Episode 3 was the single best gaming experience in terms of storytelling so far for me.
I was shocked when Carley got killed and the stuff happening to Duck was just amazing. The fact that they really went through with this just showed the commitment to tell a great story and don´t make any compromises.
They really broke my heart with the Duck and Katjaa stuff, they really did, no other game managed to make me feel this way.
There is Molyneux talking about feelings in games and never manages to pull this off and here comes Telltale and shows how stuff is done.
I can´t wait to see how all of this turns out and can´t wait for the next episode. The Walking Dead has turned out to be one, if not the best game of the year so far.
That TellTale managed to make Duck likeable blows my mind, especially the way they did it. You never had much interaction with him beyond a mildly irritated reply now and then, so in this episode TellTale played on that relationship in a really funny way.
I'll go one further and say if you didn't highfive Duck, you are dead inside. And the message prompt afterwards, dear god I was rolling on the floor.
I say No because Ben took intentional step's that put all our lives at risk!
I understand his actions.. He was trying to save himself and I cannot fault him for that. But, he was stealing our supplies, made a deal with the bandit's behind our back risking our lives. I cant give him a break and allow him to do something similar again!
It's like with Larry.. I risked my life to get his pill's to save him, then he punches me in the face to leave me for dead! That's why I killed him in the meat locker.. I couldnt afford to allow him a second chance to kill me.
We are ALL desperate for our old lives, but that's a thing of the past. It's all about now and hopefully tomorrow.
I'd have to agree. He's a spineless, whiny weasel turncoat pussbag. He's zombie fodder, if I get the chance.
It is possible Carly could come back if telltale games make it that the gun bullet only scraped the skin of Carly leaving her unconscious because whilst she was on the floor dead i heard her moaning.
WOAH! I just figured out the ending of this season!
Everything seems lost, when the sole survivors Lee and Clem are trapped by the walkers and the bomb is ticking down and the water is rising and threatens to drown them. And THEN ... Carley comes to save them both with a boat. They get away and the walkers die (for real now) in the Michael Bay explosion.
Lee and Clem are confused about Carley being alive but she explaines that the steel plate in her skull saved her life and she knew about their plans and was able to follow them after recovery!!!!!
Lee and Carley marry and Clem gets some brothers and sisters and that's how the little family survives ... of course Lee would have to "badbad" some of the newborns because their cries attracted walkers, but otherwise everything is going to be fine
WOAH! I just figured out the ending of this season!
Everything seems lost, when the sole survivors Lee and Clem are trapped by the walkers and the bomb is ticking down and the water is rising and threatens to drown them. And THEN ... Carley comes to save them both with a boat. They get away and the walkers die (for real now) in the Michael Bay explosion.
Lee and Clem are confused about Carley being alive but she explaines that the steel plate in her skull saved her life and she knew about their plans and was able to follow them after recovery!!!!!
Lee and Carley marry and Clem gets some brothers and sisters and that's how the little family survives ... of course Lee would have to "badbad" some of the newborns because their cries attracted walkers, but otherwise everything is going to be fine
lol, what if it all turns out that it was just all a game called the shambling undead, that an alternate reality version of Lee is playing with his daughter Clementine :eek:
(4) Lilly just popped. This was rather explicitly foreshadowed, she just couldn't take it any more, so she just fired on someone, anyone who threatened her authority or gave her grounds for suspecting conspiracy. I find severe mental instability to be about the only possible explanation for her actions in the comic, so this is as canon as it gets (Should Kirkman, as expected, declare the Lilly in the game non-canon or "a different Lilly", I am rather sure that his own novelized version of the character will bear tons less believability). Lilly is wacko, she couldn't take the new world she lives in.
Yes, Lilly just snapped, but I tried my best to shift her focus from Carley to Ben. I would have rather seen her shooting Ben.
Maybe it's also about this female rivalary thing. Carley told my Lee: "You're more or less all she has left". And my Lee paying so much attention to Carley and defending her so strongly might have added to the mix of crazy. Why shoot the harmless boy, if she could get rid of the competition instead? So maybe jealousy was even the main motive?
lol, what if it all turns out that it was just all a game called the shambling undead, that an alternate reality version of Lee is playing with his daughter Clementine :eek:
A game in a game in a game in a game ... ingametion!
I mean the episode 3 was the best episode so far, but killing Carley is insane... Maybe some of you that I was looking for some Fairy Tale Adventure - but it is not this way. I think that among so many bad things there should be at least ONE positive thing and that was CARLEY. I was very sad that this happend but I decided to take the Lily with us... and that... that... no human thing run with OUR RV? okay that was insane and I get almost heart attack! damn it... And if someone AGAIN mentions fairytale end, I would remind him the end of EPISODE 2 - after a canibal family, they get finnaly they supplies - that sound pretty like a fairytale. So shut the hell up about fairytales :mad:
Now seriously... i know that many of you would take the hard decisions which are about survival - but look at it from the other side. The World is ending, and the social system is falling apart. But if we take hard decision which are only about survival (e.g. steal the supplies from the car) we are not better than Zombies. People should act as humans - thats a difference between us and animals (or Zombies in this case). This decisions may be hard, but not impossible - survival is important (i agree with that) but what is the price of survival?
I am looking forward for episode 4 - I think it would be perfect, but I am very looking forward what happens with Ben. And the main question is - what is the situation about Clem parents. Is there any way how they could surrvive the zombie appocalypse (if they were in hospital? - hospitals fall first in that case and are overtaken by the zombies almost immiadiately). And the final question - since when have Lee two guns?! I though he has only one.
Worst episode so far. Ben was totally out of character. He went from confused kid trying to survive to moody teen that is sort of a jerk (traits he never showed in his first appearance.) His character is inconsistent. He acting a certain way in episode 2 when presented with stress and horrible choices. In episode two, at times he didn't care, "I should be working on the train" and seeming excited at certain points when he was supposed to be brooding (walking up to him on the train and him half smiling and saying, "sup?" or something to that effect. He kept pissing me off when he told me, "wanna be working on the train." I kept thinking, I wish Lily would have shot you instead. The only time his character was consistent with episode 2 was when he admitted that he was supplying the bandits.
Omid, and whatever her name are PEDOPHILES. It was disgusting to see how much interest they had in Clementine. I would have left them alone before dealing with them. Lee is far too trusting with new people, which he should not be. You don't know anything about Chuck, Omid, or girl with attitude. I wouldn't be leaving someone I call, "sweet pea" with random strangers.
The group is far weaker now, and in my save Kenny didn't have my back multiple times (which is fine, I can see that by choice). Also, that person on the radio, I am almost certain is that murder with glasses from the comic book. Why bring him up at the beginning if you don't intend to use him later?
All in all, I would say that it felt really rushed at end. They tried to jam too much story and new characters without developing them very much. I really don't like that new girl because the only thing I know about her is that she's Lily with out any of the kindness. For the record, I saved Omid. Not bercause I don't like her, but because he was closest and injured, and she was right there keeping up with the train. I figured I could pull them both up.
Also, that person on the radio, I am almost certain is that murder with glasses from the comic book. Why bring him up at the beginning if you don't intend to use him later?
Would be a demanding task for him, talking to Clementine from prison and/or the grave.
At one point in Lee and Carley's conversation I realized she was an amazing character and I decided, "No way I'm letting you die. Never!"
Also, when she said I had to tell people I was a killer, I went straight for Kaatja. Seriously, I was as surprised as Kenny when I took her aside to tell her, but somehow TTG took a background character and made her my third favorite in the series. And then they made Duck really, really funny and likeable to the point that I actually gave him a high-five and said, "You earned it, champ" (if you think about it, Duck was an amazing kid...he was still funny and goofy even though he had been through ten times as much trauma as Clementine, and watching him slowly fade away was heart-breaking).
That made the entire RV ride a nightmare for me. And when Kaatja took her own life, I was speechless. And I pointed the gun at Duck for at least five minutes straight just hoping he would turn first. At one point he closes his eyes, his head drifts off, and he goes to sleep and I'm just about ready to pull the trigger and -- NOPE -- his eyes crack back open a peep and he starts breathing steadily again staring at me.
I had to look away.
I understand why the powergamers are frustrated that they don't get what they want, but they were never, ever given control over the narrative. There is no 100% completion. There is no ideal result. This is a game about controlling Lee's relationships and his personality. And until he gets super powers and mind control, he can't just tell other people what to do. He can only try and convince them and get them to trust and like him.
Once you realize the other characters are written like people instead of robots you can turn on and off with a switch, the game becomes much easier to deal with. Just focus on shaping Lee and stop worrying about shaping other people. Hope they change their minds but don't rely on it since everyone has their own goals and wants.
For example, Christa is very easy to get along with and she'll warm up to you very quickly if you agree that you aren't very good at what you're doing. She starts off a jerk but within ten minutes she was telling me that I was doing a good job and that Clementine was lucky to have me around.
You can't force people to like Lee. But you can make Lee someone worth liking, and that often has unexpected results.
Worst episode so far. Ben was totally out of character. He went from confused kid trying to survive to moody teen that is sort of a jerk (traits he never showed in his first appearance.)
I don't know what game you were playing, but Ben was always a confused, scared kid in my playthrough.
He was a confused, scared kid who was giving supplies to bandits because they told him his friends were still alive and they were holding them for ransom.
Then he was a confused, scared kid who started panicking when Lilly kept pressing him for information on the side of the road.
Then he was a kid who wanted to play with an awesome train and eat some candy and wasn't confused or scared anymore because there weren't zombies or bandits and everyone was having a good time.
Then he was a confused, scared kid who wanted to tell Kenny that he's the one who was stealing supplies. Then he was a confused, scared kid I had to talk to three different times before he finally admitted he should keep his mouth shut (nice touch, TTG).
And then he was a confused, scared kid standing on top of the train watching for zombies telling you he was confused and scared about zombies coming to eat them.
This episode was pretty good, best out of all the episodes in my opinion, but not worth the long wait But saying that, it was awesome. Just one thing, did anyone else get that glitch (after Duck dies) where you walk out of the train driver room, after talking to Kenny and Chuck, and the camera glitches out into the ground and all you can see is hovering trees? I think it only happens when you talk to Chuck and Kenny about everything ya can and then leave, really annoyed me! xD
Ok well, here's what I think. I am shocked that so many players are on the side of TTG about the choices issue. It is very clear that they misrepresented this game and this was ostensibly to generate excitement. They should have stopped...like they edited their monthly release promise they should edit their your choices matter statements. They don't. I personally would be willing to pay double what I paid for the series if they would keep that promise. Here is an example of what I mean...before you all start hammering at me about how it's too complex for the programmers etc....
The girl at the pharmacy. (I left her for bait) What if when you left her, the story unfolded as it did and you had time to get supplies. If you shot her, you were unable to get supplies and had to leave without anything to save your lives. OR you save her and she comes back to the group where you find she's bitten and she turns.
Any of those three scenarios were imminently doable, gave the player an actual impactful choice and didn't bloat the story or create long term contradictions to the main plot.
It wouldn't have been difficult to set an if then parameter/variable regarding the obtained supplies that WOULD have made a difference in the rest of the series.
Speaking of the supplies, let me now tell what I thought of this episode.
I was seriously pissed off. This lack of choice and only an illusion of one needs to stop. WHAT THE HELL was the point of counting how many supplies you were able to collect? In the end, you didn't even get to keep them. So why the hell waste my time telling me how many items I picked up? THAT was Not necessary! I really thought the number and type of things I got would make a difference.....that was the biggest dog chasing tail bullshit I've experienced in a while. See, this is my problem with this choice illusion thing...they actually wasted the time to code THAT when it didn't make one whit of difference rather than code something that did.
Second point of contention is along the same lines, what the hell was the point in me building a relationship with Katjaa and her 'remembering' or 'being grateful' for my concern about Duck? Just to waste her? It seems like they just want us to invest in these characters way too much and it is very hollow. Animal crackers? For a walker to be? GET SERIOUS! (Ok but I enjoyed smashing the head in the car door that was cool)
I'm not angry about Katjaa's suicide. I hated her from the beginning she was useless and soft. Not ZA material. But I thought they were going to saddle Lee with her for the rest of the series by the way they fed interactions with her to us.
Duck should have been put down as soon as they saw the bite. Point blank. If Kenny could salt lick Larry, he damn well should have been prepared for his son to get put down. Perfect justice would have been Lilly icing him after finding out that he was bit.
The Carly/Doug thing.....I had Carly in my game, her death was pretty pointless but I would rather have seen that than have had to stomach a romantic storyline. This is ZA people! A quick shag in the hotel would have been fine but all that gazing and hand holding that they were leading up to omg gag me. Yes, please kill her. Basically I viewed her death as a way for the developers to get out of having to write more for her.
What everyone is overlooking here is the survival aspect of the group and how dramatically they altered it in this epi. Forget the soft and sweet save Carly because she's cute crap. She was an extra gun, and a good shot! So was Lilly! They are both gone, Kenny is an awesome wildcard now because he has nothing to lose and nothing to live for (which is one thing I approve of with the new dynamic) so who knows wtf he will do next. Ben has no skill, no contribution to the group, Chuck MAY be an asset but I still don't trust him. All we have now is Lee and these new people who yep the chick is more than likely preggers.
The stickers on the walkie talkie foreshadowed its return but did anyone else notice that in previous views of it, it actually looked broken whereas in this epi it looked perfectly fixed?
It is a good game, it was misrepresented. I like it but wish they would make better decisions about what to code and give the player actual choices.
I read one review of the 3rd episode and there was something written about 2 tropes. 1st- "Anyone can die"; 2nd- "Wham Episode".
I think that 1st-" Anyone can die" was showed perfectly. Carley's death was very emotional, fast, unexpected and made me angry. This is The Walking Dead way.
2nd -"Wham Episode" wasn't showed good. Much too much. We needed to abandon hotel, than Carley's death / decision about leaving Lilly, Duck was bitten, he died, his mother's suicide, new people. That was too much even for "Wham Episode". When I met Chuck, Omid and Christa I really didn't care about it/them.
Beside the 2nd trope I dislike that I was forced to teach Clem handle with weapon. Maybe if they showed us more about Katjaa's suicide reasons (her son was dying of course , but she really disliked weapons, disliked that I had told her the truth about Larry's death, and disliked the way which World was going) and then gave us opportunity to decided about teach Clem or not teach her- that would be another big choice.
3rd episode was really good. Maybe 2nd was a little better in my opinion but Long Road Ahead is still on the top. I can't wait 4th and I wish have more opportunities to make choice about Clem, because this is TWD and I know that we are all dead.
I know this has been mentioned before, but the choices we have in the game aren't really meant to alter the course of events. Instead, they alter how the other characters think about Lee as a person.
It reminds me of what the cop said in the beginning of episode 1, which was something along the lines of "you need to stop worrying about things you can't control." Lee can't control the course of events, he can only control how he deals with them.
Anyway, my personal opinion is that the episodes are only getting better. There was a lot going on in episode 3, yet I felt the pacing was good. I'm particularly interested in what will happen now that Kenny lost his family. I'm thinking he is going to see through what he started and then just give up on life at the end.
I see alot of people complaining about the 'illusion of choices' and understand what they mean by that. One scene we are told "Katjaa will remember that" then the next scene, she's dead.. so why did it matter??
IMO, it matter's because as the story goes, we have no idea what's coming next, everything is working as it should.
Like saving Carely in EP1.. A vast majority of player saved Carley, is why sooooo many post's here from people upset or furious at her loss.. But that's the point.
We have no idea what will come next, everything seem's normal, get lulled into a false sence of security, then suddenly, BAM!! bullet to the face!
What if we were given a conversation with a character and it didnt seem to matter? people would wonder why, maybe guess something is coming. But if the conversation plays out as normal, something we see as possibly meaningful later on, then it's suddenly gone, that's part of the shock, the unknowing, the anything can happen and change in an instant!
I'm not saying anyone else is wrong if you think it's poor writing on the part of TT, thats your opinion of your game and you're entitled
I found it really enjoyable it started off phenomenally well but began to slide a little as it reached the end. One big problem with this episode was that Telltale played their cards a little too quickly. If I were writing the story and was going to kill these characters, I would have spaced it out during the episodes instead of just executing the original group in one episode. Killing them all one after the other was very draining and after Kenny’s family died I was too emotionally exhausted to care about much else which was probably why I felt the story dipped towards the end.
I just hope that Telltale pulls through and makes us as emotionally invested in these new characters as we were in the originals, which will allow us to have the same level of tension during the danger scenarios. No glitches or bugs on my play through.
It reminds me of what the cop said in the beginning of episode 1, which was something along the lines of "you need to stop worrying about things you can't control." Lee can't control the course of events, he can only control how he deals with them.
I totally agree!!
I was thinking about this sort of thing yesterday
Keeping in mind, all the different people who have some sort of influence into how or what Lee does. It starts with the TT developers.. They are writing the story, they are choosing the vairables, all the different possible senerios and add those to the game.
Then we the players come in.. Realize, their are hundreds of thousands of people playing Lee. Soo many people with different opinions and ideas and values! How many Lee's saved Carley or Doug, and why??
How many Lee's killed or spared the St. John Brother's? or Larry and why did they decide that way?? There is no right or wrong answer, only Our own answer's. Some may totally agree with each other on one point, but absolutely disagree on another.
I think the episodes are only getting better and if some choices don't really matter then that's accurate. How would you know at the time it wont matter?
I think most finish the game then complain about the choices after they already know the outcome.. The expirence is the "during"!!!
Kudos to TTG for making the initial cast of characters something you can deeply care for. I have never felt so emotionally attached to video game characters before.
Unfortunately, the characters are too well defined and developed that seeing them picked off has really drained my enthusiasm to play further. The best words I can use to describe their deaths are sick and vile. However, I realise that is the intention as the entire series meant to be horrific with violence and death everywhere. In a way, the game is testing you to see how much more your sane mind can take. Reading some of the reactions on here and even my own suggests that a lot of you have reached your breaking point. You've got to give TTG credit for making you feel this way. How many video games have you played where character deaths have made you feel so charged?
I have no shame in admitting Carley is/was my favourite character and seeing her die like that was truly shocking, and even needless. Her death might make sense if you're a TWD purist as that is what you would naturally expect given the nature of the series. But from a video game perspective, I don't think works nearly as well. Her death seemed to be the product of the limitations of what can be achieved in this type of video game.
In reference to my statement about reaching your breaking point, I think I have reached mine. There just does not seem to be anything else for me left to enjoy. Seeing the hobo and those two new guys for the first time struck me as feeble replacements. I can't see myself getting attached to those people, nor do I want to go through the bother of knowing them, because I have a feeling the will be picked off as well. As I said, it may be the game's intention to make you feel this way, but it seems like bad business sense to knowingly kill off popular characters in a game for the sake of shock. I've lost my enthusiasm and I'm having serious doubts that I will play future installments or replay previous episodes knowing what will and has happened.
Great work TTG on a fine game series and a heart-wrenching episode, but I have a feeling you have destroyed many of your fans and some like me are questioning their continued commitment.
It's the Walking Dead...
more appropiately known as "Your Favourite Character Will Die." :(:(
True story, I was tired of my favorite character always dieing off, that I made a giant list of favorites and said "kill all these guys off, I dare you" then the governor showed up and I started to cry
Was over way too quickly, no good shock moments (all the ones that did happen, you could see em happening from a mile away), felt like no matter what my choices were that the result would be the same regardless (why are we still stuck with Kenny's douchebagness, even tho everybody else you can get rid of). Seemed more like a rushed filler episode since it was so far behind schedule and they just needed to get it out to appease the masses. Episode 3 is the middle and should be building up to the climax for the final couple of episodes, not just string the story along (could have been done with episode 2 instead if you are outta ideas).
These are just my opinions and I'm sure somebody might disagree, but it was really not worth waiting over 2 months of what was posed to be a monthly episodes for this garbage filler piece.
I felt episode 3 opened really strong, with the great mystery sequence about who was stealing the equipment, making you wonder if you really trust everyone. I also liked that you could initiate a relationship with Carley at this point, and it felt pretty awesome to do that (really should've offered the option earlier IMO). Duck was also pretty entertaining.
When everything hit the fan and we escaped in the RV, that was great, especially that shooting sequence which was pretty enjoyable. But after that, on the road was just bad. It opened well, with Lilly's paranoia coming to a head and everything getting really crazy, but the ending felt really predetermined, and I am starting to feel that Telltales promise of our choices actually mattering was an exaggeration. Sure, they have some effects on dialogue... but they have almost no bearing on the overall story ark, which is starting to become a real problem.
For example, Larry. No matter if you try to revive him or not, Kenny will still kill him, you just help him in one version. Everything after that will be nearly identical as well. The choices you make in this series are only skin deep, they don't really change anything. Which really was a problem in that no matter what you do, Carley/Doug will die. It's even worse on the Carley side of things because you just got to initiate a relationship with her in that episode, and instead of killing her later and giving you an option for long term emotional sadness, they exploited it for short-term shock value. You also have no way to interfere in how things play out, meaning your choices and your actions really don't matter.
The rest of the groups reaction, and even Lee's, is also weak after. He barely even addresses Carley's death, and neither does the rest of the group except Katjaa. There's also (probably) no way to stop her from killing herself either, and whether Kenny or Lee shoots Duck, it still happens.
Otherwise, the episode was great, but the group is really starting to thin. You kill characters we care about, yes, and it promotes a great reaction, but giving us no way to do things different when we go back through makes it feel far too linear when this was advertised as a game where our choices matter. Also, just throwing in these new characters out of nowhere when we're getting near the end just doesn't feel extremely natural, and while they have great personalities, they are just not as interesting as characters that have come before.
Either way, I can't wait to see what happens in Episode 4, but I want to see more opportunities for the player to change the overall story rather then just skin deep changes which other games like Dragon Age or Mass Effect have already proven is possible.
alotta people keep saying just switch out ben/carley/doug but if the story replaced carley with ben then we would have ben getting shot because carley was the traitor...cant have it both ways. if carley is replacing ben she has to be ben like in that way. Thus now all the people who liked carley are like whoa bitch you did what?? lmfao
p.s. Carley shoulda thought better of what she said to lilly. Calling her a bitch a little girl and telling her to get the fuck over it...not so smart...seems batteries weren't the only thing holding carley back...her mouth was a problem too;)
Either way, I can't wait to see what happens in Episode 4, but I want to see more opportunities for the player to change the overall story rather then just skin deep changes which other games like Dragon Age or Mass Effect have already proven is possible.
6.5 out of 10
Tbh, I can't see episode 4 being any different. The entire game seems to be destined for a pre-determined conclusion. The purpose of the choices is to only influence the dialogue/cutscenes in getting there.
I really want to know as I queried above, what was the point in the "how many of the supplies can you get from the pharmacy" thing? That was just POINTLESS! That is what underlies all of my frustration with the choice thing. They have/had many opportunities to implement even minimally some of these choices and instead they do THIS? WTF?
It was a big fat red herring Or what I like to think of as 'busywork'
Tbh, I can't see episode 4 being any different. The entire game seems to be destined for a pre-determined conclusion. The purpose of the choices is to only influence the dialogue/cutscenes in getting there.
That's exactly the problem in my eyes, I realize that my opinion probably won't change anything, but I just hope they realize it. I was also just disappointed in the fact that it feels like we were all lied to.
I also thought the Kenny scene in the train where he beats the crap out of you and says "you never did anything for him" was pretty stupid, just because you tried to revive Larry he doesn't trust you anymore? You also don't have the dialogue option to kind of agree with what he did, you have no choice but to treat him like a piece of crap afterwards. I mean, I saved his kid from Walkers and I stopped Larry from killing him... just kinda dumb.
Oh I was also surprised by how many the stats said left Lilly on the side of the road. I understand why but I brought her with me. I'm not real fond of the whole bonding buddy thing which has probably been realized, so I didn't really mind her personality that much. What she did was absolutely crazy and wrong. BUT she was a good shot. The group needed that skill. Of course she wound up leaving anyway but I was being pragmatic about the event.
Oh I was also surprised by how many the stats said left Lilly on the side of the road. I understand why but I brought her with me. I'm not real fond of the whole bonding buddy thing which has probably been realized, so I didn't really mind her personality that much. What she did was absolutely crazy and wrong. BUT she was a good shot. The group needed that skill. Of course she wound up leaving anyway but I was being pragmatic about the event.
I think that moment was influenced more by player rage than logical thought. Given the huge number of Carley fans (including myself), to see your favourite character coldly shot then I can't blame the choice people made.
I think that moment was influenced more by player rage than logical thought. Given the huge number of Carley fans (including myself), to see your favourite character coldly shot then I can't blame the choice people made.
Aye, that's probably true. I liked Carly well enough and it was shocking but I was still like, grab Lilly, she can shoot!!
(Btw love your forum nickname, I just finished a re-read of Genji)
I was shocked when Carley got killed and the stuff happening to Duck was just amazing. The fact that they really went through with this just showed the commitment to tell a great story and don´t make any compromises.
They really broke my heart with the Duck and Katjaa stuff, they really did, no other game managed to make me feel this way.
There is Molyneux talking about feelings in games and never manages to pull this off and here comes Telltale and shows how stuff is done.
I can´t wait to see how all of this turns out and can´t wait for the next episode. The Walking Dead has turned out to be one, if not the best game of the year so far.
Bravo Telltale!
I'll go one further and say if you didn't highfive Duck, you are dead inside. And the message prompt afterwards, dear god I was rolling on the floor.
I'd have to agree. He's a spineless, whiny weasel turncoat pussbag. He's zombie fodder, if I get the chance.
In the ZA every medication that isn't expired is gold. That stuff would be in short supply, and antibiotics could save your life. Hello!
Everything seems lost, when the sole survivors Lee and Clem are trapped by the walkers and the bomb is ticking down and the water is rising and threatens to drown them. And THEN ... Carley comes to save them both with a boat. They get away and the walkers die (for real now) in the Michael Bay explosion.
Lee and Clem are confused about Carley being alive but she explaines that the steel plate in her skull saved her life and she knew about their plans and was able to follow them after recovery!!!!!
Lee and Carley marry and Clem gets some brothers and sisters and that's how the little family survives ... of course Lee would have to "badbad" some of the newborns because their cries attracted walkers, but otherwise everything is going to be fine
lol, what if it all turns out that it was just all a game called the shambling undead, that an alternate reality version of Lee is playing with his daughter Clementine :eek:
Yes, Lilly just snapped, but I tried my best to shift her focus from Carley to Ben. I would have rather seen her shooting Ben.
Maybe it's also about this female rivalary thing. Carley told my Lee: "You're more or less all she has left". And my Lee paying so much attention to Carley and defending her so strongly might have added to the mix of crazy. Why shoot the harmless boy, if she could get rid of the competition instead? So maybe jealousy was even the main motive?
A game in a game in a game in a game ... ingametion!
I mean the episode 3 was the best episode so far, but killing Carley is insane... Maybe some of you that I was looking for some Fairy Tale Adventure - but it is not this way. I think that among so many bad things there should be at least ONE positive thing and that was CARLEY.
Now seriously... i know that many of you would take the hard decisions which are about survival - but look at it from the other side. The World is ending, and the social system is falling apart. But if we take hard decision which are only about survival (e.g. steal the supplies from the car) we are not better than Zombies. People should act as humans - thats a difference between us and animals (or Zombies in this case). This decisions may be hard, but not impossible - survival is important (i agree with that) but what is the price of survival?
I am looking forward for episode 4 - I think it would be perfect, but I am very looking forward what happens with Ben. And the main question is - what is the situation about Clem parents. Is there any way how they could surrvive the zombie appocalypse (if they were in hospital? - hospitals fall first in that case and are overtaken by the zombies almost immiadiately). And the final question - since when have Lee two guns?!
By my count, he had none by the beginning of episode 3. He took Carley's and Lilly's.
Omid, and whatever her name are PEDOPHILES. It was disgusting to see how much interest they had in Clementine. I would have left them alone before dealing with them. Lee is far too trusting with new people, which he should not be. You don't know anything about Chuck, Omid, or girl with attitude. I wouldn't be leaving someone I call, "sweet pea" with random strangers.
The group is far weaker now, and in my save Kenny didn't have my back multiple times (which is fine, I can see that by choice). Also, that person on the radio, I am almost certain is that murder with glasses from the comic book. Why bring him up at the beginning if you don't intend to use him later?
All in all, I would say that it felt really rushed at end. They tried to jam too much story and new characters without developing them very much. I really don't like that new girl because the only thing I know about her is that she's Lily with out any of the kindness. For the record, I saved Omid. Not bercause I don't like her, but because he was closest and injured, and she was right there keeping up with the train. I figured I could pull them both up.
Would be a demanding task for him, talking to Clementine from prison and/or the grave.
Also, when she said I had to tell people I was a killer, I went straight for Kaatja. Seriously, I was as surprised as Kenny when I took her aside to tell her, but somehow TTG took a background character and made her my third favorite in the series. And then they made Duck really, really funny and likeable to the point that I actually gave him a high-five and said, "You earned it, champ" (if you think about it, Duck was an amazing kid...he was still funny and goofy even though he had been through ten times as much trauma as Clementine, and watching him slowly fade away was heart-breaking).
That made the entire RV ride a nightmare for me. And when Kaatja took her own life, I was speechless. And I pointed the gun at Duck for at least five minutes straight just hoping he would turn first. At one point he closes his eyes, his head drifts off, and he goes to sleep and I'm just about ready to pull the trigger and -- NOPE -- his eyes crack back open a peep and he starts breathing steadily again staring at me.
I had to look away.
I understand why the powergamers are frustrated that they don't get what they want, but they were never, ever given control over the narrative. There is no 100% completion. There is no ideal result. This is a game about controlling Lee's relationships and his personality. And until he gets super powers and mind control, he can't just tell other people what to do. He can only try and convince them and get them to trust and like him.
Once you realize the other characters are written like people instead of robots you can turn on and off with a switch, the game becomes much easier to deal with. Just focus on shaping Lee and stop worrying about shaping other people. Hope they change their minds but don't rely on it since everyone has their own goals and wants.
For example, Christa is very easy to get along with and she'll warm up to you very quickly if you agree that you aren't very good at what you're doing. She starts off a jerk but within ten minutes she was telling me that I was doing a good job and that Clementine was lucky to have me around.
You can't force people to like Lee. But you can make Lee someone worth liking, and that often has unexpected results.
Unless you're Kenny, he's a douche.
I don't know what game you were playing, but Ben was always a confused, scared kid in my playthrough.
He was a confused, scared kid who was giving supplies to bandits because they told him his friends were still alive and they were holding them for ransom.
Then he was a confused, scared kid who started panicking when Lilly kept pressing him for information on the side of the road.
Then he was a kid who wanted to play with an awesome train and eat some candy and wasn't confused or scared anymore because there weren't zombies or bandits and everyone was having a good time.
Then he was a confused, scared kid who wanted to tell Kenny that he's the one who was stealing supplies. Then he was a confused, scared kid I had to talk to three different times before he finally admitted he should keep his mouth shut (nice touch, TTG).
And then he was a confused, scared kid standing on top of the train watching for zombies telling you he was confused and scared about zombies coming to eat them.
Seems pretty consistent.
Absolutely none.
The girl at the pharmacy. (I left her for bait) What if when you left her, the story unfolded as it did and you had time to get supplies. If you shot her, you were unable to get supplies and had to leave without anything to save your lives. OR you save her and she comes back to the group where you find she's bitten and she turns.
Any of those three scenarios were imminently doable, gave the player an actual impactful choice and didn't bloat the story or create long term contradictions to the main plot.
It wouldn't have been difficult to set an if then parameter/variable regarding the obtained supplies that WOULD have made a difference in the rest of the series.
Speaking of the supplies, let me now tell what I thought of this episode.
I was seriously pissed off. This lack of choice and only an illusion of one needs to stop. WHAT THE HELL was the point of counting how many supplies you were able to collect? In the end, you didn't even get to keep them. So why the hell waste my time telling me how many items I picked up? THAT was Not necessary! I really thought the number and type of things I got would make a difference.....that was the biggest dog chasing tail bullshit I've experienced in a while. See, this is my problem with this choice illusion thing...they actually wasted the time to code THAT when it didn't make one whit of difference rather than code something that did.
Second point of contention is along the same lines, what the hell was the point in me building a relationship with Katjaa and her 'remembering' or 'being grateful' for my concern about Duck? Just to waste her? It seems like they just want us to invest in these characters way too much and it is very hollow. Animal crackers? For a walker to be? GET SERIOUS! (Ok but I enjoyed smashing the head in the car door that was cool)
I'm not angry about Katjaa's suicide. I hated her from the beginning she was useless and soft. Not ZA material. But I thought they were going to saddle Lee with her for the rest of the series by the way they fed interactions with her to us.
Duck should have been put down as soon as they saw the bite. Point blank. If Kenny could salt lick Larry, he damn well should have been prepared for his son to get put down. Perfect justice would have been Lilly icing him after finding out that he was bit.
The Carly/Doug thing.....I had Carly in my game, her death was pretty pointless but I would rather have seen that than have had to stomach a romantic storyline. This is ZA people! A quick shag in the hotel would have been fine but all that gazing and hand holding that they were leading up to omg gag me. Yes, please kill her. Basically I viewed her death as a way for the developers to get out of having to write more for her.
What everyone is overlooking here is the survival aspect of the group and how dramatically they altered it in this epi. Forget the soft and sweet save Carly because she's cute crap. She was an extra gun, and a good shot! So was Lilly! They are both gone, Kenny is an awesome wildcard now because he has nothing to lose and nothing to live for (which is one thing I approve of with the new dynamic) so who knows wtf he will do next. Ben has no skill, no contribution to the group, Chuck MAY be an asset but I still don't trust him. All we have now is Lee and these new people who yep the chick is more than likely preggers.
The stickers on the walkie talkie foreshadowed its return but did anyone else notice that in previous views of it, it actually looked broken whereas in this epi it looked perfectly fixed?
It is a good game, it was misrepresented. I like it but wish they would make better decisions about what to code and give the player actual choices.
I think that 1st-" Anyone can die" was showed perfectly. Carley's death was very emotional, fast, unexpected and made me angry. This is The Walking Dead way.
2nd -"Wham Episode" wasn't showed good. Much too much. We needed to abandon hotel, than Carley's death / decision about leaving Lilly, Duck was bitten, he died, his mother's suicide, new people. That was too much even for "Wham Episode". When I met Chuck, Omid and Christa I really didn't care about it/them.
Beside the 2nd trope I dislike that I was forced to teach Clem handle with weapon. Maybe if they showed us more about Katjaa's suicide reasons (her son was dying of course , but she really disliked weapons, disliked that I had told her the truth about Larry's death, and disliked the way which World was going) and then gave us opportunity to decided about teach Clem or not teach her- that would be another big choice.
3rd episode was really good. Maybe 2nd was a little better in my opinion but Long Road Ahead is still on the top. I can't wait 4th and I wish have more opportunities to make choice about Clem, because this is TWD and I know that we are all dead.
It reminds me of what the cop said in the beginning of episode 1, which was something along the lines of "you need to stop worrying about things you can't control." Lee can't control the course of events, he can only control how he deals with them.
Anyway, my personal opinion is that the episodes are only getting better. There was a lot going on in episode 3, yet I felt the pacing was good. I'm particularly interested in what will happen now that Kenny lost his family. I'm thinking he is going to see through what he started and then just give up on life at the end.
IMO, it matter's because as the story goes, we have no idea what's coming next, everything is working as it should.
Like saving Carely in EP1.. A vast majority of player saved Carley, is why sooooo many post's here from people upset or furious at her loss.. But that's the point.
We have no idea what will come next, everything seem's normal, get lulled into a false sence of security, then suddenly, BAM!! bullet to the face!
What if we were given a conversation with a character and it didnt seem to matter? people would wonder why, maybe guess something is coming. But if the conversation plays out as normal, something we see as possibly meaningful later on, then it's suddenly gone, that's part of the shock, the unknowing, the anything can happen and change in an instant!
I'm not saying anyone else is wrong if you think it's poor writing on the part of TT, thats your opinion of your game and you're entitled
Just stating my point of view!
I just hope that Telltale pulls through and makes us as emotionally invested in these new characters as we were in the originals, which will allow us to have the same level of tension during the danger scenarios. No glitches or bugs on my play through.
Episode 1 = 8/10
Episode 2 = 10/10
Episode 3 = 8/10
I totally agree!!
I was thinking about this sort of thing yesterday
Keeping in mind, all the different people who have some sort of influence into how or what Lee does. It starts with the TT developers.. They are writing the story, they are choosing the vairables, all the different possible senerios and add those to the game.
Then we the players come in.. Realize, their are hundreds of thousands of people playing Lee. Soo many people with different opinions and ideas and values! How many Lee's saved Carley or Doug, and why??
How many Lee's killed or spared the St. John Brother's? or Larry and why did they decide that way?? There is no right or wrong answer, only Our own answer's. Some may totally agree with each other on one point, but absolutely disagree on another.
I think the episodes are only getting better and if some choices don't really matter then that's accurate. How would you know at the time it wont matter?
I think most finish the game then complain about the choices after they already know the outcome.. The expirence is the "during"!!!
Unfortunately, the characters are too well defined and developed that seeing them picked off has really drained my enthusiasm to play further. The best words I can use to describe their deaths are sick and vile. However, I realise that is the intention as the entire series meant to be horrific with violence and death everywhere. In a way, the game is testing you to see how much more your sane mind can take. Reading some of the reactions on here and even my own suggests that a lot of you have reached your breaking point. You've got to give TTG credit for making you feel this way. How many video games have you played where character deaths have made you feel so charged?
I have no shame in admitting Carley is/was my favourite character and seeing her die like that was truly shocking, and even needless. Her death might make sense if you're a TWD purist as that is what you would naturally expect given the nature of the series. But from a video game perspective, I don't think works nearly as well. Her death seemed to be the product of the limitations of what can be achieved in this type of video game.
In reference to my statement about reaching your breaking point, I think I have reached mine. There just does not seem to be anything else for me left to enjoy. Seeing the hobo and those two new guys for the first time struck me as feeble replacements. I can't see myself getting attached to those people, nor do I want to go through the bother of knowing them, because I have a feeling the will be picked off as well. As I said, it may be the game's intention to make you feel this way, but it seems like bad business sense to knowingly kill off popular characters in a game for the sake of shock. I've lost my enthusiasm and I'm having serious doubts that I will play future installments or replay previous episodes knowing what will and has happened.
Great work TTG on a fine game series and a heart-wrenching episode, but I have a feeling you have destroyed many of your fans and some like me are questioning their continued commitment.
True story, I was tired of my favorite character always dieing off, that I made a giant list of favorites and said "kill all these guys off, I dare you" then the governor showed up and I started to cry
Was over way too quickly, no good shock moments (all the ones that did happen, you could see em happening from a mile away), felt like no matter what my choices were that the result would be the same regardless (why are we still stuck with Kenny's douchebagness, even tho everybody else you can get rid of). Seemed more like a rushed filler episode since it was so far behind schedule and they just needed to get it out to appease the masses. Episode 3 is the middle and should be building up to the climax for the final couple of episodes, not just string the story along (could have been done with episode 2 instead if you are outta ideas).
These are just my opinions and I'm sure somebody might disagree, but it was really not worth waiting over 2 months of what was posed to be a monthly episodes for this garbage filler piece.
When everything hit the fan and we escaped in the RV, that was great, especially that shooting sequence which was pretty enjoyable. But after that, on the road was just bad. It opened well, with Lilly's paranoia coming to a head and everything getting really crazy, but the ending felt really predetermined, and I am starting to feel that Telltales promise of our choices actually mattering was an exaggeration. Sure, they have some effects on dialogue... but they have almost no bearing on the overall story ark, which is starting to become a real problem.
For example, Larry. No matter if you try to revive him or not, Kenny will still kill him, you just help him in one version. Everything after that will be nearly identical as well. The choices you make in this series are only skin deep, they don't really change anything. Which really was a problem in that no matter what you do, Carley/Doug will die. It's even worse on the Carley side of things because you just got to initiate a relationship with her in that episode, and instead of killing her later and giving you an option for long term emotional sadness, they exploited it for short-term shock value. You also have no way to interfere in how things play out, meaning your choices and your actions really don't matter.
The rest of the groups reaction, and even Lee's, is also weak after. He barely even addresses Carley's death, and neither does the rest of the group except Katjaa. There's also (probably) no way to stop her from killing herself either, and whether Kenny or Lee shoots Duck, it still happens.
Otherwise, the episode was great, but the group is really starting to thin. You kill characters we care about, yes, and it promotes a great reaction, but giving us no way to do things different when we go back through makes it feel far too linear when this was advertised as a game where our choices matter. Also, just throwing in these new characters out of nowhere when we're getting near the end just doesn't feel extremely natural, and while they have great personalities, they are just not as interesting as characters that have come before.
Either way, I can't wait to see what happens in Episode 4, but I want to see more opportunities for the player to change the overall story rather then just skin deep changes which other games like Dragon Age or Mass Effect have already proven is possible.
6.5 out of 10
p.s. Carley shoulda thought better of what she said to lilly. Calling her a bitch a little girl and telling her to get the fuck over it...not so smart...seems batteries weren't the only thing holding carley back...her mouth was a problem too;)
Tbh, I can't see episode 4 being any different. The entire game seems to be destined for a pre-determined conclusion. The purpose of the choices is to only influence the dialogue/cutscenes in getting there.
It was a big fat red herring
That's exactly the problem in my eyes, I realize that my opinion probably won't change anything, but I just hope they realize it. I was also just disappointed in the fact that it feels like we were all lied to.
I also thought the Kenny scene in the train where he beats the crap out of you and says "you never did anything for him" was pretty stupid, just because you tried to revive Larry he doesn't trust you anymore? You also don't have the dialogue option to kind of agree with what he did, you have no choice but to treat him like a piece of crap afterwards. I mean, I saved his kid from Walkers and I stopped Larry from killing him... just kinda dumb.
I think that moment was influenced more by player rage than logical thought. Given the huge number of Carley fans (including myself), to see your favourite character coldly shot then I can't blame the choice people made.
Aye, that's probably true. I liked Carly well enough and it was shocking but I was still like, grab Lilly, she can shoot!!
(Btw love your forum nickname, I just finished a re-read of Genji)