We can totally hit 25 by the end of the day without even trying. Makes me proud I've been here since there were only 3.
F 25 Ive been on this forum for about an hour (I know get a life right? lol) and seen it grow from 11 to 25 so I bet it can go to at least a 100 if not 200!especially sinces its getting towards the evening and people that worked all day and are expecting this game to work when they get home are gonna be pisssssseddddd!!
The bigger the thread the more the pressure and hopefully a sooner and more detailed update on the problem, idk well see
Sony just pushed an update and I was able to confirm that Episode 2 is launching just fine now. You'll need to restart the game, but it will prompt you to download version 1.01 automatically. Please let us know if you're still having any issue with it.
Thank you so much for your patience with this!
A release date for EU would be nice. Broken release gets fixed within hours and we're left with "ASAP" for the forseeable future.
Sony just pushed an update and I was able to confirm that Episode 2 is launching just fine now. You'll need to restart the game, but it will prompt you to download version 1.01 automatically. Please let us know if you're still having any issue with it.
Is that not a caring act? Fixing something you realize you've messed up?
If not, do feel free to let me know what that is.
I've never said it's not ok to be upset. I'm just one who says that spewing such anger over the forums isn't going to help anyone, including you. *shrugs*
Ummmm, I think it will probably help to make sure telltale doesn't screw up the next episodes release when it comes out in November.
FWIW Telltale, I loved episode one, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the series, but please listen to your fans/customers and let us know what's going on. This was my first TT game, and I've been less than impressed. Not saying I won't ever buy another one of your games, but I'm damn sure it won't be at release or at full price
Sony just pushed an update and I was able to confirm that Episode 2 is launching just fine now. You'll need to restart the game, but it will prompt you to download version 1.01 automatically. Please let us know if you're still having any issue with it.
Thank you so much for your patience with this!
Tested, and I can personally confirm that it's working just fine. Thanks for resolving the situation in a timely manner(e.g. Not after the weekend)! XD
Sony just pushed an update and I was able to confirm that Episode 2 is launching just fine now. You'll need to restart the game, but it will prompt you to download version 1.01 automatically. Please let us know if you're still having any issue with it.
Thank you so much for your patience with this!
So how did you get chosen to be the deliverer of good news?
Ah, glad to hear it's working for everyone. Unfortunately I waited all day to download it before I went somewhere without internet access hoping to play it, and now I can't download the patch. Bummed out, but like I said, glad it's at least working now...
I was just checking the forums to report my issue with episode 2 and it looks like I was late to the party. Really, really late. XD Oh well, there's already a patch up! Thanks for taking care of the problem so quickly, Telltale folks!
Sony just pushed an update and I was able to confirm that Episode 2 is launching just fine now. You'll need to restart the game, but it will prompt you to download version 1.01 automatically. Please let us know if you're still having any issue with it.
Now I have to go play the game?! THIS IS BULLSHIT, TELLTALE! You pull me into this damn forum, get me drunk, then expect me to play the game?! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!
agreed, I find whining helps and gives me something to do
F 25 Ive been on this forum for about an hour (I know get a life right? lol) and seen it grow from 11 to 25 so I bet it can go to at least a 100 if not 200!especially sinces its getting towards the evening and people that worked all day and are expecting this game to work when they get home are gonna be pisssssseddddd!!
The bigger the thread the more the pressure and hopefully a sooner and more detailed update on the problem, idk well see
Did you smoke some bath salts?
A release date for EU would be nice. Broken release gets fixed within hours and we're left with "ASAP" for the forseeable future.
Thanks for working on it.
Ummmm, I think it will probably help to make sure telltale doesn't screw up the next episodes release when it comes out in November.
FWIW Telltale, I loved episode one, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the series, but please listen to your fans/customers and let us know what's going on. This was my first TT game, and I've been less than impressed. Not saying I won't ever buy another one of your games, but I'm damn sure it won't be at release or at full price
Tested, and I can personally confirm that it's working just fine. Thanks for resolving the situation in a timely manner(e.g. Not after the weekend)! XD
its never a waste. Watch your mouth
So how did you get chosen to be the deliverer of good news?
Ditto. I'm gunna go smoke the very last of my weed now and go on a magical adventure with zombies. Later forum folks!
Now THATS caring
Regardless, I'm glad this was resolved quickly, and thank you for your efforts, Telltale.
Absolutely love it.
Haha, I was just thinking this myself. Also, contributing this post to edge toward or over the 25 page point!
They must've taken it down then and I'm I girl.