If I were a bandit, I would have picked the sentry right out of their lawn chair from the tree line. I suspect seeing Ben, they weren't all that worried, but seeing as Lilly's the one who put him there...
If I were a bandit, I would have picked the sentry right out of their lawn chair from the tree line. I suspect seeing Ben, they weren't all that worried, but seeing as Lilly's the one who put him there...
What do you mean with "picked the sentry right out of their lawn chair form the tree line"? You mean like shoot them from the forest? I've never seen them use sniper rifles, so I don't think they have any.
As for Ben being on watch, I would say that things were quiet for the last couple of days. I guess Lilly decided Ben has to learn to be responsible too. She can't be everywhere.
Had she known about his deal with them, she would have acted differently.
Why didn't Lilly put Carley on watch? I guess she didn't trust her enough and there is really nobody else but Ben.
Well that RV was definitely within an arrow's range of the treeline, so its pretty clear it was Ben's deal that kept them from an all out assault. Ray Charles could have been on watch and nothing would have happened.
The fact that Jolene... crazy ass Jolene could just walk right in and grab Clem's hat from within the compound- a night raid by bandits would have been a cake walk. The motel was good defense against walkers, but crappy against humans.
Thing is, those bandits...we never knew the true size of their group and worse: they knew where we sleep, we didnt have any location on them. That's ambush city right there. Ya, it was time to go- as dangerous as travel would be, they were clearly on borrowed time at the Motel. Thanks, Ben.
Jolene's video at the end of episode 2 clearly show Clem with Lilly outside the motel. Clem probably forgot her hat outside somewhere when she was playing or drawing her pictures. Jolene saw this and most likely picked it at night when they were all sleeping inside.So its very unlikely that she actually manage to get inside the motel.
What do you mean with "picked the sentry right out of their lawn chair form the tree line"? You mean like shoot them from the forest? I've never seen them use sniper rifles, so I don't think they have any.
As for Ben being on watch, I would say that things were quiet for the last couple of days. I guess Lilly decided Ben has to learn to be responsible too. She can't be everywhere.
Had she known about his deal with them, she would have acted differently.
Why didn't Lilly put Carley on watch? I guess she didn't trust her enough and there is really nobody else but Ben.
Actually, I believe it was just Ben's TURN for watch. In Episode 2, if you examine the fence at the motel, Lee says that Carley has been doing a good deal of the sentry work. They likely had some kind of schedule for who would be on watch and when, and it just so happened to be Ben's turn when Lee and Kenny returned.
Jolene's video at the end of episode 2 clearly show Clem with Lilly outside the motel. Clem probably forgot her hat outside somewhere when she was playing or drawing her pictures. Jolene saw this and most likely picked it at night when they were all sleeping inside.So its very unlikely that she actually manage to get inside the motel.
Ahh, so Clem was playing outside of the walled in compound...the 8yr old...playing outside in walker land...
Actually, I believe it was just Ben's TURN for watch. In Episode 2, if you examine the fence at the motel, Lee says that Carley has been doing a good deal of the sentry work. They likely had some kind of schedule for who would be on watch and when, and it just so happened to be Ben's turn when Lee and Kenny returned.
Could be. I forgot about that. Thanks
As for Clem, I support FarmerJoe. I doubt Jolene ever entered the motor inn. She probably picked the hat from outside.
As for Clem, I support FarmerJoe. I doubt Jolene ever entered the motor inn. She probably picked the hat from outside.
Maybe. But, why would any of the adults let either Duck or Clem play outside the wall? There's plenty of rooms around they can do stuff in, or even in the parking lot. Why let them play with the walkers...
I don't want any of these people raising my future children
Maybe. But, why would any of the adults let either Duck or Clem play outside the wall? There's plenty of rooms around they can do stuff in, or even in the parking lot. Why let them play with the walkers...
I don't want any of these people raising my future children
I agree with the raising kids bit but in Joleens vid we see Clem colouring outside the gate as Lee pushes a car out of the way and Lilly goes to see what she's drawing.
The thing that got me was that Clem said she lost her hat a coulpe of days ago and Lee has only just noticed?
I agree with the raising kids bit but in Joleens vid we see Clem colouring outside the gate as Lee pushes a car out of the way and Lilly goes to see what she's drawing.
The thing that got me was that Clem said she lost her hat a coulpe of days ago and Lee has only just noticed?
Kenny says something at the start of Ep 3 when he asked if Clem still hates him for stealing from the car and if you say you don't know Kenny says something like "do you even talk to her anymore" made me laugh.
You know, another thread got me thinking about something...
There's only been a week between episode 2 and 3....
Ben's only been there a week... meds can only have been missing a week....
Making Ben the obvious suspect.
Yet... She also accuses Carley and then takes her down like a zombie.
This means.... either she used this to take out a rival or she really did go batshit crazy.
Sloppy writing? Or a real flaw to the character?
If there was ever a 'an open discussion' night with the devs I'd love to hear their take on this. I mean, it is so blatant how Lily kills her you cant help but think it wasnt a straight out assassination.
if there was ever a 'an open discussion' night with the devs i'd love to hear their take on this. I mean, it is so blatant how lily kills her you cant help but think it wasnt a straight out assassination.
You know, another thread got me thinking about something...
There's only been a week between episode 2 and 3....
Ben's only been there a week... meds can only have been missing a week....
Making Ben the obvious suspect.
Yet... She also accuses Carley and then takes her down like a zombie.
This means.... either she used this to take out a rival or she really did go batshit crazy.
Sloppy writing? Or a real flaw to the character?
Actually she does blame both Ben and Carley. It depends how you play it. Plus if you have Doug, she goes straight for Ben.
Apparently she was distrustful of Carley, as I am of Kenny
You know, another thread got me thinking about something...
There's only been a week between episode 2 and 3....
Ben's only been there a week... meds can only have been missing a week....
Making Ben the obvious suspect.
Yet... She also accuses Carley and then takes her down like a zombie.
This means.... either she used this to take out a rival or she really did go batshit crazy.
Sloppy writing? Or a real flaw to the character?
Maybe Lily realized what was going on when the bandits stopped attacking. Before the St John Dairy incident they never had a problem with the bandits. So, bandits start attacking after St John, all of a sudden they stop and drugs start coming up missing. That would leave anyone as a suspect, and if she had suspicions of Carly from the start they probably insified greatly during the argument.
I saw that in the TV show Andrea is going to Woodbury with Michonne instead of Rick. I guess they're gonna change stuff cause some things might be too inappropriate for a TV show.
Do you think that they will remove Lilly's part in the prison arc entirely or do you believe that she'll make some sort of appearance?
Daryl, Merl, the death of Dale and the uselessness of T-dog are already changing too much.
My bet is that T-Dog and Daryl will die. Daryl is getting too legendary to live and T-Dog is just way to useless to keep paying this actor
Just wanted to share my love for Lilly I'm currently reading the comics & starting soon the governor book.
Great There are not many Lilly fans
What do you think about the other female characters in the comic book? Andrea, Lori, Maggie... I can't recall all of them
Well, i just started reading the comic book so i can't really tell you much on that. On the tv show, however... I can tell that Lori is very annoying and a bitch for playing with Shane's feelings like that. She told Rick that Shane was a danger and after Rick "dealt" with him or rather protected himself she went mad at him lol. Andrea is awesome for now and i can't wait to see what is waiting for her in the next season. Maggie is a really casual and i don't have a real opinion for her so far.. only the fact that she took the death of her daughter kind of lightly
I felt really bad that Shane died, but i guess that was unavoidable. He was also one of my all-time favourite in the series. This scene was so badass ---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ila0W2hLYw
PS. Lilly is such a great character... It's a real shame that people don't see what the creators tried to do with her and see her feelings through the game.
Yeah, I do like both Lilly and Shane, although Shane is a quite more selfish than Lilly. She's my favourite of the two.
Actually I don't really like Shane, not what he becomes in season 2, but I do appreciate him as a character. Rick and Andrea are my absolute favourites from the comic book and TV show.
P.S Maggie doesn't have a daughter man. You're confusing her with somebody.
I think he's talking about Patricia, who got nabbed during the farm scene. Gotta say, I thought Hershel was a real badass during that part. Shane was one of my favorite characters on the TV show, as he got so much more development than in the books. But, ya know, as a person he became really terrible. The parts where he and Rick would just talk like everything was normal were really good IMO. Too bad Lori had to go and ruin a great friendship...
But I like Lilly more than Shane too. Actually, I think I like Lee's group more than Rick's at this point...
I think he's talking about Patricia, who got nabbed during the farm scene. Gotta say, I thought Hershel was a real badass during that part. Shane was one of my favorite characters on the TV show, as he got so much more development than in the books. But, ya know, as a person he became really terrible. The parts where he and Rick would just talk like everything was normal were really good IMO. Too bad Lori had to go and ruin a great friendship...
But I like Lilly more than Shane too. Actually, I think I like Lee's group more than Rick's at this point...
Yeah, but still Rick is like.. totally badass. I really love that character even though he's made like a lot of really bad decisions.
Yeah, but still Rick is like.. totally badass. I really love that character even though he's made like a lot of really bad decisions.
Rick is totally a badass! He's gone through more than Lee likely ever will in this ZA and come out, not necessarily unscathed, on the other side. Plus the kid he's looking after is actually his, even if said kid is really scary.
Oh, definitely... Carl is starting to behave like a teenager (always thinking he's right and all-knowing) and with the power he has (guns and stuff) he'll do some pretty horrible things. I can already feel it.
As for Rick, yeah, he's awesome. I actually think that Andrew Lincoln makes Rick even more of a badass. Totally love the way he portrays him.
I was really surprised to find out Rick's actor was British. totally blew my mind. Maggie's too.
I've actually seen him in Love Actually. Great movie!
I think the actors in the show are really spot on. I really like Rick, Lori, Shane, Glenn, Hershel, Dale.
I'm still getting used to Andrea and I'm yet to make my mind about the Governor.
To all of you fellas that ended up in Team Lilly in ep.2 and still dislike Kenny, I have a question.
What would you do if in ep. 4 Kenny is in some very serious danger and you have a choice whether to help him or not.
1. Kenny is trapped and walkers are approaching. It is only you and him. Do you risk your own skin and save him after all the times he left you for dead and treated you like crap? Will you become like him and if you just abandon him or there is a fine line between compassion and foolishness? Why save somebody who will and has left you to die?
2. Same as 1. with the difference that Omid, Christa, Chuck and Ben are in danger if you try to help him. Again, always help your group or he's not worth it.
3. This is the ultimate challenge. Same as 1 and 2 but Clem is in danger too. Will you put Clem in danger (even if it is not a great danger) if it means that you're holding to your humanity?
4. Omid's leg gets worse. You doubt that he's might not even make it. Do you leave him as Kenny suggests and move on? Do you tell Kenny to F himself and try to help the guy even though you hardly know him and it is not gonna be easy?
Everybody feel free to comment provided you understand the way people who sided with Lilly in the meat locker think.
Actually even if you do not, you can still comment, just say your choice in ep. 2.
...1. Kenny is trapped and walkers are approaching. It is only you and him. Do you risk your own skin and save him after all the times he left you for dead and treated you like crap? Will you become like him and if you just abandon him or there is a fine line between compassion and foolishness? Why save somebody who will and has left you to die?
I would still try to save him (as of my personal character being now, who knows what a real Zombie Apocalypse would do to me) for sure. No matter how he treated me before.
2. Same as 1. with the difference that Omid, Christa, Chuck and Ben are in danger if you try to help him. Again, always help your group or he's not worth it.
How can there be a "not worth it" in a real life situation? Real people around you would die dude, wouldn't you care at all?
3. This is the ultimate challenge. Same as 1 and 2 but Clem is in danger too. Will you put Clem in danger (even if it is not a great danger) if it means that you're holding to your humanity?
A situation like the end of episode 3?
There are no children in a Zombie Apocalypse, everyone has to contribute. Do anything you can for her to be save and then do it!
4. Omid's leg gets worse. You doubt that he's might not even make it. Do you leave him as Kenny suggests and move on? Do you tell Kenny to F himself and try to help the guy even though you hardly know him and it is not gonna be easy?
Where did Kenny say to leave him? I would leave him if there was no other choice, but I wouldn't want to think ahead of fate. Not my job to do.
Everybody feel free to comment provided you understand the way people who sided with Lilly in the meat locker think.
Actually even if you do not, you can still comment, just say your choice in ep. 2.
Larry was the only character I wanted six feet under, but when the time and chance came, I tried to keep him alive.
Situational and real hatred are two pair of shoes...
To all of you fellas that ended up in Team Lilly in ep.2 and still dislike Kenny, I have a question.
What would you do if in ep. 4 Kenny is in some very serious danger and you have a choice whether to help him or not.
1. Kenny is trapped and walkers are approaching. It is only you and him. Do you risk your own skin and save him after all the times he left you for dead and treated you like crap? Will you become like him and if you just abandon him or there is a fine line between compassion and foolishness? Why save somebody who will and has left you to die?
2. Same as 1. with the difference that Omid, Christa, Chuck and Ben are in danger if you try to help him. Again, always help your group or he's not worth it.
3. This is the ultimate challenge. Same as 1 and 2 but Clem is in danger too. Will you put Clem in danger (even if it is not a great danger) if it means that you're holding to your humanity?
4. Omid's leg gets worse. You doubt that he's might not even make it. Do you leave him as Kenny suggests and move on? Do you tell Kenny to F himself and try to help the guy even though you hardly know him and it is not gonna be easy?
Everybody feel free to comment provided you understand the way people who sided with Lilly in the meat locker think.
Actually even if you do not, you can still comment, just say your choice in ep. 2.
Can I comment even if I sided with Kenny? Personally, I would...
1. Save him. I'd put myself in danger to save a friend who I think still has a chance. He has saved me in the past and if I save him now he could do it again in the future.
2. Help him again. Christa can hold her own, and Ben needs to step up anyway. This could be a good chance for him to grow a pair. They can, of course, leave me behind if they want to. I'd expect them to if I can't free Kenny and/or I get bitten. If they see the situation as hopeless, I don't want them to risk everything for me. And I'd trust Christa to take care of Clem if something were to happen to me.
3. This one's the real kicker. How much danger is Kenny in? Does Clementine have a gun? We taught her how to use one, she may be able to defend herself if she does. If you leave Kenny, in a way it makes you like him. You demonstrate that you are willing to let others die to save the people you like. On the other hand, if Clem can't defend herself isn't it our duty as her protector to save her? If I had to, I'd say I save Clem. Kenny doesn't have a family anymore. Lee has Clem. She can't defend herself as well as a grown man, and when the ship is sinking you always yell "women and children first!"
4. If he slows down our group's progress, we would leave him. We have no supplies and are in what used to be a densely populated city before the ZA. I would put him out of his misery though, if I had the chance. Just plain leaving him would be really painful, as I'd want someone to at least end it quickly for me if I were in his situation. We can't risk the group for one person who has a good chance of dying anyway. Humanity/morality is useless if we all get killed doing the right thing.
1) I'd save his stupid ass.
2) No one left behind.... unless they cap one of the group in cold blood.
3) Depends on the level of danger.... Her vs Kenny.... Kenny's fucked. But if she's not gonna die... I'm getting Kenny.
4) I think Omid may be screwed in this case >_>
My choice to try and save Larry was pure politics. Kenny pissed me off and so I sided with Lilly (since I felt I'd need her as an ally since Kenny's brain failed to engage correctly) - I was glad I did, Lilly was a solid ally. But it was just about manipulating my position.
8Bit_System, I think you got a bit confused. This is not my opinion, those are just the questions. I'm still haven't made up my mind on what to do.
Rock114, of course you can comment. You opinion is always appreciated. If you had done a meat locker (Lilly side) play, would something change for you?
DreadMagus, as I read your answers I'm starting to doubt if my questions aren't a big ambiguous.
1. Maybe I did ask question 1 in a bad way. We know that Lee is certainly not gonna die before ep. 5. So this Kenny and Lee is too simple a choice. It's like the scene in Macon but in reverse. Kenny is trapped under the door and you're wondering whether to save him or not. In order to be honest though, forget for a moment that you're Lee and that you have plot armor. Imagine it is you, all that happened to Lee happened to you and that you MIGHT die.
2. Is something like the Larry scene. You have the option of trying to save Kenny but that will/might endanger Ben, Chuck, Christa, and Omid. You can leave all together and they nobody will be in danger, except for Kenny who's gonna be dead
3. In three it is not only Clem, Kenny and you, but the others as well. Are you risking your entire group's safety for one man, or are you immediately leaving him behind? If it is Kenny? If somebody else? If Clem?
The main reason I asked those questions was because in my play, Kenny is a total ass and we disagree about almost everything now. I did a lot for him and he repaid me with betrayal when I tried to save Larry.
Now in ep. 4 if he's in danger and it is up to me to help him or run, or not risk other people's lives for him, I'm not sure what I will do.
On one side, unlike him I do try to help of all my people but I also agree with Lilly. "I'm not responsible about every struggling survivor out there".
After Kenny left me for dead twice in a row is he really still somebody I should risk my life for? Is he a part of my group? Are we really a group or just a bunch of not total strangers that are traveling together?
I do hope you guys understand me. I'm not sure I make a lot of sense
1. Kenny is trapped and walkers are approaching. It is only you and him. Do you risk your own skin and save him after all the times he left you for dead and treated you like crap? Will you become like him and if you just abandon him or there is a fine line between compassion and foolishness? Why save somebody who will and has left you to die?
I would help him, He doesn't always help Lee but he will if you aren't surrounded like in the pharmacy.
2. Same as 1. with the difference that Omid, Christa, Chuck and Ben are in danger if you try to help him. Again, always help your group or he's not worth it.
I would probably save the 4, if its like the Larry scene I'd help kenny because its not a positive hes dead.
3. This is the ultimate challenge. Same as 1 and 2 but Clem is in danger too. Will you put Clem in danger (even if it is not a great danger) if it means that you're holding to your humanity?
I would probably help Clementine instead, As Ive already said Kenny has nothing to live for, I wont choose him over a kid who still does.
4. Omid's leg gets worse. You doubt that he's might not even make it. Do you leave him as Kenny suggests and move on? Do you tell Kenny to F himself and try to help the guy even though you hardly know him and it is not gonna be easy?
Yeah, I would.
Everybody feel free to comment provided you understand the way people who sided with Lilly in the meat locker think.
Actually even if you do not, you can still comment, just say your choice in ep. 2.
I chose to save Larry, and if lily wasn't forced out of the group I would still have her with me.
Do any of us? But leaving Kenny would be a really great irony moment for those that tried to save Larry. Then again, you'd be guilty of doing the same thing he did...
And yes, I have a save where I try to save Larry. Everything Kenny does after either results from cowardice or petty hatred. Poor Lilly was covered in her father's blood too. since my original playthrough is with Kenny, Kenny cowering in the stall just seemed out of place for me. That moment where he gives Lee that "I fucked up" look right before he runs off for Kat was pretty cool though. I'm not sure if my choices would have changed if Kenny left me originally though. When I was holding Lilly back I wasn't thinking "Fuck'im up Ken!" I was thinking "Lilly I am so sorry sorry sorry sorry..." I didn't start this game cynical and jaded, but I really only care for Clem and Kenny now.
My answer is, for any of them, risk vs reward - if it's possible (and doing so won't get someone else killed) - I'd do it. I don't leave people behind.
I wouldn't even leave Ben to die, though I'd gleefully send him on his way alone.
To all of you fellas that ended up in Team Lilly in ep.2 and still dislike Kenny, I have a question.
What would you do if in ep. 4 Kenny is in some very serious danger and you have a choice whether to help him or not.
1. Kenny is trapped and walkers are approaching. It is only you and him. Do you risk your own skin and save him after all the times he left you for dead and treated you like crap? Will you become like him and if you just abandon him or there is a fine line between compassion and foolishness? Why save somebody who will and has left you to die?
2. Same as 1. with the difference that Omid, Christa, Chuck and Ben are in danger if you try to help him. Again, always help your group or he's not worth it.
3. This is the ultimate challenge. Same as 1 and 2 but Clem is in danger too. Will you put Clem in danger (even if it is not a great danger) if it means that you're holding to your humanity?
4. Omid's leg gets worse. You doubt that he's might not even make it. Do you leave him as Kenny suggests and move on? Do you tell Kenny to F himself and try to help the guy even though you hardly know him and it is not gonna be easy?
Everybody feel free to comment provided you understand the way people who sided with Lilly in the meat locker think.
Actually even if you do not, you can still comment, just say your choice in ep. 2.
1) I'd leave Kenny to whatever fate awaits him. Kenny was informed that Lee and Clem agreed on a plan to go our own way. Based on Kenny's reaction he understood that he was no longer part of the Lee & Clem group. Whatever happens to Kenny is not our concern. Kenny and Ben are dead to me. Kenny since the meat locker and Ben when he admitted to being the traitor.
2) I would help Charles, Omid and Christa.
3) I would help Clem.
4) Kenny need not offer his opinion. He has a consistent pattern of disagreeing with Lee on everything. Kenny is a malcontent that has a boat to catch and is not welcomed in the group. I would try to help Omid.
What do you mean with "picked the sentry right out of their lawn chair form the tree line"? You mean like shoot them from the forest? I've never seen them use sniper rifles, so I don't think they have any.
As for Ben being on watch, I would say that things were quiet for the last couple of days. I guess Lilly decided Ben has to learn to be responsible too. She can't be everywhere.
Had she known about his deal with them, she would have acted differently.
Why didn't Lilly put Carley on watch? I guess she didn't trust her enough and there is really nobody else but Ben.
The fact that Jolene... crazy ass Jolene could just walk right in and grab Clem's hat from within the compound- a night raid by bandits would have been a cake walk. The motel was good defense against walkers, but crappy against humans.
Thing is, those bandits...we never knew the true size of their group and worse: they knew where we sleep, we didnt have any location on them. That's ambush city right there. Ya, it was time to go- as dangerous as travel would be, they were clearly on borrowed time at the Motel. Thanks, Ben.
Jolene's video at the end of episode 2 clearly show Clem with Lilly outside the motel. Clem probably forgot her hat outside somewhere when she was playing or drawing her pictures. Jolene saw this and most likely picked it at night when they were all sleeping inside.So its very unlikely that she actually manage to get inside the motel.
Actually, I believe it was just Ben's TURN for watch. In Episode 2, if you examine the fence at the motel, Lee says that Carley has been doing a good deal of the sentry work. They likely had some kind of schedule for who would be on watch and when, and it just so happened to be Ben's turn when Lee and Kenny returned.
Ahh, so Clem was playing outside of the walled in compound...the 8yr old...playing outside in walker land...
Could be. I forgot about that. Thanks
As for Clem, I support FarmerJoe. I doubt Jolene ever entered the motor inn. She probably picked the hat from outside.
Maybe. But, why would any of the adults let either Duck or Clem play outside the wall? There's plenty of rooms around they can do stuff in, or even in the parking lot. Why let them play with the walkers...
I don't want any of these people raising my future children
I agree with the raising kids bit but in Joleens vid we see Clem colouring outside the gate as Lee pushes a car out of the way and Lilly goes to see what she's drawing.
The thing that got me was that Clem said she lost her hat a coulpe of days ago and Lee has only just noticed?
That IS a good point. Shows how much he cares...
Kenny says something at the start of Ep 3 when he asked if Clem still hates him for stealing from the car and if you say you don't know Kenny says something like "do you even talk to her anymore" made me laugh.
There's only been a week between episode 2 and 3....
Ben's only been there a week... meds can only have been missing a week....
Making Ben the obvious suspect.
Yet... She also accuses Carley and then takes her down like a zombie.
This means.... either she used this to take out a rival or she really did go batshit crazy.
Sloppy writing? Or a real flaw to the character?
If there was ever a 'an open discussion' night with the devs I'd love to hear their take on this. I mean, it is so blatant how Lily kills her you cant help but think it wasnt a straight out assassination.
Actually she does blame both Ben and Carley. It depends how you play it. Plus if you have Doug, she goes straight for Ben.
Apparently she was distrustful of Carley, as I am of Kenny
Maybe Lily realized what was going on when the bandits stopped attacking. Before the St John Dairy incident they never had a problem with the bandits. So, bandits start attacking after St John, all of a sudden they stop and drugs start coming up missing. That would leave anyone as a suspect, and if she had suspicions of Carly from the start they probably insified greatly during the argument.
Do you think that they will remove Lilly's part in the prison arc entirely or do you believe that she'll make some sort of appearance?
Daryl, Merl, the death of Dale and the uselessness of T-dog are already changing too much.
My bet is that T-Dog and Daryl will die. Daryl is getting too legendary to live and T-Dog is just way to useless to keep paying this actor
What do you think about the other female characters in the comic book? Andrea, Lori, Maggie... I can't recall all of them
I felt really bad that Shane died, but i guess that was unavoidable. He was also one of my all-time favourite in the series. This scene was so badass ---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ila0W2hLYw
PS. Lilly is such a great character... It's a real shame that people don't see what the creators tried to do with her and see her feelings through the game.
Actually I don't really like Shane, not what he becomes in season 2, but I do appreciate him as a character. Rick and Andrea are my absolute favourites from the comic book and TV show.
P.S Maggie doesn't have a daughter man. You're confusing her with somebody.
But I like Lilly more than Shane too. Actually, I think I like Lee's group more than Rick's at this point...
Yeah, but still Rick is like.. totally badass. I really love that character even though he's made like a lot of really bad decisions.
Rick is totally a badass! He's gone through more than Lee likely ever will in this ZA and come out, not necessarily unscathed, on the other side. Plus the kid he's looking after is actually his, even if said kid is really scary.
As for Rick, yeah, he's awesome. I actually think that Andrew Lincoln makes Rick even more of a badass. Totally love the way he portrays him.
I've actually seen him in Love Actually. Great movie!
I think the actors in the show are really spot on. I really like Rick, Lori, Shane, Glenn, Hershel, Dale.
I'm still getting used to Andrea and I'm yet to make my mind about the Governor.
What would you do if in ep. 4 Kenny is in some very serious danger and you have a choice whether to help him or not.
1. Kenny is trapped and walkers are approaching. It is only you and him. Do you risk your own skin and save him after all the times he left you for dead and treated you like crap? Will you become like him and if you just abandon him or there is a fine line between compassion and foolishness? Why save somebody who will and has left you to die?
2. Same as 1. with the difference that Omid, Christa, Chuck and Ben are in danger if you try to help him. Again, always help your group or he's not worth it.
3. This is the ultimate challenge. Same as 1 and 2 but Clem is in danger too. Will you put Clem in danger (even if it is not a great danger) if it means that you're holding to your humanity?
4. Omid's leg gets worse. You doubt that he's might not even make it. Do you leave him as Kenny suggests and move on? Do you tell Kenny to F himself and try to help the guy even though you hardly know him and it is not gonna be easy?
Everybody feel free to comment provided you understand the way people who sided with Lilly in the meat locker think.
Actually even if you do not, you can still comment, just say your choice in ep. 2.
I, aeh... hurmmm... what now? You like Shane, or you don't? Are you splitting up with him in season 2?
You do jump around a lot, don't ya? These two characters have nothing in common, comparing the comics/tv show.
She has a "Clementine", called Sophia here.
How can there be a "not worth it" in a real life situation? Real people around you would die dude, wouldn't you care at all?
A situation like the end of episode 3?
There are no children in a Zombie Apocalypse, everyone has to contribute. Do anything you can for her to be save and then do it!
Where did Kenny say to leave him? I would leave him if there was no other choice, but I wouldn't want to think ahead of fate. Not my job to do.
Larry was the only character I wanted six feet under, but when the time and chance came, I tried to keep him alive.
Situational and real hatred are two pair of shoes...
Can I comment even if I sided with Kenny? Personally, I would...
1. Save him. I'd put myself in danger to save a friend who I think still has a chance. He has saved me in the past and if I save him now he could do it again in the future.
2. Help him again. Christa can hold her own, and Ben needs to step up anyway. This could be a good chance for him to grow a pair. They can, of course, leave me behind if they want to. I'd expect them to if I can't free Kenny and/or I get bitten. If they see the situation as hopeless, I don't want them to risk everything for me. And I'd trust Christa to take care of Clem if something were to happen to me.
3. This one's the real kicker. How much danger is Kenny in? Does Clementine have a gun? We taught her how to use one, she may be able to defend herself if she does. If you leave Kenny, in a way it makes you like him. You demonstrate that you are willing to let others die to save the people you like. On the other hand, if Clem can't defend herself isn't it our duty as her protector to save her? If I had to, I'd say I save Clem. Kenny doesn't have a family anymore. Lee has Clem. She can't defend herself as well as a grown man, and when the ship is sinking you always yell "women and children first!"
4. If he slows down our group's progress, we would leave him. We have no supplies and are in what used to be a densely populated city before the ZA. I would put him out of his misery though, if I had the chance. Just plain leaving him would be really painful, as I'd want someone to at least end it quickly for me if I were in his situation. We can't risk the group for one person who has a good chance of dying anyway. Humanity/morality is useless if we all get killed doing the right thing.
2) No one left behind.... unless they cap one of the group in cold blood.
3) Depends on the level of danger.... Her vs Kenny.... Kenny's fucked. But if she's not gonna die... I'm getting Kenny.
4) I think Omid may be screwed in this case >_>
My choice to try and save Larry was pure politics. Kenny pissed me off and so I sided with Lilly (since I felt I'd need her as an ally since Kenny's brain failed to engage correctly) - I was glad I did, Lilly was a solid ally. But it was just about manipulating my position.
Rock114, of course you can comment. You opinion is always appreciated. If you had done a meat locker (Lilly side) play, would something change for you?
DreadMagus, as I read your answers I'm starting to doubt if my questions aren't a big ambiguous.
1. Maybe I did ask question 1 in a bad way. We know that Lee is certainly not gonna die before ep. 5. So this Kenny and Lee is too simple a choice. It's like the scene in Macon but in reverse. Kenny is trapped under the door and you're wondering whether to save him or not. In order to be honest though, forget for a moment that you're Lee and that you have plot armor. Imagine it is you, all that happened to Lee happened to you and that you MIGHT die.
2. Is something like the Larry scene. You have the option of trying to save Kenny but that will/might endanger Ben, Chuck, Christa, and Omid. You can leave all together and they nobody will be in danger, except for Kenny who's gonna be dead
3. In three it is not only Clem, Kenny and you, but the others as well. Are you risking your entire group's safety for one man, or are you immediately leaving him behind? If it is Kenny? If somebody else? If Clem?
The main reason I asked those questions was because in my play, Kenny is a total ass and we disagree about almost everything now. I did a lot for him and he repaid me with betrayal when I tried to save Larry.
Now in ep. 4 if he's in danger and it is up to me to help him or run, or not risk other people's lives for him, I'm not sure what I will do.
On one side, unlike him I do try to help of all my people but I also agree with Lilly. "I'm not responsible about every struggling survivor out there".
After Kenny left me for dead twice in a row is he really still somebody I should risk my life for? Is he a part of my group? Are we really a group or just a bunch of not total strangers that are traveling together?
I do hope you guys understand me. I'm not sure I make a lot of sense
And yes, I have a save where I try to save Larry. Everything Kenny does after either results from cowardice or petty hatred. Poor Lilly was covered in her father's blood too. since my original playthrough is with Kenny, Kenny cowering in the stall just seemed out of place for me. That moment where he gives Lee that "I fucked up" look right before he runs off for Kat was pretty cool though. I'm not sure if my choices would have changed if Kenny left me originally though. When I was holding Lilly back I wasn't thinking "Fuck'im up Ken!" I was thinking "Lilly I am so sorry sorry sorry sorry..." I didn't start this game cynical and jaded, but I really only care for Clem and Kenny now.
I wouldn't even leave Ben to die, though I'd gleefully send him on his way alone.
1) I'd leave Kenny to whatever fate awaits him. Kenny was informed that Lee and Clem agreed on a plan to go our own way. Based on Kenny's reaction he understood that he was no longer part of the Lee & Clem group. Whatever happens to Kenny is not our concern. Kenny and Ben are dead to me. Kenny since the meat locker and Ben when he admitted to being the traitor.
2) I would help Charles, Omid and Christa.
3) I would help Clem.
4) Kenny need not offer his opinion. He has a consistent pattern of disagreeing with Lee on everything. Kenny is a malcontent that has a boat to catch and is not welcomed in the group. I would try to help Omid.
I didn't mean to do that at all. So, sorry for that.