Episode 3 release dates: PSN NA, XBOX, PC/MAC out NOW, Steam Aug 29th (by 6pm PDT)!



  • edited August 2012
    steam usually doesn't release this late, unless it's their own product, maybe they'll make an exception, but i think we're done here for today.

    Exactly, we won't get it until tomorrow...
  • edited August 2012
    kev0587 wrote: »
    i'm sure this has probably been said a million times, but i just have to post my thoughts about it.
    valve wouldn't allow this

  • edited August 2012
    its 945 est wheres my game :(
  • edited August 2012
    well, i start to think that i shoul indeed blame steam, this is like left for dead 2 add on, also everyone else is managing to release the download
  • edited August 2012
    It's being delayed because the guys at steam are too busy playing episode three and laughing at us as we jump around like a bunch of lemmings.
  • edited August 2012
    I can quite comfortably say that TellTale is a massive let down. The worst thing is we will need to put up with this crap another two times.

    Screw it if they plan to make a season 2.

    In my opinion I think they delay these episodes to try and show it off at gaming conventions which delays the episode a massive amount depending on the date of the convention. Let alone it makes TTG look stuck up. Seriously TTG you aren't that great. I'm only here is because you have my money and I don't have what I paid for.

    If anyone took their job seriously they would still be in the office till they knew everyone was downloading the game. Most people do over time to make sure a product is finished. These guys seem to do it to make some quick money.
  • edited August 2012
    So ummm....

    Super Crate Box anyone?
  • edited August 2012
    Hey guys,crazy idea! How about we blame no one! I mean things like this happen. At least we know we're gonna get it sooner or later. No later than tomorrow.
  • edited August 2012
    Sharro wrote: »
    well, i start to think that i shoul indeed blame steam, this is like left for dead 2 add on, also everyone else is managing to release the download
    How can you really blame Steam though? One of TTG's jobs is to know the guidelines of the platform they are releasing to. Why would you blame Steam? TTG had ALL DAY to release this, it was ready.

    This is just simple incompetence and insincerity by a company losing credibility by the minute.

    I am patient and can wait until tomorrow. But as a consumer this has to be one of the worst companies (in Any industry) i have ever seen as far as customer service and relations. Sometimes it feels like they do it intentionally for their own personal inside jokes.
  • edited August 2012
    tell tale if u do not release the episode in the next 5 minutes im seriously going to keep refeshing this page for the next hour..

    u have been warned
  • edited August 2012
    So where is my game and why this delay? I've been pretty reasonable about this and I would just like some answers as to why another time was posted, busted, and not a word is being said.

    As for this being Valve's fault I don't blame them because this is outside their normal update window. It shouldn't be their fault if a developer waits until the end of the day on the west coast to try pushing a game through. Again this is something you think about before you open your mouth and tell your paying customers when they can expect to get the product you already took their money. That's why I'm mostly annoyed is because I've already paid and I've been waiting all this time.

    So what is the hold up now? I just want my game and some answers. Next time I'm definitely not going PC with Telltale because this is just ridiculous to me. I get that delays happen but in this day and age with how connected everyone is giving us a little update and letting us know they are taking care of us would go a long way than what we're dealing with.
  • edited August 2012
    mariosonic wrote: »
    Hey guys,crazy idea! How about we blame no one! I mean things like this happen. At least we know we're gonna get it sooner or later. No later than tomorrow.
    I wish i could tell my landlord that
  • edited August 2012
    mariosonic wrote: »
    Hey guys,crazy idea! How about we blame no one! I mean things like this happen. At least we know we're gonna get it sooner or later. No later than tomorrow.

    I agree.

    Anyone who hasn't lost hope at this point is completely and utterly insane.

    No point in worrying about it.

    It'll be here sooner or later.
  • edited August 2012
    d_cover wrote: »
    I can quite comfortably say that TellTale is a massive let down. The worst thing is we will need to put up with this crap another two times.

    Screw it if they plan to make a season 2.

    In my opinion I think they delay these episodes to try and show it off at gaming conventions which delays the episode a massive amount depending on the date of the convention. Let alone it makes TTG look stuck up. Seriously TTG you aren't that great. I'm only here is because you have my money and I don't have what I paid for.

    If anyone took their job seriously they would still be in the office till they knew everyone was downloading the game. Most people do over time to make sure a product is finished. These guys seem to do it to make some quick money.

    Honestly, I can cut TTG some slack for the overall issues; multi-platform distribution is a new game to them, and they're only doing their best to polish the games to as perfect a sheen as they can manage before distributing them. They want their products to speak for themselves, and let's be honest - in a year's time (assuming the season is finished by then, ahurhur), will any of us still be that upset that it took so long to get an episode out of 'em? I highly doubt it. What we'll remember, for the most part, is how excellent the games were.

    Now, I'm not going to cut Valve a damn bit of slack. If the game is released on every single platform besides Steam already, this is Valve's fault, and we all know it.
  • edited August 2012
    I bought a season pass through the website and now my computer locks up at the main loading screen.

    Can't even get to the screen to download episode 3 -- have to reboot my Mac every time since it just sits on the load screen with the ticker at the top.
  • edited August 2012
    anomie wrote: »

    Can I just point out that those are Valve's own products not those of Telltale or any other developer.
  • edited August 2012
    kejigoto wrote: »
    So where is my game and why this delay? I've been pretty reasonable about this and I would just like some answers as to why another time was posted, busted, and not a word is being said.

    As for this being Valve's fault I don't blame them because this is outside their normal update window. It shouldn't be their fault if a developer waits until the end of the day on the west coast to try pushing a game through. Again this is something you think about before you open your mouth and tell your paying customers when they can expect to get the product you already took their money. That's why I'm mostly annoyed is because I've already paid and I've been waiting all this time.

    So what is the hold up now? I just want my game and some answers. Next time I'm definitely not going PC with Telltale because this is just ridiculous to me. I get that delays happen but in this day and age with how connected everyone is giving us a little update and letting us know they are taking care of us would go a long way than what we're dealing with.

    if origin has esp 3 you think steam wouldn't put it out at the same time its steam not TTG
  • edited August 2012
    mariosonic wrote: »
    Hey guys,crazy idea! How about we blame no one! I mean things like this happen. At least we know we're gonna get it sooner or later. No later than tomorrow.

    See it's because of people like you that France fell to Germany in WWII :p
  • edited August 2012
    ReliusBlue wrote: »
    I agree.

    Anyone who hasn't lost hope at this point is completely and utterly insane.

    No point in worrying about it.

    It'll be here sooner or later.

    While I agree with the idea we should also be told what's going on. They are the ones who promised the release it wasn't guessing like the previous dates.
  • edited August 2012
    d_cover wrote: »
    I'm only here is because you have my money and I don't have what I paid for.

    If anyone took their job seriously they would still be in the office till they knew everyone was downloading the game. Most people do over time to make sure a product is finished. These guys seem to do it to make some quick money.

    behedemal wrote: »
    How can you really blame Steam though? One of TTG's jobs is to know the guidelines of the platform they are releasing to. Why would you blame Steam? TTG had ALL DAY to release this, it was ready.

    This is just simple incompetence and insincerity by a company losing credibility by the minute.

    And this.
  • edited August 2012
    egesagin wrote: »
    What do you think they do? It's a collection of files which are uploaded to a distributor. And as for their own system, they "click" and make the files "available" for download. Do you think they're coding the game now? Geez! Don't overrate the work they do on release date. Most companies get it done and uploaded days ago and just set it to be available at a certain time.

    It's not instantaneous though. They can't just upload the files and just waltz away. They have to watch it, double check eveything, make sure the process runs smoothly. Who knows how long it takes...
  • edited August 2012
    See it's because of people like you that France fell to Germany in WWII :p

    Yeah but France gouged Germany for it for years. They got their due.
  • edited August 2012
    NintendoBoy, that's why they should have done that days ago when they told all the gaming websites and magazines that they have "allegedly" finished the product and told the distributors so they were trying to set a release date. And here we are...
  • edited August 2012
    See it's because of people like you that France fell to Germany in WWII :p


    "Pourquoi combattre n'importe qui?"
  • edited August 2012
    So the PC users had to wait for PSN n Xbox to get their BS certificates, and topped off, TT took Sony's and Microsoft's money to release it before PC users. Lovely.
  • edited August 2012
    Whenever I see a bunch of gamers outraged on the internet about a game they're excited to play but man-baby angry about some part of it, I think of this.

  • edited August 2012
    Remember when episode 2 launched ps3 users had to wait a extra 2 days and they didn't mind too much, and it was even broken at launch?

    I'm really, honestly shedding tears to all the entitled Steam children on the forums, please, keep making lawsuits that will never happen, please, keep demanding more refunds because it's not exactly on time right when you want it, and please, keep calling telltale greedy and coming up with bullshit theories that you know are made up on the spot. It's hilarious.

    Edit: I'm tempted to clip together a bunch of posts and edit babies all over the image; because it about sums it up. Or maybe just a big tag that says "idiots" on it.
  • edited August 2012
    LOL ^ this...more so because..this is really an interactive pop up book than a game. Here's a good scenario for patience..I've been waiting for a game to come out..that is finally coming out in Feb. - Since reading the comics back in like 92 and was pissed off that a 12 series comic book was dropped to just ten issues...anyone know what game? This comic book also had an ad about a movie that didn't come out for about a decade later...which had to be the worst peice of shit created...anymore hints needed?

    Aliens: Colonial Marines ?
  • edited August 2012
    Origin has all 3 episodes ready for download. In the future, I will be buying games through Origin instead of steam if I have the choice. It must be something steam specific
  • edited August 2012
    As much as I would like to let it slide since I am calm. They say monthly release, then they say mid august. Then they say it is released. They are almost an hour late. As I previously said they should of compensated for the upload. School boy error.

    Plus you know in the morning they will bull shit us and say things went smoothly and it is a huge success on release.

    They can make a good game. But they suck a delivering it.

    It makes me question is it worth the wait when they take this long for a two hour game.
  • edited August 2012
    Sift wrote: »
    Remember when episode 2 launched ps3 users had to wait a extra 2 days and they didn't mind too much, and it was even broken at launch?

    I'm really, honestly shedding tears to all the entitled Steam children on the forums, please, keep making lawsuits that will never happen, please, keep demanding more refunds because it's not exactly on time right when you want it, and please, keep calling telltale greedy and coming up with bullshit theories that you know are made up on the spot. It's hilarious.

    Oh one of you people are here, trolls be trollin' folks! No one is that dumb.
  • edited August 2012
    Go away sift, you obviously are some xbox noob. Stop trolling/
  • edited August 2012
    We are entitled... we paid for a product and have not received it. How would you feel if you bought a $30 steak and were told you had to come the next day to eat it?
  • edited August 2012
    All I want is to play the game before I go to class tomorrow... Won't be back until around 6ish and I can't wait!!
  • edited August 2012
    Sift wrote: »
    Remember when episode 2 launched ps3 users had to wait a extra 2 days and they didn't mind too much, and it was even broken at launch?

    On PC Episode 2 launch I experienced 0 bugs.

    Edit: Wow, have I really posted 65 times today... O.o Yay! Senior Member!
  • edited August 2012
    Guy above me, the PS3 version on launch didn't let you import saves or boot episode 2 properly at all. Telltale had to rush to patch it for us. It wasn't anything major and only took a hour but still. Was exclusive to the console.
    Galdis wrote: »
    We are entitled... we paid for a product and have not received it. How would you feel if you bought a $30 steak and were told you had to come the next day to eat it?

    Exactly how I felt last month when I was told I'd have to wait two extra days to play what everyone else was playing. You're bad at logic bro

    Also lol I'm talking about the ps3 and someone called me a xbox noob; great trains of thought here.
  • edited August 2012
    I'm a steam user, and uh... Yeah, Not mad, just waiting :P Been playin' games, hanging out with friends, had a good laugh today with a whole guessing game with my buddy about what could happen.

    Have fun playing the game when it comes out guys! I'll be playing something else while I wait! Cheers!
  • edited August 2012
    Oh hey there 7pm pdt! How ya doing bro
  • edited August 2012
    Sift wrote: »
    Remember when episode 2 launched ps3 users had to wait a extra 2 days and they didn't mind too much, and it was even broken at launch?

    The PC to PS3 ratio is probably along the lines of 20:1.
  • edited August 2012
    d_cover wrote: »
    As much as I would like to let it slide since I am calm. They say monthly release, then they say mid august. Then they say it is released. They are almost an hour late. As I previously said they should of compensated for the upload. School boy error.

    Plus you know in the morning they will bull shit us and say things went smoothly and it is a huge success on release.

    They can make a good game. But they suck a delivering it.

    It makes me question is it worth the wait when they take this long for a two hour game.

    If you enjoy the game,then it's worth the wait. Just waiting shouldn't kill your enjoyment. I mean really. I understand an episode was supposed to be released each month,but 2 months isn't that bad. And now just a few more hours or so..Yeah,not bad at all.
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