Great episode! Full of drama and emotion and curveballs!
The only thing that detracted from the episode isn't even the game itself... it's all the complaints from these people who think they're better game developers and storytellers.
Wahh! Carley's death was dumb! Bring her back! NOW!!
Are you guys serious? I loved Carley as much as everyone else but this is the apocalypse. Sh*t happens. Maybe you want a fairytale world where Lee and Carley adopt Clem and sail away on Kenny's yacht with Katjaa and Duck. Write it and submit it for publishing or hang it on your fridge.
Wahh! My choices don't mean anything! This game is dumb
I don't know how many thousands of stories you expect TTG to account for but there is one story with one goal and a main path with slight strays here and there. Maybe somebody wanted to find out if Lee could steal a car and drive to New Orleans dressed in a chicken suit but... actually that might be funny
Wahh! I wanted to save that girl in the beginning! Dumb!
If you're the type to waste ammo on zombies who don't notice you to save a girl who was CLEARLY bitten, then I hope you're one of the first to fall in an actual zombie apocalypse.
Chuck/Walkie Talkie Guy is Papa St Johns!!! You heard it here first!!!
Really? :rolleyes: seriously?
All in all, there's no pleasing everyone and some things will bother some more than others. But it's amazing how people have these outrageous and insane expectations on a game episode that costs $4.99. They'd have to spend a lot longer and jack up the price a lot higher to bring it up to the standard the complainers want... but then again they'd probably complain about the time and money :rolleyes:
The girl in the street had been bitten, so she wasn't saveable. It's all about how much stuff you can gather while listening to her screams, apparently. Pretty heavy $hit.
I was pretty crushed by Carley's death. Apart from Clem, she was a true ally. How many times did she save Lee's life? Four times, at least. Now she's gone and I'm pretty busted up about it. I'm gonna miss her.
We haven't seen the last of Lilly. Mark my words!!
For me the biggest let down about this episode is that it felt rushed. Too much glitches and crashes. Not THAT bad mind you, but visible compared to the previous ones.
Please don't rush the next one.
I dont know that system you use to play, but on my Xbox. this was by far the least glitchiest episode. Game ran perfectly smooth for me, never a crash!
You don't understand Tiki, we were made to think our chances mattered, that it was tailored to how we play. We always get the same outcomes.
Again, I don't understand what you expected out of this. Are you saying that TTG should have developed different paths, basically creating multiple games for each episode?
The goal is the same, it's the slight twists you do to get there that matter.
Think of it like driving on a highway. Some cars will decide to get off to eat at McDonalds, others may choose Burger King... or get off for gas... or not get off at all. Ultimately they're getting back on that same highway to reach the same destination. But whether you're filled with Big Macs or Quarter Pounders or running on empty, you're still heading to Savannah like everyone else.
Again, I don't understand what you expected out of this. Are you saying that TTG should have developed different paths, basically creating multiple games for each episode?
The goal is the same, it's the slight twists you do to get there that matter.
Think of it like driving on a highway. Some cars will decide to get off to eat at McDonalds, others may choose Burger King... or get off for gas... or not get off at all. Ultimately they're getting back on that same highway to reach the same destination. But whether you're filled with Big Macs or Quarter Pounders or running on empty, you're still heading to Savannah like everyone else.
Agreed. Also, the person you chose (Carley or Doug) may not make much of a difference in the end, as they both die; but having that person with you could have made all the difference in the world, as far as your survival at the motel goes. Could you have even stayed there as long as you did without them? Doubtful. So choosing them mattered and they served their purpose.
Thought it was amazing, no glitches for me (on pc). WOw, what a cliffhanger! And I almost cried when Carley died. But yeah, I think Lilly will come back at some point. And poor duck!
Agreed. Also, the person you chose (Carley or Doug) may not make much of a difference in the end, as they both die; but having that person with you could have made all the difference in the world, as far as your survival at the motel goes. Could you have even stayed there as long as you did without them? Doubtful. So choosing them mattered and they served their purpose.
Precisely! You decided between a good buddy or a budding romance... either way their tragic removal from your life will affect your future decisions.
At the end of the episode though (and I start it this way on purpose, so anyone reading who hasn't finished the episode yet, STOP READING NOW)... I have a few questions.
1) Is it possible to not break Omid's leg? Like, for example, can you push him earlier and that doesn't happen?
2) If you save him before christa, does HE get pissed instead or..?
3) Did I push the blowtorch off too early or something? Why didn't it make the tank explode? I was SO disappointed.
4) Is it possible to NOT take Christa/Omid? Cause I gotta tell you, Omid's first response to Clementine being OMG A KID I'VE NEVER SEEN A KID IN SO LONG HOLY DAMN IT'S A KID _really_ weirded me out. Christa immediately following it up with "You do that. I'm going to talk to the girl" didn't help.
1) I am pretty sure Omid's leg gets messed up whether you tell him to jump or shove him.
2) I saved Omid. He gets pissed that you saved him since Christa is a girl but she jumps on the train after he tells you that.
4) My first impression when meeting Omid and Christa is that Christa is pregnant from Omid. I don't know if I am the only one who read it that way.
Edit: I really like the Omid character so far. He has a bit of innocence and enthusiasm that is refreshing especially after the events of the episode.
Ok, but there should be posibillity to save Carley, why? Because Lee can just Trying to Calm down Lilly?? No, posibillity to slap Lilly when she get's the Gun, or something like that...
Ok, but there should be posibillity to save Carley, why? Because Lee can just Trying to Calm down Lilly?? No, posibillity to slap Lilly when she get's the Gun, or something like that...
Hey don't get me wrong I also wanted Carley to survive, or at least until episode 4 so it feels that choosing between Doug and Carley had more impact. But what's done is done, and that experience could perhaps reflect on future decisions in the story, for better or for worst.
Even the most popular characters die off in the Walking Dead.
I do miss the original group I started off with in episode 1 though...
For me the biggest let down about this episode is that it felt rushed. Too much glitches and crashes. Not THAT bad mind you, but visible compared to the previous ones.
Please don't rush the next one.
In which plataform do you play? It worked fine on my PC. I did, however, watch some videos on youtube from a guy that played on Xbox and it was really glitchy.
Hey, my first post here. Just registered after I've finfished the third episode.
So.. compared with the other ones it's the second best one. The first episode beeing at the top 'cause it felt like it had more story elements. Especially compared to the second as my first thought seeing the St. Johns Borthers was like "they look weird.. kinda like the eat human flesh" . So it wasn't too suprising.
The third episode now was really dramatic. Especially Carley death.. I was really upset for the rest of the episode And all the complaints about her/him beeing killed unnecessary: that's just proof that Telltale did it right evoking such feelings in people just because a videogame character died.. good job; looking forward to the next episode in November
Installation process is the stupidest thing ever. How the heck does it go backwards again? I was at 50% when I woke up this morning, 35% when I left for the day, 65% when I got back, and its at 57% right now.
Great episode as always, with many emotional things going on.
I'm just disappointed at how little the choices matter. For a game that is meant to be tailored by how you play I would expect more than one outcome, e.g. be able to blame Ben and get him shot instead of Carley. Honestly I don't feel like my choices matter at all, I might as well be watching a movie with a pre-determined ending, which is what this is.
What I enjoyed about this Episode is that telltale games have very much gone in the same direction with the comics in the sense that it builds up a character that you end up liking and then kills them off, you grow attach to characters and most likely more times then not your favorite character ends up dying, all 3 Carley, Kat and Duck had me shocked especially Carley's as that came straight out the blue....
I always had my suspicion on Lily but it seems no-one is trust worthy and as soon as the supplies went missing Ben was my first suspect!!
I'm glad I threatened to kill and throw Ben off the train I was just gutted Lee didn't actually do it!!
Great episode as always, with many emotional things going on.
I'm just disappointed at how little the choices matter. For a game that is meant to be tailored by how you play I would expect more than one outcome, e.g. be able to blame Ben and get him shot instead of Carley. Honestly I don't feel like my choices matter at all, I might as well be watching a movie with a pre-determined ending, which is what this is.
I get what your saying, but I think some of it is meant to be taken out of our hands. Thing's happen we cant control. Most people hate that Lilly shot Carley and wish for an option to "stop her" but it happened so fast.
Decisions we make just minutes ago are suddenly pointless. That's a way for TT to keep us off-guard or make the moment more shocking!
Think about it if it were real life. We've met these people, we're trying to band together to survive then suddenly something happens that's totally beyond our control.
I dont think TT is making us to make choices that just dont matter. I think they are making us make choices then throwing a shocker at us!
I get what your saying, but I think some of it is meant to be taken out of our hands. Thing's happen we cant control. Most people hate that Lilly shot Carley and wish for an option to "stop her" but it happened so fast.
Decisions we make just minutes ago are suddenly pointless. That's a way for TT to keep us off-guard or make the moment more shocking!
Think about it if it were real life. We've met these people, we're trying to band together to survive then suddenly something happens that's totally beyond our control.
I dont think TT is making us to make choices that just dont matter. I think they are making us make choices then throwing a shocker at us!
That's an interesting way to look at it! Though if it were real life I'd instantly blame Ben to save my beloved Carley :rolleyes:. And then throw him off the train later, but that's just me.
That's an interesting way to look at it! Though if it were real life I'd instantly blame Ben to save my beloved Carley :rolleyes:. And then throw him off the train later, but that's just me.
But you say that with the knowledge that Lily kills Carley.
I doubt you or anyone else would make that same decision if you didn't know the outcome
That's an interesting way to look at it! Though if it were real life I'd instantly blame Ben to save my beloved Carley :rolleyes:. And then throw him off the train later, but that's just me.
And I myself had a hard time with this.. Was Ben just scared saying thinsg making himself 'look' guilty? or was he really the thief? I just didnt know and couldnt bring myself to decided if he was or not. Then at the end when he confesses, I was thinking "ya lil fucker"!!
After all that's happened, Kenny and I are still good. We'll take Clem and find a boat.
ep 3 was OK but a bit depressing with so many people of your group dieing.
Also we are 60% done with the game by now and STILL zero decisions have any impact.
Even major ones like the doug/carey ones make no differnece, everything happens the same.
Please for the last 2 episodes make our decisions actually matter.
But you say that with the knowledge that Lily kills Carley.
I doubt you or anyone else would make that same decision if you didn't know the outcome
Of course I would, I preferred Carley over Ben before Lilly shot her since Carley has been there since episode 1 and there was a relationship developing between the characters. I didn't have any connection with Ben and his whiny voice...
And I myself had a hard time with this.. Was Ben just scared saying thinsg making himself 'look' guilty? or was he really the thief? I just didnt know and couldnt bring myself to decided if he was or not. Then at the end when he confesses, I was thinking "ya lil fucker"!!
After all that's happened, Kenny and I are still good. We'll take Clem and find a boat.
As for Ben, Christa and Omid.. cannonfodder imo!
Well he obviously was just saving his own ass and letting Carley speak, though he seems a bit of a push-over. It did seem like he was about to say something right when the RV went over the walker though...
I didn't really like Kenny in the previous episodes, he seemed selfish and didn't really think about his actions, though now I feel better about him.
I am going to be honest, this episode was pretty fucking depressing and also... Annoying.
It seems as if the purpose of this episode is to teach to never to like anything or anyone in a video game. It's like as if happy things don't exist in zombie games. Everyone just has to fucking die. Emotionally attached to Carley? Fuck that, let her kiss you on the cheek and hint you at being a love interest AND THEN get shot in the face by Lilly! Yay!
Emotionally attached to Duck after he acts so awesome by being your helper as a detective? Who needs him, infect him and kill him! Woo!
Started to feel compassion for Katjaa? Fuck that, let her kill herself for no apparent reason (okay, I know, your son died, but you still have your husband goddammit).
Jesus. Dark and gruesome zombie games don't have these many liked characters die.
And what's most important is that some of your choices have no impact in the long term.
If you save Carley or Doug, both of them die either way. If you side with Kenny or Lilly, there's nobody to be friends with by the end of Episode 3.
If you decide to do as much as possible for characters to like you, all that's gonna happen is they're gonna die.
That doesn't mean it's a bad game, though. It's 'fun' (when you're not smashing your table out of frustration or crying until your room is filled with salt water) and aesthetically rich. It has an environment to explore and interesting characters (except for Kenny, fuck that guy).
I think I gave the previous episodes a 9 (no 10 for having some parts of the game have terribly ugly textures that would look horrible when zoomed into during cutscenes).
This episode gets a 8.5. Remarkable job, TellTale. I like this game, but if your excuse for killing so many characters is 'it's because it's a zombie game', I fucking hate zombie games from now on.
Of course I would, I preferred Carley over Ben before Lilly shot her since Carley has been there since episode 1 and there was a relationship developing between the characters. I didn't have any connection with Ben and his whiny voice...
Well he obviously was just saving his own ass and letting Carley speak, though he seems a bit of a push-over. It did seem like he was about to say something right when the RV went over the walker though...
I didn't really like Kenny in the previous episodes, he seemed selfish and didn't really think about his actions, though now I feel better about him.
I guess I am the only one who suspected Ben. When you hop on the RV to escape the motel raid Ben does something interesting. He starts going off "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, I'm so sorry!"
I am going to be honest, this episode was pretty fucking depressing and also... Annoying.
It seems as if the purpose of this episode is to teach to never to like anything or anyone in a video game. It's like as if happy things don't exist in zombie games. Everyone just has to fucking die. Emotionally attached to Carley? Fuck that, let her kiss you on the cheek and hint you at being a love interest AND THEN get shot in the face by Lilly! Yay!
Emotionally attached to Duck after he acts so awesome by being your helper as a detective? Who needs him, infect him and kill him! Woo!
Started to feel compassion for Katjaa? Fuck that, let her kill herself for no apparent reason (okay, I know, your son died, but you still have your husband goddammit).
Jesus. Dark and gruesome zombie games don't have these many liked characters die.
And what's most important is that some of your choices have no impact in the long term.
If you save Carley or Doug, both of them die either way. If you side with Kenny or Lilly, there's nobody to be friends with by the end of Episode 3.
If you decide to do as much as possible for characters to like you, all that's gonna happen is they're gonna die.
That doesn't mean it's a bad game, though. It's 'fun' (when you're not smashing your table out of frustration or crying until your room is filled with salt water) and aesthetically rich. It has an environment to explore and interesting characters (except for Kenny, fuck that guy).
I think I gave the previous episodes a 9 (no 10 for having some parts of the game have terribly ugly textures that would look horrible when zoomed into during cutscenes).
This episode gets a 7. Sorry, TellTale. I like this game, but if your excuse for killing so many characters is 'it's because it's a zombie game', I fucking hate zombie games from now on.
I wont say you're wrong with any point you made, is your game, your opinion is how it made You feel.
But from what I read, seem's like EP3 got a lower rating from you because how how the events affected your feelings, not that the game itself was worse.
We've all gotten to know the characters better, gone through a lot together then suddenly, everything is different. That's the emotional kick in the gut, which I think makes each episode better than the last.
So many people are mad or upset about certain events like Lilly's death, but that's the whole point.. TT gave us characters we have emotions for and when something horrible happen's, we feel it.
I dont think the blame goes to TT for how they wrote this episode, I think it's the people still reeling from the shock and just blaming TT for killing off a character they liked.
I'm surprised over you guys. I forgive everybody. I tried to save Lilly's father and I never hurt the St-John brothers. An eye for an eye makes the world blind after all. And I'm going to do everything for Clementine. I'm sad that the only person I've killed(besides the bandits in the sniper sequence) is Duck.
I wont say you're wrong with any point you made, is your game, your opinion is how it made You feel.
But from what I read, seem's like EP3 got a lower rating from you because how how the events affected your feelings, not that the game itself was worse.
We've all gotten to know the characters better, gone through a lot together then suddenly, everything is different. That's the emotional kick in the gut, which I think makes each episode better than the last.
So many people are mad or upset about certain events like Lilly's death, but that's the whole point.. TT gave us characters we have emotions for and when something horrible happen's, we feel it.
I dont think the blame goes to TT for how they wrote this episode, I think it's the people still reeling from the shock and just blaming TT for killing off a character they liked.
You're right. I corrected the score and re-judged. It felt like I was in the game, which is actually a first in... What, 8 years?
Great game, I enjoy this kind of gameplay (a nice change from tbs/rts). I really feel like part of the story; the music, atmosphear, voices/tones etc.. I can honestly say this game stirs up alot of mixed feelings. And thats a good thing, because I'm normally kind of.. not into talking about feelings, 'cause thats for girls :cool:
But onto the episode:
- I had my spidey senses wired up and I just knew that bitch was gonna shoot my carley And when it finally happened, my jaw dropped and I shed a tear (almost). I wanted to nail that bitch, right then and there. With or without a gun, fists can do the job. I actually sweared out loud.
- I KNEW that little bastard ben was guilty, but didn't accuse him, ,or carley. I think I tried to reason with lilly. Wanted to push him off the train.
- Duck. Oh man, telltale you.. what the hell? Shooting a kid? WTF! :mad: I know, I know, its just a game. I killed a lot of innocent people in hitman, meh, so what. Now I have 2 little kids IRL, I'm kinda "all-in" for protecting them at all costs, so shooting duck was really hard. I had to physically close my eyes, it felt bad. Really bad. Rest of the episode was shit. Because I felt bad.
I never knew people were so barbaric and hateful I didn't care about Carley. She knew how to handle a gun and it's sweet to have a little romance. Ben is a college kid. I'm sure you would have done the same. He did what he thought was best. I have never wanted to kill character in this series. I didn't even punch the St-John brother when I had the chance.
The only thing that detracted from the episode isn't even the game itself... it's all the complaints from these people who think they're better game developers and storytellers.
Wahh! Carley's death was dumb! Bring her back! NOW!!
Are you guys serious? I loved Carley as much as everyone else but this is the apocalypse. Sh*t happens. Maybe you want a fairytale world where Lee and Carley adopt Clem and sail away on Kenny's yacht with Katjaa and Duck. Write it and submit it for publishing or hang it on your fridge.
Wahh! My choices don't mean anything! This game is dumb
I don't know how many thousands of stories you expect TTG to account for but there is one story with one goal and a main path with slight strays here and there. Maybe somebody wanted to find out if Lee could steal a car and drive to New Orleans dressed in a chicken suit but... actually that might be funny
Wahh! I wanted to save that girl in the beginning! Dumb!
If you're the type to waste ammo on zombies who don't notice you to save a girl who was CLEARLY bitten, then I hope you're one of the first to fall in an actual zombie apocalypse.
Chuck/Walkie Talkie Guy is Papa St Johns!!! You heard it here first!!!
Really? :rolleyes: seriously?
All in all, there's no pleasing everyone and some things will bother some more than others. But it's amazing how people have these outrageous and insane expectations on a game episode that costs $4.99. They'd have to spend a lot longer and jack up the price a lot higher to bring it up to the standard the complainers want... but then again they'd probably complain about the time and money :rolleyes:
I was pretty crushed by Carley's death. Apart from Clem, she was a true ally. How many times did she save Lee's life? Four times, at least. Now she's gone and I'm pretty busted up about it. I'm gonna miss her.
We haven't seen the last of Lilly. Mark my words!!
I dont know that system you use to play, but on my Xbox. this was by far the least glitchiest episode. Game ran perfectly smooth for me, never a crash!
100% what i think.
Again, I don't understand what you expected out of this. Are you saying that TTG should have developed different paths, basically creating multiple games for each episode?
The goal is the same, it's the slight twists you do to get there that matter.
Think of it like driving on a highway. Some cars will decide to get off to eat at McDonalds, others may choose Burger King... or get off for gas... or not get off at all. Ultimately they're getting back on that same highway to reach the same destination. But whether you're filled with Big Macs or Quarter Pounders or running on empty, you're still heading to Savannah like everyone else.
Then we actually kinda got it. There was something forming!
Then BAM!!! TT taketh away!.. was awsome!
Agreed. Also, the person you chose (Carley or Doug) may not make much of a difference in the end, as they both die; but having that person with you could have made all the difference in the world, as far as your survival at the motel goes. Could you have even stayed there as long as you did without them? Doubtful. So choosing them mattered and they served their purpose.
You've obviously never bought a frozen dinner or ordered from a fast food restaurant
Precisely! You decided between a good buddy or a budding romance... either way their tragic removal from your life will affect your future decisions.
I don't know what frozen dinners have to do with anything.
1) I am pretty sure Omid's leg gets messed up whether you tell him to jump or shove him.
2) I saved Omid. He gets pissed that you saved him since Christa is a girl but she jumps on the train after he tells you that.
4) My first impression when meeting Omid and Christa is that Christa is pregnant from Omid. I don't know if I am the only one who read it that way.
Edit: I really like the Omid character so far. He has a bit of innocence and enthusiasm that is refreshing especially after the events of the episode.
Hey don't get me wrong I also wanted Carley to survive, or at least until episode 4 so it feels that choosing between Doug and Carley had more impact. But what's done is done, and that experience could perhaps reflect on future decisions in the story, for better or for worst.
Even the most popular characters die off in the Walking Dead.
In which plataform do you play? It worked fine on my PC. I did, however, watch some videos on youtube from a guy that played on Xbox and it was really glitchy.
This was the best episode so far. Half point above the other 2 ones (9.5)
So.. compared with the other ones it's the second best one. The first episode beeing at the top 'cause it felt like it had more story elements. Especially compared to the second as my first thought seeing the St. Johns Borthers was like "they look weird.. kinda like the eat human flesh"
The third episode now was really dramatic. Especially Carley death.. I was really upset for the rest of the episode
Installation process is the stupidest thing ever. How the heck does it go backwards again? I was at 50% when I woke up this morning, 35% when I left for the day, 65% when I got back, and its at 57% right now.
I don't get how this is possible!
I'm just disappointed at how little the choices matter. For a game that is meant to be tailored by how you play I would expect more than one outcome, e.g. be able to blame Ben and get him shot instead of Carley. Honestly I don't feel like my choices matter at all, I might as well be watching a movie with a pre-determined ending, which is what this is.
I always had my suspicion on Lily but it seems no-one is trust worthy and as soon as the supplies went missing Ben was my first suspect!!
I'm glad I threatened to kill and throw Ben off the train I was just gutted Lee didn't actually do it!!
I get what your saying, but I think some of it is meant to be taken out of our hands. Thing's happen we cant control. Most people hate that Lilly shot Carley and wish for an option to "stop her" but it happened so fast.
Decisions we make just minutes ago are suddenly pointless. That's a way for TT to keep us off-guard or make the moment more shocking!
Think about it if it were real life. We've met these people, we're trying to band together to survive then suddenly something happens that's totally beyond our control.
I dont think TT is making us to make choices that just dont matter. I think they are making us make choices then throwing a shocker at us!
That's an interesting way to look at it! Though if it were real life I'd instantly blame Ben to save my beloved Carley :rolleyes:. And then throw him off the train later, but that's just me.
But you say that with the knowledge that Lily kills Carley.
I doubt you or anyone else would make that same decision if you didn't know the outcome
And I myself had a hard time with this.. Was Ben just scared saying thinsg making himself 'look' guilty? or was he really the thief? I just didnt know and couldnt bring myself to decided if he was or not. Then at the end when he confesses, I was thinking "ya lil fucker"!!
After all that's happened, Kenny and I are still good. We'll take Clem and find a boat.
As for Ben, Christa and Omid.. cannonfodder imo!
Also we are 60% done with the game by now and STILL zero decisions have any impact.
Even major ones like the doug/carey ones make no differnece, everything happens the same.
Please for the last 2 episodes make our decisions actually matter.
Well he obviously was just saving his own ass and letting Carley speak, though he seems a bit of a push-over. It did seem like he was about to say something right when the RV went over the walker though...
I didn't really like Kenny in the previous episodes, he seemed selfish and didn't really think about his actions, though now I feel better about him.
It seems as if the purpose of this episode is to teach to never to like anything or anyone in a video game. It's like as if happy things don't exist in zombie games. Everyone just has to fucking die. Emotionally attached to Carley? Fuck that, let her kiss you on the cheek and hint you at being a love interest AND THEN get shot in the face by Lilly! Yay!
Emotionally attached to Duck after he acts so awesome by being your helper as a detective? Who needs him, infect him and kill him! Woo!
Started to feel compassion for Katjaa? Fuck that, let her kill herself for no apparent reason (okay, I know, your son died, but you still have your husband goddammit).
Jesus. Dark and gruesome zombie games don't have these many liked characters die.
And what's most important is that some of your choices have no impact in the long term.
If you save Carley or Doug, both of them die either way. If you side with Kenny or Lilly, there's nobody to be friends with by the end of Episode 3.
If you decide to do as much as possible for characters to like you, all that's gonna happen is they're gonna die.
That doesn't mean it's a bad game, though. It's 'fun' (when you're not smashing your table out of frustration or crying until your room is filled with salt water) and aesthetically rich. It has an environment to explore and interesting characters (except for Kenny, fuck that guy).
I think I gave the previous episodes a 9 (no 10 for having some parts of the game have terribly ugly textures that would look horrible when zoomed into during cutscenes).
This episode gets a 8.5. Remarkable job, TellTale. I like this game, but if your excuse for killing so many characters is 'it's because it's a zombie game', I fucking hate zombie games from now on.
I guess I am the only one who suspected Ben. When you hop on the RV to escape the motel raid Ben does something interesting. He starts going off "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, I'm so sorry!"
I wont say you're wrong with any point you made, is your game, your opinion is how it made You feel.
But from what I read, seem's like EP3 got a lower rating from you because how how the events affected your feelings, not that the game itself was worse.
We've all gotten to know the characters better, gone through a lot together then suddenly, everything is different. That's the emotional kick in the gut, which I think makes each episode better than the last.
So many people are mad or upset about certain events like Lilly's death, but that's the whole point.. TT gave us characters we have emotions for and when something horrible happen's, we feel it.
I dont think the blame goes to TT for how they wrote this episode, I think it's the people still reeling from the shock and just blaming TT for killing off a character they liked.
I'm surprised over you guys. I forgive everybody. I tried to save Lilly's father and I never hurt the St-John brothers. An eye for an eye makes the world blind after all. And I'm going to do everything for Clementine. I'm sad that the only person I've killed(besides the bandits in the sniper sequence) is Duck.
Great game, I enjoy this kind of gameplay (a nice change from tbs/rts). I really feel like part of the story; the music, atmosphear, voices/tones etc.. I can honestly say this game stirs up alot of mixed feelings. And thats a good thing, because I'm normally kind of.. not into talking about feelings, 'cause thats for girls :cool:
But onto the episode:
- I had my spidey senses wired up and I just knew that bitch was gonna shoot my carley
- I KNEW that little bastard ben was guilty, but didn't accuse him, ,or carley. I think I tried to reason with lilly. Wanted to push him off the train.
- Duck. Oh man, telltale you.. what the hell? Shooting a kid? WTF! :mad: I know, I know, its just a game. I killed a lot of innocent people in hitman, meh, so what. Now I have 2 little kids IRL, I'm kinda "all-in" for protecting them at all costs, so shooting duck was really hard. I had to physically close my eyes, it felt bad. Really bad. Rest of the episode was shit. Because I felt bad.