Just saw this on facebook - Matthew Lowell Tried to get a refund for the season, bastards told me no. That "They are not currently giving refunds based on the delay of a game". Assholes)
Guess they are not giving refund lol
Good for them. When I bought the game I knew of the "no refund" policy. If you don't want to deal with the possibility of a delay then wait until the game is completely finished.
They can't do anything for fixing this. Telltale reputation in this stuff it's going down and the only way to fix it it's acting properly in the next delay they have.
The people posting jake's response over and over don't understand that a new concern is at hand -- it's not making the final psn update for June. This basically confirms a July release (assuming they want to keep it stimultaneous), which is what needs to be addressed at this point.
His post was to reassure that it would be late June, one person even posted a pm where they asked about it being july and Jake stuck to his "late June" guns.
This is going to escalate to unheard of levels if July 1 rolls around and we haven't gotten any other official word about the delay.
heaven forbid they take a couple hours to go back and forth with us about it.
This is going to escalate to unheard of levels if July 1 rolls around and we haven't gotten any other official word about the delay.
Maybe thier looking to simulate a zombie apocalypse on the forum; people attacking each other, anger, someone crying in the corner.
At this point think the ranting is pointless; mulitple threads and some pissed customers with no real set date, so doubt any more bitching will have any effect. May as well get involved in some of the other threads so TTG knows what you want from further episodes
Lol no, not quite like that... I mean, thanks Jake, it was thoughtful.. but you didn't tell us anything that most of us didn't already know! lol And I'm thinking more official.. like updating their blog or facebook... not having to dig around through forums for any word about anything! The silence is unsettling I mean, they said they'd have it out by the end of June.. there's 5 more days left in June and not a word from telltale... it's worrisome! 5 more days left so I'm not gonna lose all faith in the yet! My guess is still the 26th! lol.
I guess whatever happens they'll have to communicate with us eventualllllly!!!!! Suckers! lol.
This forum is totally going to reach 100 pages before release. lol
Lol no, not quite like that... I mean, thanks Jake, it was thoughtful.. but you didn't tell us anything that most of us didn't already know! lol And I'm thinking more official.. like updating their blog or facebook... not having to dig around through forums for any word about anything! The silence is unsettling I mean, they said they'd have it out by the end of June.. there's 5 more days left in June and not a word from telltale... it's worrisome! 5 more days left so I'm not gonna lose all faith in the yet! My guess is still the 26th! lol.
I guess whatever happens they'll have to communicate with us eventualllllly!!!!! Suckers! lol.
This forum is totally going to reach 100 pages before release. lol
Well, honestly...they are probably busy trying to work on episode three...they can't give any official word because they probably have not gotten word back from MS and Sony yet on certification. They gave you the information they can. And now to contradict myself: technically any word from telltale staff is official when on their own forums. Especially when its in a forum called "Questions for the walking dead team!"
Normally, I am a very patient person, especially where game delays are concerned. I understand that unforseen things happen regularly, things beyond anyones control, so I have no issue with your delay of this game. My issue is with the blaring silence from your company in regards the delay. I paid for a monthly release for a 5 episode game. I understood that to mean, once a month for 5 consecutive months. Again, if there are issues that prevent this, such is life. However, as a paying customer I expect and require some input from you, as the service provider, aknowledging the delay and informing me when I may expect my product, the product I have already paid for. I am not asking for an excuse or an apology. I am asking for an update. A simple nod to me as the paying customer that you understand my frustration and acknowledge that I not only exist but I am valued by your company. So far, my experience with Telltale leads me to believe you do not care about your customer base in the least. I will not make some nonsense statement about never buying from TellTale again. I buy games I like, and your lousy treatment of me as a customer won't prevent me from buying another game I may enjoy. However, I will not pre-buy another game from TellTale nor will I buy an episodic game until every episode is released. I would think a company that produces Episodic games would desire and even need those early buyers to continue to produce games. Perhaps I am mistaken.
John Belt
I doubt it will get any kind of response, but I like to express my displeasure. Everyone that has an issue with this delay should consider doing likewise.
I have reached a breaking point as well, (enough to create a forum membership with TTG) and it's not the wait that's killin' me. I've successfully waited for game delay's much longer than this. However, this time is different. It IS the lack of dialogue from TTG that has permanently damaged my opinion concerning their professionalism. Yes i know, they have "talked" to us about all they know. Seriously though? Their remedies haven't been sufficient to quell their communities questions and concerns. ( Which should be ANY companies primary goal...) I think the worst part is, people don't know what to do. They're mad and want TTG to know but at the same time they wanna play episode 2.
It's like you start playing a game of chess with a good friend of yours (TTG). You've played other games with this good friend and had good time (Monkey island, etc.). However, this time you and your friend each make one move and suddenly gets up and leaves; as he leaves you hear him say, "Be back in a 5 minutes." You think that's nothing i can wait. 5 minutes go by. Then 10. You try to call him to find out what's up and just get a response of something like, "Yah, sorry, be there soon." Yet he still does not arrive. You don't know what to do. This person is your friend and you wanna play, but that kind of disrespect makes you mad and want to leave the game unfinished.
You get the idea. I feel more sorry for the people who bought the season pass than those who just purchased episode 1. BTW I know some guy name Jake posted a short message (which told us nothing), don't link that and go "See, See they're talking."
Just saw this on facebook - Matthew Lowell Tried to get a refund for the season, bastards told me no. That "They are not currently giving refunds based on the delay of a game". Assholes)
Guess they are not giving refund lol
A TTG employee came into the the forum to provide the support email address and said to use that for any refund discussion or inquiry. I don't see why they would do that if they had no intention of giving refunds?
I would be curious to know more details about this persons emails. Also, If you purchased it on Steam, They will NOT issue a refund.
Not defending TTG on the delay believe me, just sharing info as I have been through practically every page regarding TWD.
What if TDKR sells tickets for an advance screening then the film gets delayed but they don't refund their costumers (and just say it will be out in a few months you can watch it then.)
Or what would any normal person do if they had bought an item on ebay and amazon and the item was a month late with no word from the seller.
They would be pissed..."
I mean its understandable for whoever bought a season pass to get annoyed and they shouldn't get attacked on here for speaking their mind.
BTW I know some guy name Jake posted a short message (which told us nothing), don't link that and go "See, See they're talking."
Well then what do you really expect them to do, keep repeating themselves over and over until people keep getting what they are saying? And btw, "Some guy named Jake" is one of the employees. He is telling you what they can. If you are not happy with this, then perhaps its not TTG that you should be bitching at. They have already said they are waiting on certification. They have already said that they expect it to be done "damn soon." They know no more than you at this point is what they are basically saying. Is it really so important to hear the word delay? Is that really all that essential? Perhaps they are avoiding the word delay because the PR person told them not to say the word.
I get that it feels frustrating that you cannot be given more information, but you can't expect them to give what they don't have.
So after following the forum for the whole 95 pages, thought I'd post myself today! Firstly lets get a bit of background on me regarding the situation, I myself over the past few weeks have been pretty frustrated at the delay and lack of information provided by TTG saying to myself I would never buy a TTG product again and all sorts of bitchery.
However, as I began to write this post my mindset suddenly changed..It's a month late, maybe it'll be 2 months late, maybe 3 but in all honesty it was never set in stone to be out every month on a set date, yes it said on the pruchase screen it'd be released monthly blah blah but I still don't recall seeing set dates when each episode would be out. Delays happen blah blah this has all been said before.
Ps3 and I assume xbox owners only paid £15 for the game (£20 I think it was for pc users) anyway, the game wasn't a £40 purchase so I don't see the problem in waiting and extra few weeks. Yes it's your money but if you are seriously concerned about wasting £15 then you may have bigger problems than a delayed game.
I do agree it's not great customer service not having someone informing their own forum about the delay but then again they may not see being a few weeks behind as much as a problem as the majority of posters on this forum. If it started stretching to 2 - 3 months delay they'd more then likely inform us of the problem.
As this posts dragging on already I'll make my final point, the psn store updates tomorrow instead of everyone making assumptions about it not being on the drop how about you eagerly wait and see if it pops up
If any of my post contains wrong information, do feel free to bring me up on it. I won't bite, unless ofcourse I'm infected by the time you respond.
I dont think "Damn soon" is a very good choice of words to use it sounds very unprofessional for it being the only real official communications from TTG for a while. It also sounds quite flippant, which I could see annoying a fair few people.
I dont think "Damn soon" is a very good choice of words to use it sounds very unprofessional for it being the only real official communications from TTG for a while. It also sounds quite flippant, which I could see annoying a fair few people.
He's also not the official spokesman. He is an employee. He's just answering a question. Is nit picking words really the way to go?
Normally, I am a very patient person, especially where game delays are concerned. I understand that unforseen things happen regularly, things beyond anyones control, so I have no issue with your delay of this game. My issue is with the blaring silence from your company in regards the delay. I paid for a monthly release for a 5 episode game. I understood that to mean, once a month for 5 consecutive months. Again, if there are issues that prevent this, such is life. However, as a paying customer I expect and require some input from you, as the service provider, aknowledging the delay and informing me when I may expect my product, the product I have already paid for. I am not asking for an excuse or an apology. I am asking for an update. A simple nod to me as the paying customer that you understand my frustration and acknowledge that I not only exist but I am valued by your company. So far, my experience with Telltale leads me to believe you do not care about your customer base in the least. I will not make some nonsense statement about never buying from TellTale again. I buy games I like, and your lousy treatment of me as a customer won't prevent me from buying another game I may enjoy. However, I will not pre-buy another game from TellTale nor will I buy an episodic game until every episode is released. I would think a company that produces Episodic games would desire and even need those early buyers to continue to produce games. Perhaps I am mistaken.
John Belt
I doubt it will get any kind of response, but I like to express my displeasure. Everyone that has an issue with this delay should consider doing likewise.
Awesome John!! nicely put, I also doubt they will reply since I also sent a very nice but firm email to them last week and still have not heard anything. You would think they could at least copy and paste the standard cookie cutter reply if nothing else.
I agree with everything you said and wonder how could they read our emails and NOT respond, they should be ashamed:(
I have reached a breaking point as well, (enough to create a forum membership with TTG) and it's not the wait that's killin' me. I've successfully waited for game delay's much longer than this. However, this time is different. It IS the lack of dialogue from TTG that has permanently damaged my opinion concerning their professionalism. Yes i know, they have "talked" to us about all they know. Seriously though? Their remedies haven't been sufficient to quell their communities questions and concerns. ( Which should be ANY companies primary goal...) I think the worst part is, people don't know what to do. They're mad and want TTG to know but at the same time they wanna play episode 2.
It's like you start playing a game of chess with a good friend of yours (TTG). You've played other games with this good friend and had good time (Monkey island, etc.). However, this time you and your friend each make one move and suddenly gets up and leaves; as he leaves you hear him say, "Be back in a 5 minutes." You think that's nothing i can wait. 5 minutes go by. Then 10. You try to call him to find out what's up and just get a response of something like, "Yah, sorry, be there soon." Yet he still does not arrive. You don't know what to do. This person is your friend and you wanna play, but that kind of disrespect makes you mad and want to leave the game unfinished.
You get the idea. I feel more sorry for the people who bought the season pass than those who just purchased episode 1. BTW I know some guy name Jake posted a short message (which told us nothing), don't link that and go "See, See they're talking."
Lol ^ This. I like the chess game analogy
IMO it's not lookin like they'll get it out this month.. but I guess we'll have to wait and see! When they get it out they'll probably be like, "here, take your damn game and shut the fuck up!!!!!" lol..
Well then what do you really expect them to do, keep repeating themselves over and over until people keep getting what they are saying? And btw, "Some guy named Jake" is one of the employees. He is telling you what they can. If you are not happy with this, then perhaps its not TTG that you should be bitching at. They have already said they are waiting on certification. They have already said that they expect it to be done "damn soon." They know no more than you at this point is what they are basically saying. Is it really so important to hear the word delay? Is that really all that essential? Perhaps they are avoiding the word delay because the PR person told them not to say the word.
The problem is by not metioning that magic word, thier not vindicating people who feel they've been wronged by the TTG, and there could be alot of reasons for this (our new consumer protection laws in South Africa would mean a refund was garenteed by this).
Read an interesting article saying that the immense popularity of TWD has kinda become a double edge sword; that by increasing thier subscriber base hugely, the game needs to accomodate those not use to the TTG style, meaning more work on the game to make it excellent, and therefore more time which pisses off the new subscriber base.
They do need a proper press release, not a post in a thread that mulls over the discussion. One post here in bright shiney colours would go along way to pacifying the pissed off. Anyway, ready when its ready is a attitude that has to be fostered by the developer by ensuring some communication with the fans, not blanket silence followed by a suprise.
Well then what do you really expect them to do, keep repeating themselves over and over until people keep getting what they are saying? And btw, "Some guy named Jake" is one of the employees. He is telling you what they can. If you are not happy with this, then perhaps its not TTG that you should be bitching at. They have already said they are waiting on certification. They have already said that they expect it to be done "damn soon." They know no more than you at this point is what they are basically saying. Is it really so important to hear the word delay? Is that really all that essential? Perhaps they are avoiding the word delay because the PR person told them not to say the word.
I get that it feels frustrating that you cannot be given more information, but you can't expect them to give what they don't have.
First of all, yah i know he's an employee. Im not soooo dumb as to pick a random person of the forums. (C'mon gimme a little credit.) Second of all, the only person i can be mad at is TTG. In releasing their "season pass" or whatever you wanna call it, they entered a contract with hundreds-of-thousands of people. That contact said hey we give you twenty bucks and you give us an episode a month. They have voided that contract. You know what? I'm not pissed about it. I understand. s*** happens. All i want is TTG to put on their big boy pants and tell us something, FROM THE GET GO. You can't deny they've been shoveling us the same line for awhile now. BTW forums are NOT an appropriate place to relieve PR stress. You need a media outlet don't make people hunt for info, feed it to them. That, sir, is how you build a beautiful customer/company relationship.
And if they give information to a media outlet, people complain that they had to find out from an outside source and not on the forums first. You have read all 95 pages, right? You should then know that people have said this already here. Then when they find out on the forums first, they complained it wasn't in a blog.
P.S. On a related note, they told everyone about the june release on the second episode of the playing dead, which came out mid may. So, they can't even claim they were told nothing.
Normally, I am a very patient person, especially where game delays are concerned. I understand that unforseen things happen regularly, things beyond anyones control, so I have no issue with your delay of this game. My issue is with the blaring silence from your company in regards the delay. I paid for a monthly release for a 5 episode game. I understood that to mean, once a month for 5 consecutive months. Again, if there are issues that prevent this, such is life. However, as a paying customer I expect and require some input from you, as the service provider, aknowledging the delay and informing me when I may expect my product, the product I have already paid for. I am not asking for an excuse or an apology. I am asking for an update. A simple nod to me as the paying customer that you understand my frustration and acknowledge that I not only exist but I am valued by your company. So far, my experience with Telltale leads me to believe you do not care about your customer base in the least. I will not make some nonsense statement about never buying from TellTale again. I buy games I like, and your lousy treatment of me as a customer won't prevent me from buying another game I may enjoy. However, I will not pre-buy another game from TellTale nor will I buy an episodic game until every episode is released. I would think a company that produces Episodic games would desire and even need those early buyers to continue to produce games. Perhaps I am mistaken.
John Belt
I doubt it will get any kind of response, but I like to express my displeasure. Everyone that has an issue with this delay should consider doing likewise.
very well said I have reached the same conclusion myself
I wouldn't mind that at all. It would be 100 times easier to read something on IGN, hear something on G4, any media outlet. Anything is better than forums for OFFICAL updates concerning a product. That holds true no matter what you are distributing. People can't fully operate a forum yet. 200,000+ views for this thread. And how many sales for ep 1? Over 1 million. That means at least 70% of their audience is out there goin wtf.
On a serious note, I think tensions are going to escalate in the coming days, so I'm pretty much prepared to read scores of angry posts in here. We'll just have to sit tight and see if there is any updates in the coming days.
I hope that WOULD be an official word or two on any further delays. Something along the lines of - "we're sorry, but this and that took longer than expected because of such and such a reason". I think people are not angry not so much because of the delay, but more so they are kept in the dark about what's going on.
BUT.. c'mon guys... it'll be soon. If we waited this long, one or two weeks isn't going to kill us.
I was going to make a lengthy post about me being all pissed off and whatnot but I am just going to say that if telltale was working in any other field of media and they pulled the same shit they'd go f-ing bankrupt.
I was going to make a lengthy post about me being all pissed off and whatnot but I am just going to say that if telltale was working in any other field of media and they pulled the same shit they'd go f-ing bankrupt.
Really? What about publishing?
What about Art?
What about Music?
What about Movies?
The only other media outlet where delays are not acceptable for the most part is television, and even then they do happen and not always is there a reason given to the public as to why.
The only other media outlet where delays are not acceptable for the most part is television, and even then they do happen and not always is there a reason given to the public as to why.
Doctor Who anyone?
George R.R. Martin anyone?
Harry Potter anyone?
Your argument falls flat when actually examined.
Oh why couldn't you have me have my own little moment of unreasonable arguments aimed at calming me down?
Dear Telltale games, you need to hurry with walking dead! So many customers are impatient, you see? We want to see what happens to, dear ole Lee Everett, and help protect Clem from the zombies, I say! We're starving for a release, with a deadline you won't reach! We're feeling the pain of not knowing anything!
..And uh, that's all I got! I'm gonna be singin it all day :P
Well, technically it was on page 20 of a thread called "questions for walking dead team," so its a little less forgivable that you couldn't find it if you wanted to.
Do you really think that a company that has sold over 1,000,000 copies of a video game with more to come found that the most effective strategy of reaching their customers was Page 20 on the 3rd Sticky'd thread - rather than a press release, blog, twitter, etc etc etc.
All the frustration does not come from delay's, but from the lack of communication:
You already have our money then you go dark and make it impossibly hard to figure out why there is no Episode 2 and 3 yet. A link to the appropriate and relevant news should be on the front page of telltale.com
how about this the official forum by the company them selves should get the info first then facebook/twitter etc..
that would be the logical thing to do right ?
if 200k approx view the forums and 150k complain
what are the other 800k + doing ?
Valid point. However, the fact that 75% of those who visit forums, by your numbers, are complaining, all with the same issues more or less, should say something. Idk what, but it does speak to volumes that they at least have to say something to their audience, and on a regular basis. "No update" is fine as long as it's from TTG. Silence is unacceptable.
And I C u HC shootin down everyone's negative remarks. It's fine. It's your right. Just as it is mine to complain. Not tryin to piss peeps off just wanting to vent steam and a very small hope that someone from TTG will c my previous chess analogy and my message will have been successfully conveyed.
Not checking the forums. That's what they are doing.
Because I only acknowledge legitimate claims? Notice I said nothing about the rest of his post?
Don't mind him, I know your argument was right of course. We all have our own way of dealing with things we view as unreasonable. Some people throw things, some people crush the nearest small furry animal and some people kill scantily clad ladies of the night while wielding a croquet mallet and screaming incomprehensible gibberish at the top of their lungs. I say stupid shit, it's what I do.
Do you really think that a company that has sold over 1,000,000 copies of a video game with more to come found that the most effective strategy of reaching their customers was Page 20 on the 3rd Sticky'd thread - rather than a press release, blog, twitter, etc etc etc.
A link to the appropriate and relevant news should be on the front page of telltale.com
Yep. Totally agree with this. I've mentioned as much in my previous post, and you're absolutely right - TTG should not be excused for this.
Good for them. When I bought the game I knew of the "no refund" policy. If you don't want to deal with the possibility of a delay then wait until the game is completely finished.
contradictio in adjecto!
But I see where you're going.
His post was to reassure that it would be late June, one person even posted a pm where they asked about it being july and Jake stuck to his "late June" guns.
This is going to escalate to unheard of levels if July 1 rolls around and we haven't gotten any other official word about the delay.
heaven forbid they take a couple hours to go back and forth with us about it.
Hope we hear something monday or tuesday.
ep1 was not listed on the psn release either, did you not check that link?
so feel free to jump to the wrong conclusion..
Maybe thier looking to simulate a zombie apocalypse on the forum; people attacking each other, anger, someone crying in the corner.
At this point think the ranting is pointless; mulitple threads and some pissed customers with no real set date, so doubt any more bitching will have any effect. May as well get involved in some of the other threads so TTG knows what you want from further episodes
Lol no, not quite like that... I mean, thanks Jake, it was thoughtful.. but you didn't tell us anything that most of us didn't already know! lol And I'm thinking more official.. like updating their blog or facebook... not having to dig around through forums for any word about anything! The silence is unsettling
I guess whatever happens they'll have to communicate with us eventualllllly!!!!! Suckers! lol.
This forum is totally going to reach 100 pages before release. lol
Well, honestly...they are probably busy trying to work on episode three...they can't give any official word because they probably have not gotten word back from MS and Sony yet on certification. They gave you the information they can. And now to contradict myself: technically any word from telltale staff is official when on their own forums. Especially when its in a forum called "Questions for the walking dead team!"
Normally, I am a very patient person, especially where game delays are concerned. I understand that unforseen things happen regularly, things beyond anyones control, so I have no issue with your delay of this game. My issue is with the blaring silence from your company in regards the delay. I paid for a monthly release for a 5 episode game. I understood that to mean, once a month for 5 consecutive months. Again, if there are issues that prevent this, such is life. However, as a paying customer I expect and require some input from you, as the service provider, aknowledging the delay and informing me when I may expect my product, the product I have already paid for. I am not asking for an excuse or an apology. I am asking for an update. A simple nod to me as the paying customer that you understand my frustration and acknowledge that I not only exist but I am valued by your company. So far, my experience with Telltale leads me to believe you do not care about your customer base in the least. I will not make some nonsense statement about never buying from TellTale again. I buy games I like, and your lousy treatment of me as a customer won't prevent me from buying another game I may enjoy. However, I will not pre-buy another game from TellTale nor will I buy an episodic game until every episode is released. I would think a company that produces Episodic games would desire and even need those early buyers to continue to produce games. Perhaps I am mistaken.
John Belt
I doubt it will get any kind of response, but I like to express my displeasure. Everyone that has an issue with this delay should consider doing likewise.
It's like you start playing a game of chess with a good friend of yours (TTG). You've played other games with this good friend and had good time (Monkey island, etc.). However, this time you and your friend each make one move and suddenly gets up and leaves; as he leaves you hear him say, "Be back in a 5 minutes." You think that's nothing i can wait. 5 minutes go by. Then 10. You try to call him to find out what's up and just get a response of something like, "Yah, sorry, be there soon." Yet he still does not arrive. You don't know what to do. This person is your friend and you wanna play, but that kind of disrespect makes you mad and want to leave the game unfinished.
You get the idea. I feel more sorry for the people who bought the season pass than those who just purchased episode 1. BTW I know some guy name Jake posted a short message (which told us nothing), don't link that and go "See, See they're talking."
A TTG employee came into the the forum to provide the support email address and said to use that for any refund discussion or inquiry. I don't see why they would do that if they had no intention of giving refunds?
I would be curious to know more details about this persons emails. Also, If you purchased it on Steam, They will NOT issue a refund.
Not defending TTG on the delay believe me, just sharing info as I have been through practically every page regarding TWD.
Posted 6/22/2012 12:11:06 PM
message detail
My main points are these...
What if TDKR sells tickets for an advance screening then the film gets delayed but they don't refund their costumers (and just say it will be out in a few months you can watch it then.)
Or what would any normal person do if they had bought an item on ebay and amazon and the item was a month late with no word from the seller.
They would be pissed..."
I mean its understandable for whoever bought a season pass to get annoyed and they shouldn't get attacked on here for speaking their mind.
Well then what do you really expect them to do, keep repeating themselves over and over until people keep getting what they are saying? And btw, "Some guy named Jake" is one of the employees. He is telling you what they can. If you are not happy with this, then perhaps its not TTG that you should be bitching at. They have already said they are waiting on certification. They have already said that they expect it to be done "damn soon." They know no more than you at this point is what they are basically saying. Is it really so important to hear the word delay? Is that really all that essential? Perhaps they are avoiding the word delay because the PR person told them not to say the word.
I get that it feels frustrating that you cannot be given more information, but you can't expect them to give what they don't have.
However, as I began to write this post my mindset suddenly changed..It's a month late, maybe it'll be 2 months late, maybe 3 but in all honesty it was never set in stone to be out every month on a set date, yes it said on the pruchase screen it'd be released monthly blah blah but I still don't recall seeing set dates when each episode would be out. Delays happen blah blah this has all been said before.
Ps3 and I assume xbox owners only paid £15 for the game (£20 I think it was for pc users) anyway, the game wasn't a £40 purchase so I don't see the problem in waiting and extra few weeks. Yes it's your money but if you are seriously concerned about wasting £15 then you may have bigger problems than a delayed game.
I do agree it's not great customer service not having someone informing their own forum about the delay but then again they may not see being a few weeks behind as much as a problem as the majority of posters on this forum. If it started stretching to 2 - 3 months delay they'd more then likely inform us of the problem.
As this posts dragging on already I'll make my final point, the psn store updates tomorrow instead of everyone making assumptions about it not being on the drop how about you eagerly wait and see if it pops up
If any of my post contains wrong information, do feel free to bring me up on it. I won't bite, unless ofcourse I'm infected by the time you respond.
He's also not the official spokesman. He is an employee. He's just answering a question. Is nit picking words really the way to go?
Awesome John!! nicely put, I also doubt they will reply since I also sent a very nice but firm email to them last week and still have not heard anything.
I agree with everything you said and wonder how could they read our emails and NOT respond, they should be ashamed:(
Lol ^ This. I like the chess game analogy
IMO it's not lookin like they'll get it out this month.. but I guess we'll have to wait and see! When they get it out they'll probably be like, "here, take your damn game and shut the fuck up!!!!!" lol..
The problem is by not metioning that magic word, thier not vindicating people who feel they've been wronged by the TTG, and there could be alot of reasons for this (our new consumer protection laws in South Africa would mean a refund was garenteed by this).
Read an interesting article saying that the immense popularity of TWD has kinda become a double edge sword; that by increasing thier subscriber base hugely, the game needs to accomodate those not use to the TTG style, meaning more work on the game to make it excellent, and therefore more time which pisses off the new subscriber base.
They do need a proper press release, not a post in a thread that mulls over the discussion. One post here in bright shiney colours would go along way to pacifying the pissed off. Anyway, ready when its ready is a attitude that has to be fostered by the developer by ensuring some communication with the fans, not blanket silence followed by a suprise.
First of all, yah i know he's an employee. Im not soooo dumb as to pick a random person of the forums. (C'mon gimme a little credit.) Second of all, the only person i can be mad at is TTG. In releasing their "season pass" or whatever you wanna call it, they entered a contract with hundreds-of-thousands of people. That contact said hey we give you twenty bucks and you give us an episode a month. They have voided that contract. You know what? I'm not pissed about it. I understand. s*** happens. All i want is TTG to put on their big boy pants and tell us something, FROM THE GET GO. You can't deny they've been shoveling us the same line for awhile now. BTW forums are NOT an appropriate place to relieve PR stress. You need a media outlet don't make people hunt for info, feed it to them. That, sir, is how you build a beautiful customer/company relationship.
P.S. On a related note, they told everyone about the june release on the second episode of the playing dead, which came out mid may. So, they can't even claim they were told nothing.
very well said I have reached the same conclusion myself
Is it safe to come out yet?
On a serious note, I think tensions are going to escalate in the coming days, so I'm pretty much prepared to read scores of angry posts in here. We'll just have to sit tight and see if there is any updates in the coming days.
I hope that WOULD be an official word or two on any further delays. Something along the lines of - "we're sorry, but this and that took longer than expected because of such and such a reason". I think people are not angry not so much because of the delay, but more so they are kept in the dark about what's going on.
BUT.. c'mon guys... it'll be soon. If we waited this long, one or two weeks isn't going to kill us.
That's friggin' awesome HC. You made me fall off the chair goddammit.
Really? What about publishing?
What about Art?
What about Music?
What about Movies?
The only other media outlet where delays are not acceptable for the most part is television, and even then they do happen and not always is there a reason given to the public as to why.
Doctor Who anyone?
George R.R. Martin anyone?
Harry Potter anyone?
Your argument falls flat when actually examined.
Lol okay that was funny!
Oh why couldn't you have me have my own little moment of unreasonable arguments aimed at calming me down?
Cuz he insists on defending any problem anyone has with this delay.
..And uh, that's all I got! I'm gonna be singin it all day
Sorry about that.:)
that would be the logical thing to do right ?
if 200k approx view the forums and 150k complain
what are the other 800k + doing ?
Because I only acknowledge legitimate claims? Notice I said nothing about the rest of his post?
All the frustration does not come from delay's, but from the lack of communication:
You already have our money then you go dark and make it impossibly hard to figure out why there is no Episode 2 and 3 yet. A link to the appropriate and relevant news should be on the front page of telltale.com
then they can post on other sites or send emails out.
Valid point. However, the fact that 75% of those who visit forums, by your numbers, are complaining, all with the same issues more or less, should say something. Idk what, but it does speak to volumes that they at least have to say something to their audience, and on a regular basis. "No update" is fine as long as it's from TTG. Silence is unacceptable.
And I C u HC shootin down everyone's negative remarks. It's fine. It's your right. Just as it is mine to complain. Not tryin to piss peeps off just wanting to vent steam and a very small hope that someone from TTG will c my previous chess analogy and my message will have been successfully conveyed.
Don't mind him, I know your argument was right of course. We all have our own way of dealing with things we view as unreasonable. Some people throw things, some people crush the nearest small furry animal and some people kill scantily clad ladies of the night while wielding a croquet mallet and screaming incomprehensible gibberish at the top of their lungs. I say stupid shit, it's what I do.
Yep. Totally agree with this. I've mentioned as much in my previous post, and you're absolutely right - TTG should not be excused for this.