I just finished It and Its strongly emotional but at the end that mysterious guy from walkie talkie says that he GOT Clems parents.But If I remember.In Episode 1 when Lee enters the house and listen to the phone.Diana(Clems mother)says that Ed(Clems father) has been attacked(bitten).Or Am I wrong?
I have some theories about that. I doubt the man is telling the truth about Clem's parents, but his exact motivations are unclear still. If you remember, the other walkie talkie was taken by Glenn over three months prior, so could this be someone from Rick's group who splintered off into Savannah?
I have some theories about that. I doubt the man is telling the truth about Clem's parents, but his exact motivations are unclear still. If you remember, the other walkie talkie was taken by Glenn over three months prior, so could this be someone from Rick's group who splintered off into Savannah?
The worst problem I got Is that I cannot synchronize Ricks story and Lees story.
I mean when Episode 3 ends wheres Rick at that time?
You're all acting as though you're robots doing the exact same thing. Sure, there will be a big overlap in what we will experience, but don't tell me that we will all play it the same way. There will be different experiences even if the game remains the same for the rest of the way.
Superficial experiences, a change in dialogue here and there. At this moment in time though, the end of episode 3, where are you at in your game? I dare say it's almost identical to where I am, no matter what choiced you've made up until now.
I understand they don't have the time nor resources to make a true branching story. But people keep saying that even if your choices don't change the actual story, they do change how people feel about you. But i'm not even seeing that for the most part. Like I asked further up on the page, have the choices you made at the end of episode 2 (Killing St Johns, Taking supplies) effected the way anyone feels about you? 'cos it didn't feel to me like it did. I would've expected Clem to at least be a bit wary of me at the beginning of episode 3 after seeing me do all those things, but it didn't seem to effect our relationship at all.
Superficial experiences, a change in dialogue here and there. At this moment in time though, the end of episode 3, where are you at in your game? I dare say it's almsot identical to where I am, no matter what choiced you've made up until now.
I understand they don't have the time nor resources to make a true branching story. But people keep saying that even if your choices don't change the actual story, they do change how people feel about you. But i'm not even seeing that for the most part. Like I asked further up on the page, have the choices you made at the end of episode 2 (Killing St Johns, Taking supplies) effected the way anyone feels about you? 'cos it didn't feel to me like it did. I would've expected Clem to at least be a bit wary of me at the beginning of episode 3 after seeing me do all those things, but it didn't seem to effect our relationship at all.
I think you're thinking superficially here. How do you feel about everyone else? How are you playing the game? The game allows for you to interpret what you should do with what's happening around you. That's more than what you can say for many others. Even if what you're doing is the same as others externally, YOU'RE still thinking. You're not just going through the motions of the game.
I think you're thinking superficially here. How do you feel about everyone else? How are you playing the game? The game allows for you to interpret what you should do with what's happening around you. That's more than what you can say for many others. Even if what you're doing is the same as others externally, YOU'RE still thinking. You're not just going through the motions of the game.
I understand what you're saying, I'd just like to think my decisions influenced things slightly more than they actually do. Like it wouldn't be much of a strain on the programmers to have Clem be a bit distant with you throughout the episode depending on your choices at the end of the last one.
I understand what you're saying, I'd just like to think my decisions influenced things slightly more than they actually do. Like it wouldn't be much of a strain on the programmers to have Clem be a bit distant with you throughout the episode depending on your choices at the end of the last one.
Who knows what will happen in the next two episodes anyways? Clem, Ben, and Kenny are still alive, and I think they will still remember the things you did. I always had it in mind that Clem would be the sole survivor in episode 5 and take to heart what Lee did throughout the game.
I like the game and i like Ep3 overall BUT i really dislike what they did with some characters in the series because of 2 reasons :
1.There is not even a single character left who i like and care about beside Lee and Clem,and because Lilly is my fav i hope there will be a chance to have her back in team.Unfortunetly everyone else is dead (Carley,Katjaa and Duck) so i don't like the turn the series took.The story at least for me became less interesting after this episode.
2.I think the way Carley died was a cheap playing on emotions from developers and she didn't even had a proper goodbye.
Aside from that i liked the episode 3,but i expect the story to be fixed in the next episode if they want to keep me intrested.
Who knows what will happen in the next two episodes anyways? Clem, Ben, and Kenny are still alive, and I think they will still remember the things you did. I always had it in mind that Clem would be the sole survivor in episode 5 and take to heart what Lee did throughout the game.
Yeah hopefully it might all mean something in the end. I just think it would've been good and relatively easy to do, to have Clem be a bit unsure of you if you'd killed and stolen (even if just for the first couple of scenes). Like right now i'd probably be regretting my actions if they'd caused a rift in our relationship, but as it is i'm glad I took pleasure in killing the brothers and taking the supplies as it doesn't seem to have made any difference.
I like the game and i like Ep3 overall BUT i really dislike what they did with some characters in the series because of 2 reasons :
1.There is not even a single character left who i like and care about beside Lee and Clem,and because Lilly is my fav i hope there will be a chance to have her back in team.Unfortunetly everyone else is dead (Carley,Katjaa and Duck) so i don't like the turn the series took.The story at least for me became less interesting after this episode.
2.I think the way Carley died was a cheap playing on emotions from developers and she didn't even had a proper goodbye.
Aside from that i liked the episode 3,but i expect the story to be fixed in the next episode if they want to keep me intrested.
On the contrary, I think keeping people who are innocent and/or on your side throughout the game would be boring. Lee now has to work with two guys he has/had bad blood with more closely now more than ever on top of three people he just met. I think it's very interesting how I was bros with Kenny in episode 1, hated him by the end of 2, and had forgiven him by the end of 3. And that I was wary of Lilly in 1, trusted her by 2, and absolutely hated her in 3. What point would there be in keeping people who would end up as cronies to Lee? Just like in the real world, you have to work with people you don't necessarily agree with or even like.
Furthermore, I as well felt ABSOLUTELY cheated that Carley died the way she did. I stopped playing the game for a while even and didn't think I could go on. But after some more reflection I realized that this was right for the game. Lee was probably going through the same emotions I was. He felt cheated, he was in utter disbelief. Carley acted as a voice of reason and somewhat of a crutch for me, and now, halfway through the game, that was swept out from under me, and now I have to learn to stand on my own and make decisions to ensure the safety of Clementine. This is character growth. This is player growth.
I can understand the annoyance. I just started over to see some different outcomes and was pretty disappointed when the Hershel farm ended exactly the same way even though I didn't save Duck and blamed Kenny in the dialogue afterwards. I had expected to be allowed to stay on the farm after that or that Kenny wouldn't offer the ride - and that I'd come to the drug store by other means to then meet a Kenny who is pretty angry at me.
I'm beginning to think the choices are there mostly to have you think you have to make a tough decision. That's not necessarily a bad thing and I understand it would be very tough to have very different outcomes and still make future episodes work with every choice - but you have to be willing to immerse yourself into the game to tolerate it.
I have to say, the Carley death scene just zapped the steam out of the game for me. It was completely pointless. ALL the evidence pointed to Ben who was new to the group, and so she shoots Carley in the face? What?? It made zero sense. I can see if she died in a zombie attack or something, but i cant help but think that was simply bad writing. Plus, why bother choosing between the Lily and Kenny arguments when the game obviously wanted you to always side with Kenny? Total illusion of choice. I thought choices would matter in this game. They dont.
I normally don't post in forums but I just had to after playing episode 3.
Just...wow. The last 2 episodes have been pretty bleak as a whole but I couldn't necessarily say I was sad but rather empathized with what certain characters were going through.
For Lee losing his family, it was tragic, but I didn't know them well enough to have an emotional connection with them.
Mark seemed like a standup guy, but like I said I didn't know him long enough to really feel sad but instead was shocked and angry.
I never liked Larry since he always rubbed Lee the wrong way. But when Kenny suddenly dropped that salt lick I was disgusted and didn't look at Kenny the same way anymore. I also felt bad for Lily.
But episode 3 is the first time I really felt my heart sink. Duck was annoying but he was a good kid (plus he gets points in my book for alluding to Batman!). Katjaa has been nothing but kind and sweet. So when I saw what happened next I just felt so sad and the way Kenny cried...it just made me feel even worse.
And Carley...it was just so sudden, it was like someone just blindsided me with a knife and slowly started twisting it toward my innards. Carley was the only one Lee could trust and confide in besides Clementine. She was supportive, caring, protective, and was with Lee since the beginning. I loved the playful banter between the two and loved how there was a romance slowly budding between the two. It was because of that I actually thought she was safe in that episode. It was sad the way she went, Carley was my favorite character alongside to Lee and Clem. Needless to say i left Lily's sorry ass out on the road. I'm sure if you had Doug he was a total bro, and heard he actually took a bullet for Ben, so hats off to him for that.
This episode was a lot too handle, it was as if Sophia, Dale, and Shane all died within the span of one episode...
I really cared about Carley, Duck and Katjaa, and made me think how cruel the world in the Walking Dead is when it allows good and honest people to die so insensibly and meaninglessly. To be honest I would have stopped playing after episode 3 were it not for Clementine. To me, Clementine is Lee's only thread left to humanity and a chance at redemption.
As for Ben I hold nothing but disdain for him and blame him for what happened, but I would probably let Lee still save him, although begrudgingly.
I don't know I'm just really jaded at this point. I had Lee be the idealistic optimist that does what he can to help everyone around him, but after episode 3 I'm probably just going to look out for Clem and Kenny. Sure I'll collaborate with chuck, christa, and omid when it comes to survival but it's definitely not going past that. At this point I think the only time I'll feel really sad is if Clem somehow died. So Lee is going to be a cold, calculating survivalist in my playthrough now.
It was a great episode but I really can't find myself replaying it, considering how tragic it is. THe funny thing was I was having a great couple of weeks until I played this episode. It's amazing how a video game can have you feel so bummed out. Quit playing with my emotions TTG!! haha well sorry for the long post, but thought might as well make my first post a thoughtful one.
Now, don't get me wrong here. I'm not saying it was BAD necessarily, but compared to the other episodes thus far, it just didn't match up.
Episode one and two just made it seem like your choices had more impact.
Episode 1: Doug or Carley? Tell people about your past, or not? Accept responsibility for Clem or treat her with disdain? These decisions, and how you present yourself to the group, leads to a variety of gameplay outcomes.
Episode 2: Accept the new guy or not? Stay on Lily's side or stay on Kenny's side? Steal from the car or not? Kill the brothers or just leave them? Again, decisions are different based on the choices you make.
Episode 3: Talk Lilly down from shooting Ben or accuse Ben? No matter what you do, Doug/Carley dies. Let Lilly stay after shooting Ben? The game still gets rid of her. Say "okay..." to go with Lilly in the RV? She still throws you out. Shoot Duck yourself or have the parents do it? Doesn't really matter, because Kat still dies. Pull Christie on the train, or Omir? Once again, unlike the first episode, you aren't choosing one over the other. They both live.
All of the episodes thus far, although you reach essentially the same ending to each episode, your decisions felt like they had more of an impact. After re-playing episode 3 to try and change things I learned that absolutely nothing can be changed. Everything you do plays out exactly the same regardless of your actions. Literally the only decision here you face that's like the first two episodes is fighting or talking Kenny down. It felt like my decisions couldn't change anything.
I hear you and I definitely agree that there are certain scenes that could have been done better. But from the developer's standpoint it would be extremely difficult to make all your choices impact the story, there's just too many variables.
It's their story and the best they can really do is give you the illusion of choice, where only certain choices can directly impact the story instead of simply changing a character's reaction.
Also as one person he can't really control all the situations around him.
Oh wow. There is nothing I can say that hadn't already been said here, but I'm can honestly say that this was the first time this game had me tearing up. I was sad about losing Doug, though it was expected, I had it ruined for me before I played the game. Doug's (Or Carley's, depending on which is in your game) death wasn't unexpected, and not just because I accidentally read about it before I got to play the game, but I was kind of hoping he would stick around a little bit longer.
But what got to me was Katjaa/Duck. It wasn't just emotional, I really liked those characters. I know Duck was annoying, but he was still a child. I liked him, especially in this episode. I actually wasn't expecting anything to happen to Duck. Katjaa, on the other hand, I was expecting a death, but just not the way it happened. I was not expecting that at all. I think I was in shock for a short while. My heart kind of broke watching Duck slowly turn before Lee shot him. I'm so sorry for Kenny. Not a huge fan of his, but he didn't need to lose both his wife and son, especially not at the same time!
Lilly. What the heck, Lilly? I was never a fan of her's, I did feel sorry for her in episode 2 and I did side with her, but I still never liked her. But I did not expect her to go so crazy!
I hear you and I definitely agree that there are certain scenes that could have been done better. But from the developer's standpoint it would be extremely difficult to make all your choices impact the story, there's just too many variables.
It's their story and the best they can really do is give you the illusion of choice, where only certain choices can directly impact the story instead of simply changing a character's reaction.
Also as one person he can't really control all the situations around him.
On top of what I said though, in terms of the writing, it's almost as if they tried to do too much with this episode. They killed off 4 different characters that we've had since the beginning with nothing that could be done about it.
I just felt like the whole episode was mediocre compared to the rest. The two month+ wait for each episode, despite being promised a monthly episode when I purchased the game, has caught up with me. I didn't really feel myself attached the story as much after this episode because I felt like my choices didn't matter anymore. Now, I'm not sure I'm excited or even care about episode 4. I'll play it because I bought it, but I'm not going to be pumped for it.
Wish to see carley back, She was one of my favourite characters, like CLEM, wish to see her back... And i think i'm not the only one who think like that.
On top of what I said though, in terms of the writing, it's almost as if they tried to do too much with this episode. They killed off 4 different characters that we've had since the beginning with nothing that could be done about it.
I just felt like the whole episode was mediocre compared to the rest. The two month+ wait for each episode, despite being promised a monthly episode when I purchased the game, has caught up with me. I didn't really feel myself attached the story as much after this episode because I felt like my choices didn't matter anymore. Now, I'm not sure I'm excited or even care about episode 4. I'll play it because I bought it, but I'm not going to be pumped for it.
I hear you. At this point I don't think there's anything that TTG can throw at me that will make me sad or remorseful. The only thing that will really affect me at this point is if Clementine got hurt and possibly Kenny.
Honestly felt like this was easily the worst episode yet.
All of the likable characters are now dead. The only people in the entire group so far that i would even consider saving are chuck (the oldish guy who plays guitar) and maybe christa/omid.
Everything felt very cliche throughout the whole episode. The fact that suddenly a mystery radio guy appears from nowhere at the end (seriously, nobody noticed her talking to somebody over the radio, for OVER 3 MONTHS?), and all of the "sudden" deaths just ruin the entire thing.
The way that lilly shot at doug/carley felt totally un-needed. She didn't hate carley before this episode(not sure about doug) so she really had no reason to. If she thought that Ben was the traitor (he was the one that i thought did it through the entire thing as well) then she should have just turned around and shot Ben instead.
At this point, all of the characters' personalities just seem to fall flat and not be particularly interesting. Ben's supposed to be a teenager, and yet the personality that he's been given make him just seem like a little kid. He's not likable at all. He also shouldn't have just kept it to himself that he was giving supplies to the bandits, anybody who thinks rationally (yes, teenagers can think rationally) at all should have talked over it with the group.
Before i was even 10 minutes into the episode i could tell that it wasn't going to be a good one. Most of the locations were very boring and didn't really have that much space to move around in or things to see- it seems like all that Lee even says when you examine most of the items in this chapter is just "hmm" or just staring at it.
Then the way katjaa just offs herself felt stupid as well. She seemed the strongest out of her and kenny when it came to dealing with the situation, so it didn't make sense that she would kill herself, especially before duck was even dead. The way that kenny reacted about duck being infected, i could see happening as soon as he mentioned that nothing bad would happen to his family in an earlier episode.
And like somebody else said on the forums, all of the choices felt very restricted. Very dissapointed that i couldn't even try to save the girl at the start. Why even give me control of the sniper rifle if there's only one action i can even do with it, and that's to shoot the girl (directly in the head no less). I tried to go back 3 times just so i could save the girl, and i even ended up needing to do the whole thing over again the third time, only for the same outcome.
The ending/cliffhanger to the next chapter didn't pull me in as good as the other two chapters did either. It looks like the game is starting to get too actiony now just like every other good horror series has.
And there were other minor details that ruined it for me as well, such as how there doesn't seem to be any wind effect on the train apart from clem's hair. Then how Lee suddenly seems to have 2 pistols at one point even though they only have one. And where did the rifle go? that just kinda dissapeared in this episode after they left the camp.
And another smallish detail. When you're on the train for the first time, Kenny says that he has no idea how to control the train. Then after you find the controls on how to turn the train on, pretty much everybody seems to know how to drive the train, or at least it seems that way. Kenny is driving the train for all of the time after you turn it on and then Omid seems to grasp it pretty easily as well... without knowing anything more other than how to turn the train on :S
The part where Lee is dreaming also felt out of place. It also felt too quick, would have been better if the sequence was a little longer.
I also had the impression that clem would end up saving somebody by shooting the pistol at a zombie or maybe accidentally shooting another human, so i was dissapointed to find out that the part in the trailer where she's holding a pistol is only a short part where she is too afraid to shoot it, and after some training no less.
The part where clem has her hair cut was also a little silly. Didn't feel like it should have been a part of the actual gameplay, maybe done off-screen but i felt like it was just there to stretch out gameplay. It's not something that i feel should be included in a zombie game. (And after her hair was cut it still looked too long afterwards anyway..)
The atmosphere of carley or doug being dead also felt gone too soon. It's like Lee forgot who they even were after Lilly was gone. The way that whole situation was dealt with, i felt more emotion in the drug store in the room where Lee's parents were than in this entire chapter.
Yeah, all of the emotion, the decisions, the freedom and the storyline just felt forced in this episode.
After thinking about it some more, i think that the characters in this episode were all just sort of "there" in the background, nobody really cares. Chuck just kind of appears out of nowhere and offers the kids candy. Isn't that kind of strange?
And the thing about all of the likeable characters dying now isn't that there's only the "annoying" characters left, but the characters that are left just aren't that interesting.
There's clem who's about the only interesting character there, and even her personality is boring. Ben acts more like a little girl than she does. Most of the "little girl" part of her wasn't there at all in this episode.
All that kenny cared about was his family, there's not really that much of his personality there. He's a man who says that he'll help you out and then barely helps out at all most of the time. That's about it.
Ben is just an annoying character. He's supposed to be a teenager and yet he acts more like a 5 year old, nothing like the average teenager. And it might just be me, but his character model makes him look like he's 20 or 30 rather than a teenager.
Lee's character is still more or less the same, although none of the deaths seem to even slightly phase him.
Chuck, Omid and Christa all being introduced in the same episode isn't a good thing because now i believe that they're all just throw-away characters and they'll probably be dead in the next episode. Even if they aren't dead in the next, they'll be dead in the 5th and that doesn't leave a lot of time for you to get to know what they're like.
Okay,for my full review I have got to say I enjoyed this episode from the start.
Zombie Clementine scared the crap out of me!It was just so unexpected and Carley...oh Carley *tear comes to eye* I couldn't believe they killed them off (Doug and Carley) though it never phased me as much as Duck and Katjaa.
While I am talking about Duck and Katjaa I may aswell say I shot duck,I done it as quickly as possible to save him from suffering.
Also I forgot about the girl at the start,I shot her as a sign of mercy just like the girl from episode 1,I think though that I will not be doing stuff like that again,I must think of Clementine and the group,it sounds horrible,but I can't always be a nice guy and save everyone from suffering.
Most people were complaining about the fact that most choices don't matter now.I think that I am happy with that because basically you start again from square one,you don't know who you can trust!Mainly because Kenny is unstable after the death of his family,Ben caused the death of Carley/Doug and ruined their old camp,Chuck doesn't seem that bad,but you never know,Omid seems pretty cool though on the other hand Christa seems a bit like lilly,but she seems to care for Clementine.
For my last point I would like to tell everyone I never told the couple about my past,I am hoping to tell them after I know if I can trust them.
Honestly felt like this was easily the worst episode yet.
All of the likable characters are now dead. The only people in the entire group so far that i would even consider saving are chuck (the oldish guy who plays guitar) and maybe christa/omid.
Everything felt very cliche throughout the whole episode. The fact that suddenly a mystery radio guy appears from nowhere at the end (seriously, nobody noticed her talking to somebody over the radio, for OVER 3 MONTHS?), and all of the "sudden" deaths just ruin the entire thing.
The way that lilly shot at doug/carley felt totally un-needed. She didn't hate carley before this episode(not sure about doug) so she really had no reason to. If she thought that Ben was the traitor (he was the one that i thought did it through the entire thing as well) then she should have just turned around and shot Ben instead.
At this point, all of the characters' personalities just seem to fall flat and not be particularly interesting. Ben's supposed to be a teenager, and yet the personality that he's been given make him just seem like a little kid. He's not likable at all. He also shouldn't have just kept it to himself that he was giving supplies to the bandits, anybody who thinks rationally (yes, teenagers can think rationally) at all should have talked over it with the group.
Before i was even 10 minutes into the episode i could tell that it wasn't going to be a good one. Most of the locations were very boring and didn't really have that much space to move around in or things to see- it seems like all that Lee even says when you examine most of the items in this chapter is just "hmm" or just staring at it.
Then the way katjaa just offs herself felt stupid as well. She seemed the strongest out of her and kenny when it came to dealing with the situation, so it didn't make sense that she would kill herself, especially before duck was even dead. The way that kenny reacted about duck being infected, i could see happening as soon as he mentioned that nothing bad would happen to his family in an earlier episode.
And like somebody else said on the forums, all of the choices felt very restricted. Very dissapointed that i couldn't even try to save the girl at the start. Why even give me control of the sniper rifle if there's only one action i can even do with it, and that's to shoot the girl (directly in the head no less). I tried to go back 3 times just so i could save the girl, and i even ended up needing to do the whole thing over again the third time, only for the same outcome.
The ending/cliffhanger to the next chapter didn't pull me in as good as the other two chapters did either. It looks like the game is starting to get too actiony now just like every other good horror series has.
And there were other minor details that ruined it for me as well, such as how there doesn't seem to be any wind effect on the train apart from clem's hair. Then how Lee suddenly seems to have 2 pistols at one point even though they only have one. And where did the rifle go? that just kinda dissapeared in this episode after they left the camp.
And another smallish detail. When you're on the train for the first time, Kenny says that he has no idea how to control the train. Then after you find the controls on how to turn the train on, pretty much everybody seems to know how to drive the train, or at least it seems that way. Kenny is driving the train for all of the time after you turn it on and then Omid seems to grasp it pretty easily as well... without knowing anything more other than how to turn the train on :S
The part where Lee is dreaming also felt out of place. It also felt too quick, would have been better if the sequence was a little longer.
I also had the impression that clem would end up saving somebody by shooting the pistol at a zombie or maybe accidentally shooting another human, so i was dissapointed to find out that the part in the trailer where she's holding a pistol is only a short part where she is too afraid to shoot it, and after some training no less.
Yeah, all of the emotion, the decisions, the freedom and the storyline just felt forced in this episode.
Okay I want to talk about the Clementine radio thing,now listen this is gonna' be pretty short,but anyway.
I think nobody noticed because they thought that she was just having one of her "pretend talks" and left her alone.
Or maybe it started a near the end of the three months.
Christa saves him, and is displeased that you were going to leave an injured guy behind.
The greatness of this episode was let down by this end... ahem "choice". After listening to Christa's bitching and then seeing the subsequent global stats it became clear that there was actually a choice to be made on the train...
After replaying the last section (something I rarely do in these types of games) it seems you have to shift the camera over to the right in order for Omid to even be clickable, I felt that was a little cheap and would explain the low % stat of him being saved....
Other then that, props to telltale for not going the overly clichéd "Chekhov's gun" route of having clem headshot those walkers and saving me, but instead acting like an actual scared shitless 8 year old. Much more realistic .
Also shooting a child in the head about to be turned... thats some balls in this overly Politically correct world of video game taboo we live in, bravo.
Exactly! Bazinga! I knew that when Carley/Doug died people would IMMEDIATELY run to this board to complain.
I know it sucks but its a zombie apocalypse and life isn't fair all the time.
Every response i've seen complaining has been clearly emotionally inspired NOT logically.
Lilly flew off the handle and murdered Carley/Doug. Sad but its time to move on.
Thats why i found Ducks death to be powerful, and something building from Ep 1.
Carleys death was just bad because
1. It happens and is swept under the rug
2. No choice. Every single evidence pointed to Ben. Why didnt we have a choice to save her? With Lee now smitten by her, you would think there would be a choice to save her
3. It seems pretty obvious it was done to streamline the plot.
Honestly felt like this was easily the worst episode yet.
All of the likable characters are now dead. The only people in the entire group so far that i would even consider saving are chuck (the oldish guy who plays guitar) and maybe christa/omid.
Everything felt very cliche throughout the whole episode. The fact that suddenly a mystery radio guy appears from nowhere at the end (seriously, nobody noticed her talking to somebody over the radio, for OVER 3 MONTHS?), and all of the "sudden" deaths just ruin the entire thing.
The way that lilly shot at doug/carley felt totally un-needed. She didn't hate carley before this episode(not sure about doug) so she really had no reason to. If she thought that Ben was the traitor (he was the one that i thought did it through the entire thing as well) then she should have just turned around and shot Ben instead.
At this point, all of the characters' personalities just seem to fall flat and not be particularly interesting. Ben's supposed to be a teenager, and yet the personality that he's been given make him just seem like a little kid. He's not likable at all. He also shouldn't have just kept it to himself that he was giving supplies to the bandits, anybody who thinks rationally (yes, teenagers can think rationally) at all should have talked over it with the group.
Before i was even 10 minutes into the episode i could tell that it wasn't going to be a good one. Most of the locations were very boring and didn't really have that much space to move around in or things to see- it seems like all that Lee even says when you examine most of the items in this chapter is just "hmm" or just staring at it.
Then the way katjaa just offs herself felt stupid as well. She seemed the strongest out of her and kenny when it came to dealing with the situation, so it didn't make sense that she would kill herself, especially before duck was even dead. The way that kenny reacted about duck being infected, i could see happening as soon as he mentioned that nothing bad would happen to his family in an earlier episode.
And like somebody else said on the forums, all of the choices felt very restricted. Very dissapointed that i couldn't even try to save the girl at the start. Why even give me control of the sniper rifle if there's only one action i can even do with it, and that's to shoot the girl (directly in the head no less). I tried to go back 3 times just so i could save the girl, and i even ended up needing to do the whole thing over again the third time, only for the same outcome.
The ending/cliffhanger to the next chapter didn't pull me in as good as the other two chapters did either. It looks like the game is starting to get too actiony now just like every other good horror series has.
And there were other minor details that ruined it for me as well, such as how there doesn't seem to be any wind effect on the train apart from clem's hair. Then how Lee suddenly seems to have 2 pistols at one point even though they only have one. And where did the rifle go? that just kinda dissapeared in this episode after they left the camp.
And another smallish detail. When you're on the train for the first time, Kenny says that he has no idea how to control the train. Then after you find the controls on how to turn the train on, pretty much everybody seems to know how to drive the train, or at least it seems that way. Kenny is driving the train for all of the time after you turn it on and then Omid seems to grasp it pretty easily as well... without knowing anything more other than how to turn the train on :S
The part where Lee is dreaming also felt out of place. It also felt too quick, would have been better if the sequence was a little longer.
I also had the impression that clem would end up saving somebody by shooting the pistol at a zombie or maybe accidentally shooting another human, so i was dissapointed to find out that the part in the trailer where she's holding a pistol is only a short part where she is too afraid to shoot it, and after some training no less.
Yeah, all of the emotion, the decisions, the freedom and the storyline just felt forced in this episode.
This is exactly what I felt about the episode. I hope the next 2 will be better, cause if not I won't buy the 2. season.
After playing EP3, I went to youtube to see how some other people played and I just have to say, Every one I saw, when Lilly shoots Carley, and the Clem zombie dream, just all the "OMFG Noooooo" reactions..
Even one guy was telling his viewers, he's so upset after Carley's death he couldnt play anymore.. He wanted to do a rewind. It touched him that much. THAT's what makes TT so good at this game!
Okay, i completed my registration just to ask 2 questions.
First of all, in episode two that school boy clearly states that:
Now, why the hell zombie bite turns you into zombie in ep3?
Second - How does my choises affect the game exactly? I kinda felt illusion of a choise in ep 1&2, but ep 3 is just absolutley linear.
The game had a lot of potential, and it would be great if the game world actually split up at certain points leading to completley different situations. But that's to much to expect.
As for episode 3 itself:
After Carley and Katja&kid died i didn't care much about what was going on anymore, because i had no control whatsoever on situation, no matter what i choose same shit happens.
Thats why i found Ducks death to be powerful, and something building from Ep 1.
Carleys death was just bad because
1. It happens and is swept under the rug
2. No choice. Every single evidence pointed to Ben. Why didnt we have a choice to save her? With Lee now smitten by her, you would think there would be a choice to save her
3. It seems pretty obvious it was done to streamline the plot.
Thats why i found Ducks death to be powerful, and something building from Ep 1.
Carleys death was just bad because
1. It happens and is swept under the rug
2. No choice. Every single evidence pointed to Ben. Why didnt we have a choice to save her? With Lee now smitten by her, you would think there would be a choice to save her
3. It seems pretty obvious it was done to streamline the plot.
But i have faith it can be patched
Don't be silly, it won't be patched, it would require completely changing the rest of the story.
Also, do you REALLY think that TT will go back and patch a decision just because some guys "don't like it", I'm pretty sure that's the point. Are you familliar with TWD comic or TV show? People die, regardless of how 'popular' they are, it's an apocalypse, people will die and I personally think a mixture of likable and unlikable characters is far more interesting that purely the characters you like.
And your point 2 I think is exactly why it works, it causes a response like this from the player, even if it is a negative one, how dull would it be if everyone lived and everyone lived happily ever after?
I agree with point 3 but what are you going to do? Though I am slightly worried at how little impact choices being made are having, it is often nothing beyond dialogue change and to make matters worse often choices make no difference and events will happen regardless of what you pick, I would prefer no choice if that happens as it makes your choices feel pointless and hold less weight.
Fingers crossed they will later use this to enrich choices in later episodes but I doubt it...
Great so now we are stuck with a dumb teenager,a bum and Kenny who i was hating even harder than Duck. Oh,and a random couple...im sure they will do their part in the story but for now im just not intrigued.
Same mistakes again : you let us chose whether we kill or use a random girl as a bait (which is talked over only once few minutes later) but dont let us do a thing about armed hysterical bitch accusing random people of thievery.
Im not mad of the fact that Carley died : it adds tonns of drama when characters you care the most die making game truly unforgetable,but you could atleast let her go in an incident where you clearly couldnt controll (like i dunno...horde of zombies at the train station? its a zombie appocalypse afterall).is that realy all Lee could do? Just telling Lilly to calm down? Slaping her across the face would be a realistic act of saving somebody's life : killing off a zombie horde and catching up to a train with Carly on your hands wouldnt.
Again : let us make major choices as well! Atleast once per episode would be great.
Okay, i completed my registration just to ask 2 questions.
First of all, in episode two that school boy clearly states that:
Now, why the hell zombie bite turns you into zombie in ep3?
Second - How does my choises affect the game exactly? I kinda felt illusion of a choise in ep 1&2, but ep 3 is just absolutley linear.
The game had a lot of potential, and it would be great if the game world actually split up at certain points leading to completley different situations. But that's to much to expect.
As for episode 3 itself:
After Carley and Katja&kid died i didn't care much about what was going on anymore, because i had no control whatsoever on situation, no matter what i choose same shit happens.
So, yes. Worst episode by far.
In answer to question 1, zombie bites do NOT turn you into a zombie. Zombie bites KILL you. Then you turn into a zombie. It was originally assumed that because you raise up as an undead after dying the bite causes not only death, but zombiefication. Episode 2 tells us that everyone who dies, no matter the circumstances, turns into a zombie.
For me the biggest let down about this episode is that it felt rushed. Too much glitches and crashes. Not THAT bad mind you, but visible compared to the previous ones.
I have some theories about that. I doubt the man is telling the truth about Clem's parents, but his exact motivations are unclear still. If you remember, the other walkie talkie was taken by Glenn over three months prior, so could this be someone from Rick's group who splintered off into Savannah?
I mean when Episode 3 ends wheres Rick at that time?
Superficial experiences, a change in dialogue here and there. At this moment in time though, the end of episode 3, where are you at in your game? I dare say it's almost identical to where I am, no matter what choiced you've made up until now.
I understand they don't have the time nor resources to make a true branching story. But people keep saying that even if your choices don't change the actual story, they do change how people feel about you. But i'm not even seeing that for the most part. Like I asked further up on the page, have the choices you made at the end of episode 2 (Killing St Johns, Taking supplies) effected the way anyone feels about you? 'cos it didn't feel to me like it did. I would've expected Clem to at least be a bit wary of me at the beginning of episode 3 after seeing me do all those things, but it didn't seem to effect our relationship at all.
I think you're thinking superficially here. How do you feel about everyone else? How are you playing the game? The game allows for you to interpret what you should do with what's happening around you. That's more than what you can say for many others. Even if what you're doing is the same as others externally, YOU'RE still thinking. You're not just going through the motions of the game.
I understand what you're saying, I'd just like to think my decisions influenced things slightly more than they actually do. Like it wouldn't be much of a strain on the programmers to have Clem be a bit distant with you throughout the episode depending on your choices at the end of the last one.
Who knows what will happen in the next two episodes anyways? Clem, Ben, and Kenny are still alive, and I think they will still remember the things you did. I always had it in mind that Clem would be the sole survivor in episode 5 and take to heart what Lee did throughout the game.
1.There is not even a single character left who i like and care about beside Lee and Clem,and because Lilly is my fav i hope there will be a chance to have her back in team.Unfortunetly everyone else is dead (Carley,Katjaa and Duck) so i don't like the turn the series took.The story at least for me became less interesting after this episode.
2.I think the way Carley died was a cheap playing on emotions from developers and she didn't even had a proper goodbye.
Aside from that i liked the episode 3,but i expect the story to be fixed in the next episode if they want to keep me intrested.
Yeah hopefully it might all mean something in the end. I just think it would've been good and relatively easy to do, to have Clem be a bit unsure of you if you'd killed and stolen (even if just for the first couple of scenes). Like right now i'd probably be regretting my actions if they'd caused a rift in our relationship, but as it is i'm glad I took pleasure in killing the brothers and taking the supplies as it doesn't seem to have made any difference.
On the contrary, I think keeping people who are innocent and/or on your side throughout the game would be boring. Lee now has to work with two guys he has/had bad blood with more closely now more than ever on top of three people he just met. I think it's very interesting how I was bros with Kenny in episode 1, hated him by the end of 2, and had forgiven him by the end of 3. And that I was wary of Lilly in 1, trusted her by 2, and absolutely hated her in 3. What point would there be in keeping people who would end up as cronies to Lee? Just like in the real world, you have to work with people you don't necessarily agree with or even like.
I'm beginning to think the choices are there mostly to have you think you have to make a tough decision. That's not necessarily a bad thing and I understand it would be very tough to have very different outcomes and still make future episodes work with every choice - but you have to be willing to immerse yourself into the game to tolerate it.
Just...wow. The last 2 episodes have been pretty bleak as a whole but I couldn't necessarily say I was sad but rather empathized with what certain characters were going through.
For Lee losing his family, it was tragic, but I didn't know them well enough to have an emotional connection with them.
Mark seemed like a standup guy, but like I said I didn't know him long enough to really feel sad but instead was shocked and angry.
I never liked Larry since he always rubbed Lee the wrong way. But when Kenny suddenly dropped that salt lick I was disgusted and didn't look at Kenny the same way anymore. I also felt bad for Lily.
But episode 3 is the first time I really felt my heart sink. Duck was annoying but he was a good kid (plus he gets points in my book for alluding to Batman!). Katjaa has been nothing but kind and sweet. So when I saw what happened next I just felt so sad and the way Kenny cried...it just made me feel even worse.
And Carley...it was just so sudden, it was like someone just blindsided me with a knife and slowly started twisting it toward my innards. Carley was the only one Lee could trust and confide in besides Clementine. She was supportive, caring, protective, and was with Lee since the beginning. I loved the playful banter between the two and loved how there was a romance slowly budding between the two. It was because of that I actually thought she was safe in that episode. It was sad the way she went, Carley was my favorite character alongside to Lee and Clem. Needless to say i left Lily's sorry ass out on the road. I'm sure if you had Doug he was a total bro, and heard he actually took a bullet for Ben, so hats off to him for that.
This episode was a lot too handle, it was as if Sophia, Dale, and Shane all died within the span of one episode...
I really cared about Carley, Duck and Katjaa, and made me think how cruel the world in the Walking Dead is when it allows good and honest people to die so insensibly and meaninglessly. To be honest I would have stopped playing after episode 3 were it not for Clementine. To me, Clementine is Lee's only thread left to humanity and a chance at redemption.
As for Ben I hold nothing but disdain for him and blame him for what happened, but I would probably let Lee still save him, although begrudgingly.
I don't know I'm just really jaded at this point. I had Lee be the idealistic optimist that does what he can to help everyone around him, but after episode 3 I'm probably just going to look out for Clem and Kenny. Sure I'll collaborate with chuck, christa, and omid when it comes to survival but it's definitely not going past that. At this point I think the only time I'll feel really sad is if Clem somehow died. So Lee is going to be a cold, calculating survivalist in my playthrough now.
It was a great episode but I really can't find myself replaying it, considering how tragic it is. THe funny thing was I was having a great couple of weeks until I played this episode. It's amazing how a video game can have you feel so bummed out. Quit playing with my emotions TTG!! haha well sorry for the long post, but thought might as well make my first post a thoughtful one.
Now, don't get me wrong here. I'm not saying it was BAD necessarily, but compared to the other episodes thus far, it just didn't match up.
Episode one and two just made it seem like your choices had more impact.
Episode 1: Doug or Carley? Tell people about your past, or not? Accept responsibility for Clem or treat her with disdain? These decisions, and how you present yourself to the group, leads to a variety of gameplay outcomes.
Episode 2: Accept the new guy or not? Stay on Lily's side or stay on Kenny's side? Steal from the car or not? Kill the brothers or just leave them? Again, decisions are different based on the choices you make.
Episode 3: Talk Lilly down from shooting Ben or accuse Ben? No matter what you do, Doug/Carley dies. Let Lilly stay after shooting Ben? The game still gets rid of her. Say "okay..." to go with Lilly in the RV? She still throws you out. Shoot Duck yourself or have the parents do it? Doesn't really matter, because Kat still dies. Pull Christie on the train, or Omir? Once again, unlike the first episode, you aren't choosing one over the other. They both live.
All of the episodes thus far, although you reach essentially the same ending to each episode, your decisions felt like they had more of an impact. After re-playing episode 3 to try and change things I learned that absolutely nothing can be changed. Everything you do plays out exactly the same regardless of your actions. Literally the only decision here you face that's like the first two episodes is fighting or talking Kenny down. It felt like my decisions couldn't change anything.
It's their story and the best they can really do is give you the illusion of choice, where only certain choices can directly impact the story instead of simply changing a character's reaction.
Also as one person he can't really control all the situations around him.
But what got to me was Katjaa/Duck. It wasn't just emotional, I really liked those characters. I know Duck was annoying, but he was still a child. I liked him, especially in this episode. I actually wasn't expecting anything to happen to Duck. Katjaa, on the other hand, I was expecting a death, but just not the way it happened. I was not expecting that at all. I think I was in shock for a short while. My heart kind of broke watching Duck slowly turn before Lee shot him. I'm so sorry for Kenny. Not a huge fan of his, but he didn't need to lose both his wife and son, especially not at the same time!
Lilly. What the heck, Lilly? I was never a fan of her's, I did feel sorry for her in episode 2 and I did side with her, but I still never liked her. But I did not expect her to go so crazy!
On top of what I said though, in terms of the writing, it's almost as if they tried to do too much with this episode. They killed off 4 different characters that we've had since the beginning with nothing that could be done about it.
I just felt like the whole episode was mediocre compared to the rest. The two month+ wait for each episode, despite being promised a monthly episode when I purchased the game, has caught up with me. I didn't really feel myself attached the story as much after this episode because I felt like my choices didn't matter anymore. Now, I'm not sure I'm excited or even care about episode 4. I'll play it because I bought it, but I'm not going to be pumped for it.
I hear you. At this point I don't think there's anything that TTG can throw at me that will make me sad or remorseful. The only thing that will really affect me at this point is if Clementine got hurt and possibly Kenny.
All of the likable characters are now dead. The only people in the entire group so far that i would even consider saving are chuck (the oldish guy who plays guitar) and maybe christa/omid.
Everything felt very cliche throughout the whole episode. The fact that suddenly a mystery radio guy appears from nowhere at the end (seriously, nobody noticed her talking to somebody over the radio, for OVER 3 MONTHS?), and all of the "sudden" deaths just ruin the entire thing.
The way that lilly shot at doug/carley felt totally un-needed. She didn't hate carley before this episode(not sure about doug) so she really had no reason to. If she thought that Ben was the traitor (he was the one that i thought did it through the entire thing as well) then she should have just turned around and shot Ben instead.
At this point, all of the characters' personalities just seem to fall flat and not be particularly interesting. Ben's supposed to be a teenager, and yet the personality that he's been given make him just seem like a little kid. He's not likable at all. He also shouldn't have just kept it to himself that he was giving supplies to the bandits, anybody who thinks rationally (yes, teenagers can think rationally) at all should have talked over it with the group.
Before i was even 10 minutes into the episode i could tell that it wasn't going to be a good one. Most of the locations were very boring and didn't really have that much space to move around in or things to see- it seems like all that Lee even says when you examine most of the items in this chapter is just "hmm" or just staring at it.
Then the way katjaa just offs herself felt stupid as well. She seemed the strongest out of her and kenny when it came to dealing with the situation, so it didn't make sense that she would kill herself, especially before duck was even dead. The way that kenny reacted about duck being infected, i could see happening as soon as he mentioned that nothing bad would happen to his family in an earlier episode.
And like somebody else said on the forums, all of the choices felt very restricted. Very dissapointed that i couldn't even try to save the girl at the start. Why even give me control of the sniper rifle if there's only one action i can even do with it, and that's to shoot the girl (directly in the head no less). I tried to go back 3 times just so i could save the girl, and i even ended up needing to do the whole thing over again the third time, only for the same outcome.
The ending/cliffhanger to the next chapter didn't pull me in as good as the other two chapters did either. It looks like the game is starting to get too actiony now just like every other good horror series has.
And there were other minor details that ruined it for me as well, such as how there doesn't seem to be any wind effect on the train apart from clem's hair. Then how Lee suddenly seems to have 2 pistols at one point even though they only have one. And where did the rifle go? that just kinda dissapeared in this episode after they left the camp.
And another smallish detail. When you're on the train for the first time, Kenny says that he has no idea how to control the train. Then after you find the controls on how to turn the train on, pretty much everybody seems to know how to drive the train, or at least it seems that way. Kenny is driving the train for all of the time after you turn it on and then Omid seems to grasp it pretty easily as well... without knowing anything more other than how to turn the train on :S
The part where Lee is dreaming also felt out of place. It also felt too quick, would have been better if the sequence was a little longer.
I also had the impression that clem would end up saving somebody by shooting the pistol at a zombie or maybe accidentally shooting another human, so i was dissapointed to find out that the part in the trailer where she's holding a pistol is only a short part where she is too afraid to shoot it, and after some training no less.
The part where clem has her hair cut was also a little silly. Didn't feel like it should have been a part of the actual gameplay, maybe done off-screen but i felt like it was just there to stretch out gameplay. It's not something that i feel should be included in a zombie game. (And after her hair was cut it still looked too long afterwards anyway..)
The atmosphere of carley or doug being dead also felt gone too soon. It's like Lee forgot who they even were after Lilly was gone. The way that whole situation was dealt with, i felt more emotion in the drug store in the room where Lee's parents were than in this entire chapter.
Yeah, all of the emotion, the decisions, the freedom and the storyline just felt forced in this episode.
After thinking about it some more, i think that the characters in this episode were all just sort of "there" in the background, nobody really cares. Chuck just kind of appears out of nowhere and offers the kids candy. Isn't that kind of strange?
And the thing about all of the likeable characters dying now isn't that there's only the "annoying" characters left, but the characters that are left just aren't that interesting.
There's clem who's about the only interesting character there, and even her personality is boring. Ben acts more like a little girl than she does. Most of the "little girl" part of her wasn't there at all in this episode.
All that kenny cared about was his family, there's not really that much of his personality there. He's a man who says that he'll help you out and then barely helps out at all most of the time. That's about it.
Ben is just an annoying character. He's supposed to be a teenager and yet he acts more like a 5 year old, nothing like the average teenager. And it might just be me, but his character model makes him look like he's 20 or 30 rather than a teenager.
Lee's character is still more or less the same, although none of the deaths seem to even slightly phase him.
Chuck, Omid and Christa all being introduced in the same episode isn't a good thing because now i believe that they're all just throw-away characters and they'll probably be dead in the next episode. Even if they aren't dead in the next, they'll be dead in the 5th and that doesn't leave a lot of time for you to get to know what they're like.
Zombie Clementine scared the crap out of me!It was just so unexpected and Carley...oh Carley *tear comes to eye* I couldn't believe they killed them off (Doug and Carley) though it never phased me as much as Duck and Katjaa.
While I am talking about Duck and Katjaa I may aswell say I shot duck,I done it as quickly as possible to save him from suffering.
Also I forgot about the girl at the start,I shot her as a sign of mercy just like the girl from episode 1,I think though that I will not be doing stuff like that again,I must think of Clementine and the group,it sounds horrible,but I can't always be a nice guy and save everyone from suffering.
Most people were complaining about the fact that most choices don't matter now.I think that I am happy with that because basically you start again from square one,you don't know who you can trust!Mainly because Kenny is unstable after the death of his family,Ben caused the death of Carley/Doug and ruined their old camp,Chuck doesn't seem that bad,but you never know,Omid seems pretty cool though on the other hand Christa seems a bit like lilly,but she seems to care for Clementine.
For my last point I would like to tell everyone I never told the couple about my past,I am hoping to tell them after I know if I can trust them.
Thank you for reading
Okay I want to talk about the Clementine radio thing,now listen this is gonna' be pretty short,but anyway.
I think nobody noticed because they thought that she was just having one of her "pretend talks" and left her alone.
Or maybe it started a near the end of the three months.
I agree that theres a VERY surprising lack of choice,
And Carley death was unneeded. She was the best. I really want her back.
But everything else in the episode was amazing. Switch Carley's death with someone else Telltale, and this is one of the best.
Its not hard to do. Record new dialogue, and swap her positions with Ben....
Its a glitch I got It too.
The greatness of this episode was let down by this end... ahem "choice". After listening to Christa's bitching and then seeing the subsequent global stats it became clear that there was actually a choice to be made on the train...
After replaying the last section (something I rarely do in these types of games) it seems you have to shift the camera over to the right in order for Omid to even be clickable, I felt that was a little cheap and would explain the low % stat of him being saved....
Other then that, props to telltale for not going the overly clichéd "Chekhov's gun" route of having clem headshot those walkers and saving me, but instead acting like an actual scared shitless 8 year old. Much more realistic
Also shooting a child in the head about to be turned... thats some balls in this overly Politically correct world of video game taboo we live in, bravo.
Thats why i found Ducks death to be powerful, and something building from Ep 1.
Carleys death was just bad because
1. It happens and is swept under the rug
2. No choice. Every single evidence pointed to Ben. Why didnt we have a choice to save her? With Lee now smitten by her, you would think there would be a choice to save her
3. It seems pretty obvious it was done to streamline the plot.
But i have faith it can be patched
This is exactly what I felt about the episode. I hope the next 2 will be better, cause if not I won't buy the 2. season.
Even one guy was telling his viewers, he's so upset after Carley's death he couldnt play anymore.. He wanted to do a rewind. It touched him that much. THAT's what makes TT so good at this game!
First of all, in episode two that school boy clearly states that:
Now, why the hell zombie bite turns you into zombie in ep3?
Second - How does my choises affect the game exactly? I kinda felt illusion of a choise in ep 1&2, but ep 3 is just absolutley linear.
The game had a lot of potential, and it would be great if the game world actually split up at certain points leading to completley different situations. But that's to much to expect.
As for episode 3 itself:
After Carley and Katja&kid died i didn't care much about what was going on anymore, because i had no control whatsoever on situation, no matter what i choose same shit happens.
So, yes. Worst episode by far.
Yeah, as others, want Carley back
Don't be silly, it won't be patched, it would require completely changing the rest of the story.
Also, do you REALLY think that TT will go back and patch a decision just because some guys "don't like it", I'm pretty sure that's the point. Are you familliar with TWD comic or TV show? People die, regardless of how 'popular' they are, it's an apocalypse, people will die and I personally think a mixture of likable and unlikable characters is far more interesting that purely the characters you like.
And your point 2 I think is exactly why it works, it causes a response like this from the player, even if it is a negative one, how dull would it be if everyone lived and everyone lived happily ever after?
I agree with point 3 but what are you going to do? Though I am slightly worried at how little impact choices being made are having, it is often nothing beyond dialogue change and to make matters worse often choices make no difference and events will happen regardless of what you pick, I would prefer no choice if that happens as it makes your choices feel pointless and hold less weight.
Fingers crossed they will later use this to enrich choices in later episodes but I doubt it...
Same mistakes again : you let us chose whether we kill or use a random girl as a bait (which is talked over only once few minutes later) but dont let us do a thing about armed hysterical bitch accusing random people of thievery.
Im not mad of the fact that Carley died : it adds tonns of drama when characters you care the most die making game truly unforgetable,but you could atleast let her go in an incident where you clearly couldnt controll (like i dunno...horde of zombies at the train station? its a zombie appocalypse afterall).is that realy all Lee could do? Just telling Lilly to calm down? Slaping her across the face would be a realistic act of saving somebody's life : killing off a zombie horde and catching up to a train with Carly on your hands wouldnt.
Again : let us make major choices as well! Atleast once per episode would be great.
In answer to question 1, zombie bites do NOT turn you into a zombie. Zombie bites KILL you. Then you turn into a zombie. It was originally assumed that because you raise up as an undead after dying the bite causes not only death, but zombiefication. Episode 2 tells us that everyone who dies, no matter the circumstances, turns into a zombie.
none of your choices matter. Why the fuck did it take so many weeks to release this piece of shit?
Please don't rush the next one.