I might not like him, but there's no way I'm going to blatantly let him die or kill him.
I'm going to quote TV show Rick, and say "we've got to stick together. Fight for each other. Be willing to lay down our lives for each other if it comes to that. It’s the only chance we’ve got."
Lee and Clementine aren't going to make it without anyone else to watch their back and fight for them. Ben might be unreliable, but after the events of Episode 3, they can't risk any more losses.
At the end of the day, Ben did the wrong thing for reasons he thought were just. He's a stupid kid, as you have the option of telling Christa and Omid. He thought the bandits had one of his friends, and then he thought the bandits would kill everyone if he didn't continue. Bad things happen in this world. I understood that better than ever in this universe after the prison sequence in TWD comic.
If I hated Rick and wanted him dead every time he made the wrong decision for what he thought were the right reasons... he would have died long, long ago.
Either you saved Carley or Doug. These great characters shall be avenged. Yeah, Lilly killed them, BUT Ben was giving the extra stuff to the bandits, wich caused the whole thing.
These were great characters, ones who shouldn't be forgotten. Ben, a stupid little teenager who is more scared of everything *than a 3 year old girl.
Please, by joining this thread, you 100% guarantee that you WILL kill Ben, at the first time you get.
Like and trust are not the same thing.
I've never heard anyone say they didnt trust either of these characters because of their decisions.
Who, in their right mind, EVER trusted Larry? He punches you in the face and wants to leave you for dead to be ravaged by walkers in the end of episode 1. Didn't mean I was going to murder him for it. In fact, I tried to SAVE him.
Convenient memory. Larry threatens to kill Duck, leaves Lee to die, while his offspring shots a group member. Oh yeah, trust them with my life.
And despite what he did in Ep1 he attempts to free you from the walker in Ep2 and despite his feelings towards you, works on the fence because its his contribution to the group...ya my memory is so convenient that maybe you forgot this?
And thank for you reinforcing my point on how emotions cloud perception.
Duck appeared bit, the first reaction for anyone who understands the chain reaction knows whats coming next...
But I suppose if you ran the group this would be a 1 series season since you'd let Duck turn just because you dont like Larrys meany tone? Ya lets cut off the nose to spite the face some more.
Larry punches you in the face- why on earth wouldnt someone want a convicted murderer to travel with his daughter, that crazy Larry!
And despite what he did in Ep1 he attempts to free you from the walker in Ep2 and despite his feelings towards you, works on the fence because its his contribution to the group...
Anything Larry contributed to the group was for his and his daughter's benefit (i.e. attempting to kill a zombie within their boundaries). Evidently you've conveniently forgotten that Duck wasn't bitten.
Convenient memory. Larry threatens to kill Duck, leaves Lee to die, while his offspring shots a group member. Oh yeah, trust them with my life.
Selective memory. Might as well add Kenny to that list since he leaves a lot of Lee's in danger.Same coin but a different face is shown to the varying Lee's.
Anything Larry contributed to the group was for his and his daughter's benefit (i.e. attempting to kill a zombie within their boundaries). Evidently you've conveniently forgotten that Duck wasn't bitten.
No, I've played through the series multiple times, I'm quite sure I remember it all.
I'm just not so jaded by emotions that I cant judge a scenario or characters based on the facts presented.
Its why I can argue for and against every character but Ben because every single fact points to him being the sole reason for 3 people being dead and his only defense is some foolish emotional blanket of 'he's so young and scared and' all this other crap that people speculate on solely for the purpose of building a defense he does not deserve.
Selective memory. Might as well add Kenny to that list since he leaves a lot of Lee's in danger.Same coin but a different face is shown to the varying Lee's.
I'm almost inclined to agree, except he has proven that group safety is important.
Plus, he did come clean with Lee as to why he did what he did and what he'd do if something happened to Clem or Lilly. I don't think his mind allows for the concept of subterfuge.
If the only thing he's done in three months is shown his dislike for Lee, it's a pretty safe bet he's trustworthy. Unlikeable, but he clearly knows his place.
What? You figured out I'm a girl, so now I'm "emotional". Stretch that brain, it won't hurt, I promise.
Oh I see, you're a girl. So now I cant state the fact that I've been harping on since my 2nd post in this place that people are too emotional and not thinking in a ZA mentality? GET OVER YOURSELF.
Every single person who's created a 'save <this person> thread' is being too emotional. But hey, if you want to use that crutch to defend your weak ass position, run with it.
I have to admit, my memory of what he said in episode 2 isn't photographic.... but I don't recall a threat in what Larry said, just... hard-headed bluster.
I would, of course, have to replay the episode or see it again to know for sure.
Edit: I do remember I was pretty pissed after the man had finished exercising his cake-hole though.
He might not be very bright, but he was trying to look out for his friend, he spent the entirity of episode 3 being so damn remorseful, and he ultimately came clean with Lee.
It doesn't seem like he's ever going to make that mistake again, not after seeing the consequences of his actions...so I'll definitely be trusting him a little more from now on (strangely enough).
We don't know if what we see in the trailer is what happens, or just something that can happen, based on how you've treated characters. I don't know if Kenny will be throwing me the gun.
Even if that's the same whatever, he's a kid and panicked again. I will probably be blaming lee, or myself for leaving clem alone. Just like I blamed Lee for sending Clem off to the toilet on her own. Could have at least checked the place out first rather than assuming.
We don't know if what we see in the trailer is what happens, or just something that can happen, based on how you've treated characters. I don't know if Kenny will be throwing me then gun.
Even if that's the same whatever, he's a kid and panicked again. I would probably be blaming lee, or myself for leaving clem alone. Just like I blamed Lee for sending Clem off to the toilet on her own. Could have at least checked the place out first rather than assuming.
Ben is old enough to make decisions and even have the guts to steal when Lilly is not around on episode 3.
Your old enough to save Clem.
Lee is part of the blame on episode 2 for sending off Clem alone to use the toilet.
Ever since that incident, I didnt see lee left Clem out of his sight.
Ben got to help others in this game since we don't have many living ones around.
I didn't get the point of that post. My old enough to save clem? If you haven't missed out a word or something there, I know I'm old enough O.o I also have a child. I'm not sure how either of those facts have any bearing on Ben's age, maturity, or mental disposition.
I stated that I blamed lee/myself for leaving clem alone. Obviously, she is not at Lee's/my side at that point, in the middle of the zombies. Can you clear up the meaning of your post?
I wonder how many of the forgivers changed their mind after the newest trailer.
I didn't. I'll write pretty much what I wrote on another post. I'm guessing that that scene has different outcomes based on how you treat Ben. If you've threatened the boy and treated him like crap, he won't create ties with people on the group, therefore causing his selfish behavior of leaving Clem behind to save himself. If you're nice and you don't blame him for what happened before, he'll be Lee's (and Clementine's) friend, and I imagine he'd try to protect his friends, like he tried by stealing the group's supplies so the bandits wouldn't hurt his friend (before he knew they were lying to him about that).
Obviously it's all speculation, but I guess we'll find out soon enough.
I didn't get the point of that post. My old enough to save clem? If you haven't missed out a word or something there, I know I'm old enough O.o I also have a child. I'm not sure how either of those facts have any bearing on Ben's age, maturity, or mental disposition.
I stated that I blamed lee/myself for leaving clem alone. Obviously, she is not at Lee's/my side at that point, in the middle of the zombies. Can you clear up the meaning of your post?
I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about Ben. Isn't he in high school? Shouldn't he learn to help or take care others when the adults fighting off the zombies? That adds up another responsibility for Lee to save Clem and not giving any task to Ben. You never know if he will runs off alone when he saw bunch of zombies heading our way.
He should know by now that Lee and others keeps each other living.
I already learned to pick up my young siblings from school and headed home or the library.
I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about Ben. Isn't he in high school? Shouldn't he learn to help or take care others when the adults fighting off the zombies? That adds up another responsibility for Lee to save Clem and not giving any task to Ben. You never know if he will runs off alone when he saw bunch of zombies heading our way.
He should know by now that Lee and others keeps each other living.
I already learned to pick up my young siblings from school and headed home or the library.
I shouldn't compare real life to a game.
1. If you're not talking about me, why say that I'm old enough?
He should know by now that Lee and others keeps each other living.
I already learned to pick up my young siblings from school and headed home or the library.
I shouldn't compare real life to a game.
2.Yet you just did... , and you have been the only one. -_- regardless,facing a load of walking dead, watching your friends die/be killed, not knowing if your parents/guardians/family are alive or dead etc. is a little different to walking down the road a couple of feet. It wouldn't be as easy for him to 'latch' onto someone else as Clem has.
I didn't. I'll write pretty much what I wrote on another post. I'm guessing that that scene has different outcomes based on how you treat Ben. If you've threatened the boy and treated him like crap, he won't create ties with people on the group, therefore causing his selfish behavior of leaving Clem behind to save himself. If you're nice and you don't blame him for what happened before, he'll be Lee's (and Clementine's) friend, and I imagine he'd try to protect his friends, like he tried by stealing the group's supplies so the bandits wouldn't hurt his friend (before he knew they were lying to him about that).
Obviously it's all speculation, but I guess we'll find out soon enough.
Pretty much this.
Telltale knows most of the people around don't like, or even hate Ben. Why show him doing something positive in the trailer. They want you to slap your forehead when he suddenly does some unexpected good. Many people would suddenly say, "I was soooo wrong about him."
I kind of neglected Ben. I didn't do anything against him, but I haven't really done anything for him. (didn't give him food, didn't show trust to him by speaking of Lee's past) So if it's based on that, I'd get against him reactions. Maybe I'll get him a fresh pair of pants, without telling anyone of the incident...
I'm going to quote TV show Rick, and say "we've got to stick together. Fight for each other. Be willing to lay down our lives for each other if it comes to that. It’s the only chance we’ve got."
Lee and Clementine aren't going to make it without anyone else to watch their back and fight for them. Ben might be unreliable, but after the events of Episode 3, they can't risk any more losses.
At the end of the day, Ben did the wrong thing for reasons he thought were just. He's a stupid kid, as you have the option of telling Christa and Omid. He thought the bandits had one of his friends, and then he thought the bandits would kill everyone if he didn't continue. Bad things happen in this world. I understood that better than ever in this universe after the prison sequence in TWD comic.
If I hated Rick and wanted him dead every time he made the wrong decision for what he thought were the right reasons... he would have died long, long ago.
Sure it does.
Trust is essential in a survival situation.
If you can't trust someone, how can you even possibly hope to rely on them not to get you killed or leave you for dead?
While it might not warrant a bullet to the brainpan, his actions make him untrustworthy. And thus a danger to the group.
Larry tries to kill Lee in Ep1, but even HE knew that you don't mess with the group once you have a group.
And yet no one put down Larry or Lilly.
Like and trust are not the same thing.
I've never heard anyone say they didnt trust either of these characters because of their decisions.
Who, in their right mind, EVER trusted Larry? He punches you in the face and wants to leave you for dead to be ravaged by walkers in the end of episode 1. Didn't mean I was going to murder him for it. In fact, I tried to SAVE him.
Convenient memory. Larry threatens to kill Duck, leaves Lee to die, while his offspring shots a group member. Oh yeah, trust them with my life.
And despite what he did in Ep1 he attempts to free you from the walker in Ep2 and despite his feelings towards you, works on the fence because its his contribution to the group...ya my memory is so convenient that maybe you forgot this?
And thank for you reinforcing my point on how emotions cloud perception.
Duck appeared bit, the first reaction for anyone who understands the chain reaction knows whats coming next...
But I suppose if you ran the group this would be a 1 series season since you'd let Duck turn just because you dont like Larrys meany tone? Ya lets cut off the nose to spite the face some more.
Larry punches you in the face- why on earth wouldnt someone want a convicted murderer to travel with his daughter, that crazy Larry!
Anything Larry contributed to the group was for his and his daughter's benefit (i.e. attempting to kill a zombie within their boundaries). Evidently you've conveniently forgotten that Duck wasn't bitten.
Selective memory. Might as well add Kenny to that list since he leaves a lot of Lee's in danger.Same coin but a different face is shown to the varying Lee's.
No, I've played through the series multiple times, I'm quite sure I remember it all.
I'm just not so jaded by emotions that I cant judge a scenario or characters based on the facts presented.
Its why I can argue for and against every character but Ben because every single fact points to him being the sole reason for 3 people being dead and his only defense is some foolish emotional blanket of 'he's so young and scared and' all this other crap that people speculate on solely for the purpose of building a defense he does not deserve.
Larry knew you had murdered someone (I can understand his reaction even if I don't like it)
Larry thought Duck had been bitten (which we know IS how one gets a fast trip to ZombieLand)
Larry's actions are justifiable.... it's his method and delivery which reek of mind-numbing stupidity.
I absolutely agree.
What? You figured out I'm a girl, so now I'm "emotional". Stretch that brain, it won't hurt, I promise.
And therefore untrustworthy.
Plus, he did come clean with Lee as to why he did what he did and what he'd do if something happened to Clem or Lilly. I don't think his mind allows for the concept of subterfuge.
If the only thing he's done in three months is shown his dislike for Lee, it's a pretty safe bet he's trustworthy. Unlikeable, but he clearly knows his place.
Under a salt lick? His last speech was about how he was going to outlast Lee.
Oh I see, you're a girl. So now I cant state the fact that I've been harping on since my 2nd post in this place that people are too emotional and not thinking in a ZA mentality? GET OVER YOURSELF.
Every single person who's created a 'save <this person> thread' is being too emotional. But hey, if you want to use that crutch to defend your weak ass position, run with it.
I would, of course, have to replay the episode or see it again to know for sure.
Edit: I do remember I was pretty pissed after the man had finished exercising his cake-hole though.
That's exactly what I've been telling you.
Ok Cyreen
He might not be very bright, but he was trying to look out for his friend, he spent the entirity of episode 3 being so damn remorseful, and he ultimately came clean with Lee.
It doesn't seem like he's ever going to make that mistake again, not after seeing the consequences of his actions...so I'll definitely be trusting him a little more from now on (strangely enough).
Even if that's the same whatever, he's a kid and panicked again. I will probably be blaming lee, or myself for leaving clem alone. Just like I blamed Lee for sending Clem off to the toilet on her own. Could have at least checked the place out first rather than assuming.
Ben is old enough to make decisions and even have the guts to steal when Lilly is not around on episode 3.
Your old enough to save Clem.
Lee is part of the blame on episode 2 for sending off Clem alone to use the toilet.
Ever since that incident, I didnt see lee left Clem out of his sight.
Ben got to help others in this game since we don't have many living ones around.
I stated that I blamed lee/myself for leaving clem alone. Obviously, she is not at Lee's/my side at that point, in the middle of the zombies. Can you clear up the meaning of your post?
I didn't. I'll write pretty much what I wrote on another post. I'm guessing that that scene has different outcomes based on how you treat Ben. If you've threatened the boy and treated him like crap, he won't create ties with people on the group, therefore causing his selfish behavior of leaving Clem behind to save himself. If you're nice and you don't blame him for what happened before, he'll be Lee's (and Clementine's) friend, and I imagine he'd try to protect his friends, like he tried by stealing the group's supplies so the bandits wouldn't hurt his friend (before he knew they were lying to him about that).
Obviously it's all speculation, but I guess we'll find out soon enough.
With Lilly & Carley as his partners xD
I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about Ben. Isn't he in high school? Shouldn't he learn to help or take care others when the adults fighting off the zombies? That adds up another responsibility for Lee to save Clem and not giving any task to Ben. You never know if he will runs off alone when he saw bunch of zombies heading our way.
He should know by now that Lee and others keeps each other living.
I already learned to pick up my young siblings from school and headed home or the library.
I shouldn't compare real life to a game.
1. If you're not talking about me, why say that I'm old enough?
2.Yet you just did... , and you have been the only one. -_- regardless,facing a load of walking dead, watching your friends die/be killed, not knowing if your parents/guardians/family are alive or dead etc. is a little different to walking down the road a couple of feet. It wouldn't be as easy for him to 'latch' onto someone else as Clem has.
Telltale knows most of the people around don't like, or even hate Ben. Why show him doing something positive in the trailer. They want you to slap your forehead when he suddenly does some unexpected good. Many people would suddenly say, "I was soooo wrong about him."
but if you threaten him he knows he's in the shit.
but then again stupid naive meatheads like ben will still leave clem regardless..