Huh? Ask Vainamoinen for some English lessons bud.
Not everyone here speaks perfect English and people like you who make fun of that discourages people from posting. I also believe it's against the rules to ridicule people for this.
This is an international forum with a VERY high percentage of non-Native speakers of English, and it also hosts a lot of sight impaired community members using text to speech technology for posting, including one moderatrice.
my bad i missed out the punctuation and some words. i am english and was in a rush to post as kettle was on..
You love to entice those who have less than 1000 posts.... Why? Just blank them, even if you are right/wrong, it will just increase the whining both parties make some good statements let's just leave it at that and pray the game will come soon before people start getting killed
if people are nice and constructive it's fine, but get all pissy and up in peoples faces with stupid baseless crap, thinking they know better than everyone else, different story...
I can't believe how much defense there is towards TT's behaviour in the deployment of this game. When someone makes good points about not getting a product as promised and paid for, a lot of people come back with 'it's just a game and get over it, or stop being impatient'. They said around the middle of the month for episode 3, the middle is come and gone by 3 days and we still don't have another word on it. It's just unfathomable that they don't give more info. I like CiscoKidd, I think he's hitting the nail right on the head with his posts.
Vainamoinen is currently blowing my mind, when I started lurking on here he seemed like a pretty intelligent guy. I sure hope TT is paying him for defending them on here because it's at the cost of his own dignity. When he snapped at Ciscokidd first big rant post, accusing him of instigating conspiracy theorys, I lost all respect. The kidd was just expressing his thoughts, offering some plausible explanation for the delay. He may be right, you don't know, his evidence may not be rock solid but considering we're all on the otherside of the proverbial brick wall, that is all any of us have to go by. Also when the kid posted TT's PR contact info and Vainamoinen belittles that saying it will slow production of the game if everyone emails TT. That might be the stupidest thing he's said on here, I know it comes from a place of anger and frustration but dang, that's what the email addresses are there for, I mean you don't believe that Vainamoinen, do you?
I've been wanting to express my opinion on this God-awful game launch, but I felt most of points were pretty well expressed by CiscoKidd and others. Some of them may be upset and come off as irrational at times to those of you are patient enough to wait many monthes for something you paid for in advance, but I consider those points to be mute. What TT is doing here is wrong, wrong wrong, but pawn customers excusing it is unbelievable, you paid too, you should be pissed.
At the very least TT should offer a refund, I'm sure glad I didn't pay for it, I'll tell you that. That's all for me.
It is eery the way they seem to be fawning over TellTale. They also come back with "if you want a quality product" when it is brought up that these episodes were supposed to be released monthly. If TellTale employees continuosly cannot meet the deadline and put out a quality product at the same time, then as with most other employers, they should be replaced. But that is what happens when you are coddled throughout your life, "everyone gets a trophy"-'did something wrong' "don't worry great job anyway".
It is eery the way they seem to be fawning over TellTale. They also come back with "if you want a quality product" when it is brought up that these episodes were supposed to be released monthly. If TellTale employees continuosly cannot meet the deadline and put out a quality product at the same time, then as with most other employers, they should be replaced. But that is what happens when you are coddled throughout your life, "everyone gets a trophy"-'did something wrong' "don't worry great job anyway".
Nooooooooo I dont want to wait more days or weeks.. I want it NOW!!!
Release it early, unfinished with glitches and all because I want to play it then I can come back here and flame TTG for and inferior product.
i don't understand apologist like you
if they can't stick to their own schedule, why schedule it as monthly to begin with? i don't even get why this game wasn't 60% complete before it was released. at present, these "monthly releases" will end in 2013.
if they can't stick to their own schedule, why schedule it as monthly to begin with? i don't even get why this game wasn't 60% complete before it was released. at present, these "monthly releases" will end in 2013.
you don't understand what? a joke? sarcasm?
*perhap's I should include disclaimers with my post's so people stop taking them so seriously or out of context*
Not really.. The amount of people complaining on here is very minimal compared to the amount of people who bought the game. So actually that logic is spot on.
Also, there are 443,239 members on this board. If only 1/8 (aiming low I believe) of those members are here for The Walking Dead game then that would make about 55,404 people here because they want info on The Walking Dead. You really think that the people complaining make up the majority?
Not really.. The amount of people complaining on here is very minimal compared to the amount of people who bought the game. So actually that logic is spot on.
Also, there are 443,239 members on this board. If only 1/8 (aiming low I believe) of those members are here for The Walking Dead game then that would make about 55,404 people here because they want info on The Walking Dead. You really think that the people complaining make up the majority?
Again, terrible logic. You can't take registered forum members as the denominator.
If that doesn't make sense, I'll be clear: I was referring to in this thread and the episode 2 version of this thread, not everyone that bought the game or even everyone on this forum.
What I've seen across the forum over episode debacle 2 and 3 is dozens and dozens of people (hundreds if you count all the deleted posts) presenting objective facts about things that have been done and can't be argued about and venting about their feelings about these events versus 5 or 6 people with 9000+ posts telling them they're wrong. This is funny and frustrating at the same time, though I've seen one in particular notice the folly in this and switch to the dark side. That was rather satisfying.
There's a huge grey area of people that are on the fence "oh they messed up but I don't mind waiting" I wasn't talking about them in my initial statement.
Also, I'll just throw it out there that anyone whos opinion is that telltale has handled this entire release in a manner that is acceptable or professional while fully aware of the long chain of lies and broken promises needs to stay away from an entrepreneurship career.
Your comments would be vaild if I were actually complaining.
the part about Clem with the sundae was meant to show the Clem complained even when she got food. the part about me wanting the option to knock her upside the head was a joke.
I made no complaints what so ever actually!
It was all meant to simply show that no matter what may happen, people will find a way to complain.
Here's a complaint for you.. I don't like how on the forum's, some people cant read text and pick-up on sarcasm or take thing said out of context :rolleyes:
Erm... I got that, 'complain' was quotational for a reason.
The point I (clearly poorly) tried to make was that not everyone is complaining, and that commenting on something you would like to see in the game/changed/removed ect isn't complaining.
I can't believe how much defense there is towards TT's behaviour in the deployment of this game. When someone makes good points about not getting a product as promised and paid for, a lot of people come back with 'it's just a game and get over it, or stop being impatient'. They said around the middle of the month for episode 3, the middle is come and gone by 3 days and we still don't have another word on it. It's just unfathomable that they don't give more info. I like CiscoKidd, I think he's hitting the nail right on the head with his posts.
Vainamoinen is currently blowing my mind, when I started lurking on here he seemed like a pretty intelligent guy. I sure hope TT is paying him for defending them on here because it's at the cost of his own dignity. When he snapped at Ciscokidd first big rant post, accusing him of instigating conspiracy theorys, I lost all respect. The kidd was just expressing his thoughts, offering some plausible explanation for the delay. He may be right, you don't know, his evidence may not be rock solid but considering we're all on the otherside of the proverbial brick wall, that is all any of us have to go by. Also when the kid posted TT's PR contact info and Vainamoinen belittles that saying it will slow production of the game if everyone emails TT. That might be the stupidest thing he's said on here, I know it comes from a place of anger and frustration but dang, that's what the email addresses are there for, I mean you don't believe that Vainamoinen, do you?
I've been wanting to express my opinion on this God-awful game launch, but I felt most of points were pretty well expressed by CiscoKidd and others. Some of them may be upset and come off as irrational at times to those of you are patient enough to wait many monthes for something you paid for in advance, but I consider those points to be mute. What TT is doing here is wrong, wrong wrong, but pawn customers excusing it is unbelievable, you paid too, you should be pissed.
At the very least TT should offer a refund, I'm sure glad I didn't pay for it, I'll tell you that. That's all for me.
Thanks for the support. I'm thinking is leaving the forum. I'm getting bashed around like crazy by some.
The Kidd's understood what I was talking about. You didn't.
I do understand. I just don't think that's what I did. And I certainly did not mean for everyone to spam TTG over BS. But yes I feel as a paying customer my thoughts are just as valid as any other paying customer.
Originally Posted by CiscoKidd81
If your truly upset over the situation and would like to contact TTG here is their information from the TTG website.
For technical support or compatibility issues with any of our games or assistance with product activation or purchases.
Sure. Why don't we all spam Telltale's communication channels with useless shit. The episode is sure to come so much faster if customer service has its hands full repeating that the episode was submitted to Sony and Microsoft and they're waiting to hear from them.
Release date discussion goes in the release date thread. As the discussion has obviously amalgamated with the original topic of this thread, I'm going to close this one.
Well have been checking in to see when episode's may be released and didn't think I would sign up. I read many of the threads and have been very patient. I get it, sometimes things don't go as planned. But I had to register after reading this moderator's response to a thread. Moderator's name is Vainamoinen*. Useless shit how arogant. When you buy a product and are having a problem you call costumer service/support. I/we believe there is a problem. I was not really to annoyed about the delay until I read your, at best disrespectful post to the paying Costumer's that come to this forum for answers so we don't have to as you put it, “Why don't we all spam Telltale's communication channels with useless shit. The episode is sure to come so much faster if customer service has its hands full repeating that the episode was submitted to Sony and Microsoft and they're waiting to hear from them.” You as a moderator should know and have a little more respect and be above the petty bull that can be on the forums. Cursing and telling paying costumers it isn't ok to contact the company about their product that they are having a problem with is ridiculous. With that being said it would be nice to have a little info on about how long it takes Sony and Microsoft to make the approval not some stupid statistic video. We have all seen the statistic's. I will say that the game is great and I am one of the lucky few playing on the pc that hasn't had to deal with to many bugs. I believe that the rest of the episodes will be great as well. It is not the wait that gets me it is the lack of costumer service/support and now moderator responses that do!
Thanks Corpse.
"Actually I tried doing the multiple quote thing on my iPad but it does not seem to work."
It would be awesome if people here were Nintendo fans. The rage would be glorious.
Edit: Or even better, Valve.
I had one of the first ones. The old Nintendo box where you would insert this gray cartridge and push down. Games were a bunch easier when there was just a A and B button....
Man, this thread has become impossible to follow and annoying. And funny enough, the guy who doesn't speak English is the only one I can understand. Everyone else is just spewing nonsense and making such illogical assumptions that would make Aristotle rise from his grave to kick them in the face.
So what did the poll teach us , hardly anyone can agree on an actual date because TT are so unreliable and random with their info that one mans guess is as good as anothers . And then we have the crowd (21%) who think this game wont manage to raise its head until "Later!! Much later! Hell freeze and stuff!!" , thats a real smelly rep youre holding there TT , you may have got me with this Walking Dead because its so good but I'll think twice about being roped in by anything else you do
thats a real smelly rep youre holding there TT , you may have got me with this Walking Dead because its so good but I'll think twice about being roped in by anything else you do
Please. The game has been delayed too long. I want to die. Help me.
So what did the poll teach us , hardly anyone can agree on an actual date because TT are so unreliable and random with their info that one mans guess is as good as anothers . And then we have the crowd (21%) who think this game wont manage to raise its head until "Later!! Much later! Hell freeze and stuff!!" , thats a real smelly rep youre holding there TT , you may have got me with this Walking Dead because its so good but I'll think twice about being roped in by anything else you do
You registered to post that? Really? I gotta quit reading this thread.
TTG said on facebook today, "Enjoy some weekend reading, and stay tuned right here for important news and announcements in the very near future!" I said that I hope the important news is that they have a release date, and that the very near future is next week! lol
TTG said on facebook today, "Enjoy some weekend reading, and stay tuned right here for important news and announcements in the very near future!" I said that I hope the important news is that they have a release date, and that the very near future is next week! lol
TTG said on facebook today, "Enjoy some weekend reading, and stay tuned right here for important news and announcements in the very near future!" I said that I hope the important news is that they have a release date, and that the very near future is next week! lol
I completely agree with fiddlydee and crisco.This is absolutely terrible. I never get enraged over video games, or lack there of (except FIFA ofcourse) but this is so bad its actually funny. It has gotten to the point where the moral thing to do would be to give it free.
NOW before everyone and mods start hating on me and claiming how wrong i am, let me clarify. The consumer is paying 5 dollars per episode, an episode that lasts maybe a half hr to 45 min. I am not trashing telltale but the common courtesy thing to do in which throughout my life many companies have done is that when they do not come through on their word OR in general take a much longer than needed time per episode they would give it free to its "loyal" customers.
if episode three comes out in august I will most certainly buy it, but if this prolongs into september... i cant imagine what fan will or should stay loyal to this game. once again no disrespect to TT but really cmon now
I completely agree with fiddlydee and crisco.This is absolutely terrible. I never get enraged over video games, or lack there of (except FIFA ofcourse) but this is so bad its actually funny. It has gotten to the point where the moral thing to do would be to give it free.
NOW before everyone and mods start hating on me and claiming how wrong i am, let me clarify. The consumer is paying 5 dollars per episode, an episode that lasts maybe a half hr to 45 min. I am not trashing telltale but the common courtesy thing to do in which throughout my life many companies have done is that when they do not come through on their word OR in general take a much longer than needed time per episode they would give it free to its "loyal" customers.
if episode three comes out in august I will most certainly buy it, but if this prolongs into september... i cant imagine what fan will or should stay loyal to this game. once again no disrespect to TT but really cmon now
I don't see any such examples of games...unless you count some, albeit rare, indie-developed games that are small-scale and end up being tossed from people to people for little to no cost. Otherwise, giving a game or software away for free completely kills the point and definition of the key word here: sale. To sell is to give something away for a price and profit, not for free and without charge. IMHO, only foolish and desperate people would resort to such things rather than either get support from others or try different sales approaches.
I don't see any such examples of games...unless you count some, albeit rare, indie-developed games that are small-scale and end up being tossed from people to people for little to no cost. Otherwise, giving a game or software away for free completely kills the point and definition of the key word here: sale. To sell is to give something away for a price and profit, not for free and without charge. IMHO, only foolish and desperate people would resort to such things rather than either get support from others or try different sales approaches.
As I am not an avid gamer, i only play cod and fifa, i will be honest when i say i cant give you a video game example. however, i think everyone knows what i am trying to say. I could state random examples throughout my life that paralell but it would be just awkward and well... random. like i said, id be willing to pay for the episode, i dont want that fact being undermined i was just saying it is basic logic and courtesy for a company especially who , lets face it isnt making extremly significant profit on the realease of this episode to just give SOME compensation for not realeasing a "monthly" episode in what? 2 months?
Hi, guys. I just noticed one of the chapters in episode 3 is called 'Woodbury Bound'. The looks like it means that we'll not only lose Lilly soon, but Lee could butt heads with the Governor.
I'd say someone else has already pointed this out, eh? Can't read through 36 pages of history.
I'm not part of this discussion, but unlike what someone said next, this doesn't happen to just small indie devs.
For exemple, Google's Nexus Q sold for 300$ has been postponed for a few months. To apologize Google didn't charge any of the those who pre-ordered it and gave them a free unit, before the product even hit the stores. A 300$ free gift.
Square enix has been giving away months of game time for free to apologize for FFXIV problems. I've also seen it done on Everquest and Wow.
Sony has given 10 free games after the hack fiasco, again as an apology.
Well it happens, I'm not saying Telltalegame should do it though. it is frustrating, but hopefully with the great sells of The Walking dead franchise, they'll do better in the futur .
Man, this thread has become impossible to follow and annoying. And funny enough, the guy who doesn't speak English is the only one I can understand. Everyone else is just spewing nonsense and making such illogical assumptions that would make Aristotle rise from his grave to kick them in the face.
Aristotle and games....makes sense. :P maybe the walking dead could relate to on sleep and sleeplessness (living and walkers?) hahaha or the longevity of the stresses of life? (the forums) lolololololol but lets leave greek philosophers/writers out of this please....
Also saying that everyone is spewing nonsense is a bit over the top....most people are irritated by the fact that tt are keeping so quiet, if they just said something more than 'maybe mid late august/september' the community would be alot happier, its easy enough to do. But they dont even apologise about it, even if they are in the right (games are a complicated process, they are taking time to make sure the game is of highest quality) isnt there an age old saying 'the customer is always right.' Anyways like ive said many times, im not to bothered about the wait because theres plenty to do in the meantime, its just the fact we are kept in the dark than most game releases.
so excuse me for having an off day..
looking at you posts your not exactly much better..
The acute minority are the ones making terrible arguments that everything is being handled properly.
Not everyone here speaks perfect English and people like you who make fun of that discourages people from posting. I also believe it's against the rules to ridicule people for this.
This is an international forum with a VERY high percentage of non-Native speakers of English, and it also hosts a lot of sight impaired community members using text to speech technology for posting, including one moderatrice.
You love to entice those who have less than 1000 posts.... Why? Just blank them, even if you are right/wrong, it will just increase the whining
if people are nice and constructive it's fine, but get all pissy and up in peoples faces with stupid baseless crap, thinking they know better than everyone else, different story...
"In the coming weeks"
Thanks, TT. ^.^
It is eery the way they seem to be fawning over TellTale. They also come back with "if you want a quality product" when it is brought up that these episodes were supposed to be released monthly. If TellTale employees continuosly cannot meet the deadline and put out a quality product at the same time, then as with most other employers, they should be replaced. But that is what happens when you are coddled throughout your life, "everyone gets a trophy"-'did something wrong' "don't worry great job anyway".
What happened to a good work ethic ?
Yep.... Eery
TT 4 Life Bro
if they can't stick to their own schedule, why schedule it as monthly to begin with? i don't even get why this game wasn't 60% complete before it was released. at present, these "monthly releases" will end in 2013.
you don't understand what? a joke? sarcasm?
*perhap's I should include disclaimers with my post's so people stop taking them so seriously or out of context*
The game sold over 1.5m times, from that number only a handfull of ppl are complaining all the fucking time in every thread they can find.
That is some terrible logic
Also, there are 443,239 members on this board. If only 1/8 (aiming low I believe) of those members are here for The Walking Dead game then that would make about 55,404 people here because they want info on The Walking Dead. You really think that the people complaining make up the majority?
Again, terrible logic. You can't take registered forum members as the denominator.
If that doesn't make sense, I'll be clear: I was referring to in this thread and the episode 2 version of this thread, not everyone that bought the game or even everyone on this forum.
What I've seen across the forum over episode debacle 2 and 3 is dozens and dozens of people (hundreds if you count all the deleted posts) presenting objective facts about things that have been done and can't be argued about and venting about their feelings about these events versus 5 or 6 people with 9000+ posts telling them they're wrong. This is funny and frustrating at the same time, though I've seen one in particular notice the folly in this and switch to the dark side. That was rather satisfying.
There's a huge grey area of people that are on the fence "oh they messed up but I don't mind waiting" I wasn't talking about them in my initial statement.
Also, I'll just throw it out there that anyone whos opinion is that telltale has handled this entire release in a manner that is acceptable or professional while fully aware of the long chain of lies and broken promises needs to stay away from an entrepreneurship career.
The point I (clearly poorly) tried to make was that not everyone is complaining, and that commenting on something you would like to see in the game/changed/removed ect isn't complaining.
Thanks for the support. I'm thinking is leaving the forum. I'm getting bashed around like crazy by some.
I do understand. I just don't think that's what I did. And I certainly did not mean for everyone to spam TTG over BS. But yes I feel as a paying customer my thoughts are just as valid as any other paying customer.
Thanks Corpse.
"Actually I tried doing the multiple quote thing on my iPad but it does not seem to work."
Edit: Or even better, Valve.
I had one of the first ones. The old Nintendo box where you would insert this gray cartridge and push down. Games were a bunch easier when there was just a A and B button....
Please. The game has been delayed too long. I want to die. Help me.
You registered to post that? Really? I gotta quit reading this thread.
That's cool. Thanks for the update.
link? i dont see that post anywhere
NOW before everyone and mods start hating on me and claiming how wrong i am, let me clarify. The consumer is paying 5 dollars per episode, an episode that lasts maybe a half hr to 45 min. I am not trashing telltale but the common courtesy thing to do in which throughout my life many companies have done is that when they do not come through on their word OR in general take a much longer than needed time per episode they would give it free to its "loyal" customers.
if episode three comes out in august I will most certainly buy it, but if this prolongs into september... i cant imagine what fan will or should stay loyal to this game. once again no disrespect to TT but really cmon now
Can you please provide a few examples?
I don't see any such examples of games...unless you count some, albeit rare, indie-developed games that are small-scale and end up being tossed from people to people for little to no cost. Otherwise, giving a game or software away for free completely kills the point and definition of the key word here: sale. To sell is to give something away for a price and profit, not for free and without charge. IMHO, only foolish and desperate people would resort to such things rather than either get support from others or try different sales approaches.
As I am not an avid gamer, i only play cod and fifa, i will be honest when i say i cant give you a video game example. however, i think everyone knows what i am trying to say. I could state random examples throughout my life that paralell but it would be just awkward and well... random. like i said, id be willing to pay for the episode, i dont want that fact being undermined i was just saying it is basic logic and courtesy for a company especially who , lets face it isnt making extremly significant profit on the realease of this episode to just give SOME compensation for not realeasing a "monthly" episode in what? 2 months?
I'd say someone else has already pointed this out, eh? Can't read through 36 pages of history.
you were able to complete an episode in half an hour?
It took me about 2 hours on each episode.
I'm not part of this discussion, but unlike what someone said next, this doesn't happen to just small indie devs.
For exemple, Google's Nexus Q sold for 300$ has been postponed for a few months. To apologize Google didn't charge any of the those who pre-ordered it and gave them a free unit, before the product even hit the stores. A 300$ free gift.
Square enix has been giving away months of game time for free to apologize for FFXIV problems. I've also seen it done on Everquest and Wow.
Sony has given 10 free games after the hack fiasco, again as an apology.
Well it happens, I'm not saying Telltalegame should do it though. it is frustrating, but hopefully with the great sells of The Walking dead franchise, they'll do better in the futur
Aristotle and games....makes sense. :P maybe the walking dead could relate to on sleep and sleeplessness (living and walkers?) hahaha or the longevity of the stresses of life? (the forums) lolololololol but lets leave greek philosophers/writers out of this please....
Also saying that everyone is spewing nonsense is a bit over the top....most people are irritated by the fact that tt are keeping so quiet, if they just said something more than 'maybe mid late august/september' the community would be alot happier, its easy enough to do. But they dont even apologise about it, even if they are in the right (games are a complicated process, they are taking time to make sure the game is of highest quality) isnt there an age old saying 'the customer is always right.' Anyways like ive said many times, im not to bothered about the wait because theres plenty to do in the meantime, its just the fact we are kept in the dark than most game releases.