Great game. I will say that I wept man tears over Duck. To have to shoot someone who was my ward and the friend to my Clementine caused internal pain beyond comparison. What I realized is that never should we say that we want to kill of someone in this game. The creators then give us the opportunity to do so and we feel like monsters. Remember the Larry! So for those who want to kill Ben, just wait and you will feel the sadness for doing so. Carley will be missed since she felt so "real" in that I could talk openly to her. Now I understand why Lilly feels bad for shooting women. Since Kenny was my bud I felt terrible for what happened to him. Nothing Will Ever Be The Same...
Now I understand why Lilly feels bad for shooting women.
if youre referring to what i think it wasnt the woman Lilly felt bad about shooting and with her leaving the group kinda makes me wonder if shell make an appearence on the show this season
Give Ben a break, he is desperate for his old life. He lost everyone and was really hit by that like we see in ep 2 and thought he had a chance to get someone back, I liked Doug he was an interesting character that I hadn't seen before in The Walking Dead but it's life. I also liked Carley, even though she's the same as other Walking Dead characters in comics and Tv Series (minor spoilers so won't say who), besides he's relatable for me being in my same age group. For this don't say you want to kill him please, just for the few who like him if you do the creators will give you the chance.
But to get off my plea, I really enjoyed this episode, I'm liking every episode more than the last even if it takes a bit of a toll on me. Shame for what happened to Doug and Carley, I was really shocked about it, but other than that I already went through it up there. I honestly predicted that something was going to bring Kenny down, but I didn't think that he'd lose everything, especially not his son. I like Chuck and Omid personally, Chuck because he rocks and Omid because he's into Civil War history, also like Lee more because of that. Christa is a bit rough, but she's being nice to Clem and is a survivor which will be helpful so that makes up for it. Can't wait for the next episode to see what happens with the radio fellow, the video game is really exploring new aspects that the Tv and Comic never did, that is the best thing about the game in my opinion.
Can't wait for next episode, hopefully it's not postponed but even if it is surely the quality of the episode will make up for it.
Give Ben a break, he is desperate for his old life.
I say No because Ben took intentional step's that put all our lives at risk!
I understand his actions.. He was trying to save himself and I cannot fault him for that. But, he was stealing our supplies, made a deal with the bandit's behind our back risking our lives. I cant give him a break and allow him to do something similar again!
It's like with Larry.. I risked my life to get his pill's to save him, then he punches me in the face to leave me for dead! That's why I killed him in the meat locker.. I couldnt afford to allow him a second chance to kill me.
We are ALL desperate for our old lives, but that's a thing of the past. It's all about now and hopefully tomorrow.
My Lee: "Ben I understand why you did it, and i'm sure you can understand why I have to do this!" BLAMMO!!!
I say No because Ben took intentional step's that put all our lives at risk!
I understand his actions.. He was trying to save himself and I cannot fault him for that. But, he was stealing our supplies, made a deal with the bandit's behind our back risking our lives. I cant give him a break and allow him to do something similar again!
Risked our lives? Did you not see the arrows that were already on the walls, weren't those there before Ben's deal? The Bandits could have stormed the motel any moment they wished to, frankly Ben put off the invasion by making the deal because if our group kept up killing their men they'd come back in that large force and we'd have to fall out just like we did. Your Bandit argument is nothing man, not to offend, but the argument about the lives of Carley and Doug is true. He pushed Lilly over the edge, but he didn't pull the trigger why not blame Lilly for killing Carley/Doug instead of blaming the person who pushed her over the edge?
Risked our lives? Did you not see the arrows that were already on the walls, those were there before Ben's deal? The Bandits could have stormed the motel any moment they wished to, frankly Ben put off the invasion by making the deal because if our group kept up killing their men they'd come back in that large force and we'd have to fall out just like we did. Your Bandit argument is nothing man, not to offend, but the argument about the lives of Carley and Doug is true. He pushed Lilly over the edge, but he didn't pull the trigger why not blame Lilly for killing Carley/Doug instead of blaming the person who pushed her over the edge?
Ben could have come to the group and said something. Been honest with us and let us All decide what to do.. Instead, he kept a secret and stole from us, denied it til the very end!
Ok, Ben put off the Bandit invasion.. fine. But, it still happened anyways, if we had known what was going on, maybe we would have had the chance to prepare for it in some way. Point is. He was not trustworthy. Even one of the bandit's took a shot at him. They didnt care about him. What happens next time? Who knows what he may do.. To me, is too much a risk!
Glad I'm not the only one with this opinion Peace&Love, cheers.
Ben is a kid you would do the same if you thought that you caused someone's death, you wouldn't want to admit it to anyone until you are alone with your thoughts long enough. Even Lee was guilty when he let Carley/Doug and Shawn, differing on who you chose to save, die. That's why he kept silent after the death, at least that's my assumption. Besides, all he's doing is trying to keep the group alive by doing all he can. Sound familiar?
At first, yeah it seems more selfish but as it goes further he seems to be trying to do it to help the group. For the telling of the group, we don't know. Maybe he's not trustworthy, but why? I mean they were already in this mess without him, my only thought is that he may think that the group would believe that they could take on the bandits but Ben knows that they couldn't.
But I'm the same with your opinion, but it doesn't mean I won't try to debate a bit..
I hear what ya sayin, but I think Ben was more trying to keep Ben alive than the group.. Why wouldnt he have told the group then what was happening from the start?
I respect your opinions though I dont fully agree with them. Seem's to me Im more thinking survival while others are more focused on the morality!
I say No because Ben took intentional step's that put all our lives at risk!
I understand his actions.. He was trying to save himself and I cannot fault him for that. But, he was stealing our supplies, made a deal with the bandit's behind our back risking our lives. I cant give him a break and allow him to do something similar again!
It's like with Larry.. I risked my life to get his pill's to save him, then he punches me in the face to leave me for dead! That's why I killed him in the meat locker.. I couldnt afford to allow him a second chance to kill me.
We are ALL desperate for our old lives, but that's a thing of the past. It's all about now and hopefully tomorrow.
My Lee: "Ben I understand why you did it, and i'm sure you can understand why I have to do this!" BLAMMO!!!
oh wait, too much noise
*grabs axe* CHOPPO!!!
Dude the kid is what, 17? He made a monumental mistake, but that's what kids his age do. I'm sure you and many others on this forum have made 5 alarm mistakes. hell I have. Let the kid learn and grow, he messed up, he knows it, he is wiser. If we killed every dumb kid that screwed up we'd have no old people to learn from.
Regardless of how tall he is, Ben just a scared little boy. He did something stupid, that's pretty much standard for teenagers (no disrespect intended for any running around this board).
Yeah, I don't blame Ben at all for Carley / Doug's death. He's a scared kid, that doesn't fit in with this group. From what I've seen, no one really seemed to like him and a couple people made it clear that Lee should have let him die. He initially believes that his real friend is alive. Why the heck wouldn't he try to help his friend? I would have, or my Lee would have, I should say.
Once he realized that the bandits were lying, I really do believe that he was trying to save the lives of the group he was with. Was it a bad decision? Absolutely. He's naive...and scared. Should he have told the group much sooner? Absolutely.
That said, he's not the one that went stark raving mad & pulled the trigger. Lilly is. Lilly is solely to blame for Carley and Doug's deaths, imo. After her father's death, the group should have taken away her control and weapons. No one was safe from her. She was crazy and that was evident since the first time we met her.
I know this may sound exaggerating, but Carley is the most trustworthy, helpful and kind character in the group( and Lee of course ). She didn't deserve to die!!!! And after all the support I gave to Lily, she just got some nerves to kill my favourite character and steal the g-damn RV. Grrrr, I wish I left that bitch to die in the street!
Dude the kid is what, 17? He made a monumental mistake, but that's what kids his age do. I'm sure you and many others on this forum have made 5 alarm mistakes. hell I have. Let the kid learn and grow, he messed up, he knows it, he is wiser. If we killed every dumb kid that screwed up we'd have no old people to learn from.
Okay fair point! Let's try to consider the event's leading up to that point.
Ben is outside the motel for whatever reason, bandit's capture him, tell him to supply them with supplies or they'll attack the motel.
Why wouldnt Ben return and tell the group what happened?
Maybe fear that we'd be mad he got caught and toss him out? possibly!
Scared 17yo kid that made a huge mistake and should be given a second chance? Maybe. but let's also consider, his mistake, led to the event where a 8yo Duck was bitten and basically killed. Maybe Lee should let Kenny know why that raid happened and let him decide what to do about Ben!
If I were there (as Lee) I would be willing to talk to the group and even agree to spare Ben's life, for now! But if ANYTHING happens again that could even remotely point towards Ben, he's a gonner.
I wont pretend to have all the right answers to every situation, but I'll take a survival decision over a moral decision every time!
...his mistake, led to the event where a 8yo Duck was bitten and basically killed. Maybe Lee should let Kenny know why that raid happened and let him decide what to do about Ben!
I think that's precisely why Lee told Ben that it couldn't be undone and to keep it to himself.
Okay fair point! Let's try to consider the event's leading up to that point.
Ben is outside the motel for whatever reason, bandit's capture him, tell him to supply them with supplies or they'll attack the motel.
Why wouldnt Ben return and tell the group what happened?
Maybe fear that we'd be mad he got caught and toss him out? possibly!
Scared 17yo kid that made a huge mistake and should be given a second chance? Maybe. but let's also consider, his mistake, led to the event where a 8yo Duck was bitten and basically killed. Maybe Lee should let Kenny know why that raid happened and let him decide what to do about Ben!
If I were there (as Lee) I would be willing to talk to the group and even agree to spare Ben's life, for now! But if ANYTHING happens again that could even remotely point towards Ben, he's a gonner.
I wont pretend to have all the right answers to every situation, but I'll take a survival decision over a moral decision every time!
Dude in their reality, every mistake has a high potential to cost lives, no matter how small or severe. I'll take a kid that fucked up and is the wiser for it. You honestly think he'd do something like that ever again? You could just see the ulcers forming by looking at his twisted guilt racked face when he finally confessed. As far as I am concerned Ben is good kid albeit naive for his age. He's going to do everything he can to make things right, and I really hope he does, I am pulling for him.
I was so deeply attached with Carley and Katjaa and they will just end up in a stupid cause of death.
You may think I'm overreacting but my heart feels kinda heavy right now. I guess I just can't accept the truth that Carley and Kat are never coming back. ( SIGH )
There's no point for me to buy Episode 4 and 5 anymore because episode 3 is the end of my journey.
"The Walking Dead: Episode 3 – Long Road Ahead illustrates, more than any episode in the series so far, how it is the little moments – and what you read into them – that define the experience for each player. The occasional technical glitch – and release delays – can be forgiven. At this midway point in the story, players are defining just how far they would go to save themselves – or to protect the person who depends on them the most. No matter what happens, I know I will protect this little girl. Whatever gets thrown at us – cannibals, bandits, thieves, zombies – I will make sure she survives. Despite video games instilling into me for years that I need to survive to win, I would die for Clementine. Would you?"
I was so deeply attached with Carley and Katjaa and they will just end up in a stupid cause of death.
You may think I'm overreacting but my heart feels kinda heavy right now. I guess I just can't accept the truth that Carley and Kat are never coming back. ( SIGH )
There's no point for me to buy Episode 4 and 5 anymore because episode 3 is the end of my journey.
So you are whining your favorite character died? You do realise that is how Walking Dead is? Robert Kirkman gleefully made an entire comic about the #1 fan favorite being beaten to death senselessly with a baseball bat. Watch that, and then tell me how bad you will feel.
So you are whining your favorite character died? You do realise that is how Walking Dead is? Robert Kirkman gleefully made an entire comic about the #1 fan favorite being beaten to death senselessly with a baseball bat. Watch that, and then tell me how bad you will feel.
First let me get the negative comments out of the way:
1. The release was again quite late.
2. PC version players, who did pre-order did again have no advantage and were again served AFTER a console.
3. The download of the pc version was difficult. The connection was lost around 20 times and I had to start again and again downloading it.
4. Lilly shooting Carley seemed very manufactured. I didn't quite believe her sudden hate for her.
5. With Carley, Lilly and Katja gone there is only Clem left as a likeable character.
6. How did Clems radio work over such a long distance?
That said, I would like to state that TTG did in my opinion once more a great job with the game itself. Here are my thoughts about episode 3:
1. Depris? „Hmmmmmmmmmmmm“
2. It was good to kill off Duck. He was a strange element in the mix and simply annoying. His stupidity and good mood were a bit displaced in a world like this. It had a nice touch though that TTG made him more likeable with the whole mystery puzzle. Like this I almost felt sad for him. Let's hope there are no bugs in heaven.
3. The suicide of Katja (why double „a“ at the end ?) was surprising. I liked her because she was quite reasonable and helpful. Anyway, surprises like this are good.
4. The flirt with Carley on the balcony and the running gag with the batteries were fun. „You're small!“. Yes, she had to go because it would have been too complicated to keep both characters at the same time, but it's sad to lose the best character next to Clem There will be something missing in the future episodes. Let's hope there are no devices needing batteries in heaven.
5. The dream about Clementine being a walker must have been taken from the forums here Respect! The fear about close people becoming one of them must be present in ones mind all the time and cause a lot of stress. I liked that sequence!
6. Using a train as a way of transport seems to be quite a refreshing idea to me. Nicely done. But I somehow doubt that it would still work after such a long time.
7. The action scene with shooting bandits and walkers was a welcomed change in gameplay. It gets a bit boring just hitting walkers in the head with some random stuff.
8. Teaching Clementine to survive is a nice development. It might be cruel to force a kid to grow up like that, but it's probably best to highten the chances of survival. I would have cut her hair even more though. Making her look like a boy might be a smart thing to do considering rapers etc.
1. Make Lee find a letter from Carley in one of his pockets. Depending on the relationship the content could be some kind of love confession or a warning or something (In case I don't make it...). It would be nice to hear the voice actor read the letter one last time. That would be a better goodbye, than Lee more or less just ignoring her death.
2. Please implement more scenes, where Lee needs to shoot walkers or people. Maybe you could make it more tactical, if Lee would have limited bullets and would have to make the people fight the walkers and then just makes sure that both sides loose.
3. Please implement a lot of team puzzles with Clementine. Cut the interactions with the other characters and focus more on Clem. The other surviving people aren't interesting to me anymore. Omar and Claire or Christa or whatever don't seem appealing to me.
4. Lee could be teaching Clem a lot of small things like lighting a fire or how to best get rid of a walker in different situations. Maybe he could explain diversions and how to use walkers against bad living people. „A walker is a force of nature. It has no intelligence and just acts on the instinct to feed. It is a huge danger, but it's possible to control them by using baites, diversions and noise. Once you might encounter bad people and because they're stronger, you might need to use the walkers against them. So try to learn how they behave and what they react to. You're sharpest weapon is your mind, Clementine“
5. Lee should make Clem a useful gift. Instead of just giving her food and caps and hoodies, he should give her a knife and explain how to use it as a tool and as a weapon. If not as a weapon, then a Swiss army knife might be nice. She could use the screwdriver to open stuff. Having a little McGuyver might be useful.
I was so deeply attached with Carley and Katjaa and they will just end up in a stupid cause of death.
You may think I'm overreacting but my heart feels kinda heavy right now. I guess I just can't accept the truth that Carley and Kat are never coming back. ( SIGH )
There's no point for me to buy Episode 4 and 5 anymore because episode 3 is the end of my journey.
- Still great artistic design work. Character models are still distinct and expressive, the color palette is vibrant and cel shading really compliments the story.
- Strong voice work throughout. A couple rough line deliveries in few moments (nothing serious but a couple patches), but on a whole every actor worked excellently.
- Some intense dramatic moments! Honestly, if you don't get a stone dropped in your gut at some of the moments here, something is wrong with you.
- A bit more gameplay variety. The little shooting gallery with the bandits was quite amusing!
- Made me actually change my opinion on Kenny. Great work on the developers part.
- The music sounded better this time around. Still very much computer programmed, but it had more distinctly good tunes!
- Chuck is alright for being the magical hobo, but seriously do not like Omid and especially Christa. Omid is a bumbling moron and Christa is just a judgmental, snappy, cold jerk. Sure we've had characters we've loved to hate in the past (Larry, Duck, etc), but they still had qualities we liked before they tried to redeem them. Even with the "Christa may be pregnant" hints, her attitude and behavior has not shown anything to make me care even a bit for her safety. They better find a way to quickly make them likable or write them off because they are on the top of my least favorite characters list.
- The fact Chuck is the magical hobo. He's not a bad character as much as just a fairly convenient character. He is introduced with little fanfare, everyone already likes him immediately, he speaks the words of wisdom to protect Clementine and always has the cheerful attitude. It's not bad he does those things, but it feels like he needed a bit more...I dunno, something different to develop his character a bit more.
- The ending kind of just petered out. After such intense climaxes in the middle, the end sequence paled in comparison. Even more so when you realize the "big choice" really does not make a lot of difference.
- Um...that stinger better be the boring parts of Episode 4 because it did not really do anything to excite me or intrigue me. Yes we get to investigate the radio man, but it didn't resonate in the teaser. Hopefully a lot of that changes.
- Still some stiff character animations and framerate errors. Just the fault of an old engine.
- Just a fan rage here....come on, Carley/Doug could have lasted one more episode. It was definitely a shock, but it seemed a bit forced in the logic leading to Lilly shooting Carley at least. At least Doug died saving Ben (who I now hate and hope they write some likable things too because he needs to repent for killing my woman!). This isn't so much a complaint to the writing as much as just a desire that they could have lasted at least to the next episode or to the end of this one to make it feel like the choice mattered more.
Overall: 8.5
Not my favorite episode, but still has many good things about it. Still strong writing, acting, art and storytelling. The ending stumbled a bit (mostly compared to the last two episodes' great endings) and there were some of the usual problems that we are just going to have to accept. I look forward to Episode 4 regardless.
Note to Telltale: Actually give us alternate endings!!!! Don't do the dick Bioware move of just shoehorning us into one rote ending disguised as more. Make the endings (yes, endings not ending) distinct. Perhaps Lee dies and Clem lives. Perhaps Clem dies and Lee lives. Perhaps both of them survive but at the expense of everyone else in the group (after all the two of them have gone through, I would not mind a tiny bit of hope as an ending option). I don't mind what the endings are, but PLEASE DO NOT JUST WRITE THE "HERO HAS TO DIE OR IT IS NOT A GOOD STORY" ENDING AND NOTHING ELSE!!!! I am so sick of those because they RARELY EVER PAY OFF!
I'm new here and just had to register after that last episode.. it was simply mind-blowing.
Also very interesting opinions here, i find myself agreeing with many of you which is interesting considering the amount of controversial stuff that happened. (usually leads to crazy arguments in other game forums)
First of all some of my decision this episode:
- Killed the woman in the beginning
- Told everyone about my past
- Took Lilly with me after she killed Carley
- Killed Duck myself
Now my impression:
So first of all, this episode made me absolutely hate Ben. I mean he’s responsible for absolutely EVERYTHING bad that happened this episode.
- Lilly would never go paranoid and shoot Carley if it wasn’t for him hiding the truth
- If he told the group about the bandits at the motel they could plan out how they are going to continue while keeping the bandits at distance with the supplies.
- All this would mean no bandit attack and no zombies coming to bite Duck
- They wouldn’t have to leave in haste and could take supplies with them if they decided they had enough of the bandit threat.
It is only fitting that during the end-phase of this episode the new character, Christa, would say that they only survived because they are a small group. At this point I’d jump on the opportunity to leave the group with Clem, be her mentor making her a badass character.
Coming to Kenny.. at this point he’s a lose canon, and he once again refused to save me when I was trapped under the door in the beginning. I am sympathetic to his situation with his family falling apart, but he was never a team player and at this point I’m not one either. Not with him anyway.
And it was just obvious that he’d be in denial with his son dying, yet had no problems killing Lilly’s dad who wasn’t even bitten and had a chance of living.
To the 3 new characters.. They are interesting but we don’t know enough about them to judge.. Christa and Odim seem nice (Odim probably saved my life while working at the Truck) but I have the feeling there will be a twist.. Especially since Christa didn’t seem appreciate me wanting to know more about them.
I love the character development of Clementine and Lee.. Especially the whole thing with training her and cutting her hair really touched me.
The preview to episode 4 has me worried though looks like Clementine made a huge mistake by secretly having contact with people. Also am I wrong in assuming Lee has been held a prisoner of some kind?? (when he yells to the guy in the shadow that he’ll kill him)
Anyway, I can’t wait for episode 4 and 5..
Message to Telltale.. please make this a multi-season game series.. this world has so much potential for awesome stories.
hey im sorry to ask so stupidly like this, but ive been reading this thread and im really curious is there a way to save Carley? I didnt found a straight answer to this question, but it seems to me like theres no way to save her. So thanks for the answer
First of all i loved this episode lots of drama, twists and suspense to keep you on the edge of you're seat! Not to many game glitches to ruin the experience for me and looking forward to episode 4 "around every corner."
The only thing that got me was the very dark and depressing twists and story. Me and many fans were very upset about the death of Carly/Doug i knew they would eventually have to leave but the shock was unsettling and left a bad taste in my mouth. I know i sound silly but Carly and Doug were mine and many others favorite characters so it was unfortunate for them to go. Also in episode 3 the relationship between Lee and Carly was actually very sweet and cool and i wondered what would happen with them two.
But who knows in my game i heard Carly moaning whilst shot and it looked like the bullet only skimmed her face maybe leaving her unconscious. It would be amazing if Doug or Carly come back for these reasons. I do hope that telltale games do this plot twist because us fans would be amazed to see the characters back. Who knows maybe they are dead but i can only hope they will come back again for the reason i left before...
I doubt it. But there is this small hope back character . Telltale listening to the opinions of fans.I would like to see the return Duck / Carly in the second season)
i think episode 3 is great, i can now defiantly say that there is no possible combination of decisions that can be seen as the obvious "best choice" it kind of sucks that there are only 3 people left from the original (Lee, Clementine and Kenny) so its sort of like we will be starting a new story in episode 4.
but the way we lost the people from our group makes it worth it (Doug not so much) the way lilly went crazy reminded me of larry when he thought duck was bitten, and when she killed Doug i actually thought it was sort of panic fire and i let her back in the RV (Doug's death didn't matter much) but on my carley save i was shocked i literally gasped out loud, i thought i had won, the argument was over, then carley had to have the last word, i expected a comeback not a gun shot, OMG wow Lilly is an evil bitch, she ain't coming in my rv.
the disappointing thing is that doug is now the most useless character and i would never want him in my group again, carley gets a hint at a love interest, tells lee to admit his past to everyone and gets a super shocking ending, doug gets some bells and a grey area panic shot "don't know who's fault it was" ending, poor Doug.
even though once duck is bitten the whole duck part is sort of predictable (i didnt predict katjaa) i like how you can choose to be up front about the duck situation or just constantly ignore it until you have to deal with it, i chose to do it myself and that was a pretty heavy mouse click
as for the new characters, i like homeless dude, but he is basically a cartoon homeless guy (maybe he is a master villain in disguise) but omid and cristina seem to be more complications, and what happened with Lee and omid? is the way Lee treats him comedy or is Lee cracking?, not asking him but sort of threatening him to dangle over the edge and cut the tanker and pushing him off the bridge no "together" option, i don't know whether it was out of place quirky comedy or Lee cracking.
cristina seems like a survivor and a bit of a carley 2.0 but her loyalty is with an injured omid so she is complicated.
i wish i could have handled the ben situation in a more understanding way, once he admitted what he had done i wanted to tell him that "it's ok, you may have keeped us alive for the past few weeks", but i wish he had told me so i didn't stop his drop off and make every bad thing that happened happen, but all i could do was be mad and teach him a lesson to keep his mistakes secret (possible future bite lie).
i liked the more puzzle'y elements in the game and as always i enjoyed the parts with Clementine
Carley/Doug were left by the side of the road. Therefore they are on foot approx 2-3 hours car drive away (the incident happened at night and it was early morning when they got to the train) + 2 hours by train (as Lee mentioned to the two new guys at the bridge) so they are probably a few hundred miles apart.
With half a head missing and hundreds of walkers between them, does anyone really think they will happen to stumble across each other again?
I was so deeply attached with Carley and Katjaa and they will just end up in a stupid cause of death.
You may think I'm overreacting but my heart feels kinda heavy right now. I guess I just can't accept the truth that Carley and Kat are never coming back. ( SIGH )
There's no point for me to buy Episode 4 and 5 anymore because episode 3 is the end of my journey.
I didn't stop watching/reading Game of Thrones just because Sean Bean died. And Sean Bean is my soul mate, he just doesn't know it yet.
Episode three was good. I felt it was trying to 'break' me though, and TellTale's excellent writing challenged everything I thought I knew - how to treat Clem, who I could count on, my judging of characters like Kenny and Duck... It was quite an emotionally draining experience.
3. The download of the pc version was difficult. The connection was lost around 20 times and I had to start again and again downloading it.
4. Lilly shooting Carley seemed very manufactured. I didn't quite believe her sudden hate for her.
(3) Yeah, I had problems as well. Judging from the size, I should have dl'd this episode in 15 minutes tops - instead, I sat in front of my computer for 90+ minutes with all the lost connections. I hope they're bringing the direct episode file download back for future games, or at least have mechanics that let us do something else while the download attempts in the background. This is the minimal freedom a PC player expects.
(4) Lilly just popped. This was rather explicitly foreshadowed, she just couldn't take it any more, so she just fired on someone, anyone who threatened her authority or gave her grounds for suspecting conspiracy. I find severe mental instability to be about the only possible explanation for her actions in the comic, so this is as canon as it gets (Should Kirkman, as expected, declare the Lilly in the game non-canon or "a different Lilly", I am rather sure that his own novelized version of the character will bear tons less believability). Lilly is wacko, she couldn't take the new world she lives in.
5. With Carley, Lilly and Katja gone there is only Clem left as a likeable character.
Yeah, it will be Cool, if Carley will back later in future episodes. Well, she knew plans about Savannah . So it could be cool theme. Her relations with Lee are cool, so her dead just shocked me...
if youre referring to what i think it wasnt the woman Lilly felt bad about shooting and with her leaving the group kinda makes me wonder if shell make an appearence on the show this season
But to get off my plea, I really enjoyed this episode, I'm liking every episode more than the last even if it takes a bit of a toll on me. Shame for what happened to Doug and Carley, I was really shocked about it, but other than that I already went through it up there. I honestly predicted that something was going to bring Kenny down, but I didn't think that he'd lose everything, especially not his son. I like Chuck and Omid personally, Chuck because he rocks and Omid because he's into Civil War history, also like Lee more because of that. Christa is a bit rough, but she's being nice to Clem and is a survivor which will be helpful so that makes up for it. Can't wait for the next episode to see what happens with the radio fellow, the video game is really exploring new aspects that the Tv and Comic never did, that is the best thing about the game in my opinion.
Can't wait for next episode, hopefully it's not postponed but even if it is surely the quality of the episode will make up for it.
I say No because Ben took intentional step's that put all our lives at risk!
I understand his actions.. He was trying to save himself and I cannot fault him for that. But, he was stealing our supplies, made a deal with the bandit's behind our back risking our lives. I cant give him a break and allow him to do something similar again!
It's like with Larry.. I risked my life to get his pill's to save him, then he punches me in the face to leave me for dead! That's why I killed him in the meat locker.. I couldnt afford to allow him a second chance to kill me.
We are ALL desperate for our old lives, but that's a thing of the past. It's all about now and hopefully tomorrow.
My Lee: "Ben I understand why you did it, and i'm sure you can understand why I have to do this!" BLAMMO!!!
oh wait, too much noise
*grabs axe* CHOPPO!!!
Risked our lives? Did you not see the arrows that were already on the walls, weren't those there before Ben's deal? The Bandits could have stormed the motel any moment they wished to, frankly Ben put off the invasion by making the deal because if our group kept up killing their men they'd come back in that large force and we'd have to fall out just like we did. Your Bandit argument is nothing man, not to offend, but the argument about the lives of Carley and Doug is true. He pushed Lilly over the edge, but he didn't pull the trigger why not blame Lilly for killing Carley/Doug instead of blaming the person who pushed her over the edge?
Ben could have come to the group and said something. Been honest with us and let us All decide what to do.. Instead, he kept a secret and stole from us, denied it til the very end!
Ok, Ben put off the Bandit invasion.. fine. But, it still happened anyways, if we had known what was going on, maybe we would have had the chance to prepare for it in some way. Point is. He was not trustworthy. Even one of the bandit's took a shot at him. They didnt care about him. What happens next time? Who knows what he may do.. To me, is too much a risk!
Ben is a kid you would do the same if you thought that you caused someone's death, you wouldn't want to admit it to anyone until you are alone with your thoughts long enough. Even Lee was guilty when he let Carley/Doug and Shawn, differing on who you chose to save, die. That's why he kept silent after the death, at least that's my assumption. Besides, all he's doing is trying to keep the group alive by doing all he can. Sound familiar?
At first, yeah it seems more selfish but as it goes further he seems to be trying to do it to help the group. For the telling of the group, we don't know. Maybe he's not trustworthy, but why? I mean they were already in this mess without him, my only thought is that he may think that the group would believe that they could take on the bandits but Ben knows that they couldn't.
But I'm the same with your opinion, but it doesn't mean I won't try to debate a bit..
I respect your opinions though I dont fully agree with them. Seem's to me Im more thinking survival while others are more focused on the morality!
Dude the kid is what, 17? He made a monumental mistake, but that's what kids his age do. I'm sure you and many others on this forum have made 5 alarm mistakes. hell I have. Let the kid learn and grow, he messed up, he knows it, he is wiser. If we killed every dumb kid that screwed up we'd have no old people to learn from.
Damn it, sorry Omid. I seriously like your character and don't want it to die. xD
Once he realized that the bandits were lying, I really do believe that he was trying to save the lives of the group he was with. Was it a bad decision? Absolutely. He's naive...and scared. Should he have told the group much sooner? Absolutely.
That said, he's not the one that went stark raving mad & pulled the trigger. Lilly is. Lilly is solely to blame for Carley and Doug's deaths, imo. After her father's death, the group should have taken away her control and weapons. No one was safe from her. She was crazy and that was evident since the first time we met her.
Of all the damn characters to die, WHY CARLEY????
I know this may sound exaggerating, but Carley is the most trustworthy, helpful and kind character in the group( and Lee of course ). She didn't deserve to die!!!! And after all the support I gave to Lily, she just got some nerves to kill my favourite character and steal the g-damn RV. Grrrr, I wish I left that bitch to die in the street!
Thanks alot for breaking my heart, TTG.
Okay fair point! Let's try to consider the event's leading up to that point.
Ben is outside the motel for whatever reason, bandit's capture him, tell him to supply them with supplies or they'll attack the motel.
Why wouldnt Ben return and tell the group what happened?
Maybe fear that we'd be mad he got caught and toss him out? possibly!
Scared 17yo kid that made a huge mistake and should be given a second chance? Maybe. but let's also consider, his mistake, led to the event where a 8yo Duck was bitten and basically killed. Maybe Lee should let Kenny know why that raid happened and let him decide what to do about Ben!
If I were there (as Lee) I would be willing to talk to the group and even agree to spare Ben's life, for now! But if ANYTHING happens again that could even remotely point towards Ben, he's a gonner.
I wont pretend to have all the right answers to every situation, but I'll take a survival decision over a moral decision every time!
I think that's precisely why Lee told Ben that it couldn't be undone and to keep it to himself.
Dude in their reality, every mistake has a high potential to cost lives, no matter how small or severe. I'll take a kid that fucked up and is the wiser for it. You honestly think he'd do something like that ever again? You could just see the ulcers forming by looking at his twisted guilt racked face when he finally confessed. As far as I am concerned Ben is good kid albeit naive for his age. He's going to do everything he can to make things right, and I really hope he does, I am pulling for him.
I was so deeply attached with Carley and Katjaa and they will just end up in a stupid cause of death.
You may think I'm overreacting but my heart feels kinda heavy right now. I guess I just can't accept the truth that Carley and Kat are never coming back. ( SIGH )
There's no point for me to buy Episode 4 and 5 anymore because episode 3 is the end of my journey.
So you are whining your favorite character died? You do realise that is how Walking Dead is? Robert Kirkman gleefully made an entire comic about the #1 fan favorite being beaten to death senselessly with a baseball bat. Watch that, and then tell me how bad you will feel.
Crazy, huh?
That's a glowing review to the writers.
Somehow I doubt that.
1. The release was again quite late.
2. PC version players, who did pre-order did again have no advantage and were again served AFTER a console.
3. The download of the pc version was difficult. The connection was lost around 20 times and I had to start again and again downloading it.
4. Lilly shooting Carley seemed very manufactured. I didn't quite believe her sudden hate for her.
5. With Carley, Lilly and Katja gone there is only Clem left as a likeable character.
6. How did Clems radio work over such a long distance?
That said, I would like to state that TTG did in my opinion once more a great job with the game itself. Here are my thoughts about episode 3:
1. Depris? „Hmmmmmmmmmmmm“
2. It was good to kill off Duck. He was a strange element in the mix and simply annoying. His stupidity and good mood were a bit displaced in a world like this. It had a nice touch though that TTG made him more likeable with the whole mystery puzzle. Like this I almost felt sad for him. Let's hope there are no bugs in heaven.
3. The suicide of Katja (why double „a“ at the end ?) was surprising. I liked her because she was quite reasonable and helpful. Anyway, surprises like this are good.
4. The flirt with Carley on the balcony and the running gag with the batteries were fun. „You're small!“. Yes, she had to go because it would have been too complicated to keep both characters at the same time, but it's sad to lose the best character next to Clem
5. The dream about Clementine being a walker must have been taken from the forums here
6. Using a train as a way of transport seems to be quite a refreshing idea to me. Nicely done. But I somehow doubt that it would still work after such a long time.
7. The action scene with shooting bandits and walkers was a welcomed change in gameplay. It gets a bit boring just hitting walkers in the head with some random stuff.
8. Teaching Clementine to survive is a nice development. It might be cruel to force a kid to grow up like that, but it's probably best to highten the chances of survival. I would have cut her hair even more though. Making her look like a boy might be a smart thing to do considering rapers etc.
1. Make Lee find a letter from Carley in one of his pockets. Depending on the relationship the content could be some kind of love confession or a warning or something (In case I don't make it...). It would be nice to hear the voice actor read the letter one last time. That would be a better goodbye, than Lee more or less just ignoring her death.
2. Please implement more scenes, where Lee needs to shoot walkers or people. Maybe you could make it more tactical, if Lee would have limited bullets and would have to make the people fight the walkers and then just makes sure that both sides loose.
3. Please implement a lot of team puzzles with Clementine. Cut the interactions with the other characters and focus more on Clem. The other surviving people aren't interesting to me anymore. Omar and Claire or Christa or whatever don't seem appealing to me.
4. Lee could be teaching Clem a lot of small things like lighting a fire or how to best get rid of a walker in different situations. Maybe he could explain diversions and how to use walkers against bad living people. „A walker is a force of nature. It has no intelligence and just acts on the instinct to feed. It is a huge danger, but it's possible to control them by using baites, diversions and noise. Once you might encounter bad people and because they're stronger, you might need to use the walkers against them. So try to learn how they behave and what they react to. You're sharpest weapon is your mind, Clementine“
5. Lee should make Clem a useful gift. Instead of just giving her food and caps and hoodies, he should give her a knife and explain how to use it as a tool and as a weapon. If not as a weapon, then a Swiss army knife might be nice. She could use the screwdriver to open stuff. Having a little McGuyver might be useful.
i almost cried
You'll buy it, 100 percent guaranteed.
It's the Walking Dead...
more appropiately known as "Your Favourite Character Will Die."
- Still great artistic design work. Character models are still distinct and expressive, the color palette is vibrant and cel shading really compliments the story.
- Strong voice work throughout. A couple rough line deliveries in few moments (nothing serious but a couple patches), but on a whole every actor worked excellently.
- Some intense dramatic moments! Honestly, if you don't get a stone dropped in your gut at some of the moments here, something is wrong with you.
- A bit more gameplay variety. The little shooting gallery with the bandits was quite amusing!
- Made me actually change my opinion on Kenny. Great work on the developers part.
- The music sounded better this time around. Still very much computer programmed, but it had more distinctly good tunes!
- Chuck is alright for being the magical hobo, but seriously do not like Omid and especially Christa. Omid is a bumbling moron and Christa is just a judgmental, snappy, cold jerk. Sure we've had characters we've loved to hate in the past (Larry, Duck, etc), but they still had qualities we liked before they tried to redeem them. Even with the "Christa may be pregnant" hints, her attitude and behavior has not shown anything to make me care even a bit for her safety. They better find a way to quickly make them likable or write them off because they are on the top of my least favorite characters list.
- The fact Chuck is the magical hobo. He's not a bad character as much as just a fairly convenient character. He is introduced with little fanfare, everyone already likes him immediately, he speaks the words of wisdom to protect Clementine and always has the cheerful attitude. It's not bad he does those things, but it feels like he needed a bit more...I dunno, something different to develop his character a bit more.
- The ending kind of just petered out. After such intense climaxes in the middle, the end sequence paled in comparison. Even more so when you realize the "big choice" really does not make a lot of difference.
- Um...that stinger better be the boring parts of Episode 4 because it did not really do anything to excite me or intrigue me. Yes we get to investigate the radio man, but it didn't resonate in the teaser. Hopefully a lot of that changes.
- Still some stiff character animations and framerate errors. Just the fault of an old engine.
- Just a fan rage here....come on, Carley/Doug could have lasted one more episode. It was definitely a shock, but it seemed a bit forced in the logic leading to Lilly shooting Carley at least. At least Doug died saving Ben (who I now hate and hope they write some likable things too because he needs to repent for killing my woman!). This isn't so much a complaint to the writing as much as just a desire that they could have lasted at least to the next episode or to the end of this one to make it feel like the choice mattered more.
Overall: 8.5
Not my favorite episode, but still has many good things about it. Still strong writing, acting, art and storytelling. The ending stumbled a bit (mostly compared to the last two episodes' great endings) and there were some of the usual problems that we are just going to have to accept. I look forward to Episode 4 regardless.
Note to Telltale: Actually give us alternate endings!!!! Don't do the dick Bioware move of just shoehorning us into one rote ending disguised as more. Make the endings (yes, endings not ending) distinct. Perhaps Lee dies and Clem lives. Perhaps Clem dies and Lee lives. Perhaps both of them survive but at the expense of everyone else in the group (after all the two of them have gone through, I would not mind a tiny bit of hope as an ending option). I don't mind what the endings are, but PLEASE DO NOT JUST WRITE THE "HERO HAS TO DIE OR IT IS NOT A GOOD STORY" ENDING AND NOTHING ELSE!!!! I am so sick of those because they RARELY EVER PAY OFF!
I'm new here and just had to register after that last episode.. it was simply mind-blowing.
Also very interesting opinions here, i find myself agreeing with many of you which is interesting considering the amount of controversial stuff that happened. (usually leads to crazy arguments in other game forums)
First of all some of my decision this episode:
- Killed the woman in the beginning
- Told everyone about my past
- Took Lilly with me after she killed Carley
- Killed Duck myself
Now my impression:
So first of all, this episode made me absolutely hate Ben. I mean he’s responsible for absolutely EVERYTHING bad that happened this episode.
- Lilly would never go paranoid and shoot Carley if it wasn’t for him hiding the truth
- If he told the group about the bandits at the motel they could plan out how they are going to continue while keeping the bandits at distance with the supplies.
- All this would mean no bandit attack and no zombies coming to bite Duck
- They wouldn’t have to leave in haste and could take supplies with them if they decided they had enough of the bandit threat.
It is only fitting that during the end-phase of this episode the new character, Christa, would say that they only survived because they are a small group. At this point I’d jump on the opportunity to leave the group with Clem, be her mentor making her a badass character.
Coming to Kenny.. at this point he’s a lose canon, and he once again refused to save me when I was trapped under the door in the beginning. I am sympathetic to his situation with his family falling apart, but he was never a team player and at this point I’m not one either. Not with him anyway.
And it was just obvious that he’d be in denial with his son dying, yet had no problems killing Lilly’s dad who wasn’t even bitten and had a chance of living.
To the 3 new characters.. They are interesting but we don’t know enough about them to judge.. Christa and Odim seem nice (Odim probably saved my life while working at the Truck) but I have the feeling there will be a twist.. Especially since Christa didn’t seem appreciate me wanting to know more about them.
I love the character development of Clementine and Lee.. Especially the whole thing with training her and cutting her hair really touched me.
The preview to episode 4 has me worried though looks like Clementine made a huge mistake by secretly having contact with people. Also am I wrong in assuming Lee has been held a prisoner of some kind?? (when he yells to the guy in the shadow that he’ll kill him)
Anyway, I can’t wait for episode 4 and 5..
Message to Telltale.. please make this a multi-season game series.. this world has so much potential for awesome stories.
The only thing that got me was the very dark and depressing twists and story. Me and many fans were very upset about the death of Carly/Doug i knew they would eventually have to leave but the shock was unsettling and left a bad taste in my mouth. I know i sound silly but Carly and Doug were mine and many others favorite characters so it was unfortunate for them to go. Also in episode 3 the relationship between Lee and Carly was actually very sweet and cool and i wondered what would happen with them two.
But who knows in my game i heard Carly moaning whilst shot and it looked like the bullet only skimmed her face maybe leaving her unconscious. It would be amazing if Doug or Carly come back for these reasons. I do hope that telltale games do this plot twist because us fans would be amazed to see the characters back. Who knows maybe they are dead but i can only hope they will come back again for the reason i left before...
but the way we lost the people from our group makes it worth it (Doug not so much) the way lilly went crazy reminded me of larry when he thought duck was bitten, and when she killed Doug i actually thought it was sort of panic fire and i let her back in the RV (Doug's death didn't matter much) but on my carley save i was shocked i literally gasped out loud, i thought i had won, the argument was over, then carley had to have the last word, i expected a comeback not a gun shot, OMG wow Lilly is an evil bitch, she ain't coming in my rv.
the disappointing thing is that doug is now the most useless character and i would never want him in my group again, carley gets a hint at a love interest, tells lee to admit his past to everyone and gets a super shocking ending, doug gets some bells and a grey area panic shot "don't know who's fault it was" ending, poor Doug.
even though once duck is bitten the whole duck part is sort of predictable (i didnt predict katjaa) i like how you can choose to be up front about the duck situation or just constantly ignore it until you have to deal with it, i chose to do it myself and that was a pretty heavy mouse click
as for the new characters, i like homeless dude, but he is basically a cartoon homeless guy (maybe he is a master villain in disguise) but omid and cristina seem to be more complications, and what happened with Lee and omid? is the way Lee treats him comedy or is Lee cracking?, not asking him but sort of threatening him to dangle over the edge and cut the tanker and pushing him off the bridge no "together" option, i don't know whether it was out of place quirky comedy or Lee cracking.
cristina seems like a survivor and a bit of a carley 2.0 but her loyalty is with an injured omid so she is complicated.
i wish i could have handled the ben situation in a more understanding way, once he admitted what he had done i wanted to tell him that "it's ok, you may have keeped us alive for the past few weeks", but i wish he had told me so i didn't stop his drop off and make every bad thing that happened happen, but all i could do was be mad and teach him a lesson to keep his mistakes secret (possible future bite lie).
i liked the more puzzle'y elements in the game and as always i enjoyed the parts with Clementine
Carley/Doug were left by the side of the road. Therefore they are on foot approx 2-3 hours car drive away (the incident happened at night and it was early morning when they got to the train) + 2 hours by train (as Lee mentioned to the two new guys at the bridge) so they are probably a few hundred miles apart.
With half a head missing and hundreds of walkers between them, does anyone really think they will happen to stumble across each other again?
Episode three was good. I felt it was trying to 'break' me though, and TellTale's excellent writing challenged everything I thought I knew - how to treat Clem, who I could count on, my judging of characters like Kenny and Duck... It was quite an emotionally draining experience.
(3) Yeah, I had problems as well. Judging from the size, I should have dl'd this episode in 15 minutes tops - instead, I sat in front of my computer for 90+ minutes with all the lost connections. I hope they're bringing the direct episode file download back for future games, or at least have mechanics that let us do something else while the download attempts in the background. This is the minimal freedom a PC player expects.
(4) Lilly just popped. This was rather explicitly foreshadowed, she just couldn't take it any more, so she just fired on someone, anyone who threatened her authority or gave her grounds for suspecting conspiracy. I find severe mental instability to be about the only possible explanation for her actions in the comic, so this is as canon as it gets (Should Kirkman, as expected, declare the Lilly in the game non-canon or "a different Lilly", I am rather sure that his own novelized version of the character will bear tons less believability). Lilly is wacko, she couldn't take the new world she lives in.