I would just add the fact that the lack of influence of the player, the lack of choice and consequences uterly destroy the replayability of the two first. Nothing more to say
Am I the only person who doesn't hate Ben's guts? He's not a bad ass, and he's not the smartest fella either. The bandits outsmarted him, hit him where it hurts. They told him they had one of his classmates, maybe Ben thought he could save someone for a change instead of feeling so useless. And yes, I think it was shitty of him to lie to everyone and claim he didn't do it but he's a KID. When you were a kid and your mother was waiting for you with her belt in her hand ready to whoop the shit out of you, I know the last thing you wanted to do was admit you fucking did it! Yes, when Ben told me the truth I was really fucking pissed, his decisions made everything turn to shit but it just made me realize what a scared, naive kid he is.
I did not see the shooting coming, it was such a surprise! Carley was one of my favorite characters, BUT I think she wouldn't have gotten shot if she had just shut the fuck up. Seriously, she dug her own fucking grave. Cursing out someone who is unstable is just something you don't do! I'm not saying what Lilly did was right, but she obviously wasn't in the right state of mind, anyone could see that.
Let me just that Duck was never my favorite character, but when I saw he was bitten I just felt kind of hopeless. I mean, he was hope for the future, you know? The whole episode was just heart breaking over all.
I'm not so crazy about the new characters, but as someone previously stated I think Omid and Christa are expecting. And I'm pretty sure Clem's radio buddy is lying. From what I understood in the first episode her parents are dead. Besides, if her parents magically showed up where would that put Lee? I don't feel like dealing with that power struggle. If her parents were introduced to us, I feel like they would have some pretty shitty ideas we'd have to bear with because of Clem. If it came to an ultimatum between the boat and finding her parents, I'd pick the boat.
Also, I'd just like to say to everyone complaining about the lack of choice or whatever...shut the fuck up and get the fuck over it. Fucking idiots and their first world problems.
Hello there! I'm a first time forum user, Telltale customer, AND avid TWDG fan!
So..I'm not really here to ask a question as much as I am to, uhm-- make a statement / critique that could possibly be addressed. I would appreciate it if perhaps a Telltale employee just-so-happens to stumble upon this post and reads this.
I have been a huge fan of each and every episode. Love the characters. Love the plot, the twists--everything. That said...
When I played episode 3, I believe I can say on behalf of almost ALL the customers that I was dealt a huge emotional blow. What got me the most was
Katjaa's suicide.
However, I was more..say.. "confused" or maybe a tad bit disappointed to see her make such a drastic turn which would result in
her taking her own life.
I mean, it just seems all too uncharacteristic of Katjaa to suddenly just DO that. She always seem so calm and collected, even in the reality of unspeakable killing and tragedy abound. I can understand the emotional turmoil of the sudden reality of
her son's death.
I can understand that. She is a loving mother that is completely and utterly disheveled with the terms of
her own son's death.
But previous interaction and knowledge of Katjaa's personality and intentions wouldn't make me suspicious that she would warrant
her own suicide.
Her character bio describes her as blunt; I think that's a misconception. She seems more soft spoken to me.
I know this episode was meant to be dark. It was meant to be heavy. But...the sudden plot twists/ deaths/ decisions in the past episodes all made sense to me before in regards to the characters involved.. but this scene in particular kinda.. let me down. (Albeit still emotionally compelling!)
Maybe, it was, perhaps.. Telltale's idea of speeding along the plot line. I mean, Katjaa was a static character after all. Perhaps they could see no true use for her and decided this event would be the best way to cut her off from the story. You never had a true moment to actually get down and share some interactive dialog with Kat--and I can see why; the audience doesn't quite care too much for her it seems. She only seems beneficial in the respect of the bruised and wounded, and keeping Kenny from becoming unhinged in times of heated argument. (However I disagree. Keeping Kat around would give purpose and a sense of 'fullness' to the Kenny-family group, even IF
Duck is gone.
It just seems too much and too soon for Telltale to make a move like this. I mean--this WHOLE entire time Kenny's ENTIRE goal was to protect and keep who or what would be best interest for his family's safety. After the climax of episode 3, Kenny's drive is meaningless. All this pent up determination and will to 'stick with the plan' seems all for nothing now.
Telltale's goal is to put into the game that which is 'going too far' in regards to ideas for the story. But I don't think it's a wise decision to go too far as to have events or situations that would force characters out of their natural element. That's when it becomes 'too much' in regards to the authenticity of the characters and their values. If the future two episodes events follow the same contextual pattern as in episode 3--the story will just end up some as some bloody, Shakespearean tragedy. Which is...alright, I guess..in it's own right. But I would think that TWDG would be able to have more potential than that.
Or.. perhaps I'm just reading too much into this completely and over-analyzing this completely. But I couldn't help but get this off my back, and who better to spew this to than the Telltale forums itself. Sorry for the long post.
Hello there! I'm a first time forum user, Telltale customer, AND avid TWDG fan!
One thread is sufficient.
I do understand your attachment to the character, but Katjaa plainly said she loved their son more than life. I believe what she did was totally within character and at no point was she distraught. She calmly made a decision and carried it through.
But still. I would have hoped that she would stick with Ken for just a little while longer. And what I find strangest is...on my file, I volunteered to put Duck to rest. As I was explaining to Clementine that is when she committed suicide. However...I went ahead and let the white timer bar decrease to hear Kenny's sobs over his wife's lifeless body. He mentioned something along the lines that "she would do it".
Perhaps Kat took initiative while I was informing Clem...but still. A little disappointed. But I can't complain. I will be floored if Kenny dies. He's kinda what keeps the plot going.
Perhaps Kat took initiative while I was informing Clem...but still. A little disappointed. But I can't complain. I will be floored if Kenny dies. He's kinda what keeps the plot going.
If you don't volunteer, Kat does take the initiative and takes Duck into the forest, leaving Kenny with Lee. They hear the gunshot and go to get Katjaa.
If you saved Carley in ep. 1 and took her advice and confessed Lee's crimes to Katjaa in ep. 3, you know that Kenny had stopped confiding in Kat, he hadn't told her about Larry's death. That might make it more understandable?
Oh well, I had a feeling that the game is going downhill during the 2nd episode, but the 3rd one almost feels like B-movie.
I don't mind they killed Carley (well, actually, I do mind, but you know what I mean), but this episode really showed that I've been lied about how choices I make matter to the game.
I know Carley dies because they wanted to save the production time, that's also the reason why she almost does not show up during ep.2, but hey, how does my choice matter during that scene? I played through countless visual novels, for example and choices I make in these games affects the story much more than in TWG.
What adds to the confusion is the fact they killed the only character I liked through the entire game. I mean, Katja? She was almost non-existent through the story. Kenny? He's a whiner. Clem? She's fine, but she feels like somewhat undeveloped character (I know many will argue this). And now we get new female lead (what was her name?) who is not even likeable, and somewhat fun Omid.
And ep.3 has so many glitches to boot: invisible Duck, the train covers whiner after the dialogue with that hobo, then game freezes on the next scene... Oh well.
I mean... the ep.3 is simply what game shouldn't be. If I gave 9/10 to ep.1 and 7/10 to ep.2, I can only give as high as 5/10 to ep.3. And this 'story tailored by how you play' now looks like outward lie. I wish I lived in America, I'd sue TTG for false advertisement, really.
I wish they just quickly release a patch with new storylines (even if Carley/Doug dies in the end anyway). This happens all the time, and this would save TTG reputation.
On the topic of Omid and Christa...(well, first of all, Omid really annoys me. He doesn't even seemed attuned to what's going on. I don't think much of this couple...yet. I understand we just met them, but as far as first impressions go--I'm not thrilled.)
But..what struck me as odd was...their abnormal interest in kids.
Call me crazy...but...hear me out. We only have 2 episodes left. Episode 4 has a peaking interest in Clementine's parents whereabouts a LARGE decision to be made. But humor me for a second.
This is a young couple here, and well, they seem to like kids. Seem INTERESTED in them. And wont disclose any information as to really why they're here in the first place. What if they're looking to adopt Clementine?
Christa seemed wary and doubtful of Lee's guardianship over Clementine (however she did give him credit with the gun handling and all...but besides that) ...so perhaps maybe she thinks that Omid and her can do a better job?
I mean, how else would Telltale spare the lives of that couple than to preserve them for a option to have Clementine in the charge of a wholly couple?
(Yes yes, I know...Clementine probably wont like that idea at all...and what if her parents were actually alive and such...like I said, this is just a crazy speculation.)
i completely agree, since its tailored to how we play, there might aswell be a choice where you save carley or save ben. At least then i can feel comfortable with either of them dieing
Choice does not matter because nothing you can do in this episode would help to prevent any of the deaths at ALL. Carley so did not deserve it at all. Bring back Carley the only normal character in the group. :.(
When i first saw 'the story is tailored by how you play' (or something like that), i got really excited, i really thought that the player could have an impact on the game. Dont get me wrong, i LOVE the game, if it were to last a million seasons, i'd play it. But my post isnt about the game being good or bad, its about the 'choice&impact' issue. I have 3 save games, one which i play as i see fit, one which i support Kenny and one in which i support Lilly. So i play EVERY episode 3 times, with different choices and im sad to say that it changes almost 'nothing'. I mean yeah, people approach you differently but there's no way for the player to make an impact on the game that would make me say 'wow'. The game has a linear story and your choices only affect the person coming to save you, how people treat you and things like that. In episode 2, (spoiler) if you kill Larry, Kenny will come and save you, if you dont kill Larry then Lilly will come and save you, in ep1 if you choose daytime you see Chet, if not you see the police officer but NOTHING in the story changes, it's the same thing with a different skin. The only impacts i've seen were, (spoilers) the choice to leave Lilly on the road or not, and the choice in which if you save Carly, you get to tell people about your past in ep3. Do i get a chance to save Carly? NO. Can i prevent the police officer from hitting the zombie? NO. Do i get to run away with Lilly with the RV? NO, you have to ride that damn train, so why would it matter if i say Yes or No to Lilly? The changes are very small. If you save Doug, you see in ep2 that he's building an alarm system does it change anything? Again no. You save Carly and she comes to your rescue with a pistol, you save Doug and he comes to your rescue with a laser pointer. So the game only allows us to change incredibly small things, which have almost no impact on the story, if the game wants someone to die then they die no matter WHAT choice you choose, like when i tried countless times to save Shawn. Yes, it is a great game and i think all episodes so far have been excellent but they need to work on that 'choice&impact' issue (they certainly wont).
So I wish to directly address peoples feelings regarding the 'lack of choice' in this game.
Firstly, you need to realize your 'role' in this story.
It was never implied that you are the Director of The Walking Dead.
Telltale are directing this 'story' and ultimately they will lead it to its ultimate conclusion.
"We" are the protagonist, Lee, and therefore as such our "choices" will be more "confined".
Lee can only choose, change and, ultimately, affect things he is:
a) conscously aware of
b) has the time to actually affect.
Take Episode One for example.
In the Pharmacy Lee gets given a clear choice to either save Carley or Doug.
He has time to choose, albeit only one person, but he has time to actually choose something properly and it has an affect: one person lives, the other dies.
Because of that choice, one character is with us til Episode 3 while the other isn't.
That wasn't because we, as omnipotent overlord directors chose it, thats because we, as Lee, in that moment, chose that person.
Fast Forward to Episode Three,
to the controversially discussed "death of Carley/Doug at the hands of Lily".
Do you think if Lee actually knew Lily was going to pull a gun and blow Carley/Doug's face off, he'd just stand there and let it happen?
If one of your friends suddenly pulled a gun and without hesitation whatsoever shot another friend right in front of you, you'd have time to stop them?
Lily Snapped! Lee had no idea it was coming, and therefore as such, its a choice he couldn't make, and because we're Lee, neither can we!
Besides, if there -was- dialogue options allowing us to 'talk lily out of it', it would RUIN the moment because now we know 'somethings coming'.
Take Episode Two for example.
If we could have talked the St. Johns out of 'taking care of <that guy who got chopped up>' that would have raised questions to the player.
Why can we refuse their offer to help?
is there more to these people than letting on?
Should we have reason to distrust them?
That would start spoiling the "shock surprise ending" later on (for those of us who didnt see it coming ) if dialogue options started giving hints of distrust.
Also, Larry's Death!
We don't get to choose if Larry dies or not.
if you side with Lily, Kenny still kills him.
But even if kenny hadn't killed him, whos to say we could have 'saved him'?....
heartattacks a heartattack, and they can be fatal.
It's kinda up to Larry's body to pull through.
My whole point in all this is the choices you make can only be ones that you as Lee are:
1. first of all AWARE of in the first place.
he couldnt save Doug/Carley in Episode 3 because he didn't see it coming!
2. Also, even if he can make a choice, help Larry or side with Kenny in the meatlocker for example, we can only ever affect Lee.
there are outside forces to consider as well such as other peoples intentions and desires, and other surrounding circumstances and factors that are simply out of our control.
One man can't make that much of a difference!
We as players, we are playing THAT MAN, not THE DIRECTOR!
Look at this way. How many players would have saved Carley?
It's an easy choice!
She's a likeable character and a damn good shot!
But TWD is NOT about 'easy choices', its about the 'tough ones'.
So telltale didnt give you that choice, they in my opinion very cleverly took it away from you and instead gave you a better, tougher, more emotional one.
"Do you, as a player playing Lee, forgive Lily for what she's just done to your likeable character"
You may not like the fact you couldnt save Carley or Doug, but I can fully understand why Telltale made that decision.
The fact you couldn't save her, that you could only deal with the aftermath actually, for me at least, make the next choice(which you -can- make) all the more heavy.
Wow... once again, I was really really shocked from time to time. Great job Telltale!
Also, I like how people kept calling Duck "D.U.C.K." (Dumbass U Can't Kill) and in this episode you literally get to kill him in the most heartbreaking way possible.
yeah a big bug when they are next to the train at the beggining before we get it sorted, we don't see duck in his mother arms for a while, she's carrying an invisible duck
wanted to kill the walkers who attacked the women instead of put her out of his misery but i failed (not sure this was possible, perhaps someone did it?) so it said i've choose to let her alive and i didn't like to hear her crying while i was taking some stuff, will have to play again just to change this choice who wasn't really mine.. and kill her if i can't kill the walkers.. that would have been good to be able to save the game when we want so we can do it again in case of we did a choice we didn't want..
same for carley i didn't want her to be killed and would have like to say it was me but the time was running out and i press a choice i didn't want.. not sure it would have changed something either..
i don't know what impact will have our choices in the next episodes but we don't have a lot of time to choose and sometimes it's not what we really want, specially for people like me who are not english and need a bit of time to read and understand all options..
but again that was a great episode, i hope we won't have to wait too much for the next one this time...:(
1. I try to kill the walkers who attacked the women instead of put her out of his misery but i failed to ( I think this is not possible to do ). In the second save i put her out of his misery and Lee and Kenny got less time to get the stuff from the drugstore that´s it.
2. In the save with Carley i acuse Ben, but Lilly shoots Carley anyway ..In the save with Dough i still acuse Ben and after a bit of pressure he almost tell us he did it, but then Lilly try to shoot Ben and Dough pulls him out of the way and he was the one who got shot. If you tell Lilly that you do it, she still shoots Carley or Dough.
3. Im not english either and i need a bit of time to read and understand all options to. You can solve this small problem by using a Trainer that stops the time in most of the options, but i think it will not stop those fast options like the ones we have to make in cutting that guy leg.
This game is probably the best game this year (if not more years give or take).
This is the first heart gripping story I have experianced in a game since baldurs gate 2 or fallout 2 and even if I don't find it perfect, it is still miles ahead of every game this year. Are there things I don't like: yes, are there things i would have changed: yes, but thats the game, I sure haven't found a perfect game yet, and will probably never find one, but this one sure soars high!
Hope it will bring telltale alot of profit so more games just like this one can be made, and hopefully not just by one company.
OK guyes. As I see it, if you chose Carley, you get to tell people about your past, if you save Doug you get a fence. None of this are gonna have any real impact after we get on the train.
So for EP 4 it does not really look like the choices from one, two or tree will matter a lot. Ofcause we have clementine, who we are influencing a lot (It will proberly matter a lot in EP 5). But besides that we only have Kenny, who we have had any impact on with our choices. He is kind of sad at the moment and it does not look like it will make much difference, what he thinks of you anymore. None of the major choices we made seams to have a lot of impact on ben (he is proberly dead soon anywhere:))
Telltale better make episode 4 fucking worth it. It felt like Carly/Doug death was cheap and then Lilly just gets away. I thought i was making real choices. " Telling different stories with my friends" If they don't incorporate Lilly, Carly/Doug into episode 4, I'm going to fucking lose it with telltale. I want to make choices that actually changes how things go. Not just " oh this guy likes me but the other doesn't" and then the guy I go against has a grudge with me. This is just the same played out story with alternate scenes.
Christa is pregnant !!!!!!! that's why Omid got soooooo happy when he saw Clem
Because he realize that was possible to a kid survive the "apocalypse", and also thats why Chrsta was so interested in "get to know" Clem to see what she have been through !
So I wish to directly address peoples feelings regarding the 'lack of choice' in this game.
Firstly, you need to realize your 'role' in this story.
It was never implied that you are the Director of The Walking Dead.
Telltale are directing this 'story' and ultimately they will lead it to its ultimate conclusion.
"We" are the protagonist, Lee, and therefore as such our "choices" will be more "confined".
Lee can only choose, change and, ultimately, affect things he is:
a) conscously aware of
b) has the time to actually affect.
Take Episode One for example.
In the Pharmacy Lee gets given a clear choice to either save Carley or Doug.
He has time to choose, albeit only one person, but he has time to actually choose something properly and it has an affect: one person lives, the other dies.
Because of that choice, one character is with us til Episode 3 while the other isn't.
That wasn't because we, as omnipotent overlord directors chose it, thats because we, as Lee, in that moment, chose that person.
Fast Forward to Episode Three,
to the controversially discussed "death of Carley/Doug at the hands of Lily".
Do you think if Lee actually knew Lily was going to pull a gun and blow Carley/Doug's face off, he'd just stand there and let it happen?
If one of your friends suddenly pulled a gun and without hesitation whatsoever shot another friend right in front of you, you'd have time to stop them?
Lily Snapped! Lee had no idea it was coming, and therefore as such, its a choice he couldn't make, and because we're Lee, neither can we!
Besides, if there -was- dialogue options allowing us to 'talk lily out of it', it would RUIN the moment because now we know 'somethings coming'.
Take Episode Two for example.
If we could have talked the St. Johns out of 'taking care of <that guy who got chopped up>' that would have raised questions to the player.
Why can we refuse their offer to help?
is there more to these people than letting on?
Should we have reason to distrust them?
That would start spoiling the "shock surprise ending" later on (for those of us who didnt see it coming ) if dialogue options started giving hints of distrust.
Also, Larry's Death!
We don't get to choose if Larry dies or not.
if you side with Lily, Kenny still kills him.
But even if kenny hadn't killed him, whos to say we could have 'saved him'?....
heartattacks a heartattack, and they can be fatal.
It's kinda up to Larry's body to pull through.
My whole point in all this is the choices you make can only be ones that you as Lee are:
1. first of all AWARE of in the first place.
he couldnt save Doug/Carley in Episode 3 because he didn't see it coming!
2. Also, even if he can make a choice, help Larry or side with Kenny in the meatlocker for example, we can only ever affect Lee.
there are outside forces to consider as well such as other peoples intentions and desires, and other surrounding circumstances and factors that are simply out of our control.
One man can't make that much of a difference!
We as players, we are playing THAT MAN, not THE DIRECTOR!
Look at this way. How many players would have saved Carley?
It's an easy choice!
She's a likeable character and a damn good shot!
But TWD is NOT about 'easy choices', its about the 'tough ones'.
So telltale didnt give you that choice, they in my opinion very cleverly took it away from you and instead gave you a better, tougher, more emotional one.
"Do you, as a player playing Lee, forgive Lily for what she's just done to your likeable character"
You may not like the fact you couldnt save Carley or Doug, but I can fully understand why Telltale made that decision.
The fact you couldn't save her, that you could only deal with the aftermath actually, for me at least, make the next choice(which you -can- make) all the more heavy.
Good post. When i posted, i was sure someone would come and say these things:). You're right about the Carley issue, but that still leaves my 'same thing with a different skin' problem. Think about it this way, there's an individual (Carley&Doug) that has a path and that will do a certain thing. That individual will do the same thing whether it's Carley or Doug so it's the same individual, dressed with a Carley or Doug skin. As i wrote before, in episode 2, when you get to St.John's, Carley goes back with Ben, if you choose Doug then he goes back with Ben. Later, Doug, with a laser pointer or Carley, with a gun comes to your rescue and does the same thing. In episode 3, Carley or Doug gets shot by Lilly so it actually doesnt matter 'who' you save in episode 1, as they do the same thing. I mean wouldnt it have been great if Carley got shot if you saved her in episode 1 but if you saved Doug, Ben would've gotten shot instead of Doug and in one scenario you moved on with Ben, while in another scenario you moved on with Doug? No, the game doesnt allow that freedom. It can however, be argued by saying ' It's not the same thing with a different skin but it's how they would act and accidentaly Doug and Carley do the same things' but i think that's just cheap. Larry's death is okay but i think it'd have been interesting if we could've saved Shawn and Kenny would have to move on without his son. The scenario wouldnt have to change, but it would give me the feeling that i can have an impact on the game, saving Doug or Carley does NOT give me that feeling since, as i said before, they do the exact same things.
It IS mildly annoying that Doug/Carley are only "aesthetically different" and no matter who you choice, the other will just "behave" like the other would have, make the same "decisions" as the other would have, and ultimately die at the same point as the other would have.
My original post however was more aimed at the general feeling of annoyance that your actions and choices don't drastically or directly alter the story.
That's because as I said before your not the director of the game, and if you're thinking you are as you play, you're playing it wrong, you're Lee and will make more limited choices based around how you wish Lee to turn out.
You are right however that that doesn't excuse why Carley/Doug just end up being the same person.
I mean, I WAS hoping we'd all be screwed in Episode 2 at the end when its all going to hell and we're relying on Doug to save us.....
Nope, he managed!
Killing Carley with no way to actually save her is pretty damn lame, was the only real character I liked.
Thats the whole point!
Millions of players round the world would have easily chose to "save Carley" because shes the only likeable character.
The fact that she was killed off without any chance whatsoever is what:
a) makes it so dramatic and creates negative feelings (which is actually good, means you feel something)
b)is arguably the BEST bit of Episode 3!
Not because I hated Carley, opposite in fact, but if we could have chosen to 'save her' then, besides Duck being bitten and put out of his misery, not much would have happened in Episode 3.
Controversial as it was, it was pretty epic at the same time!
For the first time in the whole series so far, somebody has died who I GENUINELY care about, and just like real life, there wasn't anything I could do to stop it.
Course it sucks, but its also the single coolest thing telltale have done so far because the fact that we're all upset its happened and can't change things/bring her back is the whole point of what Telltale did and why they did it, and its proof that from a storytelling/game standpoint, it worked great!
Loved it. I hated Carley's death. Felt it was so unnecessary. I really liked her and I wanted her to be with Lee so much. I love the irony in the reporter dating the criminal she reported on (its hard to have an opinion about that). I like how accepting they were about his revealing his past. Media always makes you hate the criminals, which is fair, but sometimes (depending on the case), there is more to it than what is told/seen. I still want them to expand on what happened with him exactly, because I still feel a bit of discomfort, but its good. Really good.
I reconciled with Kenny (he hated me for chosing Lilly side when it came to her Dad), and felt my heart break seeing what happens to his family. He became human again for me.
All in all good, just hope for not another long wait.
I reconciled with Kenny (he hated me for chosing Lilly side when it came to her Dad), and felt my heart break seeing what happens to his family. He became human again for me.
All in all good, just hope for not another long wait.
But honestly, whose to say he wasn't human to begin with. I mean, he's a father. And as a father, his intention is to serve and protect his family, no matter what the cost is. (albeit they're dead now)
Yes, true, his actions and decisions are hasty and don't quite consider the rest of the per say 'team' / 'group' in them; but damn, it's survival. I can see Kenny as the type of guy who would go to the extreme, even if that considers bending the rules and his own moral fabric to get done what needs to get done and keep on going.
The fact he was so callous and in denial in episode 3 only goes to show how human he really is. He didn't WANT to accept the fact he son is dying. TRUST ME, I was pissed beyond all hell to see Kenny not pay Duck any real, true attention until the later half of the episode. Kenny's a proud man and father, and naturally he would have higher expectations upon his son and wife. Now is that fair? Well, no. Not to them it is, and his pride does need work. But that doesn't make him any less of a valuable group member and father.
I think Kenny is vastly misunderstood, that's all. In the end, the real mood of this game is survival. Not "who can I get to like me the most at the end of the day despite the situation." Of course Kenny would be frustrated if you don't side with him. He already has a set course of action most of the time; it's either that you're with him, or your not. And if you are with him 100%, he is a VERY loyal and valuable partner and friend through it all.
I'm sorry to chide, I really didn't mean to. I just can't seem to understand why people have such a bad view on Kenny. I think there's something respectable to be found within him, the fact he is a father figure and all (despite what has happened...really tragic.)
and he gets done what needs to get done, even IF his plans are not as well polished and tactful as compared to say...Lilly.
It may be just me but i'm starting to feel like the game is slowly killing almost everyone, so that it doesnt have to deal with the choices we made in previous episodes. I mean, Katjaa, Duck and Carley/Doug's deaths were very dramatic and excellent for the scenario and if the game made me feel that i can make an impact on the story (For example when Lilly asks you to run away with her, you can actually run away with her with the RV), i wouldnt feel like this. But because the game didnt give me the chance to have an impact(like i said before it doesnt have to change the story, you could've saved Shawn and Kenny would've had to move on without his son, the game could still take you to the train but you'd get the feeling that you CAN do things) and because the choices that make you change something (Doug&Carley) look like clones of each other, i feel like TTG just doesnt want to deal with the complicated choices that we've made. Katjaa, Duck, Carley are dead so the choices that affected them are dead with them, Kenny will probably be neutral even if you sided with him 'cause his family is dead. That only leaves Clementine for TTG to deal with (I might be getting paranoid).
Good post. When i posted, i was sure someone would come and say these things:). You're right about the Carley issue, but that still leaves my 'same thing with a different skin' problem. Think about it this way, there's an individual (Carley&Doug) that has a path and that will do a certain thing. That individual will do the same thing whether it's Carley or Doug so it's the same individual, dressed with a Carley or Doug skin. As i wrote before, in episode 2, when you get to St.John's, Carley goes back with Ben, if you choose Doug then he goes back with Ben. Later, Doug, with a laser pointer or Carley, with a gun comes to your rescue and does the same thing. In episode 3, Carley or Doug gets shot by Lilly so it actually doesnt matter 'who' you save in episode 1, as they do the same thing. I mean wouldnt it have been great if Carley got shot if you saved her in episode 1 but if you saved Doug, Ben would've gotten shot instead of Doug and in one scenario you moved on with Ben, while in another scenario you moved on with Doug? No, the game doesnt allow that freedom. It can however, be argued by saying ' It's not the same thing with a different skin but it's how they would act and accidentaly Doug and Carley do the same things' but i think that's just cheap. Larry's death is okay but i think it'd have been interesting if we could've saved Shawn and Kenny would have to move on without his son. The scenario wouldnt have to change, but it would give me the feeling that i can have an impact on the game, saving Doug or Carley does NOT give me that feeling since, as i said before, they do the exact same things.
Well this is true to some extent; they preform the same actions story wise, but also saving one makes a difference from a character perspective. Without Carley, there's no one talking to you about your past, and that you need to share it, or saying that you should take the leader position of the group.
I'm not entirely sure what is said if you saved Doug, but I doubt it comes to the same thing, especially since Doug doesn't know who you really are. So while their physical actions are the same, their character emotions and thoughts are different.
Well this is true to some extent; they preform the same actions story wise, but also saving one makes a difference from a character perspective. Without Carley, there's no one talking to you about your past, and that you need to share it, or saying that you should take the leader position of the group.
Yes but i already said that in one of my previous posts.
The only impacts i've seen were, (spoilers) the choice to leave Lilly on the road or not, and the choice in which if you save Carly, you get to tell people about your past in ep3.
I mean come on, these are probably the only things that change, which have no impact. I dont want to write the same examples again to show how many times we could have, but werent given the chance to change something. But it's only my opinion of course...
Wait slowly? I'd hate to see what quickly killing everyone is like...
Yeah but what i really meant was, the game 'has' started killing and will do so again in further episodes(Ben, Kenny and probably when you spend enough time with the new guys, they'll somehow die too).
"Throughout the whole series I've been looking out for Lily and her dad. Giving them the rations, I sided with them in EP2 and tried to save her dad. I never would've thought even in the beginning of EP3 that she would do that."
This is the funniest thing I've read this week. Brilliant!
Did anyone else sense a rapey vibe from Omid and Christa? Might be nothing but i just didn't feel comfortable with them. Great episode though, they did a good job of making you like Duck before he went
Not sure about Christa but I was impressed (hah) by how trusting Lee was, to leave his veritable daughter alone during the zombie apocalypse with a woman he met three minutes ago. I mean, how could that go wrong?
Then, soon after, "Hmm, let me prop open this door in this small space so that zombies can get in and attack me from behind!"
Would anyone else in the real zombie apocalypso really not have run like hell from joyful folks like Lily and Larry five minutes after meeting them? How is staying with a demented woman and her father, who could die at any minute and turn into a raging zombie hulk in the close space of your motel hideout, the best move? In any case, did I have the special exclusive Easter egg version where the following only happened to me, or didn't Larry try, literally, happily to murder Lee by knocking him unconscious as he was trying to bolt from the pharmacy as it was rapidly filling up with bloodthirsty ghouls?
Given that these particular plot points weren't decided in any more haste than any other game developer undergoes, It feels like this very much is the best TTG can do. Add to that the literally pitiful game mechanics and if Walking Dead wasn't the only story-based ZA game in town, there's no way I'd be putting myself through this.
Wasn't the whole, find the awl section of the game a hoot? Find the pillow, not so you can quietly rap the gun butt against the car window, cracking the glass, and making the zombie killing awl availabe, but so that you can use a SPARK PLUG, for god's sake, to open a car window.
It may be just me but i'm starting to feel like the game is slowly killing almost everyone, so that it doesnt have to deal with the choices we made in previous episodes... That only leaves Clementine for TTG to deal with (I might be getting paranoid).
Well, at least you figured it out, unlike a couple of people who are still in shock over how things play out.
It's ridiculous of TTG to flog this as some kind of groundbreaking 'choice' exercise. They don't do a bad job within each episode of having your choices reflected in later gameplay, but they can't even track your choices from one episode to the next. In the PC version, when asked at the beginning of the episode whether I wanted the game to randomize any unascribed choices I made during the previous episode, it won't let me proceed without clicking Yes'. Then it proceeds to randomize everything I've ever done in the game.
Games are vastly better when they eschew the open-ended, choice world--which is inevitably boring, as it can be done in a way that remotely emulates the real world--and go for exciting set pieces. Battling the zombie army before heading into Savannah would have been a lot more fun.
Choice for the sake of choice is a trivial thing. It's the morality of choice we're after. What it feels like, what it means to us, what it says about us. That's what we care about, and what so much of the conversation on this board is about. Create more moral dilemnas, then calibrate those, if you must have some sort of ongoing effect. This blundering that TTG has given us makes it clear they're not up to task.
I would just add the fact that the lack of influence of the player, the lack of choice and consequences uterly destroy the replayability of the two first. Nothing more to say
I did not see the shooting coming, it was such a surprise! Carley was one of my favorite characters, BUT I think she wouldn't have gotten shot if she had just shut the fuck up. Seriously, she dug her own fucking grave. Cursing out someone who is unstable is just something you don't do! I'm not saying what Lilly did was right, but she obviously wasn't in the right state of mind, anyone could see that.
Let me just that Duck was never my favorite character, but when I saw he was bitten I just felt kind of hopeless. I mean, he was hope for the future, you know? The whole episode was just heart breaking over all.
I'm not so crazy about the new characters, but as someone previously stated I think Omid and Christa are expecting. And I'm pretty sure Clem's radio buddy is lying. From what I understood in the first episode her parents are dead. Besides, if her parents magically showed up where would that put Lee? I don't feel like dealing with that power struggle. If her parents were introduced to us, I feel like they would have some pretty shitty ideas we'd have to bear with because of Clem. If it came to an ultimatum between the boat and finding her parents, I'd pick the boat.
Also, I'd just like to say to everyone complaining about the lack of choice or whatever...shut the fuck up and get the fuck over it. Fucking idiots and their first world problems.
So..I'm not really here to ask a question as much as I am to, uhm-- make a statement / critique that could possibly be addressed. I would appreciate it if perhaps a Telltale employee just-so-happens to stumble upon this post and reads this.
I have been a huge fan of each and every episode. Love the characters. Love the plot, the twists--everything. That said...
When I played episode 3, I believe I can say on behalf of almost ALL the customers that I was dealt a huge emotional blow. What got me the most was
I mean, it just seems all too uncharacteristic of Katjaa to suddenly just DO that. She always seem so calm and collected, even in the reality of unspeakable killing and tragedy abound. I can understand the emotional turmoil of the sudden reality of
I know this episode was meant to be dark. It was meant to be heavy. But...the sudden plot twists/ deaths/ decisions in the past episodes all made sense to me before in regards to the characters involved.. but this scene in particular kinda.. let me down. (Albeit still emotionally compelling!)
Maybe, it was, perhaps.. Telltale's idea of speeding along the plot line. I mean, Katjaa was a static character after all. Perhaps they could see no true use for her and decided this event would be the best way to cut her off from the story. You never had a true moment to actually get down and share some interactive dialog with Kat--and I can see why; the audience doesn't quite care too much for her it seems. She only seems beneficial in the respect of the bruised and wounded, and keeping Kenny from becoming unhinged in times of heated argument. (However I disagree. Keeping Kat around would give purpose and a sense of 'fullness' to the Kenny-family group, even IF
It just seems too much and too soon for Telltale to make a move like this. I mean--this WHOLE entire time Kenny's ENTIRE goal was to protect and keep who or what would be best interest for his family's safety. After the climax of episode 3, Kenny's drive is meaningless. All this pent up determination and will to 'stick with the plan' seems all for nothing now.
Telltale's goal is to put into the game that which is 'going too far' in regards to ideas for the story. But I don't think it's a wise decision to go too far as to have events or situations that would force characters out of their natural element. That's when it becomes 'too much' in regards to the authenticity of the characters and their values. If the future two episodes events follow the same contextual pattern as in episode 3--the story will just end up some as some bloody, Shakespearean tragedy. Which is...alright, I guess..in it's own right. But I would think that TWDG would be able to have more potential than that.
Or.. perhaps I'm just reading too much into this completely and over-analyzing this completely. But I couldn't help but get this off my back, and who better to spew this to than the Telltale forums itself.
One thread is sufficient.
I do understand your attachment to the character, but Katjaa plainly said she loved their son more than life. I believe what she did was totally within character and at no point was she distraught. She calmly made a decision and carried it through.
But still. I would have hoped that she would stick with Ken for just a little while longer. And what I find strangest is...on my file, I volunteered to put Duck to rest. As I was explaining to Clementine that is when she committed suicide. However...I went ahead and let the white timer bar decrease to hear Kenny's sobs over his wife's lifeless body. He mentioned something along the lines that "she would do it".
Perhaps Kat took initiative while I was informing Clem...but still. A little disappointed. But I can't complain. I will be floored if Kenny dies. He's kinda what keeps the plot going.
If you don't volunteer, Kat does take the initiative and takes Duck into the forest, leaving Kenny with Lee. They hear the gunshot and go to get Katjaa.
If you saved Carley in ep. 1 and took her advice and confessed Lee's crimes to Katjaa in ep. 3, you know that Kenny had stopped confiding in Kat, he hadn't told her about Larry's death. That might make it more understandable?
I don't mind they killed Carley (well, actually, I do mind, but you know what I mean), but this episode really showed that I've been lied about how choices I make matter to the game.
I know Carley dies because they wanted to save the production time, that's also the reason why she almost does not show up during ep.2, but hey, how does my choice matter during that scene? I played through countless visual novels, for example and choices I make in these games affects the story much more than in TWG.
What adds to the confusion is the fact they killed the only character I liked through the entire game. I mean, Katja? She was almost non-existent through the story. Kenny? He's a whiner. Clem? She's fine, but she feels like somewhat undeveloped character (I know many will argue this). And now we get new female lead (what was her name?) who is not even likeable, and somewhat fun Omid.
And ep.3 has so many glitches to boot: invisible Duck, the train covers whiner after the dialogue with that hobo, then game freezes on the next scene... Oh well.
I mean... the ep.3 is simply what game shouldn't be. If I gave 9/10 to ep.1 and 7/10 to ep.2, I can only give as high as 5/10 to ep.3. And this 'story tailored by how you play' now looks like outward lie. I wish I lived in America, I'd sue TTG for false advertisement, really.
I wish they just quickly release a patch with new storylines (even if Carley/Doug dies in the end anyway). This happens all the time, and this would save TTG reputation.
Yeah, Omid called her "honey".
On the topic of Omid and Christa...(well, first of all, Omid really annoys me. He doesn't even seemed attuned to what's going on. I don't think much of this couple...yet. I understand we just met them, but as far as first impressions go--I'm not thrilled.)
But..what struck me as odd was...their abnormal interest in kids.
Call me crazy...but...hear me out. We only have 2 episodes left. Episode 4 has a peaking interest in Clementine's parents whereabouts a LARGE decision to be made. But humor me for a second.
This is a young couple here, and well, they seem to like kids. Seem INTERESTED in them. And wont disclose any information as to really why they're here in the first place. What if they're looking to adopt Clementine?
Christa seemed wary and doubtful of Lee's guardianship over Clementine (however she did give him credit with the gun handling and all...but besides that) ...so perhaps maybe she thinks that Omid and her can do a better job?
I mean, how else would Telltale spare the lives of that couple than to preserve them for a option to have Clementine in the charge of a wholly couple?
(Yes yes, I know...Clementine probably wont like that idea at all...and what if her parents were actually alive and such...like I said, this is just a crazy speculation.)
What do you think about that ? 38 seasons and every seasons should be contain 9 Episodes!
I love to play this game for ever
New forum user here!
So I wish to directly address peoples feelings regarding the 'lack of choice' in this game.
Firstly, you need to realize your 'role' in this story.
It was never implied that you are the Director of The Walking Dead.
Telltale are directing this 'story' and ultimately they will lead it to its ultimate conclusion.
"We" are the protagonist, Lee, and therefore as such our "choices" will be more "confined".
Lee can only choose, change and, ultimately, affect things he is:
a) conscously aware of
b) has the time to actually affect.
Take Episode One for example.
In the Pharmacy Lee gets given a clear choice to either save Carley or Doug.
He has time to choose, albeit only one person, but he has time to actually choose something properly and it has an affect: one person lives, the other dies.
Because of that choice, one character is with us til Episode 3 while the other isn't.
That wasn't because we, as omnipotent overlord directors chose it, thats because we, as Lee, in that moment, chose that person.
Fast Forward to Episode Three,
to the controversially discussed "death of Carley/Doug at the hands of Lily".
Do you think if Lee actually knew Lily was going to pull a gun and blow Carley/Doug's face off, he'd just stand there and let it happen?
If one of your friends suddenly pulled a gun and without hesitation whatsoever shot another friend right in front of you, you'd have time to stop them?
Lily Snapped! Lee had no idea it was coming, and therefore as such, its a choice he couldn't make, and because we're Lee, neither can we!
Besides, if there -was- dialogue options allowing us to 'talk lily out of it', it would RUIN the moment because now we know 'somethings coming'.
Take Episode Two for example.
If we could have talked the St. Johns out of 'taking care of <that guy who got chopped up>' that would have raised questions to the player.
Why can we refuse their offer to help?
is there more to these people than letting on?
Should we have reason to distrust them?
That would start spoiling the "shock surprise ending" later on (for those of us who didnt see it coming
Also, Larry's Death!
We don't get to choose if Larry dies or not.
if you side with Lily, Kenny still kills him.
But even if kenny hadn't killed him, whos to say we could have 'saved him'?....
heartattacks a heartattack, and they can be fatal.
It's kinda up to Larry's body to pull through.
My whole point in all this is the choices you make can only be ones that you as Lee are:
1. first of all AWARE of in the first place.
he couldnt save Doug/Carley in Episode 3 because he didn't see it coming!
2. Also, even if he can make a choice, help Larry or side with Kenny in the meatlocker for example, we can only ever affect Lee.
there are outside forces to consider as well such as other peoples intentions and desires, and other surrounding circumstances and factors that are simply out of our control.
One man can't make that much of a difference!
We as players, we are playing THAT MAN, not THE DIRECTOR!
Look at this way. How many players would have saved Carley?
It's an easy choice!
She's a likeable character and a damn good shot!
But TWD is NOT about 'easy choices', its about the 'tough ones'.
So telltale didnt give you that choice, they in my opinion very cleverly took it away from you and instead gave you a better, tougher, more emotional one.
"Do you, as a player playing Lee, forgive Lily for what she's just done to your likeable character"
You may not like the fact you couldnt save Carley or Doug, but I can fully understand why Telltale made that decision.
The fact you couldn't save her, that you could only deal with the aftermath actually, for me at least, make the next choice(which you -can- make) all the more heavy.
Telltale’s The Walking Dead – Excellent Interpersonal Drama (With Zombies)
Also, I like how people kept calling Duck "D.U.C.K." (Dumbass U Can't Kill) and in this episode you literally get to kill him in the most heartbreaking way possible.
1. I try to kill the walkers who attacked the women instead of put her out of his misery but i failed to ( I think this is not possible to do ). In the second save i put her out of his misery and Lee and Kenny got less time to get the stuff from the drugstore that´s it.
2. In the save with Carley i acuse Ben, but Lilly shoots Carley anyway
3. Im not english either and i need a bit of time to read and understand all options to. You can solve this small problem by using a Trainer that stops the time in most of the options, but i think it will not stop those fast options like the ones we have to make in cutting that guy leg.
This is the first heart gripping story I have experianced in a game since baldurs gate 2 or fallout 2 and even if I don't find it perfect, it is still miles ahead of every game this year. Are there things I don't like: yes, are there things i would have changed: yes, but thats the game, I sure haven't found a perfect game yet, and will probably never find one, but this one sure soars high!
Hope it will bring telltale alot of profit so more games just like this one can be made, and hopefully not just by one company.
So for EP 4 it does not really look like the choices from one, two or tree will matter a lot. Ofcause we have clementine, who we are influencing a lot (It will proberly matter a lot in EP 5). But besides that we only have Kenny, who we have had any impact on with our choices. He is kind of sad at the moment and it does not look like it will make much difference, what he thinks of you anymore. None of the major choices we made seams to have a lot of impact on ben (he is proberly dead soon anywhere:))
There is no need to get pissy and start swearing
Because he realize that was possible to a kid survive the "apocalypse", and also thats why Chrsta was so interested in "get to know" Clem to see what she have been through !
Then TWD is working as intended.
Good post. When i posted, i was sure someone would come and say these things:). You're right about the Carley issue, but that still leaves my 'same thing with a different skin' problem. Think about it this way, there's an individual (Carley&Doug) that has a path and that will do a certain thing. That individual will do the same thing whether it's Carley or Doug so it's the same individual, dressed with a Carley or Doug skin. As i wrote before, in episode 2, when you get to St.John's, Carley goes back with Ben, if you choose Doug then he goes back with Ben. Later, Doug, with a laser pointer or Carley, with a gun comes to your rescue and does the same thing. In episode 3, Carley or Doug gets shot by Lilly so it actually doesnt matter 'who' you save in episode 1, as they do the same thing. I mean wouldnt it have been great if Carley got shot if you saved her in episode 1 but if you saved Doug, Ben would've gotten shot instead of Doug and in one scenario you moved on with Ben, while in another scenario you moved on with Doug? No, the game doesnt allow that freedom. It can however, be argued by saying ' It's not the same thing with a different skin but it's how they would act and accidentaly Doug and Carley do the same things' but i think that's just cheap. Larry's death is okay but i think it'd have been interesting if we could've saved Shawn and Kenny would have to move on without his son. The scenario wouldnt have to change, but it would give me the feeling that i can have an impact on the game, saving Doug or Carley does NOT give me that feeling since, as i said before, they do the exact same things.
It IS mildly annoying that Doug/Carley are only "aesthetically different" and no matter who you choice, the other will just "behave" like the other would have, make the same "decisions" as the other would have, and ultimately die at the same point as the other would have.
My original post however was more aimed at the general feeling of annoyance that your actions and choices don't drastically or directly alter the story.
That's because as I said before your not the director of the game, and if you're thinking you are as you play, you're playing it wrong, you're Lee and will make more limited choices based around how you wish Lee to turn out.
You are right however that that doesn't excuse why Carley/Doug just end up being the same person.
I mean, I WAS hoping we'd all be screwed in Episode 2 at the end when its all going to hell and we're relying on Doug to save us.....
Nope, he managed!
Thats the whole point!
Millions of players round the world would have easily chose to "save Carley" because shes the only likeable character.
The fact that she was killed off without any chance whatsoever is what:
a) makes it so dramatic and creates negative feelings (which is actually good, means you feel something)
b)is arguably the BEST bit of Episode 3!
Not because I hated Carley, opposite in fact, but if we could have chosen to 'save her' then, besides Duck being bitten and put out of his misery, not much would have happened in Episode 3.
Controversial as it was, it was pretty epic at the same time!
For the first time in the whole series so far, somebody has died who I GENUINELY care about, and just like real life, there wasn't anything I could do to stop it.
Course it sucks, but its also the single coolest thing telltale have done so far because the fact that we're all upset its happened and can't change things/bring her back is the whole point of what Telltale did and why they did it, and its proof that from a storytelling/game standpoint, it worked great!
I reconciled with Kenny (he hated me for chosing Lilly side when it came to her Dad), and felt my heart break seeing what happens to his family. He became human again for me.
All in all good, just hope for not another long wait.
But honestly, whose to say he wasn't human to begin with. I mean, he's a father. And as a father, his intention is to serve and protect his family, no matter what the cost is. (albeit they're dead now)
Yes, true, his actions and decisions are hasty and don't quite consider the rest of the per say 'team' / 'group' in them; but damn, it's survival. I can see Kenny as the type of guy who would go to the extreme, even if that considers bending the rules and his own moral fabric to get done what needs to get done and keep on going.
The fact he was so callous and in denial in episode 3 only goes to show how human he really is. He didn't WANT to accept the fact he son is dying. TRUST ME, I was pissed beyond all hell to see Kenny not pay Duck any real, true attention until the later half of the episode. Kenny's a proud man and father, and naturally he would have higher expectations upon his son and wife. Now is that fair? Well, no. Not to them it is, and his pride does need work. But that doesn't make him any less of a valuable group member and father.
I think Kenny is vastly misunderstood, that's all. In the end, the real mood of this game is survival. Not "who can I get to like me the most at the end of the day despite the situation." Of course Kenny would be frustrated if you don't side with him. He already has a set course of action most of the time; it's either that you're with him, or your not. And if you are with him 100%, he is a VERY loyal and valuable partner and friend through it all.
I'm sorry to chide, I really didn't mean to. I just can't seem to understand why people have such a bad view on Kenny. I think there's something respectable to be found within him, the fact he is a father figure and all (despite what has happened...really tragic.)
and he gets done what needs to get done, even IF his plans are not as well polished and tactful as compared to say...Lilly.
But sad what happend to Carley and Duck.
It may be just me but i'm starting to feel like the game is slowly killing almost everyone, so that it doesnt have to deal with the choices we made in previous episodes. I mean, Katjaa, Duck and Carley/Doug's deaths were very dramatic and excellent for the scenario and if the game made me feel that i can make an impact on the story (For example when Lilly asks you to run away with her, you can actually run away with her with the RV), i wouldnt feel like this. But because the game didnt give me the chance to have an impact(like i said before it doesnt have to change the story, you could've saved Shawn and Kenny would've had to move on without his son, the game could still take you to the train but you'd get the feeling that you CAN do things) and because the choices that make you change something (Doug&Carley) look like clones of each other, i feel like TTG just doesnt want to deal with the complicated choices that we've made. Katjaa, Duck, Carley are dead so the choices that affected them are dead with them, Kenny will probably be neutral even if you sided with him 'cause his family is dead. That only leaves Clementine for TTG to deal with (I might be getting paranoid).
Wait slowly? I'd hate to see what quickly killing everyone is like...
So you went in a "I just beat episode 3" thread, and was shocked to see spoilers from episode 3... good plan there.
If at this point people are here and don't expect spoilers...
But to the OP, why start a thread just to express your feelings? I mean, who are you and why should people care? lol
Well this is true to some extent; they preform the same actions story wise, but also saving one makes a difference from a character perspective. Without Carley, there's no one talking to you about your past, and that you need to share it, or saying that you should take the leader position of the group.
I'm not entirely sure what is said if you saved Doug, but I doubt it comes to the same thing, especially since Doug doesn't know who you really are. So while their physical actions are the same, their character emotions and thoughts are different.
Yes but i already said that in one of my previous posts. I mean come on, these are probably the only things that change, which have no impact. I dont want to write the same examples again to show how many times we could have, but werent given the chance to change something. But it's only my opinion of course...
Yeah but what i really meant was, the game 'has' started killing and will do so again in further episodes(Ben, Kenny and probably when you spend enough time with the new guys, they'll somehow die too).
This is the funniest thing I've read this week. Brilliant!
Not sure about Christa but I was impressed (hah) by how trusting Lee was, to leave his veritable daughter alone during the zombie apocalypse with a woman he met three minutes ago. I mean, how could that go wrong?
Then, soon after, "Hmm, let me prop open this door in this small space so that zombies can get in and attack me from behind!"
Would anyone else in the real zombie apocalypso really not have run like hell from joyful folks like Lily and Larry five minutes after meeting them? How is staying with a demented woman and her father, who could die at any minute and turn into a raging zombie hulk in the close space of your motel hideout, the best move? In any case, did I have the special exclusive Easter egg version where the following only happened to me, or didn't Larry try, literally, happily to murder Lee by knocking him unconscious as he was trying to bolt from the pharmacy as it was rapidly filling up with bloodthirsty ghouls?
Given that these particular plot points weren't decided in any more haste than any other game developer undergoes, It feels like this very much is the best TTG can do. Add to that the literally pitiful game mechanics and if Walking Dead wasn't the only story-based ZA game in town, there's no way I'd be putting myself through this.
Wasn't the whole, find the awl section of the game a hoot? Find the pillow, not so you can quietly rap the gun butt against the car window, cracking the glass, and making the zombie killing awl availabe, but so that you can use a SPARK PLUG, for god's sake, to open a car window.
Why didn't I think of that?
Well, at least you figured it out, unlike a couple of people who are still in shock over how things play out.
It's ridiculous of TTG to flog this as some kind of groundbreaking 'choice' exercise. They don't do a bad job within each episode of having your choices reflected in later gameplay, but they can't even track your choices from one episode to the next. In the PC version, when asked at the beginning of the episode whether I wanted the game to randomize any unascribed choices I made during the previous episode, it won't let me proceed without clicking Yes'. Then it proceeds to randomize everything I've ever done in the game.
Games are vastly better when they eschew the open-ended, choice world--which is inevitably boring, as it can be done in a way that remotely emulates the real world--and go for exciting set pieces. Battling the zombie army before heading into Savannah would have been a lot more fun.
Choice for the sake of choice is a trivial thing. It's the morality of choice we're after. What it feels like, what it means to us, what it says about us. That's what we care about, and what so much of the conversation on this board is about. Create more moral dilemnas, then calibrate those, if you must have some sort of ongoing effect. This blundering that TTG has given us makes it clear they're not up to task.