[WD] Can't Play EP2 on PlayStation [RESOLVED - restart the game]



  • edited June 2012
    Hey guys! Question for all affected as we attempt to narrow down the cause:

    What method did you use to obtain the episode? Season pass or individual episode purchase?

    Season Pass - Joined the forum so I could also express my disappointment.
  • edited June 2012
    Hey guys! Question for all affected as we attempt to narrow down the cause:

    What method did you use to obtain the episode? Season pass or individual episode purchase?

    Season Pass
  • edited June 2012
    Hey guys! Question for all affected as we attempt to narrow down the cause:

    What method did you use to obtain the episode? Season pass or individual episode purchase?

    season pass, i hope we wont have to uninstall the whole game and then reinstall, lose all of our ep 1 data and have to re play ep 1 just to play ep 2. i get a strange feeling that's what were gonna have to do.
  • edited June 2012
    Felldoh wrote: »
    Just to let you know, actually it was pushed back for two systems (PS3 and PC gamers). But then again, us PS3 users might have our release date pushed back again because of this issue.

    I know, I didn't mean to say it wasn't. I meant that it's only glitching for ps3. The fact that xbox360 got it before ANYONE was just silly. Because what happens when you irritate your customers and then send them a faulty game? They blow up on forums.
  • edited June 2012
    Thanks everyone for letting us know about the issue. As soon as Episode 2 went live we also noticed this occurance and are currently working very quickly with our partners at Sony to resolve any problems. We'll keep you up to date as we hear back from them on when a solution may be coming. Stay tuned to our forums, we're right there with you, and we can't wait for you to play! Thank you again for your patience.

    Thank you for the reply.
    This is a very serious glitch. A lot of games have glitches. Haven't seen things this serious. Please fix it asap.
    it's good to know at least you guys are paying attention to your fans. but honestly, give us a realistic timeline. How long do you think this will take to get fixed? If you had said that you weren't doing a midnight release I'm sure a lot of fans like me wouldn't have stayed up and got disappointed; if you have told us exactly what time you would release the game a lot of us wouldn't have waken up disappointed; so now please tell us how long do you think you will need to fix it. We love the game, we paid for it, we are not only fans, we are also customers. While i'm sure you guys are very proud so many fans love your game, you should, but remember, as a business, you have nowhere to go but down if you have unhappy customers. You are probably not the one responsible for this, but whoever should be held responsible for this problem should come read all the player comments.
  • edited June 2012
    Backlace wrote: »
    I paid for it too, genius. I'm not saying you don't deserve it because you didn't pay for it. I'm just saying that all this unnecessary complaining from so many people is making me feel very sorry for Telltale, because they're undoubtedly working their asses off to fix this and no one seems to be showing any thanks for their efforts right now.

    Seriously, they found out about the issue right away and began working on it, and all I've seen are insults to the dev team and promises to never buy their games again.

    Everyone just needs to calm down and understand that games get delayed. This kind of shit just happens sometimes, and bitching about it will not make it go any faster.

    Don't you love it when Tell "lies" games makes a fake account to make people feel sorry for them, what people really post about the dev team? Boo you telltale games
  • edited June 2012
    Hey guys! Question for all affected as we attempt to narrow down the cause:

    What method did you use to obtain the episode? Season pass or individual episode purchase?

    season pass
  • edited June 2012
    Hey guys! Question for all affected as we attempt to narrow down the cause:

    What method did you use to obtain the episode? Season pass or individual episode purchase?

    Season pass.
    Thanks for working on it guys.
    Eagerly awaiting the patch.....oh look the sun is shining.
    See you guys later.
  • edited June 2012
    turp119 wrote: »
    why are people taking up ffor TT? if i took your order at a restraunt, and came back 30 mins later saying "sorry, its gonna be another 30 mins for that steak.... hey you want it cooked to perfection right?" and then brought you chicken...youd be pissed too right?

    Because people are idiots. At first I was fine with a bit of delay but it's starting to get ridiculous. And I know it's not all their fault but seeing people say "Oh calm down they can't help it" Just makes me sick.
  • edited June 2012
    Season pass.
  • edited June 2012
    ok guys i am upset 2 but u know like thousands of ppl hit download at the same time it probley crashed their system it happens
  • edited June 2012
  • edited June 2012
    Season pass aj.
  • edited June 2012
    season pass, i hope we wont have to uninstall the whole game and then reinstall, lose all of our ep 1 data and have to re play ep 1 just to play ep 2. i get a strange feeling that's what were gonna have to do.

    Actually Ive tried deleting and reinstalling both episodes. Nothing changed. And my save data was still there cause its saved in a different area of the PS3 not with the game itself.
  • edited June 2012
    Hey guys! Question for all affected as we attempt to narrow down the cause:

    What method did you use to obtain the episode? Season pass or individual episode purchase?

    Ummm....I just went into the store and downloaded the episode 2 "Add-On" thingy.
  • edited June 2012
    Season Pass
  • edited June 2012
    Don't you love it when Tell "lies" games makes a fake account to make people feel sorry for them, what people really post about the dev team? Boo you telltale games

    Are you saying I'm a fake account run by a dev at Telltale to garner sympathy for them.

    I just...

    Anyone else want to field this one?

    I can't handle this level of mental retardation today.
  • edited June 2012
    Hey guys! Question for all affected as we attempt to narrow down the cause:

    What method did you use to obtain the episode? Season pass or individual episode purchase?

    Season pass, and from reading other replies this seems to be a issue with people that have the season pass

    another reason i regret buying them all at once
  • edited June 2012
    Hey guys! Question for all affected as we attempt to narrow down the cause:

    What method did you use to obtain the episode? Season pass or individual episode purchase?

    I had bought episode 1 by itself but then decided to get the season pass last week before the release. I downloaded episode 2 through the season pass and got the glitch/bug, I am now redownloading episode 2 from the store to see if that changes the glitch/bug. :confused:
  • edited June 2012
    Individual purchase.
  • edited June 2012
    Hey guys! Question for all affected as we attempt to narrow down the cause:

    What method did you use to obtain the episode? Season pass or individual episode purchase?

    season pass
  • edited June 2012
    Individual Download(Hey don't look at me like that I didnt know i would like it as much as I did.)
  • edited June 2012
    no it's not smart one, this happens when tell tale games doesn't understand how crappy their games turn out to be
  • edited June 2012
    Season pass
  • edited June 2012
    season pass
  • edited June 2012
    Hey guys! Question for all affected as we attempt to narrow down the cause:

    What method did you use to obtain the episode? Season pass or individual episode purchase?

    I bought the season pass back when episode 1 came out. I used the episode menu in game, chose get, and then downloaded episode 2 form the psn shop page that it opened up for me. season pass is my account flag on psn.
  • edited June 2012
    I know, I didn't mean to say it wasn't. I meant that it's only glitching for ps3. The fact that xbox360 got it before ANYONE was just silly. Because what happens when you irritate your customers and then send them a faulty game? They blow up on forums.

    Well to let you know us PS3 gamers got the first Episode on April 24th, and 360 gamers had to wait until April 27th, so I guess it's fair we got it 2nd. But then again, when 360 players waited and then got their Episode it was working.
  • edited June 2012
    That's what I was thinking.
    Hey guys! Question for all affected as we attempt to narrow down the cause:

    What method did you use to obtain the episode? Season pass or individual episode purchase?

    Seeing as i'm an EU customer i'll get back to you "ASAP". Promise.
  • edited June 2012
    Season pass, indeed.
  • edited June 2012
    i bought the bundle pass i kinda wish i didnt tho. n this is the first game i got from TT and its not a good first impression.i understand that games have glitches and dont work. hey i got a idea. im gunna apply for TT games as a TESTER i could use another job thir might be delays in my direct deposit though.

    in all respects. yes i think u guys are doing a great job with the games story n graphics...but. are u hiring game testers?
  • edited June 2012
    Backlace wrote: »
    Are you saying I'm a fake account run by a dev at Telltale to garner sympathy for them.

    I just...

    Anyone else want to field this one?

    I can't handle this level of mental retardation today.

    I saw what you replied to, and oh my God, that was retarded.
  • edited June 2012
    Pretty sure you have received numerous complaints already but I would like to in...

    Discussion Thread
    Response Via Email (Alicia) 06/29/2012 01:47 PM
    Hello Christopher,

    Thank you for contacting Sony PlayStation® Support, my name is Ali and I will be more than happy to help you today. I understand how upsetting it is not being able to watch something you paid for and I am incredibly sorry for any inconvenience you have experienced. I can definitely assist you with downloading Episode two of The Walking Dead.

    First, I'd like to ensure there is a secure connection to the Internet for better results while downloading the video:

    •Check to make sure the video is not attempting to download by navigating to Network > Download Manager. If it is in the process of downloading, press the Triangle on the title to cancel.

    •Next, disable your Media Server Connection. From your XrossMediaBar™ (XMB™), go to Settings > Network Settings > Media Server Connection, and disable. Then turn off your PS3™.

    •Power-Cycle your network devices by unplugging all of your network devices and equipment, making sure all lights on the modem and router are turned off for three full minutes. Certain VOIP modems (where your telephone is connected to your modem) may have a battery installed. You will need to remove the battery in order for the modem to be completely turned off. Then turn your PS3™ back on and set up the Internet connection.

    •Begin downloading the video from your Downloads List. Navigate to Account Management > Transaction Management > Downloads List.

    This is the response from Sony they are about clueless, thinking its a movie
  • edited June 2012
    clairesnow wrote: »
    Thank you for the reply.
    This is a very serious glitch. A lot of games have glitches. Haven't seen things this serious. Please fix it asap.
    it's good to know at least you guys are paying attention to your fans. but honestly, give us a realistic timeline. How long do you think this will take to get fixed? If you had said that you weren't doing a midnight release I'm sure a lot of fans like me wouldn't have stayed up and got disappointed; if you have told us exactly what time you would release the game a lot of us wouldn't have waken up disappointed; so now please tell us how long do you think you will need to fix it. We love the game, we paid for it, we are not only fans, we are also customers. While i'm sure you guys are very proud so many fans love your game, you should, but remember, as a business, you have nowhere to go but down if you have unhappy customers. You are probably not the one responsible for this, but whoever should be held responsible for this problem should come read all the player comments.
    I doubt any "person" is responsible. Its probably something wrong in the coding or something. Its not like Telltale would sabotage their own game
  • edited June 2012
    So is episode 2 out yet?
  • edited June 2012
    So is episode 2 out yet?

    Yup, go play it right now.
  • edited June 2012
    Backlace wrote: »
    I paid for it too, genius. I'm not saying you don't deserve it because you didn't pay for it. I'm just saying that all this unnecessary complaining from so many people is making me feel very sorry for Telltale, because they're undoubtedly working their asses off to fix this and no one seems to be showing any thanks for their efforts right now.

    Seriously, they found out about the issue right away and began working on it, and all I've seen are insults to the dev team and promises to never buy their games again.

    Everyone just needs to calm down and understand that games get delayed. This kind of shit just happens sometimes, and bitching about it will not make it go any faster.

    Well obviously you paid for it too.

    They get no sympathy from me, you can't deny they didn't screw up here. Everyone knows that "shit happens" but that doesn't mean it should be shrugged off. They deserve every bit of criticism they're getting
  • edited June 2012
    Backlace wrote: »
    Yup, go play it right now.

    I'm firing up my Wii right now, thanks pal!
  • edited June 2012
    Felldoh wrote: »
    Well to let you know us PS3 gamers got the first Episode on April 24th, and 360 gamers had to wait until April 27th, so I guess it's fair we got it 2nd. But then again, when 360 players waited and then got their Episode it was working.

    which makes a world of difference. But I didn't know about the original release, and to be honest the release was less annoying than the face plant episode 2 did after I downloaded it
  • edited June 2012
    Hey guys! Question for all affected as we attempt to narrow down the cause:

    What method did you use to obtain the episode? Season pass or individual episode purchase?
    Well i bought the season pass, I tried everything but it just do as everyone else here is complaining about, i am done complaining though i just want to play the game so can you guys please let us know when it will be fixed?? All day at work today all i thought about was coming home and play it :\ :mad::confused:
  • edited June 2012
    Individual Download
This discussion has been closed.