Aggressive TWD comments on TTG blog in entries for entirely different franchises

Let me just say something first. I love The Walking Dead so far. I think it's the best thing Telltale's done since The Devil's Playhouse, and I'm not complaining about the game itself in any way.

However, it seems like the game is bringing in a lot of people who, what's the nicest way to say this...aren't interested in being part of the community.

You're unhappy with the release schedule? Fine. I admit Telltale needs to communicate stuff like this better myself. But it seems like that's all that's ever discussed anymore. It'd be nice if we could at least keep that stuff contained to a single "release date bitching" thread.

But what really gets me is how the blog posts about the Sam and Max/Monkey Island sales got flooded with comments going "Don't care, where's the next Walking Dead episode?" Maybe it's just because I love Sam and Max and Monkey Island, but that kind of stuff just really rubs me the wrong way.

I mean, let's be fair, everyone's new at first. You don't need to have an in-depth knowledge of Telltale's library to be here (though it helps ;) ). And no, you don't have to care about those games. But keep it to yourself, especially if you're going to use it as an excuse to segue into something completely irrelevant. What would you think if, the next time Telltale did a Walking Dead-related blog post, I went "Don't care, where's Sam and Max Season 4?" Or how about I go into every single thread you make and say "Don't care, go buy my new book?" You'd probably think I was a huge jackass, and you'd be correct. Since apparently apathy needs to be broadcasted, I really don't care that you don't care.

Sorry for the rant, I just needed to get this off my chest.


  • edited September 2012
    Very well said.
  • edited September 2012
    I didn't realize it was bleeding over into the other forums. It's bad enough here. Wouldn't it be lovely if we could just hook up some jumper cables and give the humorless stiffs a little joy buzz (just a little one, I promise!)?
  • edited September 2012
    I approve this thread! :)
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited September 2012
    The blog comments are a disgrace, but don't see them as representative of the TWD-induced community. These few are mostly people who would never make an effort at being part of this community - people who don't even register, because unfortunately, that is not even necessary to post on the blog. Those who think that getting on everyone's nerves would somehow speed up the development of the episodes.

    But these guys are not the tip of the iceberg, they are the brunt of the unsocial lot. Those who are happy to wait two months for their 4$-15 minute-comic fix, but not even one for a 5$-2 hour game. A minority, I am sure of it. Behind the forum walls, as you can see, things aren't exactly peachy, but at least the moderators can separate complaints from insults and, as is most relevant here, Walking Dead stuff from the other games.

    Telltale has chosen not to make that separation in their blog posts, certainly an admirable anti-censorship effort, but with a potential of inter-community conflict that I personally would not risk. If I could edit blog comments, I'd certainly unpack the axe, I can tell you. Right now, those few purposefully disruptive commenters risk that the old ToMI/S&M community mistakes their behavior for that of any Walking Dead fan, which would, among other things, lead to stark opposition to a second Season.

    I see very few of the old crew in the TWD subforums, and that hurts. I concede there's a definite old TTG fanbase - new TTG fanbase hostility going on, which just has to stop.
  • edited September 2012
    The Walking Dead was the reason I joined the forums,I haven't played Sam and Max but I enjoyed Monkey Island.
    I was taught patience and good things come to those who wait by my parents.I enjoy the episodic nature of these games, especially since I haven't bought a game since May and probably will only buy Assassin's creed 3 before the year's end.

    I don't really care that it takes two instead of one month to finish because I know that I will get what I paid for.People have a right complain if they want, but people tend to be rude assholes about it in most situations. I belive in treating people as I would hope to be treated by them.I'm SO glad that I don't have to deal with the general public in my job.
    This generation seems to be all now,now,now and me,me,me.
    Damn,I'm turning into my grandfather :eek:
  • edited September 2012
    FarmerJoe wrote: »
    This generation seems to be all now,now,now and me,me,me.

    Instant gratification.

    It is bigger than just this game, that's the consumer culture. I am sure all of us are like that with certain things. Some of us can just hold our patience better than others with this particular thing.
  • edited September 2012
    RAnthonyMahan, is the Devil's Playground good? I haven't played it yet. What's the plot, or theme about? I loved BTTF as well as The Walking Dead. They are well thought out, and thankfully The Walking Dead is not solely focused on the zombie aspect. I love when games focus more on a psychological aspect, and love even more that it is a social experiment. More games should be.
  • edited September 2012 the Devil's Playground good? I haven't played it yet.

    I'm guessing you're not familiar with Sam & Max. The Devil's Playground is AWESOME. Check out some Youtube walkthroughs to get a feel.
    I see very few of the old crew in the TWD subforums, and that hurts. I concede there's a definite old TTG fanbase - new TTG fanbase hostility going on, which just has to stop.

    That's a shame. I may be relatively new to the forum, but I've been a Telltale customer for much longer (I have my Sam & Max Surfin' print framed on my office wall).
  • edited September 2012
    Honestly, this happens when any game goes mainstream. Sam and max and the monkey island series didn't get the attention TWD did. Im telling you one thing tho, Telltale loves new people to join the community no matter who they are because it boosts sales. And about community members complaining about release dates thats highly understandable. Telltale created a criteria it didn't follow. (1-month release) The fact is this is society and if you can't simply ignore what you dislike about these forums then boooo hooo Telltale still won't cater to your wants and needs.
  • edited September 2012
    i think going onto other forums, endlessly posting new threads and general trolling is wrong, but genuine complaints and criticism should be welcomed, especially because we are the consumers and we have paid/will pay for the product
  • edited September 2012
    Is it okay to complain about the Corrupted Save Data issues plaguing the PS3game?!! I've already invested easily over 25 hours replaying the game because of it.

    It appears that the corrupt data save glitch triggers upon playing the latest Episode (Episode 2 or 3) on the 3rd Save Slot. It happens either before the 1st Chapter of the episode even starts, or during, but it happens. I Thought the latest patch fixed the problem (since I was able to finally complete Episode 2 on all 3 Save Slots), but apparently not, since all my saves got wiped clean upon playing Episode 3 on the 3rd Save Slot.

    I'm excited about Episode 4, but not about trying to recapture previous playthrough choices by replaying all Episodes over again differently. There's no excuse for it. That's the way I see Telltale shitting on their new fans.
  • edited September 2012
    I'd like to say that I'm new here, and that I'm here for the Walking Dead and the Walking Dead only.

    I'm not an adventure gamer.... at least not this kind of adventure gaming. At All.

    And the chances of me deviating into some of TTG's other works are probably slim, though I'll never say impossible. I did get into Minecraft recently, a game I avoided like the plague for the longest time... so you never know.

    That said, I think people (read: NEW PEOPLE) need to realize that they are guests here and act accordingly. Bitching, whining, ranting and making general asses of themselves about this and that (as stated by the op and I feel no need to copy him) is counterproductive and these people should really take a step back and stop acting like entitled hyperactive children.

    It's embarrassing, annoying to those of us who are new here and want a new place to post, and most importantly.... will not get you what you want, nor make anyone take your mindlessly repetitive crying seriously.
  • edited September 2012
    I've been registered for a long time (circa Sam and Max season 1, I think), but I only joined to talk about Walking Dead. When the series ends I'll probably go on to the Monkey Island and Sam and Max forums.
  • edited September 2012
    Came here for the walking dead only so i cant really comment on the fanbase before but i agree people need to grow up when their favourite character is killed or when TT has to take a little longer to finish an episode.
  • edited September 2012
    Being this is my first game from TT I am really enjoying the story driven dynamics of this game. I like how its more immersive than other ZA games. Yes the Walking Dead is the reason I bought the game from TT but that doesnt mean I wont give their other games a try. I think this generation of young people *14-24 years old I dare say* these days expect instant gratification right away. They have no understanding of patience and the virtues of waiting for something good. *And yes I am 21 years old*
  • edited September 2012
    I'm sorry you feel that way OP. Outside of, I usually avoid forums. Being a huge Walking Dead fan I figured I'd give this place a try after episode 1. I'm pretty glad I did though, I've been able to read and take part in some fun discussions in here.

    I raised my own concerns about the release dates while waiting for episode 2, but after playing it I was content to wait. I've enjoyed their story and I'm looking forward to the rest of the season. Hopefully folks will mellow out a bit as the season progresses.
  • edited September 2012
    ^ + 2 internets for bringing some measured reason to the discussion. +1 more for your Lamb's Bread-invoking handle. The two may be related; perhaps some of the unhappy new forumites should share your hobby.

    EDIT: I forgot to thank OP for the thread title. It has inspired me to find ways to work "shitting up" into future conversation.
  • edited September 2012
    The last time I shit up, I got poop in my eye.
  • edited September 2012
    I've been a Telltale customer for a while but only active on the forums since TWD. However, I hope we can all find a way to be cooperative and agreeable on this site. Yes people may address complaints (we all have), but it has to be a productive criticism where it leads to suggestions for improvement and not "you guys suck and we hate you." As long as Telltale is receptive to this (which they have been for a lot of things), then I think we can be more reasonable in our postings.

    And as much as I may occasionally gripe on the choice system, ultimately no game is truly a choice driven game. You have limited options as it is without budget constraints so you will have to accept that sometimes the choices do not always yield wildly different results. Mass Effect had quite a few choices, but a lot of them didn't do squat to change the main plot. They just altered peripheral elements and side plots. Other than that, things in the main plot were pretty clearly defined if only slightly changed in tone. You still did the suicide mission in the same order, you still fought Saren, you still reached a specific sequence of events in the end of each game, etc. Not to diss Mass Effect at all (except for ME3's ending), but it's just the truth about the relative infancy of gaming. It is still restricted to programming and coding, no matter how much choice it claims to offer.
  • edited September 2012
    What really gets me is how the blog posts about the Sam and Max/Monkey Island sales got flooded with comments going "Don't care, where's the next Walking Dead episode?"

    lmao! omg my stomach hurts. I can't stop laughing.
  • edited September 2012
    RAnthonyMahan, is the Devil's Playground good? I haven't played it yet. What's the plot, or theme about?

    The idea is that during one of their cases, Max randomly gains powers from toys(yes toys), and must figure out why he has such a power and deal with the power after his power. Since Max gets powers from toys, his powers are usually with a general theme of that toy(a toy phone gives you teleportation to any phone number you know, those toy goggles with the pictures on them grants you future-vision, a deck of cards is mind reading etc...)
    Is it okay to complain about the Corrupted Save Data issues plaguing the PS3game?!! I've already invested easily over 25 hours replaying the game because of it.

    Yes, complaints are perfectly fine. The issue are the people that flat out insult people that disagree with them/start posting in random areas like the Sam and Max blogposts.
  • edited September 2012
    I rant from time to time but i still enjoy telltales peeps but this dumb outrage of people is the new standerd of gamers this day and age they are spiteful spoiled jackasses look at the bioware me3 ending complainers 90% of them never even played a bioware game till the me and da games came out and all they do is sit on their forums and whine and complain about dlc's and stuff that was put into the games. Im seeing it on every single gaming forum now hell bathesda getting it alot now to with skyrims dlc's its sad i think game devs should teach us all a lesson and just go on strike see how we like not having these awesome games to play. Ungrateful gamers are what we are these days.
  • edited September 2012
    Goldrock wrote: »
    I rant from time to time but i still enjoy telltales peeps but this dumb outrage of people is the new standerd of gamers this day and age they are spiteful spoiled jackasses look at the bioware me3 ending complainers 90% of them never even played a bioware game till the me and da games came out and all they do is sit on their forums and whine and complain about dlc's and stuff that was put into the games. Im seeing it on every single gaming forum now hell bathesda getting it alot now to with skyrims dlc's its sad i think game devs should teach us all a lesson and just go on strike see how we like not having these awesome games to play. Ungrateful gamers are what we are these days.

    To be completely fair, Mass Effect's DLC issue was that of the fact a character that was crucial to a sidestory that has been developing since the first game(that of the lost prothean race), was cut out as DLC and was set aside as launch day DLC to make matters worse(and the ending)

    and Skyrim's issue is that the DLC is terrible, and the last one has literally been a mod for months now.
  • edited September 2012
    Wow, it sounds like Bioware and Bethesda are sure shitting up their beloved franchises! How'm I doin'?
  • edited October 2012
    Those who are happy to wait two months for their 4$-15 minute-comic fix, but not even one for a 5$-2 hour game.

    When TTG promises monthly episodes and people spend $25 up front for them, what do you expect when TTG doesn't deliver? And doesn't communicate?

    Surely 99.99% agree that TTG sucks at actively communicating to the fanbase.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited October 2012
    Alex1939 wrote: »
    When TTG promises monthly episodes and people spend $25 up front for them, what do you expect when TTG doesn't deliver? And doesn't communicate?

    I expect them to make their case calmly to Telltale's support and in the forum, in the correct threads. After they had been informed of a delay that would affect all episodes, I expected them to show a bit of anger, then understanding. Certainly not badly acted surprise and forced going berserk every time they get confirmation of what they have already been told.

    This thread is hardly the right place to discuss this, because the focus is on those people who post inopportune messages on the blog with the explicit and only intent to disrupt and disturb, regardless of the topic of the blog post.

    I insist that these people are not representative of the Walking Dead fanbase.

    Is it okay to complain about the Corrupted Save Data issues plaguing the PS3game?!! I've already invested easily over 25 hours replaying the game because of it.

    Complaining is, was and will always be OK. No need to ask, because you're already sure of it. But there are ways to do it and ways not to do it. The only thing we might need to be in agreement here is that on a blog post concerning Sam & Max, the comment
    I dont give a shit about Sam and Max.Give us Episode 3 for the EU PSN NOW!
    deserves a head nailed to the floor.
  • edited October 2012
    Goldrock wrote: »
    I rant from time to time but i still enjoy telltales peeps but this dumb outrage of people is the new standerd of gamers this day and age they are spiteful spoiled jackasses look at the bioware me3 ending complainers 90% of them never even played a bioware game till the me and da games came out and all they do is sit on their forums and whine and complain about dlc's and stuff that was put into the games. Im seeing it on every single gaming forum now hell bathesda getting it alot now to with skyrims dlc's its sad i think game devs should teach us all a lesson and just go on strike see how we like not having these awesome games to play. Ungrateful gamers are what we are these days.

    Because everyone is a hipster forty y/o that's played every bioware game all the way back to shattered steel bro, nice joke. It's not like playing those games is a pre-requisite to signing up to a forum in the first place.
  • edited October 2012
    Goldrock wrote: »
    I rant from time to time but i still enjoy telltales peeps but this dumb outrage of people is the new standerd of gamers this day and age they are spiteful spoiled jackasses look at the bioware me3 ending complainers 90% of them never even played a bioware game till the me and da games came out and all they do is sit on their forums and whine and complain about dlc's and stuff that was put into the games. Im seeing it on every single gaming forum now hell bathesda getting it alot now to with skyrims dlc's its sad i think game devs should teach us all a lesson and just go on strike see how we like not having these awesome games to play. Ungrateful gamers are what we are these days.

    I am a hardcore Bioware fan since KOTOR and I can say I have plenty of fair reasons why I hated the ME3 ending. Not because it didn't give me an action ending (though there was technically no reason not to seeing how it was in both of the other games), but for all the logic, thematic and continuity errors or violations that unraveled the entire narrative. I will not bore you with that unless you want to ask (I have had this chat with plenty of lovers and haters of the ending who are the type of people you explained and it's exhausting).

    The problem is not with the complaints but how we address them. It is one thing to say "The Walking Dead has bugs! Your game sucks balls!" versus "I noticed that there were some frame rate problems as this scene transitioned to process my choice. Perhaps for the next episode you could..." We have to be respectful and suggest means to improve rather than to tear down. However, we can't ignore problems out of fear of being "ungrateful gamers." The customer has to like the product and if they don't, they have every right to respectfully voice their complaints.

    It is just the nature of the Internet that most people assume they have anonymity to say whatever simple and juvenile remark they can with no consequence. So it is up to us to rise above that and be responsible consumers. There are ungrateful gamers, but that does not give anyone, developer or fan, the right to yell back at them "Shut up and just play the game!" That's being just as ungrateful and childish.
  • edited October 2012
    There will always be a toxic element of people sullying such a community with unproductive complaints when a game like TWD becomes popular, but Telltale haven't really taken any assertive steps in communicating with the different groups of people waiting on them for information either throughout all this and things seem to have escalated with each release with the hostile comments. People are plainly frustrated and the more irritable voice their complaints in a more confrontational way as time goes on.

    If Telltale really cared about keeping this forum a more happy enviroment they'd try a different approach but that hasn't happened as far as I've seen. Others have saw fit to make excuses for them but as far as I see it, it wouldn't harm them that much to step in more often and address peoples bigger complaints head on and get the word out better to what's going on behind the scenes, especially European Ps3 customer.

    But... no big deal. Things will calm down after Episode 5 and you'll have your community back I should imagine, for what it's worth.
  • edited October 2012
    They need to do moderator applications for the blog and the forum to weed out the trolls
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited October 2012
    [...]Telltale haven't really taken any assertive steps in communicating with the different groups of people waiting on them for information either throughout all this and things seem to have escalated with each release with the hostile comments. People are plainly frustrated and the more irritable voice their complaints in a more confrontational way as time goes on.

    If Telltale really cared about keeping this forum a more happy enviroment they'd try a different approach but that hasn't happened as far as I've seen. Others have saw fit to make excuses for them but as far as I see it, it wouldn't harm them that much to step in more often and address peoples bigger complaints head on and get the word out better to what's going on behind the scenes, especially European Ps3 customer.

    It's a broad statement which I'd rather address elsewhere as well, but here we go.

    First, we have to distinguish between valid and invalid complaints. For the sake of brevity, here's what I consider very valid complaints at this time:
    • Bugs in the game, especially the corrupt save games.
    • Problems with broken/restarting downloads
    • Activation issues due to the game's unwanted server communication
    • lack of communication and lack of dedication concerning above issues

    Opposed to this, the following things I consider invalid:
    • Release takes longer than originally advertised (issue was addressed and can't be helped; prospect is that the last two episodes will be almost monthly, just like previous games)
    • This or that platform comes first/ PSN EU lags too far behind (we're talking days here, and I admit that I find these 'complaints' to be infantile inasmuch as Telltale, with TWD Series, has taken impressive steps towards simultaneous international releases as compared to every single previous game)
    • lack of communication and lack of dedication concerning above issues (most of the above problems were either already explained once and for all or concern internal processes which community members just are not privy to; and I think we have already seen the dedication to get the situation halfway under control. "Behind the scenes" is "behind the scenes" for a reason. No other game developer would EVER talk in detail about problems with validation processes and the like and Telltale would be most unprofessional if they just started with it)

    To get this thread back on track, I will add that I see ye olde fanbase commenting far less on the latter "issues". They understand what episodic releases mean, and they've experienced two to six of Telltale's games "live" before, so they're far more patient in these respects. They're waving the delays off because they don't really see a problem, and they're having trouble seeing the louder complainers as anything but bothersome. So when those old fanbase members head to the blog and see a Sam & Max entry spammed with such exaggerated impatience, they justly get irate. But they also blame the TWD franchise for it or generalize TWD fans as a mob, and that is quite an unjust assumption.
  • edited October 2012
    The more popular something is, the more attention it will attract. Both good and bad, and while I haven't read the blog comments I'm sure I would agree with you. I also understand the need to vent, as I just did about something in-game.

    But complaining about complaining is usually counter-productive.
  • edited October 2012
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    To be completely fair, Mass Effect's DLC issue was that of the fact a character that was crucial to a sidestory that has been developing since the first game(that of the lost prothean race), was cut out as DLC and was set aside as launch day DLC to make matters worse(and the ending)

    and Skyrim's issue is that the DLC is terrible, and the last one has literally been a mod for months now.

    Yep, Goldrock, how does the fact that fans have come in at ME or DA discredit their opinion of the endings? I know many people that have been with BioWare since Baldur's Gate and they hate the ending all the same. After all, it is actually objectively bad according to the conventions of narrative story-telling.

    But that might be because many people think the "real" ending is yet to come.

    I digress, back on topic.
  • edited October 2012
    To get this thread back on track, I will add that I see ye olde fanbase commenting far less on the latter "issues". They understand what episodic releases mean, and they've experienced two to six of Telltale's games "live" before, so they're far more patient in these respects. They're waving the delays off because they don't really see a problem, and they're having trouble seeing the louder complainers as anything but bothersome./QUOTE]

    For me, I tend to wave off any delays because there are very few companies doing what Telltale is trying to do and I think complaining, whining and screaming at them all serve to undermine what the company's trying to accomplish. All it does is stress TT's employees out -- it doesn't speed up the design process. The adventure game genre has been dying for years, and TT has been putting out some great stuff to keep it alive. Yeah, there have been bugs and delays, but nothing deserving the sort of profane BS I've seen thrown at a small, arguably fringe company that really does try to incorporate fan feedback into their games.

    But you're right: There are both valid and invalid complaints to be made. The sad part is that most of the ones I've been seeing are invalid. Some gamers really do have a sense of entitlement. I haven't played ME3 yet, but the whole debacle surrounding the ending definitely hasn't helped reduce that sense of entitlement.
  • edited October 2012
    It's a broad statement which I'd rather address elsewhere as well, but here we go.

    First, we have to distinguish between valid and invalid complaints.
    • Bugs in the game, especially the corrupt save games.

    Opposed to this, the following things I consider invalid:
    • lack of communication and lack of dedication concerning above issues (most of the above problems were either already explained once and for all or concern internal processes which community members just are not privy to; and I think we have already seen the dedication to get the situation halfway under control. "Behind the scenes" is "behind the scenes" for a reason. No other game developer would EVER talk in detail about problems with validation processes and the like and Telltale would be most unprofessional if they just started with it)

    lol, more excuses. I was avoiding calling you out by name out of courtesy but I guess you couldn't help yourself. No, I'm pretty sure we won't see eye to eye on this then. And it's ironic that I lost my saves with the corruption problems on Episode 2, yet trusted them to address it. But to me getting the facts of the situation regarding the games release in Europe were more important to me. And I don't care what your opinion of me is because of that.

    You're frustrated dealing with the problem yourself on this forum section, I get it, I've been there myself. You'd go a long way in addressing it come Episode 4's release by having a temporary dedicated sticky for Ps3 EU owners to check into for when the game might be released. A more mature discussion related to the delay may be unlikely, but at least it might do a better job of keeping it in one place as opposed to Sam and Max blog posts. Or you can continue on your current course and let things carry on as they have because you consider the complaining invalid. (La-la-la-la) It's entirely up to you!
  • edited October 2012
    I don't get why you try to bash someones face in, who is entirely on your side?!

    You are also misquoting and generally not doing yourself a favour here, as it makes you look like an idiot (pardon for the french).
  • edited October 2012
    I don't get why you try to bash someones face in, who is entirely on your side?!

    You are also misquoting and generally not doing yourself a favour here, as it makes you look like an idiot (pardon for the french).

    Side? He's not on my side, and there's no need to break out the worlds smallest violin for me. I'm just offering my critique of the situation to Vainamoinen after he quoted me and I'm not playing to an audience. I'm responding to him directly and considering he called my complaints infantile I'm not being over the top and hostile.

    Hmm, maybe it was bad manners to truncate his post though but I did only address those two main points briefly. I figure he'll understand what I had to say but won't agree with it. And he's not obliged to, same way I'm not obliged to agree with him.

    Call me whatever you want, I don't mind! If it makes you feel better go for it. I've said my piece and will be quite now.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited October 2012
    No, I actually do not know what you are talking about for 80% of your post.
  • edited October 2012
    Then I guess I wasted my time. No big deal! Laters.
  • edited October 2012
    My 2 cents: This always seems to happen. During the release of the BttF series, the forums were loaded with unhappy people. Same with Monkey Island; before that I can't say but I'm sure it was the same. People (usually new members with 0-10 posts) will always come here and cry rivers and make pointless comments and grand accusations at the TTG staff and other forum posters etc.

    These people really aren't really "community" though. Which isn't to say that new members can't come and voice concerns and comments. It's just that most of the time the whiners get the information they came to get and then start spreading misery over their supposed injustices, and then making demands and ultimatums and eventually leave.

    I think it's all good though, people need a place to vent and give criticisms.
This discussion has been closed.