If they somehow tie up the her father's story I guess that Kenny might be mentioned. Even if they're not what I would be looking for the most would be her attitude. I want her to be the same Lilly even if some of the backstory isn't mentioned or slightly changed.
After having finished all the comics recently, it's only made me love Lilly even more.
Fair enough she does commit a heinous crime in them (under frightening pressure might I add), but she soon made up for it.
It's a total long shot, but I hope she does appear in the game again. I was upset at how she left on bad terms with my Lee.
Lee is the player and yes it is still a sort of favouritism. Did you flip a coin as to who to feed? I bet you didn't. Plus you still saved the one person that you felt closer to you. It is still a favouritism, no matter how latent it is.
Saying that Lilly shows favouritism towards her dad is ridiculous.
Flip a coin?, nope & remember "neither" did she
Larry is the only one with coins.
& wait a ... sec, when did I say she show favoritism to her dad???
now don't u start showing "favoritism" to Lily & assume everyone says/thinks so.
what went through my head was, I give ken the food that has the most pieces (the cheese thingy) hoping he can share with his family
but he kept yapping about his son getting first, so I gave him. that decision was Kenny's
I gave Carley just because she was there but she declined because i didn't give the apple.
I gave clem the apple cause I remember the fruits in her house.
I didn't give lily because I didn't noticed her up there, lol
Katja was busy
Ben is new, I'll assume he is less hungrier than the rest since he & his friends were roaming around more than Lee's group
As for Mark & Larry, only 1 food left, I gave the "elder" one first.
more of objective decisions...
Plus remember the famous Lilly lottery? She let's chance determine who's going to eat.. and that's fair...
What on earth are you talking about??
What Lily lottery, & what in the universe did the game show to prove she used chance to determine anything???
I don't see her flipping nothing, I don't see her pull a lottery machine I don't see her wear a blindfold I don't see her do nothing...
What on earth are you talking about??
What Lily lottery, & what in the universe did the game show to prove she used chance to determine anything???
Depending on your dialogue choices at the beginning of ep. 2, Mark makes reference to "Lilly's Lottery" and Lee comments that Lilly thinks it's important to keep the hunters fed.
Depending on your dialogue choices at the beginning of ep. 2, Mark makes reference to "Lilly's Lottery" and Lee comments that Lilly thinks it's important to keep the hunters fed.
Keep the hunters fed? that sounds like a choice rather than chance.
What on earth are you talking about??
What Lily lottery, & what in the universe did the game show to prove she used chance to determine anything???
I don't see her flipping nothing, I don't see her pull a lottery machine I don't see her wear a blindfold I don't see her do nothing...
The game didn't show squat...
I think Carley mentions it as well. Lilly has a sort of lottery to determine who's getting food that day. There's obviously not enough food for everybody and she's trying her best to stay fair and show no favouritism.
Cyreen I don't remember Lee's reply but I seem to recall that both Lee and Mark were hungry so I guess Lilly was using the lottery.
If Lilly's idea of a meal was a package of crackers or one piece of jerky or 1/2 an apple (all of which isn't even an adequate meal), then no doubt they were hungry even if they were being fed.
If you feed Mark, he will also comment when walking the fence at the dairy that it's hard to eat in front of the kids.
I think Carley mentions it as well. Lilly has a sort of lottery to determine who's getting food that day. There's obviously not enough food for everybody and she's trying her best to stay fair and show no favouritism.
Cyreen I don't remember Lee's reply but I seem to recall that both Lee and Mark were hungry so I guess Lilly was using the lottery.
Except for the fact that Larry always gets fed in Lilly's lottery. Left that part out of your assessment.
I'm not sure it was stated that Larry always won the food lottery, but Mark does say that he thinks Lilly is skimming rations for him, making it not the fairest system. If it's true of course, somewhat of a moot point now.
nah its an observation, based on behavioral profile on an individual's reaction towards how he/she was treated.
u give lily food, he punch u, give him pills he punch u, dun give him food he yaps at u... do that again & he'll probably punch u...
or worst, that axe swing, will be aimed at u, & have the zombie as an excuse of missing.
Okay, I stand corrected. It is a biased anti-Larry opinion
He does save you from that walker if you trust him with the axe. He's an old grumpy guy but he's not that bad. I know so many people like him in real life and none of them is really bad or evil
Okay, I stand corrected. It is a biased anti-Larry opinion
He does save you from that walker if you trust him with the axe. He's an old grumpy guy but he's not that bad. I know so many people like him in real life and none of them is really bad or evil
Have u seen my playthrough?
(ofcourse not, I didn't advertise it like I did with the silent treatment)
I'm "just some guy" keeping the peace.
I gave Larry the food & axe.
he "tried" to save you, not accomplishing it (just saying)
not that I didn't appreciate the attempt.
someone cowering in the corner while just "thinking" of saving me, is appreciated too, lol
PS: by default, the silent treatment makes u side with lily...
love her quote...
"You don't have to say anything, what u did back then" (kept shut when Kenny asks for my opinion, lol)
"Is evidence enough"
not exact words, its on the top of my head...
wanted to make a music video of the 2... never found the time to...
had a song in mind, fits them & their situation well. IMO anyway...
at the moment, not motivated to make it, if I know there are a number of people who wants to see it, I'll consider making it a priority.
I just love the composition and how each of them represents something different in the manner they run. Lilly's screams more of desperation, while Rick's more of determination
I just love the composition and how each of them represents something different in the manner they run. Lilly's screams more of desperation, while Rick's more of determination
yeah good composition, i have a shaun of the dead zombie horde as mine
sad to see her go, she killed carley who had my back, and i kept her on the rv because i thought maybe she could still have my back after all the team lily siding i had done, but of course she would have been killed by kenny if lee wasnt around and she couldnt survive with them so she stole the rv and left us there. Sad to see her go without lee and clementine and just leave me with the other survivors who mostly hated me(katjaa is nice no matter what and ducks not really there, clementine adores us as said by carley and she respects us, fed ben and hes ok but he wont last longer.)
Btw just noticed that the scene with Lilly and Kenny in the trailer of ep. 3 is actually not in ep. 3 I guess they changed a lot of things for that episode.
There's one scene with Lilly, Carley, Kenny, Ben, Katjaa and Lee on the road in the middle of the day.
Lilly says: We can't let one person fuck this up for everyone else! and she's talking to Kenny
I absolutely hate Kenny's personality but as I character I really like him. The game wouldn't be the same without him. He and Lilly are the two most important characters that shape ep 1, 2 and 3.
I always liked lily. But when she killed doug and stole the RV, i lost all my respect.
I think she was at the stage of depression/stress where you just don't think rationally and she thought that sense Lee was a convicted murderer it would be okay, regardless she really seemed distressed and surprised that she even did it, and also afraid.
I think she stole the RV out of fear of what would come after that, i'm sure kenny would have left her in the RV and took the train anyway.
I lost alot of respect but still see why she left, I lost respect not because she stole it, but because even though I said I would go too and went to get clementine she left me.
I absolutely hate Kenny's personality but as I character I really like him. The game wouldn't be the same without him. He and Lilly are the two most important characters that shape ep 1, 2 and 3.
I liked him until I saw his true colors.
I have to admit, till she killed "our choice" - once I felt Lilly was an ally, I never doubted it.
- Saved your kid
- Kept him from being tossed out
- Fed him...
I absolutely hate Kenny's personality but as I character I really like him. The game wouldn't be the same without him. He and Lilly are the two most important characters that shape ep 1, 2 and 3.
Oh yeah, they're my favorites (behind Clem and Lee of course). Strange, considering I think Lilly isn't a good person but Kenny is.
Also, Kenny just went through what Lilly did in the meat locker. She lost everything she had, and now so has he. I think he's got more than enough potential to snap and turn this into an RV scene all over again.
Oh yeah, they're my favorites (behind Clem and Lee of course). Strange, considering I think Lilly isn't a good person but Kenny is.
Also, Kenny just went through what Lilly did in the meat locker. She lost everything she had, and now so has he. I think he's got more than enough potential to snap and turn this into an RV scene all over again.
I kinda expect it to be worse actually. Lilly cared for the group, for Clem and Lee most of all. Kenny never expressed particular fondness of anybody else except his family.
He'll likely take it out on Ben or one of the newcomers. I've heard that he says he wants to bury the hatchet with you after his family die. It'll be just as bad I think, if not worse. It's gonna suck to be Ben.
Lilly did crack on Carly, but Lilly wanted to shoot Ben (If you saved Doug) which wasn't a good idea at the time, but, later Ben did confess that he did bring the supplies to the bandits, so maybe Lilly had a point, trying to shoot Ben, even though she ultimately failed (Accidentally shooting Doug) Lilly still just wanted to protect the group, so I still like her
I'm really concerned that Kirkman might decide to retcon TWD game Lilly. That will be such a let down...
I was trying to find some interview where he says it is the same Lilly with the same backstory but... who knows...
I'm really concerned that Kirkman might decide to retcon TWD game Lilly. That will be such a let down...
I was trying to find some interview where he says it is the same Lilly with the same backstory but... who knows...
I'm concerned too. I'm starting to wonder when Kirkman decided to write The road to woodbury? I fear that he gave Telltale the go ahead to use Lilly and create her back story but then thought 'Hmmm,wait a minute,that's given me an idea.I'm going to write Lilly's back story myself'.
I hope we don't, but I fear we may end up with two parallel Lilly's
I'm concerned too. I'm starting to wonder when Kirkman decided to write The road to woodbury? I fear that he gave Telltale the go ahead to use Lilly and create her back story but then thought 'Hmmm,wait a minute,that's given me an idea.I'm going to write Lilly's back story myself'.
I hope we don't, but I fear we may end up with two parallel Lilly's
They did ask him about Lilly so I hope he actually collaborated with the game Lilly and he's planning to bring her in the book. I mean, this Lilly is just a perfect character to write for... not to mention it adds such depth to her comic book appearance.
Fair enough she does commit a heinous crime in them (under frightening pressure might I add), but she soon made up for it.
It's a total long shot, but I hope she does appear in the game again. I was upset at how she left on bad terms with my Lee.
Flip a coin?, nope & remember "neither" did she
Larry is the only one with coins.
& wait a ... sec, when did I say she show favoritism to her dad???
now don't u start showing "favoritism" to Lily & assume everyone says/thinks so.
what went through my head was, I give ken the food that has the most pieces (the cheese thingy) hoping he can share with his family
but he kept yapping about his son getting first, so I gave him. that decision was Kenny's
I gave Carley just because she was there but she declined because i didn't give the apple.
I gave clem the apple cause I remember the fruits in her house.
I didn't give lily because I didn't noticed her up there, lol
Katja was busy
Ben is new, I'll assume he is less hungrier than the rest since he & his friends were roaming around more than Lee's group
As for Mark & Larry, only 1 food left, I gave the "elder" one first.
more of objective decisions...
What on earth are you talking about??
What Lily lottery, & what in the universe did the game show to prove she used chance to determine anything???
I don't see her flipping nothing, I don't see her pull a lottery machine I don't see her wear a blindfold I don't see her do nothing...
The game didn't show squat...
Depending on your dialogue choices at the beginning of ep. 2, Mark makes reference to "Lilly's Lottery" and Lee comments that Lilly thinks it's important to keep the hunters fed.
Keep the hunters fed? that sounds like a choice rather than chance.
I think Carley mentions it as well. Lilly has a sort of lottery to determine who's getting food that day. There's obviously not enough food for everybody and she's trying her best to stay fair and show no favouritism.
Cyreen I don't remember Lee's reply but I seem to recall that both Lee and Mark were hungry so I guess Lilly was using the lottery.
If you feed Mark, he will also comment when walking the fence at the dairy that it's hard to eat in front of the kids.
Except for the fact that Larry always gets fed in Lilly's lottery. Left that part out of your assessment.
I don't remember that being stated as true fact anywhere. It's more that people complain that he might be, not that he is indeed fed.
Same can be said with the lottery,
but its not hard for them to notice about her dad, just check his mood.
if he's not fed, he'll Larry up on u.
3 months & they are all still alive with Larry around? sounds suspicious...
Now that's just a biased anti-Lilly opinion
The lottery is the fairest thing they can have, but they just complain cause they are an ungrateful group. They always were, they still are.
Based on Lilly's character I doubt she's skimming rations for Larry. She does try her best to take care of him but she's not Kenny.
nah its an observation, based on behavioral profile on an individual's reaction towards how he/she was treated.
u give lily food, he punch u, give him pills he punch u, dun give him food he yaps at u... do that again & he'll probably punch u...
or worst, that axe swing, will be aimed at u, & have the zombie as an excuse of missing.
Okay, I stand corrected. It is a biased anti-Larry opinion
He does save you from that walker if you trust him with the axe. He's an old grumpy guy but he's not that bad. I know so many people like him in real life and none of them is really bad or evil
Have u seen my playthrough?
(ofcourse not, I didn't advertise it like I did with the silent treatment)
I'm "just some guy" keeping the peace.
I gave Larry the food & axe.
he "tried" to save you, not accomplishing it (just saying)
not that I didn't appreciate the attempt.
someone cowering in the corner while just "thinking" of saving me, is appreciated too, lol
PS: by default, the silent treatment makes u side with lily...
love her quote...
"You don't have to say anything, what u did back then" (kept shut when Kenny asks for my opinion, lol)
"Is evidence enough"
not exact words, its on the top of my head...
wanted to make a music video of the 2... never found the time to...
had a song in mind, fits them & their situation well. IMO anyway...
at the moment, not motivated to make it, if I know there are a number of people who wants to see it, I'll consider making it a priority.
Try to leave us for dead? Or maybe he was just trying to give us an extreme high-five in episode 1 but we weren't ready for it. Yeah, sounds logical.
that is good, did you make it or is it an official one?
Edit: And yeah, it looks kick ass.
I just love the composition and how each of them represents something different in the manner they run. Lilly's screams more of desperation, while Rick's more of determination
yeah good composition, i have a shaun of the dead zombie horde as mine
Thank you! I'm sure she'll appreciate it!
There's one scene with Lilly, Carley, Kenny, Ben, Katjaa and Lee on the road in the middle of the day.
Lilly says: We can't let one person fuck this up for everyone else! and she's talking to Kenny
Would've loved to see those scenes in the game!
Best of luck to lily in her woodbury endeavors and may she find a better more productive group and not be held down by Kenny.
PS: I like Kenny, but hes a wreck waiting to happen.
I think she was at the stage of depression/stress where you just don't think rationally and she thought that sense Lee was a convicted murderer it would be okay, regardless she really seemed distressed and surprised that she even did it, and also afraid.
I think she stole the RV out of fear of what would come after that, i'm sure kenny would have left her in the RV and took the train anyway.
I lost alot of respect but still see why she left, I lost respect not because she stole it, but because even though I said I would go too and went to get clementine she left me.
I liked him until I saw his true colors.
I have to admit, till she killed "our choice" - once I felt Lilly was an ally, I never doubted it.
- Saved your kid
- Kept him from being tossed out
- Fed him...
Oh yeah, they're my favorites (behind Clem and Lee of course). Strange, considering I think Lilly isn't a good person but Kenny is.
Also, Kenny just went through what Lilly did in the meat locker. She lost everything she had, and now so has he. I think he's got more than enough potential to snap and turn this into an RV scene all over again.
I kinda expect it to be worse actually. Lilly cared for the group, for Clem and Lee most of all. Kenny never expressed particular fondness of anybody else except his family.
I was trying to find some interview where he says it is the same Lilly with the same backstory but... who knows...
Yeah, Lilly's just all kinds of warm fuzzies. Are you sure we're playing the same game?
She doesn't have to be in order to care. She is a tough character but she does what has to be done so the group can survive.
I don't know, you tell me. In my game Lilly's the only character I really trusted with my live and she didn't let me down like some others...
I'm concerned too. I'm starting to wonder when Kirkman decided to write The road to woodbury? I fear that he gave Telltale the go ahead to use Lilly and create her back story but then thought 'Hmmm,wait a minute,that's given me an idea.I'm going to write Lilly's back story myself'.
I hope we don't, but I fear we may end up with two parallel Lilly's
They did ask him about Lilly so I hope he actually collaborated with the game Lilly and he's planning to bring her in the book. I mean, this Lilly is just a perfect character to write for... not to mention it adds such depth to her comic book appearance.
I trust both Kenny and Lilly as far as my Lee suits their purposes. They are both fairly interchangeable.