poses a question, where are telltales HQ's? i ask because im in the UK, and all the previous posts from TTG have been relatively late in the day, usually evening time. So maybe they're gonna release a statement today stating something and im just too early because of the time difference
Originally Posted by mkane24 View Post
hey here is a question....where is episode 2? The end of June could not be more vague. How about some concrete information for a change?
If I had a 100% confirmed date and time, it would be because we're already sharing it, but I do know it's damn soon. We'll have more legit answers in the very near future, because (as you can tell by looking at the calendar) we are running out of June! I know it sucks that you guys have waited this long. We're squirming around in our seats just about as much as you are about it, I guarantee! Ep 2 is pretty sweet and I can't wait for you guys to be playing it.
Originally Posted by mkane24 View Post
hey here is a question....where is episode 2? The end of June could not be more vague. How about some concrete information for a change?
If I had a 100% confirmed date and time, it would be because we're already sharing it, but I do know it's damn soon. We'll have more legit answers in the very near future, because (as you can tell by looking at the calendar) we are running out of June! I know it sucks that you guys have waited this long. We're squirming around in our seats just about as much as you are about it, I guarantee! Ep 2 is pretty sweet and I can't wait for you guys to be playing it.
Originally Posted by mkane24 View Post
hey here is a question....where is episode 2? The end of June could not be more vague. How about some concrete information for a change?
If I had a 100% confirmed date and time, it would be because we're already sharing it, but I do know it's damn soon. We'll have more legit answers in the very near future, because (as you can tell by looking at the calendar) we are running out of June! I know it sucks that you guys have waited this long. We're squirming around in our seats just about as much as you are about it, I guarantee! Ep 2 is pretty sweet and I can't wait for you guys to be playing it.
That's old news, but worth bumping up for newcomers.
how can you be neutral to lilly, unless you havent read the comics??? and meh i hope they do just release it, dont think i could wait another fricking month. now ive left college waiting seems to take even god damn longer
I didn't really care about what Lilly did in the comic, I never liked the character and the other one I figured was just there for Kirkman to use to screw the readers. Plus without Lilly doing what she did after she did that thing she moved the story along. (Sorry for the vagueness, tried to avoid spoilers )
I didn't really care about what Lilly did in the comic, I never liked the character and the other one I figured was just there for Kirkman to use to screw the readers. Plus without Lilly doing what she did after she did that thing she moved the story along. (Sorry for the vagueness, tried to avoid spoilers )
true but i hold that point as the point where i lost some interest in it. I was proper into the comics and then lilly did what she did, and for some reason i lost a tad of interest in it. Ah well, its still awesome.
On a serious note, I think tensions are going to escalate in the coming days, so I'm pretty much prepared to read scores of angry posts in here. We'll just have to sit tight and see if there is any updates in the coming days.
I hope that WOULD be an official word or two on any further delays. Something along the lines of - "we're sorry, but this and that took longer than expected because of such and such a reason". I think people are not angry not so much because of the delay, but more so they are kept in the dark about what's going on.
BUT.. c'mon guys... it'll be soon. If we waited this long, one or two weeks isn't going to kill us.
That's friggin' awesome HC. You made me fall off the chair goddammit.
Unfortunately, I did say that. Sometime around May 30th. Just be patient a few more weeks.... nothing but crickets since May 22.....
I am very patient and have a ton of games to play. My biggest beef is the complete lack of communication. Sure a post or two from Jake, giving us very vague information about being damn close and they are on the edge of their seats too.
The edge of their seats too... meaning they are waiting for something, not fixing something. Is it possible the code is just not acceptable and will not pass certification, and they have to rethink the PC version as well due to some unforseen coding complexities. (breach? Wormhole?, etc)
No clue but this is why the silence is so frustrating . We have to completely speculate with whatever little tidbits of obscure information we get.
I would be fine if they just said "Here is the issue, the code has not passed certification and upon this testing we discovered some serious issues that will delay the game until _____. We will post more updates as we come closer to release."
ANything like that would not cause me to go screaming and demanding a refund. It would give me peace of mind knowing that they cared enough to admit a problem and address it with their consumers. This is basic company business, private especially so if you are going to keep any dedicated customers.
Just please don't tell me Curt Schilling was involved....
Originally Posted by mkane24 View Post
hey here is a question....where is episode 2? The end of June could not be more vague. How about some concrete information for a change?
If I had a 100% confirmed date and time, it would be because we're already sharing it, but I do know it's damn soon. We'll have more legit answers in the very near future, because (as you can tell by looking at the calendar) we are running out of June! I know it sucks that you guys have waited this long. We're squirming around in our seats just about as much as you are about it, I guarantee! Ep 2 is pretty sweet and I can't wait for you guys to be playing it.
Haha, well you made the beginning easier cause I didn't have to think of the "Dear Telltale Games" part. Also, I only took those three out because of the majority not liking them (except for Max who we don't know yet), I am totally neutral towards Lilly and Duck.
Lilly I don't mind, and I think they have something in store for her.. ;3 Duck is just your average obnoxious kid, lol, and Larry.. I don't even know where to start with him! He better get what he deserves, that butthole! lol ..If he doesn't get himself all worked up again and suffer a heartattack! ;P They better be ready to tap his ass!
I think it is back on the Steam featured page because they changed the wording for episode releases.
From Steam TWD Page "Episode 1 is available immediately upon purchasing the full season; each of the remaining four episodes of season one will be released periodically in 2012. "
So now the monthly release date is completely thrown out the window. Each will be dowloaded when it is released. No hint of when EP2 will be available, but did speak of Season One. Interesting i think.....
Sounds to me like anyone hoping for EP 2 and 3 in a bundle are really getting your hopes up. Just hope for EP 2 and realize that they will be out whenever ready, without thinking of any specific date. That is about the only way you are going to keep sane. As long as TTG is silent, this is all we can do without wanting to carpetbomb their building with brains.
I think it is back on the Steam featured page because they changed the wording for episode releases.
From Steam TWD Page "Episode 1 is available immediately upon purchasing the full season; each of the remaining four episodes of season one will be released periodically in 2012. "
So now the monthly release date is completely thrown out the window. Each will be dowloaded when it is released. No hint of when EP2 will be available, but did speak of Season One. Interesting i think.....
Sounds to me like anyone hoping for EP 2 and 3 in a bundle are really getting your hopes up. Just hope for EP 2 and realize that they will be out whenever ready, without thinking of any specific date. That is about the only way you are going to keep sane. As long as TTG is silent, this is all we can do without wanting to carpetbomb their building with brains.
The more I read these posts, the more I start to think that episode 2 isn't going to be released in a while
I think it is back on the Steam featured page because they changed the wording for episode releases.
From Steam TWD Page "Episode 1 is available immediately upon purchasing the full season; each of the remaining four episodes of season one will be released periodically in 2012. "
I think it is back on the Steam featured page because they changed the wording for episode releases.
From Steam TWD Page "Episode 1 is available immediately upon purchasing the full season; each of the remaining four episodes of season one will be released periodically in 2012. "
So now the monthly release date is completely thrown out the window. Each will be dowloaded when it is released. No hint of when EP2 will be available, but did speak of Season One. Interesting i think.....
Sounds to me like anyone hoping for EP 2 and 3 in a bundle are really getting your hopes up. Just hope for EP 2 and realize that they will be out whenever ready, without thinking of any specific date. That is about the only way you are going to keep sane. As long as TTG is silent, this is all we can do without wanting to carpetbomb their building with brains.
That has been changed like that for a while, before they even put it in featured games again
You all must realize.
Due to the release schedule with PSN, if the game doesn't come out tomorrow, IT'S NOT COMING OUT IN JUNE.
PSN is Tuesday.
XBLA is Wednesday.
If they want to stay true to their promise of June, it's coming out tomorrow.
If not, then they missed June.
So relax, it's coming tomorrow.
I'm reduced to sending tweets to @theAlanJohnson (telltale head of PR) because the support team won't answer my emails or forum questions. Next is to call.
Originally Posted by mkane24 View Post
hey here is a question....where is episode 2? The end of June could not be more vague. How about some concrete information for a change?
If I had a 100% confirmed date and time, it would be because we're already sharing it, but I do know it's damn soon. We'll have more legit answers in the very near future, because (as you can tell by looking at the calendar) we are running out of June! I know it sucks that you guys have waited this long. We're squirming around in our seats just about as much as you are about it, I guarantee! Ep 2 is pretty sweet and I can't wait for you guys to be playing it.
So in other words it wont come june either since the deadline for ps3 is tomorrow from what I have read. They should have had a real date by now...
You all must realize.
Due to the release schedule with PSN, if the game doesn't come out tomorrow, IT'S NOT COMING OUT IN JUNE.
PSN is Tuesday.
XBLA is Wednesday.
If they want to stay true to their promise of June, it's coming out tomorrow.
If not, then they missed June.
So relax, it's coming tomorrow.
No it is not.. If it was then it would have been announced by now.
Well unless they release the PC version even though console versions are delayed, which is something they should have done in first place. Stupid that pc/mac users have to wait for console versions when the game is in finished state.
They are aiming for simultaneous release. (California here we come)
So if needs to come out tomorrow if they want to stay true to June.
If it doesn't come out tomorrow THEN you can freak out.
They are aiming for simultaneous release. (California here we come)
So if needs to come out tomorrow if they want to stay true to June.
If it doesn't come out tomorrow THEN you can freak out.
I know they are, but it makes no sense as it will only upset us pc users. Why should we suffer because of draconian policies of the consoles??
Fuckin' Clown shoes man, fuckin' clown shoes...
Here, a tiny update:
The exact post it's here: http://www.telltalegames.com/forums/showpost.php?p=622519&postcount=396
Originally Posted by mkane24 View Post
hey here is a question....where is episode 2? The end of June could not be more vague. How about some concrete information for a change?
If I had a 100% confirmed date and time, it would be because we're already sharing it, but I do know it's damn soon. We'll have more legit answers in the very near future, because (as you can tell by looking at the calendar) we are running out of June! I know it sucks that you guys have waited this long. We're squirming around in our seats just about as much as you are about it, I guarantee! Ep 2 is pretty sweet and I can't wait for you guys to be playing it.
Okay looks like its not coming tomorrow then
That update is at least a week old, we have a chance of it coming out tomorrow.
Not really.
it said there would be legit answers soon. do you see any?
That was posted 06/21/2012, four days ago (past Thursday).
I didn't really care about what Lilly did in the comic, I never liked the character and the other one I figured was just there for Kirkman to use to screw the readers. Plus without Lilly doing what she did after she did that thing she moved the story along. (Sorry for the vagueness, tried to avoid spoilers
That's the ONLY news we've got.
However, that information don't have a week even.
true but i hold that point as the point where i lost some interest in it. I was proper into the comics and then lilly did what she did, and for some reason i lost a tad of interest in it. Ah well, its still awesome.
I am very patient and have a ton of games to play. My biggest beef is the complete lack of communication. Sure a post or two from Jake, giving us very vague information about being damn close and they are on the edge of their seats too.
The edge of their seats too... meaning they are waiting for something, not fixing something. Is it possible the code is just not acceptable and will not pass certification, and they have to rethink the PC version as well due to some unforseen coding complexities. (breach? Wormhole?, etc)
No clue but this is why the silence is so frustrating . We have to completely speculate with whatever little tidbits of obscure information we get.
I would be fine if they just said "Here is the issue, the code has not passed certification and upon this testing we discovered some serious issues that will delay the game until _____. We will post more updates as we come closer to release."
ANything like that would not cause me to go screaming and demanding a refund. It would give me peace of mind knowing that they cared enough to admit a problem and address it with their consumers. This is basic company business, private especially so if you are going to keep any dedicated customers.
Just please don't tell me Curt Schilling was involved....
Hmm...this somehow looks familiar...
Lilly I don't mind, and I think they have something in store for her.. ;3 Duck is just your average obnoxious kid, lol, and Larry.. I don't even know where to start with him! He better get what he deserves, that butthole! lol ..If he doesn't get himself all worked up again and suffer a heartattack! ;P They better be ready to tap his ass!
From Steam TWD Page "Episode 1 is available immediately upon purchasing the full season; each of the remaining four episodes of season one will be released periodically in 2012. "
So now the monthly release date is completely thrown out the window. Each will be dowloaded when it is released. No hint of when EP2 will be available, but did speak of Season One. Interesting i think.....
Sounds to me like anyone hoping for EP 2 and 3 in a bundle are really getting your hopes up. Just hope for EP 2 and realize that they will be out whenever ready, without thinking of any specific date. That is about the only way you are going to keep sane. As long as TTG is silent, this is all we can do without wanting to carpetbomb their building with brains.
The more I read these posts, the more I start to think that episode 2 isn't going to be released in a while
Haha, Talltale games sure showed us!
I'm coming for the beers...
Yay, we made it!! Now what do we win??
More waiting!
That has been changed like that for a while, before they even put it in featured games again
may we get at least 100 more!
Easy now, that's just evil.
Dammit!!!! LOL
Made me laugh.
Due to the release schedule with PSN, if the game doesn't come out tomorrow, IT'S NOT COMING OUT IN JUNE.
PSN is Tuesday.
XBLA is Wednesday.
If they want to stay true to their promise of June, it's coming out tomorrow.
If not, then they missed June.
So relax, it's coming tomorrow.
Any replies from him?
Well unless they release the PC version even though console versions are delayed, which is something they should have done in first place. Stupid that pc/mac users have to wait for console versions when the game is in finished state.
This makes me very sad.
So if needs to come out tomorrow if they want to stay true to June.
If it doesn't come out tomorrow THEN you can freak out.