I consider Ben as being from the original group now. Once you've been with the group for almost 2 whole episodes you're pretty much family.
Well like family I'll teach his ass a lesson. We've got to stick together Ben, but if you fuck up like you did with the bandits, I will not hesitate the things I will do with you.
I consider Ben as being from the original group now. Once you've been with the group for almost 2 whole episodes you're pretty much family.
really? I consider him the dead-weight guy. Not a kid that needs protecting but not an adult that can hold his own, and after ep 3 being alive is his last remaining good quality
I'll let of him live, I treated him pretty well off the start, even gave him some food. Hes stupid and a coward, but I don't think hes a risk. If he didn't make a deal they probably would have attacked a lot sooner really. Lying was the thing that bugged me, but like I said, coward.
Either you saved Carley or Doug. These great characters shall be avenged. Yeah, Lilly killed them, BUT Ben was giving the extra stuff to the bandits, wich caused the whole thing.
These were great characters, ones who shouldn't be forgotten. Ben, a stupid little teenager who is more scared of everything then a 12 year old.
Please, by joining this thread, you 100% guarantee that you WILL kill Ben, at the first time you get.
Yeah, I'd like to shove Ben off of the train and into a crowd of walkers.
Ben's is not family he is a two timing backstabbing pussy, I wish he dies a realy slow and painfull death being eaten by walkers, while he streams at the top of his lungs with his godnam anowing Squeaky Voice begging for Lee's help, and I also hope he burns slowly in hell. Carley was as important to me as it was clementine. And I allways thought like Lily (Because of her character in the comic book and possibly in the TV Series) she was sort off imortalized, bescause when you have to choose to save Carley or Doug, you're killing a character so that the other one can die 2 episodes later? Nice work Bob Kirkman and his acomplices, I mean I love your work and drama is always a wealcome factor, but drama is killing Katjia and Duck, stupidity is killing to much people I mean the whole group died in episode 3, and thats not the Drama that puts like "Realy good, exelent if this was a movie it deserved an Oscar, exelent 10/10", this is simply S-T-U-P-I-D-I-T-Y, pure and serene stupidity, I'm not just upset it's just that Carley/Doug's death makes no sense at all, like I said why create part in a video game where you "kill" a character to save another one and then that character you saved dies, NO F***ING SENSE, I love this video game but I don't know this was just disapointing I mean the episode could have been like Lilly points the gun at Carley, Lee sees it and pushes her arm shooting Carley/Doug, but not fatal but still like in the Braqueal artery or something then you choose if you want to leave her behind or not, Katjia treats her/him while ducks seats in the front seat while Lee looks out for him, then the Drama that acctualy fit in the episode Kenny's family death, and then while in the train Carley/Doug Starts to recover but out of guilt Ben tells Lee the truth anyway. I mean if this was what happened would have been a much better episode!
Thing is though. As much as we ALL want Carley back and as much as she didn't deserve to be murdered bringing her back would dilute the emotional impact that this game (and the comic as well) are known for.
Ben's is not family he is a two timing backstabbing pussy, I wish he dies a realy slow and painfull death being eaten by walkers, while he streams at the top of his lungs with his godnam anowing Squeaky Voice begging for Lee's help, and I also hope he burns slowly in hell. Carley was as important to me as it was clementine. And I allways thought like Lily (Because of her character in the comic book and possibly in the TV Series) she was sort off imortalized, bescause when you have to choose to save Carley or Doug, you're killing a character so that the other one can die 2 episodes later? Nice work Bob Kirkman and his acomplices, I mean I love your work and drama is always a wealcome factor, but drama is killing Katjia and Duck, stupidity is killing to much people I mean the whole group died in episode 3, and thats not the Drama that puts like "Realy good, exelent if this was a movie it deserved an Oscar, exelent 10/10", this is simply S-T-U-P-I-D-I-T-Y, pure and serene stupidity, I'm not just upset it's just that Carley/Doug's death makes no sense at all, like I said why create part in a video game where you "kill" a character to save another one and then that character you saved dies, NO F***ING SENSE, I love this video game but I don't know this was just disapointing I mean the episode could have been like Lilly points the gun at Carley, Lee sees it and pushes her arm shooting Carley/Doug, but not fatal but still like in the Braqueal artery or something then you choose if you want to leave her behind or not, Katjia treats her/him while ducks seats in the front seat while Lee looks out for him, then the Drama that acctualy fit in the episode Kenny's family death, and then while in the train Carley/Doug Starts to recover but out of guilt Ben tells Lee the truth anyway. I mean if this was what happened would have been a much better episode!
They can still have that, the Part where Duck and Katjiia die is The Walking Dead material but why kill a character that you saved by "killing" other character two episodes before. It's sad but doesn't make any sense why not kill Glenn in the TV Show just like that, hmm Season 3 primeire Glenn gets shot in the mouth for no reason... sad, but why, now that Glenn is becoming such a distinct character the writers can't kill him unless they go through a few processes, that is not he walking dead matirial
But he lied to all group, and because of him Lilly killed Carley.So if I have chance I WILL kill that bastard
That's ridiculous. Lilly was absolutely paranoid. When the supplies started going missing it was so insignificant that Lilly was the only one who noticed. When you bring up the missing supplies to everyone, they are far more concerned with Lilly's growing mental instability than they are about missing supplies.
Nothing excuses killing someone with absolutely no evidence like Lilly did.
Furthermore, person A is not responsible for person B's actions. Person A and person B both have free will to act rationally on their own volition.
Look, I know it is the walking dead, the walking dead is supposed to be sad but it also makes sense, all pieces fit, Mark died because he was injured and the St. Johns were canibals, its said and makes sense, Larry died in a meat locker with a heart attackand salt lick in his head, because kenny thought he was a threat, he was an asshole, but its still sad and makes sense, Duck died because he was bitten out of nowhere it was acctualy a pretty good idea, dramatic, Treu The Walking Dead Drama, 100% good material, and it was a zombie that did it soit even backs it up even more, Katjiia killed her self out of the blue it was a surprise and it was also moving and a strong moment, it was piece of drama worthy of an award nobody was expencting to things to happen so fast, she couldn't take it anymore so she did it. now like I said a character like Carley/Doug being executed just because bitch Lily couldn't stay calm, that was stupid, believe it or not I think my idea is better, I didn't think almost any death in the walking dead series and show was fair, but they said off course but they were also in the right place. Carley's death was devastating she and Lee were starting to have feeling for each other, and then somebody just ends it with a bullet to the face,WTF is that you don't kill something so beautifull like that, maybe if it wwas a zombie, but Lily, it's frustrating and nobody was happy with it how are people going to buy something if they're mad with it, its not just a matter of being sad or unfair but if people are mad at this because its tottaly unfair manny of them, well not me because I'm a huge fan of The Walking Dead, are gonna stop playing the game, they just didn't had to kill Doug/Carley and it would have been a perfect episode, that was not a The Walking Dead thing
Look, I know it is the walking dead, the walking dead is supposed to be sad but it also makes sense, all pieces fit, Mark died because he was injured and the St. Johns were canibals, its said and makes sense, Larry died in a meat locker with a heart attackand salt lick in his head, because kenny thought he was a threat, he was an asshole, but its still sad and makes sense, Duck died because he was bitten out of nowhere it was acctualy a pretty good idea, dramatic, Treu The Walking Dead Drama, 100% good material, and it was a zombie that did it soit even backs it up even more, Katjiia killed her self out of the blue it was a surprise and it was also moving and a strong moment, it was piece of drama worthy of an award nobody was expencting to things to happen so fast, she couldn't take it anymore so she did it. now like I said a character like Carley/Doug being executed just because bitch Lily couldn't stay calm, that was stupid, believe it or not I think my idea is better, I didn't think almost any death in the walking dead series and show was fair, but they said off course but they were also in the right place. Carley's death was devastating she and Lee were starting to have feeling for each other, and then somebody just ends it with a bullet to the face,WTF is that you don't kill something so beautifull like that, maybe if it wwas a zombie, but Lily, it's frustrating and nobody was happy with it how are people going to buy something if they're mad with it, its not just a matter of being sad or unfair but if people are mad at this because its tottaly unfair manny of them, well not me because I'm a huge fan of The Walking Dead, are gonna stop playing the game, they just didn't had to kill Doug/Carley and it would have been a perfect episode, that was not a The Walking Dead thing
Eduard... paranoia leads to deaths. It's part of the world they are now living in. I was very upset when Carley died but I don't think it was out of character or out of the blue. The entire point of writing her death in such a way was to deliver a desired effect and the explosion of the forums about the subject proves that Vanaman and Rodkin succeeded.
You know, every time I feel like I want to kill a character off, by the time their tickets do come up, I feel really bad for them. xD
Larry- Hated the guy throughout episode one. Still didn't care too much for him by episode two, but when it came to an attempt in saving his life or simply killing him, I can't help but try to save him. And when his mouth began to move, and suddenly a salt lick drops down, I was surprised at how much I didn't want him to die.
Duck- Annoying as hell through the first two episodes, but this episode they made him kind of cute. His whole Dick Grayson/ Robin spiel was adorable, not to mention that if you high five him, Duck totally thinks you are awesome. xD
I felt the same for Larry, but I still smiled when Duck got the Chomp. One thing in ep 3 that made it worth it.
Carley's death was devastating she and Lee were starting to have feeling for each other, and then somebody just ends it with a bullet to the face,WTF is that you don't kill something so beautifull like that
Exactly. Carley's death makes you actually feel something. That's what great storytelling is all about. Seeing her die now is made all the more painful by the fact that Carley and Lee were starting to become so close. So you have this little glimmer of hope in the midst of the zombie apocalypse and then BAM! It's gone because of people resorting to their darker instincts. The timing here was really perfect, I think. I doubt Carley's death would have had quite as much emotional weight had it happened at any other time.
Exactly. Carley's death makes you actually feel something. That's what great storytelling is all about. Seeing her die now is made all the more painful by the fact that Carley and Lee were starting to become so close. So you have this little glimmer of hope in the midst of the zombie apocalypse and then BAM! It's gone because of people resorting to their darker instincts. The timing here was really perfect, I think. I doubt Carley's death would have had quite as much emotional weight had it happened at any other time.
Also, punctuation is your friend.
well at least I hope they don't take Clem away from Lee, and I'm also curious about whoose this shady character at the walkie, he sounds like some sort of sick pedophile to me, his voice, he has a creepy pedophile voice, bloody hope he isn't. But from now on whatevers happens to the other characters but clemdoesn't surprise me, after what Carley, I don't think anyone's safe. And I guess I'm just sad that she died, I had this crazy thought that she and Lee could realy have something and then clem maybe would look up to carley as a mother just like she looks at Lee like a father. May Carley's soul rest peace, and I just hope that at leat Lee, Clem and perhaps Kenny get through the 1st season fine. And when they launch the second season I hope I "find another carley".
Ben should have trusted the group and had no right to make a deal with the bandits on the group's behalf on his own. On the other hand, he was the new guy and all the infighting did nothing to help build trust. I really can't hate him.
Ben did confess and I don't think he ever meant to hurt anybody. The only thing that irkes me is that Ben did not confess when he saw how much stress this was causing. He could have said it was him when poor Carley was being accused, but no.
Ben's a 16, maybe 17 year old high school kid and an army of bandits who had been attacking our hotel stopped and decided to trade for an amount of supplies that none of us had even noticed were missing except Lilly. No one in their right mind wanted to fight the bandits except Lilly, by the way. The rest of us all wanted to leave.
And the bandits didn't say they only had one friend. Ben said they were holding his "friends" captive. All of them.
So, no, I don't blame Ben much.
In fact I was desperately hoping I wouldn't be forced to kick him off the train. I also kept starting new dialogue to tell him to shut up about it. And, nice touch TTG, each of the four following times I talked to him we had a different variation on the "Shut the hell up, Ben" exchange until he stopped talking to me.
Lilly, on the other hand, was a loose cannon. I actually managed to renegotiate with the bandits, which was hilarious, up until the guy I was talking to took a bullet in the head. At that point I realized Lilly was gun crazy.
I want Ben to die and I would do it myself but that goes against everything I've been teaching Clem. I will NOT hestitate to murder the person on the walkie if they harm her in ANY though.
I agree with this. My Lee would see it as morally wrong, even though I can't forgive him for getting Carly killed.
If he had confessed earlier, it could have been avoided.
The fact you couldn't choose between Ben + Carly/Doug was pissweak as.
I was trying to find a way to get Ben to die or to beat up Lilly before she could do any harm.
Getting more annoyed now as the episodes progress and the obvious lack of repercussions for your choices becomes more apparent. Knew it was a gimmick from the start but I really hoped that by episode 4 or 5, you would see places/stories/characters specific for each plot path/line. So that you had to go back to episode 2 or 3 to see what episode 4 & 5 could become in different paths. At the moment, each episode is just a choice a) // choice b) affair. Which in the end makes little to no difference apart from a stat sheet of how many other idiots chose the same paths as you.
I can see Ben doing what the inexperienced scared character does in most zombie/horror films. A bunch of zombies are chasing him and he trips on something and they all pile on top of him. I would so love that to happen.
I was always very nice to him and am so disappointed to see him not admit the truth when Lily was blaming Carley for everything. Now I want to see him die.
Ben cost the group four members, 3 deaths, our current home and remaining supplies. All while putting every single members life in immediate danger. Everything bad that happened in this episode is a consequence of Bens actions.
Mad at him? Yeah I'm mad alright. Lily was right, she didn't go about it the right way or the right time, but a traitor to the group is the same as outright murderer and needed to be addressed asap.
Unfortunately when he admits to it later , there was not a "Kick this POS off the train " selection. Countries execute traitors for a reason. Ben may as well had slit their throats himself and set fire to the hotel. He is worm food the first chance that arises.
Ben and Lily actually did some of us a favor. Those who were thinking with the other big head might think they could get some action with Lily or Carley while still protecting Clementine were dividing their efforts. Now we can focus one hundred percent on Clem. Also if Ben had let us in on the plan we could have laid a trap for the bandits.
Clems gonna betray you...shell leave you or zombify by episode 5
When Carley got shot in the face, I was very angry at Lily, and she was left behind without even a first thought, or remorse. I had a gut feeling that it was Ben that did it, but I didn't have proof, so I let it slide for that time.
When Ben told me, I told him to shut up about it and not tell everyone else. This way he can feel betrayed by the only person he thought he could trust with this knowledge if I'm given an option to save or not save him.
Would I kill him on purpose? No. Is he a priority for me to save now? Definitely not anymore. To paraphrase what Kenny said in Ep.3, if there isn't enough room on the boat, he ain't coming with.
Clems gonna betray you...shell leave you or zombify by episode 5
That would actually be very Walking "Deadish" lol. I think Lee and Clem's relationship might indeed get more complicated in the coming episode as Clem wants to find or at least, know what happend to her parents no matter what (she is a child...) and Lee's looking out for their safety. Disagreements might turn up and cause some chaos !
Has anyone tried going to the grate where the bag is, but instead of taking it. Reporting it to Lily? Is there even a dialogue choice that allows this?
I vote that Ben should be killed or at least should have been left behind. His actions caused the bandits to attack.
I commend Lilly for taking the bandits out and that to me minimized the impact of her shooting Carly. She is the one that got them out of the hotel in the first place.
Lee sort of threatens Ben to keep his mouth shut but I can see that not happening and Kenny going apeshit and killing him.
Well like family I'll teach his ass a lesson. We've got to stick together Ben, but if you fuck up like you did with the bandits, I will not hesitate the things I will do with you.
really? I consider him the dead-weight guy. Not a kid that needs protecting but not an adult that can hold his own, and after ep 3 being alive is his last remaining good quality
Yeah, I'd like to shove Ben off of the train and into a crowd of walkers.
You can actually talk down the bandits but Lilly shoots the leader, starting the attack.
It's Lilly's fault, not Ben's.
That's ridiculous. Lilly was absolutely paranoid. When the supplies started going missing it was so insignificant that Lilly was the only one who noticed. When you bring up the missing supplies to everyone, they are far more concerned with Lilly's growing mental instability than they are about missing supplies.
Nothing excuses killing someone with absolutely no evidence like Lilly did.
Furthermore, person A is not responsible for person B's actions. Person A and person B both have free will to act rationally on their own volition.
Look, I know it is the walking dead, the walking dead is supposed to be sad but it also makes sense, all pieces fit, Mark died because he was injured and the St. Johns were canibals, its said and makes sense, Larry died in a meat locker with a heart attackand salt lick in his head, because kenny thought he was a threat, he was an asshole, but its still sad and makes sense, Duck died because he was bitten out of nowhere it was acctualy a pretty good idea, dramatic, Treu The Walking Dead Drama, 100% good material, and it was a zombie that did it soit even backs it up even more, Katjiia killed her self out of the blue it was a surprise and it was also moving and a strong moment, it was piece of drama worthy of an award nobody was expencting to things to happen so fast, she couldn't take it anymore so she did it. now like I said a character like Carley/Doug being executed just because bitch Lily couldn't stay calm, that was stupid, believe it or not I think my idea is better, I didn't think almost any death in the walking dead series and show was fair, but they said off course but they were also in the right place. Carley's death was devastating she and Lee were starting to have feeling for each other, and then somebody just ends it with a bullet to the face,WTF is that you don't kill something so beautifull like that, maybe if it wwas a zombie, but Lily, it's frustrating and nobody was happy with it how are people going to buy something if they're mad with it, its not just a matter of being sad or unfair but if people are mad at this because its tottaly unfair manny of them, well not me because I'm a huge fan of The Walking Dead, are gonna stop playing the game, they just didn't had to kill Doug/Carley and it would have been a perfect episode, that was not a The Walking Dead thing
I felt the same for Larry, but I still smiled when Duck got the Chomp. One thing in ep 3 that made it worth it.
And I've been on many forums.
Exactly. Carley's death makes you actually feel something. That's what great storytelling is all about. Seeing her die now is made all the more painful by the fact that Carley and Lee were starting to become so close. So you have this little glimmer of hope in the midst of the zombie apocalypse and then BAM! It's gone because of people resorting to their darker instincts. The timing here was really perfect, I think. I doubt Carley's death would have had quite as much emotional weight had it happened at any other time.
Also, punctuation is your friend.
Uh, no... Ben would be the equivalent of Duck in this scenario.
well at least I hope they don't take Clem away from Lee, and I'm also curious about whoose this shady character at the walkie, he sounds like some sort of sick pedophile to me, his voice, he has a creepy pedophile voice, bloody hope he isn't. But from now on whatevers happens to the other characters but clemdoesn't surprise me, after what Carley, I don't think anyone's safe. And I guess I'm just sad that she died, I had this crazy thought that she and Lee could realy have something and then clem maybe would look up to carley as a mother just like she looks at Lee like a father. May Carley's soul rest peace, and I just hope that at leat Lee, Clem and perhaps Kenny get through the 1st season fine. And when they launch the second season I hope I "find another carley".
Ben did confess and I don't think he ever meant to hurt anybody. The only thing that irkes me is that Ben did not confess when he saw how much stress this was causing. He could have said it was him when poor Carley was being accused, but no.
And the bandits didn't say they only had one friend. Ben said they were holding his "friends" captive. All of them.
So, no, I don't blame Ben much.
In fact I was desperately hoping I wouldn't be forced to kick him off the train. I also kept starting new dialogue to tell him to shut up about it. And, nice touch TTG, each of the four following times I talked to him we had a different variation on the "Shut the hell up, Ben" exchange until he stopped talking to me.
Lilly, on the other hand, was a loose cannon. I actually managed to renegotiate with the bandits, which was hilarious, up until the guy I was talking to took a bullet in the head. At that point I realized Lilly was gun crazy.
If he had confessed earlier, it could have been avoided.
I was trying to find a way to get Ben to die or to beat up Lilly before she could do any harm.
Getting more annoyed now as the episodes progress and the obvious lack of repercussions for your choices becomes more apparent. Knew it was a gimmick from the start but I really hoped that by episode 4 or 5, you would see places/stories/characters specific for each plot path/line. So that you had to go back to episode 2 or 3 to see what episode 4 & 5 could become in different paths. At the moment, each episode is just a choice a) // choice b) affair. Which in the end makes little to no difference apart from a stat sheet of how many other idiots chose the same paths as you.
Mad at him? Yeah I'm mad alright. Lily was right, she didn't go about it the right way or the right time, but a traitor to the group is the same as outright murderer and needed to be addressed asap.
Unfortunately when he admits to it later , there was not a "Kick this POS off the train " selection. Countries execute traitors for a reason. Ben may as well had slit their throats himself and set fire to the hotel. He is worm food the first chance that arises.
Kind of what happened to Kenny.
Clems gonna betray you...shell leave you or zombify by episode 5
When Ben told me, I told him to shut up about it and not tell everyone else. This way he can feel betrayed by the only person he thought he could trust with this knowledge if I'm given an option to save or not save him.
Would I kill him on purpose? No. Is he a priority for me to save now? Definitely not anymore. To paraphrase what Kenny said in Ep.3, if there isn't enough room on the boat, he ain't coming with.
That would actually be very Walking "Deadish" lol. I think Lee and Clem's relationship might indeed get more complicated in the coming episode as Clem wants to find or at least, know what happend to her parents no matter what (she is a child...) and Lee's looking out for their safety. Disagreements might turn up and cause some chaos !
I commend Lilly for taking the bandits out and that to me minimized the impact of her shooting Carly. She is the one that got them out of the hotel in the first place.
Lee sort of threatens Ben to keep his mouth shut but I can see that not happening and Kenny going apeshit and killing him.