Don't mind him, I know your argument was right of course. We all have our own way of dealing with things we view as unreasonable. Some people throw things, some people crush the nearest small furry animal and some people kill scantily clad ladies of the night while wielding a croquet mallet and screaming incomprehensible gibberish at the top of their lungs. I say stupid shit, it's what I do.
And sometimes all it takes to calm someone down from an irrational thought is to insert logic into it.
Do you really think that a company that has sold over 1,000,000 copies of a video game with more to come found that the most effective strategy of reaching their customers was Page 20 on the 3rd Sticky'd thread - rather than a press release, blog, twitter, etc etc etc.
All the frustration does not come from delay's, but from the lack of communication:
You already have our money then you go dark and make it impossibly hard to figure out why there is no Episode 2 and 3 yet. A link to the appropriate and relevant news should be on the front page of
I as well agree whole-heartedly. Not professional in the slightest.
I as well agree whole-heartedly. Not professional in the slightest.
I don't think anyone disagrees on that point, really. I guess the only thing to do now is to sit tight and wait for the release. There's really nothing else to do right now but to vent a little and wait a little more.
I don't think anyone disagrees on that point, really. I guess the only thing to do now is to sit tight and wait for the release. There's really nothing else to do right now but to vent a little and wait a little more.
I really have no defense for that as well... The only thing I can say is that TTG is still technically an independent game company. Mind you an independent game company that has gotten a contract with amc...but still independent. But, no that is not an excuse. Just something to keep in mind.
I don't think anyone disagrees on that point, really. I guess the only thing to do now is to sit tight and wait for the release. There's really nothing else to do right now but to vent a little and wait a little more.
Yeah... I still have my fingers crossed for tomorrow! There's only 5 more days in June so either way we'll know something soon!... lol... If they don't get it out this month I'm gonna move on to wishfully hoping that maybe they'll just drop 2 and 3 at once in July... blaah. Episode 3 is what I'm really excite/anxious for! I have some predictions.. lol
Yeah... I still have my fingers crossed for tomorrow! There's only 5 more days in June so either way we'll know something soon!... lol... If they don't get it out this month I'm gonna move on to wishfully hoping that maybe they'll just drop 2 and 3 at once in July... blaah. Episode 3 is what I'm really excite/anxious for! I have some predictions.. lol
TELL ME ABOUT IT DUDE! I'm so friggin' excited. I hope as a bonus, they'd drop episodes 2 and 3 together too. I was just talking about the character "Irene" in another thread, and I was wondering if we would get to meet more people like her along the way. She made me sad, that woman. *sniff sniff*
PS: Glad to see everyone settling down. I guess once we're got our points across, we don't feel as frustrated anymore, yis?
The only thing I can say is that TTG is still technically an independent game company. Mind you an independent game company that has gotten a contract with amc...but still independent. But, no that is not an excuse. Just something to keep in mind.
I don't think there was any issue of anger. No reason to get angry at HC or anyone else they aren't releasing the game. Even if they were, wouldn't be angry, TTG is a bunch of men and women doing their jobs like us. We just happen to have conflict with the way things are being resolved.
Here it is! With parts taking from Zombieface's lyrics
The Walking Dead Delay Song
Dear Telltale Games, please finish with Walking Dead, so many consumers are impatient, you see? We want to see what happens to dear, ole Lee Everett and help protect Clem from the zombies, I say! We’re tired of nothing but dark.
You’re Starved for Help while we’re starving for release date or even the full E3 preview you showed. You must understand it’s not you or the delay but obviously the game’s just to awesome, you know?
However, it’s worrisome, unnerving, bothersome, if we’ll ever see episode five released. Not that we don’t have faith you mean to finish it, but at this rate the apocalypse might just come first. It’s not nice to string us along, and it’s been so goddamn long!
Dear Telltale Games, please finish with Walking Dead, so many consumers are impatient, you see? We’re hoping and hoping to get rid of Larry, and Lilly, and Duck, and Max (maybe?). We’re tired of nothing but dark.
God of War 3 took three years development, Heavy Rain five years, and Alan Wake six. Duke Nukem Forever took ten years to finish it, and it didn’t even impress in the end.
Now we’re not saying it’s a ridiculous time, just like these games that were listed above. But please bear in mind that you’re game is so awesome, and most aren’t repeat buyers of Telltale Games. And if you keep writing so slow, we’ll fight real life zombies, you know!
*interchange fight scene with zombie killing*
Dear Telltale Games, please finish with Walking Dead, so many consumers are impatient, you see? We want to see leg-chopping, eye-gouging horror and telling the characters they’re all diseased.
And tell us something (will you please?). Dear Telltale Games please finish with Walking Dead (will you please?), so many consumers are impatient, you see?
I don't think there was any issue of anger. No reason to get angry at HC or anyone else they aren't releasing the game. Even if they were, wouldn't be angry, TTG is a bunch of men and women doing their jobs like us. We just happen to have conflict with the way things are being resolved.
Yeah, exactly. Hope they'll get to resolving the issues soon though.
I really have no defense for that as well... The only thing I can say is that TTG is still technically an independent game company. Mind you an independent game company that has gotten a contract with amc...but still independent. But, no that is not an excuse. Just something to keep in mind.
They don't have any contract with AMC, TV channel which film and broadcast the TV show. They must have a contract with Skybound, comic editors. AMC it's not involved with this game at any level.
So review code has been sent out and still no word on a release date? Hopefully if its ready we'll get it next week then, unless that article a few days ago was legit
Here it is! With parts taking from Zombieface's lyrics
The Walking Dead Delay Song
Dear Telltale Games, please finish with Walking Dead, so many consumers are impatient, you see? We want to see what happens to dear, ole Lee Everett and help protect Clem from the zombies, I say! We’re tired of nothing but dark.
You’re Starved for Help while we’re starving for release date or even the full E3 preview you showed. You must understand it’s not you or the delay but obviously the game’s just to awesome, you know?
However, it’s worrisome, unnerving, bothersome, if we’ll ever see episode five released. Not that we don’t have faith you mean to finish it, but at this rate the apocalypse might just come first. It’s not nice to string us along, and it’s been so goddamn long!
Dear Telltale Games, please finish with Walking Dead, so many consumers are impatient, you see? We’re hoping and hoping to get rid of Larry, and Lilly, and Duck, and Max (maybe?). We’re tired of nothing but dark.
God of War 3 took three years development, Heavy Rain five years, and Alan Wake six. Duke Nukem Forever took ten years to finish it, and it didn’t even impress in the end.
Now we’re not saying it’s a ridiculous time, just like these games that were listed above. But please bear in mind that you’re game is so awesome, and most aren’t repeat buyers of Telltale Games. And if you keep writing so slow, we’ll fight real life zombies, you know!
*interchange fight scene with zombie killing*
Dear Telltale Games, please finish with Walking Dead, so many consumers are impatient, you see? We want to see leg-chopping, eye-gouging horror and telling the characters they’re all diseased.
And tell us something (will you please?). Dear Telltale Games please finish with Walking Dead (will you please?), so many consumers are impatient, you see?
LOL I love it and I'm flattered you kept some of my lyrics! lmao I especially loved the "We’re hoping and hoping to get rid of Larry, and Lilly, and Duck, and Max (maybe?)." part :P
i don't think its coming tomorrow guys. Theres been no statement, and its like 12 hours till release time if they are doing it tomorrow. Having said that, it is a featured game again on steam
this is stupid, im not mad about it being released. but things we're looking positive when they started updating facebook and twitter daily, and then it suddenly stopped. Just keep updating us for crying out loud. And steam doesnt need certification so just release it to steam first. Stuff everyone else, how many times does Xbox get stuff before everyone else!!!
this is stupid, im not mad about it being released. but things we're looking positive when they started updating facebook and twitter daily, and then it suddenly stopped. Just keep updating us for crying out loud. And steam doesnt need certification so just release it to steam first. Stuff everyone else, how many times does Xbox get stuff before everyone else!!!
you realize how much crap they would get if they released to steam before their own site again?
yeah okay forgot they released it from this site as well (bite my head off as much as you like), i meant release it to PC first. Then release it to everyone else after certification is sorted.
It does kinda suck the game or any announcements have come out yet. Oh well. Just gonna be patient. Still got 4 seasons of HIMYM and a couple of new games to spend my time. Working 6 days a week helps the time pass
Yep i would like to at least see it get put out somewhere. Even though im on 360 im smart enough to stay away from spoiler shit so it wouldnt matter to me. At least if it got put out somewhere people would get off TTGs ass some.
lucky for some. been trying to get a response from someone since i found out, but does anyone else think its significant that steam has TWD featured in its featured games again, as it hasnt been featured since about 2 weeks after episode 1 was released
Playing bttf on ps3 with no urgency waiting for episode 3 of the twd. I'm thinking that maybe we will get a double release. I originally bought the season pass 5 weeks ago and was waiting for episode 2 to come out to play both without pause. This didn't happen as i couldn't wait. I should have just bought bttf first and then waited until the final episode is released of twd. I starting to think the 20 bucks I spent is some type video game 401k. It'll be there when we really need but nobody knows when that day will come. Maybe retirement. People think if they complain enough we will end with something free out of this delay. Maybe so. I could always use something free.
don't think we'll get anything free. And its obvious we're not gonna get any answers. Admittedly its a bit pointless all the moaning, but i dont think anything is gonna get us any information
X box support sent another tweet saying if they had any updates on the date theyd let me know. I wonder what that means are they gonna hold my tweet off to the side and reply to me or will they just post a random tweet on their board thinking im gonna suckle their tweets as if its a teet. At least i got a decent response i guess this time. Last week they asked if i had searched bing for the date. I was thinking u dunbass. Cause id done been here, ttg facebook and every where else. And they think their magical bing had the answers.
I dont think they just release it on xbox because it sold so much. And xbox likes to advertise on the front page that awesome games have been released so theyd have to have time to post the thumbnail thingy and all that shit.
LOL I love it and I'm flattered you kept some of my lyrics! lmao I especially loved the "We’re hoping and hoping to get rid of Larry, and Lilly, and Duck, and Max (maybe?)." part :P
Haha, well you made the beginning easier cause I didn't have to think of the "Dear Telltale Games" part. Also, I only took those three out because of the majority not liking them (except for Max who we don't know yet), I am totally neutral towards Lilly and Duck.
A few days passed and everything ist still the same. Not another single word about a delay, an apology, about the weather...whatever. Nothing absolutely no words from TTG - that is so sad. I can guarantee when Ep2 will be released (in the "near" future) they all return and they'll all tell how proud they are and there will be NO word about being sorry and about not informing us and about not telling us anything.
Yes, I defended TTG before - but not any longer. This extreme form of silence makes me angry. "We hope to get it realeased end of june" - magic words and nothing more. How about "we're making progress", "minor technical problems", "microsoft is really gibing us a hard time" or some other phrases which actually would tell us that they are willing to COMMUNICATE with us? The lack of communication is imo just not nice...they should at least tell us something so we can see that they still care about us. But then gain - maybe this is just the wrong thread? Maybe tehre is a thread "chatting with TTG" or "big party with TTG" or something else. Maybe they all are talking THERE so the can't talk HERE...then please tell me where this great thread is because I want to join the party.'s been two month now...still waiting....but it's getting cold....
how can you be neutral to lilly, unless you havent read the comics??? and meh i hope they do just release it, dont think i could wait another fricking month. now ive left college waiting seems to take even god damn longer
i know its selfish. BUT ipod gets it after everyone else, so why can't they release it for PC users first and then Xbox and PS3 users after. it takes the piss, coz the certification is ruining an experience for people who are playing it on PC where certification isnt needed. i am actually not buying a new game from telltale again because this takes the piss and its quite clear that the game is complete or near completion from the e3 footage. Sort it out telltale
On the bright side bethesdas Skyrim DLC hits xbox tommorow.Guess ill sink my money towards it. Not rubbing that in either i know some of u guys are from overseas and are gonna have to wait for it. Big bummer for those folks.
poses a question, where are telltales HQ's? i ask because im in the UK, and all the previous posts from TTG have been relatively late in the day, usually evening time. So maybe they're gonna release a statement today stating something and im just too early because of the time difference
And sometimes all it takes to calm someone down from an irrational thought is to insert logic into it.
I as well agree whole-heartedly. Not professional in the slightest.
As you have demonstrated. Thanks.
I don't think anyone disagrees on that point, really. I guess the only thing to do now is to sit tight and wait for the release. There's really nothing else to do right now but to vent a little and wait a little more.
Very true. Well said.
Yeah... I still have my fingers crossed for tomorrow! There's only 5 more days in June so either way we'll know something soon!... lol... If they don't get it out this month I'm gonna move on to wishfully hoping that maybe they'll just drop 2 and 3 at once in July... blaah. Episode 3 is what I'm really excite/anxious for! I have some predictions.. lol
TELL ME ABOUT IT DUDE! I'm so friggin' excited. I hope as a bonus, they'd drop episodes 2 and 3 together too. I was just talking about the character "Irene" in another thread, and I was wondering if we would get to meet more people like her along the way. She made me sad, that woman. *sniff sniff*
PS: Glad to see everyone settling down. I guess once we're got our points across, we don't feel as frustrated anymore, yis?
We hear ya, HC. And you are right.
Dear Telltale Games, please finish with Walking Dead, so many consumers are impatient, you see? We want to see what happens to dear, ole Lee Everett and help protect Clem from the zombies, I say! We’re tired of nothing but dark.
You’re Starved for Help while we’re starving for release date or even the full E3 preview you showed. You must understand it’s not you or the delay but obviously the game’s just to awesome, you know?
However, it’s worrisome, unnerving, bothersome, if we’ll ever see episode five released. Not that we don’t have faith you mean to finish it, but at this rate the apocalypse might just come first. It’s not nice to string us along, and it’s been so goddamn long!
Dear Telltale Games, please finish with Walking Dead, so many consumers are impatient, you see? We’re hoping and hoping to get rid of Larry, and Lilly, and Duck, and Max (maybe?). We’re tired of nothing but dark.
God of War 3 took three years development, Heavy Rain five years, and Alan Wake six. Duke Nukem Forever took ten years to finish it, and it didn’t even impress in the end.
Now we’re not saying it’s a ridiculous time, just like these games that were listed above. But please bear in mind that you’re game is so awesome, and most aren’t repeat buyers of Telltale Games. And if you keep writing so slow, we’ll fight real life zombies, you know!
*interchange fight scene with zombie killing*
Dear Telltale Games, please finish with Walking Dead, so many consumers are impatient, you see? We want to see leg-chopping, eye-gouging horror and telling the characters they’re all diseased.
And tell us something (will you please?). Dear Telltale Games please finish with Walking Dead (will you please?), so many consumers are impatient, you see?
Two months of wait
The beating heart stops
I hunger for brains
Yeah, exactly. Hope they'll get to resolving the issues soon though.
They don't have any contract with AMC, TV channel which film and broadcast the TV show. They must have a contract with Skybound, comic editors. AMC it's not involved with this game at any level.
Just something to keep in mind.
LOL I love it and I'm flattered you kept some of my lyrics! lmao
you realize how much crap they would get if they released to steam before their own site again?
I think at this point they're gonna get shat on no matter what they do! lol
i dont think they care how much shit they get either, coz that implies caring about customers, which they clearly don't
Haha, well you made the beginning easier cause I didn't have to think of the "Dear Telltale Games" part. Also, I only took those three out because of the majority not liking them (except for Max who we don't know yet), I am totally neutral towards Lilly and Duck.
Yes, I defended TTG before - but not any longer. This extreme form of silence makes me angry. "We hope to get it realeased end of june" - magic words and nothing more. How about "we're making progress", "minor technical problems", "microsoft is really gibing us a hard time" or some other phrases which actually would tell us that they are willing to COMMUNICATE with us? The lack of communication is imo just not nice...they should at least tell us something so we can see that they still care about us. But then gain - maybe this is just the wrong thread? Maybe tehre is a thread "chatting with TTG" or "big party with TTG" or something else. Maybe they all are talking THERE so the can't talk HERE...then please tell me where this great thread is because I want to join the party.'s been two month now...still waiting....but it's getting cold....
Is there any update as to whats going on with the next episode?..