She didn't lie to you because she loves lying. She lies to you because she feels guilty for what she has done and she knows that it is no good with this group anymore.
But I agreed that stealing the RV is a selfish decision.
Try to understand her man. She is totally "broke".(by all means)
well i did put a " " at the end and that is why i let her back in the RV but if you can give her the excuse of being "broke" how can you blame kenny for drinking when he was "broke"
well i did put a " " at the end and that is why i let her back in the RV but if you can give her the excuse of being "broke" how can you blame kenny for drinking when he was "broke"
Kenny's family ruined because of a zombie bite.
But Lilly's father is MURDERED by one of their own people.
I don't think these two conditions are equal as a "broke".
Unfortunately even though I'm not supporting Lilly, I respect her.
At least she left and that was "once and for all" sin "against the group".
But drinking is not. If you are with this group, you should have some respect and you should have some responsibility.
If you are not in an agreement with people and if you are in denial of everything, you WOULD just walk away as Lilly did.
His family ruined because of a zombie bite.
But Lilly's father is MURDERED by one of their own people.
I don't think these two conditions are equal as a "broke".
Unfortunately even though I'm not supporting Lilly, I respect her.
At least she left and that was "once and for all" sin "against" the group.
But drinking is not. If you are with this group, you should have some respect and you should have some responsibility.
If you are not in an agreement with people and if you are in denial of everything, you WOULD just walk away as Lilly did.
personally i would say loosing your wife and child is worse than loosing your father, loosing his family defiantly broke kenny it was only the the boat that gave him a moment of hope and snapped him out of it
So, Lilly trying to kill Ben (on her own) because he might be a traitor (in a way he is) is really really bad, but Kenny forcing YOU to kill Ben for him, is perfectly fine? You're hilarious.
Also, your rationing plan sucks. You would waste the last bit of food in one day and you would pretty much doom the group if they do not find another source of food.
Plus, nobody was keen on the idea of living the motor inn at that time because they didn't know about the bandits. Yeah, even Kenny.
Her rationing system was the best given the circumstances. Plus we were never explained how exactly it works, so you can't know for sure if someone would end up loosing many times in a row. (I'm pretty sure she wouldn't let anyone starve longer than others). They were all waiting for the hunters to find food.
However, what did they find? An injured man and Ben... More mouths to feed. So yeah I kinda see why she would be angry with you bringing more people. It's not like she dropped a salt like on Ben's head just because she didn't like him.
So, Lilly trying to kill Ben (on her own) because he might be a traitor (in a way he is) is really really bad, but Kenny forcing YOU to kill Ben for him, is perfectly fine? You're hilarious.
Also, your rationing plan sucks. You would waste the last bit of food in one day and you would pretty much doom the group if they do not find another source of food.
Plus, nobody was keen on the idea of living the motor inn at that time because they didn't know about the bandits. Yeah, even Kenny.
Her rationing system was the best given the circumstances. Plus we were never explained how exactly it works, so you can't know for sure if someone would end up loosing many times in a row. (I'm pretty sure she wouldn't let anyone starve longer than others). They were all waiting for the hunters to find food.
However, what did they find? An injured man and Ben... More mouths to feed. So yeah I kinda see why she would be angry with you bringing more people. It's not like she dropped a salt like on Ben's head just because she didn't like him.
when did kenny force you to kill anybody? i didn't play the made up version of TWD game, i played the actual game where i saved Ben and told kenny to deal with it.
with my food plan we wouldn't have got into the position of eating the last of the food because we would have moved from a place with no food to a place with food before we ran out
when did kenny force you to kill anybody? i didn't play the made up version of TWD game, i played the actual game where i saved Ben and told kenny to deal with it.
with my food plan we wouldn't have got into the position of eating the last of the food because we would have moved from a place with no food to a place with food before we ran out
Made up version? Haha, so Kenny didn't tell you to just drop Ben and be done with it?
And where is that place with food that is just waiting for you? Oh no, wait, don't answer me, this conversation is getting way to ridiculous for me to participate.
Made up version? Haha, so Kenny didn't tell you to just drop Ben and be done with it?
And where is that place with food that is just waiting for you? Oh no, wait, don't answer me, this conversation is getting way to ridiculous for me to participate.
So, Lilly trying to kill Ben (on her own) because he might be a traitor (in a way he is) is really really bad, but Kenny forcing YOU to kill Ben for him, is perfectly fine? You're hilarious.
saying and forcing are different, and food will be just about everywhere except places where you have taken all the food, and yes your arguments are ridiculous
saying and forcing are different, and food will be just about everywhere except places where you have taken all the food, and yes your arguments are ridiculous
He does force you in a way. Because he keeps telling you to kill him. Of course, if you don't, he's not happy with you and he might not even join you later. How's that not forcing you? He always sets some conditions for his loyalty.
As for food, you're wrong. There are almost no safe places left, most either crawling with dead or bandits/other groups.
Food is one of the hardest things to find, and you making it sounds so easy is just ridiculous.
He does force you in a way. Because he keeps telling you to kill him. Of course, if you don't, he's not happy with you and he might not even join you later.
that's debatable,the guy (Kenny) barely said anything,all he did was nod (other playthroughs might have him say something I saved ben and Kenny joined me without saying anything.
If I remember correctly nobody else wanted the responsibility of rationing the food supply.
Lilly stepped up knowing that it would make her unpopular and a focus of the bitching,grumbling and resentment of other group members.
It's always easier to complain and blame someone else and make them the bad guy/girl rather than step up and take the responsibility yourself,I admired Lilly for accepting and taking on that unpopular duty for herself.
If I remember correctly nobody else wanted the responsibility of rationing the food supply.
Lilly stepped up knowing that it would make her unpopular and a focus of the bitching,grumbling and resentment of other group members.
It's always easier to complain and blame someone else and make them the bad guy/girl rather than step up and take the responsibility yourself,I admired Lilly for accepting and taking on that unpopular duty for herself.
i will admit that if the roles were reversed and and kenny was in the pharmacy with his ass hole controlling dad and lilly had given us a lift in her car with her son and wife (or husband) from the farm, and kenny had been the leader that just sat on top of the rv while me and lilly went of to get supplies and kenny was to scared to move from the motel, i would be team lilly, but i don't think kenny would have done that and that isn't what happened so that isn't how i reacted to lilly and kenny.
and although it was clear that kenny didn't want ben in the group (neither did Christa) when ben wanted us to drop him, kenny simply gave a nod, if you feel like a nod is forcing you to do anything you are a very suggestible person, also there were no immediate consequences to not doing what kenny would have wanted, and if it had been different and we were at the boat and kenny said Lee, Clementine and Ben couldn't get on the boat i would have fought him for it and if he didn't calm down about it i would have left him on the shore and taken the boat, but i don't think that would have happened.
It's interesting to see that people still vow for Lilly. Kenny is a redneck donkey and sometimes an outright arsehole, but staying realistic, Lilly is selfish beyond all team efforts, she's mistrusting, and shows outright hatred to anything that is against her plans.
She cracks and loses it, like no other team member has up to now, not even Kenny. He loses his wife and son, still he keeps on going... by his standards, but he moves forward.
Knowing that Lilly will later
(in the comics, assuming it's actually her) kill a defenseless woman and her baby(not knowing about the baby, doesn't erase the defenseless state of Lori) just because she is ordered to
, just shows how far off she is. Her following reaction doesn't give her redemption in my eyes.
It's interesting to see that people still vow for Lilly. Kenny is a redneck donkey and sometimes an outright arsehole, but staying realistic, Lilly is selfish beyond all team efforts, she's mistrusting, and shows outright hatred to anything that is against her plans.
She cracks and loses it, like no other team member has up to now, not even Kenny. He loses his wife and son, still he keeps on going... by his standards, but he moves forward.
Knowing that Lilly will later
(in the comics, assuming it's actually her) kill a defenseless woman and her baby(not knowing about the baby, doesn't erase the defenseless state of Lori) just because she is ordered to
, just shows how far off she is. Her following reaction doesn't give her redemption in my eyes.
To me, it IS interesting to see that people still vow for Kenny. You can read all comments above to understand why there is still people who loves her.
As I already said before, since playthroughs are different all characters are different to all players.
Which means, I don't really know your Lilly, as well as you don't know my Kenny.
Same characters are way too much different from each other.
Or we players are
Nah, taking two different playthroughs should give you enough coverage to decide. I do agree on "the players are different" argument though.
For me it's just that a lot, or actually most of the points brought up don't carry any logic anymore. It's usually "...oh yeah? But Kenny did this...", which shouldn't matter at all.
Lilly and Kenny both suffer from narzicism which makes them bad leaders. I actually left Kenny behind as the only one, 'cause I couldn't stand his blaming me for some shit that never happened anymore. The only legimate teams I as a player see are either team Lee, if you were to go through the whole game for your own benefit, or "the team", where everyone counts.
Lilly did a good job of keeping the group safe. While she was leader, we went from pretty much having nothing to having food, water and shelter for over three months. Now look at us. We're what 4 days without her and all about to die. Even a bad hunting day and half an apple to eat is better than this. When was the last time Lee had any food? I bet it was 4 days ago.
If you helped Kenny murder Lilly's father then the consequences of driving Lilly over the edge are your fault as well. There is blood on your hands too. Trying to say Lilly snapped for no reason whatsoever is a failed attempt at removing your guilt in helping all this sadness become a reality. If you think Lilly is a monster then she's a monster that you had a part in making.
Lilly did a good job of keeping the group safe. While she was leader, we went from pretty much having nothing to having food, water and shelter for over three months. Now look at us. We're what 4 days without her and all about to die. Even a bad hunting day and half an apple to eat is better than this. When was the last time Lee had any food? I bet it was 4 days ago.
If you helped Kenny murder Lilly's father then the consequences of driving Lilly over the edge are your fault as well. There is blood on your hands too. Trying to say Lilly snapped for no reason whatsoever is a failed attempt at removing your guilt in helping all this sadness become a reality. If you think Lilly is a monster then she's a monster that you had a part in making.
ummm... have you finished episode 3?
no matter what if you help her or not she still snaps and kills Doug/Carley.
replay episode 3, by that point it's been a week since the St.johns died.
I side with nobody in the Kenny and Lilly leadership, Lee is a better leader
...If you helped Kenny murder Lilly's father then the consequences of driving Lilly over the edge are your fault as well. There is blood on your hands too. Trying to say Lilly snapped for no reason whatsoever is a failed attempt at removing your guilt in helping all this sadness become a reality. If you think Lilly is a monster then she's a monster that you had a part in making.
I didn't - sided with Lilly there and screamed at Kenny(screen) for a while for being such an arse. I think people just don't get it. There is no Lilly, or Kenny. There is no bad or good, there is only right and wrong according to the situation you personally face at the moment given. That's why I approved Dukeleto's way of saying that players are different, as they actually feel different about their choices.
I personally know I made a lot of wrong choices looking back, but very few of them actually involved Lilly and Kenny.
Lilly did a good job of keeping the group safe. While she was leader, we went from pretty much having nothing to having food, water and shelter for over three months. Now look at us. We're what 4 days without her and all about to die. Even a bad hunting day and half an apple to eat is better than this. When was the last time Lee had any food? I bet it was 4 days ago.
If you helped Kenny murder Lilly's father then the consequences of driving Lilly over the edge are your fault as well. There is blood on your hands too. Trying to say Lilly snapped for no reason whatsoever is a failed attempt at removing your guilt in helping all this sadness become a reality. If you think Lilly is a monster then she's a monster that you had a part in making.
kenny and lee may have had a part to play in the crazy of lilly, but you cant blame lilly's actions on anybody but lilly, not everybody would murder someone because they are depressed, and killing larry doesn't cause anything directly apart from killing larry that's is just how things work, blaming kenny/lee for lillys actions is just an excuse not the cause of her acions
ummm... have you finished episode 3?
no matter what if you help her or not she still snaps and kills Doug/Carley.
replay episode 3, by that point it's been a week since the St.johns died.
I side with nobody in the Kenny and Lilly leadership, Lee is a better leader
Her father was still murdered right in front of her. The only thing that may be affected is how much blood is on your hands. What was your role and how much of the blame is rightfully yours along with Kenny?
I didn't - sided with Lilly there and screamed at Kenny(screen) for a while for being such an arse. I think people just don't get it. There is no Lilly, or Kenny. There is no bad or good, there is only right and wrong according to the situation you personally face at the moment given. That's why I approved Dukeleto's way of saying that players are different, as they actually feel different about their choices.
I personally know I made a lot of wrong choices looking back, but very few of them actually involved Lilly and Kenny.
Very true. I recognize that when Lilly snapped some of that blood was on my hands too. I initially sided with Kenny and helped undermine Lilly's leadership of the group. My hands are not clean either. But I stopped and tried to help Lilly as best I could early in e2. I too have made some choices that I'd like to change but rewind=lame to me.
kenny and lee may have had a part to play in the crazy of lilly, but you cant blame lilly's actions on anybody but lilly, not everybody would murder someone because they are depressed, and killing larry doesn't cause anything directly apart from killing larry that's is just how things work, blaming kenny/lee for lillys actions is just an excuse not the cause of her acions
I can see how this would appeal to someone who helped murder Larry. Putting all the blame on Lilly does not remove any of the blood on your hands if you helped murder her father.
Her father was still murdered right in front of her. The only thing that may be affected is how much blood is on your hands. What was your role and how much of the blame is rightfully yours along with Kenny?
sorry I misread your reply
Larry was a total asshole,whatever comes out his charming ass... It still looks like shieet, I don't care if that caused Lilly to become paranoid and kill without hesitation, nor kenny's annoying complaints about anything.
I can see how this would appeal to someone who helped murder Larry. Putting all the blame on Lilly does not remove any of the blood on your hands if you helped murder her father.
just because you want to blame everyone but lilly for killing doug and carley it doesn't mean it's true, she killed them nobody else did, i take responsibility for finishing larry of with kenny, so yes blaming the actual person that did it appeals to me, because it is the truth
just because you want to blame everyone but lilly for killing doug and carley it doesn't mean it's true, she killed them nobody else did, i take responsibility for finishing larry of with kenny, so yes blaming the actual person that did it appeals to me, because it is the truth
Yes, it is the truth as better as all big holes between the group's affiliation have been made in real by one single shot which was actually Kenny's salty action itself.
I'm asking because you sound like you were giving an order. I generally do like to know people who says what I have to do or not.
I wasn't giving you an order, I was suggesting it. What the post meant is, that you and a couple of other Lilly fans go on threads, and the second somebody mentions Kenny, you (or another person) make a post that mostly goes like this:
"Hurp derp Kenn'y a fucking asshole I hope he dies by anything, mostly lee, I wish Lilly would come back, she's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo great, Kenny's a fucking spawn of evil, why did you make him telltale?
I wasn't giving you an order, I was suggesting it. What the post meant is, that you and a couple of other Lilly fans go on threads, and the second somebody mentions Kenny, you (or another person) make a post that mostly goes like this:
"Hurp derp Kenn'y a fucking asshole I hope he dies by anything, mostly lee, I wish Lilly would come back, she's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo great, Kenny's a fucking spawn of evil, why did you make him telltale?
P.S. Kenny sucks"
I don't agree.
We all already know it is ridicilous to argue after two or three epoisodes passed. At least I am aware of that. This game is about to end tomorrow, yeah yeah we knew it.
On my part, I like discussing and knowing others's opinions about characters and the thing is I don't think I was so harsh on people's feelings.
And I deliberately am not talking about some more important manners like newsworthy threads entitled "Who will survive?" or "What is about Season 2" etc. because I don't want to see any spoilers(I didn't watch the latest trailer). To be honest, I don't know if someone is curious about my idea. Probably I'll be discussing those after my game is finished.
Meanwhile I'm watching threads like this for fun and for not wasting time with possibly "will never happen" predictions. (Besides I already attended many of them, too)
I am not sure if Kenny&Lilly kinda threads are much worse than the ones which entitled on MAIN PAGE as "who will kill who and what will happen to boat" kinda threads.
Please don't think that people are talking here because they are dying for Lilly or Kenny, or they are unaware of where the story goes. Carley is dead or Lilly is dead, bla bla bla, everyone knows everything. We are talking here because we are having fun with hearing others'.
If you don't like to see this thread, you can just simply ignore it. Click on another title my friend; if I may give you a SUGGESTION myself.
All the Best with the final episode.
P.S: Kenny sucks (see, no harm done)
just because you want to blame everyone but lilly for killing doug and carley it doesn't mean it's true, she killed them nobody else did, i take responsibility for finishing larry of with kenny, so yes blaming the actual person that did it appeals to me, because it is the truth
All I'm suggesting is that maybe just maybe your actions along with Kenny in murdering Lilly's father right in front of her may have contributed to Lilly being somewhat irrational later on in the story. That's all.
Team Kenny AND Lilly! And we don't need the Lilly fans angering every Kenny fan in this community. Just keep your Kenny hatred to yourself.
This is the Lilly appreciation thead where we for the most part like to say nice things about Lilly. What you're looking for is the fuck Kenny thread. That's where I post all my Kenny hate by the buckets.:D
I wasn't giving you an order, I was suggesting it. What the post meant is, that you and a couple of other Lilly fans go on threads, and the second somebody mentions Kenny, you (or another person) make a post that mostly goes like this:
"Hurp derp Kenn'y a fucking asshole I hope he dies by anything, mostly lee, I wish Lilly would come back, she's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo great, Kenny's a fucking spawn of evil, why did you make him telltale?
P.S. Kenny sucks"
I do like to mention the time I got to tell Kenny to go fuck himself at the end of e4 (that was a great moment in gaming for me ) but I've only seen Kenny bashing in the context of an on-topic reply. It's not like a Carley thread where someone mentions how much they miss Carley and someone else chimes in for the sole purpose of bashing Carley and mentioing Doug. Happens every single time.
Team Kenny AND Lilly! And we don't need the Lilly fans angering every Kenny fan in this community. Just keep your Kenny hatred to yourself.
Why should I? First of all, this is the Lilly appreciation thread, so if anyone should have to stop, it's Kenny fans trashing on Lilly here. However, we (most Lilly fans) appreciate good discussion so we don't mind them.
I hate Kenny mostly in the Fuck Kenny thread, which is once again aimed exactly at what I am doing.
I don't go and look for Kenny fan threads and post negative things about him there. I (we) don't also post thousands of "Bring Carley back" threads as Carley fans do, so actually I would say we are one of the most peaceful and organized group of fans.
just because you want to blame everyone but lilly for killing doug and carley it doesn't mean it's true, she killed them nobody else did, i take responsibility for finishing larry of with kenny, so yes blaming the actual person that did it appeals to me, because it is the truth
So, if my Lee killed Duck in cold blood, or even because of the circumstances and Kenny decided to kill me, Clem or anybody else in return, it is entirely on his hands and I don't have anything to do with it? Wow...
Looks like Lilly was right! She said not to steal from that station wagon, so did Clem and Lee (in my game). But that Kenny..... okay I'll save my comments on Kenny for the Fuck Kenny thread.
When that creep guy was questioning me, he knew a lot about what happened. He blamed me for saving Carley, for killing both Andy and Danny and for stealing the food (which I did, yeah).
I do wonder however, if you helped kill Larry, would he blame you for that too?
Do you think that those are actually the things Clem blames Lee for?
P.S I was kinda mad when I heard Kenny mentioning Lilly and Larry.
Well, I don't know. It was just a suggestion, cause I've seen only my ep.5
I mean, it makes sense that at the time Clem might have felt upset with my Lee killing both St. Johns. That's probably the reason why she told the stranger.
Well, I don't know. It was just a suggestion, cause I've seen only my ep.5
I mean, it makes sense that at the time Clem might have felt upset with my Lee killing both St. Johns. That's probably the reason why she told the stranger.
No, you've given me something to think about, something I hadn't even considered.
I mean, in a way, Crazydude's been Clem's "go-to" person when things get bad and she just needed someone to talk to.
At least before she realized how crazy he was. You might be onto something.
When that creep guy was questioning me, he knew a lot about what happened. He blamed me for saving Carley, for killing both Andy and Danny and for stealing the food (which I did, yeah).
I do wonder however, if you helped kill Larry, would he blame you for that too?
Do you think that those are actually the things Clem blames Lee for?
P.S I was kinda mad when I heard Kenny mentioning Lilly and Larry.
Now that you mention it...the words he (the psycho bastard creep) used sounded like the way Clem would describe the situation as blaming Lee. The one I remember best was "saving the pretty girl with the gun and letting a boy be pulled into the darkness.."
well i did put a "
Kenny's family ruined because of a zombie bite.
But Lilly's father is MURDERED by one of their own people.
I don't think these two conditions are equal as a "broke".
Unfortunately even though I'm not supporting Lilly, I respect her.
At least she left and that was "once and for all" sin "against the group".
But drinking is not. If you are with this group, you should have some respect and you should have some responsibility.
If you are not in an agreement with people and if you are in denial of everything, you WOULD just walk away as Lilly did.
personally i would say loosing your wife and child is worse than loosing your father, loosing his family defiantly broke kenny it was only the the boat that gave him a moment of hope and snapped him out of it
Team Lenny!
Also, your rationing plan sucks. You would waste the last bit of food in one day and you would pretty much doom the group if they do not find another source of food.
Plus, nobody was keen on the idea of living the motor inn at that time because they didn't know about the bandits. Yeah, even Kenny.
Her rationing system was the best given the circumstances. Plus we were never explained how exactly it works, so you can't know for sure if someone would end up loosing many times in a row. (I'm pretty sure she wouldn't let anyone starve longer than others). They were all waiting for the hunters to find food.
However, what did they find? An injured man and Ben... More mouths to feed. So yeah I kinda see why she would be angry with you bringing more people. It's not like she dropped a salt like on Ben's head just because she didn't like him.
when did kenny force you to kill anybody? i didn't play the made up version of TWD game, i played the actual game where i saved Ben and told kenny to deal with it.
with my food plan we wouldn't have got into the position of eating the last of the food because we would have moved from a place with no food to a place with food before we ran out
That would be the most messed up Chimera ever.
Made up version? Haha, so Kenny didn't tell you to just drop Ben and be done with it?
And where is that place with food that is just waiting for you? Oh no, wait, don't answer me, this conversation is getting way to ridiculous for me to participate.
you said he forced us to kill ben
saying and forcing are different, and food will be just about everywhere except places where you have taken all the food, and yes your arguments are ridiculous
it's better to take your chances on the abandoned buildings.
man talking about food made me hungry :P
He does force you in a way. Because he keeps telling you to kill him. Of course, if you don't, he's not happy with you and he might not even join you later. How's that not forcing you? He always sets some conditions for his loyalty.
As for food, you're wrong. There are almost no safe places left, most either crawling with dead or bandits/other groups.
Food is one of the hardest things to find, and you making it sounds so easy is just ridiculous.
Besides, if finding food was that easy, I think there might not have been an issue as "rationing".
that's debatable,the guy (Kenny) barely said anything,all he did was nod (other playthroughs might have him say something
I saved ben and Kenny joined me without saying anything.
Lilly stepped up knowing that it would make her unpopular and a focus of the bitching,grumbling and resentment of other group members.
It's always easier to complain and blame someone else and make them the bad guy/girl rather than step up and take the responsibility yourself,I admired Lilly for accepting and taking on that unpopular duty for herself.
i will admit that if the roles were reversed and and kenny was in the pharmacy with his ass hole controlling dad and lilly had given us a lift in her car with her son and wife (or husband) from the farm, and kenny had been the leader that just sat on top of the rv while me and lilly went of to get supplies and kenny was to scared to move from the motel, i would be team lilly, but i don't think kenny would have done that and that isn't what happened so that isn't how i reacted to lilly and kenny.
and although it was clear that kenny didn't want ben in the group (neither did Christa) when ben wanted us to drop him, kenny simply gave a nod, if you feel like a nod is forcing you to do anything you are a very suggestible person, also there were no immediate consequences to not doing what kenny would have wanted, and if it had been different and we were at the boat and kenny said Lee, Clementine and Ben couldn't get on the boat i would have fought him for it and if he didn't calm down about it i would have left him on the shore and taken the boat, but i don't think that would have happened.
She cracks and loses it, like no other team member has up to now, not even Kenny. He loses his wife and son, still he keeps on going... by his standards, but he moves forward.
Knowing that Lilly will later
To me, it IS interesting to see that people still vow for Kenny. You can read all comments above to understand why there is still people who loves her.
As I already said before, since playthroughs are different all characters are different to all players.
Which means, I don't really know your Lilly, as well as you don't know my Kenny.
Same characters are way too much different from each other.
Or we players are
For me it's just that a lot, or actually most of the points brought up don't carry any logic anymore. It's usually "...oh yeah? But Kenny did this...", which shouldn't matter at all.
Lilly and Kenny both suffer from narzicism which makes them bad leaders. I actually left Kenny behind as the only one, 'cause I couldn't stand his blaming me for some shit that never happened anymore. The only legimate teams I as a player see are either team Lee, if you were to go through the whole game for your own benefit, or "the team", where everyone counts.
If you helped Kenny murder Lilly's father then the consequences of driving Lilly over the edge are your fault as well. There is blood on your hands too. Trying to say Lilly snapped for no reason whatsoever is a failed attempt at removing your guilt in helping all this sadness become a reality. If you think Lilly is a monster then she's a monster that you had a part in making.
ummm... have you finished episode 3?
no matter what if you help her or not she still snaps and kills Doug/Carley.
replay episode 3, by that point it's been a week since the St.johns died.
I side with nobody in the Kenny and Lilly leadership, Lee is a better leader
I personally know I made a lot of wrong choices looking back, but very few of them actually involved Lilly and Kenny.
kenny and lee may have had a part to play in the crazy of lilly, but you cant blame lilly's actions on anybody but lilly, not everybody would murder someone because they are depressed, and killing larry doesn't cause anything directly apart from killing larry that's is just how things work, blaming kenny/lee for lillys actions is just an excuse not the cause of her acions
Her father was still murdered right in front of her. The only thing that may be affected is how much blood is on your hands. What was your role and how much of the blame is rightfully yours along with Kenny?
Very true. I recognize that when Lilly snapped some of that blood was on my hands too. I initially sided with Kenny and helped undermine Lilly's leadership of the group. My hands are not clean either. But I stopped and tried to help Lilly as best I could early in e2. I too have made some choices that I'd like to change but rewind=lame to me.
I can see how this would appeal to someone who helped murder Larry. Putting all the blame on Lilly does not remove any of the blood on your hands if you helped murder her father.
sorry I misread your reply
Larry was a total asshole,whatever comes out his charming ass... It still looks like shieet, I don't care if that caused Lilly to become paranoid and kill without hesitation, nor kenny's annoying complaints about anything.
BTW: team kenny
just because you want to blame everyone but lilly for killing doug and carley it doesn't mean it's true, she killed them nobody else did, i take responsibility for finishing larry of with kenny, so yes blaming the actual person that did it appeals to me, because it is the truth
Yes, it is the truth as better as all big holes between the group's affiliation have been made in real by one single shot which was actually Kenny's salty action itself.
Who says so?
I'm asking because you sound like you were giving an order. I generally do like to know people who says what I have to do or not.
I wasn't giving you an order, I was suggesting it. What the post meant is, that you and a couple of other Lilly fans go on threads, and the second somebody mentions Kenny, you (or another person) make a post that mostly goes like this:
"Hurp derp Kenn'y a fucking asshole I hope he dies by anything, mostly lee, I wish Lilly would come back, she's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo great, Kenny's a fucking spawn of evil, why did you make him telltale?
P.S. Kenny sucks"
I don't agree.
We all already know it is ridicilous to argue after two or three epoisodes passed. At least I am aware of that. This game is about to end tomorrow, yeah yeah we knew it.
On my part, I like discussing and knowing others's opinions about characters and the thing is I don't think I was so harsh on people's feelings.
And I deliberately am not talking about some more important manners like newsworthy threads entitled "Who will survive?" or "What is about Season 2" etc. because I don't want to see any spoilers(I didn't watch the latest trailer). To be honest, I don't know if someone is curious about my idea. Probably I'll be discussing those after my game is finished.
Meanwhile I'm watching threads like this for fun and for not wasting time with possibly "will never happen" predictions. (Besides I already attended many of them, too)
I am not sure if Kenny&Lilly kinda threads are much worse than the ones which entitled on MAIN PAGE as "who will kill who and what will happen to boat" kinda threads.
Please don't think that people are talking here because they are dying for Lilly or Kenny, or they are unaware of where the story goes. Carley is dead or Lilly is dead, bla bla bla, everyone knows everything. We are talking here because we are having fun with hearing others'.
If you don't like to see this thread, you can just simply ignore it. Click on another title my friend; if I may give you a SUGGESTION myself.
All the Best with the final episode.
P.S: Kenny sucks (see, no harm done)
All I'm suggesting is that maybe just maybe your actions along with Kenny in murdering Lilly's father right in front of her may have contributed to Lilly being somewhat irrational later on in the story. That's all.
This is the Lilly appreciation thead where we for the most part like to say nice things about Lilly. What you're looking for is the fuck Kenny thread. That's where I post all my Kenny hate by the buckets.:D
I do like to mention the time I got to tell Kenny to go fuck himself at the end of e4 (that was a great moment in gaming for me
Why should I? First of all, this is the Lilly appreciation thread, so if anyone should have to stop, it's Kenny fans trashing on Lilly here. However, we (most Lilly fans) appreciate good discussion so we don't mind them.
I hate Kenny mostly in the Fuck Kenny thread, which is once again aimed exactly at what I am doing.
I don't go and look for Kenny fan threads and post negative things about him there. I (we) don't also post thousands of "Bring Carley back" threads as Carley fans do, so actually I would say we are one of the most peaceful and organized group of fans.
So, if my Lee killed Duck in cold blood, or even because of the circumstances and Kenny decided to kill me, Clem or anybody else in return, it is entirely on his hands and I don't have anything to do with it? Wow...
I do wonder however, if you helped kill Larry, would he blame you for that too?
Do you think that those are actually the things Clem blames Lee for?
P.S I was kinda mad when I heard Kenny mentioning Lilly and Larry.
Wow, I never thought to look at it that way... hmmm.
I mean, it makes sense that at the time Clem might have felt upset with my Lee killing both St. Johns. That's probably the reason why she told the stranger.
No, you've given me something to think about, something I hadn't even considered.
I mean, in a way, Crazydude's been Clem's "go-to" person when things get bad and she just needed someone to talk to.
At least before she realized how crazy he was. You might be onto something.
Now that you mention it...the words he (the psycho bastard creep) used sounded like the way Clem would describe the situation as blaming Lee. The one I remember best was "saving the pretty girl with the gun and letting a boy be pulled into the darkness.."
You could be on to something here.