This being the "Lily appreciation" thread I have to ask.... is anyone getting the book "The Walking Dead: The Road to Woodbury"? It's apparently all about Lily and how she ended up with the Governor's group. I wonder if the story of how she and her father started out with Lee's group will be in it and how the story will differ from the game if it is. I'm very excited for the book and hopefully more of a background for Lily.
Edit: sorry if this has already been talked about, I skimmed the thread and didn't see anything.
I would consider Lilly to be a very well written character, wuth a great story arc, but that doesn't stop me from hating her guts for what she did.
She's a murderer, and is too unstable to be a good leader.
This being the "Lily appreciation" thread I have to ask.... is anyone getting the book "The Walking Dead: The Road to Woodbury"? It's apparently all about Lily and how she ended up with the Governor's group. I wonder if the story of how she and her father started out with Lee's group will be in it and how the story will differ from the game if it is. I'm very excited for the book and hopefully more of a background for Lily.
Edit: sorry if this has already been talked about, I skimmed the thread and didn't see anything.
Some of us are definitely getting the book We will report as soon as it is released
Read it... it is a good read... if you're a fan of TWD it is definitely worth your time
I agree with this. It was very good and slightly shocking. Cannot wait for lily's story though! I do hate her for straight up murdering an innocent person and/or trying to murder a young impressionable boy that made a mistake. But something that big will have impacted her and I wanna see how she got from Lee's group to where she ended up in the comic.
I'm going to be really, really disappointed if they've just shrugged off the canon of the game to make Lilly their 'own' character in 'The Road to Woodbury'.
I'm going to be really, really disappointed if they've just shrugged off the canon of the game to make Lilly their 'own' character in 'The Road to Woodbury'.
Prepare to be disappointed then.
On the Walking Dead castlist for this game under Lilly, the description used to have this line at the end:
"Fate will one day cause Lilly to play a large part in the life of Rick Grimes"
If you look now that line has been removed. Looks like Telltale know it won't tie up anymore. Thats not Telltales fault at all, its a real shame Kirkman decided to screw them over like that.
On the Walking Dead castlist for this game under Lilly, the description used to have this line at the end:
"Fate will one day cause Lilly to play a large part in the life of Rick Grimes"
If you look now that line has been removed. Looks like Telltale know it won't tie up anymore. Thats not Telltales fault at all, its a real shame Kirkman decided to screw them over like that.
Sadly I think Kirkman gave Telltale the go ahead then later thought "hmm Lilly, that's given me an idea..." While I hate the fact that the game Lilly is ,very likely, no longer the comic one I can ,grudgingly,understand why. Given all the different choices in the game it would of been difficult for Kirkman to carry on Lilly's story coherently without choosing a specific canon path. Therefore he has probably decide to create his own back story which will invalidate game Lilly.
If this is truly the case I wonder if Telltale will decide to do more with their Lilly in future seasons or will they just let people decide which Lilly they choose to be canon for them.
I think that's pretty selfish on Kirkman's part. Especially after numerous interviews and discussions from Telltale and himself mentioning that the game follows the canon of the comics and that several comic characters would be showing up; one of them Glenn and the other being Lilly.
Sean Vanaman even stated that it was the same Lilly in one of the early Playing Dead episodes if I recall correctly. I get that RK can do whatever he likes and all but still...
Meh, I'll probably still buy it anyway and just pretend it's the same Lilly.
The plot to this game was written up atleast 18 months ago. At that time Telltale and Kirkman were in agreement that Lily was canon.
Looks to me that Kirkman kept TTG in the dark for some time and have only recently come clean to them that he has written a new Lily backstory, breaking any continuity with the game and comic.
I think it'll be the same lily, they may just leave out what happened with lee's group other than how her dad died. (it would make sense that she wouldn't wanna talk about it.) and Possibly pick up right after she got left on the side of the road/took the rv.
Kenny said she could go 30 miles max with the RV, so the book could still start out on the side of the road. A lot of people who play the game, including me, would feel a bit cheated if the Lillys are two different people.
Kenny said she could go 30 miles max with the RV, so the book could still start out on the side of the road. A lot of people who play the game, including me, would feel a bit cheated if the Lillys are two different people.
Especially when the game Lilly complements so beautifully the characterization of the comic book Lilly.
I think it'll be the same lily, they may just leave out what happened with lee's group other than how her dad died. (it would make sense that she wouldn't wanna talk about it.) and Possibly pick up right after she got left on the side of the road/took the rv.
Kenny said she could go 30 miles max with the RV, so the book could still start out on the side of the road. A lot of people who play the game, including me, would feel a bit cheated if the Lillys are two different people.
Especially when the game Lilly complements so beautifully the characterization of the comic book Lilly.
Picking up Lilly's story with her on the side of a road would work.Her keeping silent about her time with Lee's group due to the pain and trauma of her father's death and the guilt of snapping and killing a fellow group member could also work but I really fear Kirkman has other ideas in mind.
Like Rock114 I would feel cheated if game Lilly turns out to be someone completely different. I totally agree with YamiRaziel that the game Lilly's story arc fits perfectly with the comic book Lilly, it would be a damn shame if Kirkman throws it away. I'll read the book but it will be somewhat tainted if it's a different Lilly.
The removal of the line KMatt mentioned along with the name change of the trophy/achievement "Woodbury bound" into "What now?" doesn't fill me with much hope. Believe FarmerJoe, believe,believe,believe.....
The removal of the line KMatt mentioned along with the name change of the trophy/achievement "Woodbury bound" into "What now?" doesn't fill me with much hope. Believe FarmerJoe, believe,believe,believe.....
I didn't realize they changed the achievement as well.... hmm doesn't fill me with much hope.
Game Lilly HAS to be comic Lilly. Her killing the Governor and redeeming herself for Carley/Doug, Judy and Lori is just too perfect an angle to throw least from my point of view...
Well, let's wait for the book and see. It won't be the first time Kirkman has done an unpopular decision but so far his story telling has been top notch so let's give him a chance. Even if he ignores or changes stuff, even if it is a completely different character I think he has something really good for us in store.
If he doesn't deliver, well, I'll be the first one to call him on that but so far I'm staying a believer in a good upcoming book.
Game Lilly HAS to be comic Lilly. Her killing the Governor and redeeming herself for Carley/Doug, Judy and Lori is just too perfect an angle to throw least from my point of view...
I totally agree!!!
and I'm really crossing my fingers. Lee gets a chance at redemption,why not game Lilly? cmon Kirkman :mad:
If it doesn't happen then I hope Telltale will do something to conclude the story of their Lilly in future seasons.
Well, let's wait for the book and see. It won't be the first time Kirkman has done an unpopular decision but so far his story telling has been top notch so let's give him a chance. Even if he ignores or changes stuff, even if it is a completely different character I think he has something really good for us in store.
If he doesn't deliver, well, I'll be the first one to call him on that but so far I'm staying a believer in a good upcoming book.
Well said.
I look forward to reading the book (Rise of the Governor was a decent read) and if the characters are different I will still like to see what Kirkman has done with her.
Having read all the comics Lilly doesn't get much time on paper. She pops out of nowhere, does something terrible, does something great and then isn't heard from again. Before the game I never really gave her much thought but Telltale has really fleshed out the character and I like how it 'fits' with the comics.
what if kirkman kills off rick and makes lilly the main character?
would the comic fans here still read them?
Oooh! It would be controversial. Can't imagine it happening but would probably still read it.
I think as a spin-off comic it could work. I'm curious to know what happened to Lilly and the Woodbury survivors after the prison battle. But Kirkman has said time and again that those characters are 'dead to him' figuratively; and he's moved on from that whole story arc.
Until I played the game I agreed with that statement but now I want to know what happened to Lilly.
what if kirkman kills off rick and makes lilly the main character?
would the comic fans here still read them?
Well Rick is an amazing character but sometimes it feels like he has plot armor. Although, Kirkman is the author, which means that Rick could bite the dust any issue, still, we hope that it won't happen.
I do think Lilly is an amazing character and I wouldn't mind seeing more of her. I would prefer that she crosses Rick's path again and then they realize who was doing what in the prison arc. Now that's something I would definitely enjoy seeing.
So you would enjoy seeing Rick shoot her in the head? Or maybe in the gut, lets her reanimate, then kills her again. Remember, she killed the wife he loved and his infant daughter. I highly doubt that Rick, at this point, cares whether she was manipulated or not.
I get the TPB's so I'm only up to issue #96... so don't spoil anything for me please.
If he killed off rick and completely decided to go with Lily I probably would stop reading it. Rick isn't my favorite character so that wouldn't bother me too much but I really like some of the other members of his group (i.e. Carl, Andrea, Glenn, Maggie etc.) So, I wouldn't want to lose their story as well just because Rick is gone.
I get the TPB's so I'm only up to issue #96... so don't spoil anything for me please.
If he killed off rick and completely decided to go with Lily I probably would stop reading it. Rick isn't my favorite character so that wouldn't bother me too much but I really like some of the other members of his group (i.e. Carl, Andrea, Glenn, Maggie etc.) So, I wouldn't want to lose their story as well just because Rick is gone.
I won't spoil anything for you, but I do feel a temptation to mention that you have the perfect forum name to read on...
So you would enjoy seeing Rick shoot her in the head? Or maybe in the gut, lets her reanimate, then kills her again. Remember, she killed the wife he loved and his infant daughter. I highly doubt that Rick, at this point, cares whether she was manipulated or not.
Well... I'm not sure she's that easy to kill No, what I mean is that this could actually be a really powerful scene between the two of them.
I would definitely love to see more of her, whether it is in Telltale's game, a book, the TV show or the comic book.
P.S If anybody would try to insta-shoot her I think that would be Carl or Andrea, not Rick
Well... I'm not sure she's that easy to kill No, what I mean is that this could actually be a really powerful scene between the two of them.
I would definitely love to see more of her, whether it is in Telltale's game, a book, the TV show or the comic book.
P.S If anybody would try to insta-shoot her I think that would be Carl or Andrea, not Rick
I can't see Andrea shooting her. Carl doesn't really care about his mom anymore, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't take Lilly out if he saw her. I DO think Rick would shoot her though, as he loved Lori and still misses her. If Carl, who doesn't really seem to care, would kill her, why wouldn't Rick? I remember one scene where, after he finished speaking to a guy, he spilled his guts to Michonne that the entire time the guy was talking, Rick could only think about blowing his brains out because of how much easier and simpler it would be. And this is when the guy was apologizing about not being nice to Carl. Now, imagine if that same man had shot Rick's wife and infant daughter right in front of him...
And I'd love to see more of her too, but not in the comic. It just doesn't seem very likely that she would find her way up to D.C. from Georgia and meet up with Rick again. I could definately see them doing something small with her in the show though, given that so many people aparently like her.
I can't see Andrea shooting her. Carl doesn't really care about his mom anymore, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't take Lilly out if he saw her. I DO think Rick would shoot her though, as he loved Lori and still misses her. If Carl, who doesn't really seem to care, would kill her, why wouldn't Rick? I remember one scene where, after he finished speaking to a guy, he spilled his guts to Michonne that the entire time the guy was talking, Rick could only think about blowing his brains out because of how much easier and simpler it would be. And this is when the guy was apologizing about not being nice to Carl. Now, imagine if that same man had shot Rick's wife and infant daughter right in front of him...
And I'd love to see more of her too, but not in the comic. It just doesn't seem very likely that she would find her way up to D.C. from Georgia and meet up with Rick again. I could definately see them doing something small with her in the show though, given that so many people aparently like her.
Have you seen the latest issue? Some minor spoiler to those who haven't.
I said Andrea and Carl because they haven't really evolved lately. Their mentality is still the "Let's shoot everything that we do not like or threatens us". Rick, however, has changed in the last few issues. Having witnessed what happened in issue 100, he realized he isn't the biggest and scariest thing out there. He does confess to Michonne that he doesn't want to repeat what happened with the Governor. I just don't see him as pulling the trigger that fast anymore. Not unless he's absolutely sure he's in control of the situation.
Unfortunately I haven't read past #90, so I might not know what I'm talking about even more than usual. Unfortunately, someone on the forums forgot to put spoiler tags on their post and I found out who died in #100 that way. I guess I'll take your word for it.
I've not read the comics but I thought that the descrepancy was that Lilly (video game) did not match up to Lilly (novel). Is there an issue now with her (video game) not matching up to the comics?
Is the only problem the background story of her father...namely how he died and his name?
I've not read the comics but I thought that the descrepancy was that Lilly (video game) did not match up to Lilly (novel). Is there an issue now with her (video game) not matching up to the comics?
Is the only problem the background story of her father...namely how he died and his name?
We have to wait for the book to find out. To me personally, game Lilly is absolutely the same as comic book Lilly. They complement each other more than perfectly.
We have to wait for the book to find out. To me personally, game Lilly is absolutely the same as comic book Lilly. They complement each other more than perfectly.
It all depends on the upcoming book. I'm waiting to see if Kirkman has decided to mix things up.
They're just too perfect not to be the same person! Whatever the book says, I'll always see game Lilly as comic Lilly.
Definitely! We can only hope that the book will enrich the character instead of changing it. However, even if it does that I still hope it's gonna be a good story. Actually I'm sure it's gonna be a good story
Edit: sorry if this has already been talked about, I skimmed the thread and didn't see anything.
She's a murderer, and is too unstable to be a good leader.
Some of us are definitely getting the book
Read it... it is a good read... if you're a fan of TWD it is definitely worth your time
I agree with this. It was very good and slightly shocking. Cannot wait for lily's story though! I do hate her for straight up murdering an innocent person and/or trying to murder a young impressionable boy that made a mistake. But something that big will have impacted her and I wanna see how she got from Lee's group to where she ended up in the comic.
Prepare to be disappointed then.
On the Walking Dead castlist for this game under Lilly, the description used to have this line at the end:
"Fate will one day cause Lilly to play a large part in the life of Rick Grimes"
If you look now that line has been removed. Looks like Telltale know it won't tie up anymore. Thats not Telltales fault at all, its a real shame Kirkman decided to screw them over like that.
Sadly I think Kirkman gave Telltale the go ahead then later thought "hmm Lilly, that's given me an idea..." While I hate the fact that the game Lilly is ,very likely, no longer the comic one I can ,grudgingly,understand why. Given all the different choices in the game it would of been difficult for Kirkman to carry on Lilly's story coherently without choosing a specific canon path. Therefore he has probably decide to create his own back story which will invalidate game Lilly.
If this is truly the case I wonder if Telltale will decide to do more with their Lilly in future seasons or will they just let people decide which Lilly they choose to be canon for them.
I think that's pretty selfish on Kirkman's part. Especially after numerous interviews and discussions from Telltale and himself mentioning that the game follows the canon of the comics and that several comic characters would be showing up; one of them Glenn and the other being Lilly.
Sean Vanaman even stated that it was the same Lilly in one of the early Playing Dead episodes if I recall correctly. I get that RK can do whatever he likes and all but still...
Meh, I'll probably still buy it anyway and just pretend it's the same Lilly.
Looks to me that Kirkman kept TTG in the dark for some time and have only recently come clean to them that he has written a new Lily backstory, breaking any continuity with the game and comic.
Even if the backstory is a bit different, as long as her character is the same I will be happy.
Especially when the game Lilly complements so beautifully the characterization of the comic book Lilly.
Picking up Lilly's story with her on the side of a road would work.Her keeping silent about her time with Lee's group due to the pain and trauma of her father's death and the guilt of snapping and killing a fellow group member could also work but I really fear Kirkman has other ideas in mind.
Like Rock114 I would feel cheated if game Lilly turns out to be someone completely different. I totally agree with YamiRaziel that the game Lilly's story arc fits perfectly with the comic book Lilly, it would be a damn shame if Kirkman throws it away. I'll read the book but it will be somewhat tainted if it's a different Lilly.
The removal of the line KMatt mentioned along with the name change of the trophy/achievement "Woodbury bound" into "What now?" doesn't fill me with much hope. Believe FarmerJoe, believe,believe,believe.....
I didn't realize they changed the achievement as well.... hmm doesn't fill me with much hope.
If he doesn't deliver, well, I'll be the first one to call him on that but so far I'm staying a believer in a good upcoming book.
I totally agree!!!
and I'm really crossing my fingers. Lee gets a chance at redemption,why not game Lilly? cmon Kirkman :mad:
If it doesn't happen then I hope Telltale will do something to conclude the story of their Lilly in future seasons.
Well said.
I look forward to reading the book (Rise of the Governor was a decent read) and if the characters are different I will still like to see what Kirkman has done with her.
Having read all the comics Lilly doesn't get much time on paper. She pops out of nowhere, does something terrible, does something great and then isn't heard from again. Before the game I never really gave her much thought but Telltale has really fleshed out the character and I like how it 'fits' with the comics.
would the comic fans here still read them?
Oooh! It would be controversial. Can't imagine it happening but would probably still read it.
I think as a spin-off comic it could work. I'm curious to know what happened to Lilly and the Woodbury survivors after the prison battle. But Kirkman has said time and again that those characters are 'dead to him' figuratively; and he's moved on from that whole story arc.
Until I played the game I agreed with that statement but now I want to know what happened to Lilly.
Well Rick is an amazing character but sometimes it feels like he has plot armor. Although, Kirkman is the author, which means that Rick could bite the dust any issue, still, we hope that it won't happen.
I do think Lilly is an amazing character and I wouldn't mind seeing more of her. I would prefer that she crosses Rick's path again and then they realize who was doing what in the prison arc. Now that's something I would definitely enjoy seeing.
If he killed off rick and completely decided to go with Lily I probably would stop reading it. Rick isn't my favorite character so that wouldn't bother me too much but I really like some of the other members of his group (i.e. Carl, Andrea, Glenn, Maggie etc.) So, I wouldn't want to lose their story as well just because Rick is gone.
Well... I'm not sure she's that easy to kill
I would definitely love to see more of her, whether it is in Telltale's game, a book, the TV show or the comic book.
P.S If anybody would try to insta-shoot her I think that would be Carl or Andrea, not Rick
I can't see Andrea shooting her. Carl doesn't really care about his mom anymore, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't take Lilly out if he saw her. I DO think Rick would shoot her though, as he loved Lori and still misses her. If Carl, who doesn't really seem to care, would kill her, why wouldn't Rick? I remember one scene where, after he finished speaking to a guy, he spilled his guts to Michonne that the entire time the guy was talking, Rick could only think about blowing his brains out because of how much easier and simpler it would be. And this is when the guy was apologizing about not being nice to Carl. Now, imagine if that same man had shot Rick's wife and infant daughter right in front of him...
And I'd love to see more of her too, but not in the comic. It just doesn't seem very likely that she would find her way up to D.C. from Georgia and meet up with Rick again. I could definately see them doing something small with her in the show though, given that so many people aparently like her.
Have you seen the latest issue? Some minor spoiler to those who haven't.
Is the only problem the background story of her father...namely how he died and his name?
We have to wait for the book to find out. To me personally, game Lilly is absolutely the same as comic book Lilly. They complement each other more than perfectly.
It all depends on the upcoming book. I'm waiting to see if Kirkman has decided to mix things up.
No matter what the book Lilly looks like, to me game Lilly and comic book Lilly are still matching perfectly
They're just too perfect not to be the same person! Whatever the book says, I'll always see game Lilly as comic Lilly.
Definitely! We can only hope that the book will enrich the character instead of changing it. However, even if it does that I still hope it's gonna be a good story. Actually I'm sure it's gonna be a good story