[WD] Can't Play EP2 on PlayStation [RESOLVED - restart the game]



  • edited June 2012
    $nAke wrote: »
    ditto. I'm gunna go smoke the very last of my weed now and go on a magical adventure with zombies. Later forum folks!

    Enjoy it, friend!
  • edited June 2012
    I must be here until we reach 25! I SAID I WOULD BE HERE UNTIL 25!

    Allow me to help
  • edited June 2012
    Minako86 wrote: »
    and I'm I girl.

    Dude, that's awesome.
  • edited June 2012
    Woot! 25!
  • edited June 2012
    Minako86 wrote: »
    They must've taken it down then and I'm I girl.

    Haha, my chick friends call each other dude all the time, it's not like he said Bro or something! =P
  • edited June 2012
    Alright, guys, in all seriousness, I've been bitching and been pissed off waiting for this, and now it's finally patched. We've reached 25 pages. I'm done for today. I'm gonna go play this game. Cheers, all.
  • edited June 2012
    that was the longest waiting screen ive ever watched haha it was only a minute but it felt like days!
  • edited June 2012
    I expect everyone to come back and spoil it for the EU PS3 users.
  • edited June 2012
    what is goin on everyone say itls working but not me?????? :( :( :( :( :(
    i tried looking for it in the psn store can't find it.....i used the dollar currency to buy the game..that means i used an american account can anyone help please?
  • edited June 2012
    So proud <3 just makes my ginger heart smile. And if you know gingers, our lack of souls rarely lets that be possible ;)
  • edited June 2012
    Hey guys! Question for all affected as we attempt to narrow down the cause:

    What method did you use to obtain the episode? Season pass or individual episode purchase?

    Hello Alan,

    I purchased the Season Pass.
  • edited June 2012
    Now someone needs to make a Boromir Meme pic saying "One does not simply fix the problem and expect people to stop complaining".
  • edited June 2012
    i'm not letting them off that easy. this should have never happened in the first place. They claimed it was a monthly thing and you have us wait an extra month and then when it finally comes out we have to wait around for a stupid fucking fix because somebody from either telltale or sony or both didn't do their job. i'm disappointed. this is still very unprofessional. i can only hope they don't make amateur mistakes like this for the rest of the episodes.
  • edited June 2012
    But i do apologize for being a dick. Had tooo comment on the 25th
  • edited June 2012
    It's been nice meeting and raging and lurking with ya'll! Have a nice zombie-infested day ;D
  • edited June 2012
    greenboy try downloading the demo if you haven't already. if that doesn't worked then i think your fucked.
  • edited June 2012
    Hey everyone! Here's your brand new car you paid for months ago! Except there's no keys. Or tires. Or an engine. Or a body. Can't you see it? We took your money and worked really hard to get it to you late, so here it is! We hope you enjoy not driving your invisible car! We're working on your invisible boat for next month so keep waiting everyone! Thanks (suckers)!
    -Just to put things into perspective Telltale. Thank you very little for a whole lot of nothing.
  • edited June 2012
    Thank you for writing a fix as fast as you did, Telltale Games. You have a customer for life here!
  • edited June 2012
    RancidYeti wrote: »
    Hey everyone! Here's your brand new car you paid for months ago! Except there's no keys. Or tires. Or an engine. Or a body. Can't you see it? We took your money and worked really hard to get it to you late, so here it is! We hope you enjoy not driving your invisible car! We're working on your invisible boat for next month so keep waiting everyone! Thanks (suckers)!
    -Just to put things into perspective Telltale. Thank you very little for a whole lot of nothing.

    At least this answers the question "Why don't they ever answer us directly on the forums?"

    PS. Post #500

    Be jealous.
  • edited June 2012
    Thank God, good response time.... if we as gamers just learn some patience then we can all get a better relationship between developers and consumers. Thank you TellTale for hearing our cries and getting right on the problem. to my fellow gamers... I know we have legitamite/valid points for anger but lets show our love and support by giving them alittle extra wiggle room when problems such as this arise. Lets game on and kill some walkers.

    "When the net is full, the nerds will walk the earth!"
  • edited June 2012
    greenboy try downloading the demo if you haven't already. if that doesn't worked then i think your fucked.

    i don't think the problem is the demo i just could not find it in the psn store or having an update on the game itself.....i guess am turning blue after my next hour of sorrow.....
  • edited June 2012
    Am I the only one that finds it upsetting that it took only 10 min for people to start calling the developers a$$h@les and start freaking out because they didn't have an update already? It's not like the developers are actually the ones moderating the forumns they have better things to do. As a product manager in software development the entitlement on here just blows my mind. I'm at work right now and was really looking forward to starting episode 2 tonight. I'll be really bummed if it doesn't work but I'm not going to start spewing hate at the developers! you wouldn't even have this amazing game if it wasn't for them and I'm sure this isn't an intentional mistake. For all you know someone at sony could have mixed up the release code and posted an older version with known issues. The only thing you can do at this point is try to provide TellTale and Sony with as much information as you can about the exact situation you are in so that they can accurately try to recreate the problem and troubleshoot it.

    I understand how much time can sometimes go into troubleshooting an issue. I have a slim and Fat PS3 at home one with an original HDD and one that I just recently upgraded. I will try the game on both tonight one downloaded in game and one from the store and I will update with what occurs in both instances.

    From all of us that are still sane please take your time and fix the problem fully and don't rush out a patch that may also have issues. Thank you so much for creating a wonderful experience with episode 1 I enjoyed it fully and look forward to diving into episode 2 head first once it's working properly.
  • edited June 2012
    RancidYeti wrote: »
    Hey everyone! Here's your brand new car you paid for months ago! Except there's no keys. Or tires. Or an engine. Or a body. Can't you see it? We took your money and worked really hard to get it to you late, so here it is! We hope you enjoy not driving your invisible car! We're working on your invisible boat for next month so keep waiting everyone! Thanks (suckers)!
    -Just to put things into perspective Telltale. Thank you very little for a whole lot of nothing.

    And people really wonder why they aren't constantly on here talking with us? Goofs like this ruin it for the rest of us with hyperbole. Especially when the problem is already fixed. You'd be the person to call customer support and by the end of the call, before the employee either hung up on you for being rude or transferred you to someone else, would have threatened the persons unborn kids.
  • edited June 2012
    I digress. Thank you very much for that little patch! "Ive had a bad day and I f^@#in hate the Eagles man.." -The Dude
  • edited June 2012
    Backlace wrote: »
    I love how all the people previously bitching and moaning have now spun on a fucking dime and are praising the devs like none other.

    Regardless, I'm glad this was resolved quickly, and thank you for your efforts, Telltale.

    Predictable really. Sheeple usually are.
  • edited June 2012
    Well excuse me for a little sarcasm to lighten the mood and put things into perspective Mr. Serious. You Sir, may piss into thee wind. Goodday.
  • edited June 2012
    Anyone know of any other games that are broken and waiting for a fix? I'm bored again and this topic seems to have gone cold.
  • edited June 2012
    Syllius wrote: »
    Anyone know of any other games that are broken and waiting for a fix? I'm bored again and this topic seems to have gone cold.

    Nice :)
  • edited June 2012
    People of the world, apart from shitty EU... damn you lucky bastards.
  • edited June 2012
    Mike wrote: »
    Sony just pushed an update and I was able to confirm that Episode 2 is launching just fine now. You'll need to restart the game, but it will prompt you to download version 1.01 automatically. Please let us know if you're still having any issue with it.

    Thank you so much for your patience with this!

    I concur it is now running, loaded a little slow so I thought it was going to kick me out and then it started running. thanks for the prompt patch of the glitch
  • edited June 2012
    I wish I only had to wait 3 hours for episode 3 like i did for episode 2 today -_____-
  • edited June 2012
    Holy mother of pearls, ok i bow b4 you tell tale games and beg for forgiveness, yea i was one of those super angry customer going off mad about the delay mad about the ps3 screw up but after playing it dear lord yes it was worth the wait! wow it is awesome i will not get any sleep because i just want to keep playing it and stare at it over and over, sorry i will not whine again i will be patient as long as the other episodes be as amazing as this 2 has been you will not hear another wipmer from me! im def gonna check out your other games now and again i beg for forgiveness and thank you am gonna have a great weekend!!!
  • edited June 2012
    MINE STILL DOESN'T WORK. I just downloaded it today and i can't get into episode 2!!!

    It says its installed but when i press X, nothing happens.
  • edited June 2012
    Hey guys! Question for all affected as we attempt to narrow down the cause:

    What method did you use to obtain the episode? Season pass or individual episode purchase?

    well i havent got affected but i know you want the ones that did get affected to answer but i will be getting it individual Saturday so ill be able to let you know tomorrow
  • edited June 2012
    Episode 2 is still not working for me. I purchased and installed it. I started the game (and restarted), hit "Play". It shows Episode 1, and I have the options "Play" and "Back". I hit R1 to go to Episode 2 and only have the option "Back". Not sure what to do.
  • edited June 2012
    Nevermind, I got it. For some reason, I had to unlock Episode 1 again for some reason.
  • edited June 2012
    I was going to thank telltale for the game after playing through ep 2 twice, but I started a third game from the beginning and when I got to ep2 my first two saves were deleted. So thanks for that like the world thanks god for cancer. edit Actually all three of my saves were deleted, the episode 2 it loaded was some random ep1 outcome.
  • edited June 2012
    Not resolved. Not for me, anyway. I just downloaded it from the PSN an hour ago, installed the update and tried restarting it when it didn't load Episode 2, but got nothing. It only says "Installed" but it doesn't even give me the option to choose an episode.
  • edited June 2012
    Folks is anyone getting issues were its just showing as "coming soon" in the game menu and not even showing on the PS store to download episode 2?
  • edited June 2012
    Thanks Telltale for the quick response to this problem, I am sorry for the backlash you had to deal with from a lot of gamers. You are in a tough industry and deserve much more respect..thank you.
This discussion has been closed.