Lilly fuckin' killed Carley unmercifully although she was trustworthy and LILLY KNEW IT WASN'T HER. TEAM LEE TO THE END **10 nuclear bombs explode as an expression of my madness**
Stop trying to avoid direction questions at you because you knew Carley didn't deserve to die and yet you know that by justifying her lack of presence in Episode 2, whatever, your support in Lilly is ridiculous.
I respect your angle but PLEASE don't forget what she had been through.
I know Lilly IS a murderer and I don't try to reason her behaviour but,
1)She was "so sure" that someone was helping the bandits: and it was True.
2)She was just too depressed and angry with that traitor issue, as it caused a little boy to get bitten, and the lost of the motor inn: and it was True.
3)She ran away, but "I think" she was too ashamed for what she did to continue with the group and maybe she thought it won't be good to be with them neighter for them nor herself: and I think it was True.
4)No matter what, she were always strong and she were in a good harmony with others until she lost her father: and it is True.
5) So, I think she is not a cruel person but she has a very dramatic doom: and it is True for me.
On the other hand, there is a Kenny who is drinking? I can understand his bad feelings after he saw that boy in the attic and I can understand he is drinking because of his grief, but what about Clem? How can he turn his eyes away from her? If he has completely lost his hope for survival; what is he doing along them?
If I went somewhere with someone else, and tragically if we got seperated with them when their little girl remained with my side; I'd look after her to the death. Lee might be away, Lee might get lost or he might disappear by a sever hole, and what should Kenny do after him? His first thing to do after they came back to their shelter was drinking! Sorry, but I can't forgive this.
He caused Clem to get lost, but even so he continued reprove Lee severely about the boat, about how they will die etc etc...
It was so selfish. Everyone else were in the same situation there and even Christa didn't act like him.
"and probably assumed Clem wasnt so stupid as to wander off outside..." you are saying.
Man, you shouldn't suppose,guess -or whatever- a child that he/she might do or not. You should keep your eyes on them. As always Lee were trying to do. A child is a child, nothing more.
I'm talking about Kenny, because he is the main reason of all these. He caused this group to fall apart. He made a breaking point. And contrary to Lilly, he made this kind of things severely!(I'm sure everybody will see more of him on the last episode.)
Man, what kind of a man can still walk around of a person after he has killed his/her father deliberately without no hesitation? Here we talk about company, not walking around though. They could wait and take care of the situation if Larry ever tries to turn. If Larry was about to turn, I'm sure Lilly should have been more reasonable and more brave with the result. But unfortunately Kenny has no brain!
You are right with your angle at certain points. But there is something in the world entitle : Respect. Respect to other people's feelings&sufferings.
On Walking Dead mini series-on tv, or comics, this kind of situations occured. But have you ever seen a Rick who grabs a rock and throws on Amy's brain in front of her sister Andrea?
Probably not.
Well, I prefer a confused Lilly than a shifty Kenny with me as a companion. Or I prefer her to a "good girl" Carley who never assumed responsibility when though decisions are being made. I loved her too, and I'm not saying she deserved it. But this is WD universe man, You can not just push someone -with a gun- 's buttons (hence if she is half mentally ill because of her father's death) freely by yelling at her with insults. I'm trying to keep my sympathies on Lilly, cause she did nothing unstable or bad before her unfortunate lost. She was always so reasonable and understanding to Lee, even though he and his group have joined and ruined her authority on her own group very badly.
Please try to see the big picture, but not judge her with a single (and I admit, it was a terrible) mistake.
I'm not only a big fan of Lilly, but I've already doing fanart promoting her. Here, take it if you can ;P
I really respect for those bad feelings about Lilly my friend, but please all of you who hates her, try to understand her "situation".
All the best with NO TIME LEFT next week...
lilly cracked and murdered someone and that is all her fault (you can't blame murder on someone else that made you depressed), she was not a good leader (bad at rationing food, never listens) and there is no evidence she ever did anything to help the group and she was only the "leader" because larrys forceful character made her the leader, but kenny actually takes control and does things to help the group (organises people at the pharmacy and goes looking for supplies) i would rather have a man that actually gets things done by my side rather than an overemotional daddy's girl
lilly cracked and murdered someone and that is all her fault (you can't blame murder on someone else that made you depressed), she was not a good leader (bad at rationing food, never listens) and there is no evidence she ever did anything to help the group...
Man, she is at least capable of shooting zombies with a gun.
And Kenny cares for other people? I don't ever think so.
You may prefer him than an overemotional daddy's girl side of you of course. But beware and don't ever forget, he can SUDDENLY leave you right inside an ambush unnecessarly even though he could have been helpful when you go in some store for supplies.
What a bro to watch your back!
Man, she is at least capable of shooting zombies with a gun.
And Kenny cares for other people? I don't ever think so.
You may prefer him than an overemotional daddy's girl side of you of course. But beware and don't ever forget, he can SUDDENLY leave you right inside an ambush unnecessarly even though he could have been helpful when you go in some store for supplies.
What a bro to watch your back!
don't forget that lilly would have killed you if she didn't have a soft spot for Clementine and she will abandon you and Clementine at the side of the road, and i didn't say Kenny cares about other people i said he helps other people, who needs a leader that just sits in her room or on top of the RV all day? you need a leader that is willing to make hard decisions and get things done
don't forget that lilly would have killed you if she didn't have a soft spot for Clementine and she will abandon you and Clementine at the side of the road, and i didn't say Kenny cares about other people i said he helps other people, who needs a leader that just sits in her room or on top of the RV all day? you need a leader that is willing to make hard decisions and get things done
About Lilly, she was always good at me and I never felt that she may stab me in the back? Maybe, these are all about the conversations we've chosen when we were talking to people. I never catch any single negative word from her about Lee.
Who says that there was a need for "a leader" when Lee was there?
He is doing AALLL the stuff and I me myself have no intensions for seeking another leader. Who gave Kenny that title? What did he do to earn it? During the whole game, driving that RV I guess.
Man, he is useless as junk, believe me. He also mentioned himself several times: He messed everything up. Yes, this is the only one thing that he is right.
Anyway, I don't knowwhat you do think while playing but I'm not forgetting that I'm playing this game, not Kenny
About Lilly, she was always good at me and I never felt that she may stab me in the back? Maybe, these are all about the conversations we've chosen when we were talking to people. I never catch any single negative word from her about Lee.
Who says that there was a need for "a leader" when Lee was there?
He is doing AALLL the stuff and I me myself have no intensions for seeking another leader. Who gave Kenny that title? What did he do to earn it? During the whole game, driving that RV I guess.
Man, he is useless as junk, believe me. He also mentioned himself several times: He messed everything up. Yes, this is the only one thing that he is right.
Anyway, I don't know you but I'm not forgetting that I'm playing this game, not Kenny
i would say there was need for a leader, nobody gave kenny a title but i would have voted him as leader if that ever came up, lilly is useless she does nothing but complain and kill innocent people, whereas kenny spent the whole time gathering supplies and fixing the RV and he argued with lilly because he believed she was a detriment to the group and i agree
Lilly became mentally unstable and murdered someone in cold blood with no evidence, merely using a presumption to back her actions(which were probably fueled by personal dislike more than anything else).
EDIT: I am obviously not very smart today, i thought i was posting in the Kenny thread >.<
That's what i get for not getting much sleep and having multiple threads open at once...
Try to remember that in some playthroughs Lee did not help Kenny murder Lilly's father in the ep 2 meat locker. After this event, Kenny's true colors are revealed and a strong alliance/bond is developed with Lilly.
The reason Lilly has an appreciation thread is because it is possible to develope a great relationship and friendship with Lilly when you did not help murder Larry and cease undermining Lilly as leader of the group with Kenny.
Granted, things turned out differently when you did help muderer Lilly's father. Actions do have consequences sometimes negative ones at that. It may be percieved as stubborn Lilly support but many of us simply did not experience the Lilly you describe. Some people even say great things about Kenny which is strange to me since he has left me to die on multiple occasions. Just different games.
In my game, Lilly was a beloved friend and did her best to keep the group safe. She is sorely missed and would be welcomed back if she decided to return. Lilly was a tough person trying to keep a lot of people safe under extreemly difficult circumstances but everone has their breaking point. Kenny took her to that breaking point and Ben pushed her over the cliff. Those two, primarily Kenny, are the ones to blame for everything that happened afterwards. Now that those two are gone from my group, I think Lilly would do just fine with us other than still being in a ZA of course .
Of course none of this is directed at Mornai. Get some rest my friend.
Try to remember that in some playthroughs Lee did not help Kenny murder Lilly's father in the ep 2 meat locker. After this event, Kenny's true colors are revealed and a strong alliance/bond is developed with Lilly.
The reason Lilly has an appreciation thread is because it is possible to develope a great relationship and friendship with Lilly when you did not help murder Larry and cease undermining Lilly as leader of the group with Kenny.
Granted, things turned out differently when you did help muderer Lilly's father. Actions do have consequences sometimes negative ones at that. It may be percieved as stubborn Lilly support but many of us simply did not experience the Lilly you describe. Some people even say great things about Kenny which is strange to me since he has left me to die on multiple occasions. Just different games.
In my game, Lilly was a beloved friend and did her best to keep the group safe. She is sorely missed and would be welcomed back if she decided to return. Lilly was a tough person trying to keep a lot of people safe under extreemly difficult circumstances but everone has their breaking point. Kenny took her to that breaking point and Ben pushed her over the cliff. Those two, primarily Kenny, are the ones to blame for everything that happened afterwards. Now that those two are gone from my group, I think Lilly would do just fine with us other than still being in a ZA of course .
Of course none of this is directed at Mornai. Get some rest my friend.
i was talking about lilly in all kinds of playthroughs she never does anything i would consider to have any value to the group and she never demonstrates any leadership qualities , i have seen the best and worst of lilly and kenny, and kenny's best is better than lilly's and lilly's worst is worse than kennys
i was talking about lilly in all kinds of playthroughs she never does anything i would consider to have any value to the group and she never demonstrates any leadership qualities , i have seen the best and worst of lilly and kenny, and kenny's best is better than lilly's and lilly's worst is worse than kennys
No matter which face of the characters you met, I know only one thing:
Lilly was always looking into my eyes and my mouth when a tough decision was meant to be made, but Kenny, such irrilevant and irresponsible bastard always shouted at people first.
Well, Kenny can kiss my a.., bro. He managed to come with Lee to the season finale, but this time I swear to God, I'll prepare him a surprise and I won't lose this very last chance
No matter which face of the characters you met, I know only one thing:
Lilly was always looking into my eyes and my mouth when a tough decision was meant to be made, but Kenny, such irrilevant and irresponsible bastard always shouted at people first.
Well, Kenny can kiss my a.., bro. He managed to come with Lee to the season finale, but this time I swear to God, I'll prepare him a surprise and I won't lose this very last chance
i really can't translate what the is supposed to mean
"Lilly was always looking into my eyes and my mouth when a tough decision was meant to be made, but Kenny, such irrilevant and irresponsible bastard always shouted at people first."
When it comes decision time;
Lilly was always waiting for the first words from Lee and she looked into Lee's eyes before she opened her mouth to talk.
Cause she had much respect to Lee's ideas.
But Kenny,
His first reactions was always so loud. He was shouting, arguing etc... etc...
Boy, how old are you?
Or I should ask maybe, where are you from?
"Lilly was always looking into my eyes and my mouth when a tough decision was meant to be made, but Kenny, such irrilevant and irresponsible bastard always shouted at people first."
When it comes decision time;
Lilly was always waiting a word from me and she looked into my eyes first.
Cause she has much respect to my ideas.
But Kenny,
His first reactions was always so loud. He was shouting, arguing etc... etc...
she may look in your eyes but she will never do anything you tell her and if you are anti lilly she will scream you down, why should lee be the centre of all decisions anyway, i may feel like Lee is the most important person in the universe but why should a guy that has a family think Lee is the centre of the universe?
Boy, how old are you?
Or I should ask maybe, where are you from?
is that a quote? or did you just call me boy and ask my age? child, that can be considered rude to call someone boy, if you really want to know I'm 25 and from England
she may look in your eyes but she will never do anything you tell her and if you are anti lilly she will scream you down, why should lee be the centre of all decisions anyway, i may feel like Lee is the most important person in the universe but why should a guy that has a family think Lee is the centre of the universe?
is that a quote? or did you just call me boy and ask my age? child, that can be considered rude to call someone boy, if you really want to know I'm 25 and from England
Hey, no need to get offended. If I caused any bad feelings, I'm trully sorry.
Anyway, I used those words after I took a look at your profile and I guess someone at your age should at least fill his location info.
Or shouldn't write like this:
"i really can't translate what the is supposed to mean "
But you are right, I don't have any right to call you in that way.
Trully sorry, again, this Kenny thing is itching my nerves
i was talking about lilly in all kinds of playthroughs she never does anything i would consider to have any value to the group and she never demonstrates any leadership qualities , i have seen the best and worst of lilly and kenny, and kenny's best is better than lilly's and lilly's worst is worse than kennys
Yeah, I don't know if it's a benfit or not to see every possible outcome through multiple playthroughs. I think it detatches a person from "their" story. But hey, that's just me. You're looking at Lilly from a comparitive perspective of knowing everything that could happen based on different dialogue choices. I just know the one Lilly and the one Kenny.
BTW, that secret dukeleto told you...feel free to tell others because it is so true!:)
Yeah, I don't know if it's a benfit or not to see every possible outcome through multiple playthroughs. I think it detatches a person from "their" story. But hey, that's just me. You're looking at Lilly from a comparitive perspective of knowing everything that could happen based on different dialogue choices. I just know the one Lilly and the one Kenny.
BTW, that secret dukeleto told you...feel free to tell others because it is so true!:)
i am pretty stubborn so once i make my mind up i don't like to change it, so even though lilly is nicer in my pro lilly play through, i still keep my initial opinion of her and its hard to shake off so i have to role play it as a guy that liked lilly when we first met
and what are you talking about? our secret conversation was secret, nobody can know about it :cool:
Uh-oh! You just broke the very first rule of this thread.
Nobody can mention unliking Lilly and turns back and goes! BANG! (now THIS was a Lilly-kinda thing)
I don't know what the secret is or is not but I know that Telltale has a big secret which reasons people like us to discuss two imaginary protagonists' different characteristics in their possible alternate zombie-filled virtualities :P
Dude, among all the stupid things you said that I'm not even gonna bother discussing, can you please answer me how was Lilly bad at rationing food and how was Kenny better in that?
You know when you discussing something, you are supposed to back your opinion with some explanation. She's like this, she's like that, isn't a valid argument even in a forum environment.
Dude, among all the stupid things you said that I'm not even gonna bother discussing, can you please answer me how was Lilly bad at rationing food and how was Kenny better in that?
You know when you discussing something, you are supposed to back your opinion with some explanation. She's like this, she's like that, isn't a valid argument even in a forum environment.
Yami, I think we are talking uselessly.
I guess, these opposite opinions are because we are all playing different games. All these different ideas are because of this.
Maybe, this game is creating heroes and heroines according to our choices? Which means "Kiel555", "YamiRaziel" and "I" have similar game choices hence "thestalkinghead", "Wrighty" and "Rock114" are on their own same scenario. Telltale Games is so clever ; they created a very charming story with many scandals among players' playthroughs.
I'm saying this because I'm reading many things about Kenny who is not even close to "my" Kenny, and Lilly who is completely someone else than "my" Lilly.
Tricky game it is
Dude, among all the stupid things you said that I'm not even gonna bother discussing, can you please answer me how was Lilly bad at rationing food and how was Kenny better in that?
You know when you discussing something, you are supposed to back your opinion with some explanation. She's like this, she's like that, isn't a valid argument even in a forum environment.
i didn't say kenny was better at rationing food (he doesn't do that) Lilly was bad at rationing food because we ended up with just a few bites of food before she told everybody we had ran out of food and when it came down to the last of the food she couldn't handle the responsibility of not feeding everybody (because of her bad rationing technique) and gave the responsibility to lee when it was brought up that she isn't good at handling the food
i didn't say kenny was better at rationing food (he doesn't do that) Lilly was bad at rationing food because we ended up with just a few bites of food before she told everybody we had ran out of food and when it came down to the last of the food she couldn't handle the responsibility of not feeding everybody (because of her bad rationing technique) and gave the responsibility to lee when it was brought up that she isn't good at handling the food
That is so not true. Have you even paid attention to the dialogue?
First of all, everybody knew they've been running out of food. She didn't told them the last day, they knew from the very beginning.
Secondly, her technique was perfect and much much better than yours. She had a lottery and the winners received food. It's chance and it's fair. Had she fed only the people she liked, some would have definitely died out of starvation. She let Lee do it the last dauy, so he can understand how hard it is. She didn't want to see people starve too but there was nothing she can do.
Seriously, you are speaking nonsense. Replay the episode, you clearly misunderstood most of it.
Dude, among all the stupid things you said that I'm not even gonna bother discussing, can you please answer me how was Lilly bad at rationing food and how was Kenny better in that?
You know when you discussing something, you are supposed to back your opinion with some explanation. She's like this, she's like that, isn't a valid argument even in a forum environment.
That is so not true. Have you even paid attention to the dialogue?
First of all, everybody knew they've been running out of food. She didn't told them the last day, they knew from the very beginning.
Secondly, her technique was perfect and much much better than yours. She had a lottery and the winners received food. It's chance and it's fair. Had she fed only the people she liked, some would have definitely died out of starvation. She let Lee do it the last dauy, so he can understand how hard it is. She didn't want to see people starve too but there was nothing she can do.
Seriously, you are speaking nonsense. Replay the episode, you clearly misunderstood most of it.
no you misunderstood, it was the last of the food else everybody would have some (a bite to eat isn't enough anyway), and mark thought her rationing technique was bad and if everybody knew it was the last of the food everybody would have wanted to move to get more food, they only knew food was short not totally gone, also a lottery is idiotic that would mean that you could not get any food ever because you lost every time = not fair at all, are you saying she didn't feed everybody each time and that some got none each rationing, that is stupid
no you misunderstood, it was the last of the food else everybody would have some (a bite to eat isn't enough anyway), and mark thought her rationing technique was bad and if everybody knew it was the last of the food everybody would have wanted to move to get more food, they only knew food was short not totally gone, also a lottery is idiotic that would mean that you could not get any food ever because you lost every time = not fair at all, are you saying she didn't feed everybody each time and that some got none each rationing, that is stupid
That's not unfair, that is life itself. This is not about luck factor but about randomizing.
So, please share your own solution with us. If you ever been in such condition, what would you do my dear friend? I'm dying to hear.
You guys are just only not seeing that your Kenny's sins&faults ARE three times more than our Lilly.
You can only claim her for not doing that "rationing thing right" or for killing
Carley, or stealing the RV. And what then? ? ?
But I can claim Kenny for not helping Shawn (when he took his own boy he can drop him down and obey him to wind up to his mother and come back to help instead of getting away), I can claim him for killing Larry or stealing from car or leaving me behind with zombies in that drugstore(Ep.03) or pushing me to the edge with his terrible ideas about leaving- killing somebody or something else he wants...
Or I can claim him for wanting a teenager to die or drinking in a serious situation instead of cooperating with me or for not looking after Clementine, or his desire of not taking everybody on boat, or for yelling at me any single chance he had and criticizing all my decisions...
And lastly, I didn't experience it but I heard that if you don't choose "Kenny, I need you" or "Clem is like a family" dialogs in the end, he is turning around and leaving Lee be. WHAT A LIFETIME BRO!
These are the first things I could remember. And I'm not eager to sort any more, but I'm sure there are much more if I could remember properly.
And pretty please, at least realize it that whichever Kenny you were dealing with was false&shifty&selfish&despotic&useless scumbag. It was you who installed the meaning on him.
That's not unfair, that is life itself. This is not about luck factor but about randomizing.
So, please share your own solution to us. If you ever been in such condition, what would you do my dear friend? I'm dying to hear.
You guys are just only not seeing that your Kenny's sins&faults ARE three times more than our Lilly.
You can only claim her for not doing that rationing thing right or for killing
Carley, or stealing the RV. And what then? ? ?
But I can claim Kenny for not helping Shawn (when he took his own boy he can drop him down and obey him to wind up to his mother instead of getting away.), I can claim him for killing Larry or stealing from car or leaving me behing with zombies in that drugstore or pushing me to the edge with his terrible ideas about leaving- killing somebody or something else he wants...
Or I can claim him for wanting a teenager to die or drinking in a serious situation instead of cooperating or for not looking after Clementine, or his desire of not taking everybody on boat, or for yelling at me and criticizing my all decisions...
And lastly, I didn't experience it but I heard that if you don't choose "Kenny, I need you" or "Clem is like a family" dialogs in the end, he is turning around and leaving Lee be. WHAT A LIFETIME BRO!
These are the first things I could remember. And I'm not eager to sort any more, but I'm sure there are much more if I could remember properly.
And pretty please, at least realize it that whichever Kenny you were dealing with was false&shifty&selfish&despotic&useless scumbag. It was you who installed the meaning on him.
i would feed everyone and if we were running out of food i would tell everyone exactly the situation and we would move to get more food.
and actually if you are kenny's friend he is always there for you.
and to match your list of bad things kenny does
lilly doesn't want you in her group and tries to make you leave, she either agrees with larry or doesn't stand up to him when he wants to throw out Duck, she is bad at rationing food, she screams at you for saving ben's life, she leaves you to die when andrew is trying to kill you, she clings onto her leadership role even when she is clearly incapable of performing her role, she kills carley in cold blood and doug by accident after trying to kill ben (extremely bad), she abandons all of the group by the side of the road leaving them with no transport, and then that is it she is gone and no more chances to be crazy.
i would feed everyone and if we were running out of food i would tell everyone exactly the situation and we would move to get more food.
and actually if you are kenny's friend he is always there for you.
and to match your list of bad things kenny does
lilly doesn't want you in her group and tries to make you leave, she either agrees with larry or doesn't stand up to him when he wants to throw out Duck, she is bad at rationing food, she leaves you to die when andrew is trying to kill you, she clings onto her leadership role even when she is clearly incapable of performing her role, she kills carley in cold blood and doug by accident after trying to kill ben (extremely bad), she abandons all of the group by the side of the road leaving them with no transport, and then that is it she is gone and no more chances to be crazy.
At LEAST she DID NOT leave you behind with zombies when you need a hand.
Never mind, I'm not trying to change your ideas. But your list is kinda look "if you side with Kenny" thing to me(except killing Carley/Doug and stealing the RV). But I don't think my list is as depending to choices as yours, hence he was not offering to steal from a car or wasn't leaving you behind to zombies or if he wasn't drinking, with your playthrough?
My examples were not variable according to players' choices, I think. It is Kenny by all means.
But yours kinda seems to me a bit changeable by choices made from person to person.
What do you say?
At LEAST she DID NOT leave you behind with zombies when you need a hand.
Never mind, I'm not trying to change your ideas. But your list is kinda look "if you side with Kenny" thing to me(except killing Carley/Doug and stealing the RV). But I don't think my list is as depending to choices as yours, hence he was not offering to steal from a car or wasn't leaving you behind to zombies or if he wasn't drinking, with your playthrough?
My examples were not variable according to players' choices, I think. It is Kenny by all means.
But yours kinda seems to me a bit changeable by choices made from person to person.
What do you say?
kenny helps you with the zombies if you help him with larry, and there is nothing wrong with saving you own child or having a drink when you had lost your family less than 2 days ago and its not stealing from a car if nobody owns the car
kenny helps you with the zombies if you help him with larry, and there is nothing wrong with saving you own child or having a drink when you had lost your family less than 2 days ago
I'm not arguing saving his child, I'm arguing his behaviour after it.
He saved him but just after it, he got away instead coming back to help!
It is ridicilous to drink if you are sticking with a group. If you are willing to drink, then go somewhere else or leave the group be as Lilly did, then drink how much you like.
What a bro! Ready to help you if you have helped him to kill someone.
"its not stealing from a car if nobody owns the car "...
This theory is correct when you are on sea (about boats)
Nah, never mind. It was a cool chitchat, let's finish this here, I think people got bored.
All the best with the final episode (and with that d.ckhead :P)
I'm not arguing saving his child, I'm arguing his behaviour after it.
He saved him but just after it, he got away instead coming back to help!
It is ridicilous to drink if you are sticking with a group. If you are willing to drink, then go somewhere else or leave the group be as Lilly did, then drink how much you like.
What a bro! Ready to help you if you have helped him to kill someone.
Nah, never mind. It was a cool chitchat, let's finish this here, think people got bored
All the best with the final episode (and with that d.ckhead :P)
well i would say drinking is not as bad as murder and checking your child is ok is normal, but i guess that's just my opinion
that was just a lie to get you to leave the RV and she lies about knowing your past, so that's a couple of things i left off the list
Man, don't do this. We were over it.
She didn't lie to you because she loves lying. She lied to Lee because she felt guilty for what she has done and she knew that it is no good with this group anymore.
But I agreed that stealing the RV is a selfish decision.
Try to understand her man. She is totally "broke".(by all means)
I respect your angle but PLEASE don't forget what she had been through.
I know Lilly IS a murderer and I don't try to reason her behaviour but,
1)She was "so sure" that someone was helping the bandits: and it was True.
2)She was just too depressed and angry with that traitor issue, as it caused a little boy to get bitten, and the lost of the motor inn: and it was True.
3)She ran away, but "I think" she was too ashamed for what she did to continue with the group and maybe she thought it won't be good to be with them neighter for them nor herself: and I think it was True.
4)No matter what, she were always strong and she were in a good harmony with others until she lost her father: and it is True.
5) So, I think she is not a cruel person but she has a very dramatic doom: and it is True for me.
On the other hand, there is a Kenny who is drinking? I can understand his bad feelings after he saw that boy in the attic and I can understand he is drinking because of his grief, but what about Clem? How can he turn his eyes away from her? If he has completely lost his hope for survival; what is he doing along them?
If I went somewhere with someone else, and tragically if we got seperated with them when their little girl remained with my side; I'd look after her to the death. Lee might be away, Lee might get lost or he might disappear by a sever hole, and what should Kenny do after him? His first thing to do after they came back to their shelter was drinking! Sorry, but I can't forgive this.
He caused Clem to get lost, but even so he continued reprove Lee severely about the boat, about how they will die etc etc...
It was so selfish. Everyone else were in the same situation there and even Christa didn't act like him.
"and probably assumed Clem wasnt so stupid as to wander off outside..." you are saying.
Man, you shouldn't suppose,guess -or whatever- a child that he/she might do or not. You should keep your eyes on them. As always Lee were trying to do. A child is a child, nothing more.
I'm talking about Kenny, because he is the main reason of all these. He caused this group to fall apart. He made a breaking point. And contrary to Lilly, he made this kind of things severely!(I'm sure everybody will see more of him on the last episode.)
Man, what kind of a man can still walk around of a person after he has killed his/her father deliberately without no hesitation? Here we talk about company, not walking around though. They could wait and take care of the situation if Larry ever tries to turn. If Larry was about to turn, I'm sure Lilly should have been more reasonable and more brave with the result. But unfortunately Kenny has no brain!
You are right with your angle at certain points. But there is something in the world entitle : Respect. Respect to other people's feelings&sufferings.
On Walking Dead mini series-on tv, or comics, this kind of situations occured. But have you ever seen a Rick who grabs a rock and throws on Amy's brain in front of her sister Andrea?
Probably not.
Well, I prefer a confused Lilly than a shifty Kenny with me as a companion. Or I prefer her to a "good girl" Carley who never assumed responsibility when though decisions are being made. I loved her too, and I'm not saying she deserved it. But this is WD universe man, You can not just push someone -with a gun- 's buttons (hence if she is half mentally ill because of her father's death) freely by yelling at her with insults. I'm trying to keep my sympathies on Lilly, cause she did nothing unstable or bad before her unfortunate lost. She was always so reasonable and understanding to Lee, even though he and his group have joined and ruined her authority on her own group very badly.
Please try to see the big picture, but not judge her with a single (and I admit, it was a terrible) mistake.
I'm not only a big fan of Lilly, but I've already doing fanart promoting her. Here, take it if you can ;P
I really respect for those bad feelings about Lilly my friend, but please all of you who hates her, try to understand her "situation".
All the best with NO TIME LEFT next week...
Man, she is at least capable of shooting zombies with a gun.
And Kenny cares for other people? I don't ever think so.
You may prefer him than an overemotional daddy's girl side of you of course. But beware and don't ever forget, he can SUDDENLY leave you right inside an ambush unnecessarly even though he could have been helpful when you go in some store for supplies.
What a bro to watch your back!
don't forget that lilly would have killed you if she didn't have a soft spot for Clementine and she will abandon you and Clementine at the side of the road, and i didn't say Kenny cares about other people i said he helps other people, who needs a leader that just sits in her room or on top of the RV all day? you need a leader that is willing to make hard decisions and get things done
About Lilly, she was always good at me and I never felt that she may stab me in the back? Maybe, these are all about the conversations we've chosen when we were talking to people. I never catch any single negative word from her about Lee.
Who says that there was a need for "a leader" when Lee was there?
He is doing AALLL the stuff and I me myself have no intensions for seeking another leader. Who gave Kenny that title? What did he do to earn it? During the whole game, driving that RV I guess.
Man, he is useless as junk, believe me. He also mentioned himself several times: He messed everything up. Yes, this is the only one thing that he is right.
Anyway, I don't knowwhat you do think while playing but I'm not forgetting that I'm playing this game, not Kenny
i would say there was need for a leader, nobody gave kenny a title but i would have voted him as leader if that ever came up, lilly is useless she does nothing but complain and kill innocent people, whereas kenny spent the whole time gathering supplies and fixing the RV and he argued with lilly because he believed she was a detriment to the group and i agree
EDIT: I am obviously not very smart today, i thought i was posting in the Kenny thread >.<
That's what i get for not getting much sleep and having multiple threads open at once...
The reason Lilly has an appreciation thread is because it is possible to develope a great relationship and friendship with Lilly when you did not help murder Larry and cease undermining Lilly as leader of the group with Kenny.
Granted, things turned out differently when you did help muderer Lilly's father. Actions do have consequences sometimes negative ones at that. It may be percieved as stubborn Lilly support but many of us simply did not experience the Lilly you describe. Some people even say great things about Kenny which is strange to me since he has left me to die on multiple occasions. Just different games.
In my game, Lilly was a beloved friend and did her best to keep the group safe. She is sorely missed and would be welcomed back if she decided to return. Lilly was a tough person trying to keep a lot of people safe under extreemly difficult circumstances but everone has their breaking point. Kenny took her to that breaking point and Ben pushed her over the cliff. Those two, primarily Kenny, are the ones to blame for everything that happened afterwards. Now that those two are gone from my group, I think Lilly would do just fine with us other than still being in a ZA of course
Of course none of this is directed at Mornai. Get some rest my friend.
i was talking about lilly in all kinds of playthroughs she never does anything i would consider to have any value to the group and she never demonstrates any leadership qualities , i have seen the best and worst of lilly and kenny, and kenny's best is better than lilly's and lilly's worst is worse than kennys
No matter which face of the characters you met, I know only one thing:
Lilly was always looking into my eyes and my mouth when a tough decision was meant to be made, but Kenny, such irrilevant and irresponsible bastard always shouted at people first.
Well, Kenny can kiss my a.., bro. He managed to come with Lee to the season finale, but this time I swear to God, I'll prepare him a surprise and I won't lose this very last chance
i really can't translate what the is supposed to mean
When it comes decision time;
Lilly was always waiting for the first words from Lee and she looked into Lee's eyes before she opened her mouth to talk.
Cause she had much respect to Lee's ideas.
But Kenny,
His first reactions was always so loud. He was shouting, arguing etc... etc...
Boy, how old are you?
Or I should ask maybe, where are you from?
she may look in your eyes but she will never do anything you tell her and if you are anti lilly she will scream you down, why should lee be the centre of all decisions anyway, i may feel like Lee is the most important person in the universe but why should a guy that has a family think Lee is the centre of the universe?
is that a quote? or did you just call me boy and ask my age? child, that can be considered rude to call someone boy, if you really want to know I'm 25 and from England
Hey, no need to get offended. If I caused any bad feelings, I'm trully sorry.
Anyway, I used those words after I took a look at your profile and I guess someone at your age should at least fill his location info.
Or shouldn't write like this:
"i really can't translate what the is supposed to mean "
But you are right, I don't have any right to call you in that way.
Trully sorry, again, this Kenny thing is itching my nerves
it's cool i wasn't really offended
and i wrote "the" instead of "that" by accident get over it
Then we can be friends, right? Come here boy, a- ha!
CHEERS buddy!
yeah we can be friends
According to our new friendship, I can give you a secret:
That guy, Kenny, he really sucks.
i don't really like lilly
Yeah, I don't know if it's a benfit or not to see every possible outcome through multiple playthroughs. I think it detatches a person from "their" story. But hey, that's just me. You're looking at Lilly from a comparitive perspective of knowing everything that could happen based on different dialogue choices. I just know the one Lilly and the one Kenny.
BTW, that secret dukeleto told you...feel free to tell others because it is so true!:)
i am pretty stubborn so once i make my mind up i don't like to change it, so even though lilly is nicer in my pro lilly play through, i still keep my initial opinion of her and its hard to shake off so i have to role play it as a guy that liked lilly when we first met
and what are you talking about? our secret conversation was secret, nobody can know about it :cool:
Uh-oh! You just broke the very first rule of this thread.
Nobody can mention unliking Lilly and turns back and goes! BANG! (now THIS was a Lilly-kinda thing)
I don't know what the secret is or is not but I know that Telltale has a big secret which reasons people like us to discuss two imaginary protagonists' different characteristics in their possible alternate zombie-filled virtualities :P
You know when you discussing something, you are supposed to back your opinion with some explanation. She's like this, she's like that, isn't a valid argument even in a forum environment.
Yami, I think we are talking uselessly.
I guess, these opposite opinions are because we are all playing different games. All these different ideas are because of this.
Maybe, this game is creating heroes and heroines according to our choices? Which means "Kiel555", "YamiRaziel" and "I" have similar game choices hence "thestalkinghead", "Wrighty" and "Rock114" are on their own same scenario. Telltale Games is so clever ; they created a very charming story with many scandals among players' playthroughs.
I'm saying this because I'm reading many things about Kenny who is not even close to "my" Kenny, and Lilly who is completely someone else than "my" Lilly.
Tricky game it is
i didn't say kenny was better at rationing food (he doesn't do that) Lilly was bad at rationing food because we ended up with just a few bites of food before she told everybody we had ran out of food and when it came down to the last of the food she couldn't handle the responsibility of not feeding everybody (because of her bad rationing technique) and gave the responsibility to lee when it was brought up that she isn't good at handling the food
That is so not true. Have you even paid attention to the dialogue?
First of all, everybody knew they've been running out of food. She didn't told them the last day, they knew from the very beginning.
Secondly, her technique was perfect and much much better than yours. She had a lottery and the winners received food. It's chance and it's fair. Had she fed only the people she liked, some would have definitely died out of starvation. She let Lee do it the last dauy, so he can understand how hard it is. She didn't want to see people starve too but there was nothing she can do.
Seriously, you are speaking nonsense. Replay the episode, you clearly misunderstood most of it.
sheesh its the internet, who cares
no you misunderstood, it was the last of the food else everybody would have some (a bite to eat isn't enough anyway), and mark thought her rationing technique was bad and if everybody knew it was the last of the food everybody would have wanted to move to get more food, they only knew food was short not totally gone, also a lottery is idiotic that would mean that you could not get any food ever because you lost every time = not fair at all, are you saying she didn't feed everybody each time and that some got none each rationing, that is stupid
That's not unfair, that is life itself. This is not about luck factor but about randomizing.
So, please share your own solution with us. If you ever been in such condition, what would you do my dear friend? I'm dying to hear.
You guys are just only not seeing that your Kenny's sins&faults ARE three times more than our Lilly.
You can only claim her for not doing that "rationing thing right" or for killing
Carley, or stealing the RV. And what then? ? ?
But I can claim Kenny for not helping Shawn (when he took his own boy he can drop him down and obey him to wind up to his mother and come back to help instead of getting away), I can claim him for killing Larry or stealing from car or leaving me behind with zombies in that drugstore(Ep.03) or pushing me to the edge with his terrible ideas about leaving- killing somebody or something else he wants...
Or I can claim him for wanting a teenager to die or drinking in a serious situation instead of cooperating with me or for not looking after Clementine, or his desire of not taking everybody on boat, or for yelling at me any single chance he had and criticizing all my decisions...
And lastly, I didn't experience it but I heard that if you don't choose "Kenny, I need you" or "Clem is like a family" dialogs in the end, he is turning around and leaving Lee be. WHAT A LIFETIME BRO!
These are the first things I could remember. And I'm not eager to sort any more, but I'm sure there are much more if I could remember properly.
And pretty please, at least realize it that whichever Kenny you were dealing with was false&shifty&selfish&despotic&useless scumbag. It was you who installed the meaning on him.
*sees thread with Kenny related* OMFG KENNY'S AN ASSHUUL FUCK HIM
i would feed everyone and if we were running out of food i would tell everyone exactly the situation and we would move to get more food.
and actually if you are kenny's friend he is always there for you.
and to match your list of bad things kenny does
lilly doesn't want you in her group and tries to make you leave, she either agrees with larry or doesn't stand up to him when he wants to throw out Duck, she is bad at rationing food, she screams at you for saving ben's life, she leaves you to die when andrew is trying to kill you, she clings onto her leadership role even when she is clearly incapable of performing her role, she kills carley in cold blood and doug by accident after trying to kill ben (extremely bad), she abandons all of the group by the side of the road leaving them with no transport, and then that is it she is gone and no more chances to be crazy.
At LEAST she DID NOT leave you behind with zombies when you need a hand.
Never mind, I'm not trying to change your ideas. But your list is kinda look "if you side with Kenny" thing to me(except killing Carley/Doug and stealing the RV). But I don't think my list is as depending to choices as yours, hence he was not offering to steal from a car or wasn't leaving you behind to zombies or if he wasn't drinking, with your playthrough?
My examples were not variable according to players' choices, I think. It is Kenny by all means.
But yours kinda seems to me a bit changeable by choices made from person to person.
What do you say?
kenny helps you with the zombies if you help him with larry, and there is nothing wrong with saving you own child or having a drink when you had lost your family less than 2 days ago and its not stealing from a car if nobody owns the car
I'm not arguing saving his child, I'm arguing his behaviour after it.
He saved him but just after it, he got away instead coming back to help!
It is ridicilous to drink if you are sticking with a group. If you are willing to drink, then go somewhere else or leave the group be as Lilly did, then drink how much you like.
What a bro! Ready to help you if you have helped him to kill someone.
"its not stealing from a car if nobody owns the car "...
This theory is correct when you are on sea (about boats)
Nah, never mind. It was a cool chitchat, let's finish this here, I think people got bored.
All the best with the final episode (and with that d.ckhead :P)
well i would say drinking is not as bad as murder and checking your child is ok is normal, but i guess that's just my opinion
Talking about murders, please check that guy's reaction at around 13:50. Look at the disappointment.
Hahahah, it is marvellous!
is that you again
If you were good to her, she suggests you to leave together and then she wants you to go and get Clem, then she steals it.
I mean leaves you to your chance with that train :P
that was just a lie to get you to leave the RV and she lies about knowing your past, so that's a couple of things i left off the list
Man, don't do this. We were over it.
She didn't lie to you because she loves lying. She lied to Lee because she felt guilty for what she has done and she knew that it is no good with this group anymore.
But I agreed that stealing the RV is a selfish decision.
Try to understand her man. She is totally "broke".(by all means)