL?
Better stay away from them bath salts Mr. 90210:D:D:D
I think I do it best when I quote Left 4 Dead characters..
So hopefully they'll take care of this joker and his potty mouth.